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Latest revision as of 19:19, 20 October 2020

Mood Rings
Date of Scene: 20 October 2020
Location: Main Foyer: Triskelion
Synopsis: Jessica and Lara tell Thor stuff, and Thor probably retains most of it, maybe.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Jessica Drew, Lara Croft

Thor has posed:
    After a brief discussion with Natasha, Thor had departed from the mansion though only after putting on the required shoes and clothing needed to function in a modern society. Yet, perhaps due to his urgency, they were not the most fashionable of clothes. For when the monitors pick up his arrival at the Triskelion, the alarms going off to signify the approach of an aerial traveling being, they show the image of the man hurling through the air hammer in hand. Yet he wears what seems to be a loose blue Stark Industries t-shirt, some red flannel pajama bottoms, and a pair of work boots.
    At first some of the agents on monitor duty might be surprised, but then when the man is no longer merely an image on a display, and instead stands there in front of the foyer with its large windows and glass double doors, he holds up the mighty hammer of Mjolnir and lightly raps it against the door that causes a resonant...
    To sound throughout reception. This time of night, however, only a handful of agents are on duty out there. But assuredly they eventually let him in where they hear him proclaim.
    "Greetings, I would speak with one of your worthy elder agents, those who have broad knowledge and a wide pool of talents. For I am come with concerns and perhaps a task at hand."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Seriously?" Jessica presses her finger to the comset, shaking her head.

"Yes," the receptionist answers, "I quote: elder agents, those who have broad knowledge and a wide pool of talents, unquote, ma'am."

Taking a long slow breath, she rises from her chair at her workstation, and clicksoff the monitor, still talking to reception, "Guess that's me then. Who else is on duty?" Clad in SHIELD black, ICER at her hip, her booted heels are noiseless in the immaculate halls leading down to reception. "We might need more of a wide pool of talents."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara Croft is arriving for her shift. 5am was her normal arrival time, though she wasn't ever on duty until six. She's holding a cup of coffee in her right hand and wearing her black leather jacket over a nice navy blue button-up top that is tucked in to black slacks. Her hair tied back in a pony, she raises her free hand up to put her sunglasses on top of her forehead, over her hairline. She's stepping in to the building around the time that Jessica is asking who else is on duty.

The receptionist says back. "Agent Croft is arriving just now. She seems to know a lot of weird stuff." Professional run down on Agent Croft.

Lara is raising her cup to drink from it when she notices Thor... it's hard for her not to see him, she'd read about 'him' since she was a little girl. He's one of the few active 'super heroes' in this world that is a big deal to her, in fact.

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer stands there in the grand hallway where the public is so often encouraged to come and bring their concerns to SHIELD... if it's worthwhile. And for now, with the sun barely creeping over the horizon distantly across the ocean, Thor seems to stand there in the chrome and silver and black reception area offering one of the few hints of color with his blue shirt and red pants.
    Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, it's clear to see the man's agitation. Normally not one to be so ill at ease, yet he takes his time looking the place over, frowning, pondering saying something to the poor unfortunate agents who are still standing nearby, looking a little worried to be shepherding the Asgardian.
    When Jessica makes her appearance he lifts his head, "Ah, Jessica. Good of you to be the one so chosen, a wise path." That said he nods, "A curious matter occured earlier this even and I spoke with Natasha," The Black Widow of course, "And she advised at first I speak with the authorities, then in turn suggested I speak with SHIELD. Thus, I am here."
    All of which Agent Croft likely hears as she makes her way within, only to have the tall man turn and notice her, shifting his weight to the other work boot. "Ah, and Lady Croft," They had met before assuredly. "Perhaps you can be of aid as well."
    He frowns and takes a deep breath, then begins his story. "I believe something ill has befallen my paramour, Lady Natchios."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica slows at the sight of the outsized man in the hall. Most people are dwarfed by the modern glass and steel of the entrance but such is his presence, even dressed like a lumberjack, he is not out of place in the echoing entrance with its row of metal detectors manned by agents. Placing her hand over the reader, she steps through the gaited barrier to stand before the man. She looks diminutive next to him.

"Lord Thor, how can we be of help to you?" Her eyes widen slightly in question to 'Lady Croft'. His paramour, Lady Natchios? "Hello, Lara. You may be just the person for this."

Lara Croft has posed:
Where Jessica arrives from one direction, Lara arrives from the other. She'd clearly just gotten on-property and was arriving for her day of work at the Trisk. She spies them both by the counter, and the reception who'd been 'eyeing her' so she's headed toward them to see what's up.

When she arrives, she sets her coffee down on the glass counter top of the receptionist desk and then flashes both Thor, and Jessica a smile. "I'll certainly do my very best." The British woman states. "It's good to see you both, as well. You're looking as though you're advocating quite fiercely for Casual Mondays, Prince Thor." She teases the large man, a faint grin accompanying her words.

Thor has posed:
    A small scoff comes from the tall man at the jibe sent his way. He shakes his head, "If only such was the reason for my presence, though I am afraid my mood is far from humorous, good Lady Croft." Then he lifts a hand and nods once.
    "Bide, thus is my tale." Thor says as he rests his hands upon his hips as he looks at the two agents, bright blue-eyed gaze shifting between each. The mighty hammer Mjolnir hung at his waist now, the leather strap looped around his belt somehow without him having doneso.
    "Earlier this night, Lady Elektra and I retired for the evening. All seemed well, peace was between us and we seemed to be getting along excellently." The tall man shifts his weight to the other boot again, frowning and clearly seeming on edge, if there was a cage and room to do so he likely would be stalking along its length.
    "I awoke to a sound, glanced to the side and found the bed empty. I arose and found Elektra in the hallway, then into the lavatory where she stood. I addressed her and she did not answer at first. I saw her clothes were disorganized, damaged perhaps, and she was washing blood off her hands. A large amount of blood."
    The tall man frowns, "Naturally I asked her what had passed, if I could be of aid, if she needed medical attention. She did not answer, I confronted her about the blood and she seemed puzzled, as if she had no idea what I was talking about. I showed her the blood, held it up before her, and she acted as if she saw naught. It did not seem willful, it more seemed as if she thought /I/ was the one that had lost his senses."
    A deep breath is taken, "We quarreled and I departed. She struck me as... not herself. She reminded me of the times..." His brow furrows and his eyes lower, then he looks back up. "The times my brother had subverted another's will. Yet not entirely like that either."
    A deep breath is taken and he uncurls his hands, apparently not at all reluctant to speak of this at such length in front of the other agents or those at reception. "I departed, for my temper grew strong. I returned to the Avengers mansion and spoke with Natasha, she advised I come here and speak with you."

Jessica Drew has posed:
After casting another questioning glance at Lara, Jessica considers before essaying a question, "Both you and Natasha thought her behavior odd enough for you to bring it to SHIELD? Forgive me, if I repeat what you just said, it's my way of making sure I've understood. She seemed absent, not herself. Then you quarreled which is also out of character?"

Neither Thor or Natasha are people to take lightly. Gesturing to the hall, "Come with me, Lord Thor." She opens the barrier with a swipe of her hand. "Let me take you someplace more private. I have more questions for you."

Lara Croft has posed:
It takes Lara a moment to recall who Elektra was, but she does remember her as the woman who was with Thor at the Arabian Nights gala event at the Wakandan Embassy. The story sounds dire, and Lara glances to Jessica after hearing it, then glances to the very trendy looking man at the receptionist desk who is very clearly not-eaves-dropping on it all. Even though he's definitely eaves-dropping.

Lara reaches for her cup when Jessica starts to direct them away from the lobby...

As they start to walk, Lara stands on the side of Thor that is opposite to Jessica, so that they walk with the tall guy in the middle. "So she doesn't have a history of blacking out, and no history of harming herself what so ever?" Lara asks, though she already has gathered that that is the case here. A slight exhale is given and Lara glances down at her phone as it buzzes in her jacket pocket. She pulls the device out to look at a text, from a co-worker up in the WAND offices, asking where she is. She just puts the phone back in to her pocket for now, no response.

"Thor, this is a random question, one that is completely ... well, unusual. But did she happen to be wearing that same ring, while she was washing her hands, that she was wearing at the Arabian Nights party? The one that was not a part of her costume? I asked to get a picture of it, but the two of you left before I was able to."

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed," Thor answers as he touches a hand to his chest and murmurs, "Who would quarrel with me? Everyone loves me!" Yet it's perhaps a sign of his distraught nature in some ways that he seems so taken aback and hurt at the matter. A deep breath is drawn as he grimaces but nods finally at the suggestion for them to go elsewhere. "Aye, indeed. Very well, lead on Jessica Drew."
    That said he gives a nod to Lara Croft, assuming she will accompany them as he answers her queries.
    "None that I know of, all the time I have known her she has rested most peacefully." His head lifts a little and he nods, "She does have scars, however, callouses. But naught that would seem from..." He uncurls a hand, perhaps unwilling to say the words 'self-mutilation.'
    Then he stops walking at the last query, only to start up again when she asks of the ring. "I..." His brow furrows as he ponders, retaking his pace as he seems so thoughtful. "I do not remember. I mean... perhaps?" His eyes lift and slip to the side as he tries to recall.
    Then he snaps his fingers, "Aye, she was. I remember seeing the blood darkening the metal upon the ring." He shoots a quick glance at Jessica as if to see if this is causing anything to click into place for her.

Jessica Drew has posed:
They don't go far. The field agent notes Thor's thoughtful hesitation at Lara's questions. The ring and Lara's knowledge and interest in it new information for her. It is Jessica's turn to look thoughtful.

The first floor has temporary offices for agents on rotation from other branches of SHIELD and meeting rooms. Jessica takes them into a meeting room, the lights coming on at their presence, another high tech feature of the building. She gestures in invitation to the comfortable swivel chair at the head of the table and takes one to his right.

"Lara, have you seen the ring before?" Then addressing Thor, "Has she had the ring for very long?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps in to the room with a slight grimace on her face as she hears Thor's response, though its still...

When Jessica activates the lights and gets the meeting room setup, Lara has her phone out of her jacket pocket again, but she's not using it to call someone. Instead, she's walking toward the presentation screen mounted on the wall of the meeting room.

"I haven't seen the ring before." Lara replies to Jessica, eyes on her phone. "But I have seen the symbol on it before."

Lara's stare goes up to the wall screen and she swipes her phone toward it, sending the image she'd pulled up on her phone TO the screen, blowing it up nice and big. She looks over to them both. "This is it, right?" She asks of Thor in particular.

"This symbol, is one of many, connected to an ancient cult that I've been researching. They're connected with... a lot of things. A lot of it quite terrible. Ultimately, their goal is immortality, as cults often align their goals toward. But this one has been seeking it for some time, and associated themselves with powerful wizardry throughout the ages."

"To put it bluntly though. I believe your... paramour's ring, might... be cursed. Which is why I asked for pictures of it before. So I could look in to it, as at the time, it was my primary assignment. Though I've since moved on."

Thor has posed:
    Across the room, Thor walks over toward that proffered chair and sits into it with a faint creak of complaint from the thing at the weight of the man in it. He rests his hands upon the arms of the seat, looking across the way at either of them, frowning to himself.
    "I... never asked her about the ring. She's had it as long as I've known her," He tilts his head to the side to look at Lara, his brow furrowing.
    "What drew this to your attention?" Then he sees the symbol she motions toward and he shakes his head as he murmurs, "I know not, I did not pay much attention to her jewelry. Curse me for not being more attentive!" He thumps his fist into the arm of the chair causing a faint /crunch/ as the plastic and metal break and twist abruptly. Which causes him to frown as he looks down then murmurs quieter. "Apologies."
    He listens to the further words given by Lara and he takes a deep breath, "Ah a cursed ring, then it is simply a matter of taking it from her."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Spider Woman has little expertise to bring to the situation beyond an analytical mind. "WAND would seem to have had an eye on this for some time. Is that right, Lara?"

Jessica's shoulders hike at the sound of Thor's chair whining under his weight. The thump and crunch his fist produces, makes her clear her throat and smile. "No matter. We can lose a chair. I rather doubt that taking the ring away from her will be quite so easy, Lord Thor. Call it a hunch."

She places her hands on the table, studying the image Lara on the screen before she fixes on Lara. "Have you alerted WAND to its whereabouts?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara remains where she is, holding her phone in one hand and her coffee in the other. She stares to Thor, then to Jessica, and at Jessica's last question, Lara shakes her head. "I haven't mentioned the ring to anyone as of yet. I was afraid of a negative Identification at the party that night, and since I was unable to get a picture... I didn't want to create a situation by having SHIELD Agents find Miss Natchios to ask her about it. That seemed, unprofessional, based on a hunch. I guess, in retrospect, it might have prevented this... whatever happened between you and she the other night though, Thor. My apologies for not trusting my gut feeling."

She grimaces for a moment and then steps toward the table that they've sat at. "Jessica is right." Lara continues. "It's... possible... that simply removing the ring is an option, but it would be gravely irresponsible to try it. This isn't a childish cult that we're dealing with. This is the followers of a dark sorcerer by the name of Zalmoxis. By all accounts, their curses are quite capable."

With an exhale, Lara looks to her phone. "Luckily, I know someone who can likely help with this. A sorcerer, on our side, by the name of Amanda Sefton." Lara brings up her contact information. "I can put you in touch with her, Prince Thor, and you can tell her everything we've gone over here today. I..." Lara looks up.

"I wouldn't tarry either, but I'd also suggest not having Miss Natchios present until you've spoken to Amanda on your own. The ring... might be listening." That's ominous, right? "Part of me wondered if that's why you both left before I could get a picture of it, for instance."

WAND deals with the weird shit, clearly.

Thor has posed:
    Turning his head to consider Jessica, Thor answers calmly, "It cannot hurt to try?" Though as he says that his brow clouds and it's perhaps likely he realizes that that may be more wishful thinking than aught else. He takes a deep breath and frowns again, resting one boot on the floor while the other bounces a bit in agitation.
    Then his features darken when indeed Lara tells him it could hurt to try. He curls his fingers firmly around the arms of the chair, trying to focus on the task at hand and frowning when no solution offers itself to him obviously beyond going to see yet another person.
    Worrying at his lower lip he nods and then murmurs, "Very well then, I will go and speak with this Amanda Sefton, tell me where she lives." As he then rises from his seat. Apparently with how he's acting, he's going to go and see her /right/ now. One hand rests upon the haft of Mjolnir, while the other reaches for his phone which he extends toward them as if expecting them to provide him with directions to this woman.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Laudable caution, Lara. It is time for this to come under the aegis of WAND, in my estimation." The agent avoids looking at Thor, aware of his agitation. Urging Lara with a solemn nod, "I'd advise it. Is Amanda Sefton one of WAND's contacts? I ask because the more moving parts there are to this...this problem, the more likely it is for things to go sideways."

She reaches a hand towards Thor without touching him, "You'll forgive me for saying that, Lord Thor. It already seems to be a delicate situation."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara takes a second to have a sip from her drink before she looks from Thor, back to Jessica. At the question of Amanda's affiliation to SHIELD, Lara shakes her head. "I'm afraid she isn't, no. She should be, she's professional and kind, by all accounts. But... in my experience thus far, and bare in mind I'm not even a year in to this job." Though she's had a shit ton of experience in the 10 months of this so far. "... Sorcerers are always a dance to deal with, whether a good dance, or a very challenging one." She shows a soft smile. "They like their privacy."

Her drink cup is set down and again she accesses her phone to bring up some contact information on the wall over her shoulder, along with a 3d map that helps Thor see precisely where he needs to go... SHIELD tech is good tech.

"Thor..." Lara says, with the information for him on display behind her. "This is still just a hunch. I could still be wrong." She says, because she noted his air-apparent dread at what she'd said. "The ring might just be a mere bauble, and nothing more. But if that's the case, I think you should have Miss Natchios see a medical doctor on the double. What you described, isn't something you just let go of, barring the absence of no evil magic rings... something is clearly still going on there."

Thor has posed:
    A hand lifts and gestures to the side, as if dismissing Jessica's concerns or any obligations of ettiquette. Yet it's clear his thoughts are elsewhere, likely with this Sefton woman assuredly. He takes a deep breath as if to steady himself again then. "I understand you must do what is best for Midgard as a whole." Though he does not have to like it.
    "Still, where does this woman dwell?" He holds the cellphone out again. And then his brow knits together, "Wait, Sefton?" He says, pronouncing it slightly differently, almost with a French accent, "A blond woman about yea high?" He holds a hand up. "I believe I know of her."
    Lara then tries to caution him, advising him that it may well be a hunch, she may be wrong, all of which is dismissed with a hand wave, "I understand that, Agent Croft, yet this offers me a course of action I can address now. And so I shall."
    He tucks his cellphone into his pocket and starts to stride toward the door.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Rising from her chair when Thor does, Jessica raises her voice somewhat to keep his attention, "Ah, so you do know her." With a sweeping gesture towards Lara, "Agent Croft is giving you good advice, Lord Thor. Think on it. It may save Elektra's life. Already, she seems at great risk. Be very careful, you obviously have her care in mind."

With a glance at Lara, "This meeting has been recorded so the information is now official. I have no idea who will take this case in hand. If," she glances between the two, "there is more to follow up. Which, I greatly suspect, there is."

Lara Croft has posed:
"That should certainly help move things along." Lara says with regard to Thor already being familiar with Amanda. "I hope that she can help, or that this is not at all related to a curse relic, and is instead something far more simple and fixable." She affords the Asgardian a sincere smile, if a distant one as Lara rarely ever smiles that brightly to anyone.

She looks then to Jessica and nods her head softly. "I did turn in an after action report associated to this from a spur of the moment trip to Cairo. I'll send you the case number for that once I get to my desk up in the office, you can assign this to that... and it should help it make a lot more sense to whomever reads it next."

Lara then looks back to Thor, gathering up her drink she nods once toward him. "Good luck, and if you think I can help any further, don't hesitate to contact me further. I'm eager to help, as are all of us here, really."

SHIELD is great.

Thor has posed:
    Hand upon the door and with it cracked open partially, Thor gives a nod to Jessica and replies calmly, now with a course of action well in hand for him his mood seems to have evened out a touch. "Indeed, I shall proceed with caution, Agent Drew. I will keep you abreast as I determine more information, and you will contact me at the mansion if needs be."
    That said he looks between the two of them. "I am off."
    He turns and pushes open the door and starts the rapid stride back down the hallway toward reception once again, striding ahead with the strength of conviction and grim purpose.