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[[Category:FinishedTP]] [[Category:MinorTP]]
The Benevolent Foundations, cultists who believe in Carcosa, have a plan to breed families loyal to the Unspeakable for generations.  Lo and behold, one Jovian Anderson and Bolo appeared on their radar and it looks like a lost branch of their breeding program with abilities in sync with what they are looking for has arrived ahead of schedule.  This plot would be about a group that are Mythos cultists working to bring the Consort of the Unspeakable, The Queen in Blue, to reunite and start a New Carcosa.
The Benevolent Foundations, cultists who believe in Carcosa, have a plan to breed families loyal to the Unspeakable for generations.  Lo and behold, one Jovian Anderson and Bolo appeared on their radar and it looks like a lost branch of their breeding program with abilities in sync with what they are looking for has arrived ahead of schedule.  This plot would be about a group that are Mythos cultists working to bring the Consort of the Unspeakable, The Queen in Blue, to reunite and start a New Carcosa.

Latest revision as of 18:17, 11 May 2024


Title Date Scene Summary
The Queen In Blue - Down the Rabbit Hole February 21st, 2024 Thing sends Jane Roe a black unstable molecule suit in exchange for some information on some lovecraftian bad guys.
Lights Out In The Bronx February 21st, 2024 The heroes save the Bronx.
The Queen In Blue - Praesodynium Blue February 3rd, 2024 Flatline kills the right people at the right time and learns about yet another attempt to end the world, this time of a lovecraftian variety. She also gets some neat goggles.
Mayan Horrorscope Finale July 17th, 2021 Bane and his men take out much of the opposition, but nearly get the Mirror of Stars only to be told by the Gods to stop...and given a token of their approval that will lead to chaos going forward. The heroes otherwise retrieve the other lost talismans, many of which are returned to the Nazca. Jovian pushes his power to the limit and is kidnapped by the Cult of Benevolence.
Du Manse Du Baton June 11th, 2021 Jovian and Rien learn that the Benevolent Cult is using Cthulutech to cause psychic projections and other weird Migo and Yithian tech to do ...not good things and somehow Jovian factors into their plans. Rien keeps a scientist from phasing out and they go to question him at her clans Ville.
The Rats in the Walls June 4th, 2021 Rien helps Jovian investigate the Esray estate and avoid a ton of rats and learn more about his enemies.
Strange Things Are Afoot at the Circle K May 19th, 2021 Tandy confirms there is a problem with hhis power and may offer a short term solution to it. The Nazca Brotherhood comes calling.
Warehouses, NYC Harbor May 12th, 2021 Jovian and Lara investigate the people who made the app for the thugs that attacked the clinic. It is blown up to prevent them from investigating anything.
The Town that Wasn't There May 11th, 2021 Jovian and Misfit check out a town that does not behave normally. It vanishes.
Merging Shadows May 11th, 2021 Robert and Jovian finish off six weirdos who attack the clinic while Jovian is finding out about his blackouts. He might be the cause.


Title Date Scene Summary
In The Fan Four Vault February 4th, 2024 Thing Gets Clobbered
Coming Attractions May 20th, 2021 Jovian learns about his blackouts in a dark foreshadowing

The Benevolent Foundations, cultists who believe in Carcosa, have a plan to breed families loyal to the Unspeakable for generations. Lo and behold, one Jovian Anderson and Bolo appeared on their radar and it looks like a lost branch of their breeding program with abilities in sync with what they are looking for has arrived ahead of schedule. This plot would be about a group that are Mythos cultists working to bring the Consort of the Unspeakable, The Queen in Blue, to reunite and start a New Carcosa.