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Latest revision as of 15:24, 16 December 2020

Rumblings in the Subway
Date of Scene: 06 June 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Sara Pezzini, Mary Jane Watson

Peter Parker has posed:
"They say there's nothing new under the sun. BUT UNDER THE GROUND..." - Tagline from the movie poster for TREMORS

The call comes into the precinct. Transit Authority found the bodies of two homeless men in one of the tunnels, in an alcove once used for tunnel workers in the mid-1970's.

The part thhat Spider-Man flagged, the one that had him send a Spider-Comm message to MJ, was the part that said how someone had described goblin-like monsters...feeding on them, that had bailed when the transit cops shined their flashlights on them.

<Want a lift, or are you close to Brooklyn?>

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It's routine for detectives to sub for one another for leave or vacation. Pezzini from homicide is doing just that, solo today, without a partner. Just a few months in to the job and the chief who has a nose for these things sends her on the 'weird' calls.

Two homeless dead in the subway doesn't count for weird. Sad, yes. The weird part came up with sightings of strange things feasting on the corpses. Forensics was going to have a field day. Among the first on the scene, Sara flashes her badge and climbs down onto tracks to cross one of the utility walks up off of the live rails.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
<Close to Brooklyn, I can meet you there.>

And so she is, taking her motorcycle over towards the area in question, at least on the surface. Dressed for business, with just hints of her red hair leaking out from the tinted helmet she wears, with the red and black jumpsuit. The massive sword is strapped to her back, and she has the batons on her hip as she checks in, <<I'm here, Spidey.>> Getting off the motorcycle, she looks around expectantly for her partner. Teammate? Boyfriend?

Well, at least those three, right?

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man drops from the roof of a nearby shop, landing lightly on the ground. He smirks at MJ (she can see it even through the mask) and points to the nearby subway station. "It's between this station and the next one. I got the harness rigged up...and you'll see why in a moment."

Spider-Man does have an advantage. No one looks UP in a subway tunnel. If anything, they look DOWN, because that is where all the dangerous stuff is.

So, when Spider-Man and Red Sonja reach the train-level, Spidey hooks MJ up in the harness, and then they go along the roof of the subway, moving from left to right as he uses weblines to speed his progress. When they get there, some NYPD cops, including one no-nonsense lady detective, are sealing off the crime scene.

But since they are moving across the ceiling, TECHNICALLY they are not disturbing the crime scene.

Spidey looks down at the bodies, then sends a silent text to MJ/Red Sonja. <Take a good close look at the bodies. Do the wounds look familiar?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Forensics arrives while Sara looks on; the scene already blocked off with crime tape inconveniencing thousands of passengers until the main track is investigated and trains can begin running again. Booties on, Sara, crouches next to one of the grisly remains.

"We got wild animals down in the tunnels now?" That question coming from the older woman leaning down to examine the skull cap of one of the dead. Cameras flash, strobing across the blood.

"Yeah, maybe so," Sara replies. "Looks like they like the choice morsels." A camera flashes, and unaccountably Sara looks up, feeling the familiar throb of the bracelet on her right wrist prompting her to examine the shadows above them.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane narrows her eyes, and Sonja slips a bit more to the forefront as her knowledge is tasked on this one. < Yes, Spider, it's definitely those quaggoths. The wounds are distinctive. > She tenses as Sara looks over in their general direction, but trusts the Spider to keep them hidden.

Peter Parker has posed:
The Spider-Comm system works perfectly. Although the zoom lens isn't exactly telephoto, it can get a closer look at the wounds as the camera in the lens records pictures. He can see the gashes clearly, the blood loss clearly...

And the female detective CLEARLY looking directly up at them.

It's an odd tableau. Spider-Man is crouched on the ceiling, the stylized eyes of his mask wide and startled. Attached to him with a web-belt harness is a woman in red and black, a motorcycle helmet hiding her face but unable to hide the wisps of crimson hair from exiting the base of the helmet.

"Uhm...Hi?" Spider-Man says, raising a hand in greeting. "We come in peace?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Clearing her throat, Sara drops her eyes not wanting to attract the attention of the other police officers working on the scene. She shakes a finger upwards as though trying to remember something then looks at a side tunnel. Of course, she knows who he is. On the other hand, he might wonder about her.

"Be right back, I want to take a look down that tunnel there. Radio me if you find anything out of the ordinary." Sara frowns, and adds, "More out of the ordinary." Picking her way carefully away from the remains she heads towards the side tunnel with one pointed look upward.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja gives Spidey a wry look through her helmet, <Well, so much for the element of surprise, but she seems to be willing to work with us, at least.> Nodding towards him, she seems to think that they should follow her along.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, trying to crawl unobtrusively towards the side tunnel. This was interesting. These tunnels hadn't been used since the end of the 19th century.

He waited until they were out of sight of the other cops before Spidey and his companion dropped to the ground. Spidey unbuckled the harness, then looked to Sara. "Hey. I'm Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and you can call her Red." He speaks quietly, because sound can carry in these tunnels.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
If Sara hadn't known that she was about to be dropped in on, the surprise would have had her clutching her heart and reaching for her gun, an old response that the Gauntlet since it has taken residence in her life has changed. That pulse on her wrist tells her nothing more than she is among allies, certainly the masked man known throughout the City is friendly.

Skeptical but willing to go along with the man and the woman by his side, she had, after all, extended the invitation, she nods and tries on a smile.

"Detective Pezzini, Sara. Call me Sara. Ah. Did that bring you down here?" She indicates the tunnel where lights can be seen, the voices of the people echoing down this side tunnel absorbed in a way that makes them feel more distant.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja nods, "Aye, it did. Quaggoths, or a lesser breed of them. Demonic creations, not human at all. But they do love the taste." With that, she draws her greatsword, holding it at the ready as... well, look, sometimes batons are handy.

But against these things? No quarter. As she looks over at Sara, "Well met, Sara. You can call me Sonja." Because for these kind of situations, MJ is perfectly happy to let her roommate take the drivers' seat.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded. "I am sure Sonja can go into greater detail about her knowledge about such things, but first, I think I need to ask."

Spider-Man leaned forward. "How much do you know about sorcery?"

He tried his best not to sound like a nut.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
"Nice to meet you," comes her prompt reply, aware how casual she must sound, Sara shrugs uncomfortably. A low whistle for the sword and a nod, "What? Quaghogs? Clams?"

Narrowing her eyes at Spider-man, "Ahhh, more than I would like and less, something tells me, than I should. What's going on here?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja nods towards Sara, "I can relate to /that/. These lesser quaggoths are vile demonic servants of a sorcerer named Kulan Gath. An old foe of mine." She smirks beneath the helmet, "If you wish to hunt them with us, Sara, you are welcome to do so." An eyebrow arches at that, as she regards the detective.