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What if we went to Krypton
Date of Scene: 30 December 2020
Location: Sunstone Simulator - Fortress of Solitude
Synopsis: The Superfam has a Supermeeting about a Superroadtrip. Kal has a new friend. Kara is bad with secrets. Karen is bad with secrets. Conner is still a clone.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Conner Kent, Karen Starr, Clark Kent

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara is dressed somewhat comfortably. The recent adventures fighting an other worldly horror attempting to invade our planet put some things in to perspective for her she thought would never come back in to her life again. Krypton. Her old life, the one she was forced to leave behind two years ago (for her).

    Blue pants and top, red cape, red boots, a golden belt. She has a heap of computations flowing through the air like holograms in Kryptonian. A quick glance by any of her Super family can tell.. she's planning a trip to Krypton. There's other schematics and designs too though - some sort of shielding system, a gravity wave weapon v planet simulation, and a hologram of her mother standing off to the side patiently waiting for whatever question comes next from Kara.

    She made the call to her family using the high pitched frequency system Kal had set up for their allies a long time ago. It's rare if ever that it has been used -from- the Fortress of Solitude itself. Kelex is tidying up a workstation by the wall. It is somewhat calm and quiet in the fortress today, as it should be.

Conner Kent has posed:
This time it took Conner less than an hour to get here. Also, the cold is not bothering him the least. Maybe it means he has finally fully recovered from being stabbed with a Kryptonite knife by Deathstroke. It was about time!

And look at Supergirl. Apparently now Conner is not the only one that thinks jeans are a good choice for super-outfit. His own are red, though, because he came wearing the full outfit. Maybe because he feels he has to. "Hello. This is not about Christmas, is it? Because I do have presents for you, but I left them in New York because... er, actually I didn't think about it until I was halfway over Davis Strait."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Across the world, Karen Starr is busy. That isn't really news, but the news is that this time it's actually Karen Starr that's busy, rather than Power Girl, whose secretary has finally gathered the spine to deposit all of the Starrware paperwork Karen's been ignoring for... A while. We'll... We'll call it a while.

    However, whilst there isn't anything pressing happening in Metropolis, Karen is searching, with increasing desperation, for anything that isn't... This. Every day, more and more, she understands why Kal and this Kara have all chosen journalism. Go somewhere, ask some questions, write an article or two at superspeed, throw a bus at a guy. Nobody to pay attention to how fast your paperwork gets done.

    Karen idly wonders if it's too late to change careers.

    The tone from the fortress hits her ears, and even if it's a false alarm, Power Girl will do whatever she has to in order to push this all off to some other day.

    With a quick duck of her head and a thumbpress to her desk to lock the door, Karen dips into the private elevator's shaft and emerges from the roof in full Power Girl garb. She takes it easy on the speed untils he's over open ocean, and then faster than may be safe, she's just /there,/ following the tone to the Fortress, a place that she'd never gone until now.

    Striding through the doors, Karen calls to the studying Kara, a quick examination of the work she's doing causing her nose to scrunch. "It's a giant debris field of Kryptonite, Kara." Or, it was back home. "There's- there's nothing -there.-"

Clark Kent has posed:
It's Superman!

Clark skids to a halt, and is half looking for Brainiac drones or a gang of Mongul's toughs before realizing that, no, Kara just didn't have a better way to contact everyone. We really need, Superman thinks, a communicator system. Something to maybe talk about when he sits down with the Titans.

"Conner!" Superman says, patting the boy on the shoulder, "You're looking so much better."

Clark wonders if this is somehow about...no look at all of those computer...thingies. Clark keeps meaning to learn everything in the Fortress.

He blinks as Karen blurts out what's actually going on here. Blunt as ever. "Wait, what?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara turns around with a relaxed smile on her face. Sure, the world is being invaded by doppelgangers.. but those aren't world eating monstrosities.. today is a good day. She has her friends, and now she has her family. And she is brimming with excitement and hope.

    "Hey Superfam," she says and gets up, not offering, but giving them each a hug in turn. "Don't worry about Christmas, that's not even a holiday I understand yet. I've only had two on this planet and its rules confuse me." There's a wry but 'you can't deflate this level of enthusiasm' look from Kara to Karen and she says, "Well, yes, Krypton is exactly what I wanted to talk to you all about."

    "I want to go there. I know it'll by a debris field of poisonous rocks.. I think we've all experienced just how awful Kryptonite can be ..right?" she glances at Conner, not quite sure he's experienced it yet. "Which is why if we go we will need protection. Some sort of kryptonite resistant space suit."

    "I'm getting ahead of myself. On that other Earth - Argo City survived. My fathers experimental shielding system saved the city... I think. My simulations," she motions to all the Kryptonian glyphs and graphs, "Seem to indicate it's a possibility. They survived over there and flew their whole city to Earth to help. So... if they could survive it over there on that other timeline, then may be they survived here."

    She raises her eyebrows and a finger, "May be... may be my parents are alive. May be there is more House of El left in the universe than we thought. And there's only one way to be sure - go to Krypton and check if the remains of Argo City are there."

Conner Kent has posed:
It has been four years for Conner and he is not sure he is really Christian, but the present-exchange is a nice thing he has been doing with his friends for a while. He was going to explain Kara, but the whole thing about a 'giant debris field of Kryptonite' shuts him up.

Now he is paying attention to the holo-displays. Kryptonian only makes sense to him when he is not trying too hard, so it is tricky to read those holos. Like it works better if he does with the edge of his vision. He looks kinda silly when he attempts it.

"I just got over a few months of lingering Kryptonite poisoning," he mentions quietly. "If they did, though, it is not likely they would have remained close to the debris. Was any other planet of the system suitable for colonization?"

Karen Starr has posed:
    Hugging Karen takes a lot of self esteem, but she returns it with a small squeeze and a nod. "I can't stop you." she said, once the hug was over, keeping her hands on Kara's shoulders. "I just want you to be prepared for what you're going to find there." she notes, letting Kara go and then setting her hands on her hips.

    "Back home, I thought the same thing. This is- Kara, this is going to be a jigsaw puzzle on a planetary scale." She takes a few steps forward or more, looking over the glyphs and holograms Kara's built. "It's not like you're just going to show up and the rocks don't look right. You'll have to try and put the whole thing back together, under a superdense red sun with jagged shards of planet so large and radioactive that the most extraterrestrial of our collective rogues can't even feasibly use them."

    There's a level of knowledge here, as if Karen is speaking from more than conjecture. She's not trying to be a downer- but there is no small amount of a realist seeping into her voice.

    "Conner's right. Maybe before we risk it we can do some non-lethal legwork. See if there were any unreasonably large crafts moving through space around that time. Maybe check with Oa?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman crosses his arms, frowning. He really does need to have a TALK with Deathstroke one of these days.

On one hand...it's a dream, isn't it? A whole city of his people, alive and well? Or worse, in deadly danger trying to survive on the fringes of space. Doesn't he owe them something? But on the other hand...Earth. There are so many things going on! The League, whatever Toyman's up to, the fact that Luthor's been way, way too quiet lately...but is that just an excuse? With the exception of everyone in this room, every Kryptonian he's met has been...

Well, awful.

"You went there?" Superman says to Power Girl, frowning. "And it was that bad, huh? Usually under a red sun Kryptonite isn't as bad. There is that Sinestro guy, he seems pretty alright and he's from deep space, I could ask him. Send a probe."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara makes a Kryptonian computer interface gesture and brings up a star map, "Oa is a bit of a detour, but it couldn't hurt to ask our friendly neighbourhood space cops. I'm hoping that if Argo City survived the destruction of Krypton that there will be a beacon left behind. I have to believe that if my parents lived they would have left me a message in a bottle."

    She nods her head, "And yeah.. it is a huge jigsaw puzzle. But also.. may be the one of the off-planet knowledge stores survived and will have records and answers. May be it'll be obvious where they went by kryponite debris trails."

    She smiles to Conner, "I doubt anything near by survived. My father was working on a shielding system capable of protecting the whole city from destruction in the.. worst case scenario. Argo City was a self sufficient city, so, hoping they had enough energy and it worked - they should have a self sufficient floating city out in space somewhere."

    Even Kara frowns just a touch at the long string of hopefuls this requires. "Kal, Kara... Conner.... I'm not asking you to give me your blessing for me to go." She stands and plants her hands on her hips. It's not just a thing she does to show off, it's who she is. "I'm asking you to come *with* me." And there it is, that hopeful gleam in her eyes - family road trip. "Please. We only need protection and a superluminal ship. There's got to be one available. Heck, may be even that Maxima princess would give us a lift."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner blinks slowly. He has actually gone to space before. But not in a spaceship and really, college course is about to start. On the other hand, the chance to get into a spaceship... "we would also need spacesuits. With lots of lead shielding. And... if we find survivors, are they going to try to kill me because I am a clone?" That is also kind of important!

Not a deal breaker, but he wants to know.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen nods. There's a fold of her arms, something that probably isn't okay to do in polite company- but she isn't exactly telling Kara no. "We should go to Oa first." she remarks, before turning to Clark. "Not to this one. It could be different." In that, Kara's not at all wrong. It could be a lot different, in fact.

    "Kryptonite gets easier to deal with under a red sun, but back home, these rocks were still deadly -before- they left the influence of Rao. They all need to stay in that debris field- no souvenirs." Not that any of them would want to take back concentrated poison.

    There's a moment of silence, before she pipes up again. "There are a lot of things to look for. Background radiation trails, offworld data- if any of Krypton's moons survived- but I still think our best bet is Oa. The Guardians have no reason not to give us that information."

    At the mention of what they need to travel, Karen's face scrunches. "We can't source a superluminal ship from Earth, but it'd be nice to have the backup. Normally I have to plot this winding trip that keeps me close to something yellow. I don't know if we're all superluminal." Weird flex, but okay. "We don't want to broadcast to the greater universe that Earth has anything other than hilariously quaint and outdated technology. Less... Visitors, that way. As for the suits, I could get something together at Starrware. I'd have to lie to a few people."

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark's face says 'weird flex, but okay' at the superluminal stuff.

"Wouldn't it be smarter to send a drone first?" Clark asks, "All four of us leaving the Earth leaves it in a very compromised position. Toyman's still got half of Suicide Slum under a giant slow globe. Can we really afford to just all go off planet not knowing when or how we'll be back?" It feels like a weak protest and Clark knows it...

...there's another problem, and one he should probably tell his family, now that he thinks about it. Superman rubs the back of his head. "Look, not to take away from Kara's news but while we're all here, I need to admit something potentially compromising."

Another pause as Superman literally hems and haws. "I told Lois. Something...happened that made it morally irresponsible not to. I know you don't all have the Kent name, but it's not going to be a huge leap for her to figure out the rest of us."

Superman frowns at Connor. "No one's killing you, Kon."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara raises an eyebrow to Conner and nods her head to him, "Yeah that's not going to happen Kon El of House El. You are family and I won't let them lay a finger on you." She sets her jaw a touch. Ironic, considering her views when she first heard of him.

    There's a look of excitement and she points to Karen while touching her nose with her other hand, "You're in. You're in. I can tell you're in. We're going to Krypton." She looks back to Conner, "Come on, say yes." And she looks to Clark, "A probe can't make have the same cognitive understanding we will have when we're analysing.. and if anything were left behind, it's not going to say hi to a probe. It'll need one of us. Please say yes... our friends, the League, The Titans, heck even the Avengers.. they can handle things for a short while we're gone. A week at most.."

    There's a pause though as Clark changes the subject to Lois and she glances around the room.. thinking about work. The story was simple enough, Danvers family is related to Kent family. Danvers family lived in Sweden and Kara and her parents moved to Metropolis two years ago and now she's caught up with her cousin... twice over.

    "....okay but are you sure she hadn't figured it out already? she gives me weird looks. I just assumed it was because I didn't know how to fit in with humans when I first met her... but..."

Conner Kent has posed:
Wait, the 'Kent' name?

Conner actually has the Kent name. But he doesn't know Kal's human name is Clark Kent. They really should talk more. There is some confusion in his expression about what is all about. He knows Lois is genetically speaking his mother, but he has never met her.

It is probably more important that Superman, Supergirl and Power Girl all leaving Earth at once is a lot of power leaving Earth. On the other hand, there are like a dozen of superheroes about the same power range.

"We should go kick Toyman butt out of Metro before the trip, I guess," he suggests. "And tell the League, so Green Lantern, Wondy or the Manhunter don't take vacations just the same week we leave." That is a yes from him. College can wait.

Karen Starr has posed:
    There's a roll of her eyes. "It's only because I know all -too- well that there's no convincing you that we aren't, shouldn't, or won't be going." she offers, but her attention goes to Conner. "Just... Just say yes. It's so much easier if you say yes." she practically whispers, towards Conner.

    Bringing her voice back to normal levels- as if it mattered- "And nobody's going to have a problem with you being a clone, because not only won't they know, but it won't matter, and doesn't matter. You -are- Kon-El. Don't think of yourself as anything else."

    Turning to the others, then, "We'll tell everyone that's relevant that we're going on a trip. No need for anyone to think we're lightyears away except the inner circle, if that. Nobody needs to know that it'll take a while for us to get back. Should probably launch from the moon, so nobody else knows we're gone."

    Raising a brow, Karen looks over towards Clark. "Won't take her long to assume a lot of things, but I'm pretty sure that I'm pretty detached, as long as -nobody blabs.-" A quick look, then, at Clark and Kara.

Clark Kent has posed:
"A week?" A week, Clark thinks, is doable. He frowns a bit as he realizes he is being talked into what can only be described as a zany space adventure that'll probably get them killed. "As long as we check in with Oa first. Power Girl's right, try not to let that go to your head, they're too good a resource to ignore. And if the Guardians are sitting on this information, I'd love to know why."

"No, that's...just Lois." Clark says, looking a little smitten despite describing the woman's ludicriously suspicious nature. "Anyway if she was going to print my secret she would've by now, so I think we're set."

"And I don't blab." Clark says, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at Karen. "I'm very reliable with information."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara's eyes widen at that look from Karen, "What are you looking at me for? I'm doing much better at keeping secrets ...lately." She smiles and then fist pumps to Conner, "Yeees! You're in." She's hyped, so her eyes turn to Clark with hopeful looks. How could anyone say no? Then she double takes back to Karen, "Starrware? ... you're Karen _Starr_?" She looks impressed. An older version of herself.. CEO of a tech company.

    She does a little twirl and claps her hands, "You're going!," she says pointing at Clark. "We're all going. Okay so Starrware has the suits, that just leaves the ship. Either the Guardians give us a lift, or Maxima gives us a lift.... or we make our own."

    She makes a motion to the crystaline computer and up comes a Star-Ship. Not a Starship. The rough plan ideas of a compressed yellow sun contained within a shell that can be towed by a Kryptonian. Like riding a jetski, but instead riding an intensely bright yellow sun, so yellow it looks white in the designs. Who oneeds a conventional ship design when you can just tow your own power source around.

    "I'm still leaning toward getting a lift from our friends, because I don't know if Kon-El can fly superluminal and I've only ever done it once and almost got stranded outside the solar system.. and sure, fine, Oa is our first stop." She beams brightly, "I love you all. This is going to be SO great."

Conner Kent has posed:
A spaceship trip? Tim and Bart would kill him if he missed the chance. Conner fist-bumps Kara and grins. "Super-luminal? Ah, no, I can hold my breath only for an hour in space. Well, more than one hour if I am under sunlight. But that is not going to happen. Actually, you guys are going to lose your powers if we get close to a red sun, right? I would keep my telekinesis, but that is not going to help me breath in the void. A starship seems the way to go. M'gan has one... but no, I remember she told me it wasn't able to go hyperspace because it is too young." They can get one, he is sure. Or rent one. Or call a space cab.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl nods. "Yes, and I do a -lot- to keep that a secret." she warns, unfurling one arm to point at Kara, who gets -two- warnings, as opposed to Clark who had only gotten the one. It's as if she -knows- how difficult the secret thing can be when you're Kara Zor-El.

    Then, she looks at the designs for the ship, and shakes her head. "No, we're not doing that." she states, outright. "We are not enslaving and compressing a star to cart it around behind us as road-snacks. That's not how this is going to go. Our luck, we'd end up accidentally trapping one of the sentient ones, or you'd spend half the time you're trying to fly patching leaks, and-or more than likely wiping out a solar system with the gravitational pull alone as you wander around the universe." with a swipe of her hand, again, she attempts to put the idea to rest. "Not happening."

    To Conner, she shrugs a bit. "Depends on how long we stay there. Popping into a red solar system is usually fine as long as you don't stick around and let the reserves bleed out." At least for her. "But you have to get out before you're out of juice, and it's best to avoid them entirely, which is why the suits are going to need some light filters. Help the 'batteries' last longer while we're in Rao's light."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Why don't I talk to Sinestro." Clark isn't bragging about having a cool new Green Lantern buddy, not at all. "And see if we can't just rent a freighter or something that doesn't do any crazy Kryptonian armada stuff. Maybe one of those Zeta beams I've heard about!"

Oh and everyone's cool about Lois. Fine, great, that's...

...well it makes it all seem evil sillier, but at least there's one other devout believer in secret identities in the room. "Why don't we all meet up in a few days and compare notes on how to get there?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara nods her head, "Hey I've lived most of my life under the glorious light of Rao. So we drain, it's no big deal. I mean, better to not drain, but it's not that strange. We're just like humans like that. Sort of." She shrugs and smiles, "Okay Kal. Research, book leave, regroup. We're going to Krypton!"