6571/Something Green This Way Comes...

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Something Green This Way Comes...
Date of Scene: 15 June 2021
Location: Entrance Hall - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Sometimes it just takes a clear mind and greenish to help calm a situation... until next time.
Cast of Characters: J'onn J'onzz, James Barnes, Michael Hannigan

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn makes no attempt at all to conceal that he is following James, he hangs back only a short distance and merely follows the man out of the room and up the stairs. He assumed eventually James will lose it and turn on him.

James Barnes has posed:
    That NAME. That name is the embodiment of every ounce of guilt, pain, suffering... did we mention guilt? ...that Bucky suffers, suffered, will suffer at the hands of or due to the actions of HYDRA. Up and out of the basement and to the front entrance, he makes it that far before he spins and demands, "What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want?" The icy calm voice is gone, now it's Bucky, broken... damaged, terrified, angry Bucky and only Bucky.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn feels every ounce of that pain as if it was his own, but his stance and demeanor reveal nothing. He is a stoic man, calm, a voice of reason for the Justice League, all of that plays into this moment as he looks at James.

"I wish to apologize for Robin's actions and words, and assure you that I will be speaking to Batman regarding this. What he did was rude, unconscionable, and uncalled for."

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky wasn't sure what he was expecting when he turned around, but it obviously wasn't that. His brow furrows, his lips part just a little bit. "Fine..." is all that ends up coming out in response. He doesn't people well unless they're his people. "Make sure you do that," he adds before he turns around to walk toward the doors.
    Does he really expect it be that easy? Is it ever that easy? Maybe this time he'll be surprised?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
In that moment, J'onn's ached to be able to do more for the man. He knew that he could, that he could reach into James' mind and just pluck out the pain, fear, sorrow and guilt... but he also knew that doing so would go against everything he believed.

"I realize that you and I do not know each other well," he says before James leaves. "But if you ever need assistance, or merely someone to listen to your words, you are welcome to call me." HE then extends his hand with a card in it.

James Barnes has posed:
    Would he want it gone? The hurt, the pain? Or does he feel it's what he deserves. J'onn certainly knows the answer to that one.
    He looks from J'onn to the card and back again after he turns around. "Why does everyone think I need to talk about shit?" he asks. "I. Don't." But he takes the card anyway.
    "They'll get that kid killed if they go in through the fromnt door. Or they'll get themselves killed. Make sure that doesn't happen, yeah?" He holds the card in his right hand and flicks the corner of it with his left index finger and thumb before tucking it away in the right left breast pocket of the army surplus jacket he's wearing tonight. "A'ight then..." he begins as he makes a half turn and points toward the door. "I'm... uh gonna go."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn merely nods, "I will ensure the child's safety above all others. If I have to phase through alone and grab him, I will, but we would be far stronger with you there Sgt. Barnes. Will you reconsider?"

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky looks over J'onn's right shoulder. It's weird, those pale blue eyes settle into a sort of ninety yard stare. He's remembering something. Not HYDRA related, not this time. No, he's remembering the war. He's remember the kids he saw die, the ones that were arrogant, the ones that wouldn't listen. He shakes his head as if to clear the fog away.
    "Team's only ever a strong as their weakest link," he points out. "...and if I'd lay money on it, I'd say the little girl making all the noise (Mads) ain't even it. It's the ones like Big Red and Big Mouth (That'd be Robin) that'll screw up first because they think they've got it beat, no matter what, they think they got it beat. That little girl? She'll listen... because she's too scared not to."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
A few nods are offered from J'onn, "You are not mistaken in your assessment, however Madison will not be going, which means we are down two useful persons. Hellboy believes himself invincible because of his nature, and Robin is a cocky teenager. They have their uses in certain situations, this however is not one of them."

He remains standing in the place he had stopped, not approaching any closer nor offering indications of any movement at all. "They will be a risk factor for the entire team. I can shut them both down, like flipping a switch, if it is required but I am loathe to resort to that except in the most dire situations."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Well, Hellboy's invincibility means jack if the kid dies," Bucky mumblemutters. ...but something J'onn says? It hits Bucky like a ton of bricks so hard that he actually takes one involuntary step back. FEAR. It never shows in his expression, it might flash in his eyes.
    J'onn likely knows what it was, hell, he can hear Bucky's brain screaming: Shut it down like flipping a switch?! The thought is so overwhelmingly terrifying for Barnes that it's a true testament to his strength of will that he's still standing there.
    ...but he's yet to find his voice to speak.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The reaction was exactly what J'onn expected, but the test was required, he had to know the man's mind regarding telepaths. "You have nothing to worry yourself about in regards to me Sgt. Barnes," he says calmly. "I am a guest on this planet, and would rather die than harm an innocent human being. I will /not/ touch your mind, of this you have my sworn oath and word, on the most beloved memory of my wife and child."

James Barnes has posed:
    He doesn't so much take another step back as just his front foot slides back to join the other. If it wasn't for the calm radiating from J'onn, Bucky would already be in flight or fight mode. As it stands, he says, "I'm not innocent, not by a long shot." Good Lord, but this man is ... just so damned damaged and broken.
    But he *is* a *good* man, with a good heart. It's a heart that's wrapped up so tightly in remorse and regret, in self-loathing, that most never see it.
    "I don't want that kid to die," he changes the subject on a dime. But does that mean he'll show for the party?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"Nor do I," J'onn replies, letting the subject drop. He hoped it was enough, to invoke the oath of the love of his life and his most beloved daughter. "That is why I hope you will reconsider and join us. I strongly believe we will need your expertise if we are to save Tyler. This means a great deal Ms MacIntyre, the success means a great deal to all of us. Will you at least comfort my mind by saying you will think about coming?"

James Barnes has posed:
    The mention of Morrigan brings about another odd flash of emotion from Bucky. Uncertainty maybe? HYDRA!? It flashes in his mind like a neon sign. He really more than half thinks the woman's a HYDRA plant. ...for reasons.
    He reaches up to rub the back of his neck with his right hand. "I guess if I don't, I'm gonna have to answer for it." SHIELD did send him here after all and he is sort of theirs at the moment. Property, the same thing he's been since HYDRA got their claws into him. Same song, different dance, at least they're not ... hi-jacking his brain.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn offers the slightest hint of a smile, it is clearly something he doesn't do very often. "If you are so uncomfortable with the idea, perhaps then you would at least be willing to ride along with us to finalize plans, since this meeting was cut short." He remains ever calm, almost like a wave of zen wafting off him to those around him. "Robin is a child, despite what he may believe, and he may not be going depending on how my talk with Batman goes."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Fine..." It's better than 'no', but not quite as good as 'sure I'll do it'. It's the best Bucky has to give right now. "That kid needs to learn to check his mouth," he grumbles. "Before he runs it at the wrong person." Which he almost did tonight. Had that happened even six months ago, just that name spoken in that language could have triggered a flashback induced violent outburst of epic proportions. "I'm sorry about your family," he adds quietly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, if the encounters with this Barnes was any indication. Antagonizing him was not a good idea. And apparently his presence was enough. So, when the soldier stepped out. Mike was patient. He waited til the room started clearing out, with most of them going towards the nearest exit.

The waterbottle is half empty now. The meeting was pretty darn short and there was a temptation to head out after the others but. The school's empty. It's peaceful. So might as well.. right? Besides, it gives time to get together thoughts. Trying to figure out how useful he'd even be on the rescue if there were magic barriers in place. Would he even be able to go through the walls on his own?

But he could dream travel. And get a couple hundred miles away from there. Easy. So maybe instead of being a strike team he could just be a getaway driver for the kid once he was out of the building? How far was this barrier extending from it?

So deep in his thoughts, Mike wasn't really registering the conversation as he pads around the corner, eyes blankly looking to the floor. The musician pauses in his steps, unscrewing the cap to take another sip. Hmm. Might need to stop at the bathroom first before stepping outside. No telling when he'd get back home.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn is focused on James, but he does not miss the sudden presence of a new mind. He doesn't deliberately do it, he merely knows that someone is moving closer to him. "Thank you Sgt. Barnes," he offers James. "If I see Ms MacIntyre before the 16th, I will inform you that you are considering, perhaps, maybe coming along."

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky pulls his cellphone out of his pocket. It's kind of endearing to watch him struggle trough dealing with the touchscreen and the amount of time it takes him to actually type on the screen. It's hard with only one hand that will register and a 1920's grasp of such things. Modern weapons, he's got those. Modern computer type tech? Three years out of the cold isn't nearly long enough to have caught up. So far, thanks to that distraction, he hasn't noticed Mike.
    The conversation takes an odd turn when he says, "So, you're green." He's still struggling to send the text so his voice is a little distant and distracted. "You ever wish people would just see *you* and not the green?" There's a point to that question and it's relevant. But it's so unBuckylike to ask it at all, let alone for the relevant reasons.
    It's that calming thing J'onn has going on, little by little Bucky is starting to relax into... well, Bucky and not some faded facsimile worn and dulled and muted by years of being forced to be someone else.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike screws the cap back on the bottle. He starts to look up in or-

FMPPSH! With that the tiniest male of the trio ends up running into the back of the tallest. The waterbottle, fortunately closed now ends up dropping to the floor with the thin plastic denting on the edge of the bottom it lands on. "Shi-"

Great. He pulled a Hank.

Stepping back, he kneels down to pick the bottle back up. Naturally, when he stands up, he tilts his head up to look to the face of who he bumped into. Well, where he expected one. He tilts his head up higher. "...Sorry. I thought everyone went out the other way."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
There is a hint of a lift brow, the right one, on J'onn's face over the sudden change of subject, but it doesn't mind it. "Yes, I am green. I have been my entire life," is offered. "One of the abilities I have is to mask my appearance. Until recently I spent most of my time masked because humans cannot help but be scared of me, stare at me, and treat me differently for what I am. It is there nature to fear what they do not understand or cannot comprehend."

He takes a slow breath, "I would love if they did not, but I have decided..." and the was run into.

Turning very slightly he looks down to Michael and offers the man a nod, "Quite alright Michael, I do believe that is what you were called, correct?"

James Barnes has posed:
    Well, Bucky's worked with Banner, Big and Green doesn't much phase him anymore and this guy's green ain't no where near as scary as that guy's green. "I can only be me," he comments softly. "...but me isn't typically what they..."
    Just like J'onn, he's cut off mid-sentence by the bumping. The ONLY reason he doesn't immediately go all growly on the defensive is the alien's calming presence. Someone needs to bottle that shit and call it 'BuckyBalm' or something.
    He does take a step forward, just one foot, left fist doubled at his side like he MIGHT go on the attack, but he stops short and just says "I should go," from between gritted teeth.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah." Mike nods, "Or just Mike."

Sometimes Nick. Or whatever the character's name is... Depending on bookings of course.

He pauses, consdering J'onn, "Oh- You're the one that ca-"

And then there's that voice.

The bottle crinkles in Mike's hand. The musician's head turns, looking to the man starting to move. Thoughts of the metal hand around his throat makes the rest of his body follow suit as he takes a step back. Holding up his hands in a halting manner. "PLEASE just stop! I'm sorry I asked! I didn't mean to scare you!"

Who knew trying to help people could be so damn frustrating?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
For a moment J'onn looks between the two men. The facts of what occurred are there if he wanted to pick them out of a mind, but he doesn't. He's pretty certain however, that James has reached his limit for the night.

"Mike it is then," he extends his hand, attempting to distract the man so James can make his escape. "I'm J'onn J'onzz."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Scare me?" Bucky asks incredulously. Of course that shit the other night *did* scare him, but he's not about to admit that. But, well, BuckyBalm himself is still in the room so one more step forward, that's as far as it goes other than, "If I go on this mission," he begins as he stabs a finger in Mike's direction. "...you stay as far away from me as space will allow and, so help me God, if I feel *anything* fucking with my head, yours will have a bullet in it before you can even do that going all ... insubstantial shit again." The *promise* is made in a calm, even tone of voice. ...but that might not make it less scary?
    He doesn't exactly shift his attention to J'onn, but it's clear he's addressing it when he says, "You can call me James." Not Bucky, no not yet, getting BuckyZoned is a special privilege of the highest honor bestowed only on the very very very very most trusted people in his life.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike shakes his head, "That's not how it- If I was going- You -." His head shakes, looking to the alien, giving a slow nod. Alright.

"Hi J'onn." Mike replies, before looking between the two. "You guys were here first. " He starts to back up, lifting up a hand to point to the exit, "I'm... just going to head out. You guys do-whatever."

Taking a wide berth around the taller gentlemen, he heads towards the door, stubbornly keeping his back to the assassin and the other guy in the room who could feasibly kali ma someone if they ever felt the inclination to.

Better lay off the waaaaaater.

The bottle is tossed into a nearby trash can.

There is a loud slamming sound as Mike shoves his hands into the pressbar of the door, unlatching it. But he stops. A finger tapping on the bar as he inwardly curses at himself.

"For what it's worth." Mike responds back, "I forgive you."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn looks back to James, "James it is then, thank you for that honor." His eyes shift to Mike for a moment, but quickly return to James. "You have my number. I believe, if you are willing, that I would very much like to meet your commander at SHIELD. Do you think that could be arranged?"

James Barnes has posed:
    Ouch! Lord that question shouldn't hurt so much, but it does, it really really does. The loss and longing that question causes is almost enough to knock a poor Alien over. "She's... on vacation, but when she comes back..." <<<...if she ever comes back from that fucked up computer thing they're all stuck in, fucking HYDRA>>>.
    Mike's words didn't go unheard, but Bucky chooses not to address them, not after J'onn's question anyway, because again, ouch.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The hum of the emergency lights serves as enough of a response for the musician. Mike sighs, pushing it open to let himself outside.
And possibly find some poor tree in need of watering.