6443/Skeet Surfin' U.S.A.

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Skeet Surfin' U.S.A.
Date of Scene: 04 June 2021
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Aspen Matthews, Cain Marko, Billy Batson

Aspen Matthews has posed:
It's a bright and sunny Friday afternoon and, needless to say, the beaches are filled with people wanting to enjoy the sunshine and the sights. Hot dogs are rendered hot. Ice cream is rendered iced. Beer is rendered ... well, OK, we all know what food and drink at the beach are like.

And that doesn't even cover the people who brought their own.

Out at a promontory, a cluster of die-hard surfers is watching in suspicious disbelief as one of their number, a sleek, bronzed woman in a plain black, long-sleeved, front-zip shorty catches waves that take her close to them, then, in freakish fashion, circle around to take her out to sea again where the cycle starts all over.

"How long is that wave gonna do that?" one of them asks. Apparently, given the nodding of those around him, he's asking the question they're all wondering. "It's been a dozen times already!"

For most people there's plenty of space, albeit space filling up. People of the very large persuasion, however, might have difficulty finding a space.

Teenaged boys won't have any problems finding something to look at, though.

Cain Marko has posed:
What stares Aspen doesn't get probably go towards Cain Marko. The unstoppable Juggernaut is in casual mode today, his obvious superhuman nature letting him cut around lines and generally do as he pleases. Which, as far as he's concerned, is the way it should be.

He has to get his shirts custom made from a tailor in Madripoor, in this case a giant Hawaaiian shirt in yellow and blue, an A-line undershirt and a pair of cargo shorts with sneakers. He'd look a little like a middle aged Dad if he wasn't 9'6" and built like a literal semi truck.

He tosses some cash down and gets a dozen corndogs, casually eating them whole and cleaning the sticks as he walks around, tossing the wooden remainders behind him like breadcrumbs. He catches sight of the woman and peers curiously, his red hair tousled in the wind. "Huh. Well, that's a neat trick."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson was just minding his own business.

He was literally drawing in the sand with a stick. What? Homework is for people who clearly arn't a Champion of Magic, and truth be absolutely told, Billy was just -not- in the mood for that kind of junk today. Though imagine his surprise when he first notices Cain Marko, the massive man eating a -ton- of corn dogs!

His attention then shifts to Aspen as she rides waves that defy the laws of physics. "Wooooaaah. That's cool. I feel like I should say hi." Billy tries to dust himself off, before with a loud cry, shouts a single word:


Lightning falls from the heavens and strikes the teenager, turning him into a full-grown adult, dressed in the red, yellow, and white of the Greek Pantheon. Shazam had arrived!

Aspen Matthews has posed:
"I'm going to go get something to drink!" Aspen calls to her friends on her last round. "What do you want?" As she goes on her wave circuit, people call out drinks. On the final pass the diversion of the wave happens, but at a different angle entirely and, further, the wave picks up strength, sending her flying toward the main beach, deftly dodging swimmers as she shows off by doing a strange kind of strutting dance/walk on the board.

Riding the wave up to the beach, a freak pulse kicks the board into the air just as she steps off, catching it deftly and looking around for a vendor.

Then lightning strikes and gets a little squawk out of her. The arrival of Captain Marvel happening in roughly the same line of sight as the goliath of a man stops her in her tracks, eyes flicking between the pair.


Very erudite that one. Very loquatious. A true communicator.

Cain Marko has posed:
The lightning strike definitely attracts Cain's attention. If the dark god within him senses anything of Shazam's mystic might, it doesn't give Cain a tingle. He and his god didn't have that kind of relationship.

"Well, crap, lookie, lookie, a big ol' superhero. I'd give him a flick, but I'm off-duty. Anyways, he ain't pickin' on no mutants and I'm on Magneto's dime these days," he says. Technically, Juggernaut isn't a mutant, but he takes an interest in their affairs for reasons both personal and professional.

"Don't be scared, chickie, ain't nobody here to wreck nothin'. Today."

Billy Batson has posed:
The superhero doesn't stay for very long, as nearly as soon as he transforms, he is being called to the Rock of Eternity!

"Oh come on!" Shazam complains, but eventually he just sighs. "Fine then, but I better be home for dinner. It's chicken nugget night!" Shazam says to nobody in particular, before Shazam suddenly launches upwards int othe sky, sound barrier quickly shattering as Shazam breaches the atmosphere.

Seems he had his own tasks to attend to.

Aspen Matthews has posed:
"I wasn't scared. Just ... don't usually see two..."

The sonic boom hits and Shazam has disappeared.

"...OK, never mind. One. One of the costumed weirdos crowd." Her face lights up in a bright smile. Most people saying something like that would be insulting, but her laugh is more ... self-deprecating than a laugh at Cain.

"I can cope with one. Now hold on a sec, please, because if I don't get the drinks NOW I'll forget them. I'll be back in a bit."

She plants her board tail-first into the soft sand like some kind of beacon and heads up to the assorted vendors, reciting her list in the order she remembers it, not the order the vans and carts are in, thus spending a lot of wasted time going back and forth. Finally she makes it back to her board, loaded up with drinks.

"So what's this about wrecking?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko shrugs a bit, taking a beer for himself easily, having learned to be careful in picking up drinks.

"On occasion, I have a tendency to destroy everything in my path. Usually I get paid well for it. Today's my day off, though, so I ain't lookin' to pick no fights. Capes don't always get that, though. They're mostly volunteer types, doin' their hero duty, so they sometimes pester me when I'm out o' costume. I don't exactly blend, if ya ain't noticed," he says.

"Cain Marko. The Unstoppable Juggernaut. How you doin'?"

Aspen Matthews has posed:
"Uh... Aspen. The ... Ineffable Marine Biologist?"

OK, as far as heroic introductions go that's pretty lame.

"No, wait! I have a better one! Aspen, Surf Ninjette!"


No, still lame.

"So you get paid to destroy things in your path. Like, what? At construction sites? I don't follow." Aspen eyes Cain up and down. "I mean, I believe you could tear down a building in your way. Those are some mighty big muscles there, and you're ... kind of ... big. But isn't there more money to be had in the entertainment industry? I mean even pro wrestling would probably pay better than construction."

No, she still isn't getting it.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko laughs, "Well, that kinda demolition, you get permits and stuff. I break things cause people want 'em broken. It ain't exactly legal. Guess I get called a supervillain often enough. I don't mind it. Never needed anybody's approval nohow," he says. Which is a lie, but he wasn't going to think about that right now.

"I got a goody two shoes brother who always pissed me off. He's got a lotta superpals. Sometimes I go and beat the crap out of them just to annoy him."

Aspen Matthews has posed:
OK, that definitely causes some consternation. Aspen takes a step back, standing next to her surfboard. "Wait, you're serious?" she asks. "You're a so-called supervillain?!" It's registering, but not being believed. Real supervillains don't ... go to the beach. They sit in their fortresses of lava or something and plot, right? Not visit the beach and drink beer.

Of course they do.

Aspen starts to laugh good-naturedly. "OK, you got me. Well played." She visibly relaxes as she chooses to live in Egypt near that river. Her eyes stray to the promontory. "Look, I'm going to guess there's no surfboard alive that can hold you, but there's a bunch of us out at the promo having a bit of fun. It's rocky, so not as crowded. We're going to drink, surf, listen to bad surf music from the '60s and generally be ... well, OK, honestly, since these are colleagues and friends of mine, kinda geeky. You think you could stand that?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko grins and shrugs. He doesn't need the girl to believe him. He just doesn't much bother with lying. Given his size, it doesn't do much good anyway. And it's not like he's ashamed of who or what he is. He does as he pleases and anyone who wants to stop him is welcome to try.

He'll just make sure they pay for the presumption.

"Sure, sounds alright to me. I like the Beach Boys."

Aspen Matthews has posed:
"Well, you'll have to walk out there. I'm going to take the express route." She winks. "Mostly 'cause I'm too lazy to carry the board out there."

Talking of which, the board is taken to ground and laid flat on the sand, which is ludicrous since the waves don't reach this far up the ...

A tongue of water reaches that far up the beach. Far enough to actually float the board while she's standing on it. But still, they can't form a carrying wave on the way OUT, ri...

The tongue of water forms a freak wave that starts the board sliding OUT to sea like the world has suddenly decided today is backwards day. Setting the purchases down on her board, Aspen guides herself past the swimmers again (who are now staring like she'd developed a third eyeball straight in the middle of her back) while pointing to the path out to the promontory.

"See you there!" she calls out before being swept out to sea and speeding to the cluster of her friends. Who are both looking a bit stupefied and who are cheering her on.

Because drinks.

It's going to be a wild party of scientists and aquarium workers and other geek types.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko watches and raises an eyebrow. Huh. Seems like the lady had maybe a few extra skills of her own. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing for him to be afraid of anyway. He didn't even need to breathe.

So he'll walk along and join her. Why not? Pretty girl invites you to a party, be a fool to say no.

Aspen Matthews has posed:
As Cain approaches, Aspen, finished delivering the booze orders, waves at him. "Hey, gang, this is Cain. He's a 'supervillain'." Her laugh is musical. Some of the other laughs are a bit strained. Like they watch the news and his name is ringing a bell or something. "He's a funny guy so I figured he could come out here, drink a little, watch the surfing, and generally chill."

So apparently Aspen doesn't watch news.

"So who's up for some ... uh ..."

She pauses, looking at Cain. "You're not vegetarian or anything like that? 'Cause we were going to roast up a big fish if we could catch one. If you're a vegetarian someone..."

Her eyes turn on one of the guys leaning against the rock. "And by that I mean you, Andy."

Back to Cain. "Is going to have to make a victuals run too. Since I did drinks."

She then does the rounds with her friends. "This is Chance. Andy. Serina. Uta--ignore the name, it's way more interesting than she is." "Hey!" "And that's Lance over there. Because of course he's called Lance."

And the guy who is very obviously called Lance. The guy that LOOKS like a Lance. Waves back sheepishly.

"Later Lance is going to show me how to surf, or so he claims."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko raises a hand easily enough. He can tell some of them are scared of him, but a) they should be and b) he likes having people be scared of him. If anything, it makes him like them better. It's the people who think they can stand up to him who piss Cain off.

"Cain. I dunno, Lance, pretty sure chica there already knows how to surf, but go ahead, show out. Maybe you'll get lucky," the big man laughs, slapping Lance on the back and almost knocking him down into the sand.