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Collecting the Sorceress
Date of Scene: 04 October 2020
Location: American Museum of Natural History
Synopsis: Mike calls Pepper to come help with Amanda. Sarah Pezzini helps them avoid any unfortunate law enforcement entanglements.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Sefton, Michael Hannigan, Pepper Potts, Sara Pezzini
Tinyplot: Zodiac Rising

Amanda Sefton has posed:
The front doors of the Metropolitain Museum of Natural History have been shattered and torn assunder. The metal from the frames is... well, actually, it's sticking out of the chest of a security guard way back in the Greek Exhibit. (Nowhere near the door, in other words.) However, there are the bodies of two security guards that have been cut in half and are left spilling entrails and blood all over the previously spotless floor. It's... yeah. Not pretty.

Inside the museum, the electricity is shot. There's not a bulb that hasn't been blown out on the main floor and not a fuse that hasn't shorted throughout the rest of the building. The main corridor leading to the Greek Exhibit is fried. It looks like something set every wire on fire and used it as a giant, electrical net.

Because they did.

The Exhibit room itself is... well, it's half burnt and completely soaked. The electrical shorts kept the chemical fire retardant from triggering, thus protecting the artifacts from water damage. So, there was nothing to stop the fire. Nothing, except a magically conjured storm that has left everything sopping wet. Including the dead guard -- a brown haired woman -- impaled on a pike made of reshaped aluminium, and a blonde woman, garbed in protective leather, who lays in a shallow puddle, unconscious.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, the blonde woman would have stayed in the puddle but the guy she healed to the point of feeling spiffy dragged her out of the water works area to a dryer section of the museum. And is currently sitting next to her. Lying next to Mike is a Amanda's phone which he used to call Pepper, as instructed. Now there's the matter of trying to explain what the hell happened.

He's not really sure how he's going to do that and just hopes Miss Potts can help.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's not so much the depositing of Kurt, though that's something that Patrick had something of a robotic tizzy over. The little bot fussed and fussed, trying to work out it its little computer brain how -exactly- the blue-fuzzed mutant had appeared. Whistles and beeps, complete with little experimental *poke* to check on status is more than enough to have him rolling out to his mistress.

It's the phone call, however, that is coupled with the baleful beeps from Patrick that brings Pepper from her dreams to wakening. Watching her robot and listening to the message is enough impetus to get her on her feet, get something presentable on, and get a taxi. (Because, who drives in NYC? Happy is SLEEPING!)

Dressed in comfortable but fashionable slacks, flats and a long sleeved turtleneck with a jacket thrown over, Pepper is dropped off in front of the Museum; it's a familiar place. After all, she sits on the board, thanks to the Maria Stark Foundation. The fare is paid, and once she's away, she's running up the stairs to...

Wrinkling her nose, her hand rises to place it over nose and mouth in that 'horrible' reaction. She tries not to look at the carnage, green eyes taking that mantle of concern mixed with absolute fear for her friend.

"'Manda!!" That might sound a little more frenetic than usual, but given the circumstances?

Sara Pezzini has posed:

The city wails with sirens. Policemen in orange safety jackets are pulling barriers out of a truck, traffic is already being redirected. Ambulances casting red and white light across the army of police, firemen and EMTs stand with their doors open ready for...no one knows just yet.

A woman wends her way through the gathering crowd of emergency vehicles, stepping over hose being laid out by a fire company. Nothing identifies her as official, she wears sturdy low heeled boots in fine leather over jeans and an oversized sweater engulfs her slender form. She holds a badge in front of her like a talisman, among the first to climb the steps, pausing at the eviscerated woman but not stopping to check her vitals. Recent death has a look that she knows well. Skirting the blood, she leaves wet boot prints behind her as she penetrates into the hall, looking for the living, looking for what is making the Witchblade pulse with such urgency on her wrist.

Ahead of her a voice rings in the hall. She walks with purpose toward it, holding the badge now around her neck.

"Police," she announces softly standing in the doorway. "Does she need help? Is anyone else hurt?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Sat slumped in an admittedly drier patch than she had been, Amanda's chest can be seen to rise and fall in regular fashion. Her hood is pulled back. Her eyes are closed and her expression is slack. There's a red mark on her cheek where she hit the floor.

The room is full of the sense of fading magic that will make even the hairs on the backs of mundane necks stand on end. It is strongest in three places -- by a display case that has been broken and sacked, high in the middle of the room where the magical rain originated, and lingering around the exhausted woman and the recently healed Phantasm. And that's not counting the waves of magic that permeated the foyer and the corridor that leads to this ruined room.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Blinking, Mike turns his head as he hears a voice calling out a name, which could be a shortened version for the woman he's sitting with. "O-" He clears his throat, "Over here!" He responds back, drawing Pepper's attention down the right corridor.

Hearing a familiar voice, he glances, over, looking to Pez. From the thing with the gods issue. Well, at least he won't get committed to a psych ward if he tries to explain. "She passed out after healing me." He explains, "She did fall, but not far as we were on the floor." He pauses, looking to the the wetter area of the museum. "...Strange is missing."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper has a flashlight on her phone lighting her path, and as such, is really trying not to step in anything wet and sticky. She catches the response, the voice of someone who is definitely //not// Amanda, but still offering some direction. Raising her voice, Pepper calls out, "I'm coming!" She just apparently made it before all the emergency command did. If she'd been late, well, entrance wouldn't have been easy.

Once she reaches the room, it's.. a mess. An absolutely disaster area, and the hair starts to rise on the back of the redhead's neck. "Oh.." is whispered.

Now, she's never met Dr Strange and really doesn't know the gravity of why and how 'missing', but Amanda? Pepper rushes to her friend's side, "Amanda..." is breathed at the woman, and she looks back at the gentleman in the room. "I have to get her home." They're going to try and avoid the EMTs, Medics and the like.

Once again, Pepper is back to her friend, kneeling now, "Kurt is back in the apartment," whether she can hear her or not, "He's safe." That.. that she knows is important. "Patrick is going nuts, too."

Looking up from her spot, hearing the call now from police, Pepper is biting her lip before, "I need to get her home."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sensing magic is like seeing colors that are out of the normal spectrum of human vision. How do you describe colors to someone that can't see them. By no means inured to magic, Sara Pezzini walks warily by the ransacked case to the two hovering over the recumbent woman, feeling the fading magic surrounding her.

"Hey Mike," she says as she kneels, her attention on the unconscious woman. "That's going to shape up to a nice bruise when she wakes up. The question is," she fixes Mike with a quizzical stare which she shifts to Pepper. Keeping her voice calm, "That was my next question. You want to get her out of here without the press and official medical attention?"

It's not that Sara is an old hand at these moments when magic users prefer to do things on the down low but she is a fast learner. "Will she be alright?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Perhaps Amanda senses Pepper. But she stirs, brows creasing, head shifting. There's a soft noise in the back of her throat and a flicker beneath her eye lids, though they don't yet open. Then, softly, "ow..."

Outside, away from the building, there's a bit of a milling about as lines get sorted and the administrative powers that be realize they're going to need to wait for lights and generators to be moved in. This now buys the quartet inside a little bit more time.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks over to Pez as she offers Pepper a chance to leave with Amanda. "...Might be better." He agrees, "She's going to n-" Hearing Amanda speak he pauses, turning to look to her, "Amanda?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper fixes Mike with her green eyes, "It will be better," is said purposefully. Right now, Pepper //knows// and she's not afraid to use everything at her grasp, which is to say, pretty much nothing as she's the //least// powered person here. Other than, say, city pull.

"'Mands," Pepper's attention moves immediately back to her friend and roommate, and she keeps her voice low. "Don't move. Not right now. We're going to get you back to the apartment," and that is given with a quick sidelong glance at the newly arrived Sara.

"Yes," and there's a suredness that lies underscoring her tones. "We can't have media, police, and the rest of .. everything here." The redhead quick smiles, and it's a tight one that holds no humor. "As it is, I'm going to have to figure out something to tell the Board when they get wind of this." Of //course// the chances are good that calls are going out, and almost as if on cue, Pepper's phone rings softly. "See?"

And the Stark Industries PA has something else to spin, this time for one of her philanthropic ventures.. but she's not yet taking the call. She lets it go to voice mail.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The Witchblade responds to the woman called Amanda, recognizing her magic with a sense of approval that Sara find strange. Sara shifts her weight, looking up at Pepper.

"I can help, I'll run interference for you. We need to move fast; forensics and the precinct detectives will be piling in here within minutes."

As Amanda stirs, Sara keeps her eyes on her, asking Mike, "Did I hear you mention Dr. Strange?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Another groan from the sorceress. Amanda's eyes flutter and she fights to right herself. Pepper, being positioned as she is, is the first one she sees. "Gin... Sorry. I'm sorry." Her words aren't slurred, but they're not as precise as they could be. She's been nearly wholly drained by the fight and is struggling. Nevertheless, she shifts, trying to come back to herself.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods, "Yeah, he was here too. Amanda was healing me at the time but I think he got pushed into a portal?" The questioning tone is probably not the best assurance that he remembers correctly but it's the best Mike manages. Turning to look to Amanda, "You ok with me picking you up? I think I can move a bit better."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I know," Pepper looks at Sara. "They'll be calling my office, too. Police. Media." She gestures towards her phone, "It's started already."

Which means?

"Amanda, how long do you need?" To teleport, that is. "Do you have anything on you?" Pepper knows her friend well enough there's always something stashed on her person. Thing is? Kurt may have gotten the benefit of that.

"We need to get deeper into the museum," the redhead instructs. "We're not going to get through the line. Give her a chance to get her head back a little, and she's got it." Such faith! "As for me, well.. a no-brainer as to why I'm here."

ising to her feet carefully, Pepper still has her phone flashlight lit, "The Egyptian display. As long as we don't trail.." blood.. "it may be good enough to hide for a few." There is an amazing Egyptian display of a temple, with rooms, columns, drawings.. the only place that has rooms within rooms within rooms.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"I can do that for you." Holding out her hand to Pepper, "I'm Detective Sara Pezzini with the 11th, call me Sara. I saw you at the Gala here not too long ago with my friend Angelo Tampambulos. Let's pick her up and move her then."

Sara thumbs the walkie talkie at her hip, which hisses to life. As she prepares to get Amanda's feet, she explains matter of factly, "I was called in because of how strange the circumstances were around this incident tonight. I hope we get to talk. My chief and the other captains are getting hip to the stranger things happening to the city, which is why they dragged me out of bed. Let's go see the Egyptians!"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda swallows and makes a grunt that sounds enough like an affirmative that Mike and Sara can move her. And, she even tries to help, though her coordination is a little shot. Still... if they move carefully, they can avoid the worst of the water and grume to find shelter in the lee of a replica temple of Amon-Ra. The irony of that is not lost on the Sorceress.

Nevertheless, as she sinks down in a new, drier spot, she looks over to her redheaded roommate. "Gonna be a bit," she says, finally. "I might have overextended myself." She says that as if it were a remote possibility when it's oh-so-clearly the truth. "It was that or lose the whole building." See? She saved some of Pepper's artifacts! It wasn't a complete loss.

Just very nearly so.

She glances to Sara, whom she doesn't know, and her eyes are drawn to the artifact on her wrist. "Who are you?" Yes, she heard the whole 'I'm a detective' thing. It's the artifact that's attracted her attention and completely negates that earlier introduction.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Consent given to move, Mike helps with relocating Amanda as he considers alternative options. While she sits, he glances around the quiet room, frowning. Turning his head as Amanda mentions how long they might wait, he looks over to Pez "How much time do you think we got here? If you're not picky on the where I might be able to get us further than this." Namely, not in the building. Maaaaybe another city. But not here.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Virginia Potts," Pepper begins before lowering her tones, "I sit on the Board here and work for Mr Stark at Stark Industries." She holds out a quick hand, "A pleasure, Detective." Mr. Stark. Iron Man. "Then, it's my pleasure to meet you again."

Pepper's favorite spot is, apparently, the Temple as well. Always has been.. though the Byzantine display has always carried something in her heart.

"Might have," Pepper repeats softly as they find their new spot and settle in. "You know, I would have understood if the whole building went." So, Pepper things that the safety of one far outweighs the wealth of history of the building?

Damned straight.

Particularly Amanda.

"As I said, Kurt's okay. I left him with Patrick poking him." Which undoubtedly both are finding a little annoying.

Green eyes move to Mike, and her head shakes. It's her need to help control the damage. "No.. I think we'll have enough time. I don't want to see her out and away, away from anyone else that could help."

Once Amanda is feeling better, though.. she could refuse medical treatment, giving them some breathing room. Even now Pepper is working on concocting a story..

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Returning the shake with a quick, firm squeeze. "Nice to meet you again, as well."

The Witchblade responds to Amanda, holding a two-way conversation of sorts between itself, and Amanda, keeping Sara in the loop while she attends to the more mundane side of things like carrying the recovering woman's feet.

"Up to you two. CSI will be here in minutes." Sara's walkie talkie attests to the momentary arrival of the first team.

"I'm already going to get into a world of trouble if anyone finds out I've been moving witnesses around at a scene." Pez holds up a hand, saying quickly, "It's not a problem." Her native Brooklyn accent turning the word problem into praablem. "Take us away or whatever. There are some things the captain just isn't ready to handle yet."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda's eyes tighten as Pepper mentions Kurt again. She nods to the information, but doesn't immediately speak. Until her eyes widen in alarm. "The torc," she says, looking back towards the Greek exhibit. She turns to Mike. "The copper torc with the lions heads. I dropped it in the other room. We need it. I need it. Now. Please. Can you--?" Will he go get it for her? Otherwise, she'll be struggling to rise and do it herself.

Well. She's struggling to rise again, anyway. The words of those around her have made it clear they can't stay where they are. But she needs that torc, first.

In the meantime, though, she seems to have made some sort of peace with the Witchblade. Maybe less of a personal introduction and more of an I'm-okay-you're-ok detente. Enough to assure Amanda that the detective is one of the goodguys and not someone she needs to completely censor herself around.

Except she won't betray Kurt's hand in all this destruction. At all. Not until she knows for sure what happened.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods, looking over towards Amanda, looking for her input on the matter. As well as an answer to his other question, "...When did Kurt get here? I didn't see him."

He doesn't get his answer but instead gets a request. "Greek exhibit. Copper Torc with Lion Heads. Got it." He gives a nod, shifting back and vanishing from sight. Juuuust in case someone already got to the room.

He scoots on down quickly, footsteps not even so much disturbing the puddles as he runs on top of them. He glances around. Copper Torc with lion heads. Copper Torc with lion heads.

A bit of overhead light causes for him to notice a bit of a glimmer. Ah HA! That maybe?

Reaching down, he inspects it before it too vanishes from sight. GOT IT!

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks to Mike, and her head shakes quickly. She'd let something go, and regrets it quickly. "Leave it alone," is given to the man in return. She's got nothing to lose!

Instead, she looks to Amanda as her friend recalls the item; makes sense, in that she's regaining her memory after all of //that// stuff that's happened. And in the attempt to rise?

Pepper gains her feet to offer something of an anchor to the woman, her attention briefly running towards Sara with a, "Help me," get her up and on her feet. Probably not the smartest thing to do, but Pepper's been in situations somewhat like this before, with others, and it's easier to do than to argue. Once, when all is said and done, argument behind closed doors is far preferable to wasting time. Wasting valuable, precious time.

"C'mon," is said softly, encouragingly to the aether, to Mike's back as he departs on his quick mission.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The mention of the torc sparks a cascade of images in Sara's head, projected by the Witchblade and its continuing campaign to educate her in all things magic. Draped figures that might belong on Grecian urns from the Classical era wearing golden torcs arrest her attention, her gaze becomes distant. Coming to herself, she nods encouraging Mike to go now, CSI is coming up the stairs of the museum.

The detente between the sorceress, Sara pauses a moment over the word, and the Witchblade is welcome. One less complication in what is rapidly becoming a complex situation for the young detective. She has far less political clout with the department than Pepper and the Stark organization.

"Got it!" Without needing further urging from Pepper, she crouches to get an arm around Amanda to help her rise. "Once we have the torc, where to?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Home," Amanda says to Sara.

Helped back to her feet, she gives a grunt at Pepper's question. "If I open another portal," she says, "I'm liable to pass out again." She looks at her friend. "On the shelf beside my bed, there's an ashwood box with a tree of life carved on it. When we're through, get it and find one of the bottles with the blue liquid and feed it to me when I do. It will help."

Stim potion FTW!

Thus, as soon as Mike returns, the sorceress straightens as well as she can and raises her hands. She closes her eyes and the strain on her face makes it evident just how much effort this spell is taking. Nevertheless, she scribes the arcane gestures in the air. Flickers of green and magenta energy sparkle beneath the Egyptian stones until a wavering hole appears in the fabric of reality. Through it is a cozy, upscale living room in an apartment some blocks away from the museum. Safety just a step away. She holds it open for as long as she can, but people will need to be quick to step through it. Because as soon as she's through, it collapses and so does she.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the faint sound of voices coming from the busted door, the newly appointed gofer, looks up. Time's a wasting. Run little phantasm, run!

Torc in hand, the unseen Mike sprints, taking a more direct path as he runs through walls, leaving them physically untouched. As he reaches the hiding place, he takes a jump clearing the higher level the structure rests upon before skidding to a stop and suddenly appearing between the three. "Okay got it. And They're coming."

The warning is not needed as Amanda's already getting to work, producing an escape route. As the others go through, so does he.

Pepper Potts has posed:

Pepper steps through, but obviously not without Amanda. She, with help, can only keep Amanda up for so long before her friend faceplants.

Their destination? A high-ticket apartment overlooking Central Park, if one is to look outside the windows. It's a large apartment in NYC standards, with multiple bedrooms. Emerging from one is a small red robot with yellow, scuffed flames painted on the side, a mixture between a roomba and a WallE, with his eyestalks set on a raised bit.


One can almost hear the inquisitive tone of the electric noise.


It comes again, and this time, Pepper does address it.

"Patrick, in Amanda's room," at the same time, she's making sure, with help, she gets her friend to one of the couches in the living room. "Ashwood box. Scan it. Bottle with blue liquid... there's a good Patrick."

Rather than 'stare' at the newly arrived, the little 'bot swings around on its tracks and starts to head back into the room from where it had emerged, whistling softly.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Magic portals are not Sara's everyday fare. The bracelet on her wrist urges her forward. The sound of voices in a nearby room drive her through the door still close to Amanda in case she does indeed collapse on their arrival.

Sara's mouth drops open at the robot appearing in the luxury apartment. Offering her arm in support to Amanda, she takes a rapid look around the room.

"We just missed them. That was close. When we get Amanda settled, you can catch me up." She holds up her arm, revealing the silver bracelet set with a blood red stone. "Apparently, I'm supposed to be here."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Once the liquid has been delivered and administered, Amanda stirs once again. Her groan this time is bone deep. But as she swallows and opens her eyes, she is able to clear her head far faster with a mild shake. Her struggle to pull herself upright is considerably less than it was at the museum. "Gods above," she sighs, settling back into a comfortable chair and raking her hands through still wet hair. "I feel like I just went ten rounds with Mohamed Ali." Except she looks a helluva lot better than she did before. So, that's something, at least.

She looks between Pepper and Mike, who may be the ones to grasp what she says next most quickly. "The snake sorcerer -- the one from Starling City. He's after something else, now. Whatever that artifact was."

In other words, the master of the giant snake that tried to eat her, Nessa Donovan, and Mike, is back and hunting for artifacts that aren't the stone map she's concealed on another plane of existence entirely.

She looks to Sara, satisfied by her 'conversations' with the Witchblade that it's worth bringing the detective up to speed. Hell, having law enforcement on their side could be a huge asset! "You've heard about the Henley Crowne murder in Starling City?" It'd be a surprise if the officer hadn't. Not only did it make the news, but the cops all suspected it was a mutant terrorist attack. That sort of thing tends to make the watercooler talk in the regional cop shops.

"It wasn't mutants that attacked." At least, it wasn't mutant terrorists. Given the blue furred figure concealed in her bedroom, that statement is no longer 100% acurate. "It was a cadre of mystically powered warriors operating on the orders of a dark sorcerer. They were after a map, then. Now... I'm not sure what they're after. Only that they've changed targets."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I don't know if I am or not but I've just learned not to question it when I show up to weird things and either Strange or any of the bridge folks are involved. " Mike responds, glancing over to Sara with a bit of a half smile.

He glances down to the Torc, before glancing over to Amanda, "...The same guy." He frowns, lowering the piece of jewelry, "So, what was it they were after this time? I was trying to figure that out when the centaur spotted me. "

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper listens, she does, but she's also quietly trying to calm a little red robot as well, as it swings around, 'looking' at everyone. "Patrick, Patrick.." Once Amanda's health is assured, that is.

It's not five minutes into the tale, however, that her cell phone rings once more, and this time? She looks at it and exhales in a sigh before she steps into the next room to take it.

"Hello.. yes, this is she.." and her words go in and out as she paces the kitchen first, then steps out onto the balcony. "... yes.. do you..."

Moments later, the redhead is once again off the phone, and she at least changes her shoes before putting on some light makeup. "Have to go back out. We need to release a statement." She gives Amanda a long, considering look; not with anything but concern. "I'll be back later. Get some sleep." Or else!

To the others, Pepper nods, "Thank you for your help." Time to catch another taxi.. and it's back to the museum.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Assured that Amanda is not going to collapse on the spot, Sara stops hovering. She steps to the windows to look down on the city below them before settling on the edge of a couch.

"That." Sara rubs her her brow with two fingers, the stone on the bracelet lighting from within at the mention of the Master of the Snake. Nodding mutely, she makes a gesture of assent at Amanda's question about the Henley Crowne murder. "That is a lot to take in. How will having police presence help?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"I don't know," Amanda says in response to Mike. She looks at him. "The torc. Where is it?"

Then, to Pepper, a wan smile. "Thank you," she says to her. "I will... I'm sorry." For this whole mess.

However, when the other woman has left and the torc is produced, she takes it and examines it briefly. Then, she simply sets it in her lap and leaves it there, one hand over it protectively. It fairly radiates magic.

"I don't know," she says again, this time in response to Sara. She inhales a deep breath and mimics Sara's gesture against her own forehead. "Here's what I do know: Twenty-five hundred years ago, a sorcerer named Zalmoxis used some very powerful magic to lock a very powerful ancient god away. Henley Crowne was murdered because he possessed one third of a rock tablet that points the way to the site of this lock. But he's not the only one. An arcane monastery in Egypt where a second piece was housed was also attacked and many of the brethren killed." She grimaces. "A good friend of my family guarded the last piece. He dropped it in my lap and disappeared shortly after Mr. Crowne was murdered. I don't even know if he's still alive; he was heavily injured, himself."

She gives a dry, self-mocking chuckle. "I'd conjure you a image of the map, but I don't think I'd better. You really don't want to be picking me up off the floor a third time, tonight." Again, she runs hands through her damp hair. "Suffice it to say, I believe the sorcerer who is seeking the site of Zalmoxis' lock is the same one who attacked the Museum tonight. But until I know what was stolen, I won't have any idea what he's after." She regards the cop for a moment. "But, unless they got what they needed in its entirety tonight..." Gods, she hopes not, "what I can guess is that this won't be the last museum hit. Arcane artifacts are found primarily in three places: private collections, obscure archeological sites, and museums. Without Dr. Strange, our best hope is to learn what's missing from the museum. You can find that out faster than I can, I suspect."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike lifts up the torc in his hand, holding it over for Amanda. Allowing for it to be taken as he listens to the explanation. Everything ended in the greek exhibit room. So maybe some similar pieces in that area?"

A brow rises, "If they were looking for pieces of a map to find where something's locked away, could they now be looking for something to undo the lock?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara spreads her hand, she cocks her head and looks at her wrist as though interrogating it. The Witchblade has a mind of its own, an inner life that it shares with her but only at its whim. It remains quiet. But the detective in her responds to Mike, "That will be easy enough to determine though I doubt we will get the information tonight unless we are lucky. I will let you know when I do."

Frowning, her gaze moves from Amanda to Mike, then back to Amanda. "Where is Dr. Strange?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"It seems likely," Amanda says to Mike. Her lips purse. "The tablet does speak of twelves stars surrounding a crown." She considers that. "The Avatars of the Zodiac are the warriors who've been doing the dark sorcerer's dirty work... it would fit."

She frowns. "I don't remember a crown being in the Greek Exhibit, though. The Ancient Greeks weren't big on crowns, really. Circlets, but not crowns."

She shakes her head as to the question of Strange. She didn't see him disappear. She was too busy dealing with Kurt. "I don't know. But, again, if I have to guess? Probably wherever the Avatars went..." Which isn't helpful, because she doesn't know that, either. But he'll be in enemy territory, all the same.

She scrubs her face tiredly with a hand. "We're going to need more help..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hmm, maybe the crown is broken up like the map was." Mike considers aloud, "If people took the precaution with the map, why not with that? Maybe we're looking for something that's not completely circular."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Holding her head lightly between spread fingers, Sara nods. "It seems I'm offering my services as both a detective and wielder of the Witchblade, Amanda. The Avatars..." Her voice trails off and then she quickly covers her mouth with her hand, suppressing a yawn. "Oh, excuse me." After a glance at her left wrist, "I have work in about five hours. Can you give me a way of reaching you? I will be where you need me, when you need me. I can take leave from work if necessary."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"Maybe," Amanda says slowly, nodding to Mike's thought. It's a good thought. "It would also radiate magic, which would make it somewhat easier to narrow down." But there's still potential for a lot of magic in old museum artifacts. If only because mundane items can gain magic through age and use in some cases. Not to mention the fact there are *how many* museums around the world?

Small needle. Almost infinite haystack.

But still. Ancient Greek circa 5th C. BCE. Curved, ornamental, not necessarily a complete circle. That's a lot narrower than 'could be anything anywhere'. It's a place to start, and she knows it.

She just wonders how much time they have left.

The expression on her face as the detective reveals her fatigue is an empathetic mirror. She's fading, herself. That stim potion can only do so much. "Mm-hmm," she nods, fishing through the damp jacket she still wears for a small metal case. Inside is a handful of white cards with a phone number written on it, below the word Daytripper. "Here. I appreciate your help, Detective. Especially given we've only just met."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The concern on how to narrow it down is on a lot of minds. "Anyone got access to a really REALLY powerful search engine that just focuses on museums or know any Greek History experts?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
After a faint smile at the card, Sara rises and slips it into the pocket of her jeans. "I'm at the 11th Precinct. But I'll give you my private number." She slips out a card carrier from her back pocket, slips out a card and passes it to Amanda.

"True enough. We just met. My instinct tells me I'm in the right place, this," she holds her right wrist up, "seconds that."

Her smile blossoms at Mike's query. "Well, as it happens, I know two, fairly intimately. I will get back to you both tomorrow."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda arches a solitary brow at Mike's somewhat facetious question. "Actually..." she says thoughtfully. "I think I *might* know someone." Time to call Nessa again... or maybe reach out to Lucifer directly, herself.

Then again... maybe not.

Regardless, it can all wait until morning. Thus, she pulls herself heavily to her feet, trying not to sway. "Thank you again," she says to them both, plodding behind them to the door so she can lock it after they leave. (Pepper would have a fit to come home and find it unlocked.) "We'll be in touch."

And once they're gone and she's alone at last, she takes a few moments to conceal the torc where it won't be easily found until she can afford the energy to ward and purify it. Then, she retreats to her bedroom to curl up beside the blue mutant who has known her since childhood... praying to whichever benign gods that are still listening he'll wake up whole and in his right mind.