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Latest revision as of 14:51, 26 February 2024

Theme of the Crime: Make a Wish Edition
Date of Scene: 01 July 2022
Location: Gotham Cable Studios
Synopsis: A Make a Wish kid finds a hero in the oddest of places
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Thomas Blake
Tinyplot: Theme_of_the_Crime

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Over at Gotham Cable Studios, Studio Building 13 is experiencing quite a surge in activity. Along with people bustling around to get things in order for the next scene, some of the higher ups have opted to leave their office building to grace the film crew with their presence. Are there major changes going on? Is anyone getting fired? No. On the contrary. They are here because of a special event and to make sure that said special event doesn't result in an accidental mauling.

In an odd occurance Theme of the Crime was actually mentioned in a request for Make a Wish. While eyebrows may have been raised, no one could refuse little Thaddeus Pembrooke's request to visit the set of the show that is working on the final episodes for season 2. Arrangements were made and Thomas was given enough warning to make arrangements to not have Rasputin on set. After all, kids can be unpredictable.

Additional arrangements included having some kid friendly food options included at the catering table.

Despite only one of the villain characters having scenes to shoot today, several of the regular cast members did make the choice to come in and wear their respective costumes for the special guest. One of them is Nick Drago, who is dressed in his Music Master costume. But there is no hat on his head.

An assistant gets off of the phone and moves over to the director, whispering to them. Blinking, the man gets up from his seat and turns, looking to the gathered crew, "Alright! We've got news that Thad and his family are now on the tram and will be here shortly. We're going to take 30."

As the tram rolls up there is a family of three sitting in the front car. While the general meeting early on stated that it was the child who was ill, it is hard to tell as the eight year old is displaying the MOST amount of energy of all those on the vehicle. The parents to either side of them, while smiling seem extremely subdued with their overall body movements. But then again, with their positioning to either side of the child,they might be just making sure Thad doesn't fall off the tram. "Is this it?" Thad asks eagerly, giving a gapped grin.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Tigers are also very predictable. Thomas will tell you. Poke Rasputin in the eye and he will be quite predictable. Kids are prey. Thomas certainly was.

Laying on the beam, Thomas watches the Puffin actor gratefully finish his scene and split for lunch. He doesn't know why they made him be on the spot like this. Thomas is not kid friendly, unless they had fur a/o claws. He remembers the internet videos of him and his fans and seethes a little at the comments section.

"Hey Puffin, next time I throw you, I miss the airbags," he's about to call. But the tram rolls up and he shuts up. Ironic that he spent so much time avoiding witnesses.

Ten he slips off the beam. He does a beautiful somersault halfway to the ground, landing in front of the tram in a crouch and letting loose with his Theme of the Crime traditional growl. he's wearing something like his traditional costume, substituting a duster for his cape. The colors are lighter too. Hah, Catman Lite.

"I am here for Thad Pembrook..." he snarls. Mind, he never talked that way when he was a crook. He delivered demands and instructions in a level, clear manner. It kept the innocents a little calmer and made them more likely to obey.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After Thomas lands in front of the tram, a short, shrill scream is emitted from the tram.

The woman to the right of Thad looks over to the man clinging on to one of the poles holding up the top "George!"

Thad brings his head back for a moment at the growl but upon registering who it is seems to grin even more. "CATMAN! YEAH!"

Hearing the cheer from inside the studio, Nick glances to the open doorway. His lips curl upwards into a smile of his own. But he lingers inside with the others while Thomas does the initial greet.

Thomas Blake has posed:
And... he really didn't plan anything past this point. After all when he did do this sort of thing he either grabbed the loot and ran off or started fighting. He did have a line from the show... didn't he? -Nobody move-. No, he wanted them to move. "I hear you want to challenge me for my title of greatest criminal in Gotham.

There's is an emphatic <Hah!>, probably from one of the Ivies. Or Puffin.

He stands straight out of the crouch now frowning for effect. Thank the muses for Catman's Pride (s1 ep 4).

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The mother is the first to get off of the tram, granting Thad a means of departure that way. As he is helped down, it becomes a bit more apparent how ill he's been. The clothing, light tan in color with a sharpie outline of three claw marks on the chest don't do much to hide the thin nature. But the small jacket does add a bit of needed bulk. On his hands are gloves with construction paper claws taped to the fingertips.

Once on the ground Thad crouches down, mimicking the stance that Thomas just did before giving his own teeny growl.

The previously named George scoots over on the tram to exit after Thad, keeping an eye on him. Hearing the growl, there seems to be a bit more strength to the expression on his face. He moves over to take the mother's hand, giving it a squeeze as he looks to her.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake draws on his theme criminal background. Bluffing is off course often used in his former profession, and baccarat. "The tiger growl! It is paralyzing in its unique pitch. I can't move! OK. You got me, kid." Thomas falls to the ground. Ow, head bonk. He mouths 'Help' to Music Master and an Ivy, who is giggling too hard to be any help at all. Okay Camren. You'll get yours.

Actually she might like that...


Michael Hannigan has posed:
During the exchange, Nick had moved closer to the door to observe what was going on. When Thomas makes the gesture to have him help. He reaches into his pocket. He looks over to one of the sound tecnicians. When he gets a nod from them he brings up his voice. "Hang on Catman! Lilliput's coming with her gu- WATCH OUT!"

The sound technician hits play on a recorded sound effect of a blaster. While Nick chucks out a child's size version of one of the music master's hats through the doorway, landing near the tram. "MY HAT! BE MORE CAREFUL GUYS!" Shaking his head he storms out of the door, glancing around. "Where is it?!"

Thad gets up from his crouched position, giggling as he moves over to the fallen hat. Bending down to pick it up. "Here it is Music Master!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes the moment of distraction to roll to his feet and pounce on Music Master's actual hat, tearing it apart and laughing. "I have my revenge on you Music Monster... and Tiger Boy... I will be back for you!" Then he lopes through an exit. Once out of sight, he leans against a wall and produces a flask he packed for such an emergency. He takes a deep drink from it. He notes Rich "Puffin" Wallace watching him silently. Then the Puffin brandishing his umbrella charges through the door. He slides down a wall. One of the Ivys starts to sit next to him until he gives with a growl of his own. "Nothing personal," he calls to the fleeing actress.

I'll make it up to her.

Yeah, kid, you're sick as hell and your hero is a feral human who drinks and chases women... and some men. Like God doesn't hate us enough.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As one of the henchmen characters comes out with a regular sized replacement hat, the sudden pounce of Catman causes for yet another eep of surprise. The hat falls to the ground in time for Thomas to land upon the headwear.

Mike balls up his hands in response to the antics. "CATMAN! I'LL REMEMBER THIS!" As Puffin waddles out to interact with Thad, Musit Master gives chase to the offending villain, leaving Thad with a child sized version of one of his prop hats. Once out of sight of the kid, he turns, moving over to where Thomas is hiding. A glance is given over to the remaining lineup of villains waiting to 'ambush' the special guest. Judging from the laughter as Rich does his own interaction, the parade of villains seems to be going over well.

Nick looks to the flask but doesn't make comment as he simply leans against the wall next to Thomas, giving him time.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake pulls his jacket over the flask. "Then kid thinks I'm a hero. I'm ready to cut and run. What's his story... can't be good. They don't give wishes for food poisoning. Do you have the printout on him? Of course you do. You live for pot roast, paper work and early bed times." He holds a hand out, the claws on his glove flickering in out for a moment. Oh, he shouldn't be wearing those but he was climbing just before.


Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Thomas asks him what's wrong with Thad, Nick's eyes glance to the side. "I didn't make the arrangements." He points out, looking over towards some of the higher ups that made their way from the main building. "...Sometimes they do get better."

Another batch of giggles filters in from outside as the Ivy League members start heading out.

Nick looks to the extended hand and sighs, pulling out the copy of the note that got sent to him on it. "It's not very detailed. Didn't they send you one?" He holds it out.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes the paper and mutters, "The tiger ate my homework..."

"Sometimes. Not good. You live with the cats, you learn to read the movements of your prey, who's strong, who's weak, who has a foot on a banana peel. That kid... shit like this shouldn't happen to people like him. I could see it happen like that to..." He trails off and then gets up and strides over to Thad's father. They engage in a short intense discussion while Thad is being passed around the Ivy League, to his obvious delight. He has one Ivy left when Thomas finishes talking and gently claps dad on the shoulder.

He returns to Mike. "I need to get something from my trailer. Cover for me. If you got any magic bird mojo, now's the fucking time to use it my fiend. I will be right back."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick watches as Thomas walks off, giving a curious glance to the unheard discussion. Based from the conversation earlier he can guess to the topic matter involved. When Thomas returns, he only manages to part his lips before Thomas speaks up once more, leaving the musician to give pause.

"Magic...bird...mojo." Nick repeats, watching the elder man's departing form. When Thomas is out of sight, he turns his head, seeing the father looking his way. Seems curiousity just comes with the cat.

He heads over to the dad to find out what he told Thomas.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Mr. Pembrook looks a little worn by now. "Look, I just told your partner -who was very rude about it at the start. Thad is being operated on in two days. We're not giving up but the tumor is in a bad place. Chemo shrank it. If they can clean it out things look good. It's just the procedure itself... we got the best doctor for it. Yes." He turns away.

The petite Ivy refuses to relinquish Thad. Thad offers his cheek for a kiss. "Wow you ARE like a little Catman. Okay." When she leans in for the kiss, Thad turns his head quickly kissing Tiny Ivy flush on the mouth. She blinks in surprise. "Yeah, just like Catman. Now shoo you! I get enough height jokes without a pint sized boy friend." She puts him down.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods at the summary of what's going on. The timing is a bit too far away at the moment but- "Do you think Thad would appreciate visitors before the procedure?" He asks, "As kind of an added boost to morale?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
"No one move. You're in no danger unless you try to outrun a tiger. You won't." Where Thomas is, you will usually find Rasputin. the tger was sleeping fairly peacefully, a snoring mass of coiled death when Thomas came to change and get him. "He was fed, he doesn't eat between meals." Thomas is wearing his traditional uniform now. Hopefully that is not a bad sign. "Come here, Thad," one taloned finger beckons and the boy steps slowly forward.

"I am told you are having a procedure in a couple days. I want you to do wear this for it." He carefully unclasps his cape and holds it out to the boy. An animal handler is near him. Thomas hands him Rasputin's leash and steps closer.

"Wear this cape and will be all right. It saved me a few times already. Just believe in it. I just have two conditions." He clasps the cape around Thad's neck and settles it on his shoulders. It puddles on the ground. "First condition, this is a loan. I will come for it when you are recovering. Second condition, when you're better and a little older, try and take it from me. If you can, you can be the new Catman. Deal?" He holds out a huge hand to the boy, Utterly solemn.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Noticing the costume change, Thad's jaw drops as he steps forward. "Is that for season two?" He asks before the cape is offered to him. "WOW!" Small hands reach up to take the cape, immediately trying to put it on but failing to secure it. The tiny hat stays upon his head. The smile on Thad's face wakens at the mention of the surgery but he nods quietly, listening to the story that goes with the cape while Thomas makes sure it's fastened properly. The offered hand is looked at before the recently titled Tiger Boy moves forward, wrapping arms around what part of Thomas he can get ahold of. "Deal!"

Getting no protest to the suggestion from the father, Nick quietly makes arrangements with the father for a future visit. After handshakes are exchanged, the musician starts to move over towards Thomas and Thad. Seeing the hug in play, he slows his steps, allowing Thad to milk every second he can out of the reformed villain.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "Ok, buddy. You... okay Tiger Boy let's just... can someone get this kid?" He moves his clawed hands around, not wanting to chance contact with the boy. "I better not catch this on line!" Thad's mom finally rescues Tomas from Tiger Boy. Thomas turns and walks away, reclaiming Rasputin. "Shut up," he says to petite Ivy.

"Richard, shut up or you will need a proctologist to find that umbrella," he mutters to the Puffin.

As he passes Mike he says, "Superheroes spout a lot of bullshit. That's all I'm saying." But he says it softly. Maybe the cape and the talk might make a difference in the outcome, life wasn't something that was neatly scripted.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
For such a tiny thing. Thad still has a pretty good grip when it comes to giving hugs. Fortunately for Thomas, Thad's mom comes to the rescue, stooping down to take over on hugging Thad duty.

Nick stays still watching Thomas's struggle, eyes narrow as he gives the widest closed mouth grin possible.

Hearing Thomas's comment, Nick turns his head to watch the man. "Bullshit or not. You gave him hope. And sometimes that's all you need."

Seeing Thad getting taken inside for a tour of the set, the musician's body spins to orient itself in the direction Thomas is walking, following suit, "Man I could use a drink about now. How about you? Kind of relax a bit before we go visit him in a couple days."