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Latest revision as of 05:35, 2 October 2020

Guarding which Galaxy
Date of Scene: 02 October 2020
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Guardians show off their sweet guardian skills
Cast of Characters: Peter Quill, Drax, Nebula, Gamora, Groot

Peter Quill has posed:
    Standing once again, in front of the refridgerator, again, only THIS time, the door is shut.
    Peter stands with his arms crossed, with one curled up to rest on his chin and he seems to be waiting, and then as soon as someone passes he points out, "Hey, I drew that." He says, and points at the paper on the small fridge that has a bunch of scribbles and scratched out pieces but one with a big circle drawn around it, a shield that has a fire within and the word GUARDIANS across the tri point piece.

    "Hey I dre-" Peter suddenly gets interrupted.

Drax has posed:
Being this awesome requires fuel.  Drax lumbers into the room and reaches for the door to the fridge.  "Yes.  You did."  Drax reaches past Quill to gain access to the fridge.  Drax bends down right in front of Quill, his head hidden by the fridge as he peers into the fridge's great wonders.  His backside though?  It's pretty much taking one of the ship's throughways.

"Where is the valarglan stew?"  Drax ate it.  It isn't called valarglan stew.  In fact, it might be a made up word.  He sighs and slams the fridge shut.  Well really he shuts the door, and the door slams itself.  This place just isn't built for him, but at least he avoided making a new dent.

Nebula has posed:
Aside from periodic trips up to find food, Nebula has spent the majority of her time down in the lower levels of the ship... away from people.. The dark little android secret hidden below deck.

Tonight she's venturing out. Peering from the shadowy recesses of a hatchway, head slightly bowed to the side with pupilless eyes tracking Quill tracking his drawings and Drax tracking the... stew..

Of some sort.

She snorts and turns sharply to head back in the direction from which she's come and, with any luck, back into her pit to wallow in her own self pity.

Gamora has posed:
    "I was there, Quill." Gamora interrupts Peter as she strides towards the room, only to find herself stymied by the blockage presented by Drax's lower half. Forced to wait for several seconds, she spots Nebula and glowers. "Eat something." She more or less orders. "It's been two days."

Peter Quill has posed:
    "Hey." Peter complains about Drax presenting himself before Peter, but the captain is the captain and he was here first, why should he have to move. "You ate the /Vegetarian stew/ without even offering any to anyone else." Quill notes before he rolls his eyes and looks away towards Gamora and then gestures down to Drax's butt with a goofy face. "I know you were there... She wasn't." Quill finds a new victim. "Come, look at our team logo and weep at the beauty." Peter motions for Nebula to come up and join the team.

Drax has posed:
"Yes.  Come see his pitiful marking skills," Drax encourages the retreating Nebula before straightening up.  That's about all the bones he'll throw her.  He knows better, or doesn't care.  Either way, since they've ended up on The Milano, the Destroyer has pretty much left her alone and set his sights on destroying all of the food.

Drax lumbers to the table and climbs into a seat with one of his serious pouts, or is that a thinking face, or is that his grave face.

Nebula has posed:
First Gamora, then Peter, and finally Drax's attempts to lure Nebula out of the darkness and out into the light make headway when she pauses in her retreat to look back over her shoulder in the trios direction. Eyes moving in slow twitching shifts inside the socket, a small sneer on her blue lips.

She finally does turn, stepping through the bulkhead into the galley with narrowing eyes against the hologen glow of the mounted lights above the central commons. "I have eaten..." She says in defensive retort to Gamora, as if she /has/ to defend herself.

"... What are you talking about? What team? What logo..."

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora wrinkles her nose slightly as Drax speaks, "Don't make fun of Quill's disappointing art. Morale is crucial, and the journey is long enough without grudges brewing."
    Gamora looks to Nebula and raises her head and shoulders as if to proudly proclaim something... and then glances to the side as if feeling awkward about doing so. "While you were..." Gamora gestures vaguely with her palm turned to the air, and makes a grasping motion as she settles on the word "... coping below decks, we discussed how to make use of our combined skillset. We've decided that, given the recent incident, we may nurture a reputation as protectors, and that 'The Guardians of the Galaxy' would provoke... confidence." Gamora tilts her head, "... And greater comphensation."
    Clearly they didn't see fit to share this decision.

Groot has posed:
    "I am Groot," a voice calls over. Who could it possibly be?

    The living tree shambles in, ducking under the archway in the bulkhead that divides the common areas from other parts of the Milano. Per usual, Groot is smiling, and this time it's at Peter. A twiggy hand points at the drawing before Groot gives an approving nod at Peter and his artwork.

    Groot steps away from the refrigerator door and leans against the nearby bulkhead. His attention is briefly on Gamora's speech, and he seems pleased with it, but it's not long before his face is pressed against one of the thick windows that separate them from the inky space. The stars are so pretty!

Peter Quill has posed:
    "We were pretty loud about it." Peter says, looking back at his drawing and smiling at the emotion it makes him feel when he sees it. "That dude called us Guardians of the Galaxy, trying to be a douche about it, so we're going to adapt and overcome. We're gonna be so wanted and people will pay us so much money to actually save the galaxy. It's gonna be awesome." Peter says, hooking his thumbs into the loops of his pants and leans back against the bulkhead and gestures towards Groot. "Yes, thank you Groot, that IS how you should treat your captain." Peter says, looking at the others smugly, like he just promoted Groot to first mate and that that is an honor of some kind.

Drax has posed:
"I would never make fun...again.  This is a serious matter."  Drax already laughed at Quill's drawings the other day.  "But I understand."  He nods and then listens to Gamora explain things to Nebula.

"Quill says someone is calling us that.  I am not sure if I believe him."  Just so everyone knows where he stands.  "If Thanos' or Ronan's allies present themselves in our paths I will not hesitate to smash them with my fist.  Yes it will be awesome."  He nods with a small, grim grin at his lips.

Nebula has posed:
Nebula's dark eyes dance between the trio, now a quartet with Groots arrival, with her mouth hanging slightly agag. "You're joking..." They are not joking. The corners of her eyes crow, narrow, but more in a disbelieving sort of way than her usual disdainful. "You're not joking.."

Her hands hang down at her sides, turning her head off to the side, "Guardians of the Galaxy... for which we will be paid." Weighing it, measuring it, and taking a deep breath about it. "Doesn't seem like a very effective business model."

Dark eyes dart towards Drax, then to Gamora, and finally to the floor. "Fine. Let me see what nonsensical logo you have drawn." Holding out her cybernetic hand.

Gamora has posed:
    "... Yes. Glorious." Gamora says with a distinct lack of conviction in response to Drax's proclamation, folding her arms over her chest.
    Gamora welcomes the distraction of Groot's appearance and declaration, before listening to the unfortunate Nebula's reaction to the situation. "Admittedly, 'Guarding'... *settlements* would likely be more apt. Frontiers with bandit problems, perhaps." Yeah. Nice and remote planets that don't have a famous name or a direct line to the underworld. "... Though we would surely be more proactive in annihilating the criminals, to avoid becoming long-term residents."
    Sounds a little murderous when she says it like that.

Groot has posed:
    With his face pressed against the Milano's glass window, Groot stares at the shimmering diamonds that make up this part of the sector. Most of their travels have been through the inky black expanses, boring fly-through sectors on the way to somewhere better, but this area had some things to look at. As the conversation grows surrounding their group's name and the economical viability of it all, Groot makes a sudden decision! His brow rises and he begins to slowly move out of the common area and through the rest of the ship, out of sight of the crew...    

Peter Quill has posed:
    "Where's giving tree going?" Peter asks, but then Nebula is actually taking part of the team and Peter yelps with glee briefly before he reaches over to the fridge and pulls off a piece of white paper and hands it over towards the bluer daughter of Thanos. "Hey, so whatcha think? Pretty bad ass right? My idea, my design. Don't forget, it was me. I did al-" Peter gets interrupted again.

Drax has posed:
"It is a title we have earned, from at least one person," Drax points out to Nebula, helpfully or not.  "Titles will decimate our enemies' wills.  And then we can /smush/ them."  Drax pounds a fist on the table with resolve.  It could have been harder, but it was hard enough.  This is clearly supposed to convince Nebula...in his mind.

"We should help whoever is weakest."  Drax's belly rumbles and he reaches up to rest his hand across his abs for a brief moment.  Then he gets up to go go peruse the fridge again, unbothered as Groot passes him on his way to somewhere.

Groot has posed:
    If anyone was in the cockpit, actually flying this thing, they might have noticed that the panel lights tied to the Milano's airlock system have started to indicate some activity. The panel contains three lights, one for the outer door, another for the inner door, and a third to indicate the pressurization of the actual airlock in between. If the pilot's seat was not empty, someone could have seen on the indicator panel that the airlock's inner door had opened, remained so for a moment, and then closed. After a few seconds, the outer door opened and the airlock's pressure escaped into the vacuum of space. The rest of the ship was fine, of course, because whoever just passed through the airlock was careful not to murder the crew...

Nebula has posed:
Nebula takes the offered slip of paper and is looking at it when Groot makes his escape... only for a klaxon alarm to go off that the airlocks pressure was shifting. Dark eyes lift and look in the direction the tree had gone. One less I'll have to kill later... It's a forced thought. The fact that she had to make herself think it actually bothers her more than anything.

So she does what any self respecting deadly assassin daughter of Thanos would do in this situation:

Toss the drawing of their logo on the counter and storm out of the commons area. "Fine, whatever." Just like a child.

She will never openly admit that for a second she kind of liked the idea...

And the drawing.

"I'm taking a sandwich." So does. "And a juice." One of those too.

Back down into the lower levels with her food treasures.

Gamora has posed:
    Gamora watches Groot leave with passing curiosity, then idly swats Quill across the back of the head with one hand as he takes full credit for the logo. "It was not." She says tersely. Claiming credit for another's work was almost unheard of where she comes from. Punishable by death! Part of her BURNS to make an example of this 'human' fool!
    "I-" she hesitates. Nebula's looking at the picture.
    She feels a little embarrassed.
    "... Someone else-" She sighs and her voice is very quiet, "... I suggested the shield."
    Gamora frowns as Nebula leaves, and shakes her head. "... Be wary of her." She warns gravely, "A century's worth of horror has befallen her in her short life, and the combined darkness has rendered her..." Gamora hesitates. Maybe she doesn't want them to be THIS wary. "... Moody." She finishes lamely.

Groot has posed:
    And so, the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy discuss their name and whether they actually deserve it or not, the viability of saving the galaxy as a business model as a whole, and who actually came up with the logo. One member of the group, however, had other plans. Just about when Gamora finishes warning the crew of her sister's moodiness, the crew might catch a glimpse of something outside the ship, through the port-side window.

    Slowly, Groot floats into frame with the biggest grin on his face and one of his branchy hands giving the Guardians an enthusiastic thumbs-up!

Drax has posed:
"I suggested a giant sun, but Quill ignored me," Drax adds after Gamora. He straightens up from his fridge hunt with some kind of blueish yogurt like substance.  It even comes in tiny cups too!  He lifts the spoon to his mouth.  In his hands, the spoon looks like it is for children.  As for what Gamora says about Nebula, he doesn't say a word.  He does eat another spoonful of his yogurt stuff.

Drax points with his spoon at Groot, a little bit of blue slop dripping off the end.  Then he lifts his spoon hand to wave.

"Let's get the tree from space first."