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Latest revision as of 01:44, 7 March 2020

The Awesomeness of Alexander Aaron: Volume 231.1
Date of Scene: 02 March 2020
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Crashing, eldritch abominations, and pizza. What more could ya ask for?
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Melissa Gold, Leon O'Malley, Bobbi Morse, Nicole Adams

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Late at night and the city of New York may never sleep, but at this time it at the least dozes for a while. What with the steady drift of snowflakes from the cold clouds hanging high above, the streets are starting to get a faint dusting, just enough to cling though there are small puddles where the rare car rolls on through causing that whish-whish of rubber on asphalt. There's still the distant sound of traffic on the nearby freeway, and the occasional clang of a trash can lid when a tomcat leaps from one place to another in a back alley. But all in all... quiet.
    Which suits Alexander Aaron just fine. It's on a bus stop bench that he sits, nicely protected from the snow by the large plastic awning overhead. He's wearing his pea coat which might be a size or two too big for him. Some blue jeans, some sneakers. Definitely not anything approaching a costume despite Songbird's wishes. But he had agreed to be here at this time, and thus he was. Perhaps even a little early, considering how easy it was to get over.
    But in that neighborhood the humans and felines and occasional rat aren't the only things keeping an eye out. For nearby there are flutters of wings, black feathers twisting in the wind alongside the snow, lending an illusion of grime into that snowfall.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    This is the part of flying that's always the most fun. Falling. Ever since she'd been rendered practically impervious to blunt trauma, Melissa has always enjoyed freaking people out by falling off of heights and watching reactions. Once she started flying she got her entrance down pat. Swoop down with her wings. Shut them off. Land, HARD, in the classic three-point stance. In asphalt she leaves footprints and a fist print. It's all very spectacular.
    Which Alexander finds out as she suddenly plummets out of the sky onto the road before him.
    "Hey, Alex," she says, as if nothing abnormal had happened. "Sorry I'm late. Air traffic control was getting upset."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Leon swings through the city, whipping around a corner a bit too hard and needing to run off the wall, narrowly avoiding smacking into a billboard, the usual dangers of web swinging without super senses, suddenly Melissa's horrible sonic screaching wings hit as he rounds a corner. Immediately, Leon's hands shoot from the web-line to his ears, a sudden cry of pain letting out as he unthinkingly flies off the line, passing the dropping Songbird, and crashing into an alley, smacking into the wall and managing to bounce off the opposite wall on the way down, leaving him groaning in pain in the middle of the alley, likely only saved by the timely shut off of Melissa's wings.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    /WHABAM!/ That impact is echoes through the air briefly and then almost immediately joined with the whoooop-whoooop-whooooop of a car alarm shouting its utter concern about the slight jostling that was caused to it by that Songbird Special. So at first Alexander is dealing with that as he looks up, eyes wide with the hint of surprise at Melissa's arrival, but now just as he's about to say something he sorta... can't.
    The alarm changes from whooop-whooop-whoop over to neeeep-neeeeep-neeeep and hten on to doooo-doo-dooooo-dooo. But the Olympian's eyes say it all as he sits up from that busstop bench and just sort of points at her, then mouthes a single word. 'dork.'
    But then the alarm shuts off as thankfully someone in the buildings nearby has their car keys on their end table, the car makes a quick, 'boop-bip-boop' and shuts down.
    Of course then there's the /crash-clatter!/ of Leon's arrival which causes someone upstairs to pull open their window and shout, "CUT OUT THE SHIT!"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Melissa casually walks up to Aaron, smugly grinning as the car alarm goes off. Then the crashing sound in the alley happens and she whirls to face the alley mouth. Sonics activate as she claws for altitude, looking down inside the gloomy alleyway, trying to work out what made the noise, getting close enough to see in the darkness more clearly.
    "What was that?" she wonders aloud for Alex's benefit.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon weakly raising his arm for a thumbs up to the sleep denied New Yorker, "S-Sorry..." Comes the horrific human/alien vocal amalgamate, followed by a series of coughs and splutters. And then Melissa overreacts to what most people would assume to be an alley cat, prompting more screamings of agony from Leon, the inky black suit writhing about his form and whipping pained and panicked tendrils around at the sonic assault.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I think that was..." Alexander stalks across the street, across the road with a quick shuffle-step, his sneaker sliiiiding on a bit of ice, but he just takes it in stride then hops across the gutter and onto the sidewalk. Into the mouth of that alleyway where the ruckus came from.
    For Leon, he likely sees the silhouette approaching, Alexander's voice chirping pleasantly as he says over his shoulder. "Maybe you had a tail?" A beat, then he elaborates, "Or could be a third story burglary. Those are on the rise, you know."
    But once they're there close enough, he lifts his voice to call into the alleyway.
    "Heeey. You okay in there?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Melissa, for her part, recognizes that noise. "Oh, shit!" she says, quickly turning off the sonics and tumbling to a graceful stop landing next to Leon. "You have a bad habit of showing up where I'm flying," she says, chiding the black-covered figure writhing around and randomly sprouting tentacles. "We need to do some kind of scheduling."
    "You alright now?" Then a bit more peevishly, "I turned it off."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Alexander approaches, the tendrils whip defensively at him, cracking the nearby wall as they rebound off it. As the sonics go off, Leon falls back, gasping in pain as the tendrils recede, "...Why...must you always...scream...everywhere...all the time...Why not...just take a cab?....Oh god, my everything...." He grumbles as he tenatively tries to rise to his feet, clearly struggling just to not faceplant.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At the realization's dawning, Alexander's smile slips wry as he stands there, hands in the pockets of his peacoat and his head tilted curiously. A little chuckle comes from him as he cocks an eyebrow at Songbird and then looks back toward Leon. "Maybe you guys should take steps. Like paint a big line down the center of Manhattan and choose sides."
    That said he starts into the place and casually boots a few pieces of garbage out of the way, only for one of those tentacles to /WHACK!/ into the wall nearby, giving him a moment's pause as he holds his hands up. "Hey s'ok. It's alright."
    There's another glance spared for Songbird and he turns back towards the Goopy Guy, "You umm, need an ambulance?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Why don't you just toughen up?" Melissa grumps. "The sonics is how I fly and slap people around. Would earplugs help? I got a few of those somewhere."
    As Leon tries to get up, she offers a hand to stabilize him. "What brings you to this part of town anyway? You hear of two ne'er-do-wells loitering near a bus stop?"
    She smirks Alexander's way and winks.
    "We were meeting up to go on a patrol. Alexander wants to see why I live the life I lead. I wanna show him."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon stumbles up and into leaning into a wall as his breathing slowly stabilizes, waving Melissa's hand away, "...We'll be ok...Just...Just need a minute..." With each teeth gritted gasp, the suit retracts a bit back into itself, Leon's pained groanings lessening in tune with it, until it returns to it's sleek skintight natural appearance, Leon pushing off the wall to stand with regulated breath once more.

    "No, no ear plugs wouldn't help. We can hear you through my skin. And if you must know..." He raises his arm and fires a webline out of the back of his wrist and onto the lip of the building's roof, "We were practicing swinging through the city. It's actually really hard." His head then tilts to look at Alex, "....You wanna get in the game, eh?" He looks back to Melissa, "....So, where do we start?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Rocking back on his heels, Alexander folds his arms over his chest and looks at Songbird. A small chuff of exhaled air is given, perhaps enough to be a laugh but not quite. He tilts his head back to look down the alley in Leon's direction. "I mean, I know 'why'. I'm more curious of the application of said methods." Which, isn't entirely untrue. Though perhaps omits some pertinent details.
    He moves one of the cans out of the way, and rights a few more, so that the garbage collectors in the morning don't have too much to deal with..
    "But like a costume and a cool name? I dunno. My dad might get grumpy." Whoever that may be. But he is content to let Leon pull himself back together, and doesn't press the issue for now at least.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It seems Alex and Mel can't ever escape Bobbi. Though at least this time she's in her tactical gear. Shades on, with enough 'things' to account for a good chunk of SHIELD's stock. Okay okay, it's mostly stun weapons, but damn that rifle looks lethal. Even if it fires I.C.E.R. things, but she's sat up on a roof keeping an eye on things. She watches, then joins the discussion as she joins the discussion by calling down to them. "Hey, mind not throwing web lines to the building I'm on?" she asks and looks unimpressed by the web lines. Watching them as she slides into the alley via the drain pipe, and turns to face them with a grin. "Hey guys. Oh it's the frat kids. What's up?" Bobbi asks.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Well, anyway, how am I supposed to use my best abilities if every time I turn them on, you go apeshit on me?" Melissa says, looking pretty petulant. "No flying. No blasting. No grabbing. No barriers. No mind control."
    "Hahahahahahaha! I don't do mind control!"
    That voice sounds over-hasty. Overdoing the denial. Suspicious.
    "Kinda limits my options doesn't it? Sure you can't just, I don't know, stop listening a while?"
    That line of questioning that was probably destined to end in a shouting match gets derailed with Bobbi's arrival. Melissa grins at the incoming SHIELD agent, greeting her with artificial cheer. "Hey, parole officer Bobbi!" she says. "What brings you to a dark alley..." She stops, covers her mouth in feigned shock. "Oh. Didn't think you needed to supplement your income THAT way!"
    Then she carefully steps behind Alexander. To avoid reprisal.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As Alex tries to clarify, the web Leon had previously spewed out detaches from the roof, wraps around itself, and returns to his suit, melding back into it with a slight ripple, "We dunno what to tell ya, kid. Some things ya gotta decide are worth fightin' for."

    And then Bobbi arrives, armored like Frank Castle on a minimal expect crime day, critizing his gross goo, "Well maybe if you asked nicely, we wouldn't need to make such public displays of civil disobedience." He then looks to Melissa, "Oh gee, yeah, yer right, that's a tough one. Maybe you could, I dunno...Carry a shotgun loaded with riot suppresents and beanbag dudes in the beanbags nice and quiet like?" And then Melissa is making allusions about Bobbi, prompting snickers from Leon.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh yay. It's Agent Morse." Alexander says in his usual tone which just so happens to be dead pan sarcastic. Though he does step to the side as if 'protecting' Songbird from the furious reprisal of a corrupt government organization.
    His hands slip back into the deep pockets of his pea coat as he glances over his shoulder. "Oh hey, Songbird. In the interest of full disclosure, when I first met Agent Morse during her interview of me to see if I was an evil monster bent on domination, I told her she was super cute."
    He stops and looks back at Bobbi, giving a solemn nod of acknowledgment then adds, "Yup."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Then we had lunch" Bobbi nods with a smile. "Met you on a bus. You suggested where to get food. We had food and it was nice" she says with a grin looking amused. "I found out you're not an evil world wrecking monster. Instead, you think I'm super cute?" Bobbi asks.

What reprisals? She shrugs. "And, and I brought you guys food and beer. Give me credit. I'm not that bad, I'm not some, some heartless monster, jeez" Bobbi grumbles, watching them all with a shrug. "Okay. Before you said it...it tottally was beer, okay? Dirt cheap but I got to make my cash last"

Watching Alex with a look that's trying hard to be serious, then amusement once she removes her shades for a moment, Bobbi grins.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Yeah, it was beer," Melissa admits. "Why was someone complaining it wasn't? Sure it was weak as all crap. That's why you drink twice as much." She seems genuinely puzzled that people might be complaining. "Your chips, though. Man, that was an assortment of weaksauce! Who brings seaweed-flavoured chips to anything?"
    She sighs.
    "Well, the plan was to patrol. Now I'm on foot..." She darts a significant glance at Leon. "...and without my best weapons, so let's hope we don't hit any real heavies." Or someone's gonna get headaches if he likes it or not... "So the general idea, Alex, is to move at top quiet speed over or through the area you're patrolling, keeping your eyes open for trouble. If there's no trouble, you got some exercise. If there's trouble, it's party time!"

Leon O'Malley has posed:
At Alex's mention of hitting on Bobbi, Leon makes a show of looking her over, "....I've seen worse." The suit's white mark over where his left eye should be giving an approximation of a wink. He then does a doubletake to Melissa, "Wait, seaweed flavoured chips....What the hell, who even /makes/ those?" He pauses a moment before shrugging, "...Whatever, moving on. Look, belle, if ya want air travel, just climb up on my back and look over my shoulder. It'll be faster than on foot, and just might beat out that scream of yours....At least the neighbors will agree on that point..."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Despite his better judgment, Alex's smirk slips toward a smile as he sideeyes Bobbi. But then he doubles down and squints, maintaining a stern visage. Grrr, so mad, standing there in the alleyway with his hands in his pocket, so dour.
    But when Melissa talks to him he nods a little, looking around. "Yeah, I mean I get the gist, right?" He slides his hands free of his pockets and rests them on his hips, his bright hazel eyes flitting from face to face to ace, settling on Leon for some reason as he replies thoughtfully. "It's more though that I don't really... get it. Some folks see this as a chance to do good. Right?" He looks around.
    "Like, guys, why do you patrol. Slimeguy. You patrol to help people, but there's also a part where it's about getting to sorta beat the crap out of people in a socially acceptable way, right?" He crinkles his nose and looks at Songbird with a grin, "And hey, nothing wrong with that, just... don't wrap up horse shit in gift wrap and tell me it's a Christmas present."
    Of course as he's talking there is a slow gathering shadow behind him, as the mouth of the alleyway seems to darken all the more. The lights behind him shimmer and fade, there is no longer a pleasant little dog park in the background Instead there is a swirl of smoky vapor that might draw the eye away from the youth, even as his shoulders hunch a bit, his head turning.
    And that is when a deep tremulous voice murmurs in a graveyard's whisper words that sound as if they are being spoken in three different languages at once, but if one focuses... they can tell which.
    << Young Alexander. Weeeee are here. To serve you. >>
    Smoky tendrils writhe and flicker, unlike the tendrils that Leon has at his command, these are wisps, shadowy fabric somehow brought to life in that void behind him which looks like simultaneously many people or things, but then as the 'thing' stands up to its full twenty feet in height it casts the image of a great muscular creature of shadow, with two twisted horns on its shadowy head.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi holds up her hands. "Fair. You got a point with those chips. I just grabbed bags and took them to you guys" she offers with a smirk, agreeing on the who makes them question to withh a nod of her head. Watching them all, Bobbi shrugs and looks unamused though. "You could have had worse. I didn't get you the liver flavor chips. Be glad of that" she addds looking past Alex. "What the fuck?" she asks. Oh great. This is going to need paperwork. Great. And she's not sure anything she has will work on that.....thing

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Melissa's reaction to the tall smoky thing is reflexive. Sonics go up. Wings spread. She takes to the air. Then... "Shit!" Sonics go off and she plummets to the ground. "YOU ARE A REAL BUZZKILL!" she scolds Leon's undoubtedly writhing-again form.
    Standing alongside Alex, she takes a wary defensive stance. "Friend of yours?" she asks conversationally. "If not, how do I take it down the quickest?"
    She cracks her neck and, before Alex can respond, tries something. Just to see. The nearby dumpster (now with the added feature of a huge, deep footprint!) gets a swift kick and hurtles through the air at the thing's ... well ... waist, for want of a better term.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon's gaze goes downcast, "....There was a time...for a longtime, when I had the power to do something and chose not to....A lot of innocent people suffered for it, /died/ for it...By the time I was willing to stand up it was too late...Hurting people, it's whatever, it's simple, we're good at it, lots of people need hurt so that the innocent people dont...And we have the strength to be the one to do it...I wont sit back and just wait for things to work themselves out...Never again."

    As he looks back up, his gaze goes gradually up the umbral colossus, "...Awwww crap....It's gonna be one'a those nights..." He says as he slides his feet apart into a defensive stance as his own tendrils begin protruding from his back, slowly and defensively waving in front of him...And then Melissa continues to not get it, causing him to tense up to eleven, nearly dropping to a knee, before she shuts it off, "Ughhh, learn a new trick!".

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Leon's words are listened to in the time that they're spoken, but when the graveyard whisper is heard, Alexander spins to face the writhing shifting creature with its shadowy smoky flesh. He's taken aback, head drawing away as if surprised. Which, to be fair, he is.
    The smoky creature's talons come up, one catching the garbage can that is /kicked/ at it in one of those great big hands then /scrunches/ it with a creak of twisted metal and plastic then tosses the debris aside. Wisps of smoke flicker around it, and grey skulls appear rippling along its form, as if some form of semi-permeable membrane was barely holding them within.
    << We bring you greetings. From your uncle. Our efforts are yours to command. >> Several reaching grasping skeletal hands seem to surge to the surface of the monster's body, barely contained by whatever force is holding the monstrosity together.
    "No." Alexander says quickly, sharply, "No. Go back and tell him he doesn't owe me anything!"
    << But you gave him... such a gift. Tis only fair, yes? >>
    "No, get lost!"
    << If you do not accept us, we are under orders to bring you back. >> And as it says this it lashes a hand outwards as suddenly a mass of bones seem to leap across the way, rattling and forming together into grim shapes of necrotic creatures, composed of the old flesh and dessicated bones of human beings. But creating creatures that are entirely unlike humans, yet clash and snap and hiss like something demented and beyond reason.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Out come the wrist bracers, and with a twist of her wrists, the staves extend and are screwed together to make a two handed bo staff. She grips it in both hands. Bring it on, critters. Bring. it. On.

Setting her feet, Bobbi's ready, the bo in her hands as she waits, watching and waiting. She's daring the creatures to just try it. Because she knows what she's doing. "Bring it, or are you afraid to hit a lady?" she taunts. "Cowards!

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "And if you are afraid to hit a lady, are you afraid to hit her!?" Melissa adds with a grin Bobbi's way. She winks and then dives in, because, well, that's what she does. Flashy, rash dives into fights.
    Start with a run at a 45° angle toward the wall. Leap and "run" a couple of steps on the wall until she's horizontal. Then, legs flexed, she springs out, slamming into the mass of skeletons with a scream of almost carnal joy. "WOOHOO! COME TO MIMI, BABIES!"
    Her form impacts across the line, trying to knock them over like bowling pins, fists and feet flying to break any skulls that happen to get into reach.
    If she can. Or, you know, she's just been captured and made things worse."

Leon O'Malley has posed:
As the shadowy abomination plays it's hand, Leon leaps up fifteen feet onto alley wall, a tendril shooting from his arm to snatch Alexander, swatting one of the little monstrosities on the way to him, and dragging him to Leon's grasp, well out of reach of the possible Great Old One, "I gotcha, kid!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's no hesitation from the creatures. One moment they are hurtling, contorting, combining, and then the next they are snapping and clacking as they rush forward, trying to bite and rend and tear as they try to overwhelm the people there. Though it's the first two that actually rush /past/ Alexander, trying to rush to those they perceive as his companions, one launching itself onto the wall, crawling like a spider, then _leaping_ off upside down as it dives straight at Bobbi.
    The other skitters, almost serpent-like with its long spinal columns, ribcages clattering on the brick of the building as it rears a head made out of five smaller skulls, hissing and trying to drop onto Bobbi, seeking to ensnare her and wrap itself around her...
    Meanwhile Songbird is leaping square into the middle of the mass of the charging skeletal creatures, landing straight into them and trying to knock them over, cracking and smashing bits and pieces off of them, snapping an errant femur and crushing a skull under foot.
    For Alexander, however, he had hunkered down and seemed about to say something as he snaps, "No fuckin---ack!" As one of those tendrils slither out from Leon and snare, snapping him back and stopping him abruptly, pulling him out of the front line even as tries to get him to safety. But the young Olympian is having none of it as he growls, "The fuck!?" And that is when there's a flash of silvery fire around his hand, a crimson blade with a gold hilt manifesting in his grip in the same instant he's spinning it around for a reversed-grip slash seeking to at the least get free of Leon's tendril even as he lands on the ground and scowls.
    "Look out!" Though as to who he's yelling that, it's hard to tell.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Thud, thud, whack, thud, whack. Bobbi's got the staff spinning in her hands like a whirling dance of pain and being beaten down with metal poles. She's moving with a whirr....mostly since why not, the staff's moving effortlessly in her hands. Looking over to the others for a moment, the SHIELD agent keeps her head down, moving the bo to protect herself. She could use more staves, really. More of, well, everything, too.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "Ow! Dammit! Ow! Stop that! Ow!" Melissa, in the thick of things, is taking a serious battering from bones that keep reforming into new configurations around her as she breaks up existing ones. "OH GO TO FUCKING HELL!"
    Leon can hear the warning sound of her sonics firing up. And to be really fair to him, she's holding off on using it, just shouting out, "Ten... Nine... Eight..." While that goes on she desperately punches, kicks, grapples (and curses between numbers) before, after hitting one, she SCREAMS! Trying her hardest to focus the sound ... not at her assailants, but at the gargantuan thing behind them, even with that courtesy the sound bouncing off surfaces is going to hit Leon if he didn't take her countdown hint.
    A full strength blast of sonic energy, enough to melt soft steel into butter, is directed at the being's face.
    Then the sonics are turned off to give Leon a chance to calm down.
    "Ow! Stop it! That hurts!" She's back to dancing with bones.

Nicole Adams has posed:
     It's a late, sleepless night in the 'city that never sleeps'. There is a choice of either pacing a hole in the apartment floor, or going out and doing a little bit of window shopping in some of the more storied locations of New York City. What's a girl to do?

     It's not a difficult choice, really.

     After all, window shopping costs nothing but a little bit of bus fare, right?

     Sporting an old hooded black wool swing coat, black slacks, comfortable black boots, and a black turtleneck, Nicole is on something of a walkabout, restless and bored with window shopping. After the events of recent days, she needed to expend some nervous energy and calm down.

     By the sound of the fight not too far off from her present position, it seemed as if calm was going to be in short supply. She shakes her head and tries to keep to the shadows in the general vicinity of the alleyway, observing the fight for the time being, and muttering an oath under her breath.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon growls as his tendril is cut short, kicking off the wall down into the frey, another tendril shooting from his other arm to snatch the boner leaping off the wall at Bobbi and snap tossing it at the giant, kicking off another and up onto a roof as the countdown finishes, dropping into a roll and putting his hands over the place his ears should be as Melissa belts out. A moment after she quiets back down, he's back over the side of the building, a pair of tendrils snapping out to pull her most persistant attackers into the air with him.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As Bobbi is fending off a number of the creatures over near the mouth of the alleyway, Alexander Aaron breaks into a run, that blade held loose in one hand and striking sparks off the wall as he rushes by, taking a /leap/ partially running along the wall next to Mockingbird and seemingly 'beheading' the insane serpent construct that Leon tosses aside almost dismissively, and that strike somehow seeming to render it inert as that mass of debris and pieces fall to the ground. He lands, rolls, and that brings him close enough to fight side by side with Melissa, even as the larger black figure of smoke creature in the mouth of that alleyway and partially on the street, seems to diminish with each broken bone.
    The youth lands and snaps, "Watch your left," To Songbird then takes another creature to pieces with a slash of the sword that does not seem to shatter the bones at all, but instead cuts through them as if they weren't there, leaving perfectly sliced pieces upon the ground with little to no breakage.
    Yet there is no fear in the monsters, onward they come as more pour forth from the extended hand of the malevolent spirit. A multi-armed spiderish centaur beast tries to crawl toward Leon up in the air, its 'stingers' made of twisted feet and fingers stabbing into the ground in front of it.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Oh great. This isn't good. Those things aren't exactly going down quietly...and that scream. Son ofa....Bobbi's gonna need headache pills after that. Ugh, why? Why...^R
Fine.Fine. They wanna do this? Okay then.

Open fire it is. Bobbi's got her staves on her wrists again and....climbs up to a rooftop. "Look out below!" Bobbi shouts, opening up with a handgun on the things. In goes a stun grenade, too. So, I.C.E.R. rounds. And, yes, a stun grenade. Imagine I.C.E.R. packaged into a happy lil metal cylinder. Now imagine a highly angry Bobbi throwing it. And...that's what's going on

Nicole Adams has posed:
     It would seem almost surreal, like something out of an action/horror flick. Writhing, crawling, climbing monsters that look as if they came out of the very depths of Tartarus seemed to be trying to take over the alleyway that was uncomfortably close to Nicole's position. It was highly improbable, if not totally impossible. Her eyebrows raise, however, as she recognizes one of the ones involved in the fight--Alexander.

     Perhaps mythological references weren't out of the realm of possibility after all.

     This could get messy. After all, she was no trained fighter. But she did have one thing in her favor, however dicey it might be. But could she do it? Could she control that gift long enough to do any real good and give the other fighters a decent chance?

     There was only one way to find out.

     Alleyways were notorious for being filled with broken glass and debris, and it is these shards of sharp-edged broken bottles that jitter and shake along the ground now. Nicole's holding out one hand towards the alleyway, focusing as best she knew how. The bits of glass were small enough each on their own. However, en masse, they could be very nasty.

     A glittering mess of the stuff began to gather together, clinking about on the ground, then rising slowly, almost painfully into the air. Higher and higher, the mass of glass flew, until it was aimed squarely at the neck of the large creature.

     With one throwing gesture of her hand, Nicole sends the glass hurling at the neck of the creature, looking a little bit pale from the effort of controlling so many small objects at once, and then hurling them at high speed.

     Yeah. Someone was going to need some Advil later.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Glop Goy!" Yes. She said "goy". "Get back to shelter. It's gonna get loud in a moment." That warning screech of her sonics activating starts up again, letting Leon know who "glop goy" is. "Ten... Nine..."
    She counts down again. But apparently large Stygian creatures from across the Styx learn from past errors. Bones fly of their own volition straight at Songbird's face, covering her mouth and her emitters and trying to weigh her down. The countdown stops as Melissa fights for her life, desperately kicking and struggling and smashing her face into the wall to break the bones piled up on it ... which works but also hurts. So she stops, taking her out of action for longer.
    "GOD DAMN IT!" she finally manages to get out before being wrapped up in a horde of fingers that linked up like a boa constrictor.

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon kicks off the pair he'd ripped from the ground, landing up on the lip of the building opposite the spidertaur, "Aww, who's a widdle abomination against science and religion? You are, yes you are!" The horrific eldritch overlay voice coos as a pair of tendrils launch out, scooping it up like it weighs as much as an empty can, and chucking it at the big monstrosity, "...What the? Anybody else see flying glass?"

    And then Songbird is letting out the warning. As Leon goes to duck for cover, he spots Melissa's imminent predicament, dont ask where he spotted it from, and stumbles. As he regains his balance and turns around in time for Melissa to get got by the boner constrictor, he hops down, landing next to Melissa and swiping the annoyance with a long steel sharp talon....The skelething, not Melissa.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Short sharp explosions are heard and then PAFFS of light and flare as Bobbi starts to open up fully on the creatures as they try to menace her, boney abominations skittering and hissing, then /shrieking/ as they're torn asunder by the many forces at play. Some had been blasted apart by Songbird's first shriek, others had endured but splintered, cracked, rendering them to shuffling dead things walking. Leon's able to grab and shatter invoking his own style of mayhem, sending that spidertaur straight at the creature with a sense-addling crackle.
    But then, while the fighters are focused on the creatures menacing them, the approach of one Nicole Adams goes unnoticed as the glass and shards and inanimate debris begins to shake and rattle. Perhaps unnoticed while the warriors all deal with their corner of the fight, weapons firing or slicing, bones shattering under the duress of gravity or crushing. But the fight changes when Nicole is able to gather up that razor wheel of debris and sends it hurtling to the twisting writhing shadow skinned omonster and slashes at its throat.
    There is a burst of black flame that slashes out of that hole as she grinds the trash into it, breaking through the dessicated skin as if it were water whose surface tension was suddenly broken. Like a great sluice of liquid its skin falls away, blood and ichor and corruption splatter the ground, the remaining bones falling inanimate as the thing, the monstrous thing that was held inside spreads its wings. A great shadow creature barely perceivable in the night, thin and wispy, some sort of power source that must have been animating all the horrors. Its wings snap out and with a shriek that sets off that car alarm again, it takes to the air.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi returns to ground level. "So we killed those things. Okay. Everyone alright?" she asks with a panting breath. Gathering herselgf she leans on the wall and shakes her head with a wide eyed look. "So what the hell was that? And why'd it come for us?" she asks. All good questions. The throbbing in her head's a paim that wins, so she doubles over and loses her lunch against a wall. Edging away from the puke, she looks a little more with it.

"So. Victory pizza to celebrate our teamwork?" she asks. Come on. They are a team. They are absolutely a team and they did this. Together. Including Nicole, too who Bobbi casts an appreciative glance to with a smile. "Thanks" she calls down the alley. "Come join the victory celebrations"

Which are really standing around and getting her breath back, for Bobbi's part in it all.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Songbird picks herself up from under the plethora of finger bones she now finds herself under. "Dammit, that's not the fingering I had in mind!" she mutters as she shakes off all the little bones. She looks around the wreckage of the alleyway with a slightly bemused expression.
    "So that, in short," she says to Alexander, carrying on the conversation from earlier, "is why we do this. Don't you feel awesome knowing you saved people from an invasion of finger snakes?"
    Put that way it sounds kinda stupid, doesn't it.
    "Someone said something about pizza? Who's buyin'?"

Nicole Adams has posed:
     Great. So much for keeping things under wraps. The awful shrieking of the creature's death throes and the escape of it's 'chylde' rang in Nicole's ears, exacerbating the relentless pounding inside her skull. Honestly, it felt as if elephants were on a honeymoon inside her brain pan, and not bothering with a 'do not disturb' sign. Slender fingers are raised and pressed gently to her temples, the golden-haired barkeep gently rubbing them in a bid to ease the pain. How had she done that much and actually managed to successfully take on a creature from the great beyond?

     Bobbi's call is nearly missed, and she has to glance upwards again. She hesitates, taking a step back. "You sure? I didn't do anything, really."

     Yeah, right....

Leon O'Malley has posed:
Leon glances over at Bobbi, "Hey, you o-" And then she's puking, "-k-eeeee-yeah...Just uh...Just let it out." He then looks back to Songbird, "Fingerin', eh?" A tendril pops out of his back and jabs Melissa's way a few times, followed by some snickers from Leon as he turns and walks towards the alley entrance, the tendril retracting, "...So, any idea where it's going?....Wait, what, pizza, where? Stuffed crust?" Nicole goes totally unnoticed in the call to cheesy goodness.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"I'm buying. C'mon, folks. Pizza. Free for yu lot" Bobbi calls...even over to Nicole "You did, you did good" she says with a nod looking relieved. With that she starts walking toward the alley entrance as well. Watching them all Bobbi grins. "Anyone know good pizza joints around here?" she asks