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Do CFOs Dream of Green
Date of Scene: 16 August 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Ivy meanders about Central Park and meets an unlikely individual, along with an all too likely individuals. She tries to use the unlikely one to her advantage.
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Thomas Fireheart, Slips

Pamela Isley has posed:
The gambit to shift locales from Gotham to New York City, coupled with lying low, seemed to have paid off. Ivy really haven't been bothered much by heroes, and they've been mostly busy with villains of the day and E.T. issues. Perfect for Ivy to settle down, reflect, and consider actions much needed. For now, however, she took some time to visit her favorite spot in NYC. Central Park, the one brief air of green amidst destructive asphalt jungle.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
Central Park is an oasis of nature in a vast concrete jungle, and while he grew up in the deserts and mountains of the southwest, it's a reasonable escape for Fireheart. An expensive blazer hangs loosely over his shoulder held by his index finger as he pauses briefly in his stroll. He inhales deeply takes in the fresh scents of flora. His free hand loosens his tie, exposing more of his neck and the tribal jewelry hanging from it. He then kneels and pushes his hand into the grass. "I wonder what you looked like before the west came to claim you."

Slips has posed:
It is not advised to lay down and make grass angels in Central Park at any time of day or night. Arya, aka Slips, is one idiot rebel lying on the back waggling her hands up and down but not really moving her legs while clutching a beer can. She comes to an abrupt stop with a huff, "Never gets old." Now it's time to breathe and be. "Forgot to take my shoes and socks off," she says in minor disappointment.

Pamela Isley has posed:
The sight of someone the like of Thomas Fireheart is quite rare in Central Park, his ilk, at least as advertised, usually keep to Wall Street, or Upper East Side affluence fun. This was odd, far odder than the girl enjoying the grass in fact. Ivy smiles faintly as she walks past Slips frolicing on the grassy ground, and approaches the executive with an odd touch for nature. "I can answer your question," she says while prove to have sharp ears, "it was lush and green and wild, most beautiful and awe striking, unlike the looming towers of metal and bricks..."

Slips has posed:
"It was quickly laid to waste," Slips picks up from her spot on the ground, lifting her head slightly to look back in the direction of Ivy and Thomas, albeit upside down. Her tone faintly forlorn as she resolves to stair straight up again.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
He closes his eyes and sighs. He smiles at the thought of it. "Onondaga, Seneca, Montauk, Mohican, Wappinger... If only one of them could have won the day, maybe it would still be like that."

He rises and stands tall, turning to face Pamela. His eyes narrow somewhat in suspicion. The woman obviously had a unique appearance. His gaze shifts momentarily toward Slips, frowning at the comment. "It's a pity really. I'd tear it all down, I think. If I could, but instead I adapt."

His eyes shift back to Pamela. "Is there something I can do for you, miss?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy peers aside at Slips' comment, smirking slightly, before turning back to the curious man. She certainly takes notice of the tribal jewelry, but how much she recognizes is left unspoken. "Not your everyday executive, are you...?" She muses, "indeed, a great wise people, all gone, replaced by ungrateful numbskulls who will sow their own demise..." she sounds every bit as disdainful as the look of disgust on her face suggests. "The people of the long house, indeed, were all a great deal more enlightened than what we suffer today."

"For me...? I would never dream to ask..." Ivy chuckles, as she moves a bit closer, and moves to brush a finger along Thomas' shoulder, "but for Mother Nature...you hold a position of power in your company, do you not? I can see you are a man of taste, one who understands the order of things...why not put more effort into green preservation? Envrionmental work...so much to do...so few who do it..."

Slips has posed:
"Heh. One can dream I guess." Slips pulls herself up to pivot and lean back against a tree. She smirks at Ivy's comment about numbskulls and as the other two start to do some unseen dance, Slips looks on, with her beer. Because this is so much more entertaining than interrupting would be, for now.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
A dark eyebrow rises over one of his brown eyes. He follows her as she draws closer and gazes to her finger on his shoulder. He murmurs, "The harmony has unfortunately been lost."

He shifts and unslings his blazer, folding it and draping it over his forearm. "And I suspect you know a good cause to donate too? Too many are simple tax havens for the affluent. Though being affluent myself, I can always benefit from a good tax write-off, especially if it actually accomplishes something worthwhile."

He hums, "Unfortunately for you, there are numerous charitable organizations for native peoples to keep my wallet busy. It would have to be a very persuasive offer to convince me to redirect my funds."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Oh...but the beauty of nature IS in it's perseverence, it is needed...even if most humans think otherwise. Doing away with nature will be their own extinction, and then...healing will be again, and all will be reclaimed..." she smiles softly as she looks as if she can visualize the process while describing it. "Quite beautiful, but slow...and there's no need to wait when there's so much to do." She looks more closely at Thomas, "well, green peace of course, restoration of Robinson Park in Gotham, could be nice, whatever you can give for the noble fight to end fracking and drilling for oil...plagues that they are..."

She sighs as more talk of funds is mentioned, "...you know the people of the long house," Ivy reiterates, as she reaches close again, quite forward, as she touches the tribal jewelry she spotted. "What is your history...? If it be a proud one, surely, you can offer more than just money to toss at such a desperately noble cause. What do you do in your own firm to minimize pollution? To cut down waste...to save energy, to promote protection of nature, over it's destruction..." with a scowl on her face she notes, "trees die to produce your precious money..."

Slips has posed:
Slips looks left, then right at Ivy's fantasy spilling. "Makes my fantasies seem humble," she scoffs gleefully and tips the beer can up for more beer of course. "It's unclear whether you want to save the environment or let it be the last grizzled victor after getting the shit kicked out of it," Slips says carelessly and carefree. "Oh," Slips' eyes go wide as tones get nastier, even if only in her head. She hushes for the next act.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
Thomas growls lightly, it's almost feral in nature, but one wonders if its because she's touching his jewelry or because of her statement. He carefully but firmly reaches up and wraps a hand around her wrist. "I do not invest in petrol. I'm sure you watch the news. I'm not exactly a fan of pipelines. Another betrayal by the government. Another broken treaty."

"My company is purely financial, and I'll note that most of my money is electronic. However, there's no such thing as... clean money. So I won't pretend to a claim to any kind of purity." He leans forward and meets her eye to eye. "Who are you? You say I'm not your usual executive. Well, you are certainly not the usual jogger. I'm use to people demanding money, but I think this is the first time Green Peace personally made a call."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy peers unamusedly at Slips, her look of disapproval offering all the reply she has, sparing no words at the derision she was offered. Instead, she returns her focus to the man who may be of use. "So often these very pipelines pass by sacred land and water sources of the First Nations...it's good you don't invest there, but you can stand altogether against. Put money against big oil money to sway devious legislation...?" Ivy offers one path, looking very intently at Thomas when he grabs her by the wrist, allowing him that much for now. "Well, I'm not quite 'Green Peace'..." Ivy laughs, as her pheromones start to waft about the air, making her seem all the more fetching, as she murmurs, "I merely champion the cause of Mother Nature, because it's not nice to treat her as people of the world at large do...I do what I can, but I find humans must do as they can as well. There are great powers calling themselves heroic who do nothing for Mother Nature, and worse, stand in her way..."

Slips has posed:
Slips shrugs at the thorny look she gets from Ivy. "Was just curious," she says as if she was genuinely dumb enough to think what she had just said wouldn't piss /anyone/ off. "My bad. Go on," even if Ivy waits for no one. She cocks her head to the side and still, doesn't run, doesn't hide, just watches the heated situation get hotter. She squints softly in their direction.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
Heightened senses do not work in Thomas's favor when pheromones are at play. His brow knits as he finds himself drawing in her scent almost subconsciously. The fingers around her wrist loosen. "As I said, I'm no fan of big oil. If you know an oil lobbyist who needs to be persuaded to change their ways. That's something I might be able to assist with, one way or another."

He offers a receptive nod, "People do.. pollute and ravage the land. It's true... There is always more one can do."

His gaze sweeps across Ivy in a quick scan. "You still haven't given me a name. Unless you -are- Mother Nature, visiting me to call one of her more noble sons to defend to her."

His dark gaze shifts toward Slips to take note of the peanut gallery, but then there's that delightful scent coming from Ivy. It ensnares his attention once more. "You mentioned a park in Gotham? I do... appreciate parks, though I rarely visit Gotham."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ivy looks directly at Thomas, flashing him an endearing smile as he loosens his grasp on her wrist. "Lovely, that is very kind of you...but would be nice if you made your company more vocal on how important are environmental matters, global warming and such, you know? It will win you good will in the process as well," Ivy assures Thomas, as she moves to slip her hand free of his loosening grip. "..." Ivy parts her lips to say something, before nodding her head with regal gesture, "so you are observant of the unseen, I knew your gesture was not an empty one...good, good." She shakes her head at the specific question of Robinson Park and Gotham, "examples is all, think large or think small, but your actions will be known and valued if you do more for Mother Nature," she coos lovingly, before blowing a kiss in Thomas' direction. "Be mindful, noble son," she whispers, and as if to ascertain his suspicion, a vine seem to lift off the ground to carry her with it rather swiftly towards the other end of the park. Whether for Slips' derisive presence, or other reasons, she has said her peace and decided to part ways.

Thomas Fireheart has posed:
Thomas seems a little dumb-founded as Ivy departs via vine. "I'm going to... have to call home and talk to the shaman about this one. That was... unique."

His brow knits together. He gazes toward Slips, pointing in the direction Ivy departed as if to ask 'Did you see that too?'

He tugs his blazer back over his arms and adjusts the button. Mother Nature or not, it couldn't hurt to make a few more noble investments.

Slips has posed:
Slips watches Ivy twist the older gentleman around her little finger. It's not the first time she's seen it happen. It's probably the millionth, no exaggeration, but the whole thing still leaves her with a puzzled look. Then she looks over toward the man and shrugs. Pushing up to her feet, she strolls off.