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What to Wear - Club Edition
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: Broken Mirror Clubwear
Synopsis: A trip to the Broken Mirror for club clothes for the upcoming night out to the Dungeon at the Hellfire Club for Bobby, Julio, Piotr, Illyana, Jean, and Emma.
Cast of Characters: Bobby Drake, Emma Frost, Julio Richter, Jean Grey, Piotr Rasputin, Illyana Rasputina

Bobby Drake has posed:
Broken Mirror is the sort of place where one finds the sort of club wear befitting The Dungeon at the Hellfire Club. There's your assortment of gothwear from industrial to victorian to bubble gum goth. There's everything ranging from the chic and sleek to barely there. Really, the variety is impressive. The decor is a dark mix of the high end modern and the ornate, with wrought iron chandeliers over sleek black marble floors and victorian style fainting couches in front of a mirrored lounge area in front of the changing rooms for making important decisions about which outfit to walk away with.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is flawless in a white skirt and blouse, and heels, when she arrives at the Broken Mirror for some new clothing to wear to the Dungeon. Not just for her, though Alex isn't with her, but also for her significantly significant other, who would go out in jorts and a tshirt if she didn't make sure he was properly dressed.


But! She knows places where they have wares if you have coin, so here she is, ready to put a dent in her AMEX for fun.

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio might not be a fashion plate, but he does have a particular look, one that almost allows him to fit in with the clientele at this boutique. There's definitely a side of the nightclub scene that tends toward the punk end of the spectrum, and this store isn't a bad choice for them. Walking in a few steps behind Emma, whose secondary mutation might as well be the ability to go anywhere without the slightest sense of being out of place, also helps a lot.

Unfortunately, even the factors of his personal appearance that might work in his favor land just left of the truly fashionable. The state of his finances hasn't really allowed him to get rips in the parts of his jeans that don't suffer from normal wear, the kind of messy hair that requires extensive products and frequent salon visits, or -- and the importance of this can't be overstated -- really expensive designer sneakers.

So he just sticks close to Emma and Bobby and hopes that they can offer him the same kind of guidance in this world that Jenny and Illyana did in Monaco.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby isn't particularly rolling in cash. The only reason that he isn't on a strictly ramen diet is the fact that his room and board is covered at the mansion. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy going out and shopping and looking at things and helping other people pick out things. Most of his own wardrobe is pieced together over time, and the costumes and such he comes up with are often borrowed, or put together with minimal expensive pieces with carefully acquired thrift store finds. His own sense of fashion is -- jeans and a t-shirt and they're not designer jeans or designer t-shirts. But what Bobby lacks in cash, he makes up for in confidence. He just has a sort of casual ease about him wherever he is that makes him seem like he belongs whether he does or not.

He invited Julio along on this shopping trip since shopping is fun, and shopping with Emma is always an experience. "So, does Alex just sort of accept that he's going to wear whatever you get him at this point? Or does he ever put up a fight?" Bobby asks with an amused grin as they walk into the store.

Emma Frost has posed:
"He wears jorts in public," Emma replies to Bobby dryly. "Though for occasions he will acceed to my superior fashion sense. Like for the club." Or he will if he knows how not to end up on the couch! Emma makes her way to one of the fainting couches... it's a shopping area, which means a personal shopper will bring things To You, and changing can happen in the very close changing rooms and there are mirrors and everything outside next to the couch to see how you like items.

Speaking of personal shopper... "Hello, miss, sirs!" There's sparkling water with twists of lime all around. "How can I help you today?"

Emma waves a hand dismissively as she takes a water. "Club night at The Dungeon. We need something amazing." She flips open her phone, there's a picture of Alex and a note of his sizes. "And so does my boyfriend. He's working and couldn't come."

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio raises his eyebrows at the question Bobby directs at Emma. "I mean... would you argue with her?" he asks with an amused half-smile, tilting his head forward to indicate the fashionable heiress. "I mean, she knows better than I do. She definitely knows better than Alex." He gives a quick snort of laughter at the jorts reference. He's worn worse, of course, but no one at the School needs to know that.

He gives the personal shopper a blank look when she appears. He mutely points to Emma. Whether that's a gesture to be interpreted as 'I'm only here to help her' or 'I'll have what she's having,' he doesn't have the presence of mind to clarify. He does get a water, though. If Monaco was any indication, shopping can be thirsty work.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby shakes his head at Julio and says, "No, probably not." Then he laughs and says, "Poor Alex. He's not even here to defend himself." But he accepts the glass of sparkling water with lime and lifts it in a little salute before taking a sip. He then plops himself down on one of the couches, one leg crossed over the other and waits for the show to begin. It doesn't seem that /he/ is going to be the one to argue with Emma, that's for certain. He grins over at Julio and says, "Come on, make yourself comfortable."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma laughs. "He wouldn't bother trying. He has been amused at almost everything I've put him in. Except the tux. He complained about that." The personal shopper starts taking a couple measurements for Emma, who allows it while she sips her drink. As soon as shes done with Emma, she turns to Julio and Bobby.

"Mm, yeah your turn," Emma moves to the couch and lounges. She looks to the personal shopper. "I prefer whites but I will tolerate anything but all black."

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio favors Bobby with a grin and sidles over to the couch, returning the mock toast once he has taken a seat next to him. Speaking of not being one to argue, he does make himself comfortable, by scooting a little closer to the sandy-haired man once he's seated. From that vantage point, he watches the process of the measurements being taken warily; in combination with the comment about Alex in a tuxedo, he's suddenly put in mind of a fitting room scene from a gangster movie.

Then the personal shopper (whom he's privately thinking of as 'el sastre,' gender be damned, thanks to those movies) finishes with Emma, who indicates that it's their turn. He turns to Bobby, eyebrows rising in confusion, and points one finger at his own chest, then Bobby's. "Us, too?" he turns and asks her directly. But then, with a 'what the hell' shrug, he stands back up and walks into the fitting area. Act natural, Julio. You do this all the time. "Just like in Monaco," he says airily.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby grins and lets his arm drape along the back of the couch behind Julio when he scoots closer, reaching up to lightly toy with the hair at the back of his neck as he watches Emma endure the measurements. When she gestures to the two of them he grins at Julio and shrugs, "It'll be fun." Because it's always fun putting on clothes you'd never wear day to day for a little while. Though his expression turns quizzical as Julio gets up to go have his measurements taken. "Monaco?" He clearly hasn't heard this story, or only heard it mentioned in passing.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Wait, that wasn't him trying to be in disguise... he /really/ wears jorts?!?" Jean arrives with Piotr, wearing her typical modest outfit, which is probably why she texted Emma earlier about coming along for shopping. For both herself and Piotr, as she moves over and hugs the blonde, grinning as she says with fake-sorrow, "That must be /so/ traumatic for you, Ems." She then glances over towards Bobby and Julio, giving them a grin, "Hey you two, staying out of trouble?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr was baffled when he was told they were going to the "Broken Mirror," as he figured it was bad luck or some other superstition. As he was going out in public he tried to look at least a little neater than usual, a decent t-shirt and his best set of cargo shorts. He gives Emma a nod, "Hello, Emma," is all he can say as he is a little befuddled by what he sees in the store, "Oh," more confusion than anything. When he sees Bobby and Julio, the oversized mutant gives a polite wave in greeting.

Then a lightbulb goes off in Piotr's head and he says, "Oh, Jean, Illy should be here shortly," which seems to have summoned his sister there as she arrives to join the group for shopping.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"It will have something you can fit." Promises that could well bear fruit come from the much smaller Russian in Piotr's wake, so eclipsed it might be assumed Illyana acts as his sartorial conscience through speakerphone. It might not be the first time. No matter the moment, she's made for clubwear and clubwear is made for the frosty blonde. "Such abominations as jorts will not be found here," she declares softly, the implacable certainty of her statement suggesting that burnings in the stockroom aren't out of the question. Also, because Emma Frost does not abide the evil of jorts.

In some things, she and Jean and Emma are aligned. This could be deeply concerning.

An upnod for Julio, Bobby, and the other blonde follows. "We are making improvements?" Ding!

Emma Frost has posed:
"Improvements," Emma agrees, as a second personal shopper joins the group with more sparkling water. And starts getting measurements. Once everyone is nice and settled, Emma points out "I prefer white" which.... isnt necessarily the easiest in a goth and punk aligned sort of place. But they will make do.

The first minidress is brought to Emma who disappears into the changing area to change into it. <<Hm.>> She sends to Jean. <<I want something less dressed than this.>> But she comes out anyway in a mid length almost sheer club dress in white, with a high collar and high slits up the side. She looks to the others, who are having their first rounds of clothing to try brought as well.

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio's cheeks went a little red when he felt Bobby's touch on his neck, but after an initial moment of uncertainty, 'feels good' won out over 'makes self-conscious,' and he settled, leaning back into it with a quiet smile. There wasn't much time to enjoy the feeling, anyway, before they were called up for their own measurements.

"Oh, yeah," he says, awkwardly trying to imitate from memory the posture Emma held while she was being measured. "I went to Monaco with the senior class a while ago. I think you were out of town, then?"

Jean's knowing question elicits a slightly embarrassed look, but the woman is psychic, so after a second's thought, he gives an honest answer, if not exactly a straightforward one: "Trying not to," he says with a laugh that quickly ends in an expression of shock and a blurted "gah!" as the shopper finishes measuring his inseam.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"Oh, yeah," Bobby says, recalling the trip when Julio mentions it. "I think I was in Genosha then." He's been spending a lot of time back and forth to Genosha over the past several months. "How was it?" he asks as he is pulled aside to have his own measurements taken. He moves where they tell him to move and holds the position until they have everything they need and he's allowed to return to his seat just in time to see Jean, Illyana, and Piotr all arriving. He grins broadly and waves to them all. "Hey! You guys all getting gussied up?"

Then he grins at Jean and raises both brows, "Me? Get in trouble? I'm an angel." He definitely can't say it with a straight face.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean snorts at Bobby, "A fallen one, maybe." She then grins, taking an ensemble that she must have called ahead about and had Emma arrange. Vanishing into the changing room, she comes back out after a few moments.

Jean, for her part, selected something the opposite of Emma, but definitely appropriate for the Dungeon. The top is a red corset with black trim, the leather comfortable and fitting quite snug against her frame. <<Looking good, Emma.>> Her legs are sheathed in a shimmering red skirt, flowing long but slit high to allow for quite a bit of mobility as she pauses, then takes an experimental twirl before looking right at Piotr, giving him a devilish grin.

"So... what do you think?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Illyana has very strong opinions," Piotr says with a nod as his baby sister shows up, he turns to her, "Fortunately, I do not believe jorts are an option."

Piotr is mildly uncomfortable as his measurements are taken, especially in front of everybody, and especially in front of Jean. He manages to keep his composure at that moment, though he does laugh at Bobby and Jean's joke. "Heh, but glad to know you are all having fun." He turns to Illyana and Jean before the latter goes to get fitted, "Could you please help me pick, this is not my strong tuxedo," he clearly botches the expression.

What composure he had is shattered when Jean walks out. Mouth agape and the usually pale skin on his face is beet red. "You are gorgeous, kroshka," he notes as that is all he can muster at this point in time.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Da, good to see you back." Illyana's poker face probably keeps her out of Monagesque casinos and gambling palaces, or makes her the most welcome of guests. Bobby's grin doesn't exactly melt her, but those frost-blue eyes move from him to Julio, the merest smirk -- her equivalent of a smile, with the same general sentiment -- touching her lips. "This is good. My brother needs something fashionable." As if a personal shopper would fall short of the mark, especially given the present company! Though the alterations and measurements in progress receive a calculated, slanting look through her pallid lashes.

Fashionable, presentable, in the meantime. She examines the walls and the racks, as though taking a full inventory while Piotr may be distracted. Almost immediately she slips into motion, descending into the fray with a personal mission possibly coloured in black. Certainly in black. Jean's choies receive a sidelong flick of her gaze, opinions not tendered. The assistants will have their work cut out with the gents, but Julio or Bobby are a far cry easier.

"A coat. Long. Something to work. You will be inside, the air is cooler." Fingertips skim along hangers that sigh and squeak to her enchanted ambitions. At least two or three pairs of pants will end up selected before long.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks over Jean's outfit appreciatively. "Nice," she grins. She looks to the shopper. "I need something.... less. More. More and less. Bluntly, I want Alex to not be able to keep his head on straight from the moment I get into it."

The shopper nods her head and after a few moments brings back another dress. Emma tries it on, slinking out in it, looking pleased. The v cuts down almost to her belly button. The almost sheer fabric BARELY covers her hips and ass, and both sides are still slit up the sides. "Much better." she chirps, looking in the mirrors.

Julio Richter has posed:
"Great!" Julio answers, his face lighting up. "It was right after my birthday, so they took me shopping one afternoon. That's where I got my swimsuit, actually. We went on a boat, there were casinos..." His dazzled expression falters for a second as he continues, "We got caught cheating and had to fight this weird European fart guy..." Ah, memories. Illyana's look especially convinces him to trail off after that. Maybe he shouldn't share too many details of their activities on that trip with faculty present.

He heads back toward the couch after Bobby, but is apparently such an easy mark for the personal shoppers that they have found options for him before he gets there. He stares, mildly alarmed, at Emma and Jean as he is redirected toward the dressing rooms, into which he vanishes.

"These are..." There's a quick grunt of effort from behind the curtain. "Very tight."

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby faux-widens his eyes in shock at Jean and says, "I don't know what you're talking about," that grin never faltering, however. He lets out a low whistle when Jean comes out in her red ensemble and then seems to agree with Emma that she needs something both more and less. The second outfit gets a thumbs-up. But then he's being pulled back toward the dressing rooms and he goes willingly enough, calling out to Piotr as they go, "We'll help! It'll be great!" So encouraging.

When he comes out of the dressing room, the first option is something very Victorian-esque, a deep wine colored velour dovetail tuxedo jacket with black brocade accents, complete with a pair of matching black trousers and a top hat to finish it off, very vampire chic. He comes out and poses, lifting the top hat. Definitely a change from the leather he'd worn the last time he went to the Dungeon.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr.exe finally resumes working when he gets the memo from Illyana and he nods, "Large coat? It is that cold?" He is a little confused as more clothes are handed to him, and gives a nod to the others as they offer help. Emma's outfit results in a blink, but he is soon taking the pants offered by Illyana and mentally noting the large amount of options being handed to him him. "This is a lot of stuff!" Piotr's brain is trying to keep up with all of the activity around him. Definitely summer brain for the teacher.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean flashes a grin over at Emma, "Yeah, he definitely will be riveted to you, with that outfit for sure." She winks at Emma, then smiles over at Piotr, "It is a lot of stuff. Need a hand with any of it?" Which might cause permanent corruption in Piotr.exe with that offer, but well, those are the risks.

She then hmms, "Though, really, you should go with whatever you feel comfortable with, Piotr." She flashes Bobby a grin, "Very stylish, Bobby, I definitely approve of that."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana does not dance among the racks. She is no idle, pollen-drunk bee diligently visiting every blossom. Far more like a predatory dragonfly, she alights on one of the steely racks and flicks to the very back for something. She holds up a black coat cut to hip-length and immediately discards it. Another alternative two meters over gives a longer profile, more on a duster's profile, and she grasps the fabric between both hands. A smart tug produces a snap, a sense of the tactility and stretch offered from the thicker weave. "Fart was a Swede thief. He believed speed made up for a lack meat between his ears," she explains on Bobby's behalf. Not contingent on Julio to get too much in trouble. "Next time, you should come with us. You would be fun."

Grand Theft Yacht-o awaits.

Those plans set in, though, she looks back to assess Emma's assets and the dividends she seeks from a fabric split. An upnod measures. "It needs a bracelet." A statement of grim, concerned fact, of course, before she resumes her hunt. Another two objects, black and black, are plucked from the heart of the racks. She doesn't even look, it would seem she knows exactly what she wants. The pile of garments slung over her arms could clothe a giraffe in a blanket, but instead of putting it on the reticulated hide of nature's stupidest sand-deer, she offers them imperiously to Piotr. "You will want these. Coat for last. If the pants do not fit, it is workable." Personal shopper or not, she has taken this on for her own purpose, her brother's business /her/ business.

"The red is very good. It offsets the best."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma actually twirls a bit in her dress, which was possibly NOT the greatest idea given how short it is, but she doesnt seem to care. She nods in agreement with Illy regarding Accessories and peeks at the nearby glass cases thereof. Bobby's attire gets a broad grin and a "You're getting that. All of it." She looks at Jean and faintly flushes before turning back to the Accessories display.

Julio Richter has posed:
The curtain on Julio's dressing room twitches aside, and he walks out with a creak of leather, looking... perturbed. He's dressed in skintight black leather pants, high fashion clodhoppers, and a studded jacket over a wine-colored mesh shirt. He shifts a little, creaks a lot, and faces the others with a flat expression and arms upraised. He says, "I think the unstable molecules are more dignified," and then cranes his neck to try and see what he looks like from different angles. The mirror is right there, Julio. "Do you have any /jeans/?" he asks the nearest personal shopper, pleadingly.

Bobby Drake has posed:
"It's different," Bobby agrees when Jean seems to like the jacket, considering it. "I do like it. What do you think Emma? More formal? Or stick with the leather?" But when she informs him that he's getting the whole outfit he laughs. "I guess that's decided then."

Then he raises both brows when Ilyana explains what the Fart business was all about. "I see." He doesn't, not really, but he'll have to inquire more about that story later. "Next time, I will definitely go with you," he grins.

He turns to watch Julio come out of the dressing room and lets his eyes sweep over him from head to toe. "Pretty sure they have some black jeans somewhere," he offers, glancing to the shopper on seeing Julio's obvious discomfort. "We want you to be hot, but not so uncomfortable you don't have any fun." But, his own outfit decided, he slips past Julio to head back into the changing room to change back.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods to Illyana and Jean, though he had just recovered from blushing, it resumes with her inquiry. "That would be helpful..." then he blinks, "But I think they'd frown on that here," he grins and offers a wink. Illy's additions to the clothing pile cause him to blink, and regret having a teacher's salary. "But I had best get ready," and with that, he goes into the changing booth.

After he changes, Piotr walks out, black pants, a black shirt, though that is not very visible from under the black duster hanging from his broad shoulders. A solid brick of black. He looks to the others, but especially Jean, "Does this look all right? It certainly is not overly maneuverable." Piotr is visibly a little embarrassed by this at the moment, not exactly one to be the center of attention.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles, "Very dashing, Piotr." She moves up and adjusts it a bit, "Where's it too tight? I'm sure they can make a few adjustments if needed. That's what we're here for, after all." She gives Piotr a wink, then blushes slightly in Emma's general direction, "Ah, anyway, let me change back here..."

With that, she slips back into the changing room, coming back out a few moments with what she wore to the store in the first place. "Also, I liked those boots. Nice boots."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana waits for her brother to vanish. Shooing him is important, considering she has different work to do; the kinds of embellishments it lacks, she will eventually add. Her fingertips hook into the top of her pants, and with that placid eternity wrapped around her, patience is her virtue. Julio asking for jeans earns a pointed finger. "There are black, blue, red, and plaid." Plaid? Yes, plaid. Dark, moody plaid. "Shall I get some?"

Later, then, for Bobby. A knowing nod and she returns to putting her hands on her hips and eyeing up Piotr. "Turn, da? The shoulders should be fitted. Lapels like that to make up for the translucency of the shirt." He's not a solid brick of black; the seams of the button-down shirt are, but the filmy shadows roil and show the bare skin beneath, cut on harsh angles to accentuate the flare of the pants that accommodate the breadth of his legs while slightly loose enough to make him impose, seem taller and slightly thinner than he is. He'll never be a skinny twig, but it's the difference between a squat brickhouse and Sears Tower (suck it, Willis), a dark monolith of all sharp planes and intrigues.

"I have to add the finishing touch. Jean, is that skirt what you decided on? Red or white?" Courts, courts, and courts.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma decides on a matched pair of bracer-style bracelets. She slips back off to the dressing room to change back herself, coming back out with both dresses in arms and putting them on the counter next to the bracelets. "Whatever they are getting too," Emma says, going ahead and handing over her card. "Oh. Those too," she points to a pair of white fishnet stockings. "Mm, and those...." fingerless white gloves get added to the pile as well. "Jean come look at these accessories."

Julio Richter has posed:
Julio gives Bobby a grateful look for his understanding, which he then turns on Illyana when she gives him options. "I think black is good," he says, 'plaid' getting exactly the quizzical look you'd expect. Once he has them, he wastes no time in lowering them to cover his be-leathered crotch. As they both head back into the dressing rooms, he stops Bobby for a quick hug, whispers, "I'll join your black parade any day," then lets him go with a mischievous grin.

The change is quicker this time, and when he returns, matte black jeans with white-rimmed tears on the thighs have replaced the shiny leather pants; the fit's basically the same, although these have ridges of ribbed cloth at the sides and backs of the knees. He also, for time's sake, didn't bother tugging the boots back on, which only emphasizes the size difference when he emerges and stands next to Piotr, captain of the Swole Patrol.

He peers up at him through narrowed eyes. "Stop making me look bad, Pedro," he says, mock-chiding.

Bobby Drake has posed:
Bobby pauses on his way back to change when Julio catches him, and smiles broadly, slipping an arm around him to return the hug and murmurs, "Good, because I expect that dance I was promised," before slipping back into the changing room to return to the clothes that he arrived in -- jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. When he comes back out again, it's with the trousers, shoes, shirt, and coat that all go together carefully handed back to the shopper, allowing them to be rung up with the rest of the purchases.

He goes and falls back into his seat in the waiting lounge and watches Piotr as he comes out. "That jacket looks great," he opines from where he sits, looking Piotr over. "And the shirt shows off your definition without making you look like a big solid brick." Which is the goal, after all. Then he looks back over to Julio when he comes back out, looking more comfortable this time. "That definitely feels more you," he grins. "More comfortable?" he asks.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr Rasputin says, "Shirt is thin, that explains coat," Piotr notes and nods, giving Jean a warm look as she gets close, even breaking into a wide smile, "It is not tight, just... not as free as normal attire." He nods, "But that is helpful." The larger Russian speaks to a staffer about making sure that the right adjustment is made.

To Illyana, he turns and says, "Da, shoulders fit, just not used to this kind of coat." He stretches his neck and looks down at Julio and says, "Sorry," and chuckles. Bobby also gets a nod of thanks, "Thank you."

"Thank you Illyana," Piotr says kindly and then looks to Jean as she walks out of the changing room, "You looked wonderful," is what he comments before stepping in to change into his own clothes so that the proper adjustments can be made on the pants. Eventually stepping out and handing the pants off to be adjusted, and likely to be picked up at a later date."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles warmly at Piotr, "Well, you looked very dashing in that outfit, definitely." She then nods over towards Illyana, "I was thinking the red, with the knee high boots. Those looked nice for the occasion." Her eyes seem to gleam a bit at the thought, as she then moves over by Emma.

"Oh, do they have those gloves in red? Because that would be /perfect/ with what I have... don't really need the fishnets with the boots, though, I think." She grins over at Emma, meeting her gaze as she mmms, "I was thinking of a choker, as well, red velvet?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The bracers will earn a nod. Elegant, functional. "Lariat necklace? Something long, thin, weighted properly," suggests Illyana in a measured tone. Her own business of what she will wear is apparently not an issue when she can dress other people, and since the fashionably elegant and punk-gothic glamour around her is draped on her friends, the better.

Clothes handed off go wherever they must. Otherwise she watches with a critical eye, lurking in the lounge. She stands rather than sits, upnodding Julio along with Bobby. "Da. That's the right one. No leather pants." So spaketh she who owns nothing but. Or things that appear not. "Breaks up well. The shirt looks good, it will counter his coat." The business of red she takes in stride from Jean, eyes narrowed and faintly faded in hue, almost grey in the moment.

"Nyet, not a choker. It's too sharp a line. Waterfall or starburst necklace, netted properly. It should accentuate and fall to here, if you like?" She draws a hand parallel to her bust, making a cutting motion.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma grins at both Jean and Illyana. "She's right." She finishes off her water and watches the growing pile get bagged up, save what will need alterations. "Everyone looking forward to next club night?"

Julio Richter has posed:
"You better be," Julio tells Piotr with a smirk, just as unseriously as before. In answer to Bobby's question about his comfort, he looks down and picks at the mesh stretched across his chest. "Mucho mejor, but it's a good thing we're going to a Goth club. This thing would give the weirdest tanlines." A minute-long return to the dressing room later, he's back in the relaxed T-shirt and jeans he arrived in.

As Emma and Jean start in on the accessories, with Illyana's input, he eases over to stand a little off to the side. It's not so much that he's good on the accessories front as that he doesn't even know where to start, and moreover he's a little tapped out on the time he's willing to spend as the center of attention.