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Latest revision as of 15:59, 4 April 2021

N.O.W.H.E.R.E in particular.
Date of Scene: 02 April 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Conner, Hope and Laura chat about the recent N.O.W.H.E.R.E attack and the more sensible team members consider some post mission relaxation. Laura on the other hand plans more training.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Hope Summers, Laura Kinney

Conner Kent has posed:
It has been roughly twelve hours since the Outsiders returned to the Roost to recover and plan. Well, mostly Conner was to recover. The rest were okay and Bart had a chance to take some more injured people to the hospital while the gangs retired back to their hideouts to try to figure out what happened.

Getting beaten up by people in bat-outfits is one thing. But getting machine-gunned by power-armor troops was shocking for most of the gangers.

In the morning the police and ambulances entered the Narrows to pick up the pieces, but found the area relatively peaceful. News reporters followed. Some. It should be all over the news, but fact is no one cares about the Narrows. So, it is a page six story in the Gotham Gazette.

Conner is in the rec room, watching the news on one of the 60 inch TV screens. He has been scouring the channels for any mention about the Narrows gang war, but he hasn't found anything that was more than a minute-long very brief summary. So, now he is in the Internet. Searching for information.

He looks mostly okay. Just unhappy.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers had been worried about her team mates, especially Conner, and probably blamed herself for the team getting separated during her watch. While he recovered she had checked in on the others, before doing some research on the attackers, trying find whatever she could on the shadow man, the blade guy, and the cyborgs.

Clearly she had a lot to catch up on since her absence, and it meant another sleepless night as she tried to catch up to speed. As she makes her way to the red room, she yawns a bit, sipping on some strong coffee as she heads for the sofa, frowning softly as she listens to the news.

Conner is given a faint nod and smile. "Hey. How're you doing?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Despite everything that happened Laura got through the attack by N.O.W.H.E.R.E largely untouched. A combination of defensive fighting being up against a fellow melee based fighter, rather than the exotic energy attacker the rest of the team had to face.

She slinks in casually, bare feet padding against the floor, heading directly to the Tiki bar.

"I hope everyone is doing well?" She begins pouring a round of sodas. Cola by the looks of it. "I have been putting together an after action report. Detailing everything I can remember about the bladed attacker from the rooftop."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am fine," replies Conner. Not sounding very fine. He has this guilty thing/impression he should have done something about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. years ago. And he is aware he has avoided thinking about them for years.

"I have been checking the databanks," he comments. "Nothing about any 'Shadow Walker' that resembles that creep. Or the guy with the claws." And he gestures to the TV. "And very little about the gang war. It is as if the Narrows don't count."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers peers at Conner, frowning softly, "You sure? I mean, physically you seem alright, but emotionally...That guy had Bart breaking down and crying. And you..." she shakes her head, "I'm just glad you're all alright, although I'm pretty pissed I didn't get to track em. But at least we know a bit more about what we're up against.."

Glancing to the tv, Hope nods slowly, thinking, "That's really sad, but at least we managed to save some lives, and Bart got as many as he could to the hospital. We made a difference, we saved lives and that's what counts. We can only learn from our mistakes, and now we know a bit more about the enemy.." analytical as always.

As Laura enters, she feels a familiar shiver of a fellow mutant's powers synching up with her's. As usual, her senses are suddenly ramped up and she smiles, "Hey Laura, I'm fine and Conner seems to be recovering..How're you?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I will be much better once I have had chance to take the blood I collected from the roof to a specialist," Laura says with a shrug. "Do either of you want a little extra adding to your beverage?"

She lifts a couple of the 'snuck in' bottles. Rum and bourbon.

"Whomever this group are... They seem to know a lot about Tim. But from the comments they made... They clearly did not know I was working as part of the team. Meaning details of our membership and location are secure. I would call that good news."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Just a coke," replies Conner. Alcohol does nothing to make him feel better, really. His reasons for drinking it have most to do with... being a teenager. Looking cool and rebellious. He is not feeling either right now.

"Well. Robin, Wonder Girl, Impulse and Superboy have been a team for years," he notes. "Rose too, Ravager. Well, she was on and off. But we have been a group since 2017. It make sense they know it. But since Outsider operations have been stealthy and mostly far away, it makes sense they didn't know about you two. Or Phoebe. Hrm... or Megan." But now they know. Except for M'gann.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers grins at Laura. "Hey, I could go for one of those, why not?" something to take the edge off. This coffee is giving her the jitters anyway, and she pushes the half drunken mug away. "Hmm, well I guess now they will..Afterall, some of our enemies escaped yesterday. They will likely be sharing what they learned of our fighting skills too..Which means we need to nip it in the bud. Maybe lure em out and bug em so we can track em to their home base."

She nods to Laura. "Yeah, maybe Tim is more overt with his work. You know, connections with other teams."

Laura Kinney has posed:
A mutant with a healing factor is perhaps not one who should be mixing drinks. Thankfully Laura is sharing her healing factor with Hope right now. So the fact the two rum & cokes she pours are basically rum with enough coke to tint them is unlikely to cause anyone problems. At least it leaves plenty of cola for Conner.

"The one I was fighting fled towards the river. I assume to try break the scent trail, although that doesn't work as well as most people think... Except when the river is as vile as in Gotham...." A shrug. "I don't think we'll have much luck with conventional bugs. M'gann might have better luck with a mind probe though?"

She hands out the drinks she poured and takes a long swig of her own.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You read my mind," pun intended. Conner sips from his drink and reaches for the remote, turning off the TV. "M'gann could be our ace in the hole. I gotta talk with her. And since it is the second time in a month those guys hit Gotham, maybe we should begin searching for them in the area. They might have a hideout here. Maybe talk with the big Bat, too."

That should be Tim's job, but Conner suspects Tim is not even in Gotham right now.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers frowns a bit and nods at that. "Right, they seemed pretty good at their job. Definitely M'gann's powers could come in handy. Wonder if they've encountered her yet? Would definitely give us the advantage.."

She grimaces at mention of Batman, recalling the last time she encountered the broody one...And hit him with her gun..Which was on stun but still..

"Thanks Laura." she grabs the glass, taking a long sip of the stuff. "Mm, that hits the spot."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I've already begun searching," Laura admits with a shrug. "Mainly around areas Phoebe patrols and the area around the Roost. I wanted to be sure our perimeter was secure." The fact she's been roaming the local area looking for trouble is likely to surprise no-one.

"From the way the bladed figure was talking they seem to use some kind of initiation process. So we can assume that not all kidnapped metahumans survive to become members, but that there will also be other individuals with potent abilities that we need to contend with. The level of training they receive is competant but not as skilled as I had feared."

She takes another gulp of her rum with a splash of coke. The alcohol doing nothing to her.

Conner Kent has posed:
"But Gotham is a large city," Conner frowns. What would Tim do? Probably deduce where the guys are lurking, as well as their shoe sizes and the car their mothers drive, just from looking at them for two or three seconds. That kind of stuff has never worked for him.

"It is Saturday, we should pick a movie to watch," he offers. "Maybe it will clear our heads some. I have already written all I can remember."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers hmms, "So we should ramp up patrols of the city, we can't be everywhere at once but maybe we can have different people patrol different sectors of the city at once." she shrugs. "Keep in touch and move in on a hot spot. Althotouch you're right, it's still a lot of ground to cover, at least on foot.."

She nods to Laura, "Soo..They're attracted to scenes of violence, a display of potential talent. We should..Stage something. We seemed to be prime targets. Lure em out with..I dunno, a fake tournament or something, I need to think on that some more."

Conner is given a nod and smile, "Right, something funny and light. We can't be mulling over this 24/7 or we'll go nuts."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I think they might be accessing Gotham PD records," Laura muses. "Consider the two encounters we've had recently. A juvenile detention center and a conflict between two gangs in the narrows. An area known for violence with poor police response times. Both have the criminal element in common and are not the sort of places you can obtain information on without specialised contacts."

She finishes her drink, then adds "They are unlikely to be sending operatives in undercover. Too much effort and no guarantee it would yield results. And outsiders in the Narrows stand out too much. Better to acquire the intel from official sources and Gotham PD has a less than perfect track record when it comes to computer security or corruption."

She frowns at Hope. "We can't?" Clearly she had been planning on spending at least that long reviewing files. "Now I have an idea of the bladed figures scent I can cover a broader area trying to locate him. Get to a vantage point and let the wind bring the scent to me."

Conner Kent has posed:
"They must be getting their information somewhere," mulls Conner, standing up. "Metas are not easy to detect. Well, not usually. But the GCPD has many bad apples. Purchasing information is easy. Which reminds me, how would they know about you, Laura? They recognized you right away."

Then again, the Facility advertised X-23 capabilities all over the dark web. It is the good guys what known the least about her. Ironic.

"They would know about Phoebe and Hope, but not their powers, I don't think so," comments Conner. "Unless they have some kind of specialized tech. Which they might."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers frowns deeply at that thought. "That's worrisome, it means they're one step ahead of us. Doesnt Batman have connections with the police? Maybe we can talk to him about this." she arches a brow at Conner'a question, glancing thoughtfully at Laura. "Hm, Good question.."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I would assume they were in the market for an assassin for hire in the past. Either for professional reasons or to poach 'talent'," Laura points out with a shrug. "Alternatively the Facility, the group which created me, are likely to have listed contracts for my recovery. In exchange for a finders fee."

The original adverts for X-23 would have been years ago. Long enough it'd be extremely unlikely anyone would recognize her from those old pictures.

"Hope is likely to mislead them. Given her abilities vary depending on the situation. Phoebe they probably know a little better after the last encounter."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner nods, still trying to think. It is Laura's fault, they should go watch a movie. "They do seem to have good intel. But maybe that is how we can get to them. There must be informants or something that can get in touch with them."

He finishes his coke and scratches her head. "I'll be in the theatre if you need them. Some comedy movie sounds about right. I'll see what I can dig we have not seen yet."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers nods and sighs, "So were lower profile I guess. For now..But.." she smiles, nodding to Conner, "Right, all work and no play.lWell you get it. Even if you don't need rest for days on end, it's good to relax once in a while." she nods to Conner, "Soo what you got in mind?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I'll run down the blood sample with my contacts," Laura offers. "We should also look into smugglers. Unless they are making their advanced weapons and equipment locally they must be shipping new supplies of ammo and cyborg parts into Gotham. Or smuggling captives out."

She begins tucking the bottles away again.

"Even if the locals aren't involved they'll have an idea what routes are being used. Or which new players have been operating since N.O.W.H.E.R.E popped up." She chews her lip at the idea of a movie. "I think I'll do a little blind fighting training. Just in case I have to pair up against the shadow user next time."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner stops, glancing back to Laura. "How about you take a couple hours off," he says, offering her his hand. "The brain usually works better when it has a break now and then. And don't tell me yours doesn't need it, I am half-kryptonian and technically I don't need to sleep or rest. But even my brain begins to short-circuit into stupid if I try to go on and on over a week."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers chuckles a bit, nodding in agreement to Conner, "He's right you know, we could all use a break from all this work. Heck, I lived through wartime, and I'm used to fighting, hiding, surviving, but even I need to relax a little sometimes, you know? So let's do this!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I find physical activity relaxing," Laura informs matter of factly. "Besides if I tried to sit and watch a movie I would be thinking about other things." Plus she still doesn't really get comedy movies. "I will refrain from adding any exotic elements to my training and get an early night. If you are insisting I take it easy. No caltrops or booby traps in the gym."

She's planning a trip to Westchester bright and early the next day after all!