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Latest revision as of 04:37, 28 August 2020

One of the Summer's Last Barbecues
Date of Scene: 28 August 2020
Location: Swimming Pool / Patio Deck
Synopsis: Good news delivered! Good food? Not so much.
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Samuel Guthrie, Laura Kinney, Alex Summers, Gabby Kinney, Jean Grey

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
School has started up again, and so the time spent by the pool by most is now in the evenings during the week. Some still take advantage of this and so to make sure a staff member is present, Piotr has been assigned to babysit the students for the evening, and monitor the grill. Why a grill? Because if Piotr is there, there will be food, and the grill also happens to be here. Nothing fancy, though. Hotdogs, burgers, brats, and some mushrooms. There is a tub of mac and cheese and some potato salad nearby with the coolers filled from the fridge for the usual occasion. Best to take advantage of the waning days of summer.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had college classes today. He came home to the mansion and decided to relax a bit at the pool area. So Sam in dark purple board shorts can be seen walking out to the area, with a book in hand and a towel over one shoulder. He has a pitcher of sweet tea with him, as well, storing it in the mini bar area getting himself a tall glass of ice tea and making his way to one of the lounges, he offers Piotr a wave in greeting.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura, having recnetly-ish been granted a permenant room has been on, and off the mansion grounds in almost equal timeframes; sometimes she's gone for two or three days and then returns for the same. And, while she's here she's usually spending time either outside, perhaps with Logan or just wandering - in the Danger Room practicing, or in the athletic areas, or with Gabby.

However, today, having smelled the cookout, the ever-hungry-calorie-burning middle-sized snikt has been drawn to the grill.

Presently she is helping herself to several burgers, and a couple brats. With her plate stacked high and no room for any side dishes, and some balance and skill needed to walk it to a table without several of the foods spilling onto the ground, Laura seems satisfied.

She looks to Piotr, says, "Thank you," as is proper manners, nodding to show her sentiment is genuine. She sits near the grill, and begins to stuff her face with one of the brats to start.

Dark brown eyes track Sam as he wanders in, attentive to who is here and who isn't and she nods a silent greeting to him before she says to Piotr, "I look forward to working with you." Whatever that means.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex still isn't a regular per se at the mansion, as he's neither faculty or student or a member of, well...other groups. But he does show up regularly to practice with his powers, as there aren't a lot of places he can safely cut loose without it being extremely and visibly obvious, or causing a good deal of collateral damage. The idea of dropping by for a good old fashioned BBQ while Emma was occupied with a business meeting seemed fun. And just checking in with friends he hasn't seen in a bit, of course. So here he is, dressed in a comfortable Hawaiian shirt, this time a earthen saffron in color, with khaki shorts and sandals to go with them.

    He promptly beelines for food, heading over to the grill as the scent of heavenly charred meat washes over him. "That smells delicious, and I'd like a cheese burger if you've got one to spare." he says cheerfully. He waves to Sam in passing as he sees him heading into the area, then nods to Laura. "Hey Laura...huh, no Gabby? You two are practically attached at the hip most times." he says curiously.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr waves the patty flipper at Sam in greeting before nodding to Laura, "Not a problem, it is good to have you here, and will be good to work with you," he admittedly is uncertain as to what, but he is going to be polite. "Hope you enjoy it!"

The large Russian is not known for his cooking, but it could be worse? At least with burgers he has a timer and so they are only slightly charred past perfect, same for the hotdogs and brats. When Piotr turns to serve up Alex's burger, the apron saying "I apologize in advance" is visible, otherwise Piotr is in his usual cargo shorts and t-shirt, "Da. Cheeseburger is doable. Glad to see you around!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie waves to both Alex and Laura, and will pick a seat close enough to the others he can chat. He sets drink and book on a nearby table, and say "How you guys doing today?" He sits down pulling his knees up to his chest one at a time before learning back. Looks like Sam may have worked out somewhere not to long ago.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura turns her head to Alex, after pushing the end of the brat into her mouth, chewing vigorously, and swallowing. It's hard to tell if she actually tasted it, or not.

She gives Alex a rare smile, "I enjoy spending time with Gabby," she tells him, frankly, but sincerely. "She is helping me. And I am helping her. I am taking her to movie night." More details to Alex are not forthcoming. But she feels, tit for tat, it's proper to put the question back to him, "Emma did not come with you? You are both usually tied at the hip as well."

Next, she picks up one of the burgers, sniffs, and takes a huge bite, again chews vigorously. And, confides to Piotr, "They are very filling." As if this were a compliment. But then, at the rate she's consuming the grilled meats she can't think they're bad, right?

"I am well. I have a higher healing factor then Logan, so it is unlikely I would ever be unwell," she tells Sam, matter-of-factly.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "That'll do. And glad to be seen, I know it's been a while since I've stopped by." Alex admits to Piotr, nodding ot Sam. "And I'm good Sam, thanks for asking. Just kinda at odds and ends today.' He grins at Laura. 'Yeah, I know, I know. But she's got a business thing today, so she couldnt' drop by as well, or she'd be here too." He raises a brow at Laura. "So, iron stomach on top of everything else, huh? Makes sense."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"New classes, had to talk with the new students in both of my departments, but fortunately I was able to use the art room for both this year," Piotr notes to Sam and then looks to Laura, "Thank you. I am not good cook, but these should be serviceable." He smiles, knowing his limitations.

"It is no problem, it is good you are here, besides I would rather we not have leftovers. Boris will grow fat otherwise." He chuckles and continues flipping, "I hope you all had good summer?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Yea, would not mind it lasting a bit longer, but hey time passes." He does think for a moment, and says "You plan on putting any late plants into the garden this year? I checked and the few pumpkins we have seem to be going well.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Yes," Laura answers Piotr, directly, about her summer, before her brown eyes trek over towards Alex. She confides, "I have just finished a six hour session in the Danger Room. I need to replenish my caloric intake. This is perfect." Again, although it is only a little, Laura smiles briefly between bites. By the way she is eating, she is certain to destroy the mountainous platter in front of her.

However, she has no idea about gardening so she only looks between Sam and Piotr for a few moments before looking back to Alex. "Perhaps one day we should train together. I have never fought with, or against, someone with your abilites."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Can't have Boris growing fat." Alex says amusedly, then nods to Laura. "Protein helps, yeah. I already downed a liter of gatorade before I came up after I showered." He raises a brow. "Hmm. Sure? I don't know if I'd be a great match for you, but I could probably learn a lot. I'm not as well trained as you in hand-to-hand, I more just go boom."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Been too busy to garden, this year, sadly," Piotr notes. He blinks at Laura's voracious appetite and just smiles, "Glad you appreciate it!" He smiles and raises a brow, though, "It would not be fair fight. But maybe yes, you can spar with me." He nods to Alex, "Indeed, he is growing like a weed, but he needs to stay healthy and I already give into his begging for treats enough as it is."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "A bit more hand to hand training might do me some good too, Ah found out today, new coaches do not care for it, when they can't wear ya out around the same time as their other students. I think he was more wore out than Ah was.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Picking up yet another brat from her still overflowing plate, Laura nods to Piotr, "We should also work on our teamwork. I have some start with working with a team, but most of my fighting, prior to very recently, has been by myself and how to use my quickness, claws, and surroundings to my advantage against metas and mutants. It is very different when fighting with others," she admits.

Her head turns to Sam, telling him, "Martial arts is the fundamental knowledge for most combat skills; it is about reading your opponent's moves, understanding their thinking, and overcoming them as quickly, and efficiently as possible. As you learn and grow within the martial arts, you understand your body and it's limitations - as well as its full potential as well. It should be a prerequisite to anyone wishing to fight here." She shrugs, "BUt I am not a teacher. Or a student."

She points Alex towards the grill, "You should eat. It is very filling."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Even for someone that didn't have a heightened sense of smell it was impossible to miss the familiar scent of grilling. Gabby had been off doing who-knew-what out by the lake but now she returns and lets her path veer toward the pool where that smell was coming from. Hopping up the steps she flashes a grin at everyone here. "Something smells good!" She chirps even as she smiles wider at the sight of Laura here enjoying herself too. It was good that she was making friends.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex snags a plate, picking out a cheeseburger and brat for himself, with ketchup and mustard on both, before munching on it as he nods to Laura. "Well..." he says, after the first few slightly charred mouthfuls. "It's more I know a little brawlign but thats' about it. I don't have the years of training most of you do."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex waves to Gabby. "Hey, there you are. Was just asking Laura where you were off to today."

Jean Grey has posed:
And that's when Jean emerges from the mansion, wandering over towards the pool area as she waves, "Hey, heard there was some grilling to be had." She smiles cheerfully, though she looks a bit distracted by /something/ as she comes over by the grill, wearing a light green sarong that's perfect for a late summer evening at poolside. "How's everyone doing tonight? Haven't seen you in a bit, Alex." With that, she gravitates over towards Piotr, moving to stand next to him as she smiles... but the expression seems a little forced.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods to Laura, "Teamwork is most important. For while sometimes we may not be the fastest, strongest, smartest, or best...est. We can be the best organized and best at working as a team. And through that, we can win." He waves to Gabby and says, "Help yourself, plenty of food for everybody."

The Russian goes back to cooking for a little bit, replacing the taken food with fresh and then gives Jean a smile as she approaches, "I am doing wonderful!" The smile on his face may be genuine, but even the usual oblivious Colossus can tell something is up and he inquires quietly, "Is everything all right?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow will raise about the forced expression but will not pry. He nods over to Gabby, and says "Hey Kiddo." To her. Back to Laura, he says "It is good to work with different groups of people as well, to help you be able to adapt on the fly somewhat.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura smiles yet -again-, that's three times! In less than an hour! As Gabby approaches. Laura appears to have consumed a few things, but even then her plate is still piled high with burgers and brats. No time for side dishes here!

"Piotr has been grilling meats, Gabby. You should have some. I have saved a seat for you." She pauses, "And, do not forget that tomorrow night we are going to Gotham. You can try to show me again why movies are - fun," she suggests. But, Laura at least isputting effort into it, and that's what counts, right?

She nods to Sam, "Yes. That is exactly what I am doing," she agrees with him without going into further details just yet.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean blinks, "Huh? Oh, everything is fine, Piotr, really." She coughs a bit, "Just had a meeting with the Professor and... well, I, ah..." She hmms, "Oh, and Moira... Doctor MacTaggart, she's back, and is going to be doing some teaching here at the school since the Professor is going to be busy with the X-Corporation that he's setting up."

She pauses, then adds, "And I'm sure there's going to be an official announcement soon, but... the Professor is stepping down from being the Headmaster to devote himself to getting that situated. So there's going to be a new Headmaster." With that, she does quirk a slight grin, that is decidedly genuine... if still a little bit shocked.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I've been around. Just getting a lot done all over the place," Gabby responds to Alex as she makes her way over to the cooked food. Okay it was slightly burnt that wasn't going to stop her though. She snags a plate, some brats, a burger... Another brat. They smelled good. Then she grins brightly at Laura.

"Thanks!" The saved seat is taken with a quick raising of her plate to ensure she doesn't dislodge any of the meaty goodness as she plops down, then she settles it on the table or her lap. Whichever was easier. "I haven't forgotten! It sounds like it'll be great. On a full screen, too? I've never seen a movie in a theater before!"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex waves to Jean as she arrives, focusing on demolishing his cheeseburger for a bit as he settles back to listen. He blinks at Jean's news. "Huh..." he says, after swallowing. "Wow, he's been here for, like forever...who would they get to replace him though?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr listens to the others talk and flips a couple of the meats and a mushroom, taking a sip from his two-liter once he does so. Now that he is between flips, the Russian one-arm grabs her and plants a kiss on her lips, "Well, kroshka, I do believe the Professor will make the right call as to who takes the helm." He gives her a warm smile.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and at the smile, he will look over and says "Well I guess congratz are in order?" He will ask Jean. He stands to get himself a burger as well. He looks for a nice charred one.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is mid-bite of a brat when Piotr grabs and kisses Jean. This causes her to stare openly as the gears of her brain grind to a halt. When did... Was she really that distracted lately not to keep up on the love lives of others? What a tragedy! It takes her a moment to remember she's got a brat in her mouth and she chomps and chews on it still watching the pair. "... I feel like I'm behind on my favorite TV series."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Yes, we will have it all to ourselves," Laura informs Gabby, soberly and seriously. Even Laura gets that that particular point is a pretty big deal. "And you will get to meet some of my other associates." Which is why Laura suggested it in the first place to the others.

"I want you to understand and know everyone I have chosen to work with, Gabby."

Laura looks over at Piotr and Jean, then, she nods. "The Professor is a very astute individual. Exteremely perceptive. I do not know how, Jean, but if I can assist in any way, you have but to ask. You have always been kind to me. It is the least I can do."

She goes to work on her next burger, now.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean yeeps a bit in surprise at Piotr's grab and kiss, unable to help but swoon a little in the sudden embrace and show of affection as she does return the kiss rather enthusiastically. Then she laughs softly, "Actually, Piotr, he did. At least I hope he did." She nods over at Sam, then looks at Alex.

"I'm going to be the new Headmaster, starting... well, as soon as we get all the paperwork finalized. I'm sure there's going to be a formal announcement from the Professor soon, but... well, I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting it." She smiles, leaning in against Piotr, "I'm going to do my best to live up to the standard that he's set."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex raises a brow, then laughs a bit. "Hey, congrats! That's great Jean! You up for it, then? It's a big step to take all this over...." He hmms. "Gonna change the name of the school?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans over to give Laura a quick one-armed hug at her explanation. In spite of the distraction she grins warmly and nods. "I'm looking forward to it! I'm glad you found a team to work with, even if it's over in Gotham. I mean I'm sure you can work with the one here too but no reason why you can't meet more people to!"

With that done there's the real situation to address: "Congrats, Jean, but more importantly..." A brat skewered on a fork is waggled toward the pair. "When did YOU TWO become an item!? Am I the last to find out? That's so unfair!"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Then da, he made no mistake," Piotr says warmly and gives Jean another hug before setting her down, "You are natural pick for the job, and you will do great. We will all support you as we did the Professor." He then realizes that they are in public and his cheeks go bright red as he looks down to Gabby after she asks the question.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins at Alex, "Yeah, I figured it would be the 'Charles Xavier Center For Mutants Who Can't Power Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.'" She then laughs, shaking her head, "But, well, I'm glad that I can count on you for support. Or sarcasm, which is close enough. Same number of letters, starts with S. I'm okay with that." She smiles over at Laura, "I'm sure we can think of something that you can help with around here."

At Gabby's question, Jean laughs, "Well... we've been keeping it... um, somewhat low key. But since, well..." She looks over at Piotr, tilting her head, "It was shortly after the mess with Sinister, right?" At Piotr's blush, she smiles warmly and leans up, kissing the big Russian right on the cheek.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit in agreement with the words of Pete. "I will bw gone a lot during the day with classes, but anything ya need let me know, I may even be able to teach how to turn while flying now.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex snorts at Jean, then hehs. "Well...glad it worked out for you then." he says easily, snagging a can of something to drink and raising it in a mock toast to the pair.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Sounds about right," Piotr says a little sheepishly after the kiss, "Sorry." He looks to Jean again, "But da, We will all support you. Downside, you are stuck with us, but it could be worse!" He hears a buzzer and begins flipping a few of the burgers over. He gives Alex a nod and returns the salute with his large soda bottle.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "I am going to head intot he kitchen grab some fixings for my burger, again congratz again Jean, see the rest of ya later.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly. "Well, okay then. So long as you two are happy." She grins again, an returns her attention to her plate with gusto. At least she's easy to please!

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean chuckles, "Thanks Sam, and you too Alex." She gives Alex a wry look at the mock toast, "With the Headmistress thing, I think I'm going to be needing to hit Emma up for more spa trips though... I have the feeling I'll need them." Her lips quirk a bit at that.