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A Food Court Unlike Any Other
Date of Scene: 21 February 2020
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daniel, Clint and Wanda eat at SHIELD, then Clint takes Wanda an on aerial tour of his stomping grounds.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Why are there no windows in this god forsaken place!? A fellow could go stir crazy. So many needles. So many doctors. Daniel was just about fed up with it all.. except.. food and a bed. These were essentials he didn't have at the moment so SHIELD had him over a barrel. Which mean that when he wasn't 'in his room' (wandering the planet), he kept himself available for their doctors and background specialists and otherwise went for a jog. Or ate. A lot. He truly was malnourished when they first came upon him so his immaciated self with a pale palor was starting to look a little more human. So here is he, sitting at one of the many tables, with a plate of the day's offering before him eating not unlike Thor or Banner or Rogers. He must have a tapeworm.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda had been returning from up north somewhere, flying back towards New York in a quinjet rather than teleporting, which likely meant there had been others on the trip at one point as well. Though sometimes, she just enjoyed taking a plane out.

In this case, she checked on the locations of the other Avengers and JARVIS reported one was nearby at the Triskelion, almost on her flight path. A call ahead to Clint had arranged for a meal together, as Wanda was starving. And she had told him she was looking ahead to seeing if the food there was quite what the other members of the Avengers had always claimed.

After touching down on a landing platform, Wanda departed the plane. Red magic swirled around her, changing her Scarlet Witch outfit into a dark skirt and a blouse, with a long sleeve sweater overtop it, and boots. She walks into the facility, getting admitted through security and heading for the food court.

Clint Barton has posed:
Having recieved the call from Wanda, Clint called ahead to authorize the quinjet to land and for Wanda to be allowed inside without any issues. There wasn't likely to be any, because she was an Avengers, but Clint was motivated to grease the wheels today.

Coming up from where he'd been getting reports from R&D, Clint is dressed in, you guessed it, jeans and a t-shirt along with combat boots and his usual SHIELD ID flair hanging from his neck. His eye scan the cafeteria, no Wanda yet but he does see one recently familiar face so he wanders over towards one Daniel Hastings, "Hey, how's the 21st century treating you?" he asks as he hovers over the table, one eye on the door watching for Wanda's arrival.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Looking up from his lasagna and philly cheesesteak, Daniel notes Barton's presence with a lifted chin and a lifted palm by way of a hello. "I had the opportunity of meeting a mad scientist and his colorful minion this afternoon. Some brightly colored heroes in.. green.. and colors not dissimilar to Captain Danvers but different.. oh and that young Robin fellow. Accidentally called him Swallow. It's the bird you see. Far too stylized." There's a small shake of his head at that then he observes the brunette approaching and rises from his seat. "Miss." Clearly, he doesn't expect her to be coming for him but she's angling towards his table and protocol is protocol.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff strolls into the area then. She looks around the facility, larger than she was expecting for some reason, though she knows how many people are at SHIELD and probably should have expected it. She seems to spot Barton and heads over towards him where he's talking with Daniel.

As Daniel greets her, Wanda flashes him a pleasant smile. She has a visitor's badge on a lanyard around her neck. "Hello," she says back to him, a friendly smile on her face, and then looks over towards Clint. "So. This delicious food you're always /raving/ about, Clint? I hope I came on the right day?" Wanda asks rubbing her hands together as if in anticipation.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint arches a brow and smiles, "Wow, you've been busy," he says. "And here I'd worried you'd freak out with the adjusfment, but hey sometimes it's be good to be wrong."

Wanda joins them and he flashes her a warm grin, "Hey Wanda, yeah, it's Shepherd's Pie today, made with 100% real shepherd," he says with a wink. "But seriously, I dunno what they put in the thing but it's like crack covered in potatoes. Want me to snag you some?"

Then remembering his manners he says, "Oh, right, this is Daniel Hastings he's a visitor from..." he looks to Daniel to let the man fill that in if he wants. "Can tell her what you want, checked with the boss and you're cleared to talk about your past."

He fills in helpfully to Wanda, "He was the thing the other day I couldn't talk about."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm apparently catching." Daniel profers to Wanda. "So do be careful. They quarantined me for six days.. I went mad.. broke out.. then they anesthetized me and I lost track of the last seventy years or so. It's all quite the blur really." There's mirth in his eyes so he's at least got some manner of humor about the situation. "Also, I can recommend the pie. I had it for lunch." Returning to his seat, he gives a gesture to the table by way of an invitation. "Now, does that mean I'm clear to talk about /all/ of it? Or am I leaving out Pandora's box for the nonce? I think that might be best considering. Also, I rather spontaneously took on the moniker of Journey for my little soiree into heroing. I rather liked the ring of it so I think it will stick."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda returns Clint's smile and says of his offer to snag her some, "Yes, please if you would? And some juice maybe? The air in the quinjets gets so dry on long trips," she tells him. A grateful expression is given to her teammate, and then Wanda accepts Daniel's offer to take a seat at the table.

Her head tilts a slight bit as she listens to him. "Hmm, well, you look good for someone past their seventies," she comments, seeming to take that all well enough. "And you're moving into heroing? It's quite the growing profession these days, I think," Wanda says. Her English is softly accented, maybe something Eastern European. And she has a way of talking slowly, giving each word its chance to be heard before moving on to the next.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah, Pandora's box is off-limits in a setting like this, but Wanda is an Avenger... which you don't know about, um..." he searches for a quick shorthand. "Cap's superhero team," he settles on knowing somewhere Tony was feeling a sudden need to object. "She's cleared for that stuff."

"Sure thing," Clint says about the food and drink order, clearly not minding playing waiter.

"Jeeze, already heroing too, not bad Hastings, you'll have to tell us about that in a sec," theres a nod for the code name before he says, "Journey sounds good, man," he says a smile settling onto his face as he addresses the both of them, "Anyhow going to go get that food, back in a sec, you guys don't stop believin' while I'm gone."

He couldn't resist the play on Hasting's new codename, he was Clint Barton after all. He hurries off to the food line to snag some of the pie before the rest of the agents beat him to it.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I've been doing quite a lot of reading, Mister Barton." Daniel replies wanly, "The last ten years have been.. rather enlightening. I'll want to talk to this Thor fellow at some point. Doctor Selvig. Assuming that the Director is alright with that. Assuming he becomes alright with /me/." Whatever that means. "And Mister Stark. For what that's worth." With a shrug, he looks to Wanda as if he completely missed Barton's reference.. because he did. "Thank you, Miss Wanda. It's kind of you to say. I don't feel a day over.. twenty eight?" It's as if he was guessing. His accent isn't American. Isn't English. It's not French. If she's known many Canadians.. there it is. "I feel as though I must respond in kind though it would seem oddly self serving. Instead, I will wait for an appropriate moment. Empty words have no meaning. But yes.. heroing does seem a growth industry now. Since I'm able to deflect bullets, I thought I should be at least as brave as my fellows whom stormed Normandy."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The archer earns himself another grateful smile from Wanda as he is going to get the food. Though also he elicits a groan from Wanda as she obviously picked up on the musical joke. She shakes her head as she watches for a few moments as Clint head over to where the food is served up, before she turns her attention back to Daniel.

"Just Wanda," she tells Daniel in a warm enough tone. "Deflect bullets? That is a handy skill to have. Though best to avoid anyone wanting to shoot at you. Still though?" Wanda says, gesturing to the fact they are in the headquarters of an anti-terrorist agency. "I suppose certain things come with the job."

She does have a little bit of a curious expression on some of the mentions that Daniel has made, though Wanda doesn't pry further. She's rather gotten used to implementing such a filter around Steve, Clint and Natasha when they start talking about such things."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint grins as Wanda groans at his joke, he looks back over his shoulder and winks before busying himself with getting two plates of shepherd's pie and the salad of the day as well as juice and straight water for him. He's back before 'Level 7 and an Avenger' lines might be for other people when it came to Clint Barton and the SHIELD cafeteria.

"That's quite the list," he says catching at least some of it. "Stark is always hard to pin down," Clint says with a smile to Wanda, she knew, "But Thor should be doable, and he knows Selvig." He gives a shrug about Fury, "The Director will come around, he's not too wild about surprises, and hell both of us on this side of the table have been under his microscope before, you'll do fine."

He puts down the food tray and takes a seat inviting Wanda to do the same and sliding over the food plus a bottle of HP Sauce he snagged along the way. "As good as the shepherd's pie is, it's best as a delivery system for this stuff." He looks for confirmation there from Hastings.

"So, what's next in your freedom tour?" he asks the man as he digs into his food.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Bullets.. high energy particle beams.. angry grabbing hands.. it's all much the same to me." Daniel is replying to Wanda as Clint returns. "I'm not sure how Stark will take to my presence. I.. worked with his father and I understand he lost his father suddenly. That one I may want to stave off for now." There's a thoughtful cast to his face as he plays with his lasagna. "As for where to? I.. honestly couldn't say. I've hit all of the major landmarks that I'd always wanted to see. Alarmed some Chinese guards on the Great Wall. Saw the Louvre and the Eifel. Sphinx and Pyramids. Amazon. Space Needle. The Empire State Building is still there." He seems impressed by this somehow. "Though I understand New York saw a domestic attack." A frown. "I visited Auschwitz.." A sobering thought. "The Taj Mahal.. The bucket list is pretty well checked off." There's a shrug and he takes a sip of his tea. "Save perhaps to write a book of poetry and compose my own piano sonata. The book's fairly well along though. Wrote much of it on Kirit." Cue wan look. "To be honest.. right now I'm simply being thankful to be alive and home and.." He glances to Wanda briefly then back to Clint. "Glad that I even have a future to consider."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda thanks Clint as he brings the food. "I'll trust your advice on it," she tells him, taking the sauce when offered and applying a liberal amount. "Thor just returned to Earth recently, so it's a good time to be looking for him. But yes, that is quite the list," she agrees with Clint.

Wanda takes a fork and dries the shepherd's pie. She tastes it and gives a slow, rolling nod of her head, finishing swallowing before telling Clint. "You have not steered me wrong," she says, giving him a smile. The auburn-haired young woman looks back to Daniel. "That is quite the tour you've been on then. Yes, there have been a few events. Domestic and extra-terrestrial," she comments, giving a soft sigh and shaking her head.

"So, do you plan to work for SHIELD, or... you sound like you're trying to decide what to do with yourself?" she asks.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint had almost forgotten Journey was a teleporter. "Jeeze, and here I thought I kept busy, how'd you get that many places in so fast, I mean sure travel is no big thing, but are you just dropping in then hopping off to the next one?"

Though when Hastings starts talking about his future, Clint remembers one of the lab reports he'd collected down in R&D. "Hey, you should probably have a look at this when you've got a sec, you're reading should probably help you make sense of it," he says, offering the man the results of his blood test. Clint doesn't say anymore than that, it was up to Hastings who he told once he saw that he was a mutant.

"And yeah, back in '01, and the alien attacks in 2011, 2012, and 2018. The last couple decades have been anything but boring."

He nods at Wanda's question. "Definitely an option Hastings, in the lab or using your powers I am sure we can find a spot for you."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel reaches out for the offered results and his eyes start skimming them. The fellow wasn't a biologist but he'd studied enough chemistry to get the gist of what he was reading. "I imagine that depends on Director Fury more than it does myself. I've done the war bit. I'd like to return to science. Though..." His forehead knits a little and his fingertips seem to trail over a spot on the readout. "there is a lot yet for me to understand. So.. yes." He looks up to Wanda as he folds the paper and puts it in his pocket. "Trying to decide what to do with myself." He takes a deep breath. "Ahh. Do excuse me if you would? I think my digestion has decided that I've finally hit my limit." He offers a polite smile to both. "Mister Barton. Miss Wanda. Do have a pleasant day." Then he's rising to his feet and taking his tray.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda watches Clint as he offers over the findings, turning back after a few seconds to check Daniel's reaction. There's a sense of empathy from her as she can tell something in there is at last mildly disturbing to him.

She doesn't ask though, just quietly takes a few more bites of her food while he's going through them, until finally Daniel rises and takes his leave. "It was very nice to meet you, Daniel. I hope that things go well for you," she tells him. Wanda reaches over to extend her hand to him, and assuming Daniel takes it to shake before he leaves, she reaches over, holding his hand with both of hers, the slight aura of red in the second hand covered up as she subtly alters the probabilities about him to send the man a little good luck.

Wanda makes no mention of it, withdrawing her hands and smiling to him before turning back to her food. "So Clint, do you have more work here, or do you want to catch a ride back to the Mansion with me after?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint too watches Daniel's reaction, given a choice he'd have chosen a different venue, but, given Daniel seemed like he was going to be hard to pin down, he figured it was now or never.

"Well take your time, SHIELD's not going anywhere, and you're good to stay here while you figure things out," he says, and it looked like there was a lot to figure out.

As Hastings rises and Wanda takes his hand, Clint catches that little flash of red and covers his smile with a sip from his water glass. Lowering it he calls after Hastings, "Take 'er easy, I'll check on you during the weekend," a beat. "If I can find you."

"Nah, I'm about done with work today, would love a ride home." he says. "And thanks for the visit by the way, it was a nice surprise," he offers with a smile and then turns back to his food. "Glad I could prove I wasn't full of it about the food as well."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda continues to eat her meal, making her way slowly through it. Her eating bears a bit of resemblance to her speech patterns. Slow and thoughtful. Giving each bite a chance to be savored before moving on to the next.

Wanda looks up and over to Clint. "Well, I'm glad that your week's weirdness seems to have improved at least," she tells him. "It has actually been a pretty good week. I'd have to think back to be sure, but I don't recall the Earth being in dire danger even once," she says, voice reflecting the light-hearted way she makes mention of their quirks of their occupation.

"Is Natasha about as well? Should we see if she wishes a ride too? Or should we be off?" Wanda asks as she nears the end of the meal.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's approach to his meal is something of a counter-point to Wanda's slow deiberate style, mouthfuls are consumed with such speed as to blend all together if he even tastes them at all.

He does pause to smile and offer a "Shh," before grinning, "You'll jinx it, say stuff like that the world's going to need a good luck hex to keep from blowing up," he says. "Saw you got Hastings with one, or at least I think it was one since he didn't faceplant on the way out the door."

He turns back to his food and finishes the last bite, savouring that one a little more than the others. Once he's done he shakes his head, "Nat's got a thing," he says ever so descriptively. "So we're good to go anytime."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives Clint her best innocent look. "Why Clint," she says of his claim about the good luck hex. "I'm really not sure what you're talking about," she says in a tone of mock innocence. "But it sounds like he's had all manner of issues, or adventures. Which are often the same. And he seemed like a nice man. So if he /should/ find some good luck in the future, I would not be opposed to it," she says. Though she peeks over at him with a little twinkle of green eyes. And, it might be said, perhaps even a slightly pleased smile for the archer.

Wanda finishes her meal and gently dabs her lips with a napkin. "Thank you for the meal. I will have to find a way to reciprocate. I realize now this is twice you've fed me since you returned," she comments to him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Chuckling softly and shaking his head, Clint says, "Wanda, you are a really good woman, no matter what Pietro says," Clint teases, knowing full well Pietro would be the last person on Earth to say something bad about Wanda and the first to deck anyone who did.

"But yeah, sounds like the guy needs some luck with all he's up to."

"You're welcome, and oh? Well I guess I have something to look forward to then" he grins. "Though it's not like I'm counting, we're Avengers, it's all part of the program," he says brushing off his generosity.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda rises to her feet, and makes sure to bus her own plate over to where they go, taking Clint's with her if he's not quick enough to stop her. He did go and get the food for them, after all.

Either way she rejoins him for the walk out towards the landing pad. "I could even be mean about it and make you eat some of my cooking," she muses. "But I'm not sure you've been bad enough to deserve that. Unless you've been up to things I don't know of," Wanda says, turning to regard Clint with mock suspicion.

"Which you probably have. I realize how little I know you, still," she says. "Though I've learned a little more. And still hoping for a picture of your first costume," she says, eyes twinkling a bit as she smiles to him.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint grins as his tray is snatched and bused before he can move, he rises soon after and meets Wanda at the door, for the walk to the pad.

"I'd actually like that," Clint admits of trying Wanda's cooking. "But then I'm told I make bad life decisons," he leans down to whisper conspiratorally "Not that it's ever stopped me before/"

"Well what do you want to know?" he asks before a beat later adding, "Except for the suit, that will remain a mystery forever."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles and waggles a finger Clint's direction as he suggests he might like trying her cooking. "Famous... last... words," she promises him. She seems like she's in a better mood than the night he found her playing guitar. They walk towards the hangar, a squad of trainees jogging past, steps all falling in unison.

"And did they make you do that? The running together with everyone else?" she asks, turning to watch them go, walking backwards for a few steps to keep pace with Clint. "I never notice you and Steve walking in step together so I don't think it took, if so," she says, turning back to him. More green-eyed twinkle.

Wanda draws a deep breath and seems to consider. "What do I want to know. So, what do you do when you're away from SHIELD, and away from the team? How do you spend the rest of your life?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint pauses to let the trainees run past, "Figure I'll end up on your blasting list sooner or later, so given the choice I'll go out with a full stomach. 'sides I think you're full of it, and your cooking isn't all that bad." He couldn't remember her cooking for the team but she had to right? But then it wasn't like he was kitchen monitor or anything...

Blue eyes track the trainees, "Ugh, yeah, the put me through accelerated training at the Operations Academy and there was a lot of that, and push ups, I could hack the push-ups, Jacques and Buck had me doing eight hour training days when I was kid, so hitting the deck and giving them a hundred push-ups was no big deal, but running in formation like that," he gives the trainiees a glance. "Never got the why of it, unit building I guess, just felt like I was a sheep being herded, y'know?"

Wanda's question draws a soft smile to Clint's lips, "Really?" he asks. "Well, I hate to be a disapointment but I know what those words, 'rest, of, your and life' mean on their own but as a group like that? Total blank," he jokes with a big dollop of self-deprication. "Honestly I'm pretty boring, I mostly, train, work and save the world. Oh and watch a bit of TV now and again. I know," he says with a look sent Wanda's way. "Exciting stuff."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gestures towards Clint. "It depends. What TV shows, for instance. I really liked the one with all the people where the winter was coming and the kingdom and the green fire," Wanda says. Utterly hopeless at pop culture though at least she is able to describe it well enough.

Wanda walks side by side with Clint as they near the plane. "Though it did make me think of you. The youngest son when he's running and the archer is shooting at him. And he didn't zigzag. If you had to shoot that far, how would you be able to hit him? He could wait until you'd shot and change directions anyway he wanted, and you'd have to just guess, with how long it takes the arrow to travel. Right?" she asks her resident archer friend as they walk up to the entrance ramp to the plane.

Clint Barton has posed:
That description of Game of Thrones makes Clint grin. "Game of Thrones," he supplies helpfully. "Yeah watched that one, but damn what the heck were they thinking with season 8? Though got to say having a family named Stark in it really killed my emersion, especially with them being all stiff and noble, Tyrion's definitely more Tony's sort of guy."

C'mon, it's not like people would blink if Tony went around telling people he drinks and he knows things? That's pretty much on his LinkIn profile.

"Well first off, Ramsey Bolton is a punk for shooting a kid," Clint says of the shooting scenario. "Second at that range if your opponent's zigzagging it's like poker you got to read the other player and then put the shot where he's going to be. Sounds tricky but with enough practice it becomes like breathing. How about you? The magic seem legit?" he asks as his boots clank their way up the ramp. "Like if the Avengers get sick of me and stab me to death, you going to be able to bring me back?" he asks with an amused smile at the thought.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda walks up the ramp into the plane, listening to Clint. "You get to fly," she tells him, motioning to the pilot's chair. She'll raise the back ramp once he's on board. The comment about the family named Stark gets a soft laugh from her. "Tyrion was great," she agrees. "I really want to know how the joke ends about going into the brothel with the donkey and the honeycomb," she says.

Wanda nods about Ramsey. "I did not like him. And I made Pietro fast forward through the torture he did of the one boy," Wanda says, shaking her head. "Well... I'd just as soon that you didn't die. Magic has a price. But those prices? They are indeed very large," she tells Clint. "But, yes, they had some good concepts. Entertaining at the least, if maybe not spot on?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Sure," Clint says without a second thought. Like Delta Airlines he loved to fly and it showed. He drops into the pilot's seat and begins the pre-flight between doing up buckles. "Me too," he laughs. "Not fair to dangle that without any answers."

"Won't lie, fast forwarded that stuff too, I mean we see enough nasty stuff at work, not singing up for more for 'fun'," he flicks switches, and checks guages as he talks. "You and me both, and I guess so or everyone would be bringing folks back from the dead... well more than it happens in our line of work already anyhow." He gives the controls one more scan. "All set here," he reports.

As he waits for her to strap in as well, he says, "So, watched it with Pietro huh? Lemme guess he's a fan of the Targaryens, what with the matching hair colour and all?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff moves over and takes the nearest jumpsuit to the pilot's chair for the take off. She straps herself in as she says, "Yes, Pietro sort of dragged me to it. He is into TV shows more than I, usually. I do like some of Food Network shows. And the home improvement ones. It looks like interesting work, to actually build things like that by hand," she says.

Wanda's eyes drift over to Clint as he is going through the pre-flight checks, adjusting instrument settings and confirming the aircraft's state. Her head tilts just a little bit as she watches, eyes going to him more than to the settings of the switches.

"What else for you, with television? And sure you get out some too? Do you cook much, at home? Or do you have favorite places to go out to eat? You have somewhere, besides the Mansion and here, don't you? I seem to recall you mentioning it a few times."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Makes sense," Clint says about Pietro being the driving force behind the Game of Thrones binge. "Well if he liked that he should check out that Witcher show, guy's got the same kind of hair," he says continuing on with that joke a little bit longer as he gets the quinjet in the air, the sun shining in his face keeping him from noticing the attention.

The jet rises smoothly into the air and with a few tilts of the control yoke it heads south for the city, he angles for Manhattan and the Avengers mansion at first before the talk turns to his home and he angles the jet west towards Brooklyn, calling in the change in route to local air traffic. Sure the Avenger's jets were emergency vehicles and could go where they needed but Clint didn't want to be a pain in the ass if he didn't have to be.

"Dog Cops," Clint answers about his other TV shows. "It's dumb, about dogs that are cops, but it's an endearing sort of dumb so it's like visual comfort food. I'm working through the back episodes on my DVR," he chuckles at the rest, "What are you writing my Tinder profile for me?" he says glancing back over his shoulder at her and smiling. "If so remember to put that I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain..." he jokes before turning his head around in time to avoid some rich guy's private helecopter.

"Do have a place in Brooklyn, yeah," he says. Which is where he'd set their course for a bit of an aerial tour. "And I hear you on working with my hands, I do my own arrows and try to fix my old crap. The arrows started out being because the circus was almost always going broke so I had to fix them to save money, but after awhile it got relaxing. Same with tinkering. I try to make a bow every so often but that's hard to do in Brooklyn," he says with a smile at that. "I cook as you've seen, like to experiment, I've got a couple of those new wave cookbooks at home, and I try to find out of the way joints to eat, though most nights at the place in Brooklyn I just pick up a pizza and beers from Angelo's around the corner from me, nice spot though."

He glances back again, "How about you? Where do you like to eat? Any good Transian places in town?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Once the plane is in the air and has climbed and leveled off, Wanda unstraps herself from her seat harness and rises to walk over beside Clint in the pilot chair. She rests her hand on his chair just behind his shoulder, perhaps a brief brush of her fingers as Wanda leans forward to look out the cockpit window. "It's so lovely up here, north of the city," she says. "Though I enjoy autumn the most, when the trees are changing."

The ground beneath has snow here and there, while other areas are yellowed grass not quite ready to turn green yet for the weather. The trees are bare except for pines, as the area increasing turns urban the nearer they get to New York City. The gleaming skyline of steel and windows can be seen up ahead as Clint calls to clear the path for their little tour of the city.

"Dog Cops?" Wanda repeats in a tone of mixed amusement and curiosity. "This is a thing then? Really?" she asks. "I do like animals. But I guess I will have to give it a try some time," she says.

Wanda watches as they head across the city towards Brooklyn. "Not too many Transian places. Such a small population even home. But Serbian and some of the other areas, yes. We wandered the area, crossing the borders frequently, actually," Wanda says. "So, new wave cookbooks. What exactly is the difference that makes them new wave?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint offers a smile back as Wanda comes to join him up front, then he's back to keeping his eyes on the 'road' so to speak as he conmtinues.

"Yeah, autumn's my season too, dunno, there's a feeling to it, that's just really great, like change I guess?" he says not quite able to put a finger on the feeling. "Really love the smell of the rain and leaves, especially in Central Park, don't get why people from the city drive to New England to look at the leaves when they have Central Park right there."

He shakes his head people in general before breaking into a smile, "Yeah, it's super dorky, so if your brother catches you watching it, you didn't hear about it from me okay?" he says glancing back at her again.

"You should let me know where some of those places are, I can even trade you for some good Mexican and Russian joints I know about." Of course he'd know Russian places being partnered with Nat.

"I guess the proper term is Modernist. It's a lot of using science in cooking, making foams and stuff for garnish, serving things in unique way, I dunno, it's fun, sort of like tinkering, but with food. Needless to say I leave off with that stuff when it comes to cooking in the mansion, so don't need the flack," he says with a shake of his head.

As the buildings grow smaller and more of them are made of brick instead of concrete Clint switches the quinjet into VTOL mode to hover above a five story building in New Lots.

"And this is my place, I've got that one right there," he points to a pair of windows on the top floor by the fire escape. "Building's old enough for Cap to play on it's stoop as a kid, but it's rent controlled and has chill neighbours," he nods to the roof where the exhaust from the engines was making laundry flutter on the line. "As soon as the weather gets hot enough we have barbeques on the roof," he smiles. "It's pretty great."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gets a soft smile as she's picturing Clint making foam garnishes in the Avenger's Mansion. "I think you may have to make some of that back home, just to see Thor's face when you serve him up some foam," she says with a soft laugh. "Or, we could ask the cooks to do it. I'm sure they are probably tired of us sending down the same old requests all of the time," she says. Though a lot of them do make their own meals, ordering food up to their rooms happens an awful lot too.

Wanda leans forward to see Clint's building as they move to hover overtop of it. "I wonder how much the city has changed since his day. Sometimes I'd think quite a bit. And other times... a lot of the buildings are probably still the same. But, some major changes." She glances over towards the impossibly tall, thin, apartment building that is currently the tallest building in New York.

Wanda gently pats Clint's shoulder. "It's nice that you have somewhere. I really haven't gotten around to it. I always seem so busy. Or if I get away I'll... go back to Transia or maybe Genosha," she says. "Do you prefer it in the city? Or in the country? I have to say, I did the color driving once. With one of the staff, Bernice, she invited me to. Driving up and down the hills, seeing the valleys full of colored trees. It was worth it, I think," Wanda tells Clint.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint pauses to consider Thor's reaction to being served foam as a grin creeps across his face like the Grinch who stole Christmas..."That might be fun, I think I've got a recipe for jalapeno foam somewhere..." Wheels turn. "And nah if we're going to that to the team I want to be the one who cooked it," he grins. And if it's a prank he can suck at cooking it all he wants and it still works.

"Yeah it's got to be pretty wild for Steve and Bucky, I looked up what New York looked like in their day, and it definitely a different city. Though wonder if old places like this are good thing for them or just reminds them how much the world has changed."

He gives it a shrug. "Well if someone in the building moves out I can let you know," he says of finding a spot that wasn't the mansion. He considers her other question though, city or country, "I grew up a country boy really, Waverly Iowa, population just north of ten thousand, spaces so wide you could watch your dog run away for three days before he hit's the horizon," he says with a bit of Midwesterner exaggeration about how flat their part of the country was. "Didn't like home much, but I do love the country, that said, the city's grown on me... guess I am in the middle there, I like the city most days, but nothing beats the country for kicking back and relaxing."

Though the spots Wanda goes to does bring up a question. "What's it like on Genosha? You know with your dad?" you know, the /king/. That part about Wanda's past always got him, she was an honest to god princess or something close to one anyhow, but at the same time she was also Wanda, one of the team. It was something he hadn't quite bent hs head around yet.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles and says, "I imagine one Avenger in the building is probably more than they can handle already." She flashes Clint a grin before adding, "But I appreciate the offer. I don't know what quite what I'd want for another place. But probably something out of the city at least. Quiet would be nice. Lose the traffic noise and all," she tells him.

Wanda moves over to the co-pilot's chair to take a seat, turning in it to face Clint more fully. "Genosha is beautiful. Tropical island in most senses of the word. The cities are very modern. Though that was built on pain and slavery, it has at least been turned to a good purpose. I hope," she says.

Wanda lets her eyes drift away from Clint. "It is different being there. I can walk the city here and few people recognize me. But there, that would never happen. I'd go amongst the city because I should, or to do some good. But I felt like I was never alone there. And, well, I don't agree with many of my Father's views and policies. I'm trying to love him as a father, but it's difficult. And I have a sister, a half-sister that I hardly know still," she says, frowning.

Wanda looks down at her hands, fingers coming together, gripping and releasing gently. "I feel like I've been... a bad person when it comes to that. To Lorna," she says. "We didn't know about each other. But I've not really ever made an effort. And now it's been long enough... how do you start now?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Quiet, huh? Then New Lots is definitely not the place for you," Clint grins over at her, even now there was the sound of sirens in the distance.... also a bit of crowd gawking at the jet... and Mrs. Henderson on the roof waving and shouting 'he's not here!', the words were lost to the hum of the jet engines but Clint could read her lips from here. "Time to go. Mrs. Henderson probably thinks were SHIELD here to pick me up for a mission." It sounds like it's happened before.

He starts them away from the building sweeping out wide over the sea for a bit of a view before heading back to base.

"Sounds nice, and really most places if you dig deep enough are built on pain, seems like it's the only way we know how to build places like New York or Genosha," he says giving a bit of a glance at something deeper than the cocky showman routine Clint tries his best to show the world. "Just got to take them for the good, but the whole everybody watching you thing must be rough, no wonder you want to find somewhere quiet."

As for the family matters. "I don't have much advice on fathers, I hated mine until the day he died, but I do know siblings, and it's easy, just reach out, say you want to hang out, if they say yes, great, if they say no, then you tried, and trust me you want to try, it may feel like you've got forever to get to know them but you never know what might happen. Not to sound cheesy but seize the moment, it'll be worth it in the long run."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda's lips quirk in a faint grin at the evaluation of New Lots as a quiet area. The area is in many places a slum, so definitely sees its fair share of sirens from police and ambulances. She looks out the window thoughtfully as she considers Clint's advice.

"I think that is a good idea," she says of Lorna. "Maybe it will be awkward for us at first. But, maybe in time we'll be able to grow together some. If I can put up with Pietro, perhaps she can put with me, right?" Wanda says in her softly spoken English, giving a soft laugh at the end.

"You should come see it sometime. Genosha I mean. Hit the beach. Work on this pale white skin you have going," she teases, reaching down to tap her fingers gently on his arm for a moment before leaning back in the co-pilot's chair. "It's been forever since I've just laid out and enjoyed the sun. It might be good for me too."

Clint Barton has posed:
Hey! Be it ever so violent there's no slum like home! Really though Sherwood Avenue was sort of a bastion of sanity amidst the chaos due to a bit of street cleaning by Clint in his off hours. A few wannabe gangsters and two bit drug dealers showing up in the ER with arrows in their extremities and the rest seemed to get the message,the street was off-limits.

"You're definitely easier to put up with than Pietro. And who knows maybe she's sitting over in Genosha thinking she's been a bad sister and feeling bad about not reaching out to you. Could work out great." Clint could be optimistic at times, honest.m

"Yeah?" Clint says having a moment of seeing the world through different eyes "Is it going to be okay for me to be there, you know as a human?" he asks, realzing this must be what some mutants go through just going to the store for some milk. Eye opening stuff really. "Also, I'm not /that/ pasty am I?" he asks to lighten the mood, he knows he is, tanning has not been something he'd had a lot of time for.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda straps herself back into the copilot's seat as the plane eases away from the apartment building and Clint's neighbor. "Sure, you'll be fine there. Though it's mostly mutants, there are plenty of humans too," Wanda tells Clint. "Though, prejudice exists in every group. But, it's not quite as bad I hope. And people can't necessarily tell just by looking. It's different for someone like Henry McCoy. But you and I can both walk the streets of New York, or Hammer Bay, without anyone knowing for sure."

She lets out a soft laugh. "Well, you're not the whitest, but yes you could use a little sun. Like the rest of the city," she says, glancing out the window at New York in February. By this time of year a lot of people are ready for winter to be gone, but the cold isn't quite ready to relinquish it's grip.

"Could use a warm fire tonight," Wanda comments, rubbing her hands over her arms as if feeling a little chill just from looking out at the city. "And maybe some hot chocolate. With lots of foam from marshmallows on top?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Right, guess there are still humans there still, easy to forget sometimes," Clint says, in his mind and he guesses the minds of a lot of people Genosha is mutant island. "And it's true it's not like I am wearing a sign that says human on it in neon letters."

He moves on. "And sure, I'm game to get a bit of sun sometime," he says before adding. "We could bring the team, they're pretty pasty too, well most of them."

A fire and a hot drink sounded good right about now. "Well good thing we live in a mansion then, those are easy to find, get drinks and hang out in the study after we land?" he asks her.