6945/Dollhouse: The Incident

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Dollhouse: The Incident
Date of Scene: 15 July 2021
Location: 432 Park Avenue, New York
Synopsis: The team shore up the building as an Inhuman decays it away. Daisy holds the building in place with the help of her quaking ancestors. HYDRA's plan to destroy the building and blame Inhumans and act the heroes has failed.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It's a bold move. They're laying their cards on the table. HYDRA commissioned AIM to build them a computer in the 80s that would allow them to predict the movements of their enemies, that would allow them to map out a plan to conquer the world. Gideon Mallick's HYDRA began an elaborate game of chess, moving people to strategic places.

    They built a specialised academy - HYDRA Academy - a mirror to SHIELD Academy, for that very purpose. General Catherine Hale, high up in the military, Gideon's own son in to politics and national security, Jasper Sitwell in to the belly of the beast itself: SHIELD, Alexander Pierce in to the United Nations Security Council, Julien Beckers in to European Counter Intelligence, Kirk Vogel and Kathlene Hutz in to critical security infrastructure businesses, and John Garrett at the tip of SHIELD's spear.

    All to enact one of the most audacious plans ever put together. Not just a coup d'etat of critical organisations, but of the whole world. The simulation was quite clear. First, SHIELD had to disappear; Second, they needed an enemy to unite the world against; and Third, they needed to act the heroes. It was that last step that was so very against their own nature. But they chose an enemy that they could dehumanise, an enemy they could hate upon as much as the average man in the street. Inhumans would be their nightmare fuel.

    It had almost fallen apart once already. Daniel Whitehall had been so close to seeing it through with SuperSHIELD. Usurping the name of SHIELD was a nice little 'screw you' to their adversary but they had thought too small then. The enemy they had chosen was simply 'superheroes'. They were too liked. This time they would build off of that. This time they would shock the world awake in to a fevered nightmare where a single Inhuman could kill tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye. And then, then the people will welcome their leadership with open arms.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Peggy's voice comes over the comms, clear and strong even after the week she spent in a bed. Her British tones sound stronger than ever as she begins to speak: "Agents of SHIELD, we've been in the shadows a long time. For months now, the world has called us criminals and terrorists. But for decades before that, they whispered about us, in fear as much as awe. Spies. Big brother. Little does the world know that we are the shield that protects it from the things it doesn't want to think exist. We stand between them and most dangerous threats, from space, time, and more. It's not an easy job. It's harder when they are calling you traitors.

    "And yet, you all still stand here. Through life threatening missions. Mental torture. Trauma. The hate of the very people we protect. HYDRA's lies. You stand here today because you believe in our cause as much as I do. As much as agents have for 70 years before you. You stand in a long, strong legacy of doing what must be done in the face of the worst odds. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. I am so honored to call you colleagues and Agents. You do your predecessors proud.

    "Today, we are done being in the shadows. Today, we finish this. We let the world see who we truly are and how much they need us. We put HYDRA back where they belong -- hated as the Nazis and traitors THEY are. But, most importantly, we save innocent lives. We do what we have pledged to do. Go. be the sterling agents I know you all to be. Fight hard. Save lives. Show the world what being an Agent of SHIELD truly means."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The S.T.R.I.K.E. force had been divided in to three. With the intelligence painfully extracted from The Framework they knew what HYDRAs plan was. They knew how it would play out if they didn't step in and expose them to the world for what they truly are.

    Team 1: Commander Morse, Senior Agent Barton, Senior Agent Johnson, Senior Agent Simmons, Agent Hunter, Agent Fitz, are headed directly for the tower itself. HYDRA intends to bring down the tallest residential building in New York. 'Mass Casualties' they said. That's not going to happen. Bobbi has prepared for the worst, that if they're too late they can still save the building and the people inside. Specialised suit cases containing a fancy new shielding system built for purpose, to hold a building up even if its foundations are crumbling. They need only get them installed.

    Team 2: Commander Coulson, Chief Carter, Agent Sousa, Agent Foster, Agent Drew, are headed to the metro below the tower. A scary prospect if Team 1 fails, but no less scary than if they themselves fail. What better place to create the enemies of tomorrow than from the devastation caused above. HYDRA intends to detonate Terrigen bombs. How they've gotten their hands on so much terrigen we're not sure but in the chaos they will turn as many people as they can and abscond with their new weapons.

    Team 3: Commander May, Senior Agent Romanoff, Senior Agent Wilson, Agent Pezzini, Probie Agent Becker, must deal with the most visible threat of all. HYDRA. Acting like heroes. They are orchestrating a play, a falsehood for the cameras. They have their own camera crews set up, they have quinjets with HYDRAs logos on them, they have fancy uniforms to make them look legitimate. They have Gayle Trushoot, the only HYDRA agent of Whitehall's to have successfully adapted to his superhuman concoction of powers dressed like a superhero. They are blocking access to the tower to stop the real emergency responders from getting in so that they can swoop in and 'save the day'. Not on our watch.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Midday. Rush hour.

    1,396 feet of tower. One of the tallest buildings on the Manhattan skyline, 432 Park Avenue features 125 condominiums and dozens upon dozens of businesses, restaurants, and support staff. As The Bus blazen with SHIELD eagles lands in central park across from the tower, the hanger door opens and the team steps forth.

    Bobbi is in full Mockingbird regalia today. Black and white, the wings in semi-active mode already crackling with purple alien anti-gravity energy. Her yellow goggles on her face feeding her intelligence everywhere she looks. She has a pistol strapped to her stomach, an ICER on her hip, twin stun staves on her other thigh.

    "Move out, keep your eyes peeled," she says as they move in to the building itself. Four brief cases, one for each critical structure of the building. It's the backup plan because to not have one is to invite failure. Security sees the Agents of SHIELD wearing the SHIELD on the shoulder and at first they're not quite sure how to respond. Aren't they the bad guys? but this is New York and SHIELD have saved them time and time again.

    Approaching the head security guard rubs the back of his neck, "Gee uh. Look. Whatever this is.. please tell me you're still the good guys right?" Bobbi smiles and places a gloved hand on his shoulder, "Damn right we are. We need you to quietly start evacuating the building. We believe an attack is immin~~"

    The building shudders and shakes. Standing between the elevators a man has thrust out his arms. The walls begin to decay and fall apart, chunks of cement and stone crumbling in to dust. Bobbi instantly spies people drawing out weapons thanks to her glasses, "Plan B. And fast."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter marches behind Bobbi, "Chief sure can give a speech he remarks as he crosses to the building, SHIELD logos visible on his tac vest, an MP5 strapped to his chest, an ICER and a 9mm riding opposite hips. /Lots/ of people are looking at them some even have cellphones out to record. "This better work..." he says to Bobbi through his teeth before they head inside. "Easy mate," he tells the guards before the building starts to shake. "On second thought a little panic might be a good idea..." he looks to the guards. "You lot get out, we've got this."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been a while since Daisy had put in her official SHIELD uniform. Black and blue, proudly showing the SHIELD logo on the front. Not since SHIELD had gone dark, wrongly accused. Much had changed with it but as the Chief said they were SHIELD, their purpose was to protect people, and it was about time they got back to the surface. There was no way she would let what happened in the Framework to become true in the real world. It was time to fight back.

She tightens her gloves in place, secures the ICER on her hip holster and then steps out into the light, a momentary adjustment to again be a part of the whole that was SHIELD. "It feels good to be out here like this." she admits to the others with her, following alongside to the building that was said to be the target of the terrorist attack.

A glance up to the building. "Something isn't right..." she calls out, just before the building starts to shake. Her eyes go wide. If it falls, how many people will die?

"I will try to delay it, take out whoever is doing it!" she exclaims, urgent, running outside and focusing, hands to the side of the building. This is way too big of an undertaking for her vibrations though. But it won't stop her trying.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There isn't a fancy costume for Jemma Simmons. No dramatic color schemes or advanced technology to signal her presence. No, Jemma is simply dressed in the standard tactical gear that all usual agents sport. Black, sleek, functional. SHIELD logos visible, but not nearly to the flash that Bobbi has. An ICER rests upon Jemma's hip, a spare gun to the ankle, despite Simmon's usual aversion to using lethal rounds. One of the four briefcases in her hand.

However, there is a single addition to the ensemble that is different from normal. A tactical backpack rests upon Jemma's back. It is unusual for most...but not so much for those that have seen Jemma in action in the past. It is the patented Simmons bag of tricks, the pack she keeps on hand whenever she goes on a mission. Within, items that could be needed. Imaging goggles, medical supplies, a few odds and ends. Because if Jemma believes in nothing else, she believes in preparation, for all eventualities.

She is only a few steps behind Bobbi...when the building trembles. Brown eyes snap over towards Daisy as she calls out she is going to try to stop it. Of course....that is Daisy. Truly a superhero, in word and deed. And...Jemma knows she isn't going to be able to talk Daisy out of trying to hold up a building on her own.

So...the best way to help is to increase the efficiency.

"Right..." The hand tightens on the briefcase as Jemma settles in. The meek little labrat is not here. Not now. The skills she has picked up come to the forefront. It is time to get serious.

"We need to get to the basement level quickly to reinforce the load bearing columns with the shield as quickly as possible." She isn't looking to see who is going to follow her. Jemma is already off to make it happen.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Time to save the world again.

It seems that these sorts of disasters happen an awful lot. Of course that is a big part of why SHIELD exists. And hopefully, dealing with this most crecent case will be the start of their rise back towards respectability. None of them might do this for recognition. They do it because someone needs to provide that unflinching line that protects the world from threats like Hydra.

Still, it's nice when no one's trying to arrest them for doing their jobs. All things considered Fitz prefers to stay out of jail, or avoid being shot by the authorities. It's one of the many hangups he has.

Of course those hangups have been greatly magnified as of late. His time in the FRAMEWORK has definitely left more then a few unseen scars. But the young technical genius is pretty good at hiding all of those away. Healthy? Of course not. But then stress is pretty damn unhealthy and they all deal with that too.

Still, Fitz is unusually quiet on the flight in, falling into place without a word, walking down the rear landing ramp with his pack strapped to his back and that swarm of drones already taking to the skies. While the tech genius might have proved to be capable enough in the field there is no denying what his speciality is and he keeps his mind on the task at hand, his little flying creations starting to gather up site-specific intel that he can share.

It helps to have something to concentrate on.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The buildings fire alarms go off and the security guards spring in to action making sure the emergency exits aren't blocked. The building rumbles again. Bobbi quickly takes a shot with her ICER at the man whose arms are out stretched. The bullet seems to decay in the air as it flies toward him. A puff of smoke hits him in the chest and he looks up. His eyes are filled with hate and anger.

    "I really wish we had May here right now," she murmurs. Bobbi places a hand on Daisy's shoulder. Her vision doesn't blur any more, neither does she get the nausea, but something unexpected happens.

    Call it instinct, but the Kree symbols in her head flash by wildly and change. Bobbi's Inhuman ability pulses just as Jacob's had done in the framework when they were under attack by HYDRA. The adrenaline and emotional spike that normally sets off her heart channels into Daisy and she feels a spike in her echo-force. Super charged.

    Bobbi pulls back her hand in shock and surprise.. something to consider later, she motions to the team, "You know what to do." Daisy really does, she trusts not just in her but the training they've done together for moments like this. --Which is immediately interrupted by a large woman that SHIELD recognises as Alaris from Afterlife, stepping out in front of the Inhuman tearing the building apart flanked by six HYDRA agents with guns up. They begin to shoot.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter grins as Bobbi gives Daisy a power boost. "Another bloody power?" he asks still grinning. "Never going to hear the end-"

Shots fly by his head and he fires back. "We're trying to have a bloody conversation here thank you very much!" he shouts at the HYDRA agents as his bullets drop one of the six. All joking aside the battle was on now, he looks to Bobbi, calling out, "Bobs," and if she looks his way he adds. "Don't die." There. Ritual complete they can both totally relax. Right?

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh, yes. Indeed there is no stopping to Daisy when she gets a thing in her head. Except when someone holds her shoulder to .., give her a boost. It comes suddenly, unexpected, her eyes glowing for a moment, seeing beyond. It briefly feels as if she can see and read that Kree writing and it .., makes sense. Whatever it was it fades after a moment and she nearly staggers but looks up at Bobbi. "What ..." but there's no time for that. She is on a mission. Instead she nods, straightening, her eyes seeming to tell she is ready to do this when she looks at Morse..

"Now let's save this place." No doubt in her voice when she runs out and focuses on her own powers, the vibrational hmph of the building, the way it sounds *wrong*. Entropically so. She reaches out, arms extended, starting to hover up in the air as she lets herself flow into the Song of the Universe, and in turn lets it embrace the building, enfolding it in it's care and attempting to fight against the destruction being wrought in the foundations.

"They are ..., trying to crack the foundations.." she says with effort through comms, teeth gritted.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
It doesn't take a genius to realize that, when Bobbi touched Daisy, something happened. The reaction from Bobbi as she pulled her hand back is evidence enough for that. However, when it is Jemma who witnesses the exchange, it doesn't take much for her at all to deduce what may have happened. The touch, the increase in Daisy's efforts...yes, Jemma has ideas on what exactly might have happened.

Still, that is something to store away for later. Though, certainly, it will be addressed.

<<Not if I can help it.>> Jemma's voice cuts through clear on the commlink, for everyone to hear. However, she isn't done. With a quick turn, she shifts her attention to her usual partner in crime, in the lab, and now out here. "Fitz, use the D.W.A.R.Fs to pinpoint where exactly they are trying to target. I would wager that it is specifically the support beams. We should be able to overlay the sensor data with the building structural plans to give precise locations to best establish our failsafe devices." She flashes him a quick smile, then turns to regard the hallway....

And the individual in the way...the one with seemingly an aura of accelerated decay.

And...for the first time, a hand dips into the backpack of holding upon Jemma's back. From within is extracted a ceramic white pistol....familiar to some (definitely to Fitz) as a prototype weapon. The cryogenic pistol that Jemma has used upon other occasions. What does she intend to do with it?

Aim is taken...not at the individual with his own version of shaking, rattling and rolling. But...to the floor at his feet. It seems that the scientist intends to make footing a little less stable for the source of the decay.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
It was always unlikely that they were going to be able to get this done without some shooting. There's almost always shooting.

Urban combat has more then it's fair share of drawbacks of course. For one there are far too many innocent bystanders around and while the bad guys either don't care or are actively looking to hurt as many people as they can, it becomes something they need to take care of. They don't have the luxury of just ignoring the civilians caught up in a fray beyond their control. SHIELD has to save the day.

Of course to do that they have to avoid dying first. It is a scientific fact; saving a bunch of people while dead is almost completely impossible. So Fitz does the sane thing when the shooting starts. He takes cover.

Ducking behind one of the parked cars that line the street, SHIELD's tech genius hunkers down, positioning himself behind one of the tires, back turned to the building in danger of collapse for the moment. He doesn't have to keep eyes on the scene. That's what the drones are for. So he stretches out there behind his cover, the drone control panel available in front of him as he guides those eyes in the sky about. He does take just a moment to draw out his sidearm, to rest it on his lap. Best be prepared to trouble.

"Sending you the tactical view now," he says quietly over the comms, pushing out the data feed with the tactical map along with various relevant video feeds to the team at large. "Daisy, Jemma, I have drones scanning the building for places where the structural integrity is failing. Upload on the way," he adds, gaze dancing over the various screens laid out in front of him.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi ducks behind the security desk and nods back to Lance, "Don't die." She takes a weird looking grenade off of her belt and says, "We need to stop that Inhuman from destroying this entire building. I'll deal with Alaris, you ICER Entropy-Man."

    Bobbi lobs the grenade over her head and where it hits the ground, a force field shoots up decorated with the SHIELD emblem. Bobbi leans over and kisses Lance; then her wings snap in to shape and she jumps up and over the security desk and does a roll up behind the SHIELD.

    Alaris starts walking forward and Bobbi steps out and punches her right in the kisser. To Alaris's surprise, she stumbles back a few steps. To Bobbi's surprise, the woman didn't drop. Bobbi draws her gun and shoots Alaris in the gun.. but the bullet crushes against her body, not in to it.

    Alaris begins to smile predatorily and Bobbi takes a page out of Lance's book, "Bloody hell." Alaris does a spinning back kick and Bobbi blocks it with her arm as the two engage in combat amidst the hail of bullets from the HYDRA soldiers.

    Daisy has never tried to catch an entire skyscraper before, let alone one of the biggest in the world. All those different moving parts, all jiggling differently, the song is so incredibly complex (not as complex as a living being though). Even with the power up, it is starting to slip away from her.

    They're on a timer now - the moment Daisy gives out, HYDRA will win. But, they get a brief reprieve when the man literally decaying the building apart slips and hits the floor with an ooof!

    He shakes his head briefly, looking very confused at his surroundings. A hand goes to his ear as he is instructed to 'comply'. His arms shoot out again and the building begins to rumble against Daisy's defences once more.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"On it!" Lance calls out to Bobbi, swinging his ICER around to the man trying to rip apart the building. Seeing Jemma shooting low his gun goes high, aiming for the head, it was a bad choice the round gets caught in the decaying effects of the Inhunan's power, rotting away to fragments by the time it hits. He fires two more time to keep his attention on him and let Jemma's white prototype gun do its thing.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
When Daisy had protected her team back in the Saudi desert she had for the first time felt the true extent of her powers. Holding a desert from falling. It had broken her powers, burned her out and it had taken months until she could use them again. Would she do it again even if she lost her powers permanently? In a heartbeat. And that's what she does now, focusing on calling on all her strength, even if what she has to do now needs both strength and delicacy to keep the building whole. The kind of training she has been going through with Master Fu but is far yet from perfecting...

Some of her control slips briefly, the whole building shaking more violently for a second before a cry comes out in the comms and the building slows it's rumbling, even through the entropy-man continuing it's shake up. She *is* sweating though and she is mostly sure that wet feeling she has on her ears and lips is mostly likely blood coming out her nostrils.

"I ..., can't hold on for much longer.." her voice is ragged on comms, whole body shaking with the intensity, continuing to focus on those structural points Fitz points out as being weakened. "Come on, guys. You got this."

Yet there's no freaking way she will let Hydra win. What happened in the Framework won't happen out here. They ARE SHIELD.

Leopold Fitz has posed:
Out of sight, Fitz is able to focus on the task at hand without any distractions. Of course there is only so much that he can do. Good information is valuable of course. Keeping track of what the HYDRA assets on the ground are up to negates the element of surprise. Supplying information of the structural weak points will let Daisy focus her powers on where they can the most good.

But the drones certainly can't keep the building from falling. That is out of his hands. So he continues to guide the D.W.A.R.F.'s around, making sure that HYDRA has no other nasty surprises out there.

His brow furrows with concentration as he tries to shut out every other distraction going on around him, to focus his thoughts on the matter at hand. But for just a moment his vision blurrs, doubles up and he can practically see a more efficient design for the drones, ones that can project fields of force that could be used to help stabalize the building. Or secure a fleeing suspect in an impenatrable field of force until picked up. Or direct that same field of force right into an enemy, blocking their windpipe until they're immobilized. That would be so very useful at the moment, to put an end to all this SHIELD opposition...

Blinking his eyes clear, Fitz ignores the cold sweay breaking out on his forehead and gives a little shake of his head. "Stress points are building. If you've got anything extra Daisy direct it to the northwestern corner. That should buy you an extra thirty to forty-five seconds and lessen the strain," he says, clearing his throat roughly.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Sinara of the Sacred Song hears the call of Daisy. That loud explosion across the echo-force cannot be denied. Her descendant needs her. A ghostly figure steps out of Daisy. She is wearing a long flowing gown. She gives Daisy a small bow of her head, places a fist to open hand, then she looks up at the impossible tower. How could humanity have built such a thing? the awe must depart though as she swings her arms around in a wide circle, then thrusts them toward the building and her song combines with Daisy's.

    And does the Barik the Mighty Hum, a tall muscular man steps out of Daisy and moves to her side. He claps his hands together and then pushes them up at the building. Gretta of the Unspoken Truth steps from Daisy, another of the previous owners of the echo-force, she looks like a barbarian in her animal hides. She thumbs her fists to her chest then screams up at the tower.

    Master Fu the Unstoppable Echo steps from Daisy and looks at the other three ancestors helping her. He tilts his head to Daisy and winks. With a flourish, he adds his weight to the song she is singing. The building, shaking and trembling, begins to calm even as the foundations rot away.

    Bobbi gets a knee to the gut and then kicked in the chest. She goes flying back and the wings right her in the air. HYDRA soldiers aim at her and she drops down quickly. She draws her ICER and shoots Alaris. The round soundly hits her but shatters. She shoots past Alaris and takes down one of the HYDRA soldiers, then takes out her baton and tosses it at a second. Three HYDRA soldiers remain.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Pivoting from Mr. Decay to the HYDRA soldiers near Bobbi, as she drops two, he does the same with two ICER shots, his third round misses," the man fires back and Hunter staggers as he's hit but he quickly fires a fourth round sending all third one to the ground.

Giving a nod to Bobbi he shouts. "Got you covered, Bobs, his ass!"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The focus goes to that northwestern corner Fitz points out, the strain on her powers easing just a touch as the building is briefly stable. It gives her enough time to take in a breath. And when she exhales they are there, surrounding and supporting her. Those that once carried the responsibility. It feels at the same time surreal but also as it should be. The Song goes through Time and Space. She already knew it in her core, but now she has the proof.

Arms open wider, as if she was wanting to encompass the whole building in her embrace. She smiles solemnly at the 'visions' around them even as the bones in her arms threaten to break, she joining her song to the choir that has formed, a low hum starting to course through the area.

"They have come to help. It is beautiful."

Is she seeing things? Or maybe she is turning delirious with the exertion already. Yet whatever it is seems to have renewed her, giving her additional momentum to keep it going. Together they are unbreakable.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
No, Daisy, you are not seeing anything that no one else can see, too.

The strain in Daisy's voice before was clear to Jemma. She has heard that before. She knows just how far Daisy will push herself...and what happens when she does. So, when Jemma turns around to look back, to regard the owner of said voice, to judge for herself if Daisy is going too far....that...is when the visions of the past emerge from within Daisy. That is when Jemma hears the calm in Daisy's voice.

That explains everything, and yet more questions remain.

Those brown eyes lock on with Daisy's. Held there, for a moment. The question is there, unspoken. Can you handle it? And...the answer is reassuring. Such is how close the two have become, with their time together. No words are needed.

Yet, there is another here who is closer, still. Who is practically of the same mind. And it is to him that Jemma turns to next.

Again, there is no immediate words given to Fitz. There is only a look. One born from years of working side-by-side. It is a simple expression...a line of determination, flat and firm, across Jemma's lips. The flicker of the eyes, an indication as to where she is going. Which corner she is going to claim first. It is fleeting, but it is there.

Jemma is headed for that northwestern corner.

Then, the lips curl into the slightest of smiles...and Jemma shifts into action. The cryo gun returns to the pack smoothly, even as Jemma darts past Bobbi, claiming a second briefcase with her now free hand. She doesn't turn to look, but instead heads immediately towards the corner with the weakest integrity. Down any necessary steps...then Jemma slides down to her knees, a case to the side as both hands shift to open the other. Just a few seconds...and the support will be established.

After that, Jemma will head south...

Leopold Fitz has posed:
With that swarm of drones in full deployment and with a solid perimeter of surveillance in place that does free up a little of Fitz's energy. It will be pretty damn difficult for Hydra to pull any surprises on them now and with the necessary tactical feeds in place there is no real need to linger behind cover and out of sight. Especially since it would appear that both the Inhuman threat and the Hydra agents in place have plenty of distractions to keep them preoccupied.

So Fitz moves, getting back to his feet though still crouching low, moving from cover to cover wherever possible to limit his exposure. The drones are left in standby for the time being, leaving them to continue to feed that tactical display and video surveillance but freeing the technician from having to provide any direct oversight.

A quick glance is shot Jemma's way, just long enough to verify what direction she is headed. Funny how after enough time together one can say a whole lot without even a single word. But seeing her intentions to start at the northwestern corner, he moves to start working the problem in the opposite direction. With luck they will meet on the far side with the building saved.

As soon as he is in position, he presses himself up against the nearby wall, fishing through his pack for a moment before bringing out one of the shield stabilizing devices. He studies his own tactical display for a moment, the view zooming waaaaay in to indicate the precise spot that it should go to insure maximum effect. Positioning it, the shield stabilizer springs to life with a quiet hum as Fitz fastens it to the wall.

Only waiting for the green confirmation light, Fitz is one to the next key structural point.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The building sings. Even as its foundations decay away it remains in place, the wind around it vibrates and so do the windows and every object and person inside can feel Quake. It feels like that person who has your back, right through every cell of your being. The building sings a beautiful song, a song the whole city can suddenly hear like a tuning fork at just the right pitch that is so utterly satisfying.

    May be Daisy is going delirious, but not the people with their camera phones up filming her saving the building. People are pointing, people are talking. It's Quake, she's holding a whole skyscraper! all by herself! - the ghosts can't be seen on camera, but those watching certainly can see them united with Daisy.

    Alaris moves in with two intense punches that knock Bobbi back on to the ground. She rises back up again with the help of her wings and catches the next punch in her hand. The strain on her face is evident as Alaris appears to be stronger than she is. Super soldier or not, Inhuman abilities go so far beyond what science can achieve yet.

    As Bobbi's heart begins to flutter and the little alarms on her wrists and in her goggles warn her she is headed for disaster once more, she grits her teeth and shuts her eyes.

    There it is, all the Kree gibberish in her head. She doesn't know what it says but she sure knows what it means. She squeezes tighter and the hurt inside her pulses through Alaris, squeezing her Inhuman gift tightly.

    Alaris shudders a moment and her strength starts to fail her. Bobbi slowly opens her eyes and stands back up to full height as she bears down upon Alaris, forcing her to her knees. She draws back her fist angrily and punches the woman fiercely, knocking her to the ground and unconscious.

    As the shielding devices in all four corners activate, giving the building a new foundation to stand up, the man spreading decay to the building pauses. He hears and feels that song too. The song renews him and he stares down at his hands, then looks around the room at the destroyed walls and structures, the bodies on the ground and the SHIELD agents before him.

    "Where am I?" He asks with all the innocence of a child who has awoken from a bad dream.

Lance Hunter has posed:
As the building stops shaking, Hunter moves to Bobbi's side. "Helluva a fight, Bobs," he says looking at the Inhuman waking up at their feet. "You alright?" he asks then a beat later adds. "Did we win?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With neck craned back and with a gentle smile on her lips Daisy rises up and upper, continuing her song, oblivious to anyone watching. She knows what her purpose is, what she has to do. And that is to save these people. To show the Inhumans are not the enemy but instead they are hope.

She senses the building starting to stabilize step by step, on those structural points. She knows the rest of the team must be behind it so she grins through her effort, "Just a bit longer, sing with me.." she urges the Sacred Song, the Unspoken Truth, the Mighty Hum and finally the Unstoppable Echo, the building slooowly stopping to tremble and she finally feeling it stable. Secure. They were safe..

She hovers in the air for a moment longer, watching her ancestors and offering them a slow bow of her head, "I knew you wouldn't leave me to do this alone. Thank you.." she murmurs.

Exhaustion does start to creep in, like a tidal, unstoppable wave that washes over her, the strain on her powers finally catching up to her. She exhales and speaks to comms. "I knew you had this.." she sounds tranquil.

And then she closes her eyes and starts to fall from the sky towards the ground, unconscious.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
One, two, three, four.

The stabilization fields are in place. There is one more item of business. Jemma speaks, not necessarily to the fellow agent close by, but to the comlink.

<<Foundational supports in place. Building should be secure until a more permanent solution can be realized.>>

Then...finally, Jemma allows herself to relax. A sigh escapes from her, as the scientist shifts from her hyper aware state to a more casual mode. Something that Fitz is more familiar with. A relieved grin escapes, as Jemma speaks once more. "I think we did it, Fitz...."

It...might be an understatement. It is, however, typical Jemma.

For the moment, there is joy. That will change once Jemma hears that Daisy is unconscious...but...for now, Jemma is happy.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It is Sinora of the Sacred Song who fades first, her echo spent, followed by the Mighty Hum. Master Fu looks on with pride to Daisy as she feels the song coursing through her freely, unimpeded. She too can feel how they have been able to join with her. That the future is always there for the next who will come after her too.. and the one after that.

    Master Fu's proud eyes fade before Daisy's and his echo is spent. Greta, of the Unspoken Truth, holds out her beefy arms and catches Daisy as she falls back to the earth. She gently places her successor to the pavement, strokes her cheek and says softly to her, "Die Zukunft ist das, was wir daraus machen." Then she, too, disappears on the wind, a memory brought back to life for this mere moment - then gone.

    Bobbi rubs at her jaw a bit and then leans to Lance when he joins her for support. "Yeah.. I think so. Good job everybody! I..." she looks around, "Fitz, Simmons, report.. are we good?" that singing in her ears, in her cells, in her everything that Daisy created. She looks outside to see her laying on the plaza. 'Foundational supports in place' - nothing is collapsing.

    People are gathering and taking photos and generally making sure she is not being trampled. There are people live tweeting, people live streaming. Quake saved them, that's what the internet is hearing and seeing. Bobbi says with alarm, "Daisy..." and rushes out of the building, pushing past the people.

    She scoops the young her up in her arms and forces her wings to spread to make people step out of the way and back of <Daisy's unconscious - I'm taking her to The Bus. Jemma on the double. Someone get Coulson and May> Her wings propel her forward as she flies past the crowd and back on to the cloaked bus and to the lab.

    The man who started the crisis stares at Lance a moment, "Could someone please tell me what's going on?" He looks down at what he's wearing, the armor and black uniform and says, "Who dressed me in this? Are we even safe? What was that beautiful song I heard?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Relieved Bobbi is safe he grabs her hand before she goes, "Glad we made it, go save Daisy," then he looks at the man addressing him. "Well mate, it's a long story, but here," he pulls off his tac vest and offers it to the man to cover up the HYDRA logos. "We're going to get you out of here and explain everything, likely over a beer or two it's been a helluva day."
5rHe looks around at the others then. "Who's got clean up detail? I'm calling not it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Goodbyes are always hard, and for someone who never had much of a family until she joined SHIELD Daisy is totally unaccustomed to those. At least the more definitive ones. And right now she knows this is a definitive goodbye as she senses the echoes fading in time, joining the Song in their never-ending course. Still, she smiles up at the Unspoken Truth at those words, in that connection she understanding the meaning.

Quake stirs when Bobbi picks her up, close to unconscious but not yet fully out. There's blood on her nose and mouth, tears in her eyes but for some reason there is a fond smile on her lips.

She strains a bit and tries to open her eyes, catching Bobbi in her gaze and smiling at her, words coming out in a whisper. A whisper that reverberates through the older agent's body.

"The future is what we make of it."

And then her body goes limp.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
A reply is given to Bobbi, through the comms. Yet, while Jemma speaks, she remains focused on Fitz....speaking three words out loud.

"Yes, we're good."

Was she speaking to Bobbi...or, was there a more personal intent? Something just meant for the two within eyesight of each other? That answer...never comes.

Instead, the clipped tones of Commander Morse comes through the comms. Daisy is down. Jemma is needed.

The flash of concern that crosses over Jemma's features is palpable. There is a weight there. She somehow knew Daisy would give everything and then more. Again, brown eyes dart up to her best friend...her partner. The worry is there. And, again, words are not needed. He surely knows what Jemma intends to do. With a nod, Jemma shifts to go.

For of course Fitz knows where Jemma is going. It is what Jemma always does.

She is going to go help a friend.

<<On my way.>>

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "I've got you Daisy," Bobbi says in response to the strange words she hears murmured from Daisy. The future is what we make of it? inspiring but hardly the time! Bobbi rushes Daisy to a medical bed and helps the medical team prep her and hook her up to get her vitals.

    More wounded agents are streaming in from the street battle and word comes through that Phil got seriously hurt. SHIELD will be licking their wounds after this one.. but they won. HYDRA failed today and did nothing but reveal their true nature to the world once more.