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Fortune and Glory: The End
Date of Scene: 28 March 2021
Location: Nazca Lines, Peru
Synopsis: The Nazca cartel is destroyed. Cinque takes a lot of their money. Bane takes the rest. Jovian takes enough evidence to put them out of business around the world and gives credit to the Peruvian police and SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Bane, Cinque Evers

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian has done a lot of investigation and finally obtained the blueprints to the compound. He carefully studied it and spread the information to Lara, Cinque and Bane with Lara taking some background logistics work to help since the search for SHIELD and a lesser extent WAND had many folks keeping a low profile. As it was, the group found themselves on a series of transports with mercinaries, peruvian law enforcement, WAND, a few bold SHIELD agents, and anyone Cinque and Bane choose to bring along. The only road in winds through the mountains in a perilous and highly ambushable path but they are nearly there.

"We have almost enough evidence to put them away for good, we just need to get the complete files in the central office." He looks at Bane, "Whic coincidentally will also be highly useful to your own...ambitions." Jovian has learned about Bane in their interactions and has zero doubt that his organization will look to corner any market left behind by the cartel. The market is the market and while he doesnt like it he has no delusions organized crime will go away.

Bane has posed:
"Business and some gold to boot, A good day at the office wouldn't you think?" Bane says snarkily. "but on a serious note you're in my terriotory now. Latin America is my stomping grounds, Revolutions, Cartels, insurrections I have a hand in all of it south of the us border so Follow my Lead if you don't want to end up on the latest leaked video of cartel executions."

Cinque Evers has posed:
Casually looks at the different law enforcement gathered on this trip and grinds his teeth in mild frustration, "So what is the actually rules of engagement for this little soiree. I don't want to end up in Peruvian jail or worse for defending myself." Oletha thinks to himself oO0 "Or given them the justice that they truly deserve." 0Oo

Oletha didn't bring anyone along with him, but he did make sure that had out of way to be smuggled out of the country if things went bad.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian says, "Officially or unofficially? Officially, the only legit law enforcement here is the Peruvian state police and they want credit. After that, dont do anything that is going to get caught on camera and make them look bad. SHIELD and WAND want to keep as low profile as we do, but this is too good a chance to remove the people behind these treasure hunts not to work with this...unusual coalition.

Remarkably, the narrow canyon the group drives through does NOT lead to an ambush with a wide narrow valley stretching out below. The compound in question starts to have lights come on as the sun sets in the west. The element of surprise is, apparently lost with hoards."

Bane has posed:
"Plata o plomo, I see you decided to go with Plata, understandable for visitors like you generally acquiescing to local law enforcment thugs is generally the easier and smarter move. but Bane prefers to choose plomo and let the chips fall where they may. Those thugs will get no credit, neither will I but I'll be damned if some random cops will take credit for anything we do here."

As they drive in the dark Bane is calm. Like he said this is his stomping grounds. He has people in the shadows. If things get ugly He can get away and leave a deep wound on the Nazca cartel.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian chuckles, understanding enough of the local language to get the saying. He doesnt agree with Bane but isnt putting a rock up a hill to try to stop him from being...well...Bane. Jovian has ways of getting away himself but rifle fire from the compound cuases the transports to move faster as Jovian himself takes out a pair of pistols running down the steep hill at an accelerated rate.

Bane has posed:
Bane Strapped up with various League standard weapons and with a desert eagle with an extended magazine as a side arm and a semi auto tacticle shot gun. He goes follows Jovian as he descends in.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The rifle fire turns into machine gun fire as the range becomes more of an issue. The soldiers and other individuals fan out as it becomes apparent there are only two machine guns with the cartel but the occult nature of the cartel becomes more apparent as dozens of whisps, electrical and about the size of a pineapple sear up into the sky unleashing small jolts of lightning on the attackers. A single bolo made of darkness dispatches one as he runs to the outer chainlink fence and scales it.

Cinque Evers has posed:
During most situations Oletha likes to give people the chance to surrender, before he fires on them. There are those deliciously dire situations in which people have forfeited their chance at this nicety. An example is when being fired upon by machine guns and occult weaponry. When Oletha notices that law enforcement being brought down at they try to scale the outer link fence, he decides the best strategy is to prevent more casualities attempting the same manuever.

Oletha starts hurling concussive bombs at the chainlink fence at different areas to create bigger enough holes for the group to get through, and allow them to still manuever against the machine gun fire.

Bane has posed:
Bane Maneuvers into shotgun range of one of the people firing at them and a loud shot rings out and the cartel gunman's head is a spray of red mist. "Estabas hablando un monton de mierda para alquien en el rango de martillo"(you were talking a lot of shit for someone in hammer range)

Bane then starts sneaking towards the machine gun's position.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian suddenly likes the shotgun idea and wishes he had brought one but shoots one handed at them while tossing bolo after bolo at the mercinaries that attack them as they land on other side of the fence. The large compound has a number of army style buildings from the 1950's that have been patch worked to hades and back with the whisps slowly taking down some of the men and gunfire and shot gun blasts taking out more of them.

The blueprints showed an underground compound in the center of the complex in an elevator in the middle. The main plan had always been understood that most of them would provide cover fire and take on the barracks while Bane, Cinque and Jovian went in first with the others moving in behind thereafter. The sun has set over the ridge of the mountains casting dark shadows over the valley causing floodlights around the fences to come on only to be shot out one by one with the only light coming from night vision and tracer fire.

Bane has posed:
Bane manages to take out a machine gunner with a throwing knife firmly sunk into their neck. and bane disappears into the shadows away from the gun fire and magic. He quickly is behind Jovian. "it is frusting that you have the blue prints and not I but I understand your heistance to trust me."

Cinque Evers has posed:
After making his way though one of the holes in the chainlink fence, Oletha turns to the second issue that cause the death of the person trying to scale the fence, the whisps. Oletha puts on his infrared binnoculars as he switches the ammo in his gun to armor piercing bullets. It doesn't take him long to track each of the wisps with his powers and to have their location locked into his memory. Perhaps had he face this elementals before his fight with the imps at the library their powers might give Oletha pause, instead there are just people within range of his accuracy. Oletha quickdraws his Navy Colts, and keeps firing on the elementals to he brings them down.

Once the wisps are down, he quickly moves to catch up with the others.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The whisps are quite easy to target when they are tracked unto themselves. They flicker out like snuffed candles. The firefight with the mercinaries and now cartel members is a brutal one from building to building. The occult practitioners begin throwing blasts of witch fire themselves, five of them, bolo'd to unconciousness by a conjured bolo from Bolo's hand.

He makes it to the elevator and enters the access code. It arrives with a DING and Bolo gets in, firing as he does waiting for Bane and Cinque to arrive before it rapidly descends into the Earth.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Of course, Oletha has the blueprints memorized already, so navigating the towards the elevator is not that difficult. The difficult part is the firefight itself. Oletha takes cover behind a wall as he fires down on the mercenaries. He is trying to save on ammo, so he makes sure that each of his shot bring down the mercenaries. When he is able to surprise a mercenary, he guts them with a bowie knife. By the time that he reaches the elevator, he is already covered in the blood and parts of his enemies' organs. Oletha lets out a frustrated sigh as he fires on another mercenary as he looks at Bolo, "Oh yeah, I am taking some souvenirs to make up for this shit!"

Bane has posed:
As soon as they are secure in the elevator, Bane utters into his coms "Alqada' ealayhim"(eliminate them) and suddenly no more noice can be heard coming from the outside of the building. The guns and magic and bombs go eeriely quiet. "That's better." Bane says not bothering to explain that his assassins have swiftly and steathily murdered everyone outside.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The doors open up to a vast open warehouse full of occult materials. Jovian immediately tosses a real grenade shattering some of them, moving up and in to the building with an office in the corner. Jovian runs right through two of them shooting odd green fire from their fingertips, briefly turning into a shadow before returning to solid form before them.

There are a few mercs inside, much better shots than the others but the whole thing is a maze of crates with many shadows and crevices for cover in the dim florescent light under the ground.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Decides to take the left into the maxe of crates. He decides on the cautious approach as he navigates through the maze. He is making good progress, but after getting dropped on two mercenaries his Colts need to recharge. Oletha bites his lip, "Feck!" Oletha pulls out his knife knowing this is really going to slow him down until his guns recharge.

Bane has posed:
Bane decides the smartest rat int the maze is the one who goes over the walls. He climbs up on the crates his pistol at the ready and jumping from crate to crate surveying the whole warehouse as he goes.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The fighting is vicious. This is the final stand of the cartel and they know it. They have gotten away with stealth up until this point and between Cinque's raw skill and Bane's force of nature they are slowly retreating. They have a way out but it will destroy the material in this room and set them back for years. They keep waiting for the man in the warehouse to bail them out but he isnt.

Bane's moving over the crates shakes them greatly and they start focusing more on him which gives Cinque the time he needs to get a recharge.

Jovian enters the office and fines the nominal head of the cartel doing lines of ...something as he looks at Jovian. "So, the deal is finally up is it?"


He looks shocked, "You mean...they DID NOT send you?"

"Who is Th-"

Jovian doesnt finish the sentance as the man rages and tosses the desk at him, causing Jovian to phase out as a desk leaves a vast hole in the side of the office.

Cinque Evers has posed:
While one of the occult members is firing on Bane, Oletha is able to sneak up them and slit their with his bowie knife. Another mecernary gets a masterclass lesson in Oletha's dirtyfighting style, when he kicks several times in the balls. When the mercenary bends over to cover himself from the pain, Oletha stabs in the back of his neck and twists the blade.

When Oletha's guns fire charge, he was able to bring down another weapon. When he emerges from the maze, he see the hole in the office. "Feck! Why can't the final guy ever be like some asthmatic with a limp!"

Bane has posed:
Well placed 50 caliber bullets means that Bane is one shot, one kill. Bane draws attention but that only leads to more people to take shots at him only to find themselves on the receiving end of a 50 calibur round. "move to the office. Now I will join when I can"

Bane then drops down from the crates reloads his desert eagle and decides to go on a more proactive hunt.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The men begin to fall, one by one. The two of them are deadly and though these are the most compotent the cartel has to offer they are not expecting this kind of a fight. Two try to attack Cinque at once, unleashing paired force bolts right before he reaches the office but neither are unstoppable.

At this point they begin to coordinate and try to focus their attack on Bane. This likely wont do much good but there are a good seven of them remaining and they do have mid level skills. They try to coordinate their attack and anticipate where he will be.

Jovian shoots a bolo at the boss who flexes and gets out of it. Trying a different tactic, Jovian flash bangs him and heads for the file cabinet behind him.

Bane has posed:
For such a large man he is very adept at disappearing into the shadows. The Gunmen are skilled and trying to cordinate. but the moment one can be singled out the thundering loud crack of the desert eagle and a thud of a body hitting the ground and one is down and bane is no where to be seen. and over the next few minutes this happens again and again till you hear the scream of the last one and one final thunder clap.

Bane then calmly makes his way to the office to see that is going on.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Like one of his gunslingers in his favorite movies, he has two guns for each of the occult members. Oletha's doesn't have superfast reflexes, but he is able to process things way faster than the most people on Earth which makes time seem slower. He also is able to make superfast calculations too. Given all the known variables, Oletha decides the highest percentage of survival comes would be achieved by firing, while jumping backwards. Oletha fires incindary rounds at the two occult members as Oletha's jump causes him to hit the back of the crate. His calculation was slightly off, because one of the force bolts still graze him stunning him for a moment.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The stunning of Cinque doesnt help the first attacker going down with a bullet to the forehead or another in the chest but still living. It breaks them, and destruction or no, the remaining 2nd in command heads for the hidden exit. He is done.

A few spot this, combined with Bane's casual slaying of two of their numbmer makes it difficult to maintain morale, and they scatter. On arrival at the office, Jovian opens the file cabinet and takes out the thumb drive. It's theoretically done. The cartel keeps coming back and back and back but with this they wont. That doesnt change the fact that the leader looms up over Jovian gun with magic bullets in hand, "Phase through this bicho..." and aims the gun only for Bane to quietly move like liquid death looming over him.

Bane has posed:
Bane causally grabs the man's skull with both hands. Squeezing it then pulling it apart with his emmense strength. Popping his eyeballs and splitting his skull apart roughly down the middle. "Do we have what we need yet?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Get up!" Oletha shouts to himself to clear the cobwebs as he makes his way towards the office. Oletha scans the office for any more information that might point to what this is all about. Oletha performs his version of biblical justice and gets on the computer. He pulls out a device to help him with his hack until he founds some financial accounts, and begins to transform the groups money into different charities, then into several private accounts. He takes out his hacking device and saves the accounts on two thumb drives.

Oletha rapidly searches through computer for the files showing the inventory of the crates that are currently in the warehouse, and picks out one container with different ancient African artifacts. Oletha stands up and leaves the two thumb drives on the desk, "This got some accounts on it that transferred money to. It is untraceable. You can take the money or not. I am taking my share." Oletha walks out of the office, "There is a crate with some interesting items that I would like to know about, so I am collecting that too."

Oletha rubs his finger across the brim of his hat as he says. "It is been fun, gents. Let me know if you need my help. Just put out word on the New York streets, I am bound to hear it."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The group escapes but as they do the self destruct is disarmed and they are arrested on the surface. Bane is able to succesfully crush the mans head though not before he fires a single shot at Jovian clipping his shoulder, AGAIN as he doesnt become a shadow in time. The money is shifted and Jovian shakes his head, "Sometimes I am willing to take the spoils of war but not these assholes, not after that treasure hunt." HE leaves it where Bane can easily find it. He can't in good concious GIVE it to Bane but the man did help...Jovian takes the evidence and heads out, "It was good working with both of you, thank you for your help."

Bane has posed:
Bane's men soon move in and take all the treasure and product the cartel had.