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Latest revision as of 02:37, 7 March 2020

Date of Scene: 28 February 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Kitchen
Synopsis: The Avengers discuss their next steps.
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Thor, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Jennifer Walters

Clint Barton has posed:
It's the middle of the day and Clint's in the kitchen 'experimenting' which is only slightly less dangerous than Tony experimenting in his lab with only slightly less chance of massive explosions.

In this case it's just smoke, a lot of smoke, and the whine of smoke alarms.

"JARVIS shut off the smoke alarms would'ja?" he calls to the mansion's AI as he pulls a tray of burnt somethings out of the over and threw it on to the counter.

"Damn it," he curses quietly as he looks at the pastry? Hard to tell now on the tray. "That's what I get for not setting a timer."

Also dozing off was not a smart choice either, but sleep had been hard to come by lately with all that's been going on.

Thor has posed:
    No fanfare upon arrival, any of the noisy theatrics that come along with Thor's descent to earth is absent as the Asgardian must have returned at a time in the small hours of the night. Though with the rarity of sleep in the manor it is unlikely to have passed unnoticed. But the Thunderer had finally passed a night in the residence, and had only risen in these last few moments, perhaps testament to the amount of mead consumed. Alone. Which was never a good sign.
    And likely a reason for his mood as the tall man's voice lashes the air moments before his entrance to the kitchen. "What manner of man would consider this a sound he wished to create!" There's the slight shuffle shuffle of footsteps, flip flops thip-thapping upon his feet and then there is Thor, in his sweat shorts and a loose STARK ENTERPRISES t-shirt of red.
    Yet thankfully the alarms are cut silent as soon as Clint's command reached the AI, also causing Thor to answer, "Oh. That's better."
    Then he's in the room and pauses for a moment by the entryway.
    A little more silence.
    Then Thor clears his throat. "Barton."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Thanks JARVIS," Clint says as the AI cuts the alarms.

"Not a man, just a busy body AI-" Clint responds before he's really aware of who's there and the silence takes hold.

One beat.

Two beats.

Clint reaches over and turns off the oven before turning and leaning against it, arms crossed "Thor."

Thor has posed:
    The man has no poker face. As evidenced the few times they got him sat down at a table with a hand of cards playing some game or another. Usually Thor's chips were in someone else's pot in short short order. So when Thor looks across the way at the archer, Clint can likely read him so easily. There's a short intake of breath. Held. Nostrils flare slightly as his brow knits together a little. A ghost of something like anger flickering into place as if he were trying to drum up something akin to righteous indignation.
    But that flees almost instantly as his lips twist up a little and one eyebrow takes prominence over the other as he lets that breath free. "We should talk."
    Another pause, then he adds. "About Loki."
    Assuredly this will go well.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint can definitely read Thor. Hell, him being here was signal enough for what they were going to talk about. What else was there really? President Stark, Genosha, all of it was dwarfed by the elephant in the room: Loki.

"What's to talk about? Guy ripped my mind apart, had me kill my friends and the team and your dad aren't going to do crap about it. Life goes on."

Though Clint's never been good at holding things in. "Was going to hunt down and try and kill the little bastard, but Nat talked me out of it, not sure if that's a good thing for Loki or for mem, but there it is. You should thank her."

Thor has posed:
    It's a testament to the severity of the issue that Thor stands there and instead of interrupting with bluster or to dismiss things out of hand, he sort of nods a little. And bites his lower lip in contemplation. It's a rare thing to see the man somewhat introspective. thoughtful. But then he nods again. "There is much to talk about. Explanation, you are owed that at least and in truth much more."
    He takes a few steps to the side and then settles against the counter nearby but perpendicular, arms folded over his broad chest. "You should know that I feel my brother hath wronged you, aye. And I think of those who fell in New York because of Loki's ambition. It is difficult to reconcile this man with the one I have known for most of my life." His considerably long life.
    "I feel you are owed an explanation, yet if you would prefer I hold my tongue I would understand that wish as well."

Clint Barton has posed:
Yeah, Thor's silence is telling and it more than anything gets Clint to pause in that bluster and regard the man for a moment.

"Well, gotta think that to be as much of an a-" Clint begins to opine on Loki and how long he'd have to be the monster he was to do the things he'd done but he stops and lets out a long sigh.

"Sure, let's hear what you've got to say."

Thor has posed:
    With eyebrows beetling, Thor grimaces and looks down, then back up to meet Clint's eyes. "I know you have naught save my words to go on, and that my view of my father is tinged with the role I have played for him. I am his son, yet my life I have e'er been tasked to fulfill his commands. Often I am... puzzled, sent in odd directions, or feel entirely lost as to the wisdom of the matter."
    He gestures to the side, toward the window, likely in the vague direction of Loki's hidden home, "This confounds me. For him to exile my brother to live with the people he has wronged. Unless he had a larger motive."
    A breath is taken, then he looks away. "Yet each time," Thor looks back, "Odin has shown me that he is wise. Things have not always turned how I thought they would. They have almost always turned for the better. I am not blind in my faith in him. Just know that while the matters now seem to make no sense... I can only ask that you trust me. And I in turn. I trust my father."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint tries to listen, he really does, though his body language, those crossed arms and set expression, don't shift much in what Thor has to say.

"You ever think that maybe your dad isn't wise, just lucky? I mean my dad did all sorts of random shit too and some of it worked out, but he wasn't wise, he was just a drunk asshole."

He takes a deep breath through his nose and lets it out through his mouth, holding up a hand to stall any protest, "Listen Thor, I trust you to be you. I mean, you and me man, against anything in this damn universe? I know you'll have my back and I hope you know I'll have yours. But family man, that's your weak point, mine too, so I mean I trust you but I also know you and when it comes to Loki and your dad, you're not always on the same page as the rest of us."

Another sigh, "Not a jabbing at you there or questioning your loyalty, most of the time it's one of the reasons I like you man, you've got a good heart, but right now, with Loki, it's a giant pain in the ass."

Thor has posed:
    Thor holds his hands up, both of them up as if he was trying to grasp a sphere in front of him, his features tight with concentration. Not a conjuration, perhaps more just trying to find the right words, knowing they exist out there somewhere. Failing.
    "I can understand how you would feel that way. I would consider luck perhaps, if Odin's rein were shorter than it is. But as it stands..." That said he then lower his hands and takes a deep breath.
    "Just know that as matters are, I will do my best to save the people of Midgard and yourself from any predations by my brother. But what the future may hold, no man may truly know."
    That said he seems content to fall to silence, letting the conversation go unless Clint presses further.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint listens, head cocking a bit when he mentions how long Odin's reign had been. He hand't thought of that and it shows in his expression. "Fair point," he allows there.

As to Thor's promise, Clint nods, and his arms uncross "I appreciate that Thor," he says finally and lets out a breath. "So, what's going on with you?" changing the topic and trying usher out the Loki shaped elephant in the room.

Thor has posed:
    "My mind has been occupied with that. And many other matters." Thor says as he keeps his posture there, arms folded over that red t-shirt with the STARK logo. He shakes his head and murmurs, "I have felt as if I have not stopped running since I learned of this. Only now do I feel as if I have drawn breath."
    There's a glance toward the door, then away as he returns his attention to Clint, features still pensive, "I am supposed to... make use of my brother in the trying times to come. But I have no idea how to do so." Then there's a brief pause and curiously a smile flickers over the Thunderer's features, as if remembering something distant and amusing.
    He looks down and then adds, "Well, save perhaps one."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff comes down the hallway and turns in the doorway to the kitchen. She's been on the phone a lot, and making repeated trips to Genosha and other places arranging help for the refugees, those whose powers let themselves and possibly others flee the attack, or who have been found buried or hiding to where they were protected.

At the moment she doesn't look as tired as she has, having just gotten two hours of sleep. Though her hair is a bit out of place, having been given only the quickest brushing after she woke up.

As Wanda sees the two men in the kitchen, she gives them both a nod. "Evening," she tells them. "Are you both doing well?" she asks, the words normal enough, but her face is drawn. Stretched tight by events of late.

Clint Barton has posed:
Now that the tension has died down a bit Clint notices Thor's wardrobe, "That from the annoucment?" he asks of the Stark shirt. before nodding. "I hear ya, man, it's been non stop on all fronts lately. Stark, Loki, Genosha..." he shakes his head. "So enjoy that breath, probably going to be short on time for those coming up."

He moves over to the tray of fomer pastries and starts trying to pry them off with a spatula. "Was that idea a punching bag?" Clint asks with a hint of a smile. He wouldn't blame Thor if so it's where Clint's mind went too.

Wanda's arrival is met with a concerned look over his shoulder and dish towel tossed quickly over the tray and spatula set down.

"Heya, Wanda," he greets, turning to sit on the counter. "Can't complain," he says but doesn't ask how she's doing that much is obvious on her face. "Want a coffee or tea or something?"

Thor has posed:
    "This?" Thor gestures to the shirt, then looks down at it. His hands dig into it and pull it out so he can ponder the graphic and then just lets it all again as he replies. "No idea. I just sometimes find clothes." He 'finds' them.
    Thor and Clint both are leaning against counters, likely with the refrigerator atween them, both perpendicular to the other. There's definitely a vibe of tension or some trying time having passed, yet there's no anger at the moment, no strong negativity. Just the two of them sharing words and now likely looks toward Wanda and her arrival.
    "Wanda, matters progress as they will." Though not advocating as to their quality one way or the other. He takes a deep breath and shifts his feet, one ankle across the other as he leans there then nods to her.
    But then he looks back to Clint. "No actually..." His lips twist a little as he smiles, a hint of humor returning. But then his lips purse and he says. "It is... a memory of myself and my brother. When we were younger. I am not sure if you would wish to hear it."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's tired and drawn expression gains just a little bit more warmth at the offer of a beverage from Clint. "Yes. Please? Coffee. No, tea," she says. Then changes her mind again. "Coffee. Wait. We have cappuccino somewhere? Don't we?" she asks, glancing around and unsure, though the place definitely has cappuccino and she's had them there before, usually brought up by the staff.

Wanda looks towards Thor. "Yes, things happen as they will. Even when we try otherwise. Sometimes," she says quietly to the Asgardian.

Wanda looks about the kitchen, an expression of minor puzzlement coming to her face. "I think I wanted food," she says under her breath to herself, as if not certain. She moves over to a cupboard and opens it up. Looking at boxes inside.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint snorts, "Of course you do," he says about Thor and the magically appearing clothing.

"Cappuccino? Yeah, we got the machine, one sec while I figure it out," he says as he hops down off the counter to investigate the arcane workings of the thing. "Want one Thor? It's not aged in a cask for hundreds of years but it's pretty decent."

As for the story, Clint cocks his head in consideration, "Sure, why not, might humanize the little bastard," he says, before shooting a look Wanda's way. "You look like you're about to fall over, let me know what you want and I'll get you something."

Thor has posed:
    A look is given towards Wanda, and perhaps for a brief instant he shares that look with Clint, a hint of concern perhaps passing both ways. But Thor holds his tongue for the moment, knowing full well what might have taken such out of the young mutant. He nods and then tries a small smile toward the archer and murmurs. "It is... a foolish story."
    "But, in our youth. There were times when we were beset upon by others, trapped in their stronghold, seeking to escape."
    Thor's features shift a little animated, smiling a touch as his blue eyes distance with nostalgia and memory. "My brother was being his usual self, griping and whining as we were riding this gigantic metal lift." Thor even makes a little Loki face with his nose crinkled up and a slight 'mneh-mneh-mneh' sound as if simulating his words as he adds in his best impression of Loki, "I'm tired. I've been shot. My magic isn't working."
    His eyebrows climb, "And I, being entirely rational and in control, I tell him. 'Well what of it? We shall escape, we just do what must be done!'" These words murmured in his most heroic tone of voice.
    "But Loki was having none of it, and he was all, 'blah blah blah'. And I was just tired of it so I rounded on him, 'Well then why don't we just ask the next people we see for help, brother!' and he didn't like that all. Gave me the eyes." He points at his own.
    "Then the door opened, and guards. Like a dozen of them. All with their weapons, all turning to us."
    He then spreads his hands, "So. I grabbed Loki and /dragged/ him along, and then I yelled, making my voice very forlorn."
    "Please! You have to help my brother! He's been shot! Please!"
    Then he nods, "And so they all rushed forward to aid us. And so I threw Loki at them."
    There is a moment. Silence.
    Perhaps more silence as people likely expect the story to go on.
    And Thor is just leaning against the counter there smiling, so pleased with himself as he nods. "It worked."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda looks from the cabinet towards Clint. "Thank you," she says, voice soft, carrying notes of her tiredness. She continues her examination, pulling out a box of crackers and then sliding it back in while Thor starts his story.

After a little more looking, Wanda pulls out a box that has little packages of crackers with peanut butter between them. She takes that, closing the cabinet and moving over beside the cappuccino machine that Clint is focused on. Wanda leans back against the counter as she opens up the box to take out a little snack-sized packet of the peanut butter crackers.

She listens to Thor, and smiles gently at the end. "I think I like stories where you throw Loki around," she tells him. She pulls out another package and offers it to Thor, and then another will be offered to Clint, or the same one if Thor turns it down.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    "We should come up with a name for that."
    Natasha Romanova is just sort of there now. She didn't make a sound on entering. She's... dressed like a secretary for some reason?? Black suit jacket, skirt, nylons and glasses? She looks good, but it's weird. She's leaning on the barrier separating the kitchen area from the rest of the room with one arm, peering distractedly down at the coffee machine.
    She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Maybe learn to throw Bruce like a fastball. That'll surprise someone."" she says blandly, and gives Clint a look that more or less asks 'is everything okay here?' given the crowd that's gathered.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint smiles his thanks to Wanda for the crackers, opening the package and sticking one in his mouth while he works on the machine and listens to Thor's story.

The cracker shatters on the floor in the end though as Clint leans his head on the machine and laughs after those few beats of silence. "It worked," he repeats of Thor's delivery. "Man you crack me up sometimes," he says picking up a large chunk of the cookie and tossing it at the Asgardian. He needed the laugh.

"Yeah, I'm with Wanda, more throwing Loki stories, I think I'd be alright with him being around if that's what we use him for," he says.

Nat's arrival is met with a smile, "I dunno, if it was up to me I'd call that move justice," he says of throwing Loki. "As for Bruce the real trick would be throwing him," he says and gives Nat a thumbs up to her question, but a wobble hand re Wanda. "Anyhow, want a cappuccino?" he asks her. "I'm figuring out the machine."

Thor has posed:
    "Well... it did." Thor says, in his defense. But his smile is there.
    "Ah, we /have/ a name for it." Thor says as he motions toward Natasha and her arrival. "It is called, 'Get Help'." His head bobs twice in affirmation before his eyebrows furrow. He sits up a little and gives Natasha a once over then murmurs, "You are dressed differently, Natasha." A true statement if an obvious one. "It looks... quite good on you." His eyebrows lift as if he were surprised at the appeal.
    But then he shakes his head to Wanda, but smiles his thanks to her as he waves off the package of crackers. "No thank you, Wanda."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda turns and offers a package of the crackers to Natasha then. She looks run down and a bit drawn, though a recent nap at least helped a little there. "Would you like a... I think they have peanut butter between them," she says, having already forgotten.

She finally gets around to opening her own package and taking a little bite. "So, Thor. Is there any additional news on your brother? Last I heard you were going to seek him out. And we were talking about speaking to Odin. I'm sorry if I've not kept up with the reports as much as normal," Wanda says.

The auburn haired woman moves over to dispose of the wrapper, leaving the crackers in her hand. Eating them slowly as she moves back over to Clint and the machine. "I don't think I remembered the food the next day. The beef dish. Did you get to try it?" she asks him.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha gives a subtle nod and continues the conversation as if the exchange hadn't happened. "Well, you throw him when he's small, is the trick."
    When Clint asks if Natasha wants a cappuccino, Natasha starts to say "I..." when Clint notes he's still figuring it out, she hesitates and concludes, "... don't, thank you." with a cautious smile that she turns to Thor as he volunteers the name, prompting a brief broadening of the smile, before she glances down at herself when he compliments her, as if reminding herself how she looks. "Oh, thank you, Thor." She says. "I had an interview." She says by way of the vaguest possible explanation, and adds, "Didn't want to scare anyone."
    Or, at any rate, she didn't want Samuel Morgan to know for *sure* he should be scared, but that's neither here nor there.
    Natasha looks to Wanda, and her practiced smile... doesn't quite falter so much as it lingers oddly a split second longer than is appropriate before the brightness gets turned down. She... doesn't really want one, but she takes it in one hand and says "Thank you, Wanda." crinkling the wrapper a bit in her hand. When Wanda's attention turns to thor, the cracker disappears into one of her pockets, and Natasha listens attentively, choosing not to volunteer the answer Thor gave her out of courtesy, and in case anything's changed.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is finally getting the machine working, as he glances over to Wanda, "Yeah a bit before you came back, it was good," he says. "Put what's left in the fridge," he explains.

"Liked my name better," he remarks with a slight grin to Thor.

As for Nat? "You sure, I've really got it this time, not like in Venice," he says because of course there'd be a story with some random city name thrown in.

Anyhow he shuts up for Thor to give any new details on his brother, though he may have heard them all by now.

Thor has posed:
    At Wanda's inquiry Thor takes a deep breath and nods to her, "I have spoken with Loki. Things are as they were. My father was... not forthcoming with explanation. Perhaps..." He looks distantly across the way, then shifts his attention back to the Scarlet Witch, "This may be a test. Of myself. Of Midgard. Of my brother. It is difficult to say. For now, best to let him stew. I have been trying to reach others of the Aesir, to seek their insight. But as for now it seems we are on our own."
    Which is all just a way to say that he doesn't know.
    But he does nod towards Natasha, holding up a hand and offering a smile toward her at the thanks, as if telling her she need not thank him. "I am sure you did exceedingly well. But is Stark not paying you enough that you would seek further employment?" For that is what interviews are about, aren't they?

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda puts the box of crackers down on the counter and turns back, listening to Natasha and Thor and Clint. "If you need help dealing with him..." Wanda says quietly in offering. Her gaze is perhaps a little harder than one might normally expect from her as she makes the offer. No doubt she already has given thought to whether Loki could be involved in Genosha. Even if she rejected it? There might be some lingering guilt by association just for the fact he could be one capable of such a thing.

Wanda sees Clint is making progress with the machine. She looks at the cabinets as if trying to remember which one has the large mugs, though she's lived here for a couple of years now. Finally she remembers and goes and gets two, bringing them over to Clint.

Wanda tells Clint in her quiet, softly accented English, "I'll have to try it. Maybe I'll take the rest back to my room for later."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Click click click Sound of heels is heard long before the tall Green gamazon that is she hulk shows up.. It seems she was at work thanks to the business outfit wrapped about her frame. She walks in giving a nod but it's clear she's no really looking at people . She arrives at her target a cupboard opens it and pulls out a Case of Monster energy drinks muttering under her breath " How can one man piss that many people off i swear ". Stabbing her nail into the lid with clear irritation before she slams back the Green drink.

     It's not till after she's done at least 3 that she turns and blinks " Oh hi guys ummm ". Slowly puts her brief case on top of the case as if that could hide it .

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha presses her lips very tightly together for a moment and shakes her head at Clint. "I'll let a few test subjects go ahead of me; we came too close to losing a city."
    To Thor, her shoulders shake once with a suppressed chuckle and she just says, "SHIELD pays me just fine. But I like to stay versatile." she says pleasantly, humorously, but evasively. It's work, and it's Natasha Romanova. You could ask her what she had for breakfast and she might not give you a straight honest answer.
    When Wanda makes her offer, Natasha says, "If Loki's been weakened, any two of us could probably handle it." She says, adding: "If necessary." Out of courtesy for Thor. "... Depending on... how *much* he's been weakened, anyway." she says, subtly looking sidelong at Thor. She doesn't want to stir up a fuss - or at least seem like she's probing TOO hard for ways to kill Thor's brother - but he wasn't clear to her just how much Loki had been weakened and she's...
    She's professionally curious.
    She's also distracted slightly as Jennifer appears, and some portion of Natasha's brain realizes that she essentially looks like a tiny Jennifer, outfitwise. That's odd. "... Hard day at the office?" She says, a little reluctantly, hoping not to change the subject *too* much, even if it could probably stand to change for the collective mental health of the room.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I offered alternative theories as to what this may about," Clint chimes in about why Odin sent Loki to Earth, but leaves it at that, trying to keep the peace he and Thor had struck. Though Thor didn't mention the other Aesir earlier, "Is there anyone else who can help, isn't your dad sort of the final word on these things?" Honest question. He didn't know how Asgard functioned beyond the basics: ??? --> Odin --> Thor --> More ???.

See. Basics.

As for the cappuccino it's coming along so Clint grabs out the milk, in time for Jen to arrive, he grins a welcome, "Hey Jen," he says. "Loki, Stark or other?" he asks about the man pissing people off.

As for the case of Monster Energy drinks, the briefcase doesn't hide things much, "Hey Jen, watcha got there," he asks her before he turns back to the machine and starts makng the coffees, "The city part wasn't my fault," he shouts back in the tone of an old and well worn 'argument' between him and Nat.

As the first coffee is made he hands it to Wanda, "Sure, I'll remind you before you go," he says of the food. In her current state he wouldn't put it past her to forget. "Drink up."

Thor has posed:
    "Incapable of lying, which has its drawbacks." Thor says ruefully in Natasha's direction, but then he crosses his arms a little tighter over his chest. "He does not have access to all of his magic, but still has some. As to how much... I am no expert to speak on such matters."
    As for Thor, in response to Wanda's words he flares his hands, eyes drifting over to her as if trying to find some way that she could just wave her magical fingertips and conjure the craziness of his family away. But it is to no avail so he murmurs, "I am still seeking insight. But if it comes to it..." Thor frowns and looks away, "We shall all deal with it together." Solidarity.
    Only then Jennifer arrives and the Thunderer lets his smile slip a little wider, "Jennifer?" A greeting, a touch of incredulity, "When did you return?" He shakes his head, "We need a better system of keeping each other informed." Though assuredly on his cellphone that is up in his room there are at least 127 unviewed messages. Much to JARVIS' chagrin.
    But then his attention is drawn back to Clint and he nods, "There are others amongst us, who hold varying sway. Contemporaries of mine father who might have some insight to share."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda takes the cappuccino offered by Clint. She leans back against the counter again, holding it in both hands as if savoring the warmth of it. She leans down a little to inhale the scent. "You did alright, Mr. Barton," Wanda tells Clint, and for a moment she manages a more Wanda-like, soft smile than has so far made it past her weariness.

Wanda turns to see Jennifer Walter's arrival. Something sparks in the Scarlet Witch's memory and she says slowly, "Jennifer. I meant to come find you. I had some legal questions. Refugee status in various countries, and legal implications of... a number of things. I don't know if you'd be the right person or could point me to a firm? I can, we can arrange a retainer, I have access to some accounts. I can... I have lists upstairs. For you or, whoever you might point me to," she says.

Yes, she does look tired. Wanda takes a long sip of the cappuccino and gives a soft sight.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters Nods her head towards Natasha "three days without sleep looking for loopholes or something to get him out of trouble .. and I get a thanks jen your the best , When we both know it's like a week before he does it again " .

     to clint she snorts " If it was loki I'd be allowed to punch him into the atlantic.. it was tony who else " She mutters downing another drink.

     For thor she smirks " Phone.. it's a thing," She says to him with a sigh, " You know I had Reed make me one that doesn't get crushed easily do you want me to get you one? " . She asks softly pulling out her phone trying to avoid talking about her case of Sinful drinks

     And here comes wanda to the rescue! she beams a smile " Umm well, I'm mostly into superhero law, but I can look into it for sure.. It depends what you need help with my firm deals with Refugee stuff we have some people .. Give me details or we can set up an appointment and go over that together " .

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha calls to Clint "That's subjective." stretching out the word a bit from a short distance away in a similar 'this is the thousandth time this has come up' bemused sort of detachment.
    "Interesting." Is all Natasha says to Thor as she crosses her arms slowly. No magic! That's useful. But he's still an Asgardian, and she'd be surprised if Odin would or could somehow make him physically as weak as a human. And she's pretty sure Asgardian children can probably punch through brick. So that's still an issue.
    To Jennifer, Natasha just quickly qualifies, "Loki's back. By the way. Weaker. There should be an email going around." before rather pointedly stepping out of the conversation between Wanda and Jennifer.

Thor has posed:
    Tapping a finger on his upper arm, Thor looks thoughtful for a moment as his gaze flicks back and forth between the Avengers. He takes in a deep breath, knowing full well what has passed in Genosha. And with it, a feeling of urgency seems to touch his features. He shakes his head, "I believe I am going to try and see if there are those in Vanaheim that might have some insight. Hogun's people have known my father longer than any other. But for now this feels... like I am attempting to swat a fly in the dark."
    That said he pushes off of the counter and starts to move towards the door. Though this brings him past Jennifer whom he pauses a moment to give her a sidehug as he walks by in greeting. Telling her, "It is good to see you, Walters."
    That said it's out into the hall, where there's a faint /WHHHHOM/ of sound from above, followed by the slap of Mjolnir into Thor's hand. A few more strides and he's out the door and gone.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint finishes making his coffee now and once it's in hand the machine is turned off and he shifts over to lean against the counter next to Wanda. "Wait, Loki can't lie?" he says. "So, what he's just not talking now or..?"

Though that last bit about dealing with it together, and what it took for Thor to say it... that makes him regret the glibness. He offers what he can, "And if we can send him back to Asgard, so much the better," he says, having wanted to kill the bastard until then but if Thor can resolve to /deal/ with his brother, Clint could resolve to spare him if it came to that.

The coffees are a welcome distraction, "Yeah?" he asks Wanda, smiling at her looking more herself. He takes a sip. "Not bad. Guess my superpower is shooting arrows real good and occasionally making alright coffee."

Jen is nodded to and Clint remarks, "Fair enough, wouldn't want your workload, just figured green Monster energy drinks were a bit on the nose," he teases lightly.

Nat's subjective gets a roll of his eyes and he nudges Wanda. "See what I have to put up with?" he asks her.

Then Thor's leaving and Clint gives the man a nod. "Good luck man, seriously." Then flinching at the sounds of Mjolnir flying through the house he smiles, "At least it didn't take a short cut through any of our rooms this time."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's goodbye to Thor is a nod, and a little lifting of her fingers from the cappuccino cup. "Thank you, Jennifer," she says quietly. "It's, international law mostly. I think. So, whether yourself, or refer me to someone," she confirms with a little nod, and a grateful look to her teammate.

"Nat, Clint, I don't remember if I thanked SHIELD yet," she says, one of Wanda's hands going to her hair, brushing through it with her fingers a few times as if she thinks it needs settling about her shoulders. "I... it was on one of my lists, I can't remember if I got to it yet. But thank you. Tell Nick, and... and he can tell your agents and everything? Or, no I should write it out. I'll do that," Wanda says, rambling a bit.

"I should do something, I need to do something so I can think more clearly," she says, looking away from everyone. She starts mumbling softly to herself, only a few words audible. Chamomile is one. Also lotus. Forgetful is another.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters Smiles and gives a hug back it's nice to be able to hug and well kinda feel it .. it's a thing for super-strong tough people.

     but booth eyebrows go up " loki.. is loki but what's this about no magic no lying? " She blinks " Is somebody punking me? Cause give me 20 min with him in a room I swear I'll pull every secret he has if he can't lie " She looks to nat about this "Or are we still looking for the slippery eel?"

     She blinks " Oh crap .. right " She taps her head " monster kicked in ' . She blinks, " Well Us has landed Rights they can claim refugee status the moment their feet touch our soil ". She thinks fast, tapping her chin " I can have the application in 15 min hold on " She pulls out the phone and starts to tap away " Pretty sure there already is one but putting one in won't hurt it will start the refugee status." She looks to Wanda " I got this for you hun okay.. we'll throw our team on it .. as for money, don't worry tony needs the Tax right off ".

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    "Take care." Natasha says to Thor as he passes, and this time she doesn't immediately chase after him for spy purposes, so it's a fairly relaxed day!
    To Jennifer, Natasha shakes her head, "It's not like that. Thor's father apparently elected to sentence Loki to community service... on Earth. For invading Earth. We're not... interrogating anyone just yet. And we don't necessarily know where he is." She peers distractedly at the door Thor left through and faintly muses, "Though Thor probably does." It occurs to her, that, heck, SHE possibly does, if she's willing to risk either possibly stepping through a shimmering warp gate into Loki's domain, or just look silly under and arch.
    That said, Natasha actually seems... surprised at Wanda has to say, the gesture making her straighten up a bit and cross her arms, looking a bit apprehensive. Perhaps she is sincerely not used to being thanked. Or that the subject is challenging to approach with perfect tact. But Natasha's been trained to more or less be whoever she needs to be - that's pretty much what the secretary getup is about - and she could just fake her way through this if she wanted to. She elects not to.
    "Oh. That's... not necessary, Wanda, I..." Natasha hesitates for about as long as it would take to say 'uh', and says, "I'd be happy to pass along your feelings. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it, and you... have a lot going on."
    Oh, look at Nat, trying to be nice. Though she's not sure how practical that actually is; Nick Fury probably won't let her use the PA system on the Triskellion.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Hey, no problem," Clint says to Wanda more or less echoing Nat's words on the matter. "I'll let the boss know when I see him and when your schedule clears up we can probably get you in for a sit down, he'd probably want to get some first hand idea of what's going on."

Beyond what reports Clint had been sending up the line.

Clint nods to Jen then, "Yeah, Nat pretty much summed it up," he says of the Loki situation, as for Tony and tax write offs, Clint snorts, "Or he can just lower his taxes," he jokes. "Trust you heard about Tony's campaign, Jen, surprised he didn't tap you to be his counsel for it." Yes, Tony Stark was running for President. It was big news.

Though as weird as that is it's Wanda's murmuring what sounds like the kinder, gentler verison of Bucky's trigger words that gets Clint's attention, "Hey, Wanda, you okay?" he asks trying to get her to snap out of it.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives Jen a soft, grateful look. "Thank you. I don't know if we'll bring people to the US. I suppose, some who are from here originally. Wakanda is taking many of them for the moment, but we'll need something longer term. I haven't even... thought that far ahead," she says slowly.

Natasha and Clint both get looks of gratitude as well. "Yes, I'm ok. I just... I think I need to do something," she tells them. "Thank you both. Everyone," she says, taking a long drink of the cappuccino and then setting the cup down in the sink for the staff to take care of. "I'm going to head back to my room I think, and see what calls have come in." She turns to go. Leaving the food behind in the fridge. Also forgetting the peanut butter crackers she'd gotten out.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters Moves closer and gives Nat's shoulder a squeeze.. That's when she blinks " Right " She reaches down and starts to take off her heels.. she already nearly 7ft add the heels, and yeah, so she takes them off .. doesn't do all that much, but it helps with the whole towering over everybody thing.

     When Wanda goes to leave, she reaches out and gives the woman a hug, just a hug " hey .. it's not all on you were here to help.. I know I'm the worst person to say this, but get some sleep you can't help anybody if your dead on your feet ." She lets go after that and sighs.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha stiffens very subtly when Jennifer grips her shoulder, but doesn't make anything of it.
    "Take all the time you need." Natasha says kindly to Wanda, then turns to Clint and discreetly, quickly mutters, "Please make sure she doesn't drop dead on the stairs." She looks away. Then looks back. "Discreetly. Personal space may be an issue right now."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Hey no problem," Clint says gently to Wanda. "You'd do the same for us if we suddenly had to run a country," he says trying and likely failing to insert some levity into this dark time.

He seconds Jen's advice, "Definitely get some rest, I'll check in on you later," he says, though Nat's words give him pause and he nods, "If you ladies will excuse me, got to get something up stairs."

He gives Wanda a bit of a lead before he too heads up, lingering at the top of the stairs a moment or two to ensure she makes it to her room before wishing her "Good night," then heading to his room, long enough to get a sweater and go back down stairs.

Well assuming nothing happens anyhow, if so, all bets are off.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda returns the hug from Jennifer, squeezing her tightly for a moment before letting her go. "Thank you," she says, directing that at everyone. She turns to go when Clint comes to join her. "Thanks," she tells him softly. She looks like she wants to say more, but it goes unsaid as she turns to head upstairs to her room.

No troubles along the way, she'll thank Clint again at the door before leaving him to go get his sweater as she turns back to her list of things that need to be done."