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Three Fish In A Barrel
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: Throne Room
Synopsis: Arthur, Nita, and Namor all very reluctantly discuss the goings on of these rather destructive Atlantean events.
Cast of Characters: Namor, Nita Prentiss, Arthur Curry

Namor has posed:
There are times when Namor isn't doing anything at all. Not investigating, not speaking to his subjects, and not even pursuing this or that powerful woman, not even Sue Richards.

There are times when he's just relaxing.

This is one such time.

He relaxes on his throne, which is currently covered in some plush, cotton/velvet-like sea plant that doesn't really feel like a plant at all. It's simple enough for Atlantean royalty to enter, but he's really just staring up through the vast windows, watching sea life go by, listening to the thoughts and feelings of the marine animals around him as they go about their day to day.

There is the pressing matter of horrors threatening to ruin both the surface and Atlantis, but one can't do something about that at all times. Sometimes a part of it is waiting.

Nita Prentiss has posed:
Namorita has learned to swim with her head high, ignoring any slights, real or imagined. A child of both the land and the sea, or so she was raised. Her real heritage is more complicated than that. Some abhor her origins. Still, she breathes easier in her underwater home.

She breezes quietly past the guards posted at the chamber door into her cousin's presence, glistening pearl skin, pale golden hair and emerald green suit molded to her athletic form.

"Sire. Cuz. I came as soon as I heard though I haven't heard much," she exclaims, sketching a curtesy to Namor.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Likely the arrival of Orin of Atlantis causes a small bit of tension to race through not just the guards tasked with the security of the grand palace, but of the sea life as well. For the former it might be more obvious, the latter it might be little more than a heightening of tension as the son of Atlanna returns, making the deep dive needed to reach the grand underwater fortress in the ancient city.
    Garbed in gleaming gold and green, the armor formed perfectly to his physique, he arrives and likely drifts past the outer reception, but does halt before that pair of guards set at the entrance, their tridents crossing before him though likely visible. The chamberlain may well be in a hurry to announce him.
    Yet perhaps as a courtesy he does not carry his trident, for that might well have caused more of a sensation.
    As for him how does he announce himself? He lifts his voice.

Namor has posed:
"Xebel is very unfortunate, but we'll rebuild once all of this is over and we've figured out the origin of all this recent chaos." Namor states without much surprise for the fact that his cousin has returned, instead asking, "I trust that the surface hasn't been entirely awful to you?"

"What do you want?" he asks when Arthur enters and greets him. This is how Namor chooses to greet Arthur, staring at him coldly.

Nita Prentiss has posed:
Nita's mouth opens to reply. The stir at the door arrests her in mid-word and she turns, eyebrows knit to see who the guards have stopped from entering the throne room. Dividing her attention between the door and her cousin, "The surface is going very well. You should be getting our report and follow up on the Chesapeake estuary clean up at the office. I thought I would have those ready for you when you are land side, sir." A voice, a familiar voice, makes her swim a few paces toward the door, disbelief written large on her face.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    A look to one guard, the other, and a hand resting on the tridents before him. He cocks an eyebrow to them as if to say, 'Really? You want to do this?' But then he's drifting past and through, tacit approval offered at the least perhaps by Namor's addressing him. And he floats through the water, sparing a small glance for Namorita that does have a hint of a double take...
    But then back towards Namor. "Talked to Mera." He stops floating and settles down upon the floor at the base of the throne, proper place for addressing the crown, proper distance, proper stance. Though. No kneeling, to be fair.
    "Xebel and all." He glances to the side, features twisting a little as if the water tasted funny, then back. "Figured you could use a hand."

Namor has posed:
Namor stares at Arthur for a long moment, perhaps considering how exactly he wants to respond.

It's kind of unfortunate that Namor can be a bit of an asshole.

"I specifically sent Princess Mera to avoid us having to actually speak, but since you're here, yes. I need to know exactly what you may have learned about everything happening in Atlantis right now, with the Lurkers and other creatures being pushed out of their habitat." he agrees, after being an asshole at least.

Then, looking to Nita, he says, "I will probably return to Oracle once this is all over, to check on the progress and state of things myself. But for now, you can also help with the investigations, and Xebel."

Nita Prentiss has posed:
The water tastes decidedly funny from the expression twisting Namorita's lips. Eyebrows hiked high; she casts small sideways glances at the big tattooed man but keeps her attention fixed on the King, and returns to her place at the foot of the throne.

Smoothing her expression at Namor's decided dislike of Arthur. Arthur? She shoots him another look from under her brows before replying to the King. "I can arrange that without a problem, sir. Where? Where would you like me to concentrate?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "Yah, tough thing that. Gave her the slip." Weirdly enough Arthur seems able to speak Asshole, and perhaps is fluent in it across the world. He stands there, in the middle of Namor's throne room, looking as if the whole protocol thing doesn't matter to him, shifting his weight back off his feet a little to float just an inch off the ground.
    But then he looks around the room, gives Namorita a half-smirk, before he turns back towards Namor and continues. "The whole craziness came to my attention when a cruise ship was attacked. Dealt with that. Then a bunch of the critters came after this ugly ass idol. Me and some friends dealt with that. Still got the thing. But they seemed hyped about it."
    A hand uncurls towards the reigning monarch, "And now Mera's thing. So figure maybe you want the League to help?"

Namor has posed:
"We don't need even more surface people getting unnecessarily involved. What I do need is that idol, so that we can research it and figure out how it ties into everything. It could be a clue to what's causing all of this." Namor points to Arthur now. "You want to be a king, so go to Xebel with Nemorita and investigate what exactly happened there. I'm not entirely sure if it ties into all of this yet. While you do that, I can have the idol researched."

Nita Prentiss has posed:
'King?' Nita keeps the exclamation to herself and clears her throat. Biting down hard on the protest that rose to her lips, she narrows her eyes at Arthur.

Straightening her shoulders and her expression, she addresses Namor, "Why would you involve this man, sire? What am I missing here? He knows Mera, it would seem. But." She waggles her hand in Arthur's direction, leaving the rest unsaid.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Making a face, Arthur looks back at Namor and crosses his arms over his chest. Head tilting to the side curiously. "Whoa whoa, hold up now." The tall man points with a finger from his armored bicep, eyes narrowed a bit as he says. "I don't want to be king, this is your gig, you wanted it. Whole reason we made this agreement. So long as you're not freaking evil. Stay unevil, we're cool."
    Which can be kinda demanding, to be fair since all the fun happens on the dark side of things. "I'm willing to lend a hand, investigating with Nita or whatever. The idol, was gonna have one of the magical types take a gander at it, or maybe just break the thing since they seem to want it so bad."
    Since clearly that's a good course of action.
    Yet it's to Namorita that he answers, "Don't worry about it, kid. I'm Arthur Curry. Same as always."

Namor has posed:
"I'm choosing to give him the benefit of a doubt for my own reasons. And as you're still very much wielding my trident, where ever it is, I'm no less angry." Namor practically spits the words out, clearly not feeling particularly diplomatic.

"Do not destroy the idol. We need every clue possible for how to actually figure out what's going on. The point isn't to stop anyone in the short term, the point is to figure out what's causing this." Then, looking back to Nita, he adds, "There's a complicated royal dispute, so my relationship with //Arthur// is barely civil. We currently have an uneasy peace."

That's how Namor chooses to describe it, at least.

Arthur Curry has posed:
    Flaring a hand to the side, Arthur rolls his eyes off and away, "If you coulda gotten the trident, you woulda. Don't give me a hassle for being the child of destiny and all that." Arthur is being diplomatic, really. He's not even cussing. Very diplomatic.
    "The Kraken woulda eaten your face." Which, may be true, it was a very grumpy Kraken.
    He takes a deep breath, bubbles floating upwards, and then looks at Namorita and waves a hand, "There's nothing complicated about it. He's the King, listen to him." See, diplomatic.
    "But alright, won't bust up the idol. Still gonna have one of the finger-wigglers take a look, and then we'll pass it on. Got the impression though that there might be more than one of these things banging around." The idols, most likely.

Nita Prentiss has posed:
All the pieces fall into place, a tiny smile threatening to escape her control as she sneaks another look at Arthur, 'Oh, that, trident!' she thinks. The smile is forcing its way to the surface like a bubble of air in a trapped ship.

"Right, exactly. He /is/ the King and you," she looks accusingly at him, "are just simple Arthur Curry." Turning back to look at the King, she dips her head, "We." An admonishing glance sent to Arthur, "We will investigate, sire."

Namor has posed:
"For the sake of peace, I don't take the trident from you. A king chooses his people over unnecessary wars of vanity and pride." Namor nods to Nita, then holds up a hand to dismiss them. "Return once you know what happened in Xebel."

Then, looking back at Arthur. "Try your best not to break anything."

Arthur Curry has posed:
    "C'mon, kid." Arthur says sidelong towards Namorita, "For the sake of peace let's save the kingdom." That said he turns and starts to swim back towards the entrance, water cavitating around him as he surges towards the gate, pausing only long enough to give the guards a thumbs up as he passes on by, "Good job, fellas."
    A few moments more and he's out into the palace proper, speed picking up as he breaks into a rush of motion and starts to take off at pace. Though not too fast for the cousin of Namor to keep up.

Nita Prentiss has posed:
Before turning to leave, Nita spreads her hands in disbelief at simple Arthur Curry then dips her head formally to the King. "Sire." She follows gracefully in Arthur's wake, nodding to the guards as she passes them.