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Latest revision as of 06:41, 12 January 2021

Aliens and Bugs
Date of Scene: 07 November 2020
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, J'onn J'onzz, Karen Starr

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stares at the drone floating before him from his seat and the two drones behind it. He takes his goggles and hood and pulls them into place.

"I am speaking to you now as the Blue Beetle. I am speaking to you as a mem... associate of the Justice League. Bobo, you gotta stop building more drones. I warned you about this. the Avengers had quite a problem with a rogue AI, the Justice League too. Guy named Amazo. If you don't stop this crap right now, we're going to get Amazons, Living Legends, gods, vigilantes, and superpowered aliens calling. They aren't kind, cuddly people... except for Bea and Ice. they will hurt you and shut my stuff down."

He gets up and walks to the patio doors. "I wish I could make you believe me."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz had been on the street in the guise of Detective John Jones, his favorite and oldest of his myriad identities. His senses pick up the griping and he glances up, seeing a few stray drones spiralling around the penthouse. He doesn't see anything too amiss, but it never hurts to check. J'onn is a cautious being.

He steps into the alleyway, vanishing into the shadows as he goes invisible, then flying up and returning to visibility in the form of the Martian Manhunter, rising up just as Ted steps out onto the patio, "Blue Beetle! I take it these belong to you," he says.

Karen Starr has posed:
    In terms of super-hearing, there are a few key phrases that get certain peoples' attention. One of those is Amazo, another is Rogue AI... This means that while Karen isn't exactly on patrol, she's never far away, in the literal and figurative sense.

    In one moment, the air outside of the patio is empty- and then, suddenly, without a heralding noise or any other form of warning, Power Girl is floating there, arms crossed. Her cape flutters quietly in the wind.

    "I think it might be too late for that." she offers, regarding the warning Ted was offering shortly before. In the distance, this mild Pop can be heard, just barely.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord was pretty sure the pop was from his eyes banging into his goggles. "What are you..." He runs over to look over the side of the building. Sees several drones flying around.


Nah, too likely one of them would catch him. It wouldn't solve anything.

After a moment he puts his fingers to his lips and lets out an ear shattering whistle. People with super senses would be likely to notice this, possibly from the stratosphere.

The half dozen or so drones buzzing about the building shoot up to the penthouse and line up outside by the pool, as if for review. Ted looks at the trio inside a indicates the landing area with a jerk of his head. They file out.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz descends to land on the patio, shaking his head a bit at the sharp whistle, "That was uncomfortable," he says with a raise of his massive brow, striding over more closely as he regards the drones.

"You seem to be having personnel problems, my friend." J'onn says, his cape sweeping behind him in the wind of the altitude as he looks up to see the approaching Power Girl.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl's expression sours a bit, which should be a surprise to absolutely nobody. "Who. It's a Who." she responds, from her imperious position in the sky. "And that Who would be Power Girl." Sure, there's no guarantee that he was even speaking to her, but assumptions only make an ass out of people who can't punch the planet in half.

    With a quick zip, however, Power Girl joins her fellow Leaguer on the landing pad. The movement to the air above it happens in the blink of an eye, even if the descent down to the pad itself is slow and careful.

    "I only pay attention to so much of the things I overhear," she begins, neglecting to comment on the whistle. "So do you mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks up at J'Onn and smiles. "Hello J'Onn, Power girl, it's good to see you again. This is a domestic disturbance. Nothing more. I have a precocious drone. I should have realized he was smarter than I planned when he started helping me put him together... but I assure you both, especially Power Girl, apart from building a few more drones, they are very user friendly. The biggest problem they give me is making a couple extra grilled cheese sandwiches when I ask for one. I just... I had some ideas from watching Scott's Mother Box in action. Really Bobo is the only one who does this stuff... uhm would you like or know anyone who would like a drone? I won't expect money, I just want them to have a good home. Maybe the Watchtower can use some?"

"Or maybe you'd like a grilled cheese. They're really good..."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods to Karen, "Power Girl. It is good to see you again," he says. He's been a little scarce of late, but he remains, as always, a force in the world. It's just that other people don't always see it. J'onn has never had much interest in publicity.

He listens to Ted's explanation, his face placid and still, red eyes glancing over occasionally to watch the drones marching around. "Did you always talk this much?" he says with a hint of a smile, his voice gravid and deep. "I am not sure if the Watchtower is in great need of grilled cheese. I have no personal need of them, but I can pass word along about your...innovations."

Karen Starr has posed:
    If we're being fair, there's a degree to which Power Girl can't avoid publicity even when she wants to. There are a lot of reasons for that, and only some of them result in, or from, punching. Her brow raises, though, and there's a little more understanding of the scientific side of this than her everything-about-her would reasonably project.

    "Nice to see you." she remarks to J'onn, before looking over at Beetle and his Drones. "You mean to say that it's capable of self-replicating and that's not -especially- user unfriendly? I'm not going to downplay the significance of something that could become a chunkier blue version of Gray Goo."

    After a pause, she shrugs her shoulders. "I'm going to need some more context, but that doesn't mean we can't bring it up at the next meeting."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord looks a little chagrined. "Yes I talk, when Batman or Guy isn't around to yell at me." He forces a smile and says, "Nice to see you too, Power Girl. They are not gray goo. You need 4006 parts to build copies, 1045 of which are Kord Co proprietary technology and not available outside this or another Kord Co facility. They aren't going to dismantle other machines or buildings to make more. it's a directive thing. I make them experience a positive feedback loop when they are useful. Bobo decided making more drones was very useful. And like I said, very useful. I <especially> wanted you to note it because... punching."

And like that as Beetle folds his arms the drones silently glide to take position between him and Power Girl.

"They also very protective it turns out. Knock it off guys... get away..."

Poor choice of words? Over emphasized First Law? Beetle's luck? The drones are a whirl around him as they grab Ted and attempt to flee. "Bwaaaahh!!"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods, "My people some automated systems that functioned like this. Usually to do simple tasks so that we could focus our lives on enlightenment and work of value, rather than the mere business of existing," he says. "They were not so enthusiastic about the task as yours. But then, our culture was not quite as expressive."

When the drone takes it position between Beetle and Power Girl, "I hope you are truly certain about their programming. I do not think a confrontation with Power Girl would have optimum results for your little friends."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Placing her hands on her hips, Power Girl rocks her head to the side. "The parts are only going to be unavailable until the intelligence, if it's smart enough, is pressed to manufacture them. I -trust- you on this, but I'm not going to pretend caution isn't highly advisable. I have better things to punch, for now."

    There is a moment of contemplation, though, as the drones try snatching up the Beetle and carting him off somewhere safe. With a roll of her eyes, and an amused expression, Power Girl relents. "I suppose that's a fair use for them." she mentions, pointing at their kidnapping attempt. Her head turns to J'onn.

    "If I'm around at the time. These things have a habit of sneaking up on people."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord manages to halt hi errant creations while he is but three meters from the ledge. "There, that's better. Now for GHU's sake let me go... countermand COUNTERMAND! Redirect. Put me back where you found me."

He is deposited by J'Onn and Power Girl.

He looks at Power Girl and J'Onn, now much more serious. "... thank you. Your trust means a lot to me. I know... I fooled around a lot in the League... that was mostly because I knew I couldn't offer as much as the other members. Even Guy. Well, more than G'nort, probably. Thanks. I'll teach Bobo or disassemble them to show building more will not have the desired consequences. I... thank you. It's great to see you both."

He gives another softer whistle and the drones file into the building.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz manages a small smile, "It is good to see you again, too, old friend. I am glad to see that you remain the same free-thinker you have always been. Our horizons are always in need of expanding," he says.

"He will get it figured out. I have confidence in him," he says, his massive green form draped in his cape.

Karen Starr has posed:
    For a moment, Power Girl was ready to go get Ted when he ordered the bots to drop him. Sure, he was a ways from the ledge, but stranger things have happened. She watches, instead, as the robots get him back where he was. For her part, she remains right where she'd been planted.

    "Right, well," she responds, giving Ted a thumbs up, "Don't disassemble anything arguably sentient. I think that's how it starts." To J'onn, she nods. "Yeah, I know. I'm just setting up the I-Told-You-So. Just in case." she turns, then, lifting quietly off of the landing pad.

    With a two-fingered salute farewell, she rockets off into the sky- shaking the windows only ever so slightly with her acceleration.