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Latest revision as of 03:13, 7 March 2020

Welcome Back, Thor
Date of Scene: 20 February 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Back Yard
Synopsis: Thor returns to Avenger's Mansion from Asgard
Cast of Characters: Thor, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff

Thor has posed:
    The Avengers mansion provides a safety and seclusion for people who rarely can find such. It is at times a bastion of peace that grants those fine worthies who call it if not home then a shelter or steadfast. It is in some ways a testament to not just peace and order with the precisely tended to hedge-work and grounds-keeping, but an entreaty for the future with those brilliant statues seemingly looking off into days to come and offering their protection to this world.
    It is no wonder it is so frequently visited, a steady flow of tourists and sightseers looking on from the sidewalks and the cottage industry of the higher floors of buildings nearby that allow some to gaze down upon that manor from high above. Usually it is quiet, sometimes a quinjet takes off, other times the garage door or underground ramp deploys to allow a vehicle to roll forth. But sometimes, now and again, the crowd gets a treat, such as now.
    For it is in this moment when the clouds above swirl slowly into a twisting whorl so high above. There's a subtle darkening to their mass, a flicker of energy across the skyline. And then accompanied by the gasps and cries of the crowd, a brilliant rainbow light /slashes/ through that whorl of clouds flashing down... down upon that immaculate lawn of the backyard. A brilliant blazing series of runes blasted into the ground with an energy that has burned from one end of the galaxy to another.
    It is from within that swirl of power that a lone figure emerges, hammer held in hand and flipped lightly into the air as he appears. Golden, armored, and brilliant with a smile as in his other hand is an apple that he takes a bite out of rather pleased with himself. Then the words offered upwards by a loud bombastic voice.
    "Thank you, Heimdall!"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint had been napping when the clouds darkened and rainbow hued light poured from the sky to deposit Thor on the Avenger's front lawn.

Starting awake in his chair, Clint runs to the window, like the guy in 'Twas a Night Before Christmas'. Peering out the window he breathes a sigh of relief to see Thor, the sliding the lock of the window, he opens it leaning out to look up at the sky as Thor does, "Aim for outside Tony's room next time!" he calls mostly for the fun of it before turning to look down at Thor.

"Welcome back, hope the entrance was for show and not on account of some 'grim tidings' or whatever Lord of the Rings-y thing you'd call trouble," the question is delivered with a grin though, taking the bite from the words.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is in the kitchen. She's just gotten herself a small ice cream cone. Mint chocolate chip. She had to peer about for Pietro first. He knows her sweet tooth, and while she works out hard and stays fit, the frosty treat is liable to garner a "moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips" comment if it is seen.

Wanda looks upwards, her mystical senses piqued by the incoming rush of Asgardian magic. She turns to walk outside through a back door. She's not the only one. Willy, the Avenger's Mansion groundskeeper must have seen the flash of light. The man of Scottish descent heads outside too, wearing a brown golf cap which he plucks off his head and throws onto the ground as he sees Thor standing on the grass with the big runemarks burned into the plant-life.

"Fur Christ's sake. There's pavement right thar ye cooldnae ha'e landed on!?" he exclaims, pointing to the paved area about 20 feet away from Thor. Willy kicks his cap and storms off to get fertilizer and a hose.

Wanda does her best to hold her smile until Willy is gone. She walks over to the Thunder God. "Good to have you back," she tells him, her lips quirked with her grin. Wanda turns and smiles towards Clint, waving towards him. "You need a SHIELD spotlight to compete with him, Clint."

Thor has posed:
    "Barton!" Thor's voice is rich as he shouts back, filled with enthusiasm and warmth as he hollars. "My mood is such that I am even pleased to see a villain such as you!" He chides with that wry grin settled on the tall man's features, even as he takes another bite of his apple and starts to walk forward. The sizzled and crisped grass under foot crunches with each step as he advances. Another meaty bite of the apple is taken and then with an almost casual abandon tosses it over his shoulder.
    "I bear tidings, aye. Grim or otherwise is for..."
    But that is the moment when poor set upon Willy advances, snapping and snarling as only a true Scotsman can. At least the Thunderer has the decency to look chagrined. "Forgive me, good William." The groundskeeper is already stalking off, "It was due to the alignment of the. Stars. And the celestial bodies of the..."
    It's only when Willy is sufficiently away that Thor says sidelong to Wanda, doing his best 'subtle' look. "Tis good to be back, Wanda." That said he turns to her, Mjolnir on his belt now and both hands upon her shoulders. He turns her this way, that, then smiles into her eyes. "You look well, it is good to see you." And then the embrace! Three seconds, light patting, then back again at arm's length. "Very well indeed."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is no match for the tidal wave of enthusiasm that is Thor and his grin grows a little wider for it, "Yeah, yeah, just get your Asgardian ass in here before Willy puts his foot in it," he calls down to the Prince of Asgard before leaving the window and heading downstairs to greet the man properly, arriving at the top of the stairs for Wanda hug time, and chuckly wryly and slowing his pace down the stairs to keep out of Asgardian hug range.

"Hey you better watch out big guy she's putting together a list of people she's intending to blast," Clint says with a wink for Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's ice cream cone is swung wide, anticipating the hearty shoulder grab, hug, and light patting that commences. She grins to Thor and says, "Thank you very much. Always good to have you back with us. Will you be staying long this time?" she asks. She'll turn towards the mansion, slipping an arm about Thor's back to walk with him towards the mansion at his side, if allowed.

"Oh, Clint's just getting himself in hot water," she says of her Blast List, the Scarlet Witch's lips turning up in a wry smile. She leans closer to Thor. "Though, also doing a good job of getting out of it," she whispers, "But don't tell him I said that." She takes a little nibble of her ice cream cone before asking in a normal tone of voice. "And how fares Asgard?""

Thor has posed:
    At the mention of Willie, even as the poor Scotsman is rushing off to gather his equipment, Thor gives a solemn nod toward the man in the upstairs window. "Methinks you have the grasp of it." Thor starts to move toward the door once again, but then... almost thoughtfully, he turns and half walks half jogs back to pick up his apple rind. Just so the groundskeeper doesn't have to deal with that too.
    Advancing now with Wanda at his side, Thor tells her openly. "I am here for good. Or until some task draws me away. But I have such plans, Wanda." He lightly tries to slap off a bit of the dirt and grime from the apple, as if pondering another bite. He does not.
    To the back door he arrives, arm in arm with the First Lady of Chaos, and pulls it open and holds it for Wanda to precede him. Even as she'll feel the subtle flare of energy from the hammer at the Thunderer's hip, that whisper of power as a silvery flame flickers across the tall man's broad-shouldered form. Where that flame touches it leaves behind it no longer the brilliant armor and accoutrements of Asgard, but instead what has been deemed suitable for his time on Midgard.
    Much to Janet's chagrin.
    For he is once again in his jeans, and white sneakers, and the grey hoodie. Though his hair is still loose and free. "Asgard fares well. Though the shadow of Loki's efforts and their repercussions still echoes through our great halls. It sets me on edge even though I know he is secure in the dungeon depths."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint decends the rest of the way down the stairs as Thor and Wanda enter arm in arm, his brows raising at Thor's sudden wardrobe change. "Neat trick," he comments. "Can you put a JVD logo on that gear, Jan would love it," he says with a straight face.

Though as the topic turns to Clint's least favourite Asgardian the archer's the striaght face becomes a bit more grim, "Secure, that's good news, I hope there's lots and lots of chains, maybe some sharks." Yeah, not a big fan of Loki.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives a slow nod of her head. "That makes me feel better as well," she says after passing through the door which Thor holds for her. She gives a soft smile at Clint's comment about the logo. "Be careful or Janet will have you both walking a runway in a fashion show," she admonishes them in a warm voice.

Within the kitchen now, Wanda leans against one of the counters, taking another small bite of her ice cream. "Well, your room is ready and waiting for you, I'm sure. The staff probably heard your entry and went to bank a fire in it if I know them."

JARVIS's voice cuts in. "I have made that request, Wanda." Wanda smiles and offers a, "Thank you, JARVIS." She motions to Thor. "See? You've actually come during a kind of quiet week. For the Avengers at least. SHIELD seems to be getting the strangeness lately."

Thor has posed:
    The smile Clint is given then is one that has a touch of pain to it, for Thor knows what trials his brother put Hawkeye through. It is seen there in his eyes as he advances and with arms spread Clint likely can read the body language of the coming Warrior's Embrace! And there is likely little fighting it. Though it is friendly in its execution. It starts with the knowing nod, accompanied by the words, "I can never beg your forgiveness enough for what my brother put you through, good Clinton."
    And then he rest a hand on the other man's shoulder. "But know he is secure. His magic is taken from him. He is under watch. I hope it can at least bring you some small peace."
    That said he then pulls Clint into a rough embrace, this one heavier with the /thump thump thump/ hard on Clint's back as given between warriors. Then he leans back to look the other man in the eyes. A short sharp nod, as if to signify some bond formed. Then he thumps him on the shoulder again.
    And as quick as that he's walking again, finding the trash can with the toe of his sneaker and opening it to toss the apple away. "As for a logo, I am not sure if that would please Janet or not. At times I feel I choose appropriate clothing and that assuredly she will be pleased only for her not to be. Then at times when I feel I have clearly made a choice of utter madness, she feels it is brilliant. It is a conundrum." Says the man coming from the realm that loves gigantic horn helmets.
    Then back toward Wanda, "I am pleased. And tis always best when things are quiet. It shall give us time to catch up."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint can see the embrace coming but chooses not to try to duck out of the way, only grimace as he's crushed against Thor. "Hey man, it's on him not you," he says straining for breath. Set down he nods, "It does Thor, thanks, and sorry he's such a dick," which was putting it lightly for Thor's sake. "Can't be easy for you, but then we all know what brothers are like," he says with a glance back at Wanda. It was a common thread in the room, troublesome brothers.

Taking the second embrace better than the first Clint nods back, and even manages not to stumble when clapped on the shoulder.

"Hey you and me both," he says of fashion choices and Jan's approval. "Never know what's going to be Jan approved or not. Really ought to ask Cap for tips sometime," he says with a smile before glancing over at Wanda.

"Yeah, pretty quiet, and the SHIELD thing wasn't a big deal, just weird," he remarks as he hops up to sit on one of the kitchen counters.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff takes another bite of the ice cream while the boys embrace. "You know, there's a solution for that," Wanda comments to Thor of his fashion uncertainties when it comes to their resident fashionista. "Shopping spree. Go shopping with her and let her pick things out," she explains, in case the concept is not one that Asgardians embrace.

She pushes away from the counter she's been leaning against. "Yes. What /is/ it with brothers?" she asks in her softly accented English. "Sisters? Always wonderful people," she says, and already holding a shushing finger out towards Thor lest he bring up Hela. "ALWAYS wonderful," she repeats with a mock stern look for both men.

Wanda glances about and says, "Speaking of Steve, where is he? I haven't seen him a day or three. Is he about the mansion or off... SHIELDing?"

Thor has posed:
    Amongst the worthies there they truly did know the trials of dealing with siblings. And Thor, for his part, gives a knowing nod as Clint speaks of the past when they faced Loki. His answer, however, is merely just a nod and a solemn. "Indeed."
    But the topic shifts to the Winsome Wasp and Thor's eyes widen as he commiserates with Hawkeye, "And again, you have it by the tail. She is a most mercurial soul." And with that weighty condemnation there's a brief moment as the tall blond man blinks and chews on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully, then glances across the kitchen toward the hallway door. "She is not here is she?"
    Then he's walking toward the refrigerator in that lovely decorated and overstocked kitchen. As he passes the prep island there he sets Mjolnir down upon its surface with a faint /whom/ of power, leaving the Uru-Metal weapon sitting there with its haft aimed skyward and the leather strap twisted around.
    Then Wanda makes her offering of insight while Thor digs around in the fridge. "That sounds of a solution, Lady Maximoff, and yet I would argue it would be yet another trial best laid at the feet of an individual more... gifted than I. Ah!" The satisfied sound from him arrives as he apparently finds what he wants, a pair of bottles of beer retrieved as he straightens and offers one to either of them before he'll claim one for himself.
    "I have in the past tried to purchase something suitable. But I find I am most comfortable... thus." He gestures toward his current ensemble.

Clint Barton has posed:
"I'll take your word on it about sisters, never had one," Clint grins at Wanda. "But yeah, brothers."

Glad of the beer he takes it with a nod, "Thanks man," he say cracking it and taking a healthy swallow. It was good beer, but then it was the Avengers mansion it was always good beer, and just the thing to drown the thoughts of family problems.

"I dunno, man, I've heard about Jan's shopping sprees, they'd write songs about it back home for sure," he raises his hands dramatically. "Thor and the Perils of Fifth Avenue." He looks to Wanda, "Good ring to it right?"

As to the whereabouts where the Avenger's own power couple, Clint shakes his head, "I haven't seen Jan or Cap for a couple of days, so you're probably safe," he tells Thor. "But I'm sure they'll show up soone or later."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda passes on the beer, leaving the two bottles for the men to enjoy. She lets out a soft laugh. "I don't know. I'm just picturing Mjolnir-sized holes in the walls of Saks," she teases.

Wanda motions to Thor's clothing. "Wear what makes you happy. That's what I normally stick with," she says. And today she's doing just that. A long dark skirt, with tall boots beneath it, and a purple sweater that is such a deep color that it might be mistaken for black in lesser lightning. Her hair is currently worn in a braid down her back.

She looks back to Clint and tells him, "We may have to put together some kind of group outing now that Thor is back. What do they call them here? Team building? None of the...fall over backwards thing though. Maybe Broadway play? Or a cruise?"

Thor has posed:
    "I hope so," Thor says as he takes a drink from his own beer, now stepping to the side of the fridge and leaning there perpendicular to Clint, though his shoulders turned enough to include Wanda in their small social circle. "I have missed sharing words with the good Captain and the good lady Van Dyne."
    There's a moment as they'll likely see that rare look to the Thunderer, the wry smile, the mischievous tilt of features as he adds. "Just not those particular words about how I should focus more on my appearance for whatever reason." That said he takes another sip of beer and sets the bottle down beside him with a glassy clink.
    "An outing would be enjoyable." Thor says matter-of-factly, his blue eyes distancing curiously, but then his lip twists, "Though what place could hold us in our might?"
    A hand rests upon the bottle as he ponders, "I have been told there was a... a production of us on the avenue of Thespians. The Way of the Broad? But would that be distasteful to go and observe a show about ourselves?"
    He looks between the two of them, then pushes off the counter. "In any case, I shall leave the planning to you. For now I shall settle my quarters."

Clint Barton has posed:
"That'd be something to see," Clint says of the smashing of Saks pointing at Wanda with the neck of his bottle. "And yeah, what she says about the clothes, buddy," he says to Thor. "I mean look at me, I've been wearing jeans and a t-shirt steady since I joined the team. Do you man."

Clint laughs, "Broadway, Thor, Broadway, and yeah I heard about the Avengers play, reviews weren't horrible, what do you figure? Crash the show with the real thing and make the cast hate us?" he asks the pair of them, because what cast anywhere could stand up to the collective star power of even just Thor, Cap, Iron Man and the Wasp? "Could be fun," he says with a smile full of mischief.

Though when Thor gets ready to settle in he gives the man an upwards nod of his head. "Good to see you back man," he says. "Feels like the gang's all here now."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda draws a deep breath and lets out a sigh at the mention of the play. Her reluctance for being in the public eyes shows through as the topic turns to the Avenger's play. "I still have not seen it. And I'm half afraid to. Though seeing what the rest of you look like is almost enough reason for me to give it a try," Wanda says, getting back a bit of a soft smile.

Wanda hesitates and then holds up her hands to indicate to Thor she doesn't know the answer to his question. "I actually am not sure. Though I probably wouldn't want to be noticed doing it, so maybe so."

She walks across the kitchen as Thor announces he's heading for his room. "Good to have you back," she tells him again with a smile. "I think I'll head to my room as well." She turns to look at Clint, and waggle a finger at him. "Blast," she whisper warmly, before turning to head out into the hallway.

Thor has posed:
    Into the hallway the Thunderer goes and over his shoulder he calls, "It is good to be back!" And then there's the thump thump thump of his footfalls on the stairs as he heads up. Though, likely, the next thing they notice, just before Wanda steps out of the room, is the way Mjolnir wobble-wobble-wobbbbbbbles on the table before it pitches over on its side and flies off after Thor through the door into the hallway.
    Thankfully there is no sound of crashing walls nor shattered glass. For now.