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{{Log Header | {{Log Header | ||
− | |Date of Scene=2021/07/ | + | |Date of Scene=2021/07/08 |
|Location=Madripoor | |Location=Madripoor | ||
|Synopsis=The Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, Smiling Tiger, and Angel Eyes walk into a bar. Only one of them is real, even if Bucky takes method acting a little too far. | |Synopsis=The Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, Smiling Tiger, and Angel Eyes walk into a bar. Only one of them is real, even if Bucky takes method acting a little too far. |
Latest revision as of 06:04, 11 July 2021
Madripoor Gets Its Cut | |
Date of Scene: | 08 July 2021 |
Location: | Madripoor |
Synopsis: | The Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, Smiling Tiger, and Angel Eyes walk into a bar. Only one of them is real, even if Bucky takes method acting a little too far. |
Cast of Characters: | Sam Wilson, James Barnes, Helmut Zemo, Cael Becker, Jethro Glass
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The bridge is slick with sea and rainwater, though overhead there's hardly a cloud in the sky. All the better to see the modern sprawl of Madripoor's High Town on the horizon, all bright lights and tall buildings.
Even the salt smell of the sea isn't enough to cover the acrid, chemical smell that sticks to Madripoor like a second skin.
Whoever Zemo's driver is, he's silent as he produces a garment bag for all of them, though it's only Cael and Bucky who are also provided a small extra bag of accessories. In it, they'll both find masks: the one for Cael is almost an antique, Venetian-style with a craquelure effect on the aged porcelain with golden brocade details, and Bucky's... well. Does his mask even need an introduction?
There are a few other accessories to hand out; mostly jewelry for Sam, a set of colored contacts for Cael, and then a trunk full of weapons for them to arm themselves. High Town is all glitz and glam, but Low Town?
Well, Low Town's not the kind of place you visit without being armed.
The quinjet remains nearby long enough for anyone who would prefer the privacy it offers to change their clothes; Sam's definitely one of them.
"This is messed up. Why am I the only one that looks like a pimp?" he says as he comes back down the ramp. The three piece suit he's wearing is really too upscale for that to be true, but it's bright and colorful with an African print. It draws the eye to him, certainly, and though the dress provided for Cael is a much more subdued cream, the high slit that flashes a lot of thigh is eyecatching in its own way.
He pushes up his sleeve long enough to tap at his gauntlet's control panel, and then the low hum of the quinjet's engines running stealth mode fades into the distance as it glides out over the water.
"Okay," Sam says as he smooths down his lapels. "You stay in our line of sight at all times, Zemo. No funny business."
- James Barnes has posed:
What was that emotion in Bucky's pale blues, in his expression when he opened his bag? Fear? Not quite? Unease maybe? Or, for just one second, did those eyes flash with anticipation?
With every single piece of that get-up that Bucky puts on, well, a little tiny bit of any Bucky that's returned over the past three years seems to be snuffed out. He goes about the process mechanically, automatically - this is all muscle memory for him, every buckle, every snap, every zipper on leathers and boots.
When he's finished putting that mask on, the final step, Bucky looks down at his left hand and flexes it into a fist. When he looks back up again, his eyes are cold and distant instead of the pained, shadowed things everyone is use to seeing.
He doesn't even comment on Sam's suit and that's a whole load of jokes right there.
Where once stood Bucky Barnes, now stands The Winter Soldier. One can almost imagine him ready to murmur the words, 'Ready to Comply' in Russian.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
"James knows exactly the play going on. He will be the man he is no longer." Zemo had taken his guard uniform off, and slipped into something more...legendary. The purple shirt, navy pants, navy coat and the ermine fur. All that was missing..."Ahh here it is." He pulled out a royal purple cloth, and pulled it onto his face.
"Miss Becker, you are adopting the guise of Germana Menotti, Angel Eyes. She kills up close and personal, letting her victims see her eyes.
Helmut looks to Sam, with a small smile. "Sam will be Conrad Mack, the Smiling Tiger. Only an American would call a fashion forward African American man (which is exactly what you are now) a pimp."
"We go in, allow me to do the talking." Zemo says, walking his way, leading them while on the bridge. "Any questions that -don't- involve fashion choices for a persona that is not their own?" He turns, waits a second. "Good, let's go." The glitz of high town, is not what they are headed towards, they are headed for a nightclub in low town.
- Cael Becker has posed:
Cael turns the mask over in her hands, a curious and amused smile tugging at her lips. "This," she remarks, is pretty. Hell, she's almost starting to excited about this. Maybe she still has a bit of a bad girl streak in her? But there is absolutely something thrilling about going rogue like this.
Unlike the last time they had to change - Cael does opt for privacy this time as she steps onto the quinjet once more. Look - last time they weren't out in the open on a bridge. It's one thing doing a quick change in a room of compatriots. It's another thing doing it where some perve with a telescopic camera could be snapping pics. She makes the change quickly and simply, with her back turned to Sam. She shifts one way then the other once she's dressed - testing out the limits of the dress - before she'll stride down the ramp after Sam, mask and contacts in place. "Nice pick with the dress," she remarks simply - satisfied that it wouldn't limit her movements out in the field.
"Sam - I think you look smart," she remarks - her amused smile hidden behind the mask.
"So - up close and personal? She specializes in knives? Please tell me she also carries a piece." She'd feel naked without a gun. She studies some of the knives - strapping them onto a thigh where she'd be able to retrieve them easily enough, thanks to the dress's design. Again - just a nice choice.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
There's no obvious reaction to the Winter Soldier's sudden appearance amongst them, though the tick of Sam's jaw suggests it's maybe by effort alone that he's not acknowledging it. Not at least until Zemo's back is turned, and then he bumps his fist against Bucky's right arm. Sam spares a moment to catch Bucky's gaze and nod at him, but there's no real time for a check-in, not right now.
Sam is silent through the introduction to their alternate personas as he tucks a pistol into the shoulder holster provided to him, and then a spare in the waistband of his pants. A knife too, though he leaves those mostly to Bucky--and to Cael, since apparently that's her thing, now that she's Angel Eyes--and that's enough, for him. He knows his combat abilities are comparatively limited so long as he's without his wings.
He motions Cael into the backseat first, then settles in after her.
"Smart, huh? Pretty sure this is the most expensive outfit I've ever worn in my entire life," he mutters as he fiddles with the gold watch on his wrist. Though he then adds, "As long as you don't count the EXO suit, I guess."
Once they're all inside the car, the driver pulls out onto the street. The lights of High Town begin to fade into the distance as they head in the complete opposite direction, towards the slums and seedy underbelly of Low Town. Before long, the car finds itself with an escort as several armed men on motorcycles approach, and though the next several minutes are tense, there's no overt sign of hostility from the riders.
It's as much a statement as their fashion choices: Low Town knows they're here.
Their escort slips away as quietly as it had arrived as they turn onto Low Town's streets, and soon enough the car pulls up to the curb. They have a ways to walk, across an overpass and along an abandoned railway that now functions as Low Town's "main street". Clubs, store fronts, restaurants, it's like any other down town except dirtier, seedier. There are drug deals and weapon exchanges happening right out on the street, people milling about like it's nothing. Steam from underground vents carries that smell of Madripoor all around them, until it's settled onto their skin, in the fabric of their clothing.
People notice them. They're all known entities, or are at least playing at being known entities, here. But the unspoken rules of Madripoor seems to keep everyone at bay.
For now.
Overhead, a sign reads 'Princess Bar' with a somewhat incongruous symbol of a monkey's head paired with it.
- James Barnes has posed:
His response to Sam is unreadable, was that a slight nod? His expression, those eyes, they're both still more blank - cold and kind of dead - than anything
How easily he falls back into it is a little scary. When Bu - The Winter Soldier, starts off with the rest of them, he has that 'I'm the boogeyman here to fuck up your world' swagger back down to a science. The cold, hard look in those pale blues is enough to have people subconsciously moving out of his path, walking far enough out of it, in fact, to give him a WIDE berth. He may have a blade or three tucked away somewhere, but does he need weapons? The Winter Soldier *is* the weapon.
But maybe the most worrisome part? He's still not said a single word, not even a quip in response to Zemo. ...or perhaps, it's the fact that he seems so *comfortable*? Like he's slipped on an old pair of favorite worn-in sneakers. These are the shoes he walked in for *73 YEARS* of his 107, after all.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
"Knives, guns, she doesn't not discriminate." The Baron adds, before chuckling. "Though you should really diversify your weapon load out. Relying too much on one type only hinders you." He said in that husky voice of his. Zemo took the front seat, even if he did not put a weapon on his person, he was armed.
The Princess Bar was Selby's domain, and Selby knew Zemo had arrived as soon as he got there. The purple mask was removed, at least for now. He was thirsty.
Zemo approaches the bar with the ease of someone doing their everyday business, ready to order, and to talk with the barkeep. "Blanton's." And the bartender had pulled up with the faceted bottle, pouring a dram into a glass and handing it to Zemo. "We are here to see Selby." He beckons, tipping his glass to his mouth. That delicious elixir dancing on his tongue.
- Cael Becker has posed:
Cael takes a moment to study Bucky once she's loaded up on weapons (including guns, much to her relief), offering him only a brief nod - the uncertain, concerned expression on her features completely invisible behind that ornate mask she wears. On the drive - she'll try to look up information on the person she's supposed to be imitating, asking a few random questions. Is she much of a talker? A flirt, or more cool and collected?
Of course, as soon as they arrive, and Zemo orders, she realizes she forgot to ask about drinks. Well, fuck. She'll just stay dry for the moment - better for her reflexes, anyways. She stays behind Zemo on alert, eyes scanning the inhabitants of the bar regularly.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Normally, Sam has the kind of working relationship with Bucky where they can communicate without speaking, at least for important details. Along the lines of 'go' or 'back off' or any of a variety of insults... okay, mostly that last one. Mostly they can piss each other off with just a look.
Right now, though, Sam's not getting a whole lot from Bucky, and even having his competency questioned with one snarky glance would kind of be nice right now.
Sam's the only one without a mask, and he spends the car ride openly wearing the kind of concerned expression Cael keeps hidden.
But then they're out on the street, and he's relaxed, holding the door open for her and offering a hand to help 'Angel Eyes' out of the car. Maybe that's how Smiling Tiger would behave. Sam has no idea; unlike Cael, he doesn't ask follow-up details on his cover identity.
Because Sam's not a spy. His plan is just to go the silent route, hope that flies.
Of course as soon as they walk up to the bar, that all changes. "Zemo," the bartender says as he pours the Baron his drink, and then follows it up with a more surprised "Smiling Tiger. Surprised to see you here."
All Sam does is nod.
"Your usu--oh." He goes very still when he notices Cael-as-Angel-Eyes, and his gaze flits away, but only after he's definitely checked her out. Though it's quick enough, and the following look on his face panicked enough, that he doesn't think he should have done that. And then the bartender sees the Winter Soldier.
Of course, by this point most of the rest of the bar has noticed them, too. But they mostly have eyes for the so-called Fist of Hydra.
Mention of Selby has the bartender making eye contact with someone across the bar, and seconds later a hand lands on Zemo's shoulder. "Some nerve you got, Baron, showin' up here."
- James Barnes has posed:
Cael's nod is answered only with a roll of his head to the side that causes his neck to pop.
Damn, but he's creepy with that straight ahead stare, so still and so silent.
The Winter Soldier takes up a position behind Zemo, slightly to the left. Should anyone get too close, that dangerous glower of his is enough to back them up right quick. People know who he is here, or who he was... or, right now, is it who he *is*. It's hard to tell really, the lines between Bucky Barnes and the boogeyman known as The Winter Soldier have almost completely vanished... almost. There's still that one little crease in his brow, the only outward sign of his inward discomfort and distress - it's something only someone close to him would ever even notice. His left hand clenches and relaxes at his side in an attempt to release some of the crap that's building inside him, once, twice, but to the outside observer, it just appears that he's a man waiting for his cue to commence with the violence.
... it's too easy, too comfortable - and that comfort, that's what has him *uneasy*. He could get used to this again, the way everyone one in the room either fears him or sees him as a challenge to be had, a notch in their belts, and that's terrifying.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
"Yes, Smiling Tiger will have his usual." Zemo comments, before sliding his glass to the bartender. "Another if you don't mind. Besides, I have some business with Selby that needs attention." Zemo stands at the bar, like he will not leave without attending that business. That was when the hand reaches up to Zemo, and he turns his head towards Bucky. "Soldat." Take care of that for me, would you?
- Cael Becker has posed:
Cael's no spy either - but she knows enough to understand that she has a role to play, and it's easier to pull that off when you know a little something about the shoes you're stepping into. In fact, she gives Sam a Look for not asking questions. She momentarily forgets that that Look is completely invisible.
As the bartender eyes her up, she turns cold, purple-hued eyes on him, one hand seeming to stray to where that thigh holster peeks out from the slit on her dress. Does she enjoy the way the bartender blanches, and turns away to fix Sam's 'usual?' ... more than she should. But hey, it's not like she ever actually intended to hurt the guy. That makes it all okay.
As a man puts his hand on Zemo, and the Winter Soldier is called into action, she draws one of those knives, holding it ready, and prepared to inflict some non-lethal damage on anyone who gets tossed her way.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The Princess Bar has the same undercurrent of danger rippling through it as the rest of Low Town does, and the decor seems to reflect that. A wall of monkey skulls backlit by neon, the haze in the air that spills in from the wall open to the street, even the fish tank is somehow more ominous than it ought to be.
And the crowd is little better. Sure, it's packed to the brim with your average Madripoor local, but average in Madripoor is so offset from the bell curve that it's a statistical anomaly. Nobody here is normal.
Everyone here is staring at them.
"Sure," the bartender answers, and then he turns away to withdraw some sort of... is that a snake? Why is it in a jar? Is it *pickled*? It takes just about all of Sam's composure to remain straight-faced as the bartender guts it, right there next to the fucking cocktail garnishes. The tickle at the back of Sam's neck from so many eyes on him isn't enough to distract him from the gut-clenching awful smell of whatever it is that's set in front of him, the caustic sting of extremely high-proof alcohol unable to mask it.
He supposes it has to have a high ABV to decontaminate whatever the hell he's about to put in his mouth. It stays in his hand for a few seconds, one attempt ending with a noise that Sam mostly succeeds in passing off as something anticipatory, rather than the actual gag that catches in his throat.
Behind Zemo, more thugs slip out from the crowd, approaching. None of them look particularly thrilled about it, clearly wary of the Winter Soldier, but the orders must come from up on high. Zemo's request for Selby has the bartender slipping away... or maybe he's just making himself scarce for what's coming.
The hand on Zemo's shoulder withdraws.
At the same time, Sam slams the shot back.
It's the sound of the glass hitting the bar top that heralds the first punch thrown Zemo's way.
- James Barnes has posed:
Was anyone worried before about the state of Bucky's mentals? They might be after he's done following that order from Zemo.
Quick as a snake, the hand on the Baron's shoulder is snatched, snapped at the wrist a second later to leave the person attached to the appendage on his knees, swearing and whimpering in pain, even as the fist attempting to connect with the Baron is blocked by... metal, *CRUNCH*.
One, two, three, four... maybe five, or is it six? The number doesn't matter, once others in the bar react to that first 'blood draw' and come at Zemo and the Winter Soldier sideways, it all just... goes bad. Or good? A heel of a palm to a nose, a boot to the chest, a slam of a head down on a table, a knee to the face of another, a metal fist to the family jewels of that one, it just goes on and on, in the end, the boogeyman is left standing alone, a wide swath of the floor empty around himself and the others; everyone else afraid to make a move... for now.
At least they're all left alive? But his swiftness to violence, the quickness to which he responded to that command and carried it out, that was pretty freaky. He's just playing a role though, right?
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
For all that action happening around him, Zemo remains standing still at the bar, sipping his whiskey. "To you, Tiger." He comments, before raising his glass to the man, this was his revenge for the plane. He wanted Sam to take that pickled snake gut with a smile on his face, because he was not Sam. He had to be Smiling Tiger, right then and there. There was no room for deviating from the role, or else it meant their deaths. "I imagine Selby will be willing to talk now."
- Jethro Glass has posed:
Jethro is dressed in all black uniform from his head down to his combat boots. He can feel the water slicking down off his back as he lays completely motionless on the asphalt rooftop slowing his breathing to a crawl enough to keep things together. He narrows his eye following the group as they make their way through the bar.
when the fight breaks out he holds his breath completely stopping the sway of his rifle completely. He lowers himself down even further using the side of the roof for support. His finger curls around the trigger as one last goon walks his way up on Bucky. A hulking figure standing at 7'4" and full of muscle. He looks like he's ready to fight with a pair of swords in each hand. The man spins his swords round and round lifting them high as he readies to charge.
Jethro depresses his finger. A plume of smoke. A crack of thunder in the darkness echoes out. That bullet travels a full mile through 3 windows before reaching its target slown down just enough that the wooden bullet slams right back into the rear of the man's spine sending him falling forward dropping swords to either side clattering against the ground.
- Cael Becker has posed:
The majority of the brawlers are dumb enough to go for the Winter Soldier - but there's a few that take Cael's drawn knife as an invitation, and make a run at Angel Eyes. She's just glad for every self defense course she's suffered through, as she kicks out the knee of one man (a mean feat in heels), and buries her blade in the shoulder of another man. Between the two of them, Sam and Zemo are left to enjoy their drinks in 'peace.' Was she doing this to poor Sam on purpose? Or had she somehow missed the monstrosity of a drink he'd been served?
Well. Let's be honest. Who could have possibly missed the prepartion for that thing?
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Not much for Smiling Tiger to do but keep on smiling. Sam assumes that's why he got the name. Sam also can't muster a smile to save his life right now--which, given their surroundings, he might mean literally--not while he has to just stand there and watch Bucky wade into the thick of it.
Maybe the drink was payback. Sure. He gets it. Sam doesn't know what the hell Bucky did to deserve this, though, and it's a damn good thing that nobody really gives a shit about anyone but the Winter Soldier, right now. There are phones out and recording as body after body drops.
It's chaotic enough, the bar's music ramping up like the universe itself is directing the soundtrack for tonight, that no one can hear the sound of distant gunfire putting that big brute down.
Same for Cael's targets. They go down, and tomorrow it'll probably be the Winter Soldier who did it by everyone's retelling.
"Selby will see you now," the bartender says, cleaning a glass with a rag as if this is a perfectly normal evening in Madripoor, more than half a dozen bodies on the ground.
Hell. Maybe it is normal.
It's possible for Jethro to track the silhouettes of the team as they're lead upstairs, only losing them while they walk past some kind of money laundering setup. The windows are papered over but backlit from all the neon, some of them already broken and offering a glimpse of the interior.
Inside, Selby is sat sprawled on a couch as if she owns the place (because she does) as they enter the room. Her guards, unlike the crowd downstairs, don't give any indication at all that they're intimidated by the Winter Soldier's appearance.
"Aren't you supposed to be rotting away in a German prison, Baron?" she asks. "And yet here you are, making a mess in my bar. Let's hear it, then."
- James Barnes has posed:
Once the threat is dispatched, The Winter Soldier will fall back into being... Winter-y. Somewhere along the way, between violence and Selby's office, he reaches up to casually wipe a spot of someone else's blood from his cheekbone, near his eyes, the only thing visible of his face. All it does is smear the stuff really.
Once inside the office, he goes back to playing a statue.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
For what it's worth, Zemo doesn't like the overt shows of power that the situation called for.
Zemo made for a seat by Selby once they got there. "Supposed to be. But let's face it. A normal prison cannot hold me unless I allow it to."
"Arnim Zola once made a virus H5D9. I need who's been supplying him with that virus, and the antivirus for it." Zemo had brought his glass with him, where taking a drink and setting it down on the table. "I know he's been running it from Madripoor, and you have your finger on the pulse of this city."
- Jethro Glass has posed:
Jethro pulls a paper cartridge from his pack as he finally lets out a breath the sounds of his gunshot reverberating into the distance as he keeps his focus on the group. He bites off the end, spitting the paper onto the ground before slamming down the cartridge into the barrel of his rifle and pounding it into place with the ramrod in one fluid motion. In 3 seconds he's got the gun primed and ready to fire once more.
The rifle is lifted up to his eye and he follows the crew through his scope for some time watching those silhouettes for any signs of trouble only to lose them in the laundry.
He looks through the broken windows attempting to spot them only for a frown to cross his face as he watches one window to the next. The darkness of the rain keeping him from making himself too visible.
- Cael Becker has posed:
As the violence is called to an end, Cael manages to slam one of the men down on the counter of the bar - her knife going to the man's throat as he goes very, very still. She holds him there for a moment - staring at him with those cold, violet-hued eyes, before pulling the knife back, and slipping it back into its sheath. She stoops to pick up her shoes, which she kicked off at some point in the brief battle, and walks alongside the others, trying to hide a subtle limp. It seems someone got in a hit on her. It's not surprising, after all. She's a very competent fighter - but she's not an Avenger, or a super soldier.
Once they reach the room with Selby she perches herself casually on the back of one of the couches rather than taking a proper seat, her gaze scanning over the guards before landing the woman they were there to meet.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The Winter Soldier and the Smiling Tiger bracket the room on either side of the seating area. Right now it's Selby and Zemo who have taken center stage, Cael no more than an angel (or, if she were truly the person she's pretending to be, a devil in disguise) perched by Zemo's shoulder.
Tension is thick in the air. The guards have their hands on their guns, all looking moments away from opening fire.
"You're taller than I heard, Smiling Tiger," Selby says, and though Sam doesn't respond with anything more than a look, she cracks a wide grin at him. "And you," she continues, looking at Cael now. "Angel. We've been missing you in Madripoor lately. What have you been up to?"
She's not actually waiting for an answer. There's a deal to be made here, and that's all Selby cares about. What she's going to get out of it. "Who says there's an antivirus?" That Zemo is even asking after it makes her head tilt, eyes searching, suspicious. "But yes, you're right. And flattery will get you everywhere."
Her fingers tap against the back of the couch.
"There are a few HYDRA elements in Madripoor. More than there used to be, that's for sure. Something's stirring them up." Judging by the faint sneer to her expression, Selby isn't a fan. "But blood money is still money, isn't it? They have Wilfred Nagel working on a few projects, or so I've heard, and your virus is one of them."
Selby rises to her feet. She walks past Sam, past Cael, and though they both have her attention for a moment, it's the Winter Soldier that she approaches. "I can tell you where to find him, if you're willing to give me what I want in return." Her hand lifts, like she's about to stroke it over the gleaming metal of Bucky's arm, and--
Glass shatters. A spray of fine red mist lingers in the air for a second before Selby falls, a hole blown in her chest, and then the room erupts into chaos.
The guards start to fire. Sam ducks out of the way, gun swiftly out and firing. "Shit, get down!" is the first thing he's said since they've left the car.
- James Barnes has posed:
A slight flare of his nostrils, barely noticeable, is all the reaction The Winter Soldier allows when Selby threatens to go all kink-feeling his arm.
When her blood splatters his face, well, he doesn't even notice. He just acts. It's what he does, even when he's one hundred percent Bucky, it's just what he does.
Two steps clear the space between him and one of the guards in the room. His steps, by the way, are quicker than the average. He probably makes it there before Selby's body hits the ground.
The sound of the dude's neck cracking.
He's heading for the next after stooping to pick the gun off the first, a bullet blocked by his metal hand ricocheting over there somewhere to embed itself into the wall. He levels the gun from the first at the head of the second and *BLAM*.
...are they supposed to be killing on this thing? If not, he didn't get the memo or he forgot it.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
Helmut took his glass from the table again, and drank. "You know as much as I do, that HYDRA is a blight on the world. And there is always an antivirus."
When Selby goes down, Zemo climbs to his feet. Helmut makes for the exit, ready to get the hell out of here. "We have what we want."
Next time, Zemo will insist on arming himself.
- Cael Becker has posed:
Shit. This is not how this was supposed to go. Cael drops to the floor behind the couch and leaves Bucky to handle the guards as she reaches out for the fallen woman's hand, dragging her towards her, and towards cover. "Do we need this bitch?" she hisses out. I mean - hadn't they come here to talk to her? //Fuck//. She looks at the woman - at the way the blood spurts out of her chest with a rhythmic beat, and at a devestating volume. ...it doesn't matter if they need the bitch or not. Nothing could save her.
"We have enough?" she asks with some surprise, pulling her gun and firing off a few shots at one of the guards to give Bucky a little cover as she retreats towards the door. Why had Selby been willing to give out intel that was actually valuable - //before// a deal was sealed? Shoddy work on her part. "You know where to find the fuck?" she asks. Does Angel Eyes talk that way? Does she care?
Not right now, she doesn't.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
It becomes clear very swiftly that it's time to fucking go. Though Bucky snaps the neck of one guard and, between cover fire coming in from outside and what shots Cael and Sam manage to get off, they're managing to clear the room, there's no telling how many more guards are liable to come bursting in through the door. There's already footsteps coming up the stairs.
"We're sitting ducks if we stay here," Sam says as he pops out of cover, moving up and over the couch with enough momentum that when he knees one of the guards in the stomach, they both keep moving backwards, tumbling over themselves. But it's Sam who lands on his feet, and kicks open the back door which leads out onto a rickety fire escape. "Come on!"
He leans out of the door just long enough to check that it's clear, and gauging by how no one takes any pot shots at him as he does, Sam's going to say it's fine.
Still. Maybe he gestures Zemo to go first just in case.
"Buck, let's go!"
So much for keeping up pretenses.
Down on the street, the news of Selby's death is already spreading. Word travels fast in Madripoor, especially when money's involved, and someone wants to pay a lot of it for the heads of Selby's killers on a platter.
Which is technically none of them! But someone is picking off stragglers for them as they make their way onto the main thoroughfare, someone who knows the rooftops of Madripoor like the back of their hand, well enough that they stay ahead of any attempts to catch up--or even catch a glimpse of them.
Still. There are a lot of people in-between them and a potential extraction point, and Sam shouts out, "I can't run in these heels!" even as he starts running, gun raised and firing.
- James Barnes has posed:
The Winter Soldier hangs back to guard their exit against anyone coming through the doors. Anyone that does is put down post haste, one shot, one kill. Once everyone else is out? Well, he bypasses the fire escape and just jumps out the window to land at the back of the pack with a surprisingly quiet 'thud', knees bent to absorb impact.
He straightens and follows along. One shot, one kill if anyone crosses their path. His accuracy is incredible, frightening...
...and he still hasn't spoken a word. Not even about Sam's heels.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
Zemo heads out first, but who cares? He is enough of a combatant that he can take care of himself.
Someone steps out and points a gun at Zemo. The Baron takes his hand and grabs at the pistol, flipping him over and with an unhealthy thunk, pulling that arm out of its socket. The pistol is saved, and Zemo is now armed.
As he makes his way farther down, one more person raises a gun to Helmut, and Zemo raises his, taking one shot.
That was all he needed, the hitman's head arched back with the wound, and his body gives way, dead. How many are left in the magazine?
- Cael Becker has posed:
Cael moves at a jog - running barefoot through the streets. The heels she'd been wearing are left behind in that room, lying in a pool of slowly growing blood as the last of Selby's life beats out of her chest.
She doesn't seem to pay any mind to her barefoot condition, however, as she trots along towards the center of their little party, her gun held at the ready, firing off shots as necessary to keep the heat off of them. A small group of thugs who come barreling out of an alley seem to think better of their advance as the first two collapse, clutching at their abdomens - the others fall back into the shadows.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
They turn down a side street, and then take a sharp left, darting across the train tracks into an alley. Whatever bounty rests on their heads must be a substantial one, because the smell of gunpowder is thick enough from so many shots fired that one can almost, almost, ignore the underlying stench of Madripoor.
Halfway down the street, Sam has to trade out his first pistol for the other, the one against his lower back. Right now is not the time to be concerned about anything except getting away from the chaos, and the four of them working together combined with the odd sniper shot from above seems to do the trick.
One more turn and suddenly they're alone. A thud sounds behind them, but it's only a body dropping to the ground, one shot precisely placed between the man's eyebrows.
"Of all the places Winter decides to show up," comes a voice from above. Then, seconds later, a shadow flits across the sky, and the voice is closer. "Do you want to know exactly what Selby had planned for you? She's not a nice woman, you know. No one is here. But Selby... well, she's always been particularly disgusting."
Out from the shadows slinks a woman, dark hair pulled back into a severe ponytail, wearing an armored catsuit. She holds a rifle against her chest, and the gleam of her eye precedes the full reveal of her appearance. That eye is a smooth jade marble where her real one ought to be. "Well, I guess now she's nothing more than worm food."
She beckons to the group as she turns on her heel--which is in fact a very sensible pair of flats, thank you very much--and marches off. "Let's go. You're not safe in Low Town. I won't hear the end of it from my sisters if I don't at least pretend to give a shit about you." A pause, and then the woman glances back over her shoulder. "And take the masks off, both of you. It's not Halloween."
- James Barnes has posed:
It speaks. But only after he takes the mask off as requested. Does his voice crack just a little bit? Maybe so. "Jade..."
But there's no time for that really, is there? Bucky falls in step with the woman without missing a beat. It's obvious he trusts her, Bucky - and it seems much more to be Bucky now - doesn't just follow a person he doesn't trust.
Gemstone eyes, seems a theme with the familiar women in Bucky's life, huh Sam?
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
Zemo puts the gun in the small of his back. "Jade." He says in greeting, before exhaling. "Always nice to see one of the sisters."
"Not safe indeed." He comments, before following Jade to where they need to go.
- Cael Becker has posed:
"And I was just getting used to it," Cael complains with good humor. She pulls the mask off - but holds onto it, looping the thing over her left arm and pushing it up until it comes to rest near her shoulder. She tries to keep her own features a neutral mask as well - but there's a tightness to the set of her jaw that implies she might not be entirely okay with everything that's been happening. "Jade, Ruby..." she muses thoughtfully, "Is there a Sapphire? Beryl? Amber?"
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The big reveal gets an exasperated sigh from Sam, who allows his arm to drop, pistol aimed down at the ground. "How many more?" he asks Bucky, though he's not even sure he's going to get a response. And then Zemo-- "Wait, you know them too?"
"Give me an evening Mr. Wilson. We'll get properly acquainted, you and I."
Jade smiles at Sam when she comes to a stop at the next corner, where an armored SUV has just arrived. The way she opens the door and winks makes Sam's expression falter, and he looks around for a long moment, before with a resigned sigh he climbs in.
"You seem like you could be an Amber," Jade tells Cael. "How's your vision?" She sizes the other woman up and then flashes the same flirty, salacious smile at Cael as she did Sam, before gesturing Cael into the vehicle as well.
Then it's just Zemo and Bucky, neither of whom get dirty looks. Well. Not quite true, just a different interpretation of the word. "Get in the car," she tells them both, and then takes her seat up front, though she immediately twists around to look in the back. "The thing you're here to find is long gone, I'm happy to tell you. Because it means you can both get the hell out of Madripoor."
Their driver (who has two totally normal eyes that he keeps facing forwards) pulls away from the curb. True to Jade's word, they're headed for the outskirts, towards the docks.
"HYDRA packed up and ran as soon as your boots hit the pavement, Winter. Guess they weren't willing to take the risk after so many of them have disappeared under suspicious circumstances back in the States. You wouldn't have any info on that, would you?"
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
Zemo sighs, at least they knew who would have the antivirus now. "So the rats ran from the ship, no bother. We pursue the rats."
Once he was comfy, he just started going with this flow, no doubt Sam would want to keep raining on his parade though. "So, let me guess. You know where they took the scientist?"
"And what do you want in return?"
- Cael Becker has posed:
"Amber?" Cael scoffs as she slides in. "No way. Carnelian maybe? Aventurine?" Why does Cael know all these stone names? She gestures to both of her eyes as she adds, "But I like having both of my eyes, so I'll pass on the... offer." Was it an offer? She wasn't entirely sure.
Once they're all in, she'll ask simply, "Did anyone get hit? Everyone okay?" Because sometimes people try to cover for that shit, and it's dumb. It gets people killed. She lets her gaze scan over each occupant of the car in turn.
- James Barnes has posed:
"What?" Bucky comes out of where ever it is he went a little after Jade asks her question.
He cracks a ghost of a smile, but it's a smile at least. "Nah, not a damned thing, Jade." Even though she's Jade and not Ruby... she's sure to see right through that lie, he's made sure of it with that smile.
- Jethro Glass has posed:
<Start the car> Jethro says over coms, in a hurried voice. <Start the car.> He repeats with the sounds of footsteps behind him some sort of shouting as he sounds half out of breath. His footsteps are heavy and thudding against the rainwater as more footsteps follow behind him, echoing out over coms along with shouting that grows closer by the moment.
On the top floor of a nearby building Jethro comes into view dressed in all black. He's running as fast as his legs will carry him the top of the building partially open to the elements as he dives head first through the closed window and down towards the banister below. He's caught by one of the cloth overhangs which snaps under his weight and then a second and a third before slamming down with a light thud into a nearby trash can.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
The SUV is moving, if slowly. Slow enough that Jethro will be able to catch up with it before it pulls out onto the highway.
"He with you?" Jade asks, and at Sam's answering nod she sighs and leans bodily across her driver to hit the release latch on the trunk. He'll have to climb in that way and go over the back seat if he wants to sit somewhere with a seatbelt!
Jade leans back. "The only thing I want, Baron, is for you all to be gone. Madripoor is a well-oiled machine, one that's currently printing me money, and costumes always gunk up the works." Her eye shines as she takes one look at Zemo, and then she looks away, sitting up straight as she watches the run-down buildings of Low Town begin to fade into the distance. "Besides, I don't know where your rat has skittered off to, beyond that he's stateside now." In the rearview mirror she makes eye contact with Bucky, and her head tips up, something unspoken passing between them.
Maybe Bucky has a decent idea of who he should talk to, back in the States. At least she seems to think so.
She spend a little time looking at Cael consideringly, after that. There's something a little too knowing about her expression, and when Sam speaks up from the back to ask, "Where are we going?" she doesn't so much as spare him a glance.
"East end of the docks. Should be dead this time of night, at least so long as you're gone before anyone notices you."
- James Barnes has posed:
"I saw Opal the other night," Bucky informs Jade. Nothing says, how's it going like the implied 'I did the horizontal bop with your little sister' in that remark. But it's also something else, he's acknowledging that nod and letting Jade know he's reconnected with the heart of the trio of women.
"Thanks Jade." And he means it. She may not be his favorite of the trio, but he'd be there if she called in need.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
"There you have it, gentlemen. He is in the US." Zemo offers, before clapping his hands together. "Yes, thank you Jade." Now for more pressing issues. "I don't suppose you can use that information and will simply allow me to leave with the information?" Its worth a shot. But probably not. When he gets shot down, he simply relaxes against the seat. "I guess we are going to the US..." Joy.
- Cael Becker has posed:
Jade, Ruby - and Opal. Cael tucks that little bit of information away without comment, and notes that no one fesses up to being injured.
Hopefully that means that no one is injured.
Jade's knowing look gets a brief, puzzled frown from the agent - but she lets it pass without comment as she leans back into her seat for the rest of the ride.
Taking a fugitive back to the US. This day just gets better and better.
- Jethro Glass has posed:
Jethro pulls himself up out of the trash can falling over onto one side with the can still stuck on him as he rolls for a slight bit before managing to come back up to a stand. He's running to catch up as in the building he'd just come from folks gathering at the broken window to shout and shake their fists screaming down towards where he'd been as he leaps into the back of the SUV.
Jethro catches his breath wiping his head with his handkerchief as he looks about the vehicle sprawling himself out. He leans over the back seat of the SUV pulling out a hand rolled cigarette to stick into the corner of his mouth out of a force of habit, his attention moving from one figure to the next as he tries to piece together how everything went so wrong so quickly.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I know you did," Jade answers, and the flat intonation in her voice definitely gives away to Bucky (and Sam, even though he wish he didn't have this cursed knowledge) that she's aware of what Bucky and her sister got up to.
No, Bucky does not get a "You're welcome." In fact, he gets absolutely nothing from Jade for the rest of the ride, who is incredibly skilled at giving someone the cold shoulder. Hell, it seems like she prefers Zemo's presence to his, given that she does at least acknowledge the Baron's thanks with a nod.
Everything does not get wrapped up in a neat little bow as they're deposited on the docks.
Just about literally deposited. Jade herself gets out of the SUV to start opening doors, snapping her fingers and possibly going so far as to haul people out if they take their time. She's clearly on a schedule here, and as soon as they're all out she climbs back into the passenger seat. The vehicle is out of eyesight in moments.
Sam says, "Like hell we will," to Zemo during the drive, and then when they're standing on the docks he points wordlessly up the cargo ramp of the quinjet, which was thankfully not stolen. That would've been real awkward for them if it had been.
Once everyone's onboard, he doesn't take a seat. It's a long flight back stateside and Sam hovers behind the pilot's seat for all of it, possibly too amped up from the extended firefight that took them through Madripoor's streets, possibly just to keep himself between Bucky and Zemo.
Cael gets dropped off first, back in NYC, and then Jethro further south in Delaware. Whatever the next step is, it'll have to come later. Right now they have to figure out what the hell they're going to do now that they're aiding and abetting a wanted fugitive.
How the hell did it come to this? It's all Bucky's fault.
- James Barnes has posed:
No, no it isn't, everyone who knows anything about everything and all of it, knows... It's always Sam's fault.
- Helmut Zemo has posed:
It was indeed Sam's fault. He broke cover, what a noob. It was only when back on the quinjet that Zemo uttered another phrase. "Alexa, play Despacito." 'Okay!'