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Latest revision as of 16:26, 16 December 2020

Magic in the Park
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Columbus Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Zatanna Zatara, Morgan le Fay

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Somewhere along the way, Megan took a wrong turn, and really, being the ever curious trouble magnet that she is, is that really a surprise? Honestly she was looking for a quaint little occult shop, but somehow she ended up in a dangerous little neighborhood instead, and honestly, maybe she should have tried walking there instead of experimenting with her teleportation magic.

All the same, here she is, having arrived in another tree (groan), but at least this time she managed to detangle herself and land on the ground (albeit in a bruised heap) before anyone could spot her. "..Owie, that really hurt!" she cries as she rubs her sore ankle..And looks around warily at various shady people who lurk in shadows..

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Having finished up her shopping for the moment, Zatanna has a small package in her hands as she studies the characters on the edge of the paper with some delight. Dressed in a black top with grey slacks, her hair is pulled back in a ponytail with a few pins holding it in place when she suddenly gets that 'tell' of magic being used in the area, and the brunette's eyes snap up from her studies, putting the package away, just in time to meet Pixie as she drops down from the tree.

"You know, you really should knock before you just show up at a squirrel's house. They may tell Squirrel Girl on you." she offers wryly to the young woman, though she's taken her in, and she arches a brow. "You're a little tall to be a true fey." she points out.

Morgan le Fay has posed:
Oh she's gone and done it now. One Morgana Lefey got introduced to pepper on pizza. And, since she's (reincarnated as a high school senior....she put way more pepper than she should on her pizza. One giant sneeze later, and she's catapulted against the same tree, on the other side of it.

Thud. Sneeze. Curses in Cornish and clinging to a tree for dear life.

There's the offending pizza slice, too. Which she slings upwards. "Hopefuly the squirrels like it)

Getting to her feet, Morgan peeks around from behind the tree, spotting the others. "Um....hey" she says. "This isn't where I thought I was?"

If nothing else. Morgana is trouble. Yet as she comes out from behind the tree, she looks a little uncertain and even a little worried by now.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Talk about squirrels and fae gets her scratching her head, and Megan glances around at the two ladies, blinking and climbing upright. As usual, Megs has her wings hidden under her jacket, although maybe the glittery tips hang out underneath, looking like a colorful tutu or long shirt ends under her jacket. But really there's not much she can do to hide her hair.

"Ooh, did you say fey? What do you know about fey?" she does giggle a bit nervously though, glancing up at the tree, "well, I'm sure the squirrels are doing better than me..I was just..Err...Climbing the tree!" she laughs again. Nothing weird to see here! Unles you're a magic sensitive.

And then there's another lady there, and she blinks, peering around the tree, "Ooh, are you alright? Feeding the squirrels are you?" she giggles some more, apparently she's really nervous. Or maybe she had too much caffiene this morning?

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
That would be an almost plausible story if the young woman wasn't a Homo Magi, and is magic by her very nature. "Did the tree decide it didn't like being climbed and threw you out?" she asks in warm amusement as she then glances towards the other young woman, and a frown touches her features. Something about Morgana is pinging hard on her warning senses. To try to turn it off, she turns her attention to Megan's arm that has a cut and bruise on it. "May I?" she asks.

If Megan allows her, Zatanna gives a slight lift of her hands and quietly offers. "Esiurb eht raelc, seirujni eht laeh." With those words, the injury on Megan's arm knits itself, and heals, the bruise fading away.

Morgan le Fay has posed:
Morgana glances to Pixie, "Yes" is all she says as she rolls up her sleeves and leans on the tree, it's oddly soothing and reminds her of home, a land far, far away from her current home.
Zatanna gets a look, green eyes studying the magic user. Morgana looks to Pixie next and and leans forward brushing her hand on an iron railing. Jerking her hand back, she caroms neatly off the tree and lands in a heap near Zatanna with an ugly burn mark on her left palm. Way to telegraph it. Amuzingly, Morg is concious and spitting out so many expletives, she could make a certain trenchcoat wearing wizard sign up for a course on swearing, produce a full 12 volume course, and still have material left over. Or, she's got the air navy blue with cuss words. Great job, Morgana...she's clenching her palm in pain, too. Pain tends to make her get snippy and angry too. Anger leads to magic firing off on its own.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as Zatanna heals her bruises and says some pretty funky magical words. "Wow! You're a sorceress?" of course she is! It would explain the faint shiver she felt whenever magic was near. "Wow, that's soo cool! A healing spell!" she beams, flexing her good as new arm, "Thanks! So..." Finally Megan glances back at Morgan curiously, eyes widenned in surprise as she falls in a heap, kneeling next to her. "Heey! Are you okay? What happened?" she glances back at Zatanna, "Can you help her?"

Morgan le Fay has posed:
Morgana stops swearing long enough to eye Pixie. "I found a railing. What's it look like?" she asks sullenly flexing her palm, the ugly mark on it a giveaway to what she really is. Yeah, half fae and iron, no thanks. Still she sucks in a breath and looks to Pixie. "I'm okay, I think. I'm okay" Morgan says gently watching Pixie..even though Morgan can barely make her out through tear filled eyes. Pain, sucks.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at the railing, then back at Morgaon. "Oh. That's iron! You mean.." she blinks, "Eeeks, are you a fae too?" her eyes widen, peering at the palm, "I mean, you just look normal..Mostly. Like me!" ooh, a half fae. Of course Pixie is still pretending not to be a mutant. "wow looks painful..Soo you know magic too?"

Morgan le Fay has posed:
"I'm Morgana Lefey" she says as Morgana sits up. Doesn't take a genius to put it together and work out who and what she really is. See. She's Morgan le Fey. Sorta. Kind of. "No I just have a passionate hate for railings. Oh you worked out what I am?" she asks with a wide eyed look to Pixie as Morgan crumples to the floor clutching her head. She's still for a moment, then gets to her feet. In her mind, she's seeing a past life. Thankfully, for Pixie....it's not one of the worse ones. Just Morgana pacing around like a leader, watching invisible faces. Snapping out of it, Morgana looks to Pixie. "Oh you're still here" she says gently.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Like that evil fairy queen in King Arthur stories? Or was that queen mab? I always get them mixed up. Oh wait, Morgan Lafey was his half sister or something, wasn't she? Oh I guess that'd explain the half fae thing. Wow, you must be like, really old or something then right?" she nods, "Yeaah, I'm kinda allergic to metal, especially iron myself. See, i'm kinda a fairy too..check this out!" she steps out of her jacket, allowing a glimpse of her pretty fluttery wings underneath.

Morgan le Fay has posed:
"In Arthurian myth" Morgana says, "Morgana was Arthur's half sister" she nods, and closes her eyes massaging her temples. Rule #50 of being Morgana. Don't think too hard on past lives. They'll happen on their own. Morgana watches Pixie and smiles. "Okay. You're a fairy. Okay" she says with a look somewhere between concern and amusement, then watches the fairy girl. "So.Just who are you?" Morgana asks, sitting on the ground, back against the same tree Pixie landed in.