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Name Dropping Thor
Date of Scene: 07 October 2020
Location: Tribeca
Synopsis: Nico demands a conversation with Sera. Sera makes her day by discussing magic and putting her on the phone with Thor.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Nico Minoru, Thor

Sera has posed:
The city is big enough that you don't see flying people every day, but the chance is always there. Power Girl could fly by at any moment, though usually she's a blur. Tony Stark might even be out in his power armor. Sky watchers are often messaging each other for 'hot spots' just to see a hero in action.

This flying person is a little different to those. Not only does she have the wings like an angle, but for those magically inclined, it is evident that the wings are made entirely out of magical energy, beautifully latticed together. They glow a bright white and she is casually flying over Tribeca right now.

Sera is not widely known in the city though, but there have been more and more internet picture sightings of 'the angel in New York' of late. She's not seeking fame but isn't shying away from it either. Dressed in what appears to be a combination gold and silver battle armour that also seems to radiate magical energy.

Whoever she is, magically speaking, she is a big step up from the usual. New York has some serious magical chops it seems.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Another typical day for Nico. Roam the streets of the city and peruse the shops. Perhaps stop in for some black coffee at a local coffee shop. Truth be told she was a young girl with rreally no direction. No place to call home and no real purpose.

WIth her backpack slung over one shoulder, she walks down the street, airpods in her ears and pretty oblivious to the world. Her lack of focus on what is going on around her causes her ot shoulder bump a rushing business man and he stops, raise shis arms out to the side and confronts. "What the hell Bitch."

At first she was considering offering an apology, but his actions certainly warrant a different reply. "What's the hurry? Clearly you are just out to fetch coffee for the rest of the bosrd room, but putting on the act that you are some big wig executive. Get out of my face."

The man scoffs and continues on, muttering another erogatory term. It is then that her eyes catch the flying figure above her. It was expected to see the occassional figure flying above the city, but this one was new to her, and her focus remained. "What the hell is that?" Her hands moves to her forehead to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun and the glow of Sera's wings."

Sera has posed:
The sudden buzzing in her armor has Sera come to a stop mid air, her wings beating to keep her aloft as she fishes out her Stark Phone and answers it. "Hello?," she asks and there is a pause. "I've won a what?," there's another pause. "What is a cruise ship, how is that different from a regular ship? is this on water or in space?"

Distracted enough she lowers down to land on a roof top right across the street from Nico and her run in with Mr. Boardroom. "Is $5000 a lot of money for a cruise ship? Look where I'm from you don't just give people anything, nothing for nothing buddy," she says in to the phone and sits down on the edge of the building, letting her legs dangle.

Her clothing suddenly transforms and her wings disappear. The armor is replaced with blue jeans and a white T-shirt with the words 'Heven's Reject' on it. Yep, that is without a doubt magic happening.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Oh Sera has caught Nico's focus. Especially now. It is quite evident that what she is seeing is some sort of magic, and magic has always intrigued the young goth girl. How does one get the attention of someone across the street on a rooftop without causing a scene on a bustling sidewalk in NYC?

A normal person would maybe wave or walk across the street. Nico is not entirely normal and her filter is clearly broken. "Hey you!" Her finger raises and points to the figure seated on the rooftop. "Come here!" Some people actually stop to see who and why she is calling out to, but most just keep on walking, accepting that in the city this is fairly normal.

Nico walks to the edge of the street and steps out into it, intent on crossing; but the cars are not intent on stopping. She kind of plays a game of frogger and tghrough a blaring of horns and more swears tossed her way, she manages to make it to the sidewalk beneath the building.

Sera has posed:
Sera is being inundated with a one sided conversation from a telemarketer trying to scam her in to purchasing a 'free' cruise ship holiday. When a young goth woman suddenly points at her and yells 'Hey you', she points a finger to herself questioningly and then glances over her shoulder. Nope, no one else on the roof. She wonders if this is one of those 'villains' she hears so much about.

"I'm sorry buddy, but someone here in the real world wants to talk to me. Thank you for your generous offer for a cruise vacation but I don't have the time right now, my friend is a bunny and I need to work with a drunkard to fix that." She hangs up and then drops from the three story roof top down to the pavement with a small thud.

Looking Nico up and down she suddenly offers her hand and smiles, "Hello. I'm Sera. What did you want?," asks the angel. This is a first, she's never been addressed as 'hey you' before. But this is New York, it tracks. One of the drivers disrupted by Nico's passage across the street gives her the finger and says, "Watch where you're going ya freak!" as he drives on down the road. Yep, New York. Very friendly place.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico has never really been one to sugar coat anything. Blunt as always and not particulary caring how people react. Thus, when the angel drops from the rooftop and lands in front of her, she takes a moment to size up the woman before her and gives her a casual head nod. "Nico. Nce to meet you Sera. Clearly you are not one of the normal vermin who walk these beloved streets."

She tilts her head to the side and takes in the figure in front of her, seemingly assesing her with a stufies once-over. "I have seen people fly. That does not pique my interest. I have seen people sit on the edge of buildings. Again, I could care less about them as well." She raises a fingerless gloved hand and points at the woman before her. "But what you did with those wings...now that caught my attention. That...was magic."

Her finger is lowered and she then addresses the question from Sera. "What do I want? I do not really want anything. I mean..should I say World Peace. Everybody always claims they want that right?" She gives a care free shrug. "Magic...now that intrigues me."

Sera has posed:
Her direct manner reminds her of Angela, which amuses Sera quite a bit. A small version of Angela, but human and definitely not a red head. "Curious wording, implying that while I might not be normal vermin, I might still be vermin." She winks and her lips curl in to a smirk.

"Mhm. It was magic yes. I'm a sorceress," she replies not quite sure if she should tell people about the LBC or the Infinity Watch. The last few times she's mentioned either she just gets blank stares. Not too surprising really, most people on this planet are magic oblivious.

"I'm happy to talk magic with you Nico. Are you a sorceress too?," she enquires. Her eyes look around the street and she spies a small coffee shop and then points to it, "Care for a drink while we chat?" This is Nico's desire after all and Sera is in the mood for a drink now. "Though, fair warning, I will require payment in kind for my information and today, since you are dressed so interestingly, I will ask you about you as payment. Does that strike a deal in your heart?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
You don't smell like Vermin and you have decided to actually enagage with me. That makes you a step above most of the worthless wastes of oxygen I encounter daily." She looks to her right and spies a local coffee shop that she has actually frequented a few times. "Sure. We can in there. I might even have a free coffee on my punch card, so this one is on me." She smiles ever so sweetly and fake and starts to walk, gesturing Sera to follow.

"Fair is fair. I am an open book unless you ask something I do not wish to divulge. Got it? However, I will be honest, there is little I keep secret. Quite frankly I could give a shit and a half what people think about me."

As she reaches the door to the coffee shop she opens in and makes a gesture for Sera to enter before her. The place is fairly crowded and there appears to be no empty seat. Nico walks oer to a table by the window where some millenial save the earth type teen is seated with their feet up on a second chair. She simply picks up his coffee and sets it on a single chair table by a window, freeing up the double. The young man seems a little bit put off, but Nico raises her hand and holds her palm to him before he can speak. "Just don't. Please. Just don't." The man shakes his head and grabs his bag mmoving ot his new seat.

Look, an open table."

Sera has posed:
Sera quickly realises that Nico is awesome. That is quite clear. She is utterly reminded of Angela and can't help but grin with amusement as she relocates the man by moving his coffee. "What a crazy random happenstance," she says and takes a seat at the now free table.

"An open book except for the bits that aren't open, gotcha. Great, well I'm still really new to Midgard, so tell me - what is the fashion you've adorned yourself with?," she asks sounding as if she's from Asgard or something. "I like it," she adds and then continues, "Also, it'd help if you have a particular area of magic you'd like to discuss, it's an extremely broad subject. My magic or magic in general? I'll get the story rolling since this is often a sticking point.. I'm an Angel from a place called Heven. I'm a sorceress, as I said before. I work with a group of other magic users who casually go by the name The Ladies Book Club."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico had slid into a chair and a small exhale could be heard as she leaned back and foled her arms behind her head breifly. "Wait what? Hold on a second. Midgard like Thor and shit Midgard. Do you know Thor? I mean even if you don't, just say you do, alright?"

It is clear she has been here before as a server walks over and places a simple mug of black coffee in fronbt of her, turning to Sera and inquiring what she would like. "Let me explain my choice of fashion this way. You know how some people where rainbow shirts and unicorns and bright colors in an attempt to spread joy to the world and the people they come in contact with? Yeah that is not me. People annoy me. I mean not all people. Just most of them. Dont get me wrong, I mean puppies are cute and stuff...but you are not going to see me talking to them in some cute little high pitched voice like they understand me."

She reaches to take a sip of the black coffee and lowers the mug in front of her. "And no, I am not depressed. I am not into death. Okay maybe I am a bit..." She leans forward and says a little softer. "Blood magic. Well not bloof magic like raising the dead. Tho, I think if I wanted too I might be able to. I cannot really use magic unless I offer blood...my blood." She chooses right now to not mention the staff.

"So an Angel huh? Cool. Like one of God'a warriors and shit? Like that type of Angel?" The coffee is reached for once more, but no tip taken just yet, her fingers playing with the handle. "Ladies Book Club? Oh please tell me it is not as lame as it sounds."

Sera has posed:
Sera raises an eyebrow at that reaction from Nico as she picks up on the terminology, "Oh sorry .. Earth. I still forget. Earth." She nods her head and then chuckles, "Oh, yes I do actually know Thor. He's a good friend. He comes around to drink and chat. Mostly about how weird Mid.. Earth is. You should come to one of the Asgardian embassy shindigs. The Asgardian ale is great. Say what you will about those whimpy Asgardians, they make an excellent brew or two."

When the waitress asks her what she wants she smiles to her and says, "A flat white thank you, with a sprinkling of cocoa on top."

"So, the general gist of the style is 'fuck off' ? Nice. I'll try not to annoy you," she says with a growing smirk and another raised eyebrow. There is a thoughtful look when Nico mentions using her own blood as a source of power, but she doesn't make a judgement on it. "Ah death magic. Necromancy. Something I'm not terribly good at and know very little about. Speaking of the L.B.C. you can decide for yourself."

"We recently defeated a master necromancer who had possessed a young ice mage, one of our members ate his soul. Very exciting. In retaliation, Loki turned another of our members in to a bunny - she's currently hanging out at my house nibbling on my plants. That's slightly annoying, but hopefully we'll be able to transform her back soon. So, you tell me, does the LBC sound boring or is that what you expected?"

She raises both her eyebrows though at the mention of 'God' and there's a slight frown. "No I am not that type of Angel. In fact, I have no idea who this God person is beyond people telling me I work for him or something. I'm the type of Angel who comes from Heven, the tenth realm of Yggdrasil. And while most Angels are warriors who serve the Queen, we worship the Goddess, not whoever this God is. But I don't serve the Queen and I am not, nor will I ever be, one of her warriors."

Nico Minoru has posed:
When Sera order the white drink with coconut, Nico raises a brow and shakes her head withthe slightest of smiles. "All white coffee. Makes sense. Oh we are total opposites." Her coffe is rasied for another longer sip. "Hey if Thor is going to be there, I might even consider wearing something with a bit of color." There is a small pause. "I would have to go buy something with color."

She sets the mug down and leans forward, putting her elbows on the table. "I would not call it death magic so much. It's more like..." She seemingly breaks down. "I have...okay here it is. When my blood is drawn, I mutter a few words and call forth this mysitcal object that for the record I did not ask for. My mother tried to stab me with it and I kind of absorbed it. Yeah, I have major family issues that would require alcohol to get into."

She reaches her hands back and tightens the loose ponytail she has in. "Then..somewhat painfully a staff emerges from my chest and I can cast any spell I want by simply muttering the words, but only one time." She watches Sera to see if she is keeping up.

"For instance. If I wished for a bigger chest...I would get a bigger chest. If I then decided it was not for me and I wanted a smaller chest, I would go back to a smaller chest. However, if I wanted them bigger again...nope, not gunna happen. Stuck as a member of the itty bitty titty committee. So, there are some restrictions. Also, depending on the amount of blood drawn..that affects the power of the spell."

She reaches for the coffee and takes another sip. "Gods. Queens. Whatever. Serve who you want. I could get into Earth religion, but I am so not going there. It will piss someone off within hearing range."

Sera has posed:
"Opposites? I don't think Angels and Humans are opposites. Drastically different categorisations perhaps." She sniffs the coffee and then takes a sip. "Ah so that's what a flat white tastes like. Very milky," she says and twists her lips, then shrugs and drinks a bit more of it. "Thor would not mind if you wore all black, he's a very easy going guy unless you mention his father, or his brother, or insult Asgard. Then he gets a big sad look in his eyes."

It sounds like she's speaking from experience there, "But yes. Your blood magic, not death magic." She nods and then tilts her head a bit. She looks at Nico's chest, though it's clear she's trying to figure out where this mystical object is hiding. She looks back up and nods her head again, "How curious. A matrix? Is there a time limit to between when you can repeat something, or is it used up forever?"

"It sounds like a cursed object in some respects, but perhaps someone constructed it specifically like that as a defence mechanism. Keep it safe from those who might wish to take it from you. A Focii was often used as a training aid where I'm from. Wands, staffs, circlets, bracers, amongst other things more exotic in nature. The question is more one of - are you doing the magic, or is it?"
Shehe smiles and nods her head, "Yes. I serve who I want, for a price. Nothing for nothing. I choose to protect this city because it has adopted me and is now my home. I helped birth a new god in this world within the first month of my arrival. It was then that I realised how awesome this place is. Such chaos. Still, Earth would be crushed in hours if my people ever found their way here. So.. I am investigating ways to make sure that never happens."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Opposites I meant in our color choices, if not in how we take our coffee. I would never drink yours. It loks to sweet. Jesus, it might actually make me think something all warm and fuzzy and I would have to go shower." She mock shivers and leans back once more. "Oh Thor is never sad. He is just temporarily moved by the emotion of the moment."

Another sip. "If I use a spell, I mean with the staff from what I understand it is used forever. I tried that once and it went terribly wrong like it glitched and let's just say people had to find a new place to get their Pad Thai and Bubble tea. However, I am learning some less staff driven magic...that is not really tied to my blood, but that is a bit slow going."

She flags a server over and asks. "Can we have some of those...oh god they rhyme with bones..little biscuits..." The server suggests. "Scones?"

"Yes. Scones. Some of those scone things. Thank you. Your a doll."

A smile is then given to Sera as she continues. "I think it is some sort of cursed object bound to me and only me. There is a significant give and take tho, and to be honest I do not use it as much as I could." She holds up the palm of her hand, a plethora of scars on it. "Honestly, I think the object is doing the magic. Or I would do it without the object. I am just the catalyst."

She nibbles her bottom lip. "So tell me...you do not strike me as a pulling the rabbit out of a hat type magician. Where do you abilities lie?"

Sera has posed:
She licks her lips and then peers at the coffee a touch. "Yes it is a bit sweet. I don't have a good baseline of what is and isn't good coffee yet, so every time I go to a coffee place I order a different one. This is okay, I might as well be drinking a chocolate milk shake though at this point."

"I feel your conceptualisation of Thor might be colored by admiration, he is the son of Odin and Odin has for a very long time been our greatest enemy in Heven. I hope to meet him though, I think perhaps propaganda may have gotten the better of him, since Thor has been so kind to me since I arrived on this planet."

She finishes off the coffee and continues, "A matrix. Perhaps it is for teaching purposes then, but your blood sacrifice suggests it is drawing life energy from you. You probably do have a talent for it. Or may be not for teaching, perhaps it was the only way the person who made it knew to make such a thing."

There's another small smirk as Nico asks about her magic. "No but since Nessa is currently a rabbit I could practice if I purchased a top hat. That would be very amusing."

She tilts her head again for a moment and then begins to sing an otherworldly song and holds out her hand. Her eyes glow white with magic. The air cuts above it in a vertical line, glowing and white. It dances and jiggles to the sounds coming from her and she takes hold of it in her hand. It elongates in to a long flowing whip of white magic, twisting and writhing on the floor. Several patrons jump back and out of their seats, some people rushing out the door immediately. Sera stops singing, then lets go of the whip and the white magic disappears in to fine sparkly dust.

"I am a master of magic but in truth due to disuse much of what I know is a faint memory that I have to dig up to make useful again - that necromancer business for instance required me to remember how to do fire magic. It's been so long since I've needed fire magic."

Nico Minoru has posed:
"Oh I don't admire Thor. Okay maybe a bit. I mean think of the street cred i could have if I said knew Thor." Perhaps she does admire him, but there is no way in Hell she is going to admit that." Her eyes glance outside the window to people passing along the street and then drift back to her table companion. It is then that Sera begins to sing and immediatly draws attention to the pair. Just what Nico wants, more eyes on her. The song that escapes the Angel's lips is mesmorizing and Nico finds herself lost in it's tone and language. That is until the white light starts to form and she forgets all about the song.

"Whoa. As the light grows she actually slides her chair back a bit as the whip continues to grow in size. "Holy shit, I need to learn how to do that."

As some of the patrons actually stand up and run out, Nico actually smiles. "That's right...keep running. Pussies." One of the servers timidly comes back with the scones and sets them on the table, backing away slowly. "Nothing to see here. Nope." She waves a dismissive hand and the server departs hastily.

"We never stop learning Sera. Never. Just when we think we have all the answers, something goes and changes all the questions."

Sera has posed:
Sera smiles to the waitress as she brings the scones over and says, "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause you grief." Though she admits she probably did. Admits in her own head anyway. She looks at the scones with doubt.

"Denial looks bad on you," she says with a smile and takes out her phone. She presses a few buttons and it starts to ring. "Thor," she says as she gets him on the phone, "I have met someone who is a big fan and requests street cred." She offers the phone to Nico and smiles with amusement. The thought that this young woman is fangirling out about one of her friends has her utterly delighted. Her chillest friend at that.

"You could perhaps learn how to do that. It is shaping magical energy to a purpose, an intent. It is easier than altering the world, because the world rarely likes to be altered. Though if you are learning how to do that with your staff then you may find it easier than I did when I first started.. oh.. so many years ago. But yes, always learning, never not learning. Sometimes relearning.. now talk. Talk to my friend. He has a very pleasing tone."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Oh she did not just do that. Seriously. Be careful what you say out loud Nico. Oh you totally asked for this one.

Her hand gingerly takes the phone and she puts it up to her ear. It is then that the usually blunt and brash tone of Nico seems to vanish and a side of her seldon seen is presented. "Um. Hello. Thor? Um. I like your hammer." She then realizes what she just said and literally hits her forhead with her other hand, murmuring away from the phone. "I like your hammer? WHat the Hell Nico." She puts the phone back up to her ear, deciding that anything Sera said about magic went in one ear and out the other when she started dialing Asgardian Fabio.

Thor has posed:
    The voice on the other end for Sera is distant at first, though she'll hear her name roughly given. "Sera?" Puzzlement, distraction, something twinging the Asgardian's voice only for it to become louder in the next instant when he says, "Ah, Sera. I had it upside down."
    But then she relays her words and on the other end of the line the Thunderer blinks a few times only now to hear Nico's voice. "Greetings, Friend of Sera, you..." She states she likes his hammer and it stops him for a moment. Then he clears his throat, "Well, I shall relay your affections to Mjolnir, now as to this credit you wish for a street? I have no idea what such things cost. Though if it is for a good cause assuredly something can be arranged."
    There, he nods to himself, that seems fitting.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Sera gets a look, a wide-eyed look of /oh no you didn't/. but then Nico brings her attention back to the phone call, pulling her feet up from the floor and resting themon the edge of her chair. "Um yes. Tell Mjolnir that yes. Thank you Mr. Thor." She bites her lip and tries to think of her bext words, trying to choose them carefully, but they are not coming out clearly.

"I...um. Well...you see. It's not really...well I do not want to like own the street." She takes a deep breath and then states. "It's like...." She then simply blurts out. "Your so hot." Her face turns bright red, a good contrast to her pale skin and blackoutfit. "Oh shit...I did not mean that...no wait I did. But not in a like I wanna date you type way. Well, I mean I would...but.." Oh she is stammering. "I'll just shut up now. Could I get like a /I know Thor/ t-shirt or something?"

Thor has posed:
    For a time the other end of the line is silent, then there's a low steady chuckle, gentle laughter that grows a little near the end when she asks for the t-shirt. But it's only laughter for a handful of seconds before she'll hear that strong deep voice, the accent so clear and broad on the vowels as he murmurs politely, "Tis simply, Thor. If you wish a shirt or the like perhaps you should choose one of your own affection and I will sign it if you wish, or perhaps you can come join Sera and I when next we have tea?"
    For she sounds a touch young, thus he does not mention the beer they usually consume.
    "Would that fit your wishes? I will even bring Mjolnir along and we can share selfies or the like? Is that acceptable, Friend of Sera?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
Oh she is totally at a loss for words. Nico is staring across the table at Sera with a her mouth agape at what Thor is telling her on the phone. "Yes. Mr...I mean Thor. I can call you Thor right? Oh that's right you told me I could; Thor." She is doing all she can to not start laughing at the pure joy that is stemming from her little goth frame. "I would like a shirt signed. Your name on my shirt. Well of course..that is what signing means." She shoots a glance again to Sera and mutters to her. "He is going to sign my shirt...well not this shirt. But /A/ shirt."

She goes back to her phone call and searches for more words. "Tea? Of course. I will be there. When? Now? Tomorrow? Forever?" She hits her forehead again. "I would love a photo with your hammer. Could I touch it?" Shen then realizes her poor choice of words and tries to fix it. "Shit. I did not mean that. And sorry for swearing in front of you Thor. I...am going to give it back to Sera now. Bye Thor."

She moves to hand the phone back to Sera and without being able to control herself shouts out. "I love you." And then she is red again as the found is handed over. "I just spoke to friggin Thor." She looks to some patrons at a table beside her and exclaims all proud. "Do you know Thor? I do. Suck on that."

Thor has posed:
    There's that laughter again and Sera hears it a little better this time as she takes up the phone, likely this time triggered by poor Nico's confession of such love. But he's still chuckling by the time Sera has the cell back in hand and she'll hear his voice.
    "Good Sera, I don't believe your friend told me her name. Perhaps I missed it, but if you would be so kind as to arrange matters as you can," A pause, "If you're so inclined. Then I have no qualms about meeting her. And if you would be good enough to thank her for her kind words? Then I am going to go now."
    She likely can hear the smile in the words as he adds, "Unless there is any aught else I should meet at your wish, Lady Sera."

Sera has posed:
Sera lifts the phone to her ear and smiles at Nico, "Her name is Nico. What did you say to her? She has turned red. We will need to find a white pen as she prefers to wear black if you're going to sign her shirt." Very pragmatic. One of those silver pens would work. "I suppose then you invited her to my place? that's fine, Sera can enjoy the delights of Heven on Earth."

She looks with amusement at the numerous facial expressions Nico has pulled, "I think you have succeeded in providing her street credits. Any way, I hope you're having a good day and that this also brought a smile to your face. I will see you at my place for bee-uh.. er.. tea? No, there's nothing else Thor, I will catch you later. We should discuss travel plans for Asgard."

She hangs up the phone and stares at Nico as she attempts to regain her composure. "Now you've talked to Thor. He is a fine Asgardian. Perhaps you can demonstrate some of your staff magic for him when you meet him. But you're welcome to come to my home and we can discuss magic in much greater detail there, amidst the protective warding."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Oh she is still bright red and not functioning all that well. She takes out a pen and scribbles a number on a napkin upon the table, then handing it to Sera. "That's me." She then tosses a ten on the table and reaches down to grab her backpack, standing up and slinging it over her shoulder. She then stands and actually moves to give Sera a small hug. "Thank you. I should really go." She moves to exit and pauses in the doorway, shouting to the entire cafe. "Raise your hand if you have ever talked to Thor." She then shoots her hand into the air. "What I thought Bitches." And then she is gone.