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Strike Force Frost (well, that's how Emma thinks of it!)
Date of Scene: 28 May 2021
Location: Illicit Hypercortisone D factory
Synopsis: Mutant slaves freed. Guards mangled, shot, beaten, and otherwise abused. Two researchers assaulted, one additional in Emma's loving embrace. Drones are on the way.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Alex Summers, Raven Darkholme, Tommy Shepherd, Clarice Ferguson

Emma Frost has posed:
The call came in to the number Erik gave Emma. A strike force was needed to teach humans a lesson about pushing dangerous substances in "her" neighbourhood. The Brotherhood leaped into action and assembled such a team, meeting Emma at the site she'd selected, within sight of, but concealed from, the target warehouse.

This is where the action begins. Let's just hope no do-gooder Xavier's types stumble over the scene...

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers is sort of a do-gooder, albeit mostly just an academic these days who had done his share of adventuring. Not that he was afraid to put himself out there, he just had his own interests and, after his relationship with Emma had ended, amicably or not, he wanted a little time to himself. He did some digs in the Middle East, worked on a thesis for his Ph.D. and, tonight, he's been volunteering a bit around Mutant Town. He just finished up a Meals on Wheels run, delivering to several housebound mutants in the area and is heading towards where he parked his motorcycle not so far away from the target warehouse. Coincidence, who'd a thunk it?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Erik sent the message on to Raven, who immediately gathered those interested and headed to the site.

It was Mystique who arrived however, wearing her usual white body suit and making no attempts at all to conceal herself. She was a proud mutant after all, and anyone who had an issue with that was more then welcome to take it up with some part of her body hitting them rather quickly.

Making her way over to Emma she offers a nod as she says quietly, yet very casually, "You called?"

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
A mission! This was an exciting opportunity for Tommy to earn his keep on Asteroid M. He was also kind of wanting that adrenaline high that came from conflict. He'd gotten a taste of it when he 'accidentally' ran into a SHIELD operation. He decided he liked it. He wanted more.

Adorned in his jumpsuit and goggles, he walks along behind Mystique. No formal introductions had really been made, but he had raised a hand very quickly when the call for volunteers came out. Rubbing the back of his head, he squints up at the third floor and hums. Gritting his teeth, he resists the urge to just leap into action. Time to hear out the adults... and their objectives.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice walks alongside Thomas - having just teleported them to the vacinity by use of her handy-dandy portal ability. Her left hand hands loosely at her side - but her right hand already holds one of her silver-colored javelins, which she twirls idly as she walks. Thankfully, she manages not to drop it - that would be considerably less //cool// as they approach Emma Frost. Clarice offers a simple nod of greeting to the woman, leaving Mystique to take the lead for their trio as they prepared to deal with the local drug peddlars.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Welcome all of you," Emma says to the collected forces of the Brotherhood, as yet unaware of Alex's presence nearby, focused as she is on the group before her. "Thank you all for your service."

The location selected for the meeting is abandoned storefront with its front window missing and the boarding removed. The people who'd homesteaded in it had been given a gentle reminder they had to be anywhere else right now, so the place was empty, though signs of its transient residents littered the surroundings.

"That is the target," she says, pointing to an abandoned-looking warehouse. "They produce Hydrocortisone D -- Kick -- and they've been supplying it in my neighbourhood. I'd like us to teach them a lesson on why this is not a wise idea."

She pauses and looks over the strike force. "I'd prefer to keep casualties to a minimum so that we don't have a press storm. Kill anybody who tries to kill you. Put the rest into a coma."

Her eyes swivel to Raven. "Raven, I'd like you to take tactical command. You have more experience in these matters than I do. I can act as recon and as artillery should you need something big taken down."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Already studying the building, Raven listens as Emma gives her introduction speech, the reason for the calls, the niceties that were required between allies. After all, anything Emma said or did would likely get back to Erik, right?

Multuple floors, standard city warehouse construction, likely a fire exit on the side of the building, access through the roof, a back door... nothing exciting or new that she hadn't already seen.

"This is something of a training exercise for Speed," she states first off, still looking the building over. "I've heard about his dealing in the past, but I want to see him in action myself. So I think it wise that Speed and Blink should come in from the roof, and I will draw their attention via the front door." She now hands out the lovely little ear comms that all groups have for communicating with each other. "Emma, can you tell how many are inside?"

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Reaching into a strategically placed compartment, Speed retrieves a stick of gum, unwraps it, and slips it between his lips. He chews vigorously, jaw working out his nervous energy as he offers Clarice a stick from the same pack.

Blowing a bubble which ends with a loud pop, he sucks the gum back in and cheeks it. "So... Drugs are bad. At least the wrong kind. We just going to knock some heads and torch the place or what?"

He glances toward Mystique since she was appointed 'tactical command'. "I'd rather not kill period if I can avoid it. I mean... how dangerous can these people really be anyway? They've got at best what? Some guns?"

Accepting the ear comm, he attaches it then rolls his eyes. "You want me to put on a show or something? I'll run through the whole place myself if you want. Unless they've got someone in there with some powers, they've got zero chance."

Looking to Blink, "Guess I'll let you do the honors and get us on the roof." He hums, "I can blow a hole in it if you want to make an impression."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers doesn't know any of this is going on. He's just checking to make sure nobody tampered with his bike. He has earbuds in and is listening to some rather potent hip-hop, the bass thudding in his ears a bit as he pulls on his motorcycle gloves, mumbling the lyrics to himself. "Ashes to ashes and back to dust..." he mutters.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice looks at the gum with amusement for a moment - but she does accept it, popping the stick into her mouth and giving it a few chews. "I can do non-lethal," she agrees easily. Really, she'd rather not kill unnecessarily, either. But sometimes it //is// necessarily. "I'm also good at making holes if we need them," she adds, - gesturing with her hands to make a large, circular shape, which she then moves to the side with an abrupt motion meant to demonstrate her power's ability to displace matter.
    "Getting up onto the roof is an easy trip," she confirms for Thomas. Even having never been up there before - it's a large, open space within the range of her gaze. Child's play.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma, watching Mystique with approval, nods at the question directed her and closes her eyes. She reaches out with her mind and starts counting. "Two on the roof. Hidden nest with a pair above the main entrance door. At least three in the rafters it feels like, perhaps an elevated office. Two guards on the floor. A dozen ... workers, shall we call them? ... on the floo..."

Her voice cuts off and fury crosses her face. "The workers are our kind! Captives from Bushwick. They must be freed if prisoners!"

She settles herself, barely. "Three ... others. I can't quite pin them down. I'm not sure why. Also on the floor."

Then her eyes open wide in surprise.

"And ... a complication. Alex. Havoc. He seems to be unaware, but he will become aware if there's noise. I'm loathe to take him out."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A slew of curses roll from Mystique's mouth in a Italian, before amber eyes shift from the building to start looking for the new trouble. "He has a choice then," she says smoothly, calmly, in English. "He can either help us free our people, leave, or I take him out non-lethal."

Now her eyes shift to Emma, a clear indication she is not joking, these are the only choices available. "Pick which one before we proceed."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Speed listens to Blink while smacking on his gum then nods to her, realizing she has the entrance part handled. He tilts his head and absorbs Emma's report. A little more thoughtful chewing and then he offers, "I'm actually -really- good at freeing people. Easy enough to shatter locks if they've got handcuffs or chains, and then I can exit them out of the building a second or two per prisoner.. Tops. They'll probably panic when they are suddenly outside, but totally easy."

He stretches his arms overhead, cocky grin forming on his lips... the look so many speedsters have. He looks to Mystique, "Would that be enough of a show for you? I could even dump them on this Havok's lap."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A frown crosses Clarice's features as Emma speaks, her hand tightening on the javelin she holds at the news that these thugs are holding mutants hostage to make their drugs. //Disgusting//. "Are we prioritizing stopping these men - or rescuing captives? I help with blinking hostages out to safety... Or if Speed's got that covered, I can focus on taking down or disarming their captors." Her gaze shifts between Emma and Mystique - before her gaze turns towards Havoc on his stroll, after his daily dose of good deeds.
    "I could send him on an unexpected vacation. Thailand? Mount Fuji? ...the Australian Outback?" There's so many options.

Alex Summers has posed:
At this point, Alex, oblivious to his fate being debated among the inner circles of the Brotherhood, is beat-boxing to himself while putting on his motorcycle helmet, reaching out his hand to pretend to scratch a turntable, "Wikka wikka wikka wikkaaaaaaaaaaa awwwwwwwwwwww yeha."

Emma Frost has posed:
"Let me reach out, Mystique," Emma says. "I think he'll want to assist."

~Alex, it's Emma. You're at the site of a punitive raid. I have been given to inform your choices are to leave, to follow, or to be taken out of the way. They have our kind imprisoned and are making Kick. Please follow.~

That spooky thing Emma does? She does it again, appearing in Alex's field of vision as a ghostly face talking.

~I don't want you hurt, and I think you could help. But I need your decision quickly. Mystique is not noted for her patience.~

That should set the cat among the canaries quite nicely.

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers is about to slide the helmet down on his head when he hears the familiar voice in his head. He hasn't talked to her in a while, but he couldn't mistake it if he tried.

<<Informed by who? Do I even want to know?>> he thinks back.

He considers for a moment. On the one hand, Mutant Town has seen way too much violence as it is of late and he doesn't think this is exactly the time for another outburst. On the other hand, if mutants are being held, <<If somebody's being held against their will, then I'm happy to help. No prisons in this n eighborhood, last I checked. Tell me where to go.>>

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique rolls her eyes, giving Emma the time she needs to contact the do-gooder, and wait for his response. The men inside weren't going anywhere, neither were the mutants, at least not until they acted. A few more minutes weren't going to change anything, but she loathed the waiting while her people suffered.

"The hostages take first priority," she states bluntly. "I want them out of that building safely, and away from here. Speed, you will see to that." She turns to look at him while speaking, then her eyes shift to Blink. "You get to play with the bastards who think they can do this to our people. I want them to hurt, I want them to know pain and suffering. Don't kill them, but make sure that every single one of them understands in no uncertain terms that this is not happening again, who did it to them, and that if they set foot in Bushwick again, they will die."

Now she looks to Emma. "Tell him where we are, he had exactly five minutes to get here and decide if he will assist in our way, or if I will be dealing with him myself."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
He adjusts his goggles and nods, "And I can promise they'll be fine with maybe just a hint of whiplash."

"Once Blink gets me to the roof and opens a hole, I'll drop in and start the extraction. I bet I get half of them out before they even know to start reacting." Chew. Chew. Chew. Pop. "Yea, let's do this!"

Looking at the exchange between Emma and Mystique, he leans over and stage-whispers to Blink, "She's kinda scary, isn't she? Though I think I appreciate the style. I'm not big on killing, but I've shattered my share of knee caps. Sometimes bullies just got to get out bullied, y'know?"

He bounces from foot to foot, more of that nervous energy. He then absorbs the ramifications of Havok having five minutes to get into position.He whines, "Five minutes? That's an eternity. Can we just go now and let him help when he shows up?"

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers cuts his time some by riding his motorcycle over to their gathering point. He's pretty heavily charged at the moment, anyway, was thinking about riding over to the junkyard and blowing up a few things just to get it out. Having an excuse to use it wasn't entirely unwelcome, even if he didn't know exactly what he was getting himself into. When he's near, he puts down his kickstand and walks the rest of the way, leaving his shaded helmet on. Hey, might not hurt to have a little head protection.

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers approaches as delicately as he can and knocks. Shave and a haircut...

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I can do that," Clarice confirms with confidence, meeting Mystique's gaze with a determined expression. She has a few ideas in mind, already.
    She leans in towards Thomas as she stage-whispers back, "It's technically possible for me to teleport their kneecaps a foot to the left. I haven't tried it. //Yet//." But she has an issue with humans enslaving mutants. Some forms of childhood trauma are slow to heal. "I have a few other ideas in mind, though."

Emma Frost has posed:
The operation begins and the Blink/Speed dynamic duo hit the roof without any issues. The guards stand no chance whatsoever, focused outward as they were, being trivial to clock or teleport away at whim, or just pushed over the edge to their gory deaths if that's what's preferred.

The distraction at the front with the little nest is just as easily taken care of, Alex's power able to trivially rip the door from its hinges, along with its frame, its mount, and most of the wall segment up to the first storey border, in a showy display that is guaranteed to get the attention of those within.

Speed can make his ingress with no trouble, zipping down to the ground floor before...

...Emma's intelligence was slightly flawed. While yes, indeed, this had been the factory producing the Kick she and Remy had interdicted, it had changed production in the mean time. The ground floor is filled with vapours from the process (hence the PPE on everyone). And whatever it is, it's not Hydrocortisone D. It does, in fact, the precise opposite. It suppresses mutant powers.

And causes one Hell of a headache in the process.

The vapours are not full strength of this drug, but they can and will and do start to suppress the capabilities of the assault force.

And cause a pretty unpleasant headache to boot.

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers was, luckily, not going to use his powers at their fullest strength, given that said powers would disintegrate the people in question into itty bitty bigot parts and, while that might be satisfying, he's not exactly here to perform a murder spree. At low levels, in fact, his powers are more purely concussive, just knocking people into walls and smashing chemistry sets and generally just wreaking, dare we say, havoc.

See, at least his codename makes sense, unlike certain two-eyed people with one-eyed codenames.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique fully intended to enter through the front as well, moving from the place where Emma is standing, hiding, the chicken that she is, to the building. When Havoc makes an opening, she darts inside quickly and looks for the first guard to attack.

For the other this crap in the air has a serious effect, it hinders their abilities. Mystique is no different, however for her it is not quite as horrible. Where once she was azure and beautiful, now she is merely a mostly naked human looking female. This changes nothing really, only how her combat moves are done. Some flexibility lost, but she has spent many hours practicing in human forms.

"Emma you bitch!" She hisses over the comm, "They aren't making Kick, they're making mutant suppression drugs!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Pushing the men off the roof is certainly a tempting - but Clarice plays by the Rule of Engagement - no unnecessary deaths. It doesn't take her much effort, however, to teleport them over the side of the building - dropping them from the second floor, to belly-flop onto the concrete below. Would it be a fatal fall? Probably not. Would they break their arms trying to protect their heads from impact? Almost guaranteed.
    Another well-places javelin opens the door, just as Havoc is blowing his entrance in a dramatic fashion below. Speed rushes ahead of her to attend to his assigned task - and Blink spits out her gum before rushing after - Mystique's words ringing in her ears. Oh... shit. Well - at least she made her javelins ahead of time?
    She dashes out onto the walkway - holding her breath at first as she flings javelins towards an armed guard - he disappears, and reappears three stories up, before immediately beginning to fall.

Emma Frost has posed:
"They're making what!?" Emma's tinny voice crackling over the comms is still more than enough to either validate her own surprise or to put her in the running for Best Supporting Actress on Oscars Night. (She'd be a shoe-in anyway. She's feigned pleasure with Sebastian Shaw touching her.) "I had no idea, Mystique. Do we call off? What's the sta..."

Everybody feels it, briefly, one after the other, as Emma quickly invades one mind after the other, whoever's open to her, to assess impact. "I think even now we're more than match enough for a bunch of humans. I recommend continuing, but you're in tactical command, Mystique."

The two guards on the ground floor face each other and ... shriek. Like from Body Snatchers, pointing, mouth open. Then they open fire.

"I've removed two obstacles. Get our people out, please, Mystique!"

Of course the drug has an extra effect on Thomas since he has to breathe so much. The usually so-fast-he's-invisible mutant is now running slightly faster than two track stars.

Alex Summers has posed:
"Nobody panic, everything's cool, nothing we can't deal with. I might not be able to blow the whole building, but I still have enough juice to keep people at bay if they remain a problem. I saw the kid's a speedster, but it looks like he's pulled a metaphorical hammy."

Odd how easily he just found himself playing into the team dynamic. He wasn't technically an X-man but he's been in enough hairy situations that he knows the basic protocol. "I'll keep guard over the kid while the rest of you get the prisoners loose."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique growls with anger, flying in for an attack against anything or anyone that is near the prisoners. "We are not leaving our people! Do what you can then get out, try to open up the walls to get the air flowing through here. I will take these morons myself if I have to, but we are not leaving them!"

Her intent is clear, even as a human without her shapeshifting, she is deadly. She is not striking to kill, but instead to maim, to hurt, choosing places that will leave the guards wishing they had chosen to be somewhere else. She will make it to the mutants being held here, ensure they can get out, or she will die trying.

"You foolish, stupid humans!" She screams to the room, though obviously it can be heard over the comm. "Do you think this will stop us?! Get out while you can or I will kill each and every one of you!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice remains silent - determined to hold her breath for a few moments longer as she shifts her focus to getting some of the captives to safety. With Speed moving at a reduced rate, he doesn't have the time to get everyone out to safety before the combat puts them at risk. At least - it doesn't seem like they do.
    With two more practiced flicks, she sends two captives blinking from their position at the production lines - to standing safely inside the building where they'd initially planned their assault. With luck, they would hunker down safely in there until this fight was over.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mystique! Don't kill them!" Emma's voice barks from comms. "Dead people don't suffer," she adds, herself furious at her kind being used to suppress her kind.

"The three in white protective equipment, I'm having troubles reaching them. Get their helmets off, if you'd please? I need to find out who they work for and then to make them live their worst nightmares for the rest of eternity!"

As Blink starts to take captives to the base of operations, Emma crouches next to each one with a pleasant, calming smile, then, psychically settling them down as she says sweet nothings about "you're safe" and "you will be avenged". You know. That kind of pleasantry.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
At the moment, Mystique gives no sheets about what Emma wants for these fools, but the helmets off, that she can do. Spotting one with protective gear she charges them like a wild boar, screaming something in another language and quite literally pounces him from behind. She isn't trying to attack him, instead she is ripping the helmet off.

"I threat you fool, but I gave the orders for no kill and I meant it," she spits into the comm, even as she tosses that helmet aside and heads for the next one. "Do you think they know what I told you outside? Stop assuming!"

The next ones tries to run, firing his gun, but she uses quick movements and a diving roll to avoid getting shot and comes up onto her feet in front of him to punch him, in the face, and take his toys away. "My gun now human!" she screams at him, then fires it into the air just to make the point known.

When the third with a helmet starts to make his way, quickly, toward an exit, she shots him in the leg. "No escape."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers isn't nearly as adept at Mystique at hand to hand, but he holds his own, ducking a blow from a guy trying to rush past him to the door and then decking the guy with a swift right cross.

He jogs over to the guy Mystique wounded fell near the door and yanks off his helmet, too, which should leave them all vulnerable for Emma to do with as she pleases. Frankly, he's glad he's got his own helmet on, not that he's exactly a mystery man. His power signature is a little too distinct for that.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The fact that she'd stayed on the balcony to play sniper had helped Clarice hold her breath - but one can only hold it so long, especially given the adrenaline rush of combat, and the way her heart thudded in her chest. She breathes in some of the gas - feeling that headache creeping in, and the weakness it brings with it. Damnit. //Damnit//. This stuff needs to be destroyed. That they were making something like this - //here//?
    Another hostage gets teleported to safety, before she opens one of her portals just below herself on the walkway. She jumps through it - and reappears, plowing into the back of another guard who was attempting to flee, knocking him painfully to the floor with an unexpected thud - he barely even had time to get his arms up to protect himself from the fall.
    "We aren't //slaves//," she spits out angrily, turning to see if any more threats remain.

Emma Frost has posed:
One last threat remains. It's one that makes its presence known at the door. Those lacking mental defences will see it clearly: the White Queen has arrived in all her glory. She looks three metres tall, eyes glowing red, cloak spread behind her like a bat's wings. All this while appearing normal height through a twist of perception that is her disorienting speciality.

~THAT ONE!~ her mental voice rings loud, pointing at the last person to have his helmet removed. ~THAT ONE IS MINE! THE REST ARE FOR YOU TO DO WITH AS YOU SEE FIT!~

Emma's image's eyes glow brighter as she stares at the man gasping with pain on the floor, suddenly forgetting it and wailing instead in fear. Those with sensitive nostrils will likely wish to take a step or two away from him as his bodily control fails him. The wailing stops. The man, stuck paralyzed in the position he was in while trying to crawl away from Emma, stares into nothingness, eyes unseeing and unsettlingly widely opened, one arm held up in a futile defensive gesture.

In the mean time, in the crib, the rescued hostages panic just a little as Emma's body slumps in a chair, drooling, suddenly out like a light, or so it seems.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Taking a look around, her head pounding in time with her heart, Mystique picks one of the now helmetless men up and holds him even to her face. "I am going to let you go for one reason, and one reason alone. You will go out, you will leave Bushwick, and you will tell others that the Brotherhood will not tolerate abuse of mutants in Bushwick. You will happily do this in exchange for your life, or you will be hunted down and murdered in your sleep. This place is /not/ for humans, do you understand?"

The man is shaken, scared, beaten, the white queen... and now this? He nods repeatedly, spitting out platitudes and agreements, anything to save his own skin.

"Do you see how this stuff does not effect me? Remember that, because I will hurt you." She tosses the man aside like refuse and heads for the door. "Emma, we need to talk," she mutters into the comm then adds, "Exit the building, we're done here."

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex Summers winces a bit. He understands where the Brotherhood is coming, generally speaking, but he also isn't too comfortable with threatening people with being hunted until death. Seems like there should be some sort of compromise between the two. The politics of being a mutant sometimes just made Alex tired.

Still, he'll make his exit along with the others, "Yeah, Emma. You and me, too," he says, "But later. Maybe over a steak. Man. I really want a steak," he says, leaving the warehouse and heading back towards his motorcycle. Shower first. Then steak.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The Brotherhood will not tolerate the abuse of mutants - //anywhere//," Clarice counters firmly, looking down her gaze going to the man Mystique has tossed aside - and then to the man still at her feet. She presses her eyes closed for a moment - as if that would banish her growing headache (it does not) - then she turns to make sure all the mutants have been freed from the production lines. "Please - come with us," she urges the few that remain in her building - her expression changing from cold and threatening, and warm and reassuring in a moment. "You're safe now."
    She's happy to move out of the building with the others, adding towards Alex, "I'm not going to lie, a steak sounds like a really great idea."

Emma Frost has posed:
The image of Emma vanishes, and back at the crib Emma comes back to, a bit groggily standing before commencing with the whole calming routine again.

"I look forward to that conversation, darling Mystique," she says with artificial cheer over comms. Then adding, "And you too, Alex. I trust the remaining prisoners are coming soon?"

If there's any sign of the rage that was shown just a few short seconds ago it's not in her voice. Nor in her demeanour to those she's calming.

"Is there any particular topic you'd like to discuss?"

Emma Frost has posed:
In the darkened room, the video screen, up until now the only source of very dim light, goes blank. The voice cuts through the darkness with its raspy quality, like too much whisky and cigars.

"Did we get the data we needed?"

"Yes, sir. Though we're not sure what happened to Prime at the end. We'll have to debrief him."

The owner of the voice thought back to the scream and the wide-opened eyes.

"I'm not sure we'll be able to. Torch the site once it's free of the vermin."

"Yes, sir. Drones on standby."


Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique does so love mostly naked, such a freeing experience, but not in public.

"Blink, let me know when you've recovered so we can go home. I'm done with this now," she looks around, offering actual smiles to those present, those who knew suffering. "She'll take care of you," she says calmly, as she indicated Emma. "You're free now, as you should be."

Looking back to Emma she says, "We can talk later, take care of these people and we will contact you."