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Hellfire Planning Session
Date of Scene: 15 April 2021
Location: Conference Rooms - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw and Elektra meet with Viola to plan out the next Hellfire Club event. A spring festival partnering with the Botanic Gardens during cherry blossom season.
Cast of Characters: Viola Fiore, Elektra Natchios, Sebastian Shaw

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola was looking forward to today. A chance to meet with two of the directors of the Hellfire Club for a planning session. Viola knew they wanted to see a second event from her before deciding if they wanted to bring her on in a continuing role doing event planning for the club. So far the President's schedule had not worked out for the party for Lex Luthor. And so today would be a chance to go over some other options she could work on.

The young Columbia grad shows up a few minutes early, making sure the conference room has water, drinks and anything else they could need. But with the quality of the staff there, she needn't have bothered. Viola takes a seat, turning on her tablet and getting it set up so some things she's prepared are ready to pull up on short notice, her tablet paired with the video screens.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Making her way in from one of the side entrances comes Elektra, the woman dressed in one of her usual long gowns, the side cut to show some leg and she elegantly trailing towards one of the seats. "Good evening, Viola." the assassin offers with a brief nod of her head. She isn't carrying anything with her, Viola having been the one assigned to carry all the tech. Lucky her!

"Running in early I see." A faint smile to her lips. A glance about and then she asks. "Will Mr. Shaw be joining us tonight?" she sits down, one leg crossing over the other and she drawing some hair out of her face. "And how have you been doing?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
He is running a little behind today, but Shaw walks through the door to the conference room, talking into his cellphone, "No, not now. We have to wait and see with what is happening with the....situation happening with that other group." He says, giving the two women a wave, and then he finishes his conversation, "I have to go, I have a meeting. I'll call after this. Bye." He hangs up his phone and then makes his way to the minibar.

"My apologies to the both of you. I did not expect that call to go so long. Ms. Fiore, Ms. Natchios, I presume you both have met, correct?" He asks, and then adds, "Would either of you like a drink?" as he starts to pour himself one containing gin and tonic, and...that's about it.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola looks up and flashes Elektra a warm smile. "Good evening," she replies back. "Yes, just wanted to make sure I had everything prepared," she replies. "I believe he was planning on attending, though I don't know how-" Viola is starting to reply about the odds of Sebastian Shaw joining them, but then he is walking in the room while on the phone.

She waits until he is off to not interrupt his call before responding to Elektra, "And I've been very well. Excited for the opportunity to work with the Club here again," she says before turning to flash her smile of greeting to Sebastian Shaw. "No apologies needed sir," she says. "Yes, we have talked a couple of times. We actually met before my involvement with the Club," she explains. "I'm fine with just water," she tells him.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Speak of the devil, mmm?" Elektra's expression turning to one of amusement when Shaw makes his way in. She folds her arms over her lap in a relaxed manner, back straight, "Welcome, Mr. Shaw. Right on time." she says, "As expected." though at the offer for a drink she dips her head, "A martini if you please."

Her attention goes back to Viola, dark eyes looking her over, "We did." she confirms about them meeting before. "A fortuitous meeting at a spa."

"I am glad you are well, and we have enjoyed your help here at the club, as I am sure Mr. Shaw has told you already." a look to the man. "Or at least I do hope he has."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I am sad I was not invited to that meeting, this seems like it will be far less exciting." Shaw comments from where he is busy getting drinks. He pulls out a bottle of water for Vi, and tosses it underhand to her, "You're easy, and, of course I have let her know how extremely valuable we find her services," he says to Elektra, before he smirks a bit at her drink order, "Always like to be difficult..."

He takes a few minutes getting together the ingredients for the martini, and asks, "Dry?" before he starts the meeting, "So, what are you thinking for our next event Ms. Fiore?" He is a passable bartender, when given enough time to make the drink requested, and he takes his time putting together the martini.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore catches the bottle of water. "The massages definitely did make it a good way to meet. Though probably more difficult to focus on accomplishing things," she tells them with a soft chuckle. She opens up the bottle and sets it on the table near her tablet. "Thank you both, I do appreciate it. This has been a wonderful and eye-opening experience for me," she says.

As Sebastian brings up the subject for the meeting, Viola puts a list of dates up on the video screen. "There aren't too many particularly noteworthy days in April now that we're past Easter," she says. "Not until Cinco de Mayo, and I don't know if that is the holiday you'd aim for with the club," she says.

Viola brings up another set of ideas alongside of it. "There are a number of charities, any of which could be the focus of an event and bring the Club some good press," she says. "Or a more general, Spring Festival or Festivus sort of event of course. Or we could do something that ties into cherry blossom season, perhaps something with the Botanic Garden," she suggests.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The question about whether dry or not is received with a nod from Elektra. "Dry." is the response before the quirk of a brow, a smirk appearing on her features. "What's life without some challenges and difficulties, mmm?" even if they come in the form of preparing a martini!

Attention then goes to the video screen, considering it. "Most likely not." this about the Cinco de Mayo. A fingertip goes up and she taps on her chin repeatedly, "It all depends on where we would want to focus. Good publicity is always a good thing. And depending on the charities chosen it could help in mending some fences." a look given to Sebastian. A meaningful one, before she looks back to Vi, brows furrowing. "Tell me more about your idea for the cherry blossom season." she then inquires, leaning forward.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I like the idea of partnering with the Botanical Garden for a charity event. The last time we held an event there were those who felt it would have done better to be for charity." Shaw replies as he finishes Elektra's martini. He walks it over to her, and then sets it before her, murmuring something in her ear for half a second, before he straightens up and walks over to where he left his drink.

"Perhaps a generic Spring festival would be fine in the next week or so? A spring fling?" He asks, as he moves to take a chair between the two women, and then he has a sip of his own drink, "A dance to benefit...whichever charity we choose. Might bring out some new potential clients if we don't put it in the club, those who are put off by our...reputation."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola listens to their comments and then brings up a document that she'd prepared in advance apparently, as answer to Elektra's question. "Of course the cherry blossoms would be the theme then. A line of them at the entrance, with enough blossoms already on the ground to blanket it. Not the cheapest, but I checked availability and if we have sufficient lead time we should be able to transform the front of the Club, as well as perhaps the west courtyard into a cherry blossom forest," she says.

She pulls up drawings she's made of various spots in the club, showing the cherry trees and also then things like placement of bars and other amenities. "I figure an outdoor affair. If it turns out to rain that night we have a cover made to stretch between the wings on either side of the courtyard to shelter it. And that would be reusable for future events, so a one time expense but providing a lot of flexibility for outdoor affairs," she says.

More of the presentation shown. "The courtyard leads into... the more private areas where members, or those you wish to court, can be entertained in manners they might wish," she says, the young woman clearly understanding the nature to which the club is sometimes employed by its members. "Donations would be the largest part of the fund raiser. We could also have a silent auction, those tend to work well without interfering with the event. Another option would be a bachelor auction. Which, actually could be an entirely separate event theme. I'd suggest leaving it for its own event when we don't have something like the cherry blossoms to use as a theme."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw looks over the document that Viola brings up on the screen, "That would be rather beautiful," he comments about the cherry blossom forest in the courtyard. The man watches her presentation, and then says, "I think the idea of a silent auction works well for this event, whereas the bachelor auction may be something for our more...adult clients." He takes another sip of his drink, and then asks, "Do you have a specific date in mind?" A glance is given to Elektra who, for now, seems to have fallen silent. Either that or he's poisoned her accidentally with the martini.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra lifts her glass up in a salute back to Sebastian and whatever he whispered at her, continuing with the smirk on her lips and taking a brief sip. She does nod her approval of the preparation before her attention goes to the matter at hand, "The problem we doing generic, Mr. Shaw, is that it's not exactly our way of doing things. We never do things generically, do we?" she considers, lips pursed together and she looking towards Viola.

"I like the idea of a silent auction. Something to peek the interest of our guests while contributing to charity at the same time."

"And yes, about the bachelor auction. It seems something for another occasion indeed."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola pulls up a list of dates, and then alongside of it other events and happening that might cause conflicts among the jet set who are the Hellfire Club's primary members. "I'd suggest Saturday, April 24," she says. "It is difficult to predict weather out that far, but it is more often than not a nice time of year in this area. Start it early enough the setting sun can fall on the cherry trees we'll bring in. Start with the auction and then have dancing later at night. As you can see from the drawings," she says, pulling up another, "We can extend lights overhead after it gets dark, to where they likely won't be noticed until we light them up, creating a starfield above for dancing into the evening," she says.