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Latest revision as of 14:14, 29 November 2020

Talk About Old School
Date of Scene: 28 November 2020
Location: Astoria Park
Synopsis: Ant-Man wisely and justly uses his powers to terrify a 6 year old girl only for Lois Lane and Golden Eagle try to wrongfully apprehend him. Sponsored by Oreos.
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Lois Lane, Yaretzi Acama

Scott Lang has posed:
     Bully his child? Not on Scott's watch. After his daughter came home in tears it hadn't taken Scott long to put together a brilliant plan. No not talk to his daughter about confronting or making peace with her bully. Not talking to the parent's, the teacher, hell he hadn't even told her to hit the girl. No, sneaking into an elementary school during recess disguised as a fellow 6 year old and then terrifying that bitch Tiffany had worked WAY better.
     Still snickering to himself at the way he had utterly broken the mind of a 6 year old girl in pigtails, the honest to God Avenger now exits the school at all of 4 feet tall, his good humor short-lived as he looks down and starts working on something. Dressed in some kid's clothes he had picked up cheap at a thrift store for this daring plan of action, he has on a bright yellow hoodie featuring Super Mario's face on the back, a t-shirt underneath advertising Mickey Mouse, little pull-up jeans, and dirty sneakers with lights. Well, one light, the right one had seemingly died.
     Some light cursing would break the illusion of the 6 year old were anyone close enough to hear and is warranted thanks to the belt he was also wearing as he lifts his shirt, a less juvenile and more tactical red and black suit worn underneath the ridiculous child-like garb. "Work dammit, you got me in here, what the hell?" hisses Scott as he starts down the school steps alone, more focused on the bit of tech around his waist than the world around him.

Lois Lane has posed:
Playing hookie from the Daily Planet because she was supposed to be on a stake out, Lois' goal for the day went firmly sideways about twenty minutes ago and now she's talking a long walk to cool off, sober up a bit before she drives back to Metropolis, and figure out where she went wrong on her stalking of her story today. She's smoking a long Virginia Slim out of the corner of her lips, a set of dark circle glasses over her eyes and a long, shaggy leather and fur trimmed jacket across her lanky frame. Over all, she looks like she stepped out of a 1970s Slims add, but generally not the sort of person to pick their kid up at school.

Then again, it is New York City. Maybe she blends in just fine.

Seeing the young man wandering outside of the school, Lois' step slows as she looks up and around for his guardian. No dice. No one else is ANYWHERE near. "...fuck, Lane, you are *not* a babysitter." But she can't just let some kid keep wondering around alone. So she stops, giving herself a moment to finish the cigarette as she waits for his guardian to come back. Still no dice. She swears again and comes a step closer. "...Hey kid. You lost?"

Scott Lang has posed:
     On the sidewalk in front of the school, they were close enough to the burbs of New York rather than the city proper that mid-day didn't see much in the way of foot traffic around, only a few folks scattered around the park across the street enjoying the unseasonably nice weather. It hadn't even occured to him till now Scott might have a problem getting caught OUTSIDE the school because it wasn't supposed to be a problem in the first place. With his hoodie up and head down some he makes his clearly not child-like face hard to see and he half-turns away from the woman with only a glance from his peripheral vision. His first thought was she looked like the kinda dame that made him want to use the word dame and wear a fedora unironically. His second thought was, what the hell would she think catching a grown man dressed in child's clothes coming out of an elementary school. Cheeks burned red just thinking about it and his stomach dropped.
     Thanks to shrinking his voice was already pitched higher than normal anyway, but he looks to disguise it even more as he takes a few skittish steps away from her like any nervous child might. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. My, my Mommy is picking me up. I'm...sick. Coughcough," his forced cough about as convincing as anyone who has ever tried to fake a cold no matter their age. Those skittish steps becoming a bit quicker down the sidewalk away from her now.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Uh, look, kid. I know a bullshitter when I hear a bullshitter. And I'm probably not supposed to say that word around you, but you are shitting me. So... if you're playin' hooky or something, just tell me and... I dunno. Do they even have truant officers these days? How old ARE you?" Lois is really warring with herself. She was the sort of kid that definitely did the exact thing he's doing now and who was she to be the fun police. At the same moment, things are dangerous and she's supposed to be a responsible adult.

She sighs, looking around again, shaded eyes desperately searching for ANYONE ELSE who can handle this problem but her. However, school is well back in session and everyone's strictly at their indoor posts. It's just her and the truant kid. She takes another step closer, trying to lean over and see his shy face. Lanky legs bring her to crouching down, trying to make him a little less scared. "I won't rat you out. Just get back in side where it's safe, kay?"

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Ooooh, you said a bad word," Scott truly channeling his inner 6 year old, not a hard task at all given the way he usually acts. Oh gods she was coming closer, how come this city didn't have anyone that could mind their own business?! Why couldn't mysterious pretty...he takes a sniff of the air as she got closer, lingering scents of tobacco and alcohol hanging around her. Nope not on his upholstery, he was better off not knowing this one. He holds up his arms still trying to look like a shy child just trying to avoid eye contact. "And I'm 6 and I, I, my Mommy will find me and I, uh, I..." Scott's stammering not entirely out of place for a small child, and also not entirely acting. What the hell kind of excuse was he supposed to give, he's "6."
     Mind drawing a blank as she keeps trying to get a better look at him, he falls back on another tried and true method. If the truth won't set you free, violence just might. "Sorry lady," he mutters in that not quite child, not quite adult voice...before his arms suddenly lash out and give her a good shove, his strength still that of a full grown and rather athletic man. Crouched as she was it wasn't like she had far to fall as he pivots and starts sprinting away from her with surprising speed as well. But fit as he was, being 4 feet tall didn't give him a great legspan to work with.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Your mom isn't gonna get you in the middle of the school day when you're playing hookie, kid! Just get back inside and then neither of us gotta worry about it any more!" Lois' voice rasps out flatly, a bit of ragged exasperation in her tone. She really hates this do gooder shit. With a sigh, she considers just taking off, "This shit is NOT worth it..." She mutters to herself, looking to the ground. But what would *Kansas* do. She can practically hear Clark in the back of her head, telling her she can't just leave a kid to be abandoned in the middle of New York. "I swear, Clark, you'll be the death of me..." She mutters mostly beneath her breath, finally turning back to the kid.

Just in time to be shoved on her butt! And STRONG too! Lois' blue eyes shoot wide behind her shades, stumbling back as she hits the grass and curses again, "You little bastard! Come back here! You're gonna get yourself fucking kidnapped!" She yells, trying to scramble back up to her feet and start booking it after the kid.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle's flying overhead, a good ways up. She glances up and about every so often, but mostly has her eyes down to look at the streets and rooftops -- with her 'eagle eyes', she can see what's going on down below quite well...

...including seeing what looks like a child shoving a grown woman away as he runs away from her.

She doesn't have any kind of 'super' hearing, though, so she didn't hear anything they're saying, including the part about it being the middle of the school day... a school day her alter-ego, Yaretzi Acama, happens to be 'playing hooky' on, too... sorta. That's a whole different story to tell, though.

Diving down out of the air, Golden Eagle comes for a landing in front of the fleeing child, crouching with her arms open to 'catch' him. "I gotcha kiddo. You're safe, okay?", she says as her feet touch down and she drops to a knee. "No need to go running scared", she adds, her eyes on the woman chasing the 'child'.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Mind your own business you smokestack!" chortles Scott over his shoulder, his vocabularly a bit less child-like, and having taken MAYBE a bit more pleasure in shoving away the woman than he probably should have. He was home-free now, he just had to get someplace quiet and work out why his shrinking tech was acting up and then...there's a woosh.
     He knows that woosh, it means someone is flying, he's heard it from heroes often enough and looks up and front to see a pretty young girl with arms held wide, like a guardian angel to the rescue. A rescue he does not want knowing full well a good look at his face will show he's anything but a kid. Pulling his hood down as hard as he can he runs up to her like he's about to jump in her arms alright...then promptly plants a light-up sneaker on her thigh, another on her shoulder and jumps right off her and back to the sidewalk to keep on running. It's not like she had any reason to even expect him to try such a move to try and stop him, what child after all passes up a chance to hug a superhero? "ThanksI'mgoodKBye!" he rattles off quickly as he keeps booking it down the sidewalk and into the park now, starting to huff and puff a bit.

Lois Lane has posed:
And then there is a super hero swooping down and Lois groans to herself, realizing she's probably about to get arrested or worst for child molestation. She holds both her hands up quickly, eyes a little too wide as she calls across the grass, "I swear I'm not a kidnapper! I swear! That kid is playing hooky from school and it's probably not really safe for a 6 year old to go wondering New York all alone!" Lois calls across the grass as quickly as possible, but until she's certain the super hero isn't about to attack her for being a predator, she's not getting any closer.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Eyes on Lois, the heroine's facial expression changing completely... to one of recognition as she realizes who the woman is. After all, Lois is known for doing stories on Superman, and Yaretzi's a HUGE Super-fangirl. With those thoughts in mind, even wit her very enhanced reflexes, she's totally caught by surprise when the 'child' literally hurdles her.

Golden Eagle remains on one knee, arms outstretched to empty air in front of her for a few moments before she stands and looks back at the running 'child' before turning back to Lois. "I'll get him, Ms. Lane. Don't worry. I won't let him get hurt or anything!"

Golden Eagle, herself, has been in the news lately -- in The Daily Bugle, actually, in photos with Spider-Man. It's quite that that might get her recognized by a newsie.... or an Avenger, even.

She turns and takes to the air, to 'chase' the child.

Scott Lang has posed:
     How come women never chased him like this when he was full sized? All Scott can manage is one quick look over his shoulder at the approaching heroine to see he has literally seconds before she's going to be on him and the jig will be as they say up. His scampering legs have led him whether by chance or ironic fate then to one of the playgrounds dotting the public park, no other kids around, not even those too young for school thankfully.
     One last chance, he throws off his yellow hoodie behind him, hoping it might blind the flier momentarily from what he was about to do as he dives into one of the playground's plastic tunnels and hits his size controls once inside. It wouldn't make him BIGGER but maybe it might still work the other way.
     Sure enough it does, he can only pray the plan worked as he bounces and rolls inside the shadowy tunnel which goes in an instant from big enough to crawl through, to big enough to host a cruise ship from his point of view. Of course there wasn't much of anywhere to hide inside, but now a mere speck of an ant in the shadows he crouches down near a seam in the plastic tunnel, doing his best to look like a screw. For Lois and the Golden Eagle, if they hadn't gotten a good look it would seem like the 'child' had dove into another dimension through the playground tunnel.

Lois Lane has posed:
As she's recognized by the hero, Lois lets her arms drop in a little relief. A small, proud smile crosses her dark lipsticked mouth and she nods to the hero. "I appreciate the help! Good luck!" She calls after, but she's certainly not going to continue chasing a child. That means, time for another cigarette!

She pulls the pack of 120s out of her purse, tapping one of the long sticks free and sticking between the corner of her mouth as she sees the kid do something very strange. "...What in... hell?" Lois asks softly, but she's relaxed a little now as she realizes that the super hero is not going to arrest her for whatever she has done to spooky the truant child. She's paused just a moment in lighting that smoke, but finally starts getitng the cherry going as she starts to walk closer to where he may have disappeared.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The hoodie flies up into the air, and Golden Eagle's hand moves in a blur as she snatches it out of her view as she comes to a hovering stop in front of the plastic tunnel, her eyes looking into it -- and she sees the shrinking and follows Scott's movements to where he hides. Thanks to those eyes of hers, she gets a clear and good look at his face, even as he's shrinking down to ant-size.

Floating back and away, wondering why an Avenger would be running away from Lois... and while child-sized, she holds up the yellow hoodie to take a look at it as she floats up so that she's floating in a 'standing' position, instead of the 'prone' one she was using to look into the tunnel.

When Lois starts walking her way, she glances down at the tunnel and then back to the reporter. Floating Lois' way, she says, "Uhm... kinda embarassing, but the kid lost me...", she says. "By the time I got to the tunnel, he was just -gone-... quicker than I thought he'd be...?", she says. "I think I know who he is. If my guess is right, Scotty's mom'll be worried if he's not at school -- so I'll make sure to let her know where I last saw him, and return his hoodie to her, too."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Crouched down inside the massive tunnel with grains of sand strewn around him the size of his foot, and a few chunks of gum stuck to the walls here and there big enough to swallow him whole, Scott stares back at the lighted opening...and his heart skips a beat. Was she looking at him? It was impossible, he was too small he tells himself, and yet her gaze seemed focused for sure on his exact spot. As the girl's face lifts out of view he hisses to himself, quickly tearing off the children's clothing and starting to run for the other end of the tunnel as fast as he can go now in full hero gear. Already outside he can hear the flier talking to the OTHER woman trying to ruin his life. "Get in line lady," Scott mutters, pausing only as he hears the flier use the name 'Scotty.' That rather confirmed things.
     "Oh crap, crap, crap, I'm gonna get so goddamn blackmailed," he whines as he looks down into the sandpit below and takes a leap, sinking in deeper than he intended among the rock-like grains up to his waist.

Lois Lane has posed:
The reporter has nothing to help her see or realize that the kid is still there, just very tiny, but she does have a damn good sense of when someone is lying. Lois' skinny arms fold across her chest, staring across at Golden Eagle with a slight tilt of her head as she tries to consider why the hero would lie about such a thing. She's still smoking, the long, skinny cigarette hovering expertly in the corner of her lips as she begins to speak.

"Look, uh... Golden Eagle, right? I think I saw you in some photos on the Bugle. Good work with helpin' to save people and all that. Always good to see new faces in the super's game, if you're actually tryin' to help. But the one thing I don't appreciate is being lied to. If you in the kid are in on it, somehow, or your his guardian or... Friend, or whatever, just tell me. But you let him get away, didn't you? What the hell is going on here?" Lois's rasping, flat tone asks in that very plain 'don't bullshit me, man' mannerism she's perfected.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle sighs, and tosses the yellow hoodie on top of the plastic tunnel Scott used to get away. "No... I'm not his guardian. I guess I can't call myself his friend, but I did recognize him when he was ditching me, and I promise you -- he's not a bad guy or anything, and if he was trying to keep you from seeing who he is, he's gotta have a really good reason for it, okay?", she says, gesticulating with both hands, seemingly just out of nervousness, as she speaks -- but a human lie detector like Lois would be able to tell: the heroine is actually being as honest as she knows how to be, this time.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Pulling himself free of the sand, Scott listens with some cringe as Eagle starts to fall apart under the interrogation from the unflappable woman. Scott is more of a 'comics' kind of newspaper reader alas, Lois's fame not quite reaching him, but he can tell something is up. He had to help. Hopping into the grass, he scurries his way past the two women, narrowly avoiding a bomb of burning ash from Lois's cigarette as he crosses behind her, jumping and leaping for speed until he's now several feet behind her. It was time to finally fix his shrink tech...he gives the belt a good hard smack and hits the button again, and this time he zaps back to normal height behind Lois and in Eagle's line of sight.
     "Golden Eagle! Hey good to see you! Did you find the rascal? Oh, no I see you got his hoody. He's a rascal alright. Oh hello Miss, excuse me, Avengers business, you understand right?" Scott pretending like he's just now only noticing Lois as he passes her to put himself between her and the nervous young heroine, setting his back to her like this conversation was over! Surely a cold shoulder would deter the hard-nosed journalist from pressing further after all.

Lois Lane has posed:
There is absolutely something going on. Lois' eyes narrow a bit more and she reaches up, pulling off her sun glasses so she can more closely study Golden Eagle and do her very best to piece together the other parts of this puzzle she's missing. "Not a bad guy. He's a... six year old child. I'd hope many six year olds aren't bad, but he is in a dangerous area now, so...what is..."

And then there is someone abruptly behind them. Lois half jumps, jerking around to look across to the other figure. She tilts her head, pale eyes flickering between Ant Man and Golden Eagle. Normally, Lois will be all over the massive story of two super heroes in the same place. Only, there's no seeming crime going down. Just two random heroes and a run away school kid. "...Ant Man? What are YOU doing here? Wait... Scott Lang. Scotty... Is that YOUR kid?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle's eyes widen a bit (this girl should totally NOT play poker with that complete lack of a 'poker face') when she sees Scott Lang just unshrink himself behind Lois, her gesticulating coming to a stop, her words trailng off.

Then he starts talking... and makes it 100-percent plain who he is. As her left hand drops to her hip, Golden Eagle's right hand comes up to touch fingertips to her own forehead, eyes closing -- not quite a 'facepalm', but damned close enough.

Still, maybe Lois isn't quite yet putting two and two together. Turning to reach for the hoodie, she scoops it up and offers it over to Ant Man. "Found him... and then he gave me the slip", she says to him.

Scott Lang has posed:
     The wheels in Scott's brain turn and he gives Eagle a confident smirk and a pat on the shoulder as he takes the hoodie. "Hey it's alright, ya did good kid," he assures her before he turns to Lois, facing her with the same kind of determination he'd ever show facing off against the deadliest of villains. This would take a lot of skill alright as he drapes the hoodie over his shoulder. As he brings his hand back down a stack of playing cards seem to appear in hand, his favorite hobby, and right now something to help him focus and maybe do a bit of misdirection. The cards flutter and shuffle constantly as he speaks fast and without any breaks, not giving Lois any time to interject a question.
     "My kid? No no my kid is Cassie, adorable little girl from my ex-wife, real smart, regular firecracker. Scotty isn't actually the name of who we're after you see, he's actually nicknamed after Scotty from Star Trek, who was actually named Montgomery Scott and was Chief Engineer. See he was famous for the line 'Beam Me Up Scotty' which they never actually used on the show you see. But anyway the Scotty we're chasing can teleport as you see so the name seemed like a good fit. Now like Eagle said he's not a bad guy but he's not a good guy either you see because he's six and when you're six you're not quite good or bad yet but the other thing is he's not really six because every time he teleports he gets a bit younger so it's all kinda timey wimey gobbledygook about how old he really is and he tries to hide because he's all embarassed because of course you would be if you were 6 and you weren't really 6. By the by here if you want a mint, I'd take it, you look tired by the way, probably use a good night's rest. I got this great pillow recently at the store, Cool Foam they call it, oh my god has it ever changed..."
     The rambling seems destined to go on for a while unless someone physically stops him as he chatters on, letting his stream of consciousness just overload things and make it all a confusing jumble, the cards fluttering and flickering in his hand the entire time, an annoying distraction in their own right.

Lois Lane has posed:
The cards seem to be helping for a moment. Lois' bloodshot blue eyes flicker from the cards, up to Scott, over to Golden Eagle, then back to the cards. Her brows are furrowed, mouth pressed into a thin line around her cigarette as she tries to piece through the load of bullshit she's being handed, and the fact that Eagle has gone back to the 'gave me the slip' story. She exhales smoke through her nose, smirk deepening. "You two are... somethin'..." She mutters to the pair.

Then Scott goes on about how embarrassing it would be to be six if you're not really six. And the names then line up. Her eyes roll to the sky for a moment and she gives a little groan, shaking her head. She pulls her sunglasses back on, the personal analyzation now done. "It's you, isn't it. You're Scotty. You were six, or being six, for some reason...I'd guess having to do with your *daughter*, if I read that rambling mess of bullshit right... and then you had no way to explain..." She looks back to Eagle, "Did I get that right?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle sighs again. "Dude... it's Lois Lane...", she says to Ant Man, with a gesture at the woman. "Yeah, Ms. Lane... you got it right. I didn't know it til the tunnel...", she adds, with a gesture at the playground tunnel, "...but, yeah."

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott's rambling monologue sputters to a stop as the no nonsense woman puffs another cloud of smoke over him, warranting a cough and crinkling of his nose. "I wasn't, I mean, I was, umm, I," his previous confidence and bullshittery falling to pieces under her scrutiny and even his shuffling falling apart as he drops half his cards on the ground between them. He looks down at them morosely and sighs as he nods his head and wipes a hand down across his face with a groan.
     "Yeah, OK look, I know what this might look like to both of you. My daughter was getting bullied, I decided to go in person to handle it. It was dumb with a capital D and now her bully thinks that my daughter's imaginary friend can possibly appear out of anywhere and get her if she bothers my Cassie again. That's all! It was a completely irresponsible thing to do, probably criminal, but I'm a single father on parole, smart decisions aren't my bread and butter OK? So, you two can, you know, do with that what you will. While I get my cards..." he finishes with a soft mumble as he crouches down and starts picking up his playing cards at last.

Lois Lane has posed:
A little groan escapes the reporter's, because she definitely doesn't have a story now. She wasn't going to blow up the guy's spot when he's just trying to help his daughter. Lois rubs her free hand down the side of her face and looks like the most put upon woman in the world. "Look, Ant Man... f*ck. I'm not gonna blow up your spot when you were just trying to help your daughter. It's... fine. A little weird. But fine. And I'm not gonna mess you up, Eagle, for helping a friend. Just... hell. What a day."

She sighs, "Both of you get home safe, and maybe consider not torturing kids during the school day? Bully them walking home or at the mall, like all the good bullies do when they don't wanna get caught." Lois lowers her glasses for a moment, tossing Lang a little wink with that and a wry sort of grin from her dark lipstick stained lips. "...and we should all get outta here before people DO think we're pervs."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Honestly? I never met him before this; I just recognized him from the news. He's an Avenger, after all", Golden Eagle says. "I'd be lying if I said I was his friend, but that doesn't meant I didn't recognize a hero who I thought kinda needed a hand. Sorry I lied to you, Ms. Lane." The way she says that whole 'Ms. Lane' thing -- if anyone's heard a kid talk to one of their teachers, that's how they do it.

The latina heroine's feet come up off the ground about an inch, by her simply lifting them as she starts to float -- the top of her head didn't really move much when she did that. Flying is clearly a second-nature thing to her.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Poor Lois, she really didn't look like a hugger but as the last of the cards literally disappears up Scott's sleeve he hops to his feet and loops one arm around her, regardless of how tobaccoy she smells and smushes him to her side. And then alas Eagle gets the same from his other arm as he draws the floating hero into the group embrace.
     "Thank you thank you thank you! I mean, I'd have gotten away 10 minutes ago and wouldn't have to worry about this at all if it weren't for you Eagle but still, thank you both! Oh my god you have no idea what I thought people would think. Oh right perv, I guess you do know. Wait here, before you go," Scott's change in mood immediate, his enthusiasm really is almost child-like as he pats down his suit and comes up with...a packet of Oreos from a pouch pocket. "I swiped these out of the cafeteria before I left so you can each have one. There you go. Lois, I promise, no more bullying children under the age of 10," Scott's wierdly specific vow made with one finger making a little cross over his heart...after those fingers have already stuffed the cookie in his mouth which hangs half out of it now.

Lois Lane has posed:
The hug is definitely not expected. Lois blinks, stiffening a bit, and doing all she can to make certain she doesn't actually burn either of them with her cigarette, "Yeah, yeah, buddy, okay... and kid..." She mutters to Golden Eagle, "You're a shitty liar. Never play poker. Look, you two can split my oreo. I don't care what kids you bully. Just.. be careful about it. Superman will be here before we all know and then there really will be a mess of explanations to be made."

She gives them both a casual salute and then turns on the ball of her foot. "We should all jet. I need to get back to actual work. I imagine you have some jobs that aren't super hero. I could be wrong. Get back to... whatever... Safely." And with that, Lois is headed back off to her prized car, parked a few blocks away. She's definitely sober enough to drive now and almost wants to be back in the office just for the normalcy.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"You... shouldn't bully anyone, especially not kids", Golden Eagle says... -after- coming free from the one-armed hug. She does actually accept one of the oreos, though, stuffing the whole thing into her mouth at once after her statement... her feet still off the ground the whole time. She reaches out, her hand a blur, to yoink the oreo Lois refused out of Scott's hand... then starts to float up into the air. "Adios, Hormiga!", she says, then calls out, "Up, Up... and away!", as she rises into the sky.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Right, nice to meet you! Look into Nicorette! Been a pleasure!" Scott calls out to Lois only for a 'HEY!' of protest as Eagle snatches his cookies and floats up out of easy reach. He'd already abused his abilities enough for today, he probably shouldn't turn giant just to try and start a park brawl over Oreos. "Shouldn't and won't are two different things! And that line is taken!" Scott hollers at her a bit more testily if only cause she stole his cookies, looking down at his hand with naught but crumbs in it now. "Hmmph, go hit the store on the way home then," he sighs as he heads for his own car, still holding the hoodie over his shoulder with Mario's face, mumbling to himself, "Bet I can permanently upsize this, I'll wear this for sure..."