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Latest revision as of 17:07, 16 December 2020

Kicking the Habit (And Columbians)
Date of Scene: 03 September 2020
Location: Kaminari's Penthouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Kaminari, Heidi Ingerdottir, Sally Houki

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari is a very busy Goddess who is usually very busy doing Goddess things and also music. Tonight, however, finds Kaminari lounging in her latest penthouse apartment suite in a rare moment of relaxation.

At some point she gave up the search for a more permanent residence at least for the time being and resolved to a rotating existence through the various penthouse apartments around the city every few months. It helps keep fans from finding her residence and has the added benefit of not having to bother with rennovations when a drunken friend accidentally summons interdimensional plant creatures.

So it is on this rare night of freedom that she has summoned two of her friends that she is actually comfortable letting her hair down around to her penthouse domain. Them and their Asgardian Mead Cupcakes for some light revelry.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
While Heidi is fully aware of the fact that Kaminari does need to hide from very overly enthusiastic fans, the idea of moving penthouses regularly sort of baffles her. The luxury of Sally's place (although there did need to be room for all the extra Sallys) never ceased to amaze her either. Fearsome Asgardian or not, she was barely on the lower end of the upper crust and regularly smelled of hay.

Tucked under one of Heidi's arms is a fancy double-flapped picnic basket which she'd dubbed the cupcake basket as it was perfectly sized for holding a dozen without them sliding around or getting frosting smooshed on anything. The other hand is up to pound on the door, mostly because rarely does she do /anything/ quietly. "KAMI, WE ARE HERE!" She calls outside of the door. It's not a dramatic hail, but sometimes she tries to fit in with the hip Midgardians.

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally, of course, was following Heidi. Mostly.

The truth is she's atually scrollinng on her phone absently and more than once Heidi had to keep her from walking into things she should have been paying attention to instead of her phone.

...but, Sally is Sally and being super easily distracted is something that is just... so very, very her.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari sits in a large overstuffed plush chair in the sitting area along with a sofa and a few other recliners gathered around a coffee table. On the coffee table is a wine bottle that just looks 'old' for lack of any more descriptive features, the label has faded and it was clearly dusted off recently. The bottle is surrounded by three crystalline wine glasses.

Kami herself is not drinking yet as she waits for her guests to arrive, instead smoking away on her traditional kiseru pipe, looking every inch like an ancient 'Okami' as she reclines in a comfortable silk robe. To any who visit her often something seems off about the apartment, it is difficult to put ones finger on at first, until the sudden realization that the place is currently utterly devoid of traces of white powder.

When Heidi bangs on the door and announces their arrival, Kaminari take a remote control device and points it at the deadbolt locks on the door, which proceed to unlock themselves and swing open. The wonders of modern technology.

"Ah Heidi, Utsumi, it's lovely to see you. Come in, there's wine." She exhales a stream of scented smoke and smiles languidly.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Of /course/ there's wine. If there wasn't, it would likely be a matter of Heidi interrogating fake Kami for where real Kami was. She enters the penthouse, her free arm moving to nudge Sally in the proper direction to guide her in before she steps away. She wants to see the door close on its own. Why shut your own door when it can shut itself?

"We have brought you cupcakes. I find these ones much improved. The frosting forms more mountain peaks and valleys, rather than rivers and oceans." A poetic comentary on the texture of frosting, typical of the Asgardian. She makes her way to find a spot to sit but not until after she's set the basket directly in front of Kami. An offering!

Sally Houki has posed:
"Eh?" is what Sally says when she's guided. "Oh! Hey, Kami!" She's only sort of now remembering where she is and what she set out to do. She pockets her phone and waves at her enthusiastically, of course. "I shouldn't drink but more for both of you, right?" She doesnt want to cause another monster appearnce in a penthouse. The last one was just havock for Kami's staff.

"I'd say they're really good this time but they're really good EVERY time!"

Kaminari has posed:
True to form, another push of the button on the remote control once Heidi and Sally are inside and the door shuts and deadbolts itself.

Kaminari is already pouring the wine as they enter. She squints at the label on the bottle for a moment, "I think it says this is an 1846 Meursault-Charmes. I just bought the most expensive one up for auction, I hope it pairs with cupcakes." Because of course there are cupcakes. "Improved? Well now I definitely need to have some. Sit, relax, make yourselves comfortable. And don't worry Utsumi, the wine is human in origin this time if you want to try some, just a rare old vintage."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's excited about a door shutting. It's the little things in life. She seats herself at the couch, scooting so there's a spot next to her for Sally. She nods towards the cupcakes. "I am certainly trying to make them better every time. I would not say it's an /obsession/, but I am very devoted to the cause." The cupcake hobby has certainly blown up.

She looks puzzled at the mention of it being old, then it occurs to her. "Oh! Old by Midgardian standards!"

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally drops into the sofa bonelessly and then kicks back, leaning on Heidi only slightly. "And even then, that's only old by American standards. Americans are like 'wow, that building is over a hundred years old!' and then Europeans are like 'omg, el-oh-el, they think that's old," and then Heidi's like 'el-oh-el, THEY think *they're* old."

A nod of solemnity.

Kaminari has posed:
"I could probably locate a bottle from a thousand years ago, but it really wouldn't be drinkable anymore. Old by the standards of human wine, almost two hundred years is pushing the limits on drinkability already."

The glasses are distributed in front of their recipients on the coffee table, an offer to drink the rare alcohol or not as their desires dictate.

Kaminari reaches for one of the cupcakes and is about to take a bite when the chime that heralds a possible visitor downstairs sounds again. Her expression becomes like a fierce storm cloud for a moment, who would dare interrupt her time with rare wine and an Asgardian Mead Cupcake, also friends.

A look of daggers is cast at the interphone video system doorbell as she rises, cupcake and glass in tow, and glides across the room to see who has deigned to interrupt them.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Midgardian life is a very fleeting thing. You could die before a single bottle of wine had aged properly..." Heidi shakes her head in disbelief. "Truly, the realms are a wonder to behold." She moves to take her glass as she peers at Kami, though as she retreats to tend to the door, she gives Sally a little nudge.

"The difference a few hundred years makes."

Sally Houki has posed:
"I suppose," replies Sally to Kami, thoughtfully. "I've not really given it much thought, but I don't even know how old you actually are. It must be weird being so much older than everything else around you. WEll, except Kami. She's the oldest."


Kaminari has posed:
Maybe Kaminari didn't hear what Sally said or maybe she just likes Sally, either way lightning does not strike the latter woman down, unlike many others who have made similar remarks in the past.

Kaminari glares at the video monitor while taking a bite of cupcake, clearly not liking what she sees on the screen. Anyone else peering over the screen will see a Latino man in his middle years wearing a well tailored expensive looking suit with a mustache that connects down to his well maintained goatee.

Eventually after swallowing the cupcake she pushes the button to initiate voice communication with one of her long manicured nails. "This had better be /really/ important Mr. Ortega. Our business should be concluded. I've killed people for lesser crimes than interrupting my enjoyment of one of these cupcakes."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I just turned twelve-hudred and fourty-eight," Heidi proclaims. "Although that's rather young. I believe Thor and Sif have a good hundred or two years on me, but years sort of just blend together. I imagine it probably sounds very impressive when I put it like that."

Then she leans over to blatantly 'peek' at the screen. "Interrupting a cupcake is a very serious crime," she agrees, then looks to Sally. "Take note of that. Never interrupt cupcakes."

Sally Houki has posed:
Sally Houki just stares at Heidi. She knew she was old. She's probablty even heard the number (more than once) and forgotten about it. It's like she's just hearing it forthe first time again, however. Mister Ortega's mention, however, getes a curious look over in Kami's direction towards the door. Curious indeed!

"Aw. I think she really likes your cupcakes," she adds, as if that wasn't obvious given what Kami actually just said.

Kaminari has posed:
"Umm yeah about that, can we talk about it? Like are you sure?" Mr. Ortega is visibly sweating on the screen and it's likely not just from the heat by the way he is fidgeting, "Look, it's the short notice, I get it you want to go clean I can respect that, but where am I supposed to move a thousand kilos of coke with no notice?" He just comes right out with it. Apparently Kaminari was literally doing a 'ton' of coke.

Kaminari's look of displeasure intensifies as she continues watching the monitor, "That's really not my problem Mr. Ortega." she informs him as she takes another bite of cupcake.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Oh, right, the drugs. Heidi peers between Kami and Sally. "You stopped?" She looks around, as if expecting to find some drugs lurking about, but then she nods towards Kami. "It appears so! Although I do wonder why someone who sells such things does not know how to sell them... it seems a bad profession to go into if you can't even do your job."

She may or may not know if she can be heard... and she may or may not care.

Sally Houki has posed:
"Oh yeah. That's her coke guy," muses Sally aloud, not really seeming concerned about it until its explained that Kami is trying to get clean. Her eyes lock on Kami, now, intently studying her. "Mmn," she manages to say after a moment.

She reaches down and squeezes Heidi's hand.

Perhaps she forsees some bloody possibilities.

Kaminari has posed:
"Yeah, about that. The Oficina de Envigado doesn't really see it that way. I told them I would need to downsize my imports and they sent some 'investigators', Zetas from Mexico, to look into it who are currently tossing my warehouse. I was barely able to sneak out. Look we can work something out, wind down slowly or something, cold turkey is overated anyway." Mr. Ortega is almost begging, he's definitely scared.

If Kaminari were any more displeased there's a good chance Ortega would have already been hit by lightning, though the difficulty of doing so through the intercom may be the only thing saving him at the moment. "You shouldn't even be here. Are you trying to get me in trouble with the human law enforcers?"

Ortega shakes his head, "All due respect you don't know the Zetas, they're military trained killers. I go back there without telling them what they want to hear I'm dead and I wouldn't be surprised if they came looking for you and your friends or anyone connected to you until you start buying again."