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Latest revision as of 16:26, 16 December 2020

Superheroes at Liberty!
Date of Scene: 20 March 2020
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Beatriz da Costa, Kyani Kohanna

Billy Batson has posed:
"The sun is rising, golden and sun-like over the waters of New York Harbor. In the distance a ferry toots along. Rising over Liberty Island, the Statue of Liberty casts an early morning shadow over the parkland. The statue stands as she has for a hundred or more years, keeping watch. No tourists yet, on this early morning because it is too early. The sun is already beginning to burn some mist away."

Sitting on the torch of Liberty, Captain Thunder waves to his phone, then sticks it in his belt and starts on the pretzel and Ariana Grande coffee he bought. "I'm amazed Ariana didn't sue the chain for naming a drink after her. Also she is more teeny than grande. Whatevs." He munches away.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Flying over the city, eyes peeled, on patrol, Bea takes her traditional side route to survey the closest thing there is to her homeland's giant Jesus in New York: The Statue of Liberty. It lacks the glory and the pacific grandeur of her home's tourist trap, but it still has a charm of its own, so it holds a special place in her heart. Heading toward the torch from behind, ready to play her little game of being the flame itself, she notes Shazam and smiles to herself.
    Time to play a prank!
    Flying up behind him as quickly as she can, faster than sound so there's no warning of her arrival, she stops right behind him, her sonic snap announcing her as she says in an artificially sonerous voice:

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Today was the day to cut loose and Kyani was going ot take advantage of it. He's not met any speedsters at all, he was told of Peitro, but he's not met him. So today, he felt the need, for speed! A sonic boom can be heard as he runs through the suburbs. Yeah he is careful not to blow out windows, but setting off care alarms was fun. "Hell yeah!" he calls out as he runs through the city. White lightning flickers after him as he runs and well it's only moments that he makes it to the Statue of Liberety.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam spits pretzel out. Ariana Grande is lost at sea as the red figure leaps into the air, and whirls. Lightning forms around him... then disappears as he sees the flaming woman. With a rueful look he slowly drops down. reaching into his bag he produces another coffee and preztel. "You're lucky I always bring a spare... the pretzel is cold. Could you oblige, Ms da Costa?"

Before he can continue what superheroes technically term 'screwing around', he sees another lightning wreathed figure drawing close. Darla... no she didn't get a hit from him. He can't quite make out the figure yet. "Heads up, we got incoming." He puts the food aside.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Fire spins in a tight loop (purely as a show-off effect--she plays to nonexistent cameras to ensure that when they exist she looks good) and regards the incoming figure approaching too fast to comfortably track. Estimating his point of arrival, she gestures down at the location he seems to be aimed for and zaps herself straight down at it as fast as she can.
    For her: the height of the statue. For him several kilometers. It's a tight race.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani doesn't slow down, another sonic boom louder and more deafening than the one previous, and out here there isn't a lot that he could damage and he is moving away from people as to not harm anyone and he's running on the water now. He laughs as he runs, he had plenty of time to learn how to run on many different terrain. Still, water fountains up around him as he runs.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam lands with thump behind Bea da Costa, hands on his hips. Could this be... his first real supervillain. OKay Dr. Sivana was a supervilain but kind of plain and creepy. "What's the plan, Fire?" She is the adult here after all. She was very good on that bridge.

Unseen by any, a whisp of smoke appears near the statue's base, quickly filling into a robed man with a sneering face, a medieval spiked cap upon his head. "What the... I wish the Universe and Destiny would learn their lessons and stay out of my way!"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "The plan? Assess what we're dealing with first. Whatever it is, it's FAST. Faster than me, so if it's a threat we have to know how." She looks over at Shazam. "And if it isn't we don't want to make it one, if you get my drift?"
    She waits for the speeding force to arrive, pasting a friendly smile on and adopting a non-hostile stance. "Hold friend!" she says as it gets close enough. "Welcome to the island. I am Fire of the Justice League."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks around and everything is right as it shold be, slow. For him everything is standing still, though as he looks around and glances back to the statute, his body turns and heads that way as he starts to slow down and he stops where he sees the Fire woman and a big buffed dude in spandex, "Sup." he says to them. HE rubs at the back of his head and Fire would know him instantly and now it would answer more of her questions.

Billy Batson has posed:
The Ren Faire individual notes the superheroes. "It would have been moot had I secured this eidolon in solitude. No matter. The spandex clad supermodel and her entourage will not thwart... they're too far away. They can'thear me. Goddamit. Now I have to make an entrance."

With that he is gone for a moment. He reappears as a sixty foot tall giant with a voice like thunder, "Tremble before Faust the magnificent or meet my malisons, witless warriors! Flee for your lives now!"

Shazamsays, "Holy Moley!"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Ah! See, Red Cyclone? This is not a threat. It's best we greeted him politely, no?" Fire steps up to Kyn and hugs him briefly, forgetting that he hasn't yet seen her in full flame. "How are you doing, Kyn?" she asked. "That was impressively fast. You definitely would have given Flash a run for his money. Before he beat you, I mean."
    She turns to Shazam, "This is Kyn. He wants to be a hero and has the mad speed to match. Kyn, this is Red Cycl..."
    That's when the renfaire disaster starts talking and turns into a giant robot.
    "What the actual f...!?"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He blinks as he looks at Bea, "Hey I know you don't I?" he ask sas he is hugged and well he likes getting hugs from beautiful women. He hugs here back, "Nice, that looks good on you." he chuckles. He steps back a bit and looks to Bea, and than he looks over to Shazam. "Nice to meet you and I'm sure Flash would dust me, but I will catch him in time, believe me." he laughs. THough that stops when the giant Renfaire guys makes his appearance, "Ok, why is there a big Renfaire guy threatening people?" he asks.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam leaps into the air, "NicetomeetyouIgottacheckthisout," streams in a burst fro his lips, which should sound fine to Kyn. The newly minted Captain Thunder flies up, working on some banter, "Faust, like that stupid poem by Goethe... " His banter is cut short as mystic bolts erupt from the wizard's eyes. They strike Captain Thunder and hurl him over the horizon."

"Buffoon! What are they teaching superheroes these days?" the wizard sneers. "Ms. da Costa, I believe? You look radiant this morning. Consider switching sides, I could positively and exquisite creature such as yourself. Eternal youth and beauty for starters... you, speedster, I do not know. Begone!"

The ground under Kyn erupts with pointed spears of rock at a gesture by Faust.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Why do they always do this? Why do they always open themselves up to this line of attack? They're absolutely idiotic, these cishet male villains. Time to pour on the boob factor.
    "Oh, Golly!" Bea says, giggling like an airhead, squeezing her plasma arms together to squeeze out her plasma chest in that way that she just KNOWS fanbois like. And he's given himself away as a fanboi. She's going to have to find his computer and fry his hard drive until it's molten to get rid of the 3D generated pics he likely has. "You talking to me!?" Play up the accent. Everybody 'knows' people who speak with an accent are stupid. "Wow, you're so powerful! You just swept Red Cyclone away like he was nothing, and he's almost, like, Superman!"
    She flies up to the Ren-Faire Disaster, broad smile on her face, complete with glowing bedroom eyes. "I'm obviously on the wrong side if a man like you is on the other! I'll be your queen!"
    Just a little closer. A little closer... NOW!
    Searing plasma hot enough to melt stone into magma erupts and whirls around Faust's head, close enough to be very uncomfortable, but not so close as to damage. Just ... keep him pinned, afraid to move, while the other two do their stuff.
    "In your dreams, loser!" she says, accented scorn dripping from her voice. "I've found more formidable foes in cereal boxes!"

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani blinks at Shazam, granted when Shazam speaks fast to him and he shakes his head, "You still sound like you're talking slow." he laughs. He than looks at Fire and wonders why she is doing that, "Uhh...why are you doing this?" he asks her, but she begins flying, though before he can ask something else, the ground started quaking around him, and now pointed spears starts to spike upwards and with a quick step he moves out of the way but more are coming, "Shit." he quickly rushes in towards Renfaire, and as he does he jumped and ran upwards towards the guys face and he punches him in the eye and as he does he adds lightning to the strike hoping to hurt him if slightly.

Billy Batson has posed:
Off by the statue base Faust looks up at his projection and chuckles. "Giant wizard always gets all the attention. Yes do try to punch an illusion you dullards. Like I'd waste youth and Beauty on you when Lynda Carter is available. Pffft. Oh thank you Penfield!" The last is directed to a winged demon who appears, a to-go cup of tea in its claw. It vanishes when Faust takes the cup. Little Faust continues drawing sigils in a circle around him. Occasional flickers from a barely visible sphere around him light his work and several tools.

Captain Thunder opens his eyes. Not hurt, only stunned. He shoots up and avoids the blimp with the 'GCPD' badge on its prow, ends up in a rain cloud. "Son of a Moley!" he mutters. There's a boom as he flies back towards New York Harbor. Wait... where the heck is New York...?

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Fatal. Mistake.
    NEVER show your real location to a ticked off superhero.
    And ESPECIALLY never do that to one who can move faster than sound.
    Fire sweeps off behind the statue, flying out a short distance to get a head of speed up and then flips around and zips back, again faster than the speed of sound. Whipping around the statue silently (though chased by her sonic boom) she flies straight at the real body of Faust and impacts... only to pass over him, giving him a fraction of a second taste of her plasma. And as that pain and heat registers, likely raising more than a few blisters on any exposed skin, plus scorching most clothing badly, the sonic boom arrives to wreak havoc on his hearing.

Billy Batson has posed:
Faust dances around his sigils (now glowing) chanting in a forgotten language between sips of Earl Grey. "Soon the Statue of Liberty will be securely teleported to my manse, where I can use the mystic force in it to control all of America. It's a start. I think I'll have Superman be my butler and the Amazon can clean my bathrooms. Ms. da Costa... I don't really dislike her, she can tend bar or be eye candy by the pool." then Fire slams into him, or his mnystic shield. The heat and the impact resonate with him. He stops in the spellcasting to shake a fist. "Nice try Sophia Vergara. You're going to be cleaning my toilets for that." And like that, <BOOM!> he can't hear. He contues the chanting... he thinks?

Captain Thunder looks down and grumbles, "That's Metropolls. Should I ask directions... no, I'm going the wrong way... I think. Wait... I have maps on my phone!" 'Nuther sonic boom! And anutha!

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani noticed that the punches he threw didn't really do a lot to this Renfaire dude. He has to jump away as he is being attacked, flipping away and flickering back down to the group. "Alright." He's done those quite a few times, though he has to be careful within the city. Still right now it's whats working, Kyani drops into a three-point stance and takes off, white lightning flickers behind him as he runs and after a few seconds he begins running up the Renfaire guy, with the speed that he's running at, he's able to keep moving and after another few seconds he sets off a sonic boom as he passes one of his ears which as he run carries around his head.

Billy Batson has posed:
Felix Faust blinks, startled and deafened by the assault by Bea. The boom in his avatar's ear is also distracting... why did he enable an audio feed? The chanting falters as he nearly drops his book.

A flickering portal appears above the statue as she is lifted into the air, then her upward motion slows and stops as another boom is heard! Captain Thunder, spread eagle on her crown begins to slowly push her back down. "Nnngh... Strength of Hercules... jerkwad!"

Faust screams with rage, "You're as bad as Zatanna! I'll turn the three of you into a pile of wiffle balls!" The little demon, Penfield, reappears and worriedly tugs on Faust's leg.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Fire keeps up her supersonic circle around the tower, noting the influence of the little demon. Magic shields protect Faust. What about Penfield? Next pass around she aims at Penfield instead, shooting off a bolt of fire at him before colliding with him and grabbing him, trying to carry him off and possibly even immolating him in the bargain.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani notices that the sonic booms are affecting this giant and as he completes another circuit he notices that the giant is now dissappearing? Whaaaaa? Kyani runs down the statue and skids to a halt. He spins a seecond and looks up to the sky. He does see that Shazam and Fire changed tactics, he's still moving fast just his eyes are and he notices a demon of sorts and quickly races towards it.

Billy Batson has posed:
Penfield gives Bea a look as if to say "Fire? Really?" then twists in her grasp and vanishes after a naughty eyebrow waggle at the Brazilean. Faust hardly notices his pal is gone and there is no one to warn him that something was seriously miscast, as squamous tendrils emerge from... elsewhere and fasten themselves to the sorcerer. The writhing arms wrap around him and he and his paraphernalia are gone with a >POOF<.

As for the statue, the portal closes, and she begins to plummet as the forces lifting her disappear. Captain Thunder flashes to the base and catches her with a groan setting her down more or less gently. He flashes out from under a foot at the last moment, coughing from the dust kicked up, then drops down to the base, looking proud. "I seem to be rescuing landmarks lately. Where'd Dumbledore go?"