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Latest revision as of 07:21, 21 September 2020

Fearsome Aftermath
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Catching up after the Fearsome Five... six..seven.. why is it five.. attack.
Cast of Characters: Kate Bishop, Kara Danvers, Kyle Rayner, Siobhan Smythe

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate, aka Hawkvenger, aka Hawklass, aka Cuter Hawkeye.... shows up in a bit of a rush.

She was caught down in New York City when the alarms went off in the tower and the fearsome five showed up. Also honestly how come they are called the fearsome five when there is well over a half dozen of them evidently. It would be like the Titanic Teen and the currrent teams numbers and all.... which is why you never include numbers with your team names.

The New York engagement was the dreaded mandatory Bishop Family Sunday Dinner. Picture the Sunday Dinner from the Righteous Gemstones show, but less religion, somehow more hypocrisy, and fine New York dining.

Regardless the alarms in the tower going off is not a thing she could immediately do anything about. So she typed out a, what is happening, and got no reply with the T-Comms basically dead paperweights. (What the hell) worried Kate.

She made appologies, excused herself with much judgement by her father, sister, brother-in-law, and booked it to the hyperloop to head back down to Metro. From there is was a speedy bikeride ot the actual Tower over the bridge and through the woods to grandmother... I mean to Titan's Tower.

She slows her roll in the parking lot, looking at the significant damage to the doors and a tree uprooted. So while most of the damage to the tower is cosmetic the comms are dead so she is a bit worried it might be a trap. She hopes it isn't but....

Hawkeye enters the secure garage, parks her bike, and preps for bear grabbing some additional gear before heading up the stairs not the elevators. She comes in carefully to the common room with her bow out and two arrows in her hand, one explosive tipped and the other armor piercing.

She has no idea what to expect with the radio silence.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is trying to see the positive in this. They succeeded in defending the tower. The helicopter pilots and delivery drives survived. Sure the pizza never came. They also took a prisoner. So why, oh why, was she holding a now crushed Kryptonian geo-construct crystal? the one she had been working on for Kandor. Kandor that is now in the hands of Zod.

Kara walks to the kitchen and dusts the fine dust in to the dust bin and then starts to walk back out, turning the corner to face Kate, "Boo." She took the least attention in the fight, simply because she got there last. It gave her a distinct advantage and the time to think the battle through. Did she do a good job? she's not sure.

"No need to sneaky lurk. People are in the infirmary or bed or elsewhere. Egos are bruised," she explains and then drops down on to a couch.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner pokes his head out of the door to the Men's Dorms. His eyes looking around to see who is in the main room before he just bursts in. Some times you just have to do some tactical scouting, or something, he's still quite a bit upset at his own contribution to the fight (which was mainly giving Starfire a concussion, and causing her to laser a few people). For now, he's quiet as he makes his way down the staircase and towards the sunken couch in the middle.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Another person who wasn't here was Siobhan. She had been dealing with her own issues. Not the least of which was dealing with herself. She had been involved in a rather annoying little situation with the King of Hell himself (former king? Post-King?). Now she was just pissed off and trying to avoid people. That is, until she realized she hadn't heard from anyone in a while and noticed that the comms were dead. She sighed and decided she couldn't let potential danger get in the way of her bad time.

Once she arrives at the tower, Siobhan simply blinks at the damage and unlike Kate, she doesn't take precautions. She does head for the stairs, too, though, given she isn't sure what is going on and in a fire or emergency, elevators are to be avoided.

The only precaution she takes is removing all noise from her foot steps so, when she reaches the top of the stairs and notices Kara and Kate, she raises a hand, "Oh good, you two don't look like more people have died."

Kate Bishop has posed:
When Kara pops around the corner like that, and so close, the arrow fired is an armor piercing one right point blank. Kara either takes it, or superspeeds .... and Kate is rolling back towards the stairs the other arrow already nocked by the time she realizes it is Kara.. and she shot Kara.. and Kara went boo at her...

Which causes Kate to just sit there on the floor a shaken mess of adrenaline and worry. I mean relief too. But she has been riding stupid high since the alarm and then dead t-comm, and all that and... ugn... she shot her friend.

At least it was her bulletproof BFF but still... she shot her.

She glances past at Kyle then up at Siobhan and back to Kara "Infirmary... who is hurt?" she finaly manages to figure out words. Right talking is good. That should help right now. So much adrenaline from the Kryptonian jumpscare. Also a dash of shooting your friend guilt.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks down as the armor piercing arrow tip hits her. She could have dodged, but it's an arrow. It is sharp though - there's a bit of her mind that recognises 'ouch sharp' and then there's the reality of living under a yellow sun of 'not actually ouch'. She has learnt not to bother flinching. The tip of the arrow bends and the arrow is caught by Kara. Kara offers a hand to help Kate back up and also the bent arrow with her other hand.

She smiles to Siobhan, "No one died. The hostages were shaken when I talked to them after, but they will be okay." Then she travels to the aforementioned couch. "Robin, Starfire, Knockout sort of heals herself so I'm sure she's fine by now, Beast Boy, America sort of, Kian,.. actually now I'm saying this out loud a lot of people got hurt."

She tries to recount how each one of them got hurt, "Robin got shot by Dr. Light's light blast. Starfire got hit by Lantern's wrecking ball, almost shot up half our team with her energy beam, then got tossed at Nightwing. Knockout got hit with ball bearings, broke a hand on one of the attackers.. and there was something else I think.. hmm. Beast Boy also got hit by one of r. Light's beams. America got knocked around by their sorcerer. Kian did ...something... and collapsed?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner gives a sheepish wave when his name is brought up as having hit Starfire with a wrecking ball. "Look, it was, really, it was an accident, I definitely didn't mean to," he says nervously, a hand running through his black hair while looks at the women. "Was totally an accident, and it definitely won't happen again. Don't have to worry about me hitting people with wrecking balls," he adds with another nervous chuckle.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she looks to Kate and then at Kara before she shakes her head and looks more closely at the arrow before letting out a sigh. Siobhan looks briefly to Kyle before rubbing her forehead.

"I don't know what all dis is about but everyone is ok. Dat's what matters." She then proceeds past them toward the kitchen area, shaking her head, "I just need some food and I'll be headin' back out."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate accepts the hand up and also accepts her veery damaged arrow.

Which honestly is better than having hurt a teammate.

Though honestly a jumpscare like that when hostiles could still be in the building is asking to be shot by an arrow.

Still Guilt.

She does though listen to the recounting of who is injured and how "Fuck." which well Caitlin isn't around to demand payment to the swear jar. Hawkeye glances at Kyle. "It's okay.. I mean.. I just shot Supergirl. We will need to get you in the danger room more and do more team training." she considers the rundown on all the injuries. "A lot of team training is needed."

To Siobhan "Where are you going out... it sounds like we could use you here..." worried.

Then back to Kara "Who did it and did we give at all as good as we got.. I mean I assume we must have because the tower is still here and no one is dead .. but.. who was it and why ar the T-Comms down?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara rubs the back of her neck and smiles to Kate, "Sorry for scaring you like that. I guess I'm a bit. I don't know the world? today has been weird. This week has been weird. This whole month has been weird." She sits forward and tucks a leg under her thigh.

"So, the people behind this. They had a guy with a glass jar for a head? weird. He was called Psimon. There was a big guy called Mammoth. There was a sorceress named Jinx. There was ..this other person who I think they called Shimmer. And then there was the guy who called himself 'the living bomb' but I think was called Neutron. Finally, there was Dr. Light, who was captured." She says, "They called themselves the Fearsome Five. Even though there were six of them. It seemed like at the end they sold Dr. Light out - perhaps to get back to having five members."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner falls silent as no one seems /that/ upset that he accidently hit Starfire with a wrecking ball. He smiles ruefully at that, before he falls silent and let's the more experienced heroes... do the heroic thinking. For now, he pulls a sketchpad from somewhere, and settles onto the couch and begins to sketch.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Kate and Siobhan shakes her head a little before saying, "I have a lot on my mind and I have to deal with an outside problem." She looks to the side, "Necromancer, ice palace, world ending events...Loki." She shrugs and then looks over at Kyle briefly, peering at his sketchpad before she pulls out the makings of a sandwich and looks to Kara. She listens to the explanation and then looks down at her work. Something is eating her up and so she doesn't say much more as she adds meat and lettuce.

Kate Bishop has posed:
After giving Kyle a reassuring smile Kate flops down on the couch and reaches for her usual tablet pulling it to her and then settling in by Kara. She starts to mess with it and bring up all the security systems for the building. She fiddles a little bit with the T-Comm system and then gives up on that for now. She starts to pull up the security footage of the battle from the camera systems on the building while she listens to the others.

She pauses to look over at Siobhan. "You sure that is all of it Sio?"

Then she looks down at the tablet and virtually flings what she was doing up on the big screen in the room. "Okay so.. Dr. Light, Mammoth, Shimmer, Jinx, Psimon, abd Neutron." she has isolated videos of the six of them during their roles in the combat and also displayed next to them the Titans File on them, not a ton on some of them but more on others. Especially Mammoth and Shimmer.

"Cassie, Dawn, and I ran into Shimmer, Mammoth, and Gizmo when we were scooping up the Warzoon Tech... we whupped their asses... or well messed up Gizmo's plan and made them call a full retreat empty handed. Honestly I am surprised Gizmo wasn't here... though he may be why the T-Comms are fritzed so we may be feeling it. But yeah.. the Fearsome Five are really seven people. Which is kind of bad naming.... but they are really heavy hitters. Shimmer almost took down Cassie and Mammoth was going hand to hand with Cassie as well. Not light weights... well just Gizmo was a light weight but it was really because we were super prepared for a techie adversary after all the Brainiac training."

Kate frowns at her tablet. "Did they take anything.. or .. why did they retreat?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles to Kyle and says, "It was an honest mistake. Don't sweat it too much - she can take it. I shouldn't have asked you to go after that sorceress. We know you tried your best and I got the impression somehow that sorceress was messing with things ...somehow. I.. I really don't know. Magic is not my thing at all. But I did feel like without her, that Fearsome Five wouldn't have been much of a threat to us at all."

She places her t-comm down on the coffee table. "Not that I know of, others are doing inventory. I'd just get in the way. They have a system." She says to Siobhan, "Okay so that sounds like a whole lot to unpack there Siobhan. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? that's what friends are for - we may not be able to help with necromancers and ice palaces and that Asguardian ... person.. named Loki."

She would have bad thoughts for him but not willing to say bad words. "And also we're hearing this all for the first time so may be we will have a different perspective on things. And also also we have your back no matter what /mbysh/."

"Training is a good idea, once people have mended and they have their mind back on track. We were surprised, they hit us when we weren't at our best and we still have no idea why. The whole thing felt like some big distraction. I have no idea why T-comms are still down. Nightwing is probably working on it."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner looks up from his sketching to smile lightly when Kara notes that they know it was an honest mistake. "Well, I mean.. I can only not sweat it so much. For starters... I didn't know I could do that much damage with the ring. The alien.. person who gave it to me was very vague.. on a lot of things," the young man says with a faint frown, before he continues his sketching while everyone works on the detectiving.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A look over at Kate and then at Kara and Siobhan frowns. She looks down at her sandwich and then clenches her fist a little before shaking her head, "Sorry." She says softly and then picks up her sandwich and takes a bite before heading for the dorms and looks back at them briefly before looking forward and walking on, "Just had a run in with the Devil." She nods her head, "That's all..." And she heads into the dorm area.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"The devil?" Kate asks as Siobhan starts to vanish towards the dorms and hten looks to the other two Titans for help and mouths 'the devil?' again to the both of them.

I mean Kate isn't skeptical, not after mystic ice dragons, and Loki, and all the other crap that has gone on. Hell she went into Raven's soul self and rescued the Titan with the others from a lot of real demons. So yeah. Not doubting just not sure what to do beyond Kara's pep talk.

She looks at her tablet. "I'll help with the inventory and see what I can do.. we turned over the tech we recovered to Star Labs.. so it isn't like the alien drive we recovered that they wanted was even here... maybe our prisoner will give up some dirt..." she squints. "Just.. ugn.. this month is fired!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara scrunches up her face a moment and lets out a Drrrr sound before nodding enthusiastically to Kate, "This month is REALLY just the WORST." The dam has broken, "Attacked by six crazy people for seemingly no reason, while four of our friends are missing lost in space somewhere, I got my buttocks handed to me by Dru-Zod's flunky Ursa, Dru-Zod took the bottled city of Kandor off of us so that he can be 'their saviour'," she says that last bit while doing sarcastic air quotes.

She buries her head in her hands and takes a deep breath, then looks up, composing herself once again. A small dose of Kara Zor-El, exasperated eighteen year old science nerd transported to a weird alien world and given strange powers because the sun shines differently here.

"Oh and let's not forget the weird tentacle monster that tried to enter our world via some sort of dimensional portal," she says rolling her eyes, but she's not being sarcastic about that, that also happened.

"And the Justice League were all 'no we must consider security over everything else because Waller might figure out how it works," she rolls her eyes again and then takes another deep breath. Calm and serene Kara. Calm and serene Kara.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner was back to drawing on his sketchpad, eyes occasionally looking over the top at everyone as they talk. Not ignoring the conversation, just not having anything productive to add to the conversation. The forms on the page slowly begin to take place, clearly some sort of action piece, if anyone went behind him to look.
    "Yeah, I'm not a fan of this month either it's pretty bad," he agrees with the general sentiment, before falling silent at Siobhan's story, and then Kara's recounting of recent events.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks at Kara when she unloads about the month. Okay she knew about the missing friends. The Zod/Kandor thing with Ursa. The attack today.

She has no idea what the tentacle monster through a dimensional portal is about. Also who is Waler and why is the Justice League worried about this person.

She thinks about asking, glancing past Kara to Kyle. "Yup. This month is fired. We will rehire it once we have our friends back..."

Then Kate just leans and gives Kara a hug. "Okay ... so is the world safe from tentacle horrors?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara returns the hug and takes in a deep breath again. "Yeah. For now." She slowly rises back up and picks up her t-comm." She looks out the large windows overlooking Metropolis. "I have been going non-stop since we lost them. Trying to make up for all the time I've been lazy. Right after I admitted to myself I needed breaks. I can't stop see-sawing between full on and breaking. I'm not sure how I'm meant to balance my life.

    There's so many terrible things happening all the time, everywhere. I hear so much of it, sometimes I can't not hear it. The DEO try their best to be there and handle things, but there's still so much. And we try to handle the bigger things too, but then there are crazy people out there who just make everything worse.. for no reason just because they can. I've had super strong men attack me just to compare themselves to me."

    Her eyes turn to Kate, "I may even be stronger than my cousin and my sister is just like me, but with decades of experience. Why can't people just get along, be peaceful? I don't know. May be Krypton was the same. May be I was too young and naive to understand the nuance. Earthlings are usually such loving creative caring people - it's the outliers that cause so much trouble."

    "I think I should go. It's board game night any way."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
    Kyle Rayner nods his head along as Kate and Kara talk, before Kara excuses herself and he shakes his head, "You don't have to go, but I think we understand if you do." He tries to offer a faint smile, before he puts down the sketchpad and the pencil. "I think I'm going to head back to my room and watch a classic anime or something, it's getting late and stuff," he says, standing up and heading towards the male dorms.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate reaches out and puts her hand on Kara's arm. "I can't directly relate. That said I imagine your cousin might have some good advice because I know he isn't everywhere at once.. or maybe Flash might too." she considers. "I know they talk about it in all the college prep stuff... you can't let yourself burn out." a soft smile.

"Pot Kettle.. I know but we need down time and to not try to shoulder the whole world on our shoulders. We really do need to figure out that balance in our lives.. or heck we won't be helping anyone."

For what the gesture is worth she gives that super arm a squeeze.

"Board games sounds like a fantastic way to decompress.. you should do that thing. Maybe we can go get coffee tomorrow?" yeah she is suppsoe to be doing the school thing but she can always cut or meet normal Kara not Supergirl after classes and all that.

"Sound good?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara listens and then nods with a smile, "Coffee tomorrow. Sounds good." Showing how far she's come, she squeezes Kate's arm back. It's still a little too strong, but nothing is going to break. "Up up and away?," she says with a tiny little grin, then she is a blur of blue and red up the empty elevator shaft.