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The Hall of Justice: About King T'Challa of Wakanda
Date of Scene: 16 September 2020
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: The Justice League deliberate on the idea of expanding teleporter use raised by Kara. While the idea fails at logistics, the group seems genuinely interested in knowing more about Wakanda and T'Challa.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Zatanna Zatara, Clark Kent, Oliver Queen, Karen Starr

Kara Danvers has posed:
This is far worse than a job interview, which was terrible enough the first time. This is making a request of all the established heroes of Earth who still barely know her, not like they know her cousin. But who is she if not an El to fight for what she thinks is right. Nerves will have to fray later, she will just have to take Batman's steely gaze one word at a time.

Kara smiles to the assembled group and says, "Thank you for finding the time to hear me today. I know this is probably unusual and as you all know I'm still quite new to this world and its customs, so please forgive me if I get the etiquette of presentations wrong."

She tucks her hands behind her back, toying with the hem of her cape, "I recently had the chance to talk to the King of Wakanda, T'Challa also know as the Black Panther. He was unaware that I am Supergirl."

"I learnt a lot about him, but one thing that become very clear to me was how much he cared about helping people. I think we all saw that with Wakandan help at Genosha. What hadn't been clear in those actions was the pressures he is under to stop being a hero for the rest of the world. If you'll allow me, I wish to elaborate, and propose something unorthodox."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Steely gaze? Well...hard to deny that particular charge. Did Batman deliberately have his seat placed in the most shadowy portion of the table? It wouldn't really be beyond him, but maybe it's more just a trick of the eyes borne of his general appearance and attitude. He's seated, elbows resting on the arms of his seat, fingers steepled before him, and certainly listening intently to what Kara has to say. Given that she has already made clear there's more to be said, he doesn't interrupt.

Kate Kane has posed:
In contast, Batwoman sits in a fairly well-lit part of the table. Unlike her cousin, her gaze is friendly enough despite the cowl as she looks at Supergirl while she talks about T'Challa and Wakanda. Her head tilts slightly as she listens, then she smiles very slightly, "It's alright, Supergirl, we won't bite."

She nods slightly at the mention of pressures on the Panther, "Uneasy is the head that wears the crown, that's true. What precisely are you proposing?" Her tone seems open, though cautious, mainly wanting to hear what exactly Kara is suggesting.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Did someone say unorthodox? Among the Justice League, different champions fit very different descriptions or roles. Case in point. Beyond the shining heroes of bright goodness and the inveterate strategists, there is currently a mage. Mage or magician as the mood takes someone to call her, either being accurate, but Zatanna Zatara isn't merely a pretty celebrity captivating audiences with stunning sleights of hand. At the moment, she happens to be nursing a mug of rooibos tea scented slightly with a caramel finish.

Tea that smells heavenly and she puts down after a sip, placed with care on the table. Her vivid heliotrope eyes follow Kara's every move, the loose black hair falling in a vibrant wave over her face. Possibly in homage to other heroes who get to wear masks; she doesn't. "Wakanda has been quite prominent in global affairs, especially in the Indian Ocean," she agrees. "Interesting for a landlocked nation. Go on, then."

The spark of interest is there; she may be the lone spotlight in most of Gotham and it plays out here.

Clark Kent has posed:
His forearms resting on the tabletop, Superman raises his eyebrows and glances around the table, nods at Batwoman, then looks back at Kara. "No need to be so formal," he agrees with a friendly smile. "Just let us know what you think we can do." There's not much she could ask, short of some kind of crackdown on internal dissent within Wakanda, that he thinks would be a cause for such nervousness. But then, Superman's particular perspective gives him a tendency to forget that others might find him or his peers imposing. (Yes, even Batman. Superman's perspective is very particular.) Still, other than these words of encouragement, he doesn't chip in quite yet, curious to see what Kara is going to ask.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Being fashionably late in a dramatic fashion? That's Ollie! He walks into the room right when Kara is starting her speech towards the rest of the gathered heroes, dressed in the usual garb of the Green Arrow. All those dark greens and leathers. And his bow too, just in case... There's always the threat of that random attack at the hall of justice when so many heroes were gathered together.

But he doesn't interrupt, making his way towards one of the seats to listen. "It's one of those countries that I admittedly do not know a lot about yet." he says, taking his seat and leaning back.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Seated across the table from Kara, but not -directly- so, Power Girl sits, leaned forward. Her elbows rest on the table, and her hands cover most of the lower half of her face. Her chin is, idly, resting on her thumbs. Over the top of her interlaced fingers, piercing blue eyes lock on Kara.

    It isn't that her gaze is unpleasant, but more that she's just... Intense. She's probably not trying to be intimidating, but despite how comfortable her posture is, it's also, well, powerful.

    Her half-cape is unclasped from its belt, and rests softly in place next to her on the table. What makes it all the worse is that she isn't speaking- Much like Bruce, she realized that there was more to be said- so she's not going to interrupt.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles, finding a little more confidence now that she's begun and those at the table are so encouraging. Well, except her twin who she feels is judging her every little move... how is it so many people here do these speeches so naturally? Heck, how does Kal do it so well? She takes a breath and a half a step, "I've never been to Wakanda. I'm not even sure where it is exactly," which she finds rather curious, "But the way T'Challa talked about his home, he conveyed a sense of longing to do more, to help the world more. He feels that his nation has something more to offer the world.

    I didn't want to pry too much, because he explained as King he has people who expect him to be at home running things there, not running off to the USA and other parts of the world being a superhero. Put simply, he lives too far away from where the Avengers operate."

    She pauses a moment and says, "But what if he and other heroes like him, the ones who have proven themselves to the world, what if those people also had the ability to get where they needed to go as fast as us. What if we granted them permission to use our teleporter.

    King T'Challa could rapidly travel between his duties as King of his country, and as an Avenger. Whatever is holding his people back from opening up, perhaps they will see we are just as willing to open our arms to them for no other reason than to help. He knows nothing of this idea I had. If it is something we can do, or even should do, and decide to do - it would be a lovely surprise for the man. One less road block for him to keep up his good works. He could be the first.. amongst potentially many more outside the USA who could benefit from the technology."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman flashes Zee a slight grin, "Don't suppose you have another one of those?" She tilts her head towards the sorceress, then fixes her attention back towards Kara as she explains further. And well, the grin fades just a bit as she processes what Supergirl is proposing.

"So, you're suggesting that we open our use of the teleporters to Wakanda proper? Or for superheroic groups in general?" She looks at Supergirl with a critical, though not particularly hostile, eye, "If the former, that could definitely have the appearance that we're taking sides in global politics. Which can be... problematic, to say the least." She pauses, looking a bit reflective, "For the latter... well, for both, I would worry about operational security. Not to mention the fact that it does seem that most other organizations have their own ways to 'rapid transit'."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman's gaze and expression do not waver, but when he speaks, it largely mirrors what his cousin has already said, "T'Challa in particular presents a challenge, being the sovereign of his nation. As Batwoman indicated, it could be taken as the League favoring one nation over others, and I don't think sharing our teleportation technology with every nation that supports the League is an idea any of us are likely fond of. It would only be a matter of time before Amanda Waller or someone like her had a back door right into the Watchtower. As it stands it may be an inevitable we can only delay, that someone finds a way to compromise the teleportation network, but I'd prefer we delay it as long as possible."

"As for other superhero teams..." Bruce does frown a bit, "It's less a matter of trust, and more a matter of security. Not to disparage the good work many other groups do, but everyone we open the teleportation network to is another point of vulnerability for the Watchtower, and even many of our individual homes and headquarters."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna briefly smiles in Ollie's direction when he slouches in, carrying the bow and looking every inch his codename. The mug steams away in front of her. "I left the tin in the kitchen. It's the one with the red bird on it," she explains to Kara, in case anyone else cares to partake of her herbal tea. The beguiling fragrance might call to mine stickier desserts, but it's not overly intrusive or saccharine. Absent of a cup, steeping her immaculate white-gloved fingers signals a sure openness to her posture.

She briefly checks the reactions around the table, but mostly her focus remains on the blonde making a presentation. Interest narrows her eyes, that easy smile immobilized to render encouragement.

"Could you clarify something for me? I'd like to know if he would be traveling in his capacity as an Avenger, a head of state, or simply as a regular everyday person. Considering the former," she nods to Batman, "the Avengers have access to their own means of transportation just as the Justice League does. Multiple modes, as a matter of course. Wouldn't this be something to take up with Mr. Stark if he required more rapid methods?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Green Arrow's expression turns more serious the more Kara speaks and lets know what exactly she is requesting, fingertips steepled together. He listens to the others while the speak and then dips his head in a nod. "And as you said, Supergirl, you don't even know where Wakanda is. Barely anyone knows about it." he says in that deep voice of his (and without the modulator this time!)

"But was this something you meant for Panther's personal use? Or for a more general one to Wakanda?" He asks. "Because the more people are aware or have access to these teleporters the easier it will be for those with not so good intentions to get their hands on the tech."

A sigh. "I agree it's only a matter of time though." tone resigned.

"But yes.." And he gestures to the various gathered here. "I think we are all curious on how exactly you intended to make it work."

The mention of tea from Zee does ease up his expression some and he says. "I will just need to beat all the super-speedsters to get there before they have drank it all." a faint smile.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman leans back a bit and tilts his head a few degrees to one side as he gives Kara's proposal some thought, and listens to what a few others have to say. "The Watchtower teleporters were installed to allow an instant response to global crises," he starts, agreeably. After a pause, he continues, "That said, they were granted to us specifically for Justice League use, not necessarily anyone we decide to give access. As far as security goes, I know enough about it to listen when the experts are talking." He nods first at the Bats, then Green Arrow.

He leans to one side, lifts a hand to his chin, and pulls the opposite corner of his mouth back in a small smile. "That's not to say I would definitely be against that kind of arrangement for a non-member, if it were really needed, but it seems to me there's a simpler answer here. We're a global superhero team, and he's a superhero, after all. Why not consider Black Panther for membership in the League?"

He gestures to Batwoman and Batman, palm up. "That gives us a chance to vet him for security purposes. It means we're not stepping one inch past our mandate, or giving anyone an 'in.'" He inclines his head toward Zatanna, continuing, "It would mean he's using the teleporters in the same capacity the rest of us are. And it's not as though it's unheard of for someone to be both an Avenger and a member of the League." He glances over at Karen, hitching his shoulders slightly. "If he's interested, of course. Couldn't hurt to ask."

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's sort of a soft sigh, a quiet exhale that Power Girl gives at the suggestion. It's not especially judgmental, but the way she looks, it's less like she's annoyed, but more like she perhaps understood this conversation- or one like it- was bound to happen sooner or later.

    "I want to note before I say anything else- because it hasn't been noted yet- that I appreciate the thought behind this. I don't want this to sound insulting or patronizing, but I think your heart's in the right place, and I think that ought to count for something."

    Her hands have, by then, unfurled from one another. She leans back in her chair, resting her arms on the arms of the chair, and taking a moment to look around the room for a moment, to let that sink in. Even if Kara weren't her counterpart from this universe, Karen would've made that point.

    "But, with that said. There are a lot of issues logistically that we'd need to broach, and not the least of which is whether or not the technology we're using is as expandable as it would need to be. It's enough risk right now, even with how little risk there is, that one of us goes missing walking into a teleporter. Despite how safe they are now, I think it'd be hard to argue that stranger things haven't happened. It's even worse thinking that a civilian might, and worse -still- for it to be someone from what is, ostensibly, a foreign nation."

    Karen's attention turns, then, to Clark. "I support that. If nothing else, then it means that, if he needs it, if he -wants- it, he has a network of support that can assist in Wakanda, however he might be open to."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara elaborates, "The Black Panther only, in the role of the Black Panther. I wouldn't want us to be playing favourites either." She can't fault the concerns of many at the table. Security is a big issue, "I feel, in the case of someone like the Black Panther, that fears for security may be more fears for trust. This is a powerful technology for Earth. It is a responsibility, as has been spoken around the table.

    It may be one thing to invite him to join us - but what about the next? and the next after that? Not that I would be opposed to asking him or others. But what about doing the most good we can with the resources we have. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but unless Power Girl or the Hulk start giving everybody lifts, the fastest the Avengers can travel is with Mr. Stark's rocket boots?"

She nods though and says, "But Kal is right, the simplest solution would be for him to be one of us. Though I don't see how we could do that without knowing more about him and his home. I accept that Earth may not be ready for teleporters popping up everywhere and that security is therefore paramount."

Karen's statements though always bring back the thought -- has this happened before? did she propose it in her own universe? did it get accepted and go badly? or did it get rejected? She blinks a few times and stops staring at Power Girl and then looks back to the table. "Not all ideas are in their right time or place, perhaps it is too soon to broaden the usage."

Clark Kent has posed:
"If the question is about Black Panther, specifically, I think we have a pretty clear path to follow," Superman says, leaning forward with his forearms on the table again. "If it's about the broader application of teleportation technology? As I understand, it's a logistical issue. We've got six tubes, and several of their critical parts are salvage from alien technology. They are expensive and energy-intensive to operate."

"Assuming we fire all six as frequently as we can, how do we choose the six people for each transfer? Do we charge an exorbitant fee, so that only the rich and powerful have access? Allot passage based on need? How do we make that choice -- make people fill out a form? Hire a support staff to process their requests? Suddenly that instant transport isn't so instant anymore. And if there's a waiting list, do we just cut past other people whenever we need them ourselves?"

Superman frowns and spreads his bare hands, as if indicating a mountain of invisible paperwork. "If humanity can replicate this technology and apply it more widely, that would be an incredible leap forward. If we try to remake ourselves into transportation infrastructure, I worry that we'd only be moving the League backward."

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman arches a brow beneath her cowl towards Supergirl, "Last I checked, the Avengers do have Quinjets... but that's neither here nor there. And I don't have an objection to the Black Panther being offered a membership. That would solve his personal use of the teleporters rather neatly, honestly."

She hmmms, "Though, I feel that this is a case where we need to know more about Wakanda, and T'Challa in particular. He seems like a good man, but it does feel that Wakanda is much more than it appears at first glance. And I would have to say that operational security in paramount when there are this many unknowns." She nods slightly towards Clark's earlier comment, apparently appreciating the recognition here. Then something else that was said clicks in her head.

"Now, I need to get some of that tea before the Flash chugs it all." She flashes an easy grin towards Zee, rising up from her chair and moving over to pour herself a cup. Though when Superman makes the comment about charging fees, she does aside towards Zee, "I might not be able to afford Hamilton tickets then..."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Batman nods, once, as Clark speaks, then adds, "The alien technology is another critical point...offering that up to humanity is potentially interfering in their development on a scale we usually try to avoid." He does, however, glance towards Kara and note, "Though Power Girl is correct, the intention was laudable."

Batman adds, "I have no objection to the Black Panther being vetted for membership, if he's interested. I would also add that if the situation makes it more feasible and palatable, it technically would be possible to create a second teleportation network that is effectively air-gapped from our own. But to give them the full scope and scale of what our system is capable of, it would effectively require building the better part of another Watchtower, which is an expenditure of resources that would be a serious strain even for us, and one that the rest of the world might not be so cooperative on if they don't feel they're getting more of a direct benefit from it."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I agree with Panther joining us if he so wishes. He has proven himself with the Avengers already. Though as long as it's for more than simply using the teleporters, we want committed people with the League afterall." Oliver says, gesturing with one hand, "And yes, the teleportation is for the League use, we should not be thinking on expanding it to anything more than that. It would be a nightmare otherwise.." a small shake of his head given.

"Yet even with that said, the Hyperloop already exists which is similar enough, just not as encompassing as the teleporters we have at the moment. At least not yet." He finishes just before a nod is given towards Kate in agreement about knowing more about Wakanda. It was an important part of it too!

"Trust needs to go both ways."

When Batman comes with the suggestion of a second network he looks thoughtful, "I agree with Superman in that focusing too much on the teleporting tech may be setting us back instead of us using it with the original intention we wanted it for. Which is to answer global crisis."

Karen Starr has posed:
    It's when Clark starts to speak that Karen folds her arms. This is, of course, an unquestionably unacceptable thing to do, for a couple reasons, but she'll be damned if she can't be comfortable in her own chair. Quietly, she nods along with her other-universe cousin, agreeing with the points he's raising.

    "I think, at this point, we have little more that can be said about expanding the teleporter network right this moment. As far as I am concerned, Black Panther merits enough consideration that we should be more than happy to approach him about membership. This is a man whose sense of justice and righteousness is so strong, that he has crossed the borders both physically and figuratively in order to help the rest of the world. I have no doubt that he's League material."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zee drinks the rooibos tea again, cupping the mug in her hands to absorb its warmth and taste its flavour. Steam still rises but she doesn't have very much to worry about burning her tongue, or her lips. The silent swallowing grants her time to listen to the others as they each share their thoughts. She stays quiet on Kara's proposal for quite some time, the questions and thoughts percolating behind her thoughtful expression.

The bobbing strand of shadow curling against her nose needs to be nudged back, though it's no serious distraction. "I have my concerns about misuse of such technology, not the least being what happens if the government changes in Wakanda. If there is a dispute, do we suddenly become involved in internal politics or is it deemed to be an elevation of one candidate over another? The Black Panther is a sovereign of Wakanda, so is this technology only used when he's on heroic matters or acting as a monarch? I fail to see why he specifically needs access to this technology when multiple Avengers can approximate it the same, or they have access to equivalent technology that would transport them. Operational security aside, what do we do if someone tracks /him/ during one of these missions when he uses the teleporter? Are we suddenly pulled into a conflict? Operational security on behalf of the Avengers is another reality too. We aren't privy to everything they know. They are not involved with everything we are, either."

She carefully draws herself up a little further, cup put down on the table gently. "Disregarding the fact they have access to Mr. Stark, is it not reasonable they might already have plans or workable technology? Further assistance there is one thing to help them devise their own, but sharing the whole scale of it opens us up to further risks outside what we already have. Logistically I want to point out beings that can play with dimensional science or magic can also manipulate or toy with a signature. I certainly have an idea how to do it, and John would have his own thoughts to add."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara folds her arms and turns her head from person to person that she surveils at the table. It's comforting to hear so many well thought out perspectives and opinions. Not that she expected less from Kal's friends. She is used to the far more chaotic organisation of the Titans.

"We generally seem to want to know more about Wakanda. For my own part, just out of pure curiosity. He has a brilliant sharp mind and cares a lot about societies and the people within them. I would be fascinated to see how that translates to his own nation."

"I am just one voice here, and I am here in case things go wrong on top of things going wrong. As the one who brought this discussion to the table, I feel I should step back now and let you all discuss what you would or would not like to do next. Though, if it is a talk with T'Challa about Wakanda or the League, please count me in..."