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Latest revision as of 18:37, 26 September 2020

Street Piano
Date of Scene: 10 April 2020
Location: Tribeca
Synopsis: In Tribeca, a quartet of mutants meet and mingle.
Cast of Characters: Alexis Carr, Alex Summers, Emma Frost, Samuel Guthrie

Alexis Carr has posed:
    There was a lot of fun to be had in Tribeca. Markets, the open air, the scent of spring against the industrial buildings converted into lofts and living spaces.

    And outside one of the little joints, there is a piano set up, beneath cover of course, so that the odd patron or wandering artist can give it a go.

    And sitting at the piano, a young woman with her dark hair hanging down, her eyes mostly closed as she looks over the keys, tapping a couple of them to see how in tune the piano was... and then she pokes a couple of keys.

R    And then begins to play a rousing version of Bohemian Rhapsody, smiling, really getting into it. People stop and listen, hanging out a few moments. Some people even take pictures or video.

    However, most of them would probably not recognize Allegra Caradenza, heir to the Fiore Entertainment Dynasty, and the Caradenza Vinyards of Italy.

    ... and supposedly a horrible racist.

Alex Summers has posed:
    It wasn't exactly music that drew Alex to the place. He's with Emma, of course, and enjoying a day out with her, something that doesn't always happen regularly given her busy schedule. But hey, a few hours for lunch is a few hours for lunch, and he'll take what he can get.

    The piano music causes him to stop, looking at the restaurant. "Here...this place sounds interesting..." he says curiously, looking back at Emma. "Tolerable?" Because Emma is...well, much more a gourmand than Alex is about eating. Masters students eat where they can afford generally!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is 'slumming it' today, mostly because it amuses her how pleased Alex's mind seems to be when she's dressed down. She's wearing jeans (actual blue jeans) and a white, tailor-fitted t-shirt with a faux-faded grey familiar helmet shape and the words in the same grey 'HE DIED THAT WE RISE' across it. It had seemed like something a normal person might wear, right? A couple of the younger members of the club had been seen in similar shirts.

"Anything is better than that horrible cajun place," Emma says agreeably, her arm linked in his, peering in. "Reservation needed?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Far as I know, no. I mean, it's a sandwich bar." comes a crisp British accent from the pianist, and she gives a wry little smile up at the two.

    "Don't mind me. I don't work here, just sitting for a moment." her fingers fly over the keys, drawing up, her feet against pedals as fine tuned as any rally driver. Muscle memory is a powerful thing.

    "But I take requessts for dates."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "People would have to work at it to be worse than the cajun place." Alex says dryly, then turns his attention to Alexis curiously. "Oh? Sounds good to me then...looks like it's just seat yourself, from the sign over there..." He walks over to the table next to where Alexis is pplaying to tug out a chair for Emma. It's pretty low key...some menus tucked in the center between the salt and pepper shaker and a little standee for the weekly specials. "So you're just playing for fun, huh?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma takes a seat, frowning a bit at the laminated menus but taking one anyway. She peers at the specials, then goes back to skimming the menu. She glances to the young piano player. "You are a talented player," she says to the young girl with a polite smile, giving her a nod.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Yes, well, some could argue that I've got a God given talent so it's my duty to share --" she begins another song, this one a little more low-key than Bohemian Rhapsody. "But they never would guess how many times I have played my fingernails to nubs. So I play for fun." she strikes up the conversation with Alex with a little smile, and gives a slight blush to Emma, "Thank you. I like your shirt."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex grins as Emma gets a compliment. "Told you it was a good shirt." he says. Perhaps slightly smugly! He nods to Alexis. "Yeah, people seem to think that all you need is a talent and that years of practice don't matter just as much.' he says, snagging a menu. "You're really good though, are you a music student?" He pauses. "Oh, I'm Alex, by the way, this is Emma."

Emma Frost has posed:
"My assistant picked it up for me yesterday," Emma says dismissively. She continues to persue the menu. "Is this one of those places we go to the counter and order?" she asks Alex as an aside. "And there is no such thing as solely raw talent. Even the best to start must be honed." She nods as Alex introduces them both.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I was, until I graduated out of the conservitory. I am, in fact, looking for gigs in the area. Support my habit of eating, you know. Also play violin, in case you know anyone who's interested in lessons."

    And she gives a wry smile to the two. "How do you do, Alex. Pleasure to meet your acquaintence, Miss Emma."

    And at that moment, one of the counter girls comes up with a pad to take their orders.

    "Thanks for comin' to Hoagie's. What can we get you?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Ah, cool. I wish I could point you towards one, most of the places I've to are more bands than solo acts, though maybe Emma knows a place that could use a pianist?" He pauses as the waitress comes over. "Ah, lemon iced tea and a pastrami and swiss, no sauerkraut, with deli mustard and mayo." he offers, settling back to let Emma order as he says curiously. "You're a long way from home, from the sound of it? British?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking up towards Alexis. He is wearing a dress shirt and slacks today. His brow raises a bit as he sees Alexis talking to Alex. He ponders waiting till he leaves so does not seem like he knows everyone to Alexis. He decides though to walk over to the end of the piano smiling quietly

Emma Frost has posed:
"I'll take..." Emma peers at the menu again. "The cubano. Oh, and the kettle chips, and... do you have sparklin--" she looks at waitress's falling face and sighs. "..I'll do the iced tea as well. Twist of lemon." She reaches across the table and squeezes Alex's hand with a brief smile. She looks over to Alexis and listens for her response.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Would you beleive that I'm actually from Boston?" the girl inquires, sounding extra BBC British for that particular comment, and then she settle sback into the comfortable, more casual accent, and she llows her fingers to trill up a thte top registers as she gives a wry smile to Guthrie as he makes his approach.

    "Hullo, Sam!" she greets him friendily. "I found a piano. Just couldn't help myself. Beautiful day and all."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex turns his hand to squeeze Emma's back, shooting a smile at her, then blinks as Sam walks over. "Whoa, hey, what's up Sam? Small world, didn't expect to run into you around here." He glances back to Alexis curiously. "Wait, you know each other?" Because as of yet, he hasn't gotten a name to put two and two together.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and steps up to alexis, and leans in kissing her cheek . "Hey hon, seems ya did and seems ya found someone Ah know and someone Ah know a bit off." He smiles and says "Yea Alex, this is Alexis, and Ah take it this is Emma?" having heard the name the other morning. "A pleasure meeting you." He offers with a smile and stands close to Alexis.

Emma Frost has posed:
"So am I!" Emma says cheerfully. "Our estate is just outside Boston." She gives the girl a warm smile. She frowns a bit as Sam approaches, but keeps her mouth shut for the moment.

However, she sends to Alex, <<This could become problematic in a few, I think.>>

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Her fingers falter on the keys a moment, and Alexis feels a little more anxious as her eyebrows rise up. "Oh? More school chums of yours, Sam?" Alexis stammers a moment, glancing over to Alex and Emma, the music turning a little softer as they speak.

    "Oh! Yes, Alexis Carr." she lies about her name, "My poor manners. I was born in Boston, Massachusettes, but spent time in Old Boston in Linconshire, but grew up a wee bit further North." she states.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex hmmms. "This is Emma, yeah." He says easily enough. "Nice to meet you Alexis, Sam was telling me a bit about you the other day when I was over visiting, talking about bringing you buy to meet people at some point."

    He glances at Emma, thinking. //This is the girlfriend that Sam wanted to get away from her family, I think because she was a mutant and they disapproved?//

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Yea, and no, Ah know Alex more cause of his family at the school. He has ben visiting not sure, if he plans on long term or short term visit for sure." He admits and is honest on that one. So, hope Ah did not interrupt anything did you get to hear Alexis play, she is amazing." He hmms in thought "If Ah find an actual used piano, is an upright one ok?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Carr... Carr." Emma shakes her head. She doesn't recognize the name. She mms at Alex. <<I see. They disapprove of her being a mutant, or disapprove of her dating this-->> There's a moment of pause, as Emma reigns in her snobbiness, <<--student from the school.>>

Emma idly skims Alexis's mind, then recoils. "Caradenza." Emma's voice goes flat. "Of //those// Caradenzas? How... interesting."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "//Those// Caradenzas?" Alexis states, sand then her voice grows a little cool, and she takes a deep breath, and turns to Sam. "Yes. That Caradenza. I'd be glad that you not lump my grandparents and uncle with him." She purses her lips, and reaches down to grab her backpack.

    "Well. I've got another audition this afternoon," she lies, and shoulders her pack, her fingers curling extra tightly, nervous, and gives a hiss "I didn't think you would tell them. Or was it Berto?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex shoots Emma a look as he sees how nervous the girl gets. //I get the feeling she doesn't want to be associated with her family.// he says, slightly chiding in tone, before he stands up. "No, wait, wait...she didn't mean anything by it." he says, apologetically. "Please...just...why don't you two have a seat? I'll buy you guys a meal...musicians always hungry, right?" He motions to the table. "And...neither Sam or Berto said anything...Emma's just quick on the uptake on things." Totally leaving it at that; it's entirely possibly she guessed from the name Carr and family not happy with mutants and guessed.


Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie eyes will cut to Emma, as he frowns deeply. He turns the gaze to Alex for a moment. He reaches to take Alexis's hand. "Ah had not told them." He will have to tell her he had told a few others since then. "I told Alex a bit but not details, as I was talking about being worried about you." He looks to Emma again and says "Some recognize you other ways, you were on a lot of posters and TV hon." He does try to make an excuse/explanation.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives them all a flat stare. "Yes, that," she snips in her clipped Bostonian accent. "Don't be foolish, Alex. I have it." She's eyeing both the younger mutants with haughty suspicion.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, Alex, Sam, Miss Emma. If people know who I am, if they recognize me even without all the make up and hair beset with diamonds that may put you in danger, and I won't have that... people on either side of the extremes." Alexis states quietly, looking to Sam as she takes his hand a moment, and gives it a squeeze, then looks to Alex and emma.

T"Between the cards game the other night in Salem Center and now, I'm pretty fairly convinced that others will recognize me regardless. I'm not willing to risk your safety for my sake."

Alex Summers has posed:
    There's a faint snort from Alex as he shakes his head. "That's on them, not you." He gestures to Sam. "He probably already told you this...but it's not like the place he's from shies away from giving a hand when it's needed. And I'm certainly last person to want to turn away from someone willing to help me deal with...changes..." he admits. "I'm...new to all this too." He shrugs and takes a seat. "So at least, sit down, and talk some. Sam's been holding a lot back because I don't think he was sure if you wanted us to know things, so you only have to say the stuff you want out there."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma frowns, and mentally reaches out and snatches 'Alexis' by the mind, forcing her mouth shut and her to frogmarch into one of the chairs at the table she and Alex are at. "<<Sit.>>" The command is both spoken and mentally impressed on the younger girl. "Little girl, you think //you// are dangerous? Or your... relations are? Please." Her voice rings in not only Alexis's skull, but Alex's and Sam's as well. <<Let them try it, and they'll be breathing with a machine and fed with a tube while the machine next to them reads 'no activity'.>>

"Now," she says more pleasantly. "Lunch." The waitress that had just taken their order comes back to the table, her gaze balnk as she mechanically asks to take Sam and Alexis's orders.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Alexis, and says "Ok, let me tell you about some of the people I have issues with and have issues with me." He looks to her, and says "Your not putting anyone of us in more danger than living does." At the telepathy he cuts his eyes to Emma, and frowns, she will find getting into his head a bit harder from now on as he starts the defences Xavier taught them.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Her mouth closes. Alexis looks mildly bewildered at first, and then outright a bit frightened as she's walked without her usual grace and sat at the table, her movements stiff. And then, as she sits, she's released, and she breathes out a moment, and turns to Emma and in the crisp accent she states:

    "Please, do not do that again." Looking pointedly at Emma Frost, and she exhales.

    "Well. When you've been the poster child for Pro-Humana since you've been eight years old, and suddenly you find yourself in the company of mutants, it doesn't bode well if they recognize you as the touted 'best of humanity'. And yes, I realize, most people don't care... but I have been threatened before."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks nonplussed. "You are a lady. Act like it, not like a frantic, panicking child, and you won't be reminded." For all her 'slummed' look today, Emma certainly carries herself like the society creature she is. "And keep your bloody voice //down// child. Do you know how you draw attention you have no intention of drawing? Pitching a dramatic fit like a toddler denied a sweet. Your rendition of Romeo and Juliet aside, the only way anyone in this establishment would have any idea anyone at this table is a mutant //is because you can't keep your mouth shut//." She gives Alexis the tight smile that clearly indicates her displeasure. "So. Learn discretion. I know it's hard when your..." she looks at Sam, "Ah, other half is lacking in proper home training, but I know who you are and I know YOU at least got it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    It wasn't until that moment that Alex actually realized who Alexis was. Because he was, bluntly, clueless. He's aware of Pro-Humana, of course, but it's not like he's really paid much attention to them, not being up on their whole reason for being. HIs eyes widen slightly as he leans back. "...yeah, I get it." Alex says, frowning at Emma slightly. //Not helping our case here hon, puppeting her like that.// he thinks. "You've been threatened...oh Ohhhhh. Yeah. That'd do it." Alex says as he puts two and two together. "Damn, that's rough, sorry to hear."

    And then Emma reads Alexis the riot act on proper behavior, leaning back on his chair as he raises a brow, glancing at Sam. "...she has a point, maybe avoid the 'm' word at the moment." he allows.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to Emma, and his voice low not to be carried, "You can insult me all you want, you go into her head ever again without her permission and you and Ah will have a major issue." He is frowning deeply at this. He looks to Alexis and says "Alexis hon, we have all been threatened either because what we are or what we believe in. Ah had a man trick me into almost helping him kill one of the best people Ah know. We are not our pasts, we are what we work to be. Your past des bring with with it risks, but so does mine, so does most anyones. I and those I call friends would help you not shun you, even with your past.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis does take a breath, and compose herself. What she wouldn't give for a decent cup of tea.

    "... you are, of course, correct, and have my apologies." she states, sitting straight, her hands in her lap, less scolded child and more proper British lady as she regards Emma with mixed admiration and trepedation.

    She breahtes out, quietly measuring her words, and weighing thoughts.

    "So, yes -- I'll have a Reuban, please, light on the dresing." she tates quietly to the waitres, "And water, please."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex waits until the orders are in from Alexis and Sam before he starts to talk again...sure, he knows Emma would keep the waitress from remembering anything imortant, but at the same time, no sense pushing it. "So then..." he murmurs more quietly. "Cards on the table. We all have the same thing you do complicating our lives. Me, I didn't even get what you have." He reaches up to scratch his fingers through his short blonde hair lightly. "I didn't know what I was, until like two months ago. So I'm playing catchup on...getting used to all this too. Not the same way you are, but...you're not alone in it."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't need to insult you," Emma says with the same tight smile to Sam. "But you're thinking loudly enough to wake up the dead in all five boroughs." She frowns at Alex, but doesn't reply to him yet. She gives Alexis a slightly warmer, almost encouraging, smile, and a nod of 'good'. Emma's own back is straight and her chin held at that angle that pretty much screams 'snob'.

She looks to Alex and simply regards him with a chilly, self-important gaze for a few moments. Until the drinks arrive, first, before the waitress disappears back off again. She takes a sip of her iced tea, which is more like dirty water with a lemon in it, and makes a face.

<<Well, this is nice. We always seem to have the nicest dates, Alex.>> There is a flicker of a frown. <<And now I have the daughter of the head of Pro-Humana literally right here. Isn't that //wonderful//.>> She takes another sip.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "That's pretty much the face I made when I drank sweetened tea for the first time. I ended up just drinking a Sprite." Allegra comments conversationally to Emma, and she breathes out as she turns to Alex. "I.. don't think it's quite the same. I've known since I was thirteen. I just chose to ignore the fact until.. well."

    She motions with a small movement of her hand towards Emma's shirt with a helpless sort of look, before she folds her hands on the table, and opens her bottled water.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex snorts slightly. <<Hey, at least she's trying to get out from under her family's thumb.>> he thinks to Emma, before he nods to Alexis. "You've at least had time to get used to things then." he says with a nod." He sighs, glancing over at Emma's shirt (possibly what's underneath briefly too) before he adds. 'I think that brought a lot of things home for people, yeah. The people there...it's really rough."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie gives Alexis the same look he gives her when she makes wise about sweet tea, must be pavlovian by now. He looks to Alexis, and says "Ah am just glad your dad still thinks Ah am the problem, that Ah lured you away with my evil ways." He reaches for her hand

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's eyes flash a bit at Alex's mental comment. <<Oh?>> There's a slightly dangerous look in her expression for a moment, then she turns to Alexis. "So... you ran away from home and are trying to hide from your father and his... lovely companions?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "That's a cliche way of putting it. My father technically is still in control of the legalities surrounding my peformances since it's my hard-earned money that supports the apartments and homes and staff. His goes directly back into the organization, which means that he's one of those few 'charity' CEO's that doesn't make a dime off the profits of the group." Alexis sips her water quietly.

    "Even my likeness is trademarked to the group, which means I can't be billed under my real name until I bring it to the magistrate to correct, being as I'm now age of majority." she states quietly. "I'd rather not depend on my mother and grandparents for support if I can help it."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Cliche, but apt, in that you're trying to get away from that?" Alex sighs a bit, frowning. "Is that what you mean, that you're trying to...find a different life for yourself?" He is totally unware of the death glare from Emma, or how he probably just landed himself on the couch for a week or so. "Or do you need help with...you know. Court stuff and things?" He frowns more. "...though I'd guess you'd want that to be quiet too, otherwise you'd just be a symbol for someone else when it got out."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and wants to say something but he keeps silent, he lets Alexis speak her thoughts here. He wants to help her but he knows that her actually speaking her mind and saying what she wants is a good step for her.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma frowns. "Do you not have access to any lawyers without going through your father? You're of legal age, ergo, having your intellectual property and likeness in your own ownership should be relatively simple."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Legal age, but mired in entertainment law. There's prescident, unfortunately, that I would not be able to be billed under Allegra until the trademark on my name ran out, in about five years. And right now I'm living off a trust my mother and grandmother have set up, but they don't want me to be 'idle rich'. My father froze my assets when I jumped out the window." she gives a slight shrug.

    "So if I were to find a Lawyer for my case, they would have to work on contingency against an international charitable orginization and every single one of their donor lawyers and judges. A Herculean -- if not Syssiphian -- task."

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Meh. Red tape and crap." Alex grumbles, pausing as the food arrives from the kitchen, then taking a sip from his tea after thanking the waitress. "So you need a safe place to hang out and live while you wait for that all to time out?" He nods to Sam. "Place he has in mind would work well for that. It's....weird at times, but the people there are good. Mostly." He pauses. "...well, save one girl and she's apparently neutral evil, but I havent' seen it yet."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "Gotta get your brother and anothers ok before she can go there. Alexis has found us a place, got Doug to put in some security for us." " He looks over and says "I have introduced her to a few of the guys in my class, and a couple under.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma rolls her eyes. "That seems like the BEST idea, Alex. Bring her there, and the purple haired trollop can feel up this hayseed in front of her because that seems to be her kink."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis exhales.

    "I probably would not be a good fit to stay at the school, in all honesty. St. Cecilia's student body seems a far cry from -- I'm sorry -- what about. a purple haired--?" she pauses, blinking cluelessly.

    "Is that another student there?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    There's a sputter from Alex as he's caught mid-drink, coughing a bit as he covers his mouth, then gets a napkin, wiping his mouth, wheezing for a moment before he manages to take a breath. "...I really think that's not something she does to everyone..." he says, slightly flushed before he recovers. "And it's probably different, but you'd have the benefit of being around people who understand a lot of what you're going through."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Betsy aint gonna feel be me up." He turns to look to Alexis, and says "There is a lot of different type of folks there hon, we have rich high society types, some rough around the edges, and from all corners of the world. You might find it different yea but there are places for al types. If you give it a chance, if your ok to brought in Ah think you might like it.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Oh? I should feel special then." Emma snorts at Alex, then looks to Alexis. "Dear, if you want to go there, you might be able to learn your... abilities, of course, but your legal problems and your financial difficulties will still be the albatross around your neck for years to come." She tilts her head. "But your name commands respect, even if your father is not allowed within the Hellfire Club's clubhouses due to his... lack of decorum around other members..." She taps her fingers on the table. "But I do extend my invitation to you, Ms. 'Carr'. There are many powers in the world, but there is none so powerful as money and influence. I can bring you to Mr. Shaw and Mr. Luthor, the heads of the board of the club and both men of influence and wealth. And, I might add... they are likely to be quite sympathetic to your plight. I can speak to them on your behalf, and I am quite sure that your real issues can be resolved. A lack of access to your trust funds? That is not a problem. And we can house you in the guest suites. They are... very secure." She smiles, genuinely. "I can see myself in your situation, Allegra. In fact... I know someone who is similarly... unfortunate. Let me help you. The right way."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    When you have been around actors and liars all your life, you tend to be able to pick out the real smile.

    And for some reason the real smile on Emma Frost was slightly scarier. She steeples her fingers a moment, in serious consideration, weighing her options a moment before she breathes out. "I would be most greatful for the aid, Miss Frost." she states a moment later, her lips pursing a moment as she turns to Sam. The Hellfire Club was powerful, full of rich people with good contacts. And tood well in the way of Pro-HUMANA. She steeples her fingers a moment, then leans back in her chair.

    "A pity that the club's theme is more Faustian. I don't know much Gounod /aside/ from the obvious Romeo and Juliet. And we all know how that ends."