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Return to Lian Yu
Date of Scene: 13 September 2020
Location: Lian Yu
Synopsis: Team Arrow made a statement, Lian Yu is theirs. Whitehall lost his newest, shiniest base. The island has swallowed it back up.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Vanessa Carlysle, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, AJ Strong, Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Bobbi Morse

Oliver Queen has posed:
Surveillance had been done, allies called in and finally the time had come for them to move in..

A private jet had been hired, because billionaires have those perks of having money, and they had made their way over to another island (this one on the charts), to do the final approach by ship. A small one, but fast. And while it made it so they would get there under one day it also meant you couldn't just .., avoid CERTAIN people. Which made things akward for sure.. Yet Oliver had given no verbal refusals to any allies (or those willing) to come on this mission. So here they were, approaching the island..

It looms on the distance now, the time having been chosen to give them a way of approach without their ship being drawn to the looming cliffs. And it was finally time to go for the plan one last time.

"We will go in through their underwater entrance." he explains, pointing to a place on the map. "Which is why I brought in underwater suits for us." always prepared!

"The objective will be to neutralize any Hydra we find and disable the base. And hopefully uncover what they are doing here. Any questions?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa took some motion sickness medicine, not quite sure how she was going to feel after this long at sea. A new experience for her, and whether it was the medicine or just it wasn't something that affects her greatly, she's managed to make the trip without any green in the face or signs of other distress. A good first step anyway.

She has on leathers that are very similar in style to Green Arrow's but adapted for a woman. She's been quieter than normal for much of the trip, sensitive to the tensions she knows Oliver must be feeling about this unusual assortment gathered together.

She moves over to double check the underwater gear that will get them to the island and the base from where the boat drops them off. Also double checking everything that will keep her arrows and bows (primary and a backup) from being affected by the water. As Oliver asks if there are any questions, she glances over at the others briefly but just answers with a little shake of her head.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea had actually made a point to be sure someone was asked along; someone in her mind that knew the island and could be willing to give her a rundown of what the island once had, could have and couldn't possibly support. It was a trip in which she had insisted to be part of, knowing full well that it was actually beyond the dangerous that she'd experienced up until now. There's a slightly different set to the form of the younger sibling, a certain something that perhaps hadn't been there before. There's a solid, quiet determination backed with the stirrings of understanding and knowledge. She moves a little differently, and while she may still look waifish, those softer parts are a little more hardened, honed, defined. There's something more assured in her manner.

Quiet on the flight, she's been sitting with Slade, and any conversation has been low; in whispers. Occasionally, her head would hang down, canted to the side, and a laugh and a smile given to others to acknowledge she's part of the whole.

Once on the boat, however, her steps slow as she looks at it. Thea casts a glance around, and there's a flicker of.. something before it's gone and she offers up a game smile.

"Their underwater entrance," Thea repeats. "How built up is it? How many might be guarding it?"

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy's been in good spirits since their departure -- headed off to a faraway island he's never seen before to face shark infested waters and a bunch of bad guys who don't know the difference between a hydra and an octopus with a skull on it -- how bad can they be? There's a kind of underlying energy that has him a bit fidgety. He's been playing with some of his gadgets on the plane, making some adjustments to them with his tools in his lap to keep his hands and his mind busy so he doesn't just talk the entire trip.

When they switch over to the boat, though, he packs everything away carefully and makes sure that everything in his new underwater-capable suit is ready to go, checking the pouches, the doodads and whatsits that he's brought along with him. When he's not fiddling and messing with his gear, though, he's sitting next to AJ and occasionally talking with him as they make their way to their destination. "So uh, what kind of sharks are down there anyway? Are these suits snackproof?" he asks. Since Ollie had mentioned sharks before.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ sits towards the back of the boat, still and silent. It's quite unlike him, usually jittery and a little o the hyperactive side, but he's doing his best to keep himself calm and collected especially whenever his eyes pass over the collected individuals. Once Ollie begins speaking though, he directs his attention to the map, trying to take in as much detail as he can from his vantage point.

His usual outfit has been toned down a little, the silver and black is instead a blending of gray and black, his new weapon of choice tucked through his belt. The mention of underwater suits has him suddenly casting his gaze at the water's surface and a distinct thinning of his lips as a few thoughts pass through his head. He murmurs a soft, "Note to self, do my underwater practicing."

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
There is a quiet individual, currently just sitting and observing. There is a hood over the person's head, but a mask as well, making the hood rather theatrical...and entirely not needed. Still, from the ensemble and the build, the male individual is yet another archer. With the black motif, it would be hard to not determine that this is the thorn in the side of Team Arrow...the nameless dark archer.

The featureless mask just...watches. And waits.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson has perhaps not surprisingly been fairly taciturn with most save Thea during this trip. Not...hostile, and but mostly not speaking unless spoken to, though at least he's mostly kept the snark reined in as well. He's a professional, after all. He must not have seen any real problems with Ollie's plan, as he'd hardly be the type to stay silent if he did.

On the plus side, he brought his own gear. A veritable arsenal of weaponry, though it's carried over one of his older suits, not the Ikonn Prototype, nor his original suit, but a perhaps slightly more tactical, hardshell suit. There's a waterproof pack for those items that shouldn't get wet, and even a custom rebreather that links in to his helmet for the swim in. Bats and Arrows aren't the only people who are always prepared. He's already fully kitted out and ready to go, sans the final donning and hookup of his helmet, which for the moment is tucked under an arm.

"I thought HYDRA was long dead and buried, but from what little we were briefed on when I was serving, they tended to make up in numbers and tech what they might lack in skill." This is a bit of a tell in and of itself..."normal" military units wouldn't have been getting briefed on HYDRA. "Expect a lot of them, and when you think you're done, expect at least a few more. Even if they're carrying World War II era tech, it'll still be advanced, just probably bulkier than what you'd see these days, and if they've modernized well...don't take anything for granted. These guys are the reason Captain America was made, so as silly as some of their shtick might seem, they're likely no joke." Well, so much for taciturn, but at least it's hopefully-useful advice?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"If a head is cut off, two more shall take its place," is the saying about the mythical HYDRA and the operation of HYDRA itself. They say it of themselves more specifically. If it were true, the number of times HYDRA has been crushed the planet should be overrun with them by now.

But when left unchecked, this monster has a way of returning. So it is that HYDRA has taken root in Purgatory, somewhere they think they will be left undisturbed, secreted away amidst the wild south China seas. Safe to grow their new empire of super human soldiers.

Daniel Whitehall had put all his eggs in to this basket. While his American base was critical to the operation, for capturing and delivering Inhumans, Metahumans, and Mutants alike - this is where he can do his SCIENCE! once more. Away from the prying eyes of SHIELD, away from threat of the Avengers, away even from Red Skull.

A channel had been cut through the jagged rocks that make the crashing shore line against the cliffs.. and cut in to the stone a large octopus. Why the name HYDRA and an octopus? Who knows. Below the symbol, a watery cavern carved out of the stone. There are sharks meandering about under water, though they have yet to discover a taste for divers.

A submarine has been parked inside here, air pressure keeping the sea at bay. Large walk ways cut out of the stone make up the majority of the hanger space. There are large crates everywhere making any approach quite easy. They are still moving in.

The roof and walls seem to have been either blasted or laser cut or diamond drilled. None of it looks elegant, but hastily bored through. There are large air vents to maintain the air pressure in here and pressurised doors leading north and south deeper in to the base.

HYDRA agents are milling about near doors or just chatting to each other. Two by two, three sets in total in this sea hanger. They are all armed with AK74s over their chest, a pistol at their hip, a large bowie knife at their other hip. Some even have grenades. But, they all wear a weird looking watch that Arrow warned the group about, the watches that give these goons super powers.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver's mind has been racing, trying to stay one step ahead of what he knows he will be finding on that island.. And what others will find there as well. Yet the closer they get to the island and he sees it looming in the distance all those thoughts come rushing back in, the man taking hold on the side of the boat for support and staring ahead for a moment. But if anything can be said about the Queen is that their poker face is impeccable. So that broody, detached visage is what remains in the end. It takes him a moment to register the questions but when he does he goes by them.

"As by the briefing, expect powers, even if they may be inexperienced using them, along with deadly drones with buzzing saws. I disabled them last time with EMPs, but be careful." he warns. Well, the original briefing hadn't exactly been shared with Malcolm and Slade. But they had received indications during the trip of what they could expect to find. Whatever they are doing there is serious enough, and dangerous.

Oliver looks to Thea, "I am expecting minimal defense by that entrance. It's where their submarine goes in, and secret. They won't expect a breach through it."

As for the sharks. "One of the reasons being these waters, shark infested." he explains. "But we won't dive in so far that they will get our scent and move in." a grim smirk given to Roy. "Hopefully."


Suits are given out to everyone, dress up, go. It's all done professionally, in a trained manner, "Lets move, follow me. Once we get there we will spread and start taking over. Remember it will be frequency 02-5 for our comms." breather is put on and into the water he goes.. And as the Arrow expected there are no sharks that block their way, even if some loom in the darkness where their lights do not reach. Always a threat.

Once out he gets out of his underwater suit, opening his pack for his bow and arrows, the comms, waiting for the rest of the team to assemble so they assess the enemy.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle drifts towards the back of the group, keeping an eye on the group, but also behind them. She had never really considered just how afraid of sharks she might be until she saw the first one. The images on TV just had not prepared her for the sheer size of them!

She's thankful enough to silently think a little prayer as they make it into the Hydra base's underwater entrance. Though she's considering it may not be long before she'll wish she was back out there with the sharks. The ones in here are much better armed.

She follows Oliver to the dark patch and quietly gets out of her wetsuit and checks the rest of her gear. << Comms check, >> she whispers, the throat mike picking up the sound without her having to make it more than the slightest bit audible.

Also, she sounds like Kathleen Turner through her comms. One might think Green Arrow's voice modulator has gotten an upgrade.

Thea Queen has posed:
Once the question is raised, Thea waits for the answer even as they get every closer to their dive point. Slade's response gains her full attention, blue eyes not moving before she nods her understanding and acknowledgment. Ollie's response gains the same sort of reaction; a quick nod before she reaches to don her suit. She also has her own bag packed with her 'supplies', that is, bow/arrows and swords. There's a side arm loaded and ready as well, but it's a last resort holdout for her.

Never let it be said that Thea doesn't notice her brother's moods, and the closer to the island, the more she could //feel// the disquiet. She's smart enough to know this isn't easy, and she reaches out a hand quickly to her big brother with a, "Hey.." and a smile.

We got this.

While not as nimble and able as perhaps some of the others to don the wetsuit, Thea can step into it reasonably well, though she needs a hand with pulling the hood from between her shoulderblades where it bunches. One step to stretch, another, and she's snorkling up, checking her own coms.


Following her brother into the water, going in backwards for the least amount of splash, Thea rights herself as it were, and begins the swim towards the entrance. Remarkably, she's not worried about the sharks. Right now? They're the least of her concerns....

Once the muster area is gained, Thea pulls herself up and out of the water to quickly pull off that same wetsuit and don some formfitting leathers remeniscent of her reds. (Or are they the same ones, only modified slightly?) She has her quiver set out onto her back, her bow is readied, and sitting next to the quiver? A pair of low-slung swords also grace her back. A small pistol, nothing more than a Russian knockoff of a PPK (Makarov) sits on her thigh. Holdout only... she's got other skills in case of trouble.

"Okay," is whispered into the com. "Landfall." She's made it.

Roy Harper has posed:
There had been a glance or two from Roy over in Slade's direction when he'd first seen the man join the party, curious, more than anything else, at seeing someone he recognized, but he didn't say much of anything other than to point him out to AJ briefly. His own suit is a dark red but not all that different from Vanessa and Ollie's in design. He wears his mask now that they're approaching the HYDRA base, and makes sure that he's ready to go. His attention focuses on Slade as he briefs them a bit on what to expect from HYDRA, nodding a little bit and becoming a little more serious as time to hit the water approaches.

When the order is given to hit the water, Roy doesn't hesitate. He dives on in and follows Oliver and the others in toward their landing point. He's a pretty decent swimmer, and perhaps just a touch more concerned about the sharks than he let on, because he stays real close to the others as they make their way in. Once out of the water, he likewise does a quick comms check and gets out his bow, quiver, and checks his gear. "Good to go."

AJ Strong has posed:
"Very subtle." Is all AJ can manage to say when that logo-carved cliff face comes into view. "Do they also worship Cthulhu?" But soon he's following the rest of the group down into the water and through the entrance into the base.

His mind is just on moving ahead, don't think about the sharks, don't think about the guns ahead, he tries to keep his mind in the moment.

He cleaves tight to the group, even as they slip free of the water and wetsuits. Sitting on his heels in a crouch, he takes a moment to set his new comm device in place with a grin towards Roy for whatever reason, "Check." The smile lasts only for a moment before his eyes are scanning what they can of the room. No bag of supplies for him, just the one collapsable staff that now sits tucked away in his belt. His fingers twitch slightly, the only sign of his usual fidgeting.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Sharks are hardly the most dangerous predator in the water with this bunch. Slade eschews the wet suit, trusting in his own gear. With the rebreather properly seated, no bubbles give away his presence as they go, and he's the last one out of the water, largely because he makes a close pass along the body of that Submarine and just might attach couple things to the hull. You know, explosive things. Don't want a sub chasing them out when they leave. Of course, they won't likely be detonated unless necessary, but the contingency is in place. He also takes a few moments to pop his eyes up out of the water in a few different places to get the lay of the land and the positioning of the guards, and the only reason he's not horrendously late is that superhuman strength makes you a comparatively fast swimmer.

Eventually, though, Slade rises up out of the water like a wraith, the benefit of long ago cross-training with a bunch of Navy SEALS. Like the others, he swiftly unpacks his waterproof bag, securing the various bits of gear to his costume in a manner that insures they don't rattle or clatter when he moves. Sword on the back, sidearm at the hip, a collection of grenades of various types, several throwing knives and one full combat-knife, and a suppressed submachinegun, with plenty of ammo to spare. Not really any room for the staff this time, but that's OK.

And once he's on the ground, he actually starts "speaking" in hand signs. Signs Ollie well-knows, and may have taught the others. Thea's certainly been learning and there's no telling what all the Dark Archer might know, but either way he's likely smart enough to get the gist of it. In a span of moments, he indicates the three sets of guards and their rough positioning,though he stops short of directing anyone or "claiming" any of them. It's Ollie's show, he's just along for the ride.

And if you believe it's that simple, he's got some beachfront property in Nevada to sell you.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The HYDRA agents are chatting in different languages. The two by the south door are speaking in Italian. The two by the north door are speaking in Mandorin. The two closest to the submarine are speaking English.. or more specifically moron.

"Wait wait," he says to his partner and touches his watch. "I can reach it from here." The other just laughs, "For sure, go on." The man takes a running leap across the water to the submarine. He lands on the black metal nose of the thing, slips, hits his face on it and slides in to the water.

The other guard starts laughing and the other four glance over to see what the noise is. Nothing they need to care about, they go back to their conversations. Just the small touch of blood in the water is enough to slowly encourage the sharks to circle closer to the submarine and parking pool.

The guard climbs out of the water, soaked. But his leap was an eye opener for those who had yet to see these goons with super powers. The jump might have set a world record. "Pay up," his partner says and the wet one pulls out a soaked US fifty note and hands it over. One thing is for sure, these guards do not expect the unexpected down here.

Oliver Queen has posed:
With landfall having been achieved it was time to survey, to take in their enemies. The groups. Six in total, neatly separate in groups. Just ideal for their numbers too, at least to begin with..

Oliver had come dressed in that usual dark green now that the wet suit was out, the technological quiver being placed on his back, arrow primed and ready. One of his favorites too, both staff and able to separate into those escrima sticks if he wanted to. Handy! And of course, the belt with a few assorted surprises, along with a small knife on the side..

No guns though. He was a bow man afterall!

And as everyone gathers up, appearing ready he begins to communicate through hand signs as well. And with no room to play with the 'lets practice team up' he separates them in the most likely groups to work on this as silently as possible. Thea and Slade get assigned to one of them to the side, Oliver and Vanessa to the other.. As for Roy and AJ, he gestures to the betting duo by the submarine... Malcolm is assigned backup, help any group that may get in trouble.

Another gesture signaling as silent as possible. <Sync up, 30 seconds, move in.>

With assignments handed it's time to move. One last look lingers on Slade, a narrow of his eyes under the mask but it soon leaves him, maybe just that the reminder that he's watching him... But then his bow comes up, a glance shared with Vanessa, no real communication needed between them. He primes a blunt arrow in, aiming it at one of the goon's head, waiting for those 30 seconds before releasing..

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver confirms the positioning of her arrows, making sure one that might be helpful in countering those wrist devices is the next one at hand. She pulls out a blunt arrow, her movements so close to Green Arrow's that she could be a mirror image of him, if cutting a different figure.

She takes aim, waiting but not drawing yet, until the count is down to five seconds. She smooth draws the arrow back, fingers nearly touching to her nose as she aims in one of the spots on the guard's head most likely to knock him out without causing permanent damage. She resists the urge to check exactly where that knowledge got picked up.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea's attention moves between the men in her life, such as they are, watching, listening and letting the instructions filter down to her understanding. The handsignals are watched before blue eyes move towards the locations indicated, all while leaving a sideeye to any more information that may be conveyed. A definitive nod is all that is required before she moves off to advantage with Slade.

The nice thing about bows and being good with them is that one doesn't have to nock the arrow in order to get a good shot off in heartbeats. And arrows are deadly when used to purpose; silent killers.

Handsignals, then, are given from the younger sibling; she's claiming one of the pair of targets. Thea has her bow out, and keeping to shadows and harder surface so loose stone and dirt doesn't give any footfalls away, she draws an arrow from her quiver and looses it all on one fluid motion. It flies straight and true on an arc aimed to pierce the 'watch' face, puncturing the device and the man's hand. Not two heartbeats later, Thea is completely expecting the man to swing around, partially by the force of the arrow, partially from surprise, when another arrow is loosed, aiming directly for the center of his chest.

Through it all? Not a word from the young woman, her face.. settled into something of a calm neutral.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy gives a nod to Oliver, glancing up at the duo guarding the sub, and then a nod to AJ and he's on the movie. Roy moves quickly and quietly, keeping an eye on his sight-lines as he makes his way toward the submarine platform. Glancing to AJ he gestures to the one who had made that record-breaking jump, indicating that's his target. He takes aim on the other one, an arrow with a tranquilizer in the tip ready at this fingertips.

He makes a quick check to see where the other teams are and their progress every so often, keeping some awareness on the situation as a whole so as not to get tunnel-vision and miss something. And then he takes his shot, aiming for an unprotected area where that dart can deploy its payload quickly and quietly.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ may not be able to understand all the hand gestures, but pointing is pretty universal and he gives a slow nod as his ees fixate on the pair of betting dumbasses. He pulls his staff from his belt and slides his thumb along some hidden catch, causing it to extend to its full length and lock into place.

He stands up and moves next to Roy, his finger tracing a path through the air now that he has a target to fixate, his eyes following the path the finger makes. Across the water to the goons, up into the air, down into cover behind some of the crates. His gaze shifts to Roy with a tilt of his head.

Roy who is off.. He shakes his head with a grin and follows after, nodding as his partner claims his target, his attention now fixated on the space right next to Mr 50 Bucks Richer.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    Assigned as backup? Oh, really....

    Malcolm was in back. Really he was. But, in between the moments that Oliver designated the masked archer as backup and the next glance backwards, should the green-clad one actually bother...the black-clad archer has disappeared. Damnable assassins with their mysterious ways. Oh well, should have been paying more attention.

    Where is Malcolm? Well...that would be hard to determine. However, what Malcolm is doing is apparent, but only for those watching. For, in the split second in which Thea's arrows find purchase, crumpling her target to the ground, a single lethal arrow strikes through the throat of the guard's partner, preventing any vocalizations. And, just as quickly, a second arrow strikes, in a similar manner, in the chest.

    Apparently, someone felt it was appropriate to follow the younger Queen.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Hey, Slade's all for conserving ammunition. He's not even mad when the Dark Archer takes care of the other guard, even if he had the throwing blade in hand to do so. The SMG is more for close quarters and while the suppressor is a high-tech "truly silent" variety, it's only going to make it through four full clips before it's expended. No worries though, he'll make the shots count. He glances briefly in the direction that the second arrow came, and then gestures for Thea to move towards the door, bringing up the firearm and aiming it in the general direction of the next-nearest pair of guards, in case their attackers fail to get a clean takedown.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Ollie's arrow is true to the forehead as does Vanessa's. The duo of guards drop without a moment to protest. With Roy's arrow hitting the tranq right in the neck, the guy grabs at it and starts to reach out for the emergency button on the wall before succumbing to it. AJ teleporting across and knocking the other guy hard on the head has him drop before he has teleported away again.

The final set of guards takes a rather dramatic turn as the first cries out in pain. The inner workings of the watch, mechanical not digital, as well as the arrow tip and shaft penetrate through his wrist. He grabs at it and twirls around to take another arrow in the chest. He looks down at it a moment, blood bubbling from his mouth, before he drops to the ground. The final guard, assigned to Slade, is suddenly choking on an arrow from a mysterious who knows location. He reaches up to grab the arrow and then reaches to his watch as the second arrow strikes him in the chest. He stumbles back and phases through the pressurised doors, disappearing right through like a ghost.

The base has signage. There's arrows pointing to the armory, to the reactor, to the plant room, to the laboratory, to the vehicle bay, the mess hall, and to the commander of the base.

Oliver Queen has posed:
It goes like clockwork, their targets falling as if in a domino, one by one taken out.. Yet the cry of pain makes Oliver's head turn sharply to observe. And sure, he was no stranger to killing. He had left a trail of bodies on his wake both during his stay at this island and when he had returned to Starling, searching for empty vengeance. Watching his sister kill though, while he can't really judge it there's that sense of sadness visible through a grimace on the lower end of his face that is visible. It quickly fades, re-focusing. They have a mission to accomplish..

His eyes turn to Vanessa, a nod of recognition and a very faint smile that doesn't seem quite genuine. The gestures continue. Gather up, and after a brief study of the various avenues to go to he gestures. It was time to separate so they took more ground.

"Deathstroke and Speedy, go through the reactor and plant room, secure it." He looks at Vanessa. "Quiver and I will secure the armory and the commander's room." he says. And finally ."Get through the lab and vehicle bay." this said to Hopscotch and Arsenal.

As for Malcolm, he seemed to be letting him work loosely. He was, afterall, the one he knew less from their group (Or at least so he thought!)

"Meet up at the Mess Hall when you are done. It seems to be a central room." He adds. "And keep us posted on your progress, or if you need backup." he taps at his comms. Time to move!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver nods to Oliver, and she moves over quickly and quietly to the two guards who were downed by the blunt arrows. They are quickly bound and any radios and those wristbands confiscated, lest they wake and warn anyone else. Seeing the blood left from the others who were downed, she doesn't try to hide them otherwise, just makes sure they are immobile.

She moves to join Oliver then, another arrow slid into the bow smoothly as she starts moving towards the hallway that is marked as heading to the armory and commander's room. She leans slightly around the corner to peek ahead and then checks back with Oliver before slipping down the hallway, moving in a stance that has her ready to loose an arrow on short notice.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea can almost feel the *whsss* of an arrow pushed through the air near her, and she looks around to see the DA with his bow up and out. A double check is made on Slade before she catches the results of not only their handiwork, but her own. There, in blue eyes, and on her face, there's a look... and it's probably obvious to those who know her well that those shots? Not normal for her. Rather than looking at her brother after her target (she's avoiding the look that she knows she'll get), their targets are down, she looks back to Slade, and a deep breath is drawn before she lets it out.

On the signal to move, then, Thea is indeed heading in the suggested direction. She's not forgetting that which she'd been taught; mission's not over. Not by a longshot.

That last guard, though.. he made it to his watch, and it's all Thea can do not to utter a soft curse. No noise! A quick gesture is made to her wrist and a point towards a door; the guard had activated it, and who knows if it's set off an alarm further in.

Now, however, with the instructions on where to go, there isn't an actual vocal response, rather there is a quick *click* on the com in acknowledgment; her 'call sign' response. She'll be playing 'follow the leader' at this point.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Lab and vehicle bay, copy," Roy says into the comms and then gives an up-nod to AJ, heading down the hall in that direction. "Vehicle bay first, then lab," he says to AJ once they've re-convened, before turning to head that way down the hall. Another arrow is pulled and ready to go as they move along. "One-two punch, just like the last time if we run into anyone," he murmurs once they're close enough to speak. "I'll tranq'em, you bop'm. I'll take left, you right if there's more than two."

Then it's down the hall toward the vehicle bay, leaving the lab for second since the labs are likely further in. His eyes scanning for cameras, he's careful along the path that he chooses, aiming for quick and quiet all the way to the vehicle bay if possible, and then to take an inventory of what they've got tucked away in there.

AJ Strong has posed:
It's a quick attack. During AJ's run along with Roy he starts swinging his staff and takes a running leap, blinking out in a shimmer of black and silver, only to reappear next to his target, still swinging. The satisfying crack of staff on skull. But his gaze isn't on his strike, it's towards a stack of crates now in better view. He blinks out again and his feet finally hit the ground as he reappears next to one of the crates in a crouch. It takes a moment to orient his awareness and see that all the guards are down.

His attention shifts back to the group, head canted to the side as he listens to the orders through the comms. He just nods and makes his way closer to the cooridor to the vehicle bays, waiting for Roy to catch up.

Once back together, he gives ust a thubs up at the offered plan, sneaking down the corridor alongside Arsenal as best he can.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    As for the guard that phased through the door? There is something to be said for thoroughness. As Oliver calls out his orders, Malcolm doesn't wait for his. Instead, he is already making his way towards that south door. Still, he is being careful, keeping an eye out for security cameras, should there been enough time to actually install them. But, his intent, at least in his mind, is clear.

    Check on that mystery guard. Make sure he is not in a conspicuous spot. And...see whatever else can be picked up.

    Gaining entrance was easy enough. The faint blood trail is easily followed. It is short, but passes into a nearby wall into another room. A room with a locked door. And....locked doors means something interesting on the other side.

    There is a reason by Merlyn was known in the League as 'the Magician'. It was his penchant for magic tricks, including picking locks, that earned him the moniker. And this door...did not give much trouble. He enters the room...and finds a rather gruesome sight. The guard, in his last bit of action, had phased through the wall...into a computer server rack. And there is where he remains, fused into the equipment...literally.

    Well...so much for that. Perhaps there is a salvageable data drive in here somewhere, though...is there enough time to look? Perhaps not.

Slade Wilson has posed:
There's no vocal confirmation from Slade on the instructed path, but nevertheless he takes point, following the signs as they move, weapon at the ready. He pauses frequently, lifting a hand for Thea to halt, taking quick peeks around corners (or occasionally having Thea do so), keeping an eye (no pun intended) out for cameras or other security apparatus, though given the difficulty in reaching the site and the hasty nature of its' construction, he's not really expecting much. THey likely aren't expecting guests, especially given the guards' goofing off earlier. You don't get that lax if you're on alert.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The plant room only has a couple of technicians sitting at a desk watching a computer screen. It's fairly automated for what it is. A large air-conditioning and air cycling unit that keeps the carbon dioxide of the 'in a cliff' base from building up too much, as well as keeping the submarine dock from flooding. Connected via a more secure door is the reactor. Two guards stand at the ready on either side of the door and unlike in the docks, these ones seem to be attentive. The reactor is a small thermal pile. Destroying it would no doubt collapse part of the cliff, but no mushroom clouds.

At a glance, the armory is filled with agents checking in and checking out their gear. There's a shooting range there too. There's a whole wall of watches, far more than people on the base no doubt. The commanders office is a spacious affair with a large desk and a big window looking out from the cliff face over the seas. The big chair behind the desk is faced away from the door, but there is a guard on either side of the room standing at the ready.

The vehicle bay has a helicopter stowed in it, several jeeps, large hanger doors that are closed with a the big HYDRA octopus logo carved in to it. The area is spacious and here too there are a lot of crates. There's also a lot of people moving crates, unpacking crates, checking on the vehicles.. it's a very active area.

The laboratory though, it works like a combination prison and work areas. On one side biochemistry, and on the other engineering. In the middle, human sized cages that haven't seen any use yet. The door to the biochemistry wing is kicked open and there are several unconscious HYDRA guards laying about the area. Inside the biochemistry wing there is one deceased male body and spots of blood on a medical bench and on the floor. An air conditioning vent in the wall has also been removed. If there were people here, they may have already left or are roaming the base too.

There are a few new signs too, one for meeting rooms 1-4, one for the sleeping hall, a security room, and a server room, and of course bathrooms. The base is active and people are, for the most part, setting up equipment, plastering walls, moving their gear in to bunks. There are a few laser cutting machines still in use by technicians as they work to carve out new hallways for the base.

The agents in the security room start seeing flashing lights on some of their routers though and they look at each other, do ro-sham-bo to decide who is going to go check on it. The taller of the two loses and he gets up and wanders toward the server room. The first thing he sees is some blood on the floor. The next.. the door is open. The third? Malcolm Merlyn. He slams an alarm button on the wall and the entire base starts to emit a siren in every single room.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Reaching the armory doesn't take too long, in fact it's too easy. Which is just a good enough signal that something is -just- about to go wrong. Because then that blaring signal starts to be heard. So much for stealth!

<<Hit them fast and hard.>> Time to blitz the base apparently. Ah well, something something and plans not surviving contact with the enemy.

The large group inside the armory might had given him pause, but he has come prepared for this kind of fight, and in this case a flashbang is the first that leaves the quiver, being shot fast while he says to Quiver, "Priority is those reaching for the watches." fun fact, Oliver is one of those fastest shooters with a bow. A machine gun bow? Not exactly! But arrows start flying, a mix of blunt along with sharp. The sharps aimed to pierce through people's wrists and shatter those watches... The blunts? To knock them out..

And what's better than one archer? It's having someone next to you who can shoot just as well as you do.

Of course that -now- he does worry. Had he prepared the team well for this kind of fight?

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
As the alarm goes off, Quiver is already darting into the armory, sliding behind a work bench and to the far corner, so she's looking down the wall where the watch-like devices are. She starts launching arrows as rapidly as Oliver, picking out targets and putting an arrow through a knee or into a shoulder to disable people.

As a trio of Hydra soldiers make a rush for the wall, she pulls out a quartet of specially strengthened arrows and fits them all to her bow, pulling it back with all of her strength and letting the arrows go!

They fly right past the soldiers, who grin. But then they weren't the target. An enormous crate of ammunition is struck, the high tensile arrow heads punching through and fracturing the crate all over. Bullets start falling out of it and rolling across the floor and under the feet of the soldiers who each goes down like an old lady on an icy day in Minnesota.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea seems to work well with Slade; scary thought, really. She casts a glance in the direction Ollie and Vanessa went before full attention is on the job at hand. Moving forward, 'point' is taken and given, checking for both physical presence of a guards, of passers by, and of cameras before moving ahead.

As for the plant room?

Those watches are very important to take down. It's become Thea's main target; the center of chest is the secondary but not too much less important a spot. She glances at Slade before she chooses her targets; the stationary, 'at parade rest' guards that stand sentry by the reactor door, her decision rendered in handsignals. If it weren't for the fact they're wearing the damned watches, a flashbang would work.. or a flashbang arrow. Sadly? It's easy to get at something around the wrist, even when taken by surprise.


Just as Thea is ready to make contact, the klaxons go off, and she glances up instinctively. She has to get those shots off, and instead of finesse, Thea is going for that center of chest once more.

One, two.. easy enough to get the arrows off in the time that it takes to draw a breath, and have it find its target.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy is in the vehicle bay, sneaking his way along the outside edge, taking in those moving crates and cargo. He motions to the helicopter and then points to AJ, then he points to himself and the jeeps, apparently planning on disabling the vehicles first. When the alarms go off, he uses the confusion and the fact that several folks have stopped checking the vehicle and are running to see what's going on to plant a small charge in the nearest jeep.

He moves fast, scooting from one to the next, the small charges placed so that he can blow them all at once and disable them rather than doing it one at a time and drawing more attention. Unfortunately, he comes face to face with an agent inspecting his third target before he can get there. A tranq dart is fired, and then another toward his buddy at the fourth jeep, aiming to take them both down and buy him enough time to plant the small charges on the remaining two. Whether those arrows manage to do their job or not, he can only hope as he lets them fly in rapid succession.

AJ Strong has posed:
"Crap." It's the first words out of AJ's mouth as soon as the alarm starts blaring. And here he was worrying about how they were going to get past all the people in the vehicle bay, much less a base on full alert. There's a sideways glance at Roy, his lips pressed into a thin line of mild irritation. He shrugs at Roy and lets him off to do his thing while he decides to cause a little more chaos.

He ducks behind a crate a peers around for an opening, resorting to the hit and run tactics his powers make him prone to. Once he sees an opening he pushes off the ground and hops in, swinging his staff only once or twice before kicking off the floor to hop away somewhere else. HE may not be as skilled with his weapon as the rest of the group, but surprise attacks hopefully make up for lack of technique.

Slade Wilson has posed:
As Thea makes her move, Slade is also in motion, almost fast enough it seems like he senses the Klaxon before it goes off (He doesn't, he's just...really fast). He emerges from around the corner, taking an additional step further out than Thea and firing two quick bursts of the submachinegun, one apiece towards the skulls of both technicians. They're Nazis...sort of Nazis? Either way nobody will miss them.

He moves quickly to yank the bodies of the techs out of the chairs, first stripping them of the watches, then setting them aside, "Grab those for your brother. He can get them to someone that find out what makes them tick and shut them down, I'm sure." He's then moving for the door towards the reactor. "Keep the entrance covered, I'm planting charges." And he steps inside to do just that. The suit has a degree of radiation shielding, but if it's really that bad in here he'll just count on the old healing factor to deal with the rest.

<<Make your moves fast and keep a mind towards getting out. I'm accelerating our timetable.>> Slade comments on the comms as he starts slapping disc-shaped charges on bits that look important. He's moving quickly and efficiently, and before long he's got about five of them placed and judges that good, moving back towards the door to the control room.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Two HYDRA agents round the corner to enter the armory. They need to gear up quickly to face whatever the threat is. Still no immediately word over comes where the rally point is.. but then they see two dark green clad archers shooting up the place and slowly back away.

<<They're in the armory!>> someone says over the comms that can be heard blearing out the small ear buds worn by the HYDRA agents <<Negative this is security, we have them on camera boarding the submarine!>> ...and then another <<They're in the vehicle bay!>> followed by <<I see one in th~~>> and finally the last one <<The commander is dead! they've killed the commander!>>

To say it was utter chaos at this point was an understatement. The combatants in the armory end up either pinned by their hands, or straight unconscious in no time at all. The engineers working on the vehicles drop easily.. but one man standing in the corner wearing a VR headset grins wickedly. The sound of two drones powering up in to the air - they're armored monsters and in their mid-section, wicked spinning blades. The pair of drones begin to move in arcs where ever the guy looks.. and he starts looking right at Roy. The drones dive toward him.

The guards at the door to the reactor turn sharply in realisation, both going for their watches. One actually touches it and his body sizzles with electricity. His hand about to shoot it out as he takes the arrows in to his chest. The other is too slow even for that, drooping against the wall and grabbing at the arrow as if he could undo it. Their lungs fill with blood and they pass.

Merlyn shoots and pins the guards hand to the wall. With a leap he is behind him and snaps his neck. He grabs that hard drive and the watch off the dead guards other wrist, then moves out in to the hall way, taking cover and picking people off with sharp arrows almost at a whim.

The two technicians at the air-conditioning terminals didn't even have a chance to react as they are shot in the head. They never saw their death coming. The radiation in the room sizzles against Slade's skin, like he's on fire - he's no stranger to pain though. The charges are placed and ready, the man-hacks are closing in on Roy, the hall way with Merlyn is turning in to a battle ground. The HYDRA operatives don't know which way to turn.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The good thing about a blitz is like this is that you hit them so hard, and at different points, that your forces look a lot bigger than they actually are. It creates confusion, but also a sense of panic. Was it the big SHIELD coming to take them out? Nope, just an elite archer team! And as those on the armory eventually are taken down he takes in a breath ... Damn, his fingers are burning..

<<We have secured the armory.>> He speaks on comms, resting one hand on Vanessa's shoulder. "Good job." a dip of his head given and that it was time to move. <<Copy that. Just checking the commander's room. Apparently there may be someone else here with us, their commander has been killed.>> he notes.

Yet it's hard to figure friend from foe in such chaotic attacks. He'd have to hope they'd get out safe enough. <<Anyone needing backup?>> He asks, already stepping out, shooting a couple of nazi stragglers and beginning his way through the corridors to secure the way to that room. Maybe some clue as to what they are doing here could be found.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Two soldiers who ducked behind a counter pop up in the armory and make a move for the bracelets. Quiver sends an arrow flying towards one, knocking him out as it hits his head, but his momentum sends him slamming into the wall of bracelets, and a number of them clatter across the floor. One right to his buddy!

Quiver is drawing an arrow swiftly, but not swift enough. The Hydra lackey doesn't even put the bracelet on, just activates it with his hand through the middle, gripping it tightly. He points it at Quiver and a blast like an airborne seismic tremor rips towards the female archer. It hits her and sends her smashing back into the wall behind her. She doesn't fall though as he's continuing to shoot that shockwave at her, and he seems to dial it up in intensity!

Quiver lets out a scream of pain and fumbles a hand at her pockets, having trouble even moving it under the constant seismic waves that are impacting her. There's no way an arrow would even make it out of the bow. She pulls something from a pocket, twisting her wrist to aim her hand the right way. A dot from her laser sight appears on his chest, and she adjust the aim up, shining it directly in his eye.

Now it's his turn to let out a cry of pain! One hand goes to his temporarily blinded eye as he reels and loses his aim. That wave of concussive energy sweeps across the room, laying waste to a large number of the bracelets before finally he lets the one drop from his hand.

Quiver lands on her feet, groaning, but running forward. She delivers a flying knee into the Hydra goon's face. Technically a bit more force than needed to knock him out. Her arm hugs at her side. <<I'm good,>> she says over comms, already moving then to join Oliver on the way to the commander's room. If he gives her a look of concern she just shakes her head. The mission first.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea will try to ignore the brain matter that is now in the room, mixed with skull fragments from the bursts. Her arrows are true to aim; practice does make perfect, and she's tucked into the room, keeping an eye on the door now. With a quick nod of understanding, Thea lowers the bow in order to move to the guards to pull the watches, shoving them into a pocket without giving them much thought. She doesn't want the powers that it might bestow, regardless of what they are.

"Be careful in there?" Blue eyes follow to watch Slade go into the reactor room; who knows how much shielding there is in there? "Please?" is given once he's through, and catching the message through the headset, Thea seconds the motion, <<Reactor room is secured. So..>> it means that their time table is decidedly accelerated!

Once that announcement is made, Thea is looking towards the door that leads out once more, flattening herself at the threshold, ready to take anyone out with an arrow or three. It's back to handsignals, really, as she signs the opposition in the hall before she pops out, taking out a couple of guards that are busy heading towards a different destination.

One.. two.. three. Thea's counting arrows, and three are in the back, sending the HYDRA reeling forward.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy gets the last of the charges in place, but then he hears the buzzing and sees the drones incoming. "Shit," he mutters and then he's running at full tilt across the open space between the jeeps and the chopper. One of the drones gets in close and he has to dodge left, rolling and coming up next to a pile of crates. He tries to vault over them, but the second drone comes in and clips him, knocking him off balance and over to the other side.

He manages to get to his feet once again, this time reaching for the button to set off the charges on the jeeps. They all go off, disabling the vehicles while he tries to maneuver his way to the helicopter with the drones in hot pursuit.

Ducking and rolling /under/ a piece of heavy equipment, he manages to buy himself just enough time to scramble out the other side and make the final dash to the helicopter, climbing into it and getting the propellers going. Unfortunately, the drones are still after him. So he places his last charge and sets it to go off, taking a deep breath. "Here goes nothin'." And he tries to jump clear while blowing the helicopter, hoping it will take the drones with it.

AJ Strong has posed:
The sound of the drones has AJ skid to a halt after pounding another of the mechanics in the face with the butt of his staff. He starts searching the air until he spots the two air borne menaces. He frowns a little as they move away from him, but a quick glance is all he needs to figure out their target. "Shit.." He whips around, someone has to be.. ah ha!

The doofus with a smile and the VR helmet is right in his sights now as he goes running in that direction, at least to start. He slaps a hand on top of one of the many crates, at first it looks like only to vault over the box, but then he's gone in that blink of silver and black, and so is the crate.

There's no sound when AJ reemerges with the crate, and little warning other than that blink of silver and black, which is now directly above the VR dude by about as much as the vehicle bay allows.

As gravity takes over, AJ removes his hand from the box and blinks back down to the ground, a safe distance away from where that crate is now plummeting, who knows what's in there? Not him.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    The guards eventually learn to stop coming around into the hallway that Malcolm is holding out. Took them long enough, as there is a nice pile building up. Well...at least some of them are still alive. Maybe. Though they are in no condition to try to use whatever it is in those damnable wristwatches.

    Still...even the shooting gallery gets a little stale. As Malcolm backs up to the south door, he chimes in over on the comms. And...for the first time, he speaks...and he doesn't bother to use any voice masking. "Seriously doubt we are going to be meeting in the mess. You get your team out of here. I will get out on my own."

    Yes....that voice may (and probably should) sound familiar. Surprise!

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade makes it out of the reactor, not exactly looking comfortable, but still moving. That sunburned-all-over feeling and nausea will pass. "Let's go." He says to Thea, once again hefting the SMG to a ready position. He manages to move smoothly despite the pain and discomfort. He's had worse. They're a good way down the corridor before he speaks on the comms again.

<<We're heading back to the dock. Find some good footing because things might be rocking and rolling in five...four...three...two...one.>> And with that, he hits the detonator, which will hopefully tip the balance on the reactor towards meltdown, AND rip open that Submarine and send it right to the briny deep. No escape ship for you, HYDRA goons! When Slade kills overblown Nazi remnants he doesn't do it by half. Then again he doesn't really do ANYTHING by half, does he?

"To kill a Hydra, you use a torch when you cut off a head to cauterize the wound." He comments in a wry tone to Thea as they move, "This Torch is just a thermonuclear variety." He does catch the note that they're not alone in here, though...and now keeps alert for...strangeness.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Amidst the chaos in the other rooms, the commanders room is rather quiet. There are two slumped HYDRA agents against the wall. Approaching the large table of the HYDRA leader Daniel Whitehall, his chair is occupied with his lifeless body. No obvious means of death present, though there are some vials still unused of a blue liquid in his open desk drawer and a gun like injection mechanism. A quick check reveals an injection ladder up both his arms, healed almost fully. This appears to be some sort of drug he's been taking for a while, but the man has clearly expired now.

The explosion of the helicopter shatters one of the armored drones in to pieces as the other flies away wildly and slams in to the bay doors leaving a dent. It hits the ground and then starts to twitch and rise once more - before a crate falls on its operators head knocking him out cold. The drone spins around on its axis on the floor.

The exit path is at least clear thanks to the shooting of father and daughter duo Malcolm and Thea, not that they saw each other doing it. The HYDRA agents are starting to mass from their bunk beds in to the mess hall itself. They're preparing for their country strike against, they assume, SHIELD. The path leading back to the submarine is cleared now.

And then... *booom* the vibrations and sound echos through the corridors and through the walls. The intruder alarm suddenly ceases to be replaced by a far more ominous alarm, HHrrr HHrrr HHrrr.. That's not a good sound, that's a baaaad sound. That's reactor failure sound. Whatever plans HYDRA had for fighting back are rapidly abandoned. People start rushing through the corridors, some even glancing at the intruders but _screw them_ they're getting out of here. The majority of them are headed to the vehicle bay. A calm voice over the loudspeakers says, "Critical reactor failure in.. 185 seconds... 184 seconds..."

Oliver Queen has posed:
Might as well get himself a couple of those vials to take along with him. Some people could be interested in studying this ... After the pocketing it's time to go... Oliver looks at Vanessa's condition, assessing her state but offers a sharp nod. No time to rest. "We need to go." a look there on his gaze. If she can't keep up she will let him know..

And off they go, ducking under fallen debris at the destruction wrought by the rest of the team. <<We are on our way out.>> he informs. It was time to dash out of there!

<<Is everyone on their way?>>

Then Malcolm's voice..., That was, way too familiar. He frowns. But no answer is returned to Malcolm. He decides to fume inside instead! There will be time for talking .., later.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver is keeping one arm close to her side, though she's pulled out her spare bow in the other and holds an arrow in it with one finger. The first bow she was using was utterly snapped by that quake-like barrage of concussive energy she endured.

She stands guard, slumping slightly against the doorway so she can see the hall and the office at the same time. Once Green Arrow has a sample, she starts moving with him, hurrying down the hallway, bouncing off the wall once or twice to avoid obstacles a little less artfully than she normally might have.

Soon they are back in the submarine pen and she heads for the dive gear. The bow is contracted and put back into her quiver and she struggles into the rebreathing a little bit when securing the shoulder strap on the side she's been favoring. But soon she's ready to go soon as the others are there, to begin the swim out.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea looks back at the re-emerging Slade, and her eyes go wide; he doesn't look particularly.. good. "Slade--" It's also that same time when she catches that familiar sounding voice over the coms, and she can't help herself but does manage not to broadcast, "Dad?". This is only getting better?

The explosion that Slade set off almost throws Thea to the ground, however. Even when expecting it, even out in the hall, how could she expect that without actually ever experiencing it? Not that she'd want to again, mind!

"Thermonuc-- Slade!" Thea stares at him for a long moment before she truly starts down the hall, finding that no one really cares that she's here.

How much radiation did she just eat in there? Can't be healthy!

A few long minutes do pass after the explosion, and finally Thea's check-in appears through the com, <<We're on our way.>>

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy stumbles away from the helicopter as it goes up, and then looks around to try and find AJ. It's about then that the loudspeakers proclaim the reactor failure. He says over comms <<Vehicle bay neutralized. Arsenal and Hopscotch heading for the sub bay.>> Once he finds AJ, he asks, "Any way you can uh, expedite this trip out?" Because Roy is looking a little worse for wear after his dance with the drones and the exploding helicopter.

"Thanks, by the way, for that save," he smiles crookedly, having noticed the drone operator drop and the drone go crashing into the door rather than chasing him out of the helicopter once he'd cleared it.

AJ Strong has posed:
AJ casts his gaze in the direction of Roy, taking a few steps to meet him half way. "Hold on, this gets dizzying indoors." He wraps one arm around Roy, making sure he does the same for him. And then it's off in a blast of quickly whirling scenery as every step AJ takes sends them hurtling forward first to the bay entrance then down the hall. Once into the submarine dock it's one more quick hop over to where they left all their diving equipment.

AJ sways on his feet for a moment, not quite used to using his powers in such a sustained manner, but a few moments with his hand against the wall to steady himself helps him to recover.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
    Someone certainly knows how to make an exit. There might actually be a slight smile on Malcolm's face as he replies back in the comms. <<Right. Docks.>>

    Then, it is the mad dash to said docks. It is a rather simple run to the rendezvous, made easier due to the lack of interest in the dark-clad individual. That's what happens when the whole island is about to blow. No one really cares about intruders anymore.

    As Malcolm returns to the docks, the hand reaches up to remove the mask. Yes, the communication 'slip up' was no slip up. He knew what he was doing. The hood remains up, but the face is perfectly visible. Which....only makes that smile grow when those that might recognize him do so.

    Yes, despite that little miscalculation at the server room, someone had fun. Or...perhaps because of the miscalculation. Either way, Malcolm isn't telling.

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Malcolm. Fancy meeting you here." Slade comments to the now-unmasked Dark Archer as he reaches his own pack. Moving to get the rebreather back in place before helping Thea get into her wetsuit quickly. He stows his non waterproof gear in the bag quickly after that's done, and gives a look around to see if everyone that's said they're on their way is coming.

He's...really not looking forward to diving into saltwater right at the moment. But he'll endure. "Pain is only weakness leaving the body," as the old Drill Sergeants used to say.

They were full of shit, but remembering at least gives him something to cling to because holy hell is this gonna sting.

He's not delaying it though...once everything seems in place, he vaults over the railing and drops right into the drink.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The hasty exit by Team Arrow is accompanied in the vehicle bay by a hasty exit of HYDRA agents. Some geared up, some wearing their PJs, a scan few with their super power wrist watches. The couple of vehicles outside are quickly taken by greedy agents, the rest running for their lives.

Even under water the ~BOOOOOOM~ is excessive. The entire side of the hill that ends in a cliff 'jumps' and bulges in the middle, then collapses in on itself. The cliff caves in and crashes down in to the water. The shockwave of the explosion, followed by the shockwave of the cliff falling apart send the group crashing through the ocean. The sharks aren't fans of this either and have made their get away.

The octopus logo on the seadoor is utterly crushed. A rocking ending to a hill is all that remains when the dust settles... the HYDRA base on Lian Yu is no more. Those who survived on the island have no way to leave it, as is the curse of Purgatory.

The hired boat rocks in the choppy waters, the shockwave not having damaged it, but the angry seas around Lian Yu, for one small moment, come to a calm rest. The waves will return, but even the island has to take notice of an event such as this.