3523/Love Letters Part 1: Hot Pizza and whats that Smell

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Love Letters Part 1: Hot Pizza and whats that Smell
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: Turtle Lair
Synopsis: Casey comes by to discuss himself, and the future and love. As he does so Donatello and Leonardo, come up with a plan to save both Casey and April, due to an awful note. Breaking in and swapping it with a better one!
Cast of Characters: Casey Jones, Leonardo, Donatello

Casey Jones has posed:
"Now now now, Casey, it's like left or was it right, what the hell is that smell.....is that the mainline." Casey Jones had come down with a backpack filled with parts, and four pizzas and his hockey mask, no weapons thought that is a good thing. As he stumbles around the Brooklyn underground, as he sees something running, as he peers, it appears to be a small metal mouse, as he blinks three times, it is gone, shrugging as he leads into the lair.

"Bros' I bring gifts and stuff." The voice calls out into the lair, as he throws that heavy bag filled with car parts, and trinkets, metal down."Don Don, this stuff is for ya bro, it's to build cool stuff, and like make magic happen and shit." As he moves forward to place the pizza down on the table, with a wicked chuckle."Now, this is to jam in our face holes, till our bellies are happy!"

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo is in the training area. Feet, hands, elbows, and knees wrapped in fresh canvas pads, he's got his mask off. His katana is strapped, not to his back as usual, but on his side. Body turned with his dominate shoulder forward, hand wrapped gently around the intricate lace-work on the Same Tsuka, a low grip.. One of the training dummy's, wrapped heavily in leather protective sheaths stands several feet away. The standing peg fixed in concrete bags to keep it upright, he himself has his head bowed and eyes closed.

The music playing is a slow building rhythmic drum beat that, the eldest turtle is using to center himself. A thumping of his calmed heart in time with the music. As the drums reach a crescendo, his right foot angles forward towards the dummy... then as the instrument heavy rock song, the blade slashes outward with a flick of his wrist. Cross cutting up the inside of the dummy from flank to shoulder.

Leo twists his wrist and throws himself forward into a roll over his shoulder. Reversing his grip in a twisting slash, from a weak position down on one knee.. He brings the blade up with both hands, deflecting an imaginary downward blade strike, twisting his wrist to parry off, rather than catch the other (admittedly imaginary) weapon on the thin, razor sharp blade.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello had been at his computer all day long. He was working on something for hours now, though it was a little unclear precisely what that was. On one of his screens, a map of Brooklyn was visible, with the neighborhoods divided into discrete blocks. Lines of code were appearing on his other computer screens, characters arriving in precise synchronization with the furious clatter of his fingers striking the keys. It's slow work -- his typing was already a bit shaky from all the energy drinks he had been consuming, but also it's really difficult for him to type without making a lot of mistakes. Human keyboards expect human fingers. He, too, was centered, focused on his work. From time to time, Donatello's head could be seen bobbing up and down to the beat of Leonardo's music, but his eyes were focused on the work at hand.

    It all seems to be coming to a crescendo. This is the moment. Donatello stops typing and points a finger up in the air. After a moment in that pose, he slams it down on the 'enter' key. And then, he waits. An electronic beep comes from his computer speaker, though it's not easily heard over Leo's music. One of the neighborhood blocks on the map turns red. Donnie's eyes widen, he stands suddenly, and then throws his two arms into the air triumphantly!


    And then, he turns around, now aware that there are two others in the Turtle Lair. Oh. Donnie puts his arms down.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Whatcha do Don Don!" Casey is running towards him, moving to the beat of Leonardo's music as he twirls and dancing quickly. His body is in constant motion until it stops right next to the computer as he flashes a thumbs towards the master swordsman. He needs to talk to him but not yet, nope nope, never mess with practice, sportsman to ninja the same rules, right.

Casey peers at the screen, his teeth are biting into his lip, looking at red, and then back at Donatello and back and forth as he thinks."Is this, like the danger zone, so we gotta get into it, fight hard and make it like blue again, is this like one of this augments reality thangs, and I heard about that on tv, the other day, and it sounds like some pixel goodness." Oh Casey tries, to know about the world he tries so damn hard, but it never seems to stick or get heard just right.

Leonardo has posed:
There is the barest hint of a near Eurika! from Donnie across the room, just beyond the paper doors that seperate the living area from the dojo, and Leo opens eyes to look out through it. Seeing both Casey and Don, he flicks the blade down and out with one hand, runs it up along the koiguchi, and gently guides the blade back into the scabbard on his hip.

Removing it is a simple action of releasing the double knot and he walks out of the dojo carrying it in his left hand once the music is turned off. He hadn't a chance to really work up a solid sweat, but it's clear that he'd been at his training for most of the morning regardless. "Hey, Casey.." Grinning, up nod, and he's on his way to the kitchen to grab a drink. Something in a plastic bottle that looks more like sludge than soda. Probably some kind of protein smoothie.

"What's going on?" Standing beside his brother, staring at one of the monitors with a curious look in his eyes. They'd yet to talk, and Leo needed to talk to his brother, but it wasn't nearly as pressing as whatever had excited him so much.

"and is that pizza I smell?"

Donatello has posed:
    It's true. Donatello had been pretty cagey with Leonardo, lately, but it's impossible to contain the excitement of finishing a project like that. Donnie jumps a bit as Leonardo seems to appear by his side, wondering what's going on. Yeah, what's going on, Donnie? Donatello looks over his shoulder at his brother and manages a smile. Nothing incriminating here.

    "I'm working on something for Miyagi. Suppose we need the cover of darkness in a larger area and can't just take out the lights ourselves -- well, we can ask Miyagi to do it. For some reason, Brooklyn's power grid is connected to the web and accepts instructions conforming to the HTTP protocols. A properly formed POST request and... Lights out!" Donatello explains, his smile growing wide and proud. Still, it would be obvious to Leonardo that he's not telling the complete truth right now, even about this.

    With that, Donnie steps away from his brother, not waiting for a response, before walking towards Casey. "You brought pizza, Casey?" he asks, though without the usual glee that might be associated with some pies. "You think that's going to make up for leaving me in your garage with that Titan girl? We had to clean up the busted garage door so her car could get out." He's not mad, exactly -- more annoyed. This would probably be the first recorded instance of a teenage boy complaining about being left alone with Heather Danielson.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Yeah, got pizza sorry, man I like got fixed on getting outta trouble, and yeah, well I brought ya something." Casey picks up that large bag of metal, and parts, and other goodies offering it towards Donatello with a wicked little chuckle."Aint' gonna make up for it, till you get to tinkering and ya gonna forget all about it, bro. I'm not fighting anymore; it's not me now."

As he looks over at the montior, it takes time for things to flicker on in that bad wiring that is Casey's head as he thinks for a moment."So, like it's light-out like that old, game you played on the beep beep thang." His hands move like holding a video game, with a cackle of pure joy."So, like we can get the baddies, in the dark better, with your new little trick, that is epic sauce, Don Don......oh yeah, I don't fight villains anymore, I hope it works for ya guys."

Turning to Leo, as he looks at the man removing his mask, dropping it down on a hook on his belt, with a wicked chuckle."So, yeah and I'm locking up my tools in April's place, ain't going to use em, no more patrols, just working my job, and been three days of work now, or something close to it, man thank ya for dat advice, and I mean I aint' seen her, but I wrote her a letter, and I hope she liked it and stuff."

Leonardo has posed:
Blah blah blah machine stuff, blah blah blah lights out.

Leo inclines his head at his brothers explanation of what it is, exactly, that he'd just completed. "That makes perfect sense." Which, in his defense, is why he doesn't press for more information on what it is Donnie might be leaving out of this whole equation... he barely grasps the parts that he /was/ told, let alone what he wasn't.

Shaking his head, he realizes that this is going to be useful to their efforts protecting New York, and rather than split hairs, smiles at his brother with a crisp nod. "Good work, Bro." Slapping his arm, eyes darting over to Casey with an inclination of his chin, "Good work for you too, Casey. Keep it up. You'll have April back in no time."

The plastic bottle comes up to suck down some of the thick green sludge, eyes back on the monitors trying to... make it make sense. If he stares long enough he's pretty sure it will, but it wont.

No, sorry, it wont.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello gives Casey a look, taking in his explanation, but then settles for the box of machinery parts. "Okay," he agrees. "You're forgiven. But don't leave me like that, again!" Donnie grins and carries the box back to his workbench. He sweeps a forearm across it to clear some of the empty energy drink cans and make room for the box of parts.

    Donnie gives Leo a glance, following his gaze to the computer screens. Nothing incriminating on there! But, Donatello's eyes widen a touch and he bends over to type rapidly on the keyboard. Tap tap tap. Delete delete delete. Tap tap tap. Enter! The neighborhood on the map that was previously colored red goes back to normal.

    "Gotta turn the lights back on," he adds with a sheepish grin. Donatello looks up, presently at the Lair's ceiling, but briefly becomes lost in a series of thoughts -- as if he's working out how he'll conduct his next test.

    One thing brings Donnie out of his fugue state, however, and that's the smell coming from Leo's bottle. He gives him a look that just translates into pure disgust. "I don't know how you drink those," Donnie points out. "They smell like dog food and grass." He lets out a 'blech' and reaches for his last remaining energy drink. The turtle pops open the tab and begins dumping its poison contents into his mouth. Breakfast of champions.

    After letting out an 'ahhh!' after his extended gulp, Donnie regards Casey once more. "What kind of letter did you write to April?" he wonders. Donnie gives Leo a lasting look -- Casey had been a little unhinged lately -- and wonders what such a letter might contain.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey looks back and forth, as he pulls out a piece of paper, this one is smuged with his hands, oil, as he sets it down on the desk."That's like the final, I redid it to be better ya know bros."

Yo April,

Look, I only feel like real with you and stuff. I miss ya, in my life, more than this friend stuff. Like you made me feel like a normal person, not a crazy on the streets, hunting and fighting, em and defend the city. Like, dat seemed like another world to me, when you held my hand, and like cared about me and stuff. So, I wanna like just be yours and hang up that mask, and the sticks and stuff. I'll work at the garage and be like your boyfriend, or something if ya have me, let me know. Been trying to find the right words, I love you April.


Casey if ya didn't know.

"Like, left it in her bedroom, last night an I ain't been back too.....like nervous and stuff." Casey looks away, ashamed, bro you don't show this shit to your bros, it's not cool. Get ahold of yourself Casey, but the deed is done, as he walks over to grab a water outta the fridge, as he opens it downing half of it quickly, as he walks over to sit on the floor, as his eyes closed now waiting for the laughter or whatevers.

Leonardo has posed:
Leo glances at the bottle in his hand, then up at Donnie, lifting the former to purse his long lips around the nossel to suck down the contents in an expressive manner at the latter. Showing off himself drinking his totally healthy energy drink. "Kelp, more kelp, and protein powder with cantalope? You're missing out."

He tries not to think about the fact Donnie just left the power over a section of New York out for several seconds longer than intended in favor of bending over to read Casey's note. Lips moving to the words, eyes trailing left-right acress it.

"..." Bottle up to suck down more smoothie, squinting at Casey, using that drink to formulate words. That will... make sense... and... "You already gave her this?" Pointing one of three fingers at the smudged up note.

"Or... like... you're going to? She doesn't have this yet right?"

Maybe he just misread. So he looks back at the note to read it again...

Nope, that's what it said.

"Huh... well.." Mouth open, no words, mouth closed. "Donnie, you got this?"

Donatello has posed:
    Yuck. Donatello gives Leonardo a look that suggests pure contempt for the contents of that bottle. It would seem that the stereotype of the tech wizards and their relationship with food would ring true at least partly for Donatello. His body is not a temple. Donnie waves a hand in the air, trying to push the smell of Leo's drink in another direction, though he's grinning by this point. It's all just a show meant to give Leonardo a hard time.

    Trying his best to be nonchalant about it, Donnie reaches a hand to power off each computer screen, one by one, and then flashes Leo a slight smile. And then...Casey reads off his letter. Donatello squints, trying to imagine the sentences forming in his head as Casey reads them. It can be challenging to follow his train of thought, sometimes, but Donatello tries his best.

    Donnie exchanges the glance with Leonardo before looking back to Casey. Has Donnie got this? He takes a few steps towards Casey, sipping from his energy drink as he moves. Instead of totally ripping the letter apart, commenting on the subtle nuance that is April O'Neil -- after all, she might just be his best friend -- and recommending things that he should have done differently, Donatello's response is unexpected.

    "Do you think that would work?" he asks Casey. It's not a sarcastic question -- it's really genuine wonder.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Like she got it already it is next to her bed, she ain't been home much, so not sure if she likes read it or not, ya know. But yeah, it's like there and stuff, I don't know man, April like knows my mind and like me and stuff, she will know what it means, yeah."

Casey nods slowly as he bites his lip, watching his bros, with a wicked smile, as he shakes his head."I ain't like no poet or nothing, but dat is how I feel about her ya know, I love her and like she makes the pain stop in my head, and like helps me like think ya know, always had trouble thinking after my dad died, and I got into that fight and that knife like got me here." He leans forward as he points to a spot right near the base of his head, right where a good chunk of helpful thinking nerves would be, as he speaks next."So, yeah, I like tv, and so after that I watched lots of man, never could pick a show so three at once, ya know more learning, triple the enjoyment and stuff right, gotta make sure ya properly, seeing it all."

He had never told them about his past, it was always good times rolling, but here he was opening up to his family, something he would call weak, but they ain't laughing at his note, so might put it all out there, as he beams at them with a wide childish smile."That purple prick was there, the one that was behind the masked prick, that Hun dude he beat me good after I stabbed em, for killing my pops ya know, and than I blacked out, and like it's all just like whirling, good shows though, really good shows."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo presses his lips together, listening to Casey explain the delicate balance that is his intentions, mind, and the ever understanding April holds for both... His expression, however, is dubious. Dubious AT BEST. Another glance at Donnie, he forces a big ol smile on his face. Showing a row of really white teeth.

There's the clue. Leo doesn't smile like that.


"So, here's my plan." Turning to face his brother, which isn't to exclude Casey so much as it appears fairly obvious that if someone is going to salvage this, it has to be the turtles. "You say that thing can cut off the power to a section of New York, how does it work on a single building? Because we really need to do a test run, we'll call it opperation test run-" Jerking his head expressively towards Casey, totally for no apparent reason, "-and we'll make sure April-" *COUGH "DIDNT" *COUGH* "-get that note..."

Donatello has posed:
    Casey Jones might not be high on Donatello's list right now -- he did abandon him with an unfamiliar human -- but the turtle remains sympathetic. Feeling a small sense of connection with him -- or at least, with the idea that it's possible to feel more normal when in the presence of another, the turtle nods his head. Donnie takes a deep lungful of air and lets it out, giving Leonardo a knowing look.

    A smile creeps upon his features. Test Miyagi's new Smoke Bomb function? Break into April's place and get to smell her candles and potpourri decorations? Yes.

    "Yeah..." Donatello replies slowly, nodding. "Yeah, we could, uh, head in there and make sure she...does...get it." The awkward grammar is on purpose -- a private message for Leo, as if to say -- I understand, loud and clear!

    "I had a test in mind, something larger, but this would be better," Donnie admits, a little relief coming through in his voice. "And, I can confirm -- if we want the power to go out in that building, it should be possible." His language is vague but precise. He's not saying everything. This new code should be able to cut out power in a neighborhood, yes, and a building is part of a neighborhood, isn't it? Oh, Donnie...

Casey Jones has posed:
"Thanks for your help, bros, that's smart. Make sure she likes it and stuff. I mean, it took me like hours to get the right words." Casey nods slowly as he looks down at the paper, after rising back to his feet as he slides it back into his pocket, with a little chuckle."Ya guys are like family to me, ya get me ya really do." His voice is filled with ove, his eyes gleaming with hope for the future, as he looks around."Now, without crime fighting, I need to find something to do, cars, maybe ya if ya'll need backup she said it was okay, just not allowed to hunt alone....cause I don't do so good she said on my own."

Leonardo has posed:
Leo WINKS at Donnie, with an eye positioned where Casey cannot see it due to the turn of the turtles head. "It's settled then!" Said with a clap of his brothers arm and a big grin for Casey, "We'll make sure she gets it, bud.. don't you worry. We're on the case, yeah? I mean, when have we ever left a man behind? The answer is never, nope, never." Pointing, taking a step back, both of his hands close around his plastic bottled slush.. Bowing rather elegantly even while moving his shell in the direction of that way, "Don't mind me, just need to go write down some thoughts... ya know, ninja stuff, don't worry!"

Spinning on a heel, Leo goes to write a letter to leave for April in lue of the one Casey had left. A master of remance he is not, but he does a tone of poetry! What could possibly go wrong?

Oh, Leo...