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Latest revision as of 00:32, 16 April 2021

Green With Pymmy
Date of Scene: 19 February 2021
Location: Hank Pym's getaway cabin in the Microverse.
Synopsis: A peaceful time was had by all for now.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Joan Wright, Wally West

Hank Pym has posed:
It's a lovely dawn on the Microworld without a name yet. The sunrise is all the more beautiful as the sun resembles a benzene ring. It's a little cold and Hank has donned his coat while he sits contemplating on the roof of his cabin. In his hand he holds his seldom smoked pipe, which he knocks against the heel of his boot and stores it. He probably should get to work on breakfast on this lovely world far from problems. Yes for all he knows hunger can trigger a transformation in Bruce and then hoo boy! Pancakes. Yes. No one can be angry if given sufficient pancakes! He hops off the roof, boot jet's flaring a moment and enters the cabin. "Joan? Bruce? Breakfast in fifteen."

Bruce Banner has posed:
Quiet. Sleep. Nobody doing anything dumb. All good things. The power of the Hulk is abated and that's never a bad thing. Who knows about the hungry really? He stirs a little at the call from Hank to get up. He doesn't stir much at first, but he at least acknowledges with a low grubling sound that isn't Hulk like.

Joan Wright has posed:
It is a lovely morning indeed. With most of Microyesterday spent working on the microkitchen, this microJoan ended up resting rather well. It made no sense to have Hank take her back so late in the evening that she opted to just wait until everyone was better rested.

And the reward appears to be pancakes. Oooh. No matter how they are made they can't be any worse than the ones she makes.

In the microwave.

Fifteen minutes. So time for another glance out the window to enjoy the scenery.

Wally West has posed:
Being The Fastest Man Alive (TM) leaves surprisingly little time to relax. The thing about being able to be just about anywhere in 15 minutes is that people will expect you to be everywhere. Hank Pym told him that hours in the regular world would feel like days down here, and thats all he needed to here. The world could spare The Flash (TM) for an hour or two right?

Wally wakes up this morning to an unusual smell... Someone else cooking! Normally in Wally's home he is the first one up. Super speed means that he technically can get away with an hour or two of sleep a night, and that he often has to, because he wakes up with a hungry stomache after that long.

"Good morning Hank. Good morning Joan. Is Bruce up yet?" He grins "Hey its my favorite! Food I don't have to cook!"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym goes in the cupboard and finds the chocolate chips unerringly (he just stocked the cabin). He also spots a container of raisins and set that out as well for later. Maybe make some muffins. Cooking is biochemistry and multi-tasking. Hank is good at both. He does use graduated cylinders and mix things very precisely but he is a good cook. Any man who married Janet van Dyne looking like that and expected her to cook was a fucking idiot. In no time at all he has two burners going under the griddle and is flipping pancakes. Joan did a good job on the kitchen.

When Wally enters he answers, "I believe in letting sleeping dogs and Hulks lie. He should be coming around. I started coffee. Get it yourselves. I'm busy." He times the pancakes precisely and begins plating them.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Eventually, hearing voices and smelling pancakes is enough to raise the good doctor. He yawns and stretches before staggering in with the rest of them,"Morning." he mutters softly. It's at least a clear and understandable word from the not quite awake Banner. He moves towards the smell of warm food and coffee if it's there.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks away from the window to step towards the kitchen and towards another round of greetings. "Good morning Wally." As she reaches the kitchen, she pauses in the doorway, closing her eyes and taking in the smells. "Mmm. Homemade. This is a treat." She comments, indirectly agreeing with Wally in the process. "How's the kitchen, Dr. Pym?"

As the other sleepy doc comes in with a greeting, Joan turns to him, smiling. "Good morning, Dr. Banner. Sleep well?"

Wally West has posed:
Wally doesn't need coffee. Anyone who has seen Wally with caffiene in him knows this. Its not a long term thing -- The effect is over quite quickly, but it is dramatic while it lasts.

He addresses Joan -- "Did you sleep well?" Oh great. Wally is a morning person. He would say something about the coffee, but in his experience people don't appreciate that level of pep this early. "Don't worry Bruce, there'll be some for you." He gets the beleaguered scientist a mug of coffee as black as night. "I am sure there is cream and sugar somewhere if you need it."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sits down. "If the beast shows up, he gets pancakes too. I mean he's screwed. No one to fight. We'll let him alone. Let him sulk, throw a fit. Whatever. Those military types... they're just trying to increase their budgets fighting Hulk. Hmmm, I should turn this into a bed and breakfast for supers... except I like it just like this. I understand Nadia built herself an entire lab in another Microworld. I haven't been to it. Hope she's getting enough sleep."

Bruce Banner has posed:
There is a soft mumble/groan sound that is likely connected to not being terribly active. Banner nods to Joan and replies softly,"Better than I have for a while." He takes the magic black brew from Wally and nods,"Thank you." His attention moves to Hank and he nods,"This place has a lot of potential really. It would be tempting to not go back really. Quiet appeals to man and beast. If there isn't anyone to fight he'll settle down pretty quickly. All the other guy wants is to be left alone, in peace." He takes a drink of the steaming black coffee,"I haven't talked to Nadia for a while. I should do that."

Joan Wright has posed:
"Yes I did." Joan answers Wally, "It was nice to sleep in." At the mention of the unknown whereabouts of the cream and sugar, her head tilts a bit to glimpse the countertops to see if Hank may have put some out in plain sight. The perfect hiding spot. "Hmm. Do you need cream or sugar for your coffee, Dr. Ba-?"

She stops as she sees the doctor taking a sip. "Guess not." Search mission cancelled. She nods, walking over to prepare her own cup of coffee. Sugar and Cream not necessary for the process either. "It is good to have some place where you can just relax and gather your thoughts." She comments, "I have a whole room in my house just for that purpose. Doesn't look at all like the rest of the house because of all the LEGOs."

Wally West has posed:
Wally agrees with Banner about the appeal of this Micro World. "I know what you mean, its super relaxing here. The whole world literally slows down. If you were going to start a BnB here, you could put that in the brochure."

"Are there towns in this microverse? I wonder if you can get groceries from the locals. That would help with setting it up."

He chuckles at Joans comment about her thinking room. "I used to love legos. These days I step on them more than play with them."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods to Bruce and then looks away a little downcast apparently. "Mmm sorry all. Apparently I can't leave my problems behind. Why don't you finish up? I'm going to head outside and watch the rest of the sunrise. It's like a chem lesson." He gets and walks out. Outside Hank does light up, filling the air with maple scented pipe smoke. He buries his hands in his pockets and looks up at the sky, puffing slowly.

Joan Wright has posed:
"I still play with them." Joan replies unapologetically. "Get called in on your weekend off to repair three libraries. Go home, throw the Taj Mahal on to the floor and rebuild it." She lifts up her mug, "Almost six thousand pieces. Cathardic and relaxing in one go." She pauses to take a sip. "They're also good tools for practice."

The mug lowers as Hank starts to head out, frowning a little before looking to the plates of pancakes on the counter. "...Did he get himself pancakes?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Banner offers Joan a polite nod of thanks when she offers him the cream and sugar, but opts for the purest form. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. He looks at Hank curiously, but doesn't try to join him on the walk. There is something to be said for quiet sunrises.

Instead, he takes a seat and rests his arms on the nearest surface. Taking a deep breath in, he exhales slowly,"Slowing the world down." he agrees. Considering a moment longer he smirks,"There is nothing like Legos. Hours of fun at a time there wasn't a lot."

Wally West has posed:
"A chemical sunrise sounds cool, but I want to eat at regular speed. Choices." He shakes his head. Having the choice to use super speed means that you often feel forced to use it. This is less extreme than most of thos cases. Knowing that they may not have access to a city's worth of food is enough excuse for Wally. He takes his time and tastes the syrup.

"I have had a very different experience with LEGO than you folks. I only got access to them at school and stuff like that. 6000 pieces is extravegance to me. I used to use the 2x4 and 2x2 bricks to make a little man, and I had to be happy with that half the time." He sighs. He imagines himself as an old man shouting at kids from his porch and saying all kind of ridiculous 'back in my day's.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym ponders a moment longer before removing a bottle of medication from his pocket. "Aripiprazol," he pronounces slowly. "Maybe just once. The depression cycle is pretty bad this time. The natural properties of this world could let me take this without ill effects? I mean it can't shrink my nerves and cause those seizures here. This is as small as I go. But one isn't enough. You need weeks of this to make a difference. Oh Hank... what are you doing? Carrying this bottle around when you quit the stuff?" He slowly puts the bottle back in his coat.

"The problem is... I take those and I feel nothing. Even at my lowest there are slivers of joy to be found. This place is beautiful but there's is no purpose here and purpose and function have a beauty all their own,"

Joan Wright has posed:
"And plenty of time here to play with them." Joan responds, returning Bruce's smirk.

As Wally brings up the state of his LEGO exposure growing up, her smirk fades as she leans back against the counter again. "For me it's more of an investment. Something started up when my abilities first manfested. My parents found LEGOs to be a safe, and honestly entertaining, way for me to better work on my control."