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Latest revision as of 16:31, 16 December 2020

First Impressions
Date of Scene: 19 May 2020
Location: Recreation Lounge: Triskelion
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Hellboy, Jessica Drew, Jack Nolan

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy is new around here. Technically he's worked for SHIELD for years, but the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, is a lesser known and somewhat untrusted branch of the more well-known WAND. Since the 40's the BPRD was setup out in New Mexico, running missions involving the really weird things in the world. Less metal corridors and suits, and more leatherbound occult tomes, cackling wizards and weird monster agents.

Hellboy : case in point.

Recently, however, the BPRD has move offices to a secret lair in Brooklyn, and some of the members have begun heading to the Triskelion for some things. Still, the huge red man is an odd sight here. He sits back on a couch, watching the 80's movie, Real Genius. His hooves idly tap the floor as he brings a beer to his lips and takes a long, long sip of it. He laughs deeply at one of the jokes, drawing looks from a few other relaxing agents.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Some mutants are just plain showy. Others keep it to themselves. Sneaky. Jessica falls under the sneaky class, she looks like your regular run of the mill agent suited up in the SHIELD black uniform. Hair back in a nerdy bun, with high top lace-up shoes, shined with military precision.

She's not military, but she can do unassuming. Beer in hand, she lingers behind the couch where the big man is lounging and laughs at the same time he does.

"Room for one more?" Jessica gestures with her beer bottle at the couch.

Jack Nolan has posed:
Some mutants can't hide what they are. Jack is one of those mutants. The big dinosaur-like mutant strolls into the lounge, heavy footfalls hard to miss as he wanders in. He looks at the arcade games for a second, then down at his claws, wondering if he still has the dexterity to play them. A faint shrug, though when he spots Jessica, he gives her a wave with one hand, "Hey."

Hellboy has posed:
The big red guy glances back over his shoulder at Jessica, and he flashes a grin. "Sure thing." He's huge, but he scoots over to give her some room, anyways. He brings the beer to his lips. "I love this movie. I just like movies, though, you know?" His voice is deep, and his pure white eyes watch her before they settle on Jack. He blinks and cocks his head to the side. "Huh."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Nolan is hard to miss, he definitely is in the showy class and handles it as well as one can. "Hello, Jack," Jessica responds, her British accent clicking on the K with Oxfordian precision. "Grab yourself something to drink? It's old movie time apparently."

Seating herself in the corner of the couch, she has no problem giving the red man the lion's share of it, "I don't know it. American flicks, especially from...." She leans forward, peering at the screen, shaking her head, "The Eighties? Still nerds working on science projects suits me."

Turning to glance at the red man, "I'm Jessica Drew. You look new on the Triskelion block."

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Agent Drew." Jack replies, as he moves over and grabs a beer, before shifting towards one of the other couches. He looks Hellboy over, somewhat surprised to see someone who, well, doesn't quite blend in like him around. He sits down, carefully moving his tail out of the way so he doesn't sit on it, before popping the beer open with a talon, "At least these things come in handy for something." He jokes, looking over the movie for a moment, "I wouldn't know who's new or not with how long I've been stuck in medical. Just glad to be out and about again."

Hellboy has posed:
"Real Genius. 80's comedy. Val Kilmer. It's a good one. Super genius college students partying while the evil Dean tries to use them to sell a super laser to the military. Classic."

The devil man grins to himself and sips his beer before he glances over at the two again. "Hellboy."

Hellboy might not be here before, but he's famous. Hell, he became a public citizen by the UN in the 1980's after he saved the UK from a Faerie Invasion. For real. It was all over the press back in the day. Since then he's been a favorite of tabloids and conspirary theorists, while also being a somewhat public ....thing. Most folks don't know he's SHIELD, though, let alone the unknown BPRD.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Smiling at Jack, Jessica visibly does a double take at Hellboy. "Erm. Really there's no excuse. You were the one in Britain, weren't you?"

Lips pursed wryly, she holds up her bottle first to Hellboy and then to Jack in a salute. "Here's to getting out of the hospital! You were in there for what? Two months?"

She takes a long, satisfying sip of her beer. "Oh, that does sound like a classic. I've been binging Japanese films recently myself."

Jack Nolan has posed:
"I think I saw this once.." Jack says, as he takes a drink from his beer, "The popcorn right?" He hopes he's being vague enough to not spoil it, it's a great scene, if he's remembering the right one. He considers Hellboy for a minute, "Oh yeah, you had that big show in the UK. Though that was before I was born, so uh, I didn't get to see it, obviously...I didn't know you were a SHIELD agent.."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy nods a bit to that. "Mmmmhm. Excalibur. Army of Britain's faithful dead. All that stuff. I returned the sword to the lake after, though..." He trails off and shrugs as if something like that is -totally- normal.

He sips his beer and then sets the empty bottle aside before he looks back to the television. "Ah, Japanese films. Nice. I remember when the Kurosawa classics were coming out. Loved sneaking into the projection booth of this theater back in New Mexico to watch them." He must be pretty old.

He nods to Jack. "mmmn. Popcorn in the house with the laser, yeah. Good stuff." He grins a bit an shrugs a big shoulder. "I technically am. I work for the BPRD. Used to be a seperate shadow agency, but SHIELD swallowed us in the 90's. So...we are...but most people barely even know we exist, even IN the agency."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, Ozu," Jessica nods with appreciation. "I love them all. You, ah, remember them coming out?" With a lift of an eyebrow and a skeptical shake of her head, she looks closer at the red man and then remembers her manners, clears her throat and fixes on the movie.

"Agencies within agencies in this place, secrets nested in secrets like Russian dolls, too. Now, I want popcorn!"

Jack Nolan has posed:
"BPRD, huh? Probably above my paygrade." Jack muses, before he takes another drink from his beer, "But if Fury and Hill keep you guys around, I'm sure you do great work." He grins, though he still has to get used to doing it without showing off a bunch of sharp teeth and looking scary.

"Popcorn sounds great, actually. Let me go toss some in the microwave." He gets back up, much to the couch's relief, and heads back for the kitchenette to grab some popcorn and toss it in.

Hellboy has posed:
"I was like...ten or something when Seven Samurai came out. Already a full field agent. I...grew up fast." He reaches into his pocket to withdraw a cigar, but he pauses as he seems to remember where he is. He tucks the cigar away again.

He glances to Jack and shrugs. "Could be. I'll shut my trap, just in case."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica does a quick mental calculation, blinks with a faint smile at Hellboy and toasts him with her half-empty beer bottle, "Well, bravo. You don't look at day over, ah, forty. I say, you must have grown up fast. Ten."

Looking up when Jack rises, "Great idea! Thanks for that."

In a lower voice to Hellboy, "I'd say half of everything is above my grade. What do you fellows do there that you can tell someone like me? Well, us. I'm a lowly Four. So, go slow." A smile tugs a corner of her mouth as she settles back into the couch.

Jack Nolan has posed:
Jack waits for the popcorn to pop, tapping one of his talons on the ground as he waits. He turns around from the microwave, and hmms, "Hey Jessica." He says, "You never did tell me what your powers are. I only even know you're a mutant because what Hill was saying."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy considers that, glancing from the movie towards Jessica as he brushes his fingers back over the flattened discs on his forehead that were once horns. "The Bureau was founded during World War Two to combat old Adolf's interest in the occult. It existed seperate from SHIELD for decades, and the two groups never really got along. We tended to recruit people and do things in a way that made the more...James Bondy organization...a bit uncomfortable. Less Men In Black, more Lovecraft. Well, without the racism."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Despite herself, Jessica looks uncomfortable at Jack's question. It's only a passing shadow that clouds her face. She looks briefly around the room which for the moment only contains the three of them. Just us mutants here, we can have a real palaver.

"Erm. You might say I'm the clingy sort." Looking pleased at herself for that, she continues, "In vitro mutation from spider genes, you see. It's done quite a lot for me." With a shrug, "I can blast people with bio-electricity and I move rather fast." She flexes an arm in a strong man's gesture, "Rather on the strong side, too."

Hellboy's explanation receives a long, silent O of appreciation. "I can see how that would rile some of them up. It is nice to have you all on our side. I didn't know that Hitler dabbled in the occult. But, he would have, wouldn't he? You do look rather devilish."

Jack Nolan has posed:
Jack was about to say something but the microwave dings and he forgets it, turns around and grabs the bag, not worring about the heat, as he moves back over to the couch and rips off the top of the bag, "Dig in." He says, offering it to Jess, "And did you actually fight Hitler like Captain America? Or just your group was around at the time?"

Hellboy has posed:
"Cap was actually with the group who found me," Hellboy says. "That's a whole other story, but I knew him back when I was a kid. Blew my mind when he popped up these days. Glad to see it, though. He was a good guy..."

Hellboy trails off and then looks back to them. "Never fought Hitler myself. Well, I did fight one of his homonculi in Brazil back in the 90's, but...that's not the same thing."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Homonculi?" Taking a handful of popcorn she widens her eyes at Jack as though they were the normal ones. "Really? What was that?"

Jack Nolan has posed:
"I think it's like a clone or something." Jack says. He knows he's heard the term before, in some anime or movie or something. Suddenly his phone starts beeping, as he pulls it out of his pocket. R&D managed to get him a heavily modified one that won't shatter when he touches the screen, "Ah damn. I forgot I have an appointment with the quartermaster about getting my weapons retrofitted to these big ass hands." He tucks the phone away and gets up, "Enjoy the popcorn and the rest of the movie. See you two around!"

Hellboy has posed:
Big Red turns and glances over when Jack makes his way off before he nods a bit. "Kinda, yeah. Magical clobe babies, basically. Old Adolf made a bunch of them. I don't mind. I love smashing Nazis." He chuckles a bit and reaches out to take a few pieces of popcorn in his big hand, popping them into his mouth.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Right, Jack. Good luck with that. I'm sure they will come up with something that will scare the dickens out of everyone."

She holds the bag so she can share with Hellboy easier.

"I knew what homunculi were, I just can't imagine Hitler copies. It gives me the shudders. We smashed a few Neo-Nazis recently, as a matter of fact," she comments as if it were commonplace. "You being here makes me think that something is coming to a boil, somewhere."