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Latest revision as of 01:03, 14 February 2021

Better Late Than...
Date of Scene: 13 February 2021
Location: Wanda's Hotel Room
Synopsis: A quick check in turns into a quick mini-Avengers planning session.
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Tony Stark

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
It's a nice hotel, set off from the touristy trade; one that stands ready to house any Avenger, any potential Avenger, or any that may need such immediate and/or emergency housing for one affiliated in any way to the Avengers. (They're paid a pretty penny for being 'on call', so they don't have to cater to vacationing tourists and the like!)

From the events of the last few weeks, Wanda had determined that perhaps the mansion wasn't the best place for her, thanks to the actual appearance of the dimensional creature. She'd been part of the fight to dislodge it (literally), only to find a larger, more robust creature arriving behind it. One that she hadn't been prepared for. So, discretion being the better part of valor, Wanda and her twin moved out. The room was cleaned, and she's moved her few possessions.

The suite in the hotel is nice. Not 'mansion' nice, in that there is no fireplace to push the cold of a winter's night away, but Wanda has her own cure for that. Candles are lit all over the 'common area', including on the counters of the little kitchenette. It gives a warmer glow to what could be a 'one size fits none' sort of hotel room with suites, and it does wonders to soothe Wanda's emotions.

Settled on the couch, a leg pulled up under her, she is cradling a cup of hot tea; the kettle with hot water is just off the burner. She has looked better and she's looked far worse.

"Pietro will be back soon," Wanda hints softly, her accented words lilting, "just warning." It's given with amused tones, teasingly.

Clint Barton has posed:
Well...this was a pickle.

Clint was just a tad unhappy that Wanda felt she was unsafe at Avengers Mansion, so he tracked her down - well, more like Wanda legit just gave him the address - and he decided to join her in the hotel room. He seems to have taken a seat on her couch. He's wearing a jacket currently, with a purple shirt and black jeans. On the table is his bow in compact form.

He is currently sitting on the couch for a moment, humming as he shakes his head nad pinches the bridge of his nose. "So...in otherwise, you don't think the Mansion is safe for you to be...or for any of us, for that matter, huh?" When Wanda suggests that Pietro will be back soon, he takes now to lean over and attempt to press a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Would I get in trouble?" he whispers, somewhat mischievously. But one could suppose that Clint was content with her living in a hotel rather than the mansion. She'd probably be safer period, for starters, and well...this lets them have some privacy a little easier.

Tony Stark has posed:
* Rap rap rap RAP, rap... rap rap * The two bits 'and a haircut' knocking sequence comes from the door to the adjacent bedroom that connects into the shared suite, before, with that warning thereby done, the door sweeps open to reveal another Avenger - a Stark sort of Avenger, who is a new sight at the hotel. He may have set it up, but he hasn't actually shown UP there. Tony's stayed to his tower.

"The mini-bar is.... aha," Tony beams, while flashing a saluted little wave to both Wanda and Clint. He's upbeat, relaxed, pleasant - and missing his suit coat and tie - which gives him a relaxed aspect otherwise. "This space working out well for you guys?" Tony asks, while searching the bar with the experience of one well versed in such explorations.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's made her concerns known regarding the Avengers' mansion just after Steven and Clint had been attacked initially. Then, when she began seeing the thing out of the corner of her sight, always in the periphery, and never clearly. She felt it more than saw it, and only expressed her doubts to her brother.

Doubts of her sanity, that is.


Shaking her head, the red, straight hair moves in the gesture. "No. It is.. something. It hunts, it.." Wanda tries to pick the words out of the air to express her worries, her warnings and comes up failing. In the next breath, it's an obvious frustrated curse that exits muttered, in Sokovian. There are times when English simply doesn't help matters. "It needs to be killed before any are safe." That, for her, sums everything up.

That hot tea in hand is her security blanket for the moment, the warm of the cup, the candles that dance in the room, and as Clint leans for the kiss, she returns it, but it's brief in her current state. She does smile apologetically, if not a little indulgently, her accented words low, "You know my brother. He trusts no one.."

Before she can get anything else out, there is the rapping at the door. Green eyes move quickly to the door, and as if sensing that it's okay, the door isn't telekenetically slammed in Tony's face. He looks.. like Stark. Inordinately pleased with himself, and so he should.

"Stark." There is a pause before she continues, "I put liquor away, Mini bar is appreciated but not necessary." Wanda does add a belated, "Thank you for room. Is comfortable."

Clint Barton has posed:
kiss given, Clint suddenly grabs his bow as he hears a knock on the door and he's already got an arrow ready to fire before he realize's its Stark Seemingly calming down, Clint lowers his bow and he takes a breath. "Scared me Stark, good job." he compliments the =already arrogant- multi-billionaire.

Meantime, he puts his bow back on the table and he sits down casually.

His attention shifts then back to Wanda. "I know he's an ass sometimes, but he has good reason not to trust a lot of people, so I guess he's right about that in a way." He informs her with a steady grin. "But, well...that's the situation we're in. Dry bar doesn't surprise me, you never were really one to drink."

Then he looks in front of him, to the table as she speaks of the creature. "Then we kill it."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Hey now, stand down, agent, I come in peace," Tony 'orders' of the SHIELD agent, with a grin: he doesn't expect to actually be shot, clearly. Arrogant? Probably that.

No alcohol? Tony looks disoriented by that, as if Wanda explained she was certain it was Monday. Tony does know it isn't Monday, but the certainty could be disorienting in how exactly to convince someone that it is, in fact, a Friday....

"No, hardly necessary, just fun," Tony smirks, but gives a put-upon breath, and picks out an iced tea from the selection instead. He's not thrilled, but doesn't believe himeslf to be totally unable to drink normal things. He holds up his tea like a necessary proof he is not an alcoholic, in a 'cheers' motion. He belatedly comes over to bump side of his tea to Wanda's hot tea in her hand.

"Pretty sure we can cleanse the mansion out soon here anyhow, but we'll need an 'assemble', I think, to evict the thing fully. The 'kill it' bit. All hands on deck. I've a plan-- once everyone's up to it," Tony clarifies, with a distracted sip of his iced tea.

That creates a surprised little look down at the tea, as if he forgot it wasn't alcoholic; yuck.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda puts a free hand out to 'steady' Clint, even as he's nocking an arrow. Still, it's not that she isn't happy that he's on the ready to protect her should it be necessary. So, there is no 'scolding', per se.

Brows do rise in the calling of her brother an 'ass', and she purses her lips together, her words a humored lilt, "Only I am allowed to call him that." Twins, sheesh! "He does," Wanda is quick to agree. "He has been voice of reason many times." Which, given the pair, may be considered scary...

Tony's wanderings didn't find the alcohol, so with a flick of the hand, the small upper cabinets open, revealing the contents of said 'mini bar'. One of the bottles follows the tech genius even as he sits down, ready to drink his tea. The brief *clink* of a toast gains a warm smile, and she too takes the 'hot beverage' sip before using it more to keep her hands warm.

"I cannot stay there until we do," Wanda repeats. Her attention moves between the pair now, green eyes resting upon one, then the other. "Tell me plan when you can. I do not care for surprises." A truer statement never spoken! "I will be there to help tear from existance." And she does mean 'tear'!

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint seems to raise a brow at Wanda when she criticizes him about insulting her brother, Pietro. Yeesh, twins! Clint will probably never be as close to Wanda as Pietro probably is, but well, he's happy. So who cares? All the same, he shakes his head slightly when she mentions he's a voice of reason. "Historically speaking, that's horrible." He informs Wanda, before his attention shifts to Tony.

"Relax, no arrows are gonna be flying in your direction any time soon. But since we're on the topic, why don't we chat about this so called plan of yours. Can you make me an arrow that can pierce that thing?" He asks of Tony curiously, of course Tony probably absolutely can.

Though his attention shifts to Wanda when she seems to mention not caring for surprises. She usually does! She must want this thing to die pretty much immediately.

"Well alright then, Avengers Assemble and all that." Clint isn't Cap, so its not nearly as inspiring. "Then we'll 'tear from existence'...man, I need a tear-from-existence arrow."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Sounds like you believe I can do insane things, like hitting ghosts with arrows," Tony scoffs, moving to one of the chairs to take it over with a regal sprawl of body. He doesn't spill his drink at all. That's a type of special skill, really. Even if it's not liquor....

"You are, in fact, right, though. I already /do/ have projectiles that are more efficient than the ray-guns we used before. They're disruptive, should stun, maybe not 'pierce', but. Always happy to please," Tony chuckles at Clint, with a finger-gun.

"Great, now's as good a time as any. Wanda, you /are/ a big part of it. I'll lay out what I've got, and we'll see how much of my faith is well placed?" Tony flashes a smile again, and pulls out a mobile device from his pocket, promptly taking over the large tv on the wall. He likes his visual aids!

The talk won't take too long, but Tony quickly lays out the areas where the disturbance is most promiant, where to channel the energy to direct it... and where they'll need to cross over into it's space to defeat it. Probably the laundry. Which explains all the missing clothes over the past month....