7796/Welcome Home, Everything is Entirely Normal.

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Welcome Home, Everything is Entirely Normal.
Date of Scene: 12 September 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: The returning Titans arrive back at the tower to find Raven in an unusually good mood. Kian and Gar are sentenced to death. Do not look up the Greek word /louri/.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Terry O'Neil, Kian, Rachel Roth

Donna Troy has posed:
    It's about five days since a bunch of Titans got eaten by a vase and sent to hell, followed by a rescue team of Raven and a pair of Robins. Two days later Raven had returned to the tower alone, beating the message from the other Titans that they were indeed safe and would be home in a few days by only a few hours.

    That it was only a few days was probably a deep disappointment to some of the absent Titans, who probably would have been happy to spend rather longer visiting Themyscira than the three days they had been afforded. Donna had been adamant though.

    Firstly was the issue that for the first time in two thousand years, men had been allowed on Themyscira -- and Donna didn't want to push it. The short visit was a smart choice. Themyscira would now be full of Amazons who noticing that the world hadn't ended, Themyscira had not drowned under a tidal wave of smelly socks, and nobody had caught boy cooties. They would generally be reassured, and wouldn't be so bothered about the thought of it happening again.

    It had indeed been necessary for Donna to explain to the Titans that it would happen again. That by making it a short trip this time, they would help the Amazons become accustomed to this change, and would be more willing to let them come back in the future.

    Secondly, it hadn't exactly been a planned vacation. Nobody had scheduled time of work for this. The Titans needed to get back to their jobs and lives.

    Thirdly, Donna was impatient to get back and see Raven. Leaving her at the Iron Gate had been harder than she'd admitted to anyone. Brief communications had been exchanged to let Donna know that Raven was fine and back home at the tower, and to let Raven know that Donna was fine and back home at Themyscira, but that just doesn't cut it.

    And so it is that after just three days, a mere taster of life on Themyscira, Donna herds grumbling Titans onto Diana's jet and they're away, flying back to the tower.

    At least they had the consolation of flying in Diana's invisible jet. The Titans deboard, carrying assorted souvenirs and gifts for those who hadn't been along. They descend into the tower, and some at least head into the Main Room, where they are heralded by Donna's cheery voice calling out "Hey Titans! We're home!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry is still wearing the clothes that were made for him in Themyscira. Because, in his mind, it prolongs the trip a little bit more, you know? They had had to say a temporary goodbye to Garfield upon deplaning, since as soon as they were within range of cell phone signal, a message had come from Gar's adoptive father that there were Some Things He Needed Help With, and the green teen had flitted away. Literally. Because birb.

"Yeah, we're home!" he calls in right after donna, hoising his satchel with the gifts he had brought. "And in relatively good condition. Except, maybe, for Kian's liver."

Kian has posed:
    Kian quite liked Themyscira.  It was quite peaceful, aside from the military exercises, and that's not as much of a contradiction in terms as it seems.  "There iss nothin' wrong wit' my liver," he says.  "An' you should keep that outfit.  It looks good."  That it looks faintly like Akiar outfits is surely a coincidence, but hey, coincidences happen.
    He looks around, like he was taking stock of the place.  "Well, it iss still here.  I had figured about a one in four chance that it would have been invaded or stolen or somethin' while we were away.  But it iss good to be home."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    It's been a strange, rough few days.

    First, there was the worry: Raven had not returned without plenty of fear that she would receive news that the other Titans had not succeeded in halting the invasion: That Themyscira had fallen and with it, all of what Raven held dear. Thankfully, that lasted only the space of a few hours, as the message of their safety had come in quite shortly after her arrival. Surely enough, she was not the typical comms operator at the tower, but Donna had known that: The message was /for/ Raven, so it was sent in a way that Raven would surely find.

    That, it turns out, was good news in more ways than one. Now that she was free from worry, she could spend the rest of the time working on the second problem: Adapting. Raven has spent much of her life suppressing everything about her psyche, keeping it all locked beneath the surface. For three days, she has worked on removing the walls surrounding... /Everything./ There is little actual change to her mind; Rather, frankly, in how it is expressed. That she can now be /open/ is quite liberating. Further, there is some... Emotional sort of exhibitionism to it: Much akin to a faucet opening more than a crack, Raven's expressions, at least for now, are likely to be much more bombastic than even she would normally wish.

    Sadly, the other Titans weren't there for this short but drastic shift in her presentation. Were they here it might just be less jarring when she arrives... And arrive she does.

    Walking down the stairs into the main room, Raven's boots clomp somewhat actively on the floor, and her approach is heralded by a mild metallic noise of chains. Already the difference is practically palpable: From her method of approach to what she's wearing, it's all... Different. Not necessarily /wrong,/ Raven isn't wearing pastels after all, but just... Different. What she /is/ wearing is somewhat simple, and far more casual, perhaps even /approachable,/ maybe even somewhat /provocative./ Lo-rise black jeans, coupled with leather boots both open at the ankle and speckled with glittering silver studs, which match a similarly adorned, thick belt from which hangs a set of narrow, hanging looped chains. Her upper half may be the most particularly jarring, as Raven is practically /showing off./ Her arms are slipped into a /scandalously/ high cut shadowy denim bolero that wraps about her palms at its lengths, and covers quite literally nothing aside from her neck and arms.

    Heart-stoppingly, however, is the inverse-cut of the accompanying tanktop, a black fabric affair that is more than a little lost on the current crowd, though it can still be appreciated that Raven has so much more to be proud of than most people, even nonconservatively, would have guessed. On the front, in small letters, it reads "top."

    Certainly her emergence from the stairs up may have the effect of someone dropping a crate full of primed, if theoretically nonlethal, explosives onto the ground of the Main Room. Like an object from the most unsettling nightmares, however, Raven does not stop there. Stepping into the room, Raven offers a calm and not-at-all dreary "Hey babe." to Donna, giving her a quick peck on the lips almost as if that was just a /thing/ that Raven had /ever done/ and everyone should definitely be okay with it.

    Just as unceremoniously, she makes her way to the kitchen counter. "Anyone else want coffe?" she asks, busying herself with the immediate steps in its preparation.

Donna Troy has posed:
    While Raven's appearance itself does not set off any immediate warning bells in Donna's mind, it's certainly surprising, and certainly cause for speculation. None of that speculation covers the possibility that Raven, for the first time in basically ever, just felt freek. Said speculation is more along the lines of whether this is some elaborate ruse or prank, of who Raven is doing this to embarrass and how exactly that works.

    The peck on the lips is more surprising, at least the fact that it would happen when there was any remote possibility another living entity might see it - a more suspicious person might take this as evidence, or even a shorthand declartion, that Raven was about to remove everyone else present from reality. However it's certainly not an unwelcome surprise.

    They 'Hey babe' that encourages it is positively weird though, and Donna is somewhat at a loss; surely Raven would only do that in the hope of embarrassing Donna in front of her sister, but Diana isn't there.

    While the accumulation of these factors is strongly indicative that something momentous has occurred, they are each individually so worthy of note that it takes some time to consider the fact that they are indeed together. Instead each tends to be processed, in the first few moments at least, as their own individual WTF.

    No, it's the fact that Raven has just offered coffee to anyone other than Donna that does it.

    "Uh... Rae... I... top." Donna says in a state of discordant mental discombobulation. She follows Raven over to the counter, rests a hand on her shoulder and says "Raaaaaaae? Are you... I mean. You... are you... are you Rae?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I'm keeping it, but I'm not wearing it. I'm so pale, it's not a good idea for me to go around with this much skin expo-"

The ginger teen stares as Raven makes her appearance, exposing a lot more skin than he's ever seen her do*. And then, there is the peck and the pet name.

Terry knows there are alternate universes, of course.

"Donna... did we come back to the right universe?" he asks quietly.

There is a Nice Colette from another universe, and America Chavez usually spends time away from the Titans repairing this or that issue in the multiverse. Never, however, in his awareness of the multiverse had he ever contemplated the existence of this. There was only one Cheshire Cat. So there was, he assumed, only one kind of Rae. Themyscira /was/ separated from the world, after all, so what if they had come back the wrong way-

He reaches out and grabs hold of Kian's hand in a very 'hold me, I am scared' motion. There is only one way to find out.

And Donna is already doing her Human Lie Detector routine, so he's just going to stay where he is and grow a little paler. If that is possible.

*-Nobody talks about the pool party. Not if they want to wake up in the same shape that they went to bed in.

Kian has posed:
    Kian goes very, very pale, and when Terry grabs his hand, he gets a rather loud {/?!/} and a quick mental wave that seems to be an odd mix of fear and vertigo, of all things.
    And then he's staring at Terry as if he expects to see wings.  "/c'Rhys'yw/, I am still on the stairs!" he breathes, only barely audible.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven remains facing away from the gathered, returning Titans- /god/ those jeans fit /just/ right- still procuring from the cabinet the pieces of expensive glassware she's hoarded to make better coffee than the others are allowed to have. Despite that nobody is immediately volunteering for any, she still plucks enough mugs for everyone present. It's a thoughtful gesture.

    Troia is trying her best- and, really, it ought to be commended- to try and both form words and make those words matter to the inquiry that she's seeking. It's only natural that on some level there would be an actionable mistake. A wound that Raven can attack just in Donna's choice of words alone.

    "Not the last few times you didn't. At this point I'm almost better with that lasso than you are," she begins, finally turning around to face Donna. The distance between them is pretty close, but she doesn't look irate or anything the like. "Yes, I'm Rae. On the way back from Tartarus, something pretty great, and good for /everybody,/ me included, happened. That's all I should say about it." Worryingly, all of that rings quite true. Even the last bit.

    Her head comes leaning somewhat around Troia, as she addresses Terry, and Kian. "Not only are you back from the stairs, you were all victorious in the siege, and you returned to the right universe. I checked, and there is only the one Raven. We have a lot of reasons to be happy, and I would imagine I'm allowed to be happy too, right?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna does not rise to the bait. Not even slightly. In fact only Raven can see the slight upward-curl of one side of her mouth, because Donna is very much facing Raven at this point. And only Raven will know what that particular upward curl of her lips indicates. It has an element of 'challenge accepted', to be sure, but we will draw a veil of discreet privacy over the precise meaning.

    Donna helps Raven empty her hands of glasswear and coffee mugs so that she can take both of Raven's hands in her own and look her in the eyes, studying her very carefully. "Rae," she says calmly. "You are most definitely allowed to be happy. But that is /not/ all that you should say about it, at least to me."

    She holds the look a few moments longer before turning back to the others. "No, we're in the Tower. This is real. This is our world. We are not still on the stairs. I'd know. That magic can catch me out when I'm distracted, but it can't fool me for long."

    She turns back to Raven, finding her gaze again. "Hekate," Donna says simply. It's a guess, but it doesn't take a whole lot to make that guess. Who else could it have been? "I'd like to know how, and why, but later. And I'd like to know for sure that this isn't a trick. That she hasn't deceived you in some way, because if she has..."

    If she has, the consequences for all of reality could be dire. There's more to what Donna's saying than that, but only Raven can tell, because only Raven can see the fire in Donna's eyes. There has been a change in Donna too, lately, though a far subtler one. Three days ago, on the steps from Tartarus, she dared state aloud that she would conquer Tartarus rather than letting it claim one of her team-mates. Today, though the words are unspoken, those unspoken words are a challenge to a very powerful being. And Donna means it.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry pulls Kian along to the table, giving him a mental reassurance that no, they are not still climbing stairs, it is the world that has gone mad.

Very reassuring.

"I didn't know happy /was/ in your vocabulary. Every time you talk to me, I get the impression you want to..." he stops. He is not completely devoid of survival instinct, after all, and just because Raven /seems/ to be in a cheerful mood, that is not necessarily the case.

And then he frowns. "Hekate?..." he repeats after Donna. He had entertained that maybe this was a trick of Eris... but what if it had been Hekate all along?

Kian has posed:
    "You are allow to be happy, and should be happy, but I never ex-pec' to see it," Kian blurts out.  "I never haf before.  The only time I haf seen you smile was in a vision I had on the stairs, an' you--"
    He stops suddenly.  Despite the assurances Donna gave him that she would find it funny, *he's* not the one who's going to tell her /everything/ he saw.
    Say, for example, hanging off a non-green but green-winged Gar like they were /tenar'yw/.
    He allows Terry to pull him along, absently rubbing around a spot on Terry's back where a wingbase ought to be.  "You mus' admit," he says to Rae, "that it iss not expec-ted."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Oh, sure, Donna didn't rise to the bait at /all./ Surely it didn't provoke exactly the response that Raven /knew/ it would elicit, that touch of near purposeful foreboding entering Troia's features is a sign that Raven for sure didn't succeed. Definitely. Pay no attention to the lewd behind the curtain.

    Regardless, her hands are grabbed up by Donna's, and she offers this calm, knowing smile. "It /is,/ Troia." Ah, the Serious Name. "I know that it's upsetting, and it bothers me too, but the absolute truth of it is that despite that you have a /right/ to know, it isn't /safe/ to spread this information, even to people that I /know/ can keep the knowledge to themselves." Her voice is actively imploring, perhaps begging for Donna's understanding.

    "Yes, Hekate. But she /helped./ Well, there were a couple of threats. A lot of peacocking between the two of us, but she /helped./ I made sure of it. She is a deceptive, manipulating, shrewd and calculating entity, but in this case, despite what her /other/ motivations may have been, the end result is something beneficial."

    Raven leans around Troia again, and looks over to Terry. "Want to... Pull you apart like a child ripping the wings off of a butterfly? Tell everyone to pull up their plastic shields because they're in the splash zone and let your imagination do the rest?" Terry should finish his own sentences, probably.

    "I'm happy a lot of the time. You guys just keep objecting to the how and why of it." she notes, "That it isn't expected is just a /very/ Titans-Typical inability to learn from experience. We should, probably, have a class on that, Donna." A pause, a look to Donna, and then back to Kian. "Now, what's this about a vision you had on the stairs...?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry blanches just a little. It's been... an interesting couple of days, and it disturbs him a little to realize that the trek through Tartarus did /not/ prepare him for the total dissonance of this. So he clings to the most familiar thing he can think of after Raven answers. "... okay, she's still our Rae: she hates me."

Mixed blessings, but it's some sort of assertion of normalcy. Even if the New Normal is just as weird as the Old Normal. He goes to get himself a glass of water, because he definitely needs it.

"She's talking about the vision with Gar, Ki-" He stops with the glass halfway up to his lips, realizing what had just come out of his mouth because his mind had been too distracted to watch. Oops.

"Be right back I have to powder my nose," he says, leaving the glass behind and walking at a totally normal pace to the restrooms. Yes. Siree. Totally normal. No rush. It's just a power walk.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks /very intently/ at Raven, obviously running through a lot of things in her mind before answering her directly. The whole issue of who has a right to know versus what is or isn't safe to know. Raven at least will know Troia well enough to know that the question of keeping information to herself isn't going to be the issue to her; that Troia is liable to want -- to /demand/ assurances that Raven is truly safe, happy and /right. Raven will be entirely confident that the imploring will only go so far -- that Troia will want to respect Raven's wishes as much as possible, but that she takes personal responsibility for... well, most things, when it comes to it, and will want to make sure. All this, surely, is what is turning and turning around in Troia's mind as she comes to terms with this change in circumstances, in what must have happened to Raven, in what deal must have been struck. Finally she speaks her mind.

    "Rae. This evening... we're going clubbing."

    Donna glances back at Kian with a grin and nods her head. "Oh yeah... Rae, this is hilarious. The stairs... you know, I told you about the spell. Well, Kian had this kind of... a Wizard of Oz thing. Waking up in bed back home, with his family around him, in black and white. Noticing all the people in the fantasy world he had visited were really just the people around him back home while he'd been ill. Except... I don't know if it was his subconscious doing it or the Lampad who accompanied us, but he was seeing clues that the back-to-reality was really the fantasy, and the biggest one was... get this.."

    She glances back to Kian, grinning wider. "We were all there. As winged Akiar. And the thing that gave it away, that made him know it couldn't be real? Akiar Rae was dating Akiar Gar!"

Kian has posed:
    "Actually," Kian says, "it was because I could still speak Engliss that I knew I was in a vision.  Rae an' Gar together was so unthinkable that I assume I could not think of it myself."
    He does not return Donna's grin.  He has a look like he expects to be thrown into a wall again, if not actually through it.
    "You had indigo wings so dark they were almos' black.  They suited you well."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    "Oh, I don't /hate/ you, Terry, I just hate that your life includes only so much genuine inconvenience and misery, and a while ago I dedicated myself to assisting others with those deficiencies." It's scientific, really.

    "A vision with Gar, you say. I'm starting to get a picture." Then, Terry Casually and Not At All Awkwardly departs for the bathroom to, probably, scream primally for the next few minutes. She assumes. It is a Titans protocol that time is allotted for mental breakdowns. Vorpal is excused.

    Raven shares that unspoken expression with Donna. She will assure her later- this is something that Troia knows. The fact of it is, is that Rae only feels safe divulging so much here and now. It is unspoken- but as much as Raven knows that Troia will take personal responsibility, Troia must know that Raven will not allow her to feel unease. Not now, not after all they've been through. Raven still values /stability./ She is not going to let her partner go on thinking that anything is even remotely unsafe. Frankly, Raven wants to share the joy of her freedom.

    "Love, you've been back five minutes and you're already right onto miniskirts, stilettos, heavy music and grinding. You /animal./" There's a level of genuine, actual, real, perhaps even /spooky/ flirtation there. It's the kind of low, almost throaty tone that you'd only hear from someone who's having /fun/ with the back and forth.

    Donna's near-enough physical breakdown in amusement over Kian's vision causes a raise of her brow. She looks between the two. She's silent for a moment or two. "Well, I guess we'll /have/ to go clubbing, I suppose. It's only polite to let Kian enjoy himself before his summary execution because I... I think I'm going to be sick."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Animal? Me? You know me so well, RaeRae." The only weird thing is that Raven and Donna are doing this in /public/. Flirty Raven may come as a surprise to everyone else, but it's certainly no shock to Donna. They've been doing it for years.

    Donna is not going to press Raven on the questions of what and how. Not now. She trusts Raven a great deal, but she's also very protective of Raven, and even if Raven is convinced, Donna will want to be convinced, too. She can make some informed guesses if not of the details then of the /kind/ of thing that must have happened. While she's no trained sorcerer, she has a vaguely decent understanding of magic, even beyond what things she has picked up from her years of being close to Raven. She knows, probably better than anyone not of Azerath, what it is that Raven has been fighting her whole life. Others have the general idea. They have asked Raven, and learned. The original Titans all knew what Raven was, and what her father was. They all wanted to know. But Donna had been different -- Donna hadn't just wanted to know the facts, she'd wanted to /listen/. To understand. To give Raven the opportunity to feel free to talk, and to share her burdens so much as words can share them.

    Undoubtedly it had been during those hours of deep discussion that Donna and Raven had grown close. And unknown to anyone else it had been during those hours of deep discussion that Donna and Raven had started flirting with each other. At first a joke, a teasing challenge to each other, a test of each other's nerve, almost adversarial. As time had worn on, something more.

    Donna looks deep in Raven's eyes and growls slightly, deep in her throat.

    Did that actually happen? Almost instantly, Donna's talking and joking again as if nothing happened. "Really Rae. No being sick this early in the night. I plan on buying you a lot of drinks before you're allowed to do that. And you know, if you think about it, this should make you appreciate Kian more. He was so disturbed by the image of it that he /knew/ the only possible reason he was seeing it was because he was in hell."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It is at this moment that Terry comes back. Just in time to see Donna /growl/.

He considers briefly the possibility that they have landed in some other universe, since Raven was being Happy and Donna was unleashing her closet furry. And Kian hadn't been disintegrated.

He comes back for his glass and thinks a little about it. He doesn't know what has happened. He only knows that Raven seems to be happy, and Donna seems to be turning into Snagglepuss, which was deeply offensive to Terry because then he would be left redundant and potentially kicked out of the Titans.

Nevertheless. He doesn't know the full of it. Donna told him some things, when they were lost, so he has the vaguest idea of her burden, but obviously nothing comparable to Donna's own knowledge. Raven was difficult, for him. She always loomed like an intimidating figure, and he never could talk to her without feeling like he was being regarded like an ant that was tolerated, but no more than that. And he doesn't know how much of that is there and how much of that is his own upbringing and his brush with looming, dark and imposing authority figures. The subconscious is an asshole, that way.

"I don't know what happened, obviously, but whatever it was, I am happy that you are happy, Rae." He says, taking a sip from his water. "And as long as you're safe, that's all that matters, right?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian immediately clings to Terry upon his return, because this is still too /qokh/ weird to deal with -- although it seems to have sunk in that he's not about to be blown into his component quarks, or even into a wall.
    "Yis, Rae, if you are happy that iss the only importan' thin' -- an' I am happy to see it happen."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    "There's a new shop that opened, down in Metropolis. I'll need to go there first. to pick up a /louri./" For those that speak Greek, that word has a lot of meanings. Almost all of them apply, contextually.

    It's true: The way that Donna and Raven dance with each other, the way that they entice one another and incense this, frankly, /erotic/ side that has never been shown? It is far too practiced, far too direct and positively /carnal/ to be something that they have anything less than mastery over, let alone never done before.

    The truth of it is that Raven doesn't need to be pressed. She has not been anything other than truthful and open with Donna since the Titans reformed. The understanding is implicit: Raven will give Troia every piece of information that is, legitimately, safe. She knows her partner wants to understand, rather than merely record information. Raven has no interest in keeping anything from Donna- and it actually hurts, just a touch, that it isn't something she can just divulge. After all, Donna /is/ the only one she's really, /really/ spilled this to. The mysticism, the history, the reality of it all.

    Everything that they had sprung from a level of attraction. Raven is an empath- and the idea of someone being unfamiliar with themselves is something she knows well. Her brand of comedy tends to be brutal and almost-if-not mean. However, after Donna reached out, the growth of that attraction lended itself to something altogether different, reserved for moments between the two of them, post-mission, mid-philosophical discussion regarding demons, convenient monitor-duty overlapping with Raven's lack of sleep conversations. Honestly, the only ones that knew were the two of them, and for a long time, neither one of them seemed particularly capable of admitting to themselves, let alone to each other, that it had blossomed.

    Raven still believes that the Terry Long Fiasco was Donna being... Difficult with herself. We don't talk about that Terry. It's better this way.

    Donna's growl just elicits a sly, knowing smile from Raven. It's not a Snagglepuss noise. If anyone wants to make any comments about Raven Taming Cats, now may be the period in Raven's life where a remark like that could be made without someone /actually/ dying.

    "Except," she states, shifting gears just as quickly as Troia, "He admitted that that wasn't alien enough to him to bring him out of his vision. Which means that he /prefers/ the idea to the reality of the situation. Knowing /English/ bothers him more. Thus, the sentence is Death."

    Raven at this point is practically embracing Donna, and her attention slides over to Terry. "I'm happy that you're happy that I'm happy, and I have never been safer in my life. I am also sorry for your loss. I know that you and Kian were close. We'll have to let Gar know that his sentence is forthcoming for his involvement." After all, he was present in the vision, which makes him culpable. If he'd never existed in the first place, like Raven has been requesting he do for years, this would never have happened.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Feeling he must put it an effort to save his partners, Terry speaks up.

"To be fair, Raven, anyone should be shocked by English. Have you ever /looked/ at the language? Really look at it? I mean, find me a pronunciation guide that properly addresses the proper way to identify how to pronounce Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough, tough, rough... go on. I'll wait."

He takes another sip from his glass. "Besides, you can't deprive me of my boys or I will spend all of my time around the tower reciting melancholy poetry and playing Evanescence. And you kno--"

He trails off, and then raises an eyebrow.


Terry reads. A lot. Has read. A lot. And everybody knows what his favorite historical subject is.

"... now I wish I were back in Themyscira. I can drink legally there."

Kian has posed:
    Without even really thinking about it, Kian passes Terry a brandyskin he brought with him from Themyscira.  "I am prepare for all emergencies."
    They don't realy have anything like Boy Scouts on Kian's world... but obviously, he would have been one.