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Latest revision as of 01:09, 29 August 2020

Epicenter: Kataomoi
Date of Scene: 18 August 2020
Location: Toshiro Mori's Home - Fukuoka - Japan
Synopsis: Bobbi and Jemma go looking for answers at Toshiro Mori's estate, only to find Lance and a HYDRA ambush. They are captured.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Elektra Natchios, Jemma Simmons, Clint Barton

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi knew something was off. Even in the early days when she had first started working Toshiro, getting him to open up and share secrets he shouldn't, it was always she who initiated contact. He had never been the one to ask her to come before. So this time she brought backup. Two different planes, two different airports, same SHIELD comms channel.

Once again, Bobbi has dyed her hair black. It's the small touches that make manipulating Toshiro slightly easier. As best as one can manipulate a sociopathic super scientist. Her only conclusion was that he had more news about Whitehall and was eager for an excuse to share wine once more.

"I'm approaching the house how Simmons. I should probably have a safe word. Something safe and simple. What do you think of: Fitz would not approve? Are you set up in the van? check one two check one two," she whispers softly to herself as she approaches the secured gate of Toshiro's estate.

She waves to the security camera and touches the buzzer, "Ohayou Gozaimasu. It's Bobbi." She's armed, but she know the drill. His goons are well trained but she knows she can take them even without weapons. Perhaps it's time she took Toshiro in, after all he's done a lot of damage helping Whitehall.

Fukuoka would be a lovely place to live this time of year. The intense summer heat is quelled a little by the sea breezes. The view of the volcano is always spectacular, though Toshiro's home is on the outskirts of the city so he can keep his business private.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Toshiro Mori's estate in Fukuoka is a clear testament to what money can buy when you are a mercenary that will work for the highest bidder. From it's privileged place just outside of town to it's guarded walls, the two-story house made in the likes of ancient Japan to the lushful gardens, both outside and in. Yes, he loves money and all he can do with it. But it's still not enough and he's determined to get the last thing that's left in his life: Bobbi.

Some obstacles have presented themselves though, like a certain Lance Hunter. Yet a plan had formed up in his mind since Bobbi's last visit and now he was ready to put it in motion, along with the help of a few friends. Because what sociopath scientist hasn't cultivated a string of fantastic friends along the way?

He is currently on a secure room at his estate, looking down on Lance and tsking. "Really, I got no idea what she saw in you, Mr. Hunter." his accented english very prominent, "But no matter, you will serve me well tonight, and in the future." It's a darker room where they are at now, some thugs within the room, clearly Hydra by what they have been talking about earlier when Toshiro wasn't present. Though now they simply serve as a deterrent to Lance if he starts getting frisky..


Outside the goons approach Bobbi to check her for weapons. The same ones of before really, one of them tsking. "Staves again? Pay up." he says to the other guard in japanese. Clearly some kind of bet going on.

"Toshiro-sama awaits inside."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "I am here, Agent Morse." The reply is quiet, barely a murmur. Seems Jemma is just matching the volume of Bobbi...which is rather silly, considering. Still, the dulcet tones of British sensibility is given, almost as if it was a bad ASMR recording. "As far as a safeword...oh...I think 'Fitz would not approve.' would be lovely. He would most definitely approve of not approving."

    The van surveillance is a position that Jemma is quite familiar with. Only...this time, she didn't bring the drones. Instead, she is relying on Bobbi to be her eyes and ears. Any sort of drone activity, at least this soon, just would not be prudent at this time.

Clint Barton has posed:
On the floor with a bag over his head and zip ties closed behind his back, Lance Hunter twists and turns. "Listen, I don't know who you're talking about, I was just on my bloody vacation when you lot jumped me and dragged me here. But it's alright, lemme go, and we'll call it square? No harm no foul."

Just like they taught him stick to your cover to the last possible second, and besides it usually pissed the bastards off, which to Lance, was just a bonus.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The guards find her gun, staves, a knife. The usual affair. "You should listen to your friend," Bobbi says in her Fukuokan accent to the guard. She smirks and shrugs her shoulders, "I hope you didn't lose too much money." The guards let her through to wander the gardens and to the big house. She takes the time to explain the situation better to Simmons.

"Toshiro Mori is a brilliant engineer, very much on par with Fitz you see. The problem is, he has absolutely no moral compass. He seeks money money money and that's about it. Oh, a bit of glory and fame amongst his notoriety. He will generally work for the highest bidder but he's so lacking in any kind of morality that you could never trust him as an actual consultant to SHIELD, so I've kept him on a leash for years. Hence, ..the safe word."

She seems pretty pleased with herself at that one. Approaching the entrance, she takes off her shoes and steps in to the house. "Toshi-chan?," she calls out and when she doesn't get an immediate response, moves in to the lounge room and its stunning view of the infinity pool and the cliffs. "Tanaka-san would you put on some tea?," she calls out as her eyes roam over the security in the room. She hasn't seen these guys before, her eyes search up and down their bodies. That's a weird watch.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Sit him up." Toshiro says up to the other two men in the room. Oddly enough the inflection in his tone makes it sound more like a request than an order. Clearly he knows he isn't the top dog in the food chain. And really.., the guys they had brought in were weird enough..

Two strong arms are felt bringing Hunter up to sit on a chair then the bag being taken out. In front of him is Toshiro, dressed in a kimono with flower motifs, dark blue in color. "Was just too easy too." he says in a taunting manner to Hunter. "Just some tail with skirts and there you went." he sneers, shaking his head. He is -not- approving. Both of this man and Bobbi's choices. And because he is not really a good man he aims a cheap shot at Hunter's face while he is sitting down, knuckles to jaw. "And don't lie to me, Agent Lance Hunter, of SHIELD." yes, sticking to the cover story -does- piss him off.

He might had been tempted to keep on going but then he receives a notification on his earpiece. "Ah, looks like the guest of honor has arrived." a rather scary smile comes to his lips and he steps back to start on his way out, reaching for a humid towel to clean his hands. "We will have fun again real soon." he promises..


The guards on the estate are indeed different. The ones at the door were the ones Bobbi had met before but within there a different posture to them, alert, ready. Not that the others weren't professional but these ones just scream military, or ex-military. Many are asian, but there are also others, and all of them using very similar watches. Technological-looking.

"Tanaka-san isn't available today." a voice is heard from Bobbi's side, opening a shoji screen. Another one of those men is there instead of Tanaka. "Toshiro-san will be joining soon." san. Shouldn't it be sama?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    One of the benefits of working from the van is the internet connection. And...no one ever accused Jemma Simmons of idle hands. Already she is researching Mori, pulling up a file as she reviews. Speaking into the mic, Bobbi could almost sense the nod as Jemma replies. "I see. So, you are attempting to keep him close because he can be helpful, but only if leveraged appropriately? That is a very fine line you are maintaining, Bobbi." It is a minor comment, but a comment nonetheless. Obviously, Jemma doesn't think she can quite lead a person on in that matter.

    But, then again, that's why she's more of a researcher. And...why Jemma is trying to become more than that. Even if it does involve doing things that isn't exactly 'good'.

    Jemma grows silent as Bobbi is led in. She listens intently...but for what? That will be determined soon enough.

Clint Barton has posed:
Hunter doesn't struggle as he's lifted from the floor and put into the chair. Though as the bag is taken off he blinks and looks around. "Seriously guys, no idea what you're talking about, guess your girl got the wrong guy, not that I mind, so if you can let me go and get me her number I'll be on my-"

CRACK Fist meets jaw and Hunter's head snaps to the side.

"Oww," he says working his jaw back and forth. "Got to say mate you're not doing Japan's reputation for hospitality any favours," he spits out a bit of blood from where he cut his lip.

Once Toshiro is out of the room, Hunter does a head count of the goons in the room, saying, "Listen guys, you look like solid blokes, got a great contract right now, need some extra hands, so what do you say? Ditch our friend in the bathrobe for better pay and none of that Hail Hydra crap?" While he talks he pops his thumb out of its socket, and begins to wiggle free of his bonds.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
There is an almost tense silence as Bobbi observes 'the new guy'. No, this won't do. If there's one thing that's constant and true of Toshiro, it's Tanaka. "Tanaka-san isn't available today? Fitz would not approve," she say with a coy little smile, as if it were some in joke that Tanaka would understand. Things aren't adding up here. Time to do violence.

And hey, if she's wrong about this, Toshiro will forgive her, it is his way and he knows she likes to do the punchy things. But there's no way Toshiro would let a man in to his house that doesn't address him as Toshiro-sama. Options! Perhaps Toshiro is actually in trouble? may be.

Figuring Jemma can't be too far away, she can tell the guards around her know the jig is up. She isn't going to wait for one of them to make the move. She goes for the one nearest the window. The things she teaches her students, always go for the joints and the weak spots. She begins with a kick to the inside of the knee and a straight set of fingers to the throat as her free hand attempts to take his side arm for herself while moving to put her behind his torso in case she needs bodily cover.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Toshiro is happily making his way to meet Bobbi. Ah yes, time to meet his muse... He is just tossing the towel to one of his servants when he turns the corner to watch ..., everything going to hell? Damn these Hydra douches! They got no sense for subtlety! "Bobbi-chan, welc---" and then weapons are out, the clear sound of gun safeties being turned off and they all pointing towards that poor guard and Bobbi..

"Now, no need for this, is there?" Toshiro says. His eyes have widened some, he doesn't want Bobbi hurt. "Why don't you let go of my security guard?" the men start circling around. Five in total, trying to find an opening... As for the one Bobbi captured..., he taps on his 'watch' and takes in a deep breath as if he had just received some kind of energy surge.. And is that .., electricity being felt from the man? At least enough to get some hairs up!

Jemma will receive a match on her database search for Toshiro, a current match from an intelligence team for Fukuoka and an heavy activity of Hydra Agents in the zone, having landed just a day go. Could it be related?


Inside the room the two men look at Hunter, one raising a brow and the other chuckling and shaking his head, "Are we sure this guy is an Agent? What a clown..." but then again that's one of Hunter's strengths, make them underestimate him!

One places a hand on Hunter's shoulder. "Don't worry. He has plans for you." and it really doesn't sound the 'He' that this man is talking about is Toshiro. But those bonds are indeed starting to get looser.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There isn't a lot that Jemma has to go on as Bobbi and the guards converse. However...there is a sense that something isn't quite right. A little something that tickles at the back of her neck that Jemma only usually feels when research isn't quite going the way she wants. It's there now....faint but present.

    And then, the safeword is dropped. Well, safe phrase, really, as the thought runs through Jemma's head. But there is another thought...one that is audibly heard in Bobbi's earpiece before Jemma departs from the van, heading towards the fray.

    "Oh dear..."

    Still, the database search manages to get saved....just before going. And, with Jemma, she goes in with minimal accessories. Namely....just her ICER. But, seeing how she has been with her weapon of choice before....that might be all that she really needs. Still....it will take her a couple of seconds before she can catch up to Bobbi and her predicament.

Clint Barton has posed:
"/What/ have I been telling you guys, I'm not any sort of agent, just up here on a bit of R&R when that bird drugged me and you guys worked me over. Seriously is there some sort of language barrier going on here? Spraken ze Hydra?"

When the man puts his hand on Hunter's shoulder that's when Hunter makes his move. Slipping his hands out of his bonds Hunter stands grabbing his chair as he does and swings hard at the man beside him before bolting for the door.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi is in no mood for games. She digs her fingers in to the collar bone of the guard she's subdued and keeps his body between her and the rest of the encircling guns. The pistol she relieved off him is trained on the man who called Toshiro 'san' instead of 'sama'.

"She is about to start shooting when suddenly she sees Toshiro wandering in to the room.. wearing a kimono? "Tosh, who is this guy," she says tensely. That tingle though, that makes her mentally pause. She's certainly encountered armour that can be electrified before and she has him at her mercy, it'd make sense. May be that's what the watch is for.

Quickly, she kicks the back of his knee to drop him and step away from him before he can shock her, but keeps her gun trained on the mystery man who doesn't "fit". "Where is Tanaka-san and who are these new guards Toshi-chan."

The chance of death or capture is always there when you go on assignment. May be this is just some big misunderstanding, but Bobbi doesn't think so. She may take a few bullets from this, so long as they don't hit anything too vital, may be she can limp out the back and meet up with Jemma for a hasty exit from this place. There's a lot of if's in this plan.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Rule number one of being a villain: Don't get too comfortable around SHIELD agents or heroes... Because what you get is a chair on your side for your troubles. The man is stunned momentarily at the sudden movements, cursing and stumbling to the ground. The other doesn't seem too worried. He just smiles. Confident? He taps on his watch and takes in a deep breath. "Nowhere to run, little fly." and he begins to walk out...

The door opens to quite the beautiful home. Really, Toshiro has some taste. And a quick glance about shows there's something happening real close. Men with weapons, voices and ..., a very familiar one too in Bobbi. The man moves real fast behind Hunter though, absurdly so, catching up to clock Hunter on the back of his neck. Enough to stun..


Jemma finds little resistance in getting inside the house. But the info was good, there is a path leading from close by in the house where the van was stationed that lets her go in through those sumptuous gardens. And it's not really hard to find the scene once she gets in, she able to approach from a side room. Has she been spotted so far? For now she appears to be undetected. Ninja Jemms.


The men in the room don't lower their weapons, watching intently.. But Toshiro lifts his hands in an appeasing manner. "This is all a misunderstanding. Tanaka-san is indisposed." well, sort of true. "This man is still.., too new on the job. Why don't we go and sit down? I have tea."

The man held by Bobbi winces but there's still that feeling of electricity in the air, latent power ready to let go.

"I feel you will really enjoy what I have to offer."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Any normal person might feel rather accomplished that he or she was able to get from the van to the side room next to all of the action. That person might even feel confident that the abilities that got them there were excellent.

    Jemma....is not a normal person.

    Despite the fact that yes, she got there with little difficulty, it is also too easy. Jemma....is not that good at infiltration. Still, it could be attributed to the fact that Bobbi is keeping all eyes upon herself. That certainly helps. The research scientist-turned-spy slides over to just inside the doorway, opening to provide herself with cover while giving her as much of a view of the other room as possible.

    And who said PUBG wasn't good training material?

    The ICER is out, the muzzle half-hidden in darkness as Jemma ever so slowly shifts to get a peek of the room. A soft murmur is heard, only for Bobbi's ears, as Jemma whispers into the commlink.

    "Positioned at 3 o'clock. I have visual on you...and partial visual on Toshiro."

    Well...at least now Bobbi knows where Jemma is....

Clint Barton has posed:
Despite playing dumb Hunter knew Toshiro had been talking about Bobbi and hearing her voice just confirmed the timing of his escape was perfect. If she was here Mac and Izzy couldn't be too far behind. They'd turn the tables and-

Hunter is hit from behind, his vision swimming for a moment as he struggles to recover. "Bobs! A little help here!" he shouts as he turns to face his attacker in a woozy version of a boxer's stance.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi couldn't get much more confused by these twists and turns. Toshiro is okay. The guards are ...new but normal? Oh thank goodness, Jemma is in position. She is almost .. almost ready to lower that gun, but the sudden sound of Lance's voice has her eyes go wide. "Lance!?," she says and turns the gun to point at Toshiro.

"You know I think you'd best start talking real fast Tosh," she says and shuffles a little to the side to peek around the corner, trying to catch a glimpse of where Lance's voice came from. Hesitantly, she begins taking steps toward where Lance is, even as the gun remains trained on Toshiro. He's seen paranoid Bobbi before but has never had her point a gun at him before.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
If the world was fair this would be a fight for Hunter to take on. It's not as if the man facing him had more skill than him.. He just moves.., real fast, superhumanly so.. And that accompanied with the beating he suffered before just isn't enough to win right now.. Specially when the second guy comes running out of the room. He is pissed. So it quickly turns into a two on one situation. Some punches are traded but it ends up with one of them pointing a gun at Lance while the other uses him as a body shield to start dragging him into the room where Bobbi is...

Toshiro, meanwhile, looks rather HURT. She is pointing a gun at him. He opens his mouth to protest but then just frowns, deeply. "Put down your weapon, Bobbi. Or you know what happens to Lance." his tone is a committed one. And he is the type to go ahead with his threats. Not that he doesn't edge a little away... He doesn't want to get shot.

One of the other guards appears to ignore Toshiro and says to the comms. "Secure the perimeter, we have the asset." as the man that was on his knees starts to get up and turns to Bobbi, ready to unleash electricity. Clearly not an armor whatever it is that he's doing.. But these powers have been seen before during the SUPER SHIELD fight...

As for Jemms, perhaps her suspicions were true.. There are sounds from the outside where she came from, as if reinforcements were joining in and taking the same entrance she did.. Yes, it's clearly a TRAP!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Wait....that other voice.

    Jemma may not necessarily recognize the voice instantly....but Bobbi did. And as Bobbi calls out Lance's name, it only takes a moment for Jemma to put two and two together. That's....Agent Hunter. And....that is a surprise. Well...at least for Jemma.

    Yet, that surprise is going to have to sit on the back bunsen burner as the call to 'secure the perimeter' is sent. And here is Jemma...sitting in between a rock and a hard place. A glance is given down the way that Jemma came, as a frown crosses her features. Yes...it was too easy of a trip in. Because they wanted the path clear. And Jemma walked right down it.


    "Well....you wanted action, Jemma." That part was said out loud, quietly, but enough for Bobbi to pick it up with her commlink. And...there is two ways out....but one of them goes right through the tussle with Bobbi and Lance. So...one course of action.

    Jemma....attempts to extract herself the way she came. And that means running the gauntlet. ICER in hand, Jemma starts out, opting for speed over stealth. A guard crosses into her view...and promptly gets a shot of dendrotoxin for his troubles. The shot is not perfect...catching him in the knee...but it is enough to knock him down.

    But can Jemma keep that up? Chances are highly unlikely.

Clint Barton has posed:
Bloody powers. Still even if the guys had just been guys, with the shot to the back of the head and the drugs they doped him with still in his system, it wasn't likely to go his way anyhow. Hunter's captured, gun to his head, before he shoved into the next room. "Heya Bobs," he greets Bobbi as he sizes up the room. "Helluva day, huh?" he adds archly looking at the man with the gun to his head.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It's an automatic twitch, she swears it is. She rolls her eyes as Lance says hi and she frowns, "God damn it Lance." She grips the gun tighter, then loosens her grip. There are risks she will take for herself, risks she will allow her team to take, but Lance has been out of the SHIELD game a while now. She won't put him at risk for her own sake.

She drops the gun and holds up her hands, "Toshiro-san you have crossed the line." Though, that guard with the electric powers.. her eyes widen and then she scowls, "Whitehall! Toshiro what have you done?" She honestly never thought he'd have it in him to betray her, or double cross her like this. Whatever Whitehall is paying him must be good. Really good.

Her eyes focus on the watches again.. there it is, a small scorpion wrap around the wrist. Somehow Toshiro miniaturised the technology to a wrist watch. "So you did it, you've finally found a way to give ordinary HYDRA douche nozzles super powers."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Unfair world and cheaters all around. But these men came prepared to capture a top priority target, and whoever could be offering support. That they are here displaying powers they have seen before under Super SHIELD is also telling on who may be behind this. The first guard that Jemma comes across is caught unaware with a gasp. But the second that comes -out- of the wall isn't, phasing in. The watch the man has on his arm looks familiar too, like those earlier weapons they were using to copy powers from people. But this one seems an improved version. And with the speed Jemma is going she goes .., right through him. It's a weird enough feeling.. But then he turns when she goes past, becoming all too 'real' and clocking her on the back of the head with his gun. More men starting flooding in but they keep cover, pointing at Jemms. "Put your weapon down!"

The man that took the chair to the head is looking at Hunter with quite the murderous beady eyes, yes there will be a reckoning sometime in the future. But for now, he obeys orders.. The other keeps Hunter under his weapon though, arching a brow in return to Hunter's look. "I got a gun to your head, man." as in warning him to not get frisky!

Toshiro walks forward when the gun is put down, getting it. "It wasn't too hard. And I already have enough money. No, this time it will be different. You will see, we will finally be able to be together like we wanted." yes, clearly someone has went too far down the crazy. He is strangely calm though, as if all was going according to plan, a smile now framing his expression. "Doctor Whitehall has promised so."

"And if you ..., comply.., noone will need to die." well, maybe just Lance. But he doesn't need to say that now!

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The fact that the first agent drops is noted. There might have been surprise...but later. But then....suddenly there is a person in front of Jemma....and then in same vicinity of Jemma....then behind of Jemma?! That....is a sensation few experience and for good reason. It is a rather hair-raising experience. And, with the added pistol whip at the end, it is not an experience that Jemma cares to repeat.

    The knock to the back of her head sends her stumbling...but somehow Jemma keeps her ICER in her hand. Not that it matters much as she manages to look up...and see a whole lot of gun muzzles pointed at her. With a sigh and a roll of the eyes, Jemma tosses the ICER to the ground, raising her hands up over her head in submission. "Well...so much for that plan."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Good to see you too," Hunter replies, coupled with a roll of his eyes. "By the way your hair looked better blonde." Yeah, he can't help but throw a jab in even knowing he's walked into something much bigger than a simple kidnapping.

The guy with the gun to his head isn't immune to Hunter's snarking-as-stress release. "Trust me mate. I've seen your face, getting 'frisky' is the last thing on my mind."

Toshiro's end game gets Hunter's eyes rolling again, "Been there, not worth it," he says to the evil mastermind, or was it minion, it sounded like this Whitehall whoever he was is calling the shots. "How about you send Bobbi on her way and the two of us go for beers and commiserate, the stories I can tell you... this one time in Prauge, you remember this one right?" he asks looking for Bobbi. It's code, in Prauge the two of them had been caught by the terrorists they'd been sent to investigate and kept them talking until their backup showed up and put the odds in their favour... if only he knew who Bobbi's backup was.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"You sold me out to Whitehall, Toshiro!," Bobbi glares with anger, her lips in a thin line as she hears over the comms 'well...so much for that plan.' She narrows her eyes, "Barely fifteen seconds and we're right back in Helsinki, thanks.. great.." The two men in her life, neither really in her life 'at the moment', and Toshiro was always just an asset. Lance, however, was complicated.

Codes, always codes. Lots of shared history. Helsinki, that time they got cut off from their team and had to go it alone. "Whatever fool thing you've agreed to Toshiro, it's not too late. Nothing Whitehall could possibly want is good for you and especially not for me. His brand of HYDRA is old school Toshiro, you know that." May be that's what made it so hard to say no to Whitehall. But really, Toshiro isn't the sort to go on the run, he has too much material wealth to lose.

Slowly, she lowers her arms. This is going to require a rethink. Hopefully Jemma can get away and warn SHIELD, otherwise it'll be a day before Tokyo realises they haven't checked in and raises the alarm. By then who knows where they could be.

"You should just let Lance go, he's not SHIELD and he's not relevant to whatever Whitehall wants. Hunter isn't a part of this," her eyes flit over to him, she knows this ploy won't work - she already surrendered her weapon for the man.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"You will see the brilliance of what I have planned soon enough." Toshiro replies with a lift of his shoulders. And truly, if it was only Toshiro here her most likely could had been goaded to just talk and talk. He likes listening to his voice afterall. Unfortunately the other men don't really answer to him.

"You secured the backup?" One of the men asks through comms. "Good, bring them in. And lets get going to the transports. It will be a long trip."

The men keep their guns pointed at Jemma, gesturing with their chins for her to get going to the main room so she can join in with the rest of the 'gang' that awaits for backup to arrive. "We only found one." they announce.

The guy holding Hunter sneers. Hunter is truly making a lot of friends in his short stay here so far. All that charm ... "Keep talking, wise guy and you will be missing a couple of teeth before we get there!" well, the good news is that they don't seem to be wanting to kill Hunter either, or anyone really.... for now.

Toshiro then picks up his phone, dialing and talking to the phone. "Yes, Doctor Whitehall. We have secured them." a pause. "Yes, soon. Right away. Of course..."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Yes, yes....I am going." With that, Jemma walks back towards the main room. After all, she knows the way there. Of course, as she walks, the brown eyes note the miniature devices on their wrists. Which...prompts Jemma to make a comment, just as she enters. "You know...the last time I saw a person with that sort of device, they suffered massive cardiac arrest and died within minutes of use. I do hope that you have your affairs in order."

    Hey, it isn't all that threatening. But...it is true. And that makes it perhaps all the more intimidating.

    Bobbi gets a watery smile as Jemma is walked into the room. There isn't much more given...with one exception. "I do believe that they were expecting us. I had a suspicion it was too easy to gain entrance."

    Jemma Simmons, Mistress of the obvious.

Clint Barton has posed:
Hunter is focused on how the Helsinki they were going to get out of this to really snark at his captor or reply back to Bobbi. At least until the guards bring in Simmon.

"/She's/ your back up?!" he says with an incredulous look tossed Bobbi's way. "You've got literally thousands of agents to choose from and you drag Simmons out of the lab?" a sympathetic look is given to Simmons as an afterthought. "No offense."

He does notice that there's a definite lack of bullets being put into skulls at the moment, which gives him hope they can use that later.

For now though? Hunter sighs, "Well, might as well enjoy the trip, don't suppose you take Air Miles, would love a bump up to first class," he offers his guard as he prepares to be hauled away.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Oh Hey Simmons, welcome to the ambush. Sorry..," she grimaces a touch and then lets out a sigh as one of the HYDRA agents approaches and zip ties her wrists behind her back. They re-tie Lance and one of the ones escorting Simmons zip-ties her wrists too.

Bobbi in one of her darker moments, her eyes narrowed and her voice sounding disturbingly calm, says to Toshiro, "This will not turn out the way you hoped, I will make you pay for this." One of the HYDRA guards does a small squirm and says, "oOo shivers down my spine, now I know why they call you the Daughter of Darkness." Bobbi glares at him, "Was I talking to you? No, I was not." She sighs and looks to Lance, "Not Helsinki, Poland. Definitely Poland."