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Latest revision as of 01:39, 7 March 2020

A day for art and exploring.
Date of Scene: 05 March 2020
Location: SoHo
Synopsis: And Robert comes off as Mr creepy.
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Heather Danielson, Daniel Hastings, Melissa Gold

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman has heard about a new art exhibit done in one of the smaller studios still in Soho. So the young man has found himself out and about exploring. He wanted to drive and was tempted, but figured it would take him 3 times as long to drive as just walk with the way traffic can be. He walks along nodding to this or that person, that may look his way.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Art exhibits are fun. They can be boring, but fun at the same time. Heather finds herself on hand because her agent wanted her to get some exposure. That, and there is a sketch done by a local artist, that is of her on the set of a commercial she was shooting. A candid moment that has been online of late, but isn't something negative. Just a sketch of her standing and holding a bottle of water in one hand while smiling and chatting to one of the backstage techs.
    But she is here with the artist, one of the normally nameless folks who make the magic really happen. A guy who did the sketch during his break just for fun. When Heather saw it, she pushed the kid to make it public and to get some recognition.
    So she showed up here for the exhibit, to promote it for him. She loves this sort of thing. And she's all smiles and perkiness. So annoying.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman does not look like your normal art guy. He walks along looking at different things, never removing his sunglasses. As he gets to the piece of work and the lovely subject next to it. He will look at the drawing carefully, and then the lady almost as closely. There seems to be a bit of checking her out but also maybe something different about how he is looking her over. He does give her a nod, Interesting piece."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smiling pleasantly, Heather nods to Robert. "Thanks. He's a fantastic sketch artist. This is Henry Chambers." she says, gesturing to the shy backstage tech and art hobbyist who is blushing and such.
    "So what brings you down today sir?" she asks, offering a hand to Robert. She doesn't offer her name because let's face it, she usually doesn't need to.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman shakes the hand gently. He smiles and says "Heard there were some nice pieces of work here, I wanted to check it out. He looks over to Henry "Not bad, I like the shading you did." he actually compliments him on the style "Gotta say though the subject would make working on it a fun thing. " he turns back to Heather and says "Ever done any actual modeling for art in the classical sense?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Art. It's the sort of thing that reinforces a faith in humanity. When art and music are valued more than guns and a devotion to a cause. In one of Daniel's meandering moments, he happens upon the art show quite by accident and even coughs up the entry fee because sometimes things are just worth it even if it did take your tips for the day. He's got his hands stuffed in his pockets as he walks about the show. Despite the fact that his clothes look rugged, they're laundered and he has a fresh from the shower odor about him so he's probably not homeless. Just.. casual.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Tilting her head to the left, Heather thinks that through. "I've been asked to model for a college painting course. But I wasn't able to fit it into my schedule. I was needing to be in Jamaica for a photo shoot the next morning and.. well yeah. So no, I haven't had the opportunity. Are you a painter?" she asks with an impish grin.
    Henry enjoys the praise.. latching onto it like a drowning man holds onto a floatation device. "Well thanks. I was just doodling, and yeah.. she was easy to draw. She actually saw me working and held mostly still. It was cool."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and says "I do some painting yes, prefer to work in sketches myself as well, maybe I could talk you into posing for me sometime when you have the time, even if I have to fly down to Jamica for it." He teases a bit and looks over to Henry "You selling the piece or just showing it?" He asks having not noticed the other joining them yet.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Selling a piece? Does that mean the artist is here? Curiosity killed the physicist.. nearly.. and so Daniel finds himself casually meandering towards the conversation. There's a glance to the sketch and a look of appreciation. Then his eyes place Heather as the subject and there's a faint nod to himself as if he's starting to critically compare the two 'pieces'. "Your work?" He inquires of the third fellow. "Given any thought to a background for it? Perhaps.. falling cherry blossoms? I feel as though there's an.. almost otherworldly quality you've captured." His eyes are focused on the sketch now.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    The background for the existing sketch is simple. The actual studio where it was drawn in. Just some faint edges of posters on walls and an EXIT sign over a door. It is a literal sense background more than a stylistic one. But Henry, the young man who did it, is gushing at the attention.
    "You think I should have done it more abstract? Like I said, I was mostly just doodling. I never thought about presenting it as -art- until Ms. Danielson here saw it and insisted."
    Heather just beams and reaches a hand for Henry's shoulder, "He really is good. But yeah... you'd sell it, wouldn't you Henry?" she asks, trying to help him make some money. And Henry just nods, "Yeah.. I think so."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "I would be interested in it but would also like to do a picture of you as well Miss Danielson, I think a collection with two or maybe more artists doing pieces would be an interesting overall piece." He steps back looking her over again, before nodding in greeting as the other gentleman joins them.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel seems to be thinking a moment before shrugging. "In my experience there's generally two types of art. One captures a moment.. a thought an idea or ideal. Then there's the one where the artist pours their own inspiration onto the page.. grasps at a feeling and pours it out onto the proverbial canvas. I.. have to say that the whole art nouveau movement has me at a loss. The post-impressionists for instance.. started to lose me but weren't bad.. or incomprehensible to the average viewer. Warhol on the other hand.. struck me as pointless." He shook his head an straightened. "It's a can of Campbell's soup. Honestly." A small sigh and he smiles at Heather. "Miss."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smirking at the whole artiste outlook and discussion of artistic styles, Heather is in over her head and she knows it. "Well, I have no idea what to call Henry's style, but I just thought it was great work. It made me see myself through his eyes, and I gotta say, I like how he made me look on paper."
    Henry blushes once more, and no... he's not a serious art student. He's a sketcher with a plethora of talent. "Um..." he says with supreme eloquence before Heather rescues him by saying, "I'd love to pose for your work." to Robert. And then she turns her attention to Daniel, "Do you paint also? He is right." she says, gesturing to Robert. "Getting a variety of artists in the same place gives a whole new angle on it all. I'd love to have Henry there too." She adds.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says smiles and says "This is going to sound like a pick up line and it only partially is." He admits with a smirk "But how about you and I have dinner after this and we can talk about times and places to do the drawing. Got a couple ideas on how to do it if you want to do all us drawing you at once."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel chuckles. "Oh I wasn't commenting on /his/ style.. so much as to say.. what were you trying to accomplish with this?" He lifts a hand and points to the sketch. "If it's a practice piece or just a moment of inspiration? You're fine. It is what it is. I was merely offering that I felt inspired to say that.. your subject.. Mis.. I'm sorry I didn't get your name. I'm Daniel Hastings by the by." Proper introductions. He offers a handshake to Henry first then Heather and Robert last if they'll accept it. "inspired me to suggest something a little more.. beatific." He smiles then looks back to Heather. "Paint? No. I do play the piano though. Mostly, I'm a physicist." A wink.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Chuckling softly, Heather shakes her head. "Well, I do like to eat." she remarks to Robert. "So you're on. Dinner, but I insist that you let me pay for it." She smirks a bit and shrugs, "I don't believe in traditional roles for genders and such."
But then she glances to Henry as he is replying to Daniel, "I was just bored and there she was. I had to grab a pencil and draw -something-. I guess you could call it inspired sketch work."
    And Heather responds to that, "Well, the artist should never need to justify his work. It's great, and I love it so... there you have it." But she reaches a hand for Daniel and gives her best professional smile. She's not used to -having- to introduce herself. Though she can't really blame folks. Most people recognize her for bathing suit things, so she's a bit overdressed for that. "I'm Heather." she adds to Daniel. "So, musician and scientist. A real renaissance man, eh?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will pull Henry aside for a moment as Daniel and Heather talk. He will talk to Henry and the studio owner, paying for the painting and setting up to have it delivered. Before coming back over to the others making sure that is handled. "So you pay for dinner, and then if we do anything after I get to pay?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel chuckles. "If you say so." With a shrug, he looks to the rest of the offerings, "You say that.. but isn't that exactly how art critics make their living? How sometimes artist's efforts are judged by those same critics? I look at art from the perspective of the consumer. If I like it, if I get something out of it, then I appreciate it. This is good work. He's got talent. And.. a buyer. Which is more than a lot of artists can say." He leans in slightly as Robert talks to the studio owner. "Though that purchase may have more to do with you than Henry. Good luck with that bloke. Keep your guard up, Miss Heather. I've found there's many a ne'erdowell in this day and age." He offers a small sigh, a nod to Heather, then strolls along to look at the rest of the gallery.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "It's not my first rodeo." admits Heather to Daniel. "And if the subject sells the piece, at least Henry makes some money for it. I'm good with that." she admits in a stage whisper for Daniel before turning and pressing her lips to Henry's cheek. "Thanks again Hank." she says, and the guy blushes. His friends call him that, and she knew that. Either way, Heather says, "You get paid and I'll go buy the guy dinner, eh?" She grins and turns to head off towards Robert to figure out the 'date'.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will wait and once Heather joins him, he will ask her "So, where would you like to go, if your paying only fair I let you choose the place." He offers a smile and offers her his arm. "So the question would be all, painting, drawing or each artist in a different medium?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, this isn't my city. I live down in Metropolis, but Hank here is a New York native. So he was here and I came up. The point is, I don't know the New York food scene. So by all means, you choose." offers Heather as she stuffs her hands in her jeans pockets and rolls her feet under her, lifting her body and dropping back down with nervous energy.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "Ok, I have an idea." He will lead her a bit down the street. He picks someplace not to far away from where they were but a nice place. He smiles over to Heather as they walk and says "You like Italian?" He will check.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Carbs and cheese? Yes please." says Heather with gusto. She grins and shrugs, "Please don't think I'm some dainty kid who eats a small salad. I'll probably out-eat you." she says. I mean hell, she has a juiced up metabolism, and is from the Midwest. She makes other models jealous most days. But she is all smiles as she strolls along beside you, "So, are you -from- around here? I've found most New Yorkers came here from somewhere else."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "Yea, I am actually one of the natives know there are not a lot of us, but we are here." He will tell her. He leads her to a place that is a bit of a hole in the wall, and will hold the door for her "Well I doubt you out eat me, but we shall see. " Inside it seems they know him, and he asks for one of the back tables "Figure back here, better chance to talk and less chance of your fans mobbing us." He jokes offering her a smile. Even inside he keeps his sunglasses on.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Trust me. If Paparazzi want it bad enough, they'll get in and get pics. My rule of thumb is to never worry about them and never behave in a way that would embarrass me. Besides.." Heather shrugs as she moves to the table, sitting down gracefully. "It's not like I didn't manifest in public or anything. The most embarrassing moment in my life so far was getting shot on the set, on film, and getting back up." She shrugs and reaches for the menu. "So, what is their specialty here?" she asks. "I always rate an Italian place by their Alfredo sauce."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman offers her a smile and says "I am a lasagna fan, but I have never found anything here I do not like." He will smile and says "You a fan of garlic bread?" He will ask her. He likes it but if garlic bread is to be eaten it is best to make sure both are.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I love Garlic Bread. Even better when it has cheese on top. Too bad New York likely doesn't have access to the right kind of cheese." She grins widely as she adds, "Provel cheese is a St Louis creation. A blend of Mozzarella, Swiss, and Provolone. I don't know the ratio but.. it's the best for pizza or garlic bread. Heck, it's great just rolled into a ball and deep fried."
    She smirks and adds, "But the short answer is yes, I love Garlic bread. I think I'll get some Angel Hair Pasta and test their Alfredo sauce. Maybe add some chicken."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and will make sure to order plenty of food. He will smile at her as they want for the food after ordering. "So, your up for posing for some artwork. " He hmms and says "I will admit, I would hope I get a chance to draw you just yourself and I, and then do the group session a second time. Hopefully you can find time, have heard you were trying joining a hero team I think?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I am open to the idea. One thing I learned as a kid, teamwork makes the dream work. One person can only do so much. But when they work with a team, they can do so much more."
    Heather says that and relaxes in her chair as she sets her menu aside. "Also, I'll take a French Vanilla Cappuccino." she says to the server she just gave her order to. Then she looks back to Robert and crosses her legs as she leans back a bit. Her brows raise. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way. But.. it's not the first time I've had a line similar to that. But... I don't have any objection to private modeling, so long as everything stays decent and above board. IE: Anything that Paparazzi wouldn't drool over."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will look at her, and says "Well hope you don't take it the wrong way, I would love to draw you in some states that might not count as decent, but decent ones as well. If you consider anything that others should not see, I am willing to make sure none besides who your ok with seeing it, would see it. And yes, I am attracted to you, but as odd as it sounds. See you in an art session, would be different than seeing you in a romantic way. Romantic turning Art is ok, but Art going Romantic, well that would have to have a lot more understanding to be ok.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Let's be honest here. You are attracted to the me you met an hour ago. What you know about me is what I look like, and what may have been in a magazine article or two." Heather shakes her head. But not in a dismissive way. "And no offense, but.. that's how every pic scandal begins. With someone promising they'll be private. . . Until they are not private. The only way to avoid such things is to not give the fuel that -could- ignite to make such a scandal happen."
    She gives a warm smile and nods her head, "Again, I have nothing against being drawn or painted. Let's not get ahead of ourselves in other ways, eh?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Oh totally understandable, and while I do believe there is a difference between nude photos and nude drawings, for multiple reasons. But if I was offering you reassurance that I would not show would be having my lawyers draw up a contract or something I am sure they could do it. And yes, they attraction if physical. Your gorgeous and that does inspire both the art and the more carnal desires. But I do totally understand not being comfortable with it. As for attraction beyond physical, I know a bit about you, you know less about me. I believe that tonight would be the start of see if there is something there to grow or if it is just a physical attraction." He will smile back to her and takes a bite of a bread stick as it is brought.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "At the risk of zoning you wrong... I don't tend to date people who aren't already my friends. I -also- am too busy to date much at all anyway. I don't want to hurt you or your ego, but... let's discuss the art thing. As for legal documents. Let's move past your desire to paint me naked eh? I haven't been naked for anyone's pictures yet, and I don't plan to be.. for any type of pictures." She pauses, "So, if we leave that out, and romance out... for -now-... what does that leave? You grew up here? What part of the city?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and does not seem bothered by it and says "We were around the Manhattan most of the time. My family have had a business here in town for quite some time, and we have always lived near it. I take it your from St louis? How did you get into modeling, start with beauty pagents or something else?

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Lifting a hand, Heather Danielson wobbles it a bit. "St Louis, yes. But... when I was ten, my mom got me a gig or two for local commercials and catalogues." She shrugs and grins, "Never did a pageant, but my first -big- break was Seventeen Magazine. I was sixteen at the time. Ironic, eh?"
    She chuckles and reaches for a breadstick. "That was two and a half years ago. SI scouts saw that, and bam, my life was set. Sometimes it's less about who you know so much as who you are able to get to admit they know -you-."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and says "So your a year or two maybe younger than me cool." He grins and says "I think I may have seen that magazine, that would have been about the time I was starting college I think." He smiles a bit and says "So, plan on trying to do movies?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Did one. Totally shitty B movie." offers Heather with a smirk. "Straight to video, but.. I'm trying." She smirks and asks, "Why, are you also a producer or casting director?" She asks with a smirk. Not disbelieving or trying to make fun of the concept. Just making conversation. "For the record, the movie was Killer Crocs in the woods. I died thirty seven minutes in. I was the stupid girlfriend who opened the trap door when I shouldn't have."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "Have to check that one out, and says "Na, I am going to medical school, nothing as illustrious as movie maker he joked back. I did spend about a year watching a whole lot of bad movies if that counts for anything." He grins a bit more, and says "So if everything goes the way you want it, where ya think you would be in say 5 years?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Laughing softly, Heather shakes her head. "What is this, a job interview?" she asks as she leans back to let the server place her food before her. "In five years? I don't know. Mentoring young girls who want to be models? Maybe saving lives? Not sure really. But I -do- know that I am going to enjoy finding out."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and thanks the waitress for the food, and says "More just curious I am thinking something similiar saving people and or making things that helps people have a better life. He smiles over to her, and says "It took me a bit to look forward to seeing the future but I do more these days.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Chuckling a bit, Heather takes a large bite of her pasta. "Every day is a chance to do something different. Something meaningful. Something that has more impact than posing for a picture. But... if I can help other young women to try to stand out on their own, then I can count that as a success, a win." she offers.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "But each day you need to find a bit of time for pleasure as well, be it drawing, posing, playing the sax, or collecting coins, what ever you enjoy. You need to make sure you remember why your doing the good. If you concentrate on one thing and let it consume you, you will learn to resent it. I have seen it. You thought about scholarships?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Sure. All work and no play as they say." offers Heather. She takes another bite of her meal. "I love food. And swimming... and working out. And riding horses and... well yeah. I take the time to relax and have some fun." she admits. "Oh, and dancing, I love dancing." she adds as she scoops yet another bite. Eating like she was a thirteen year old boy.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and eats pretty well maybe not as much as she does. He grins a bit and says "Oh, I am not the best dancer, but if your willing, would love to take you out to dance a bit after this."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, I didn't travel with my club dress." Heather offers. She smirks a bit and adds, "Plus, I need to be up early. But... maybe another night, raincheck?" she asks. She reaches for a pocket and pulls out her phone, "Can you give me your number?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods and will pull his own phone off giving her the number and says "Robert Markman." He will fill her in on his full name, and she may know of Marksman Inc, an electronics firm.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding her head, Heather enters the number. But she does not stop eating. She finishes her plate and asks for a refill. She must burn through calories something fierce. I mean she is no speedster but wow, can she eat.
    "So, you are in medical school. Do you work for the family business? Or is that just paying for school at this point?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles a bit and says "I work for the company a bit I have set up a few cybernetic small devices that have shown promise. I am hoping to be helping more with cyber as I finish my schooling, right now most of the things I have done are components for larger pieces.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Cybernetics, as in implants to augment the body, or to help people who have lost limbs?" asks Heather. "Or are yours more bionic limb replacements?" She's not an idiot. People just assume she is. Sure, she's no scientist, but she's not stupid.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "Well would be all but I am more concerned with replacing lost limbs or body parts or bringing ones that was not up to normal standard uses to be able to be used at normal standards. I am hoping to help people have a normal life."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "That -is- a laudable goal. Something to be proud of. And you say that you are in medical -school-?" asks Heather. "So you have other degrees? Or are you just some prodigy amateur who doesn't have accreditation?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "I finished my college early, and was able to get into medical school early yea. I have always been smart and skipped a grade when younger, and then after an accident, All I could do for a while was things that used my mind so I redouble my efforts then, and took extra classes in college."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Okay then. So something happened, an accident, and you suddenly got smarter. Sounds like you need to be on a superteam too. I'm sure super geniuses are in -high- demand." offers Heather. "All I do is heal."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Na, I was just willing to spend more time on my mind, always been smart. No the accident caused other things." He lowers his sunglasses wincing a bit at the light but exposing glowing red eyes for a moment, before covering them.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Okay then. That's not like creepy or something." suggests Heather as her second plate arrives, and she digs in like she hasn't had anything to eat all day. "I see why you wear the shades."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman grins a bit and says "It is the only visable change and I believe it is tied to my abilities. I have thought a bit about the hero thing but am still working on controling my powers."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Nodding slowly, Heather shrugs, "Well, it's not like super fast self healing takes much control. The strength? A bit more, but I got good at that already. Didn't take a lot really." She shrugs. "But it -does- help with the idea of maybe putting on a costume. Something fashionable or skin tight.. and fighting crime."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "I am stronger than normal as well, but the whole flying or." He smirks a bit "X-ray vision, and no, I have not looked through your clothes." That took some getting used to."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "So you are like... a real superhero, flying, X-what?!" Heather squeaks and then you say you didn't peek her way. "You did have a rather -intense- stare when you first saw me. Are you -sure- you didn't peek at all?" she asks, arms folding over her abdomen.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "I have a few abilities, but have only semi done the hero thing as I said learning still, and no my dear lady, I am trying to see you naked the natural way not the cheating way. Besides the natural way is much funner as often when you get to that point it is not just looking.""

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, good luck wi..." begins Heather. And then the speaking about her naked again. She sighs and closes her eyes for a moment. "I suggest that you stop trying so hard." she remarks as she reaches into her pocket and pulls a small wallet out before plucking a credit card and holding it out to the server. "I think we should call it a night." she adds.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over and says "Honestly I am not trying now, just being honest there." He says "Trust me, it can be a problem with your suddenly don't see clothes, or people or walls." He looks to her and says "I don't expect anything to happen with us, at least not any time soon, as you said you only date friends, and so far we still have work to get there. The vision has helped one thing I will admit." He holds his hand out to her "May I see your hand?"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Look. First thing, there is no us. Second thing, there is such a thing as honest to a fault." Heather sighs and shakes her head. "Here I thought that maybe this might be a fun evening and not just another guy trying whatever he could to get in my pants."
    And then the question about her hand, and she narrows her eyes, "To what end? Some sort of pressure point guaranteed to make me horny?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman shakes his head and says "I mean us as possible friends, and no I wanted to show you the actual good side of the power. It helps me find peoples bones who are broken or cracked. I was just going to show you where your bones went, and tell you if you had any traces from past injuries.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Okay, rule number one, friends don't obsess over trying to see each other naked. Friends treat each other like people, not like things to be gawked at." says Heather as she inclines her head. "You remember me saying that I have the power to heal flawlessly, super fast. Right?" she asks as she thrusts her hand forward, "Go ahead. Verify."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman replies "I did not catch flawless " and says "Sorry if it sounded like obsessing." He will look down at her, hand sand says "You have some old old place right here." He will motion at a place on her finger "Looks like you may have broken this finger maybe 5 years ago?" He asks her. "Now I think it is more that it is a different thing for me, and again sorry honestly did not mean to offend or obsess. "It is not the only vision based powers I have, but you can see where this would help with the actual doctor stuff.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    The best thing about art showings is the free snacks and drink. The art is usually "meh" at best: incomprehensible squiggles and colours that could easily have been done by an untrained chimpanzee with a box of oils. But if you look like you even peripherally belong you can score a bunch of canapes and maybe some drinks.
    Sometimes Melissa hates her life.
    Still, it's good to mingle and get out of that apartment.
    But there's a reason why these things are called "appetisers". Dammit, she's going to have to spend money after all. Heading to the cheapest looking place in the region, she enters the bistro, grabbing a booth over the objections of the server, and drops her kit bag on the inside chair, looking over the menu for the cheapest meal she can put together.
    Only now ... what? Some woman at the next booth wants someone to verify something involving injury? What?
    In her "stealthy" best (roughly approximating a lurking elephant in a fine glasswares display), Melissa listens in curiously.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Narrowing her eyes, Heather snorts, "Yeah. Volleyball when I was thirteen." she says. "Now..." the water arrives and presents her the credit card she used to pay for the meal. She signs for it and smiles, "Thank you." she says before turning to regard Robert again. "So. I admit, that would be useful in the medical industry. But word of advice, when you first meet a woman, try to speak as -little- as possible about trying to see her naked, okay?" she asks.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman grins a bit and says "Well, I will admit our conversation was a bit different from most. With the art side of things, and the talking of powers. I was trying to explain some and pretty sure came off wrong a bit of it, and the trying to just be honest came off worst. " He offers a smile and says "Still do want to do the normal drawing and the group project as well. I think the idea of a group of projects of you in different mediums, possibly even by different levels of skills could be interesting."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Yeah, this guy doesn't sound creepy at all. Not in the slightest. Sister might be needing backup. The waitress, when she shows up, is quickly gotten rid of with a very plain fettucini order--the cheapest meal item she could find on the menu--and then asked for the bread basket. Melissa manoeuvres herself closer to the conversation just in case intervention is required ... especially with talks of powers. Her eyes stray ruefully to her kit bag and to the time it takes to get into gear.
    Meh. It's not like she can't handle herself without the screamers.
    The bread basket is delivered and she leans back in her chair, feigning contented gobbling of the doughy, low-grade, stale-but-rewarmed bread while paying close attention for her point of interference.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "At this point, I think the whole.. private art model thing may be off the table. Group painting sure if you -really- want to. But... I think you've kinda weirded me out enough that standing around for you to paint me privately is not gonna happen. Especially not knowing what else you can do." says Heather as she stands up. "So Mister Marksman, I think we should start over sometime. Fresh start. Maybe you be a bit less like a creepy stalker, and I'll try not to judge so harshly."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to her, and says "Totaly understand if you do not want to do the private and do hope we can try a fresh start. If it will make you feel better I will even send the picture henry drew of you to you, and keep myself out of the group project if it makes you feel better, but would like to sponsor the art project for the group thing.. You being famous helps with the idea. You put a hologram of you in the center with drawings sculptures, and such in different styles around it would be a neat thing to show new artists how people can see a subject in multiple ways and all the ways and styles of art are ok and right.