8468/Birthright: Den of Sin

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Birthright: Den of Sin
Date of Scene: 29 October 2021
Location: The Jackal Den, Las Vegas
Synopsis: The Outsiders and Zachary Zatara journey into the Jackal's Den, a new Egypt-themed casino, to liberate more false artifacts stained with their Teammate's blood. Zachary retains status as King of Cheese Pyramids, Tim pitches a well-orchestrated fit, M'Gann brings all the Southern Martian Charm that she can and cleans the place out, and Gabby gives the manager a couple of
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Zachary Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Gabby Kinney

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Cair connection had allowed the Outsiders to reap rewards -- and better than anything else, no one got seriously hurt.

    The next location, that received a shipment of blood-stained items in the third week of October, was a new venture called the Jackal's Den. This place was funded on dirty money -- no surprise, Gotham's full of it -- but the dirty money can be tracked back to February 2021 -- when it was moved out of accounts belonging to one Mickey Rogers associated with The Silo project in Montana, to offshore accounts and then slowly trickled into a business account to provide capitol to start a Casino.

    And of course, it'd be Egyptian themed.

    In front, two giant, onyx-black jackal status in repose guard the entrance, built of glittering gilt and faux wood. The smell of cigarettes and the high-concentration of O2 once you pass the coat check leads into the gambling floor, where the bottom bid only starts at fifty cents and top bid's only a paltry $50.

    Behind there's the High Rollers tables. That's where the artifacts are up on display.

    Minimum bid starts at $200 here, and for the whales there's no maximum. There's a small group in play back in this area, which has comfier seats, a roped-off lounge area, and its own waitstaff where the skirts are just a little tighter and a little shorter.

    The artifacts, well-preserved statuettes, pallets, pieces of jewelry from the Priest of Khonsu Tomb were on display beneath bullet proof glass.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is dressed nicer than anyone has probably ever seen him. He dressed as he has seen James Bond dress, since they are going to a casino tux and bow tie. He does have a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes. Counting on fake ids to pass muster since you have to be 21 to get in here. He has been looking about for a bit getting the lay of the place.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Once the artifacts--fake and/or real--had been properly catalogued, the next place for the Outsiders to focus their attention on had become clear. Even the bad guys have to do paperwork, and Tim loves forensic accounting. So, here they are. The team now has an awareness of how dangerous the items on display may be, so smash and grab is probably right out.

    Thankfully, it's Vegas. There are plenty of magicians about with a trick or two up their sleeve.

    That's how the team has fake IDs that pass even the most strenuous physical examination. The text convo arranging it went something like this:

birdbrain: so i know you're in vegas right now
yerawizardharry: surprisedpikachu.gif
yerawizardharry: How???
birdbrain: ...i follow you on insta
yerawizardharry: Okay bet. Don't tell my cousin and I'll get you what you need.

    And that is how Tim is sat at one of the high roller tables, elbow to elbow with Zachary Zatara, dressed "casually" in jeans and a jacket over a t-shirt, though they're all designer wear probably worth several times more than a regular person would expect to pay rent for a month. The addition of a hat and sunglasses keep his identity fairly incognito--he's not here as Tim Drake or Tim Wayne tonight, just some kid with his daddy's money, losing it all at the poker table.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Zachary's idea to steal all the attention from the rest of his newly made friends was made easy with the current get up he had on tonight. His all emerald suit made anyone else around him look dull in comparison. If there's a possibility you're going to be bait, it's best to dress like it! If incognito was the actual plan of attack, than Zach has royally screwed everything up. But who cares! It's a party, a casino, things are bound to get a little out of hand.

    The magician never expected to find himself in a casino at the age of 18, especially the Jackal's Den with all the nasty rumors circling it, but here he is. Hanging out with birdy and his group of outlanders. It was very exciting and way better than a magic show he may have had planned instead.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
There are some places can't just walk into as a green skinned martian superhero. Luckily for M'gann she doesn't have to /be/ a green skinned martian superhero. Drawing on her vast knowledge of Earth television, M'gann has carefully constructed a persona that at least she thinks is very appropriate for a casino high roller's table.

Tall and elegant, the Martian girl now looks like some manner of Irish model. She's tall with fair skin, long red hair reaching to her mid-back, and bright green eyes. Her attire consists of a long slinky red dress with bare shoulders and a plunging neck, matching elbow length opera gloves, a fluffy black fur boa, and one of those 'fancy' long red cigarette holders.

M'gann has taken a different position at the table, appearing as if she is not in fact 'with' Tim and Zachary, instead seeming far more intent on attracting attention to herself and acting as a distraction for whatever plan Tim comes up with.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney looked the youngest out of any of the group that she may have come with. Of course, that's partially because she was. Partially because genetics had given her the short end of the stick quite literally. Which is why she decided to push her costume to the max: Not only was she dressed up like a preppy socialite but she was blinged out in cheap birthday swag. Strappy heels are worn that give her at least another inch of height along with a pair of skin tight leggings that didn't really hide much of anything. Her top is a sequined halter top tied back with the string lacings. The sequins were multicolored giving it the appearance of the often-popular 'mermaid' look with shifting shades of blue and green. Across her chest runs a white and pink sash, equally sequined, that declares '21! Time for Fun!' A matching tiara with blinking lights is pushed atop her head. Just to add one final touch she's got long fake nails on in a shimmery dark blue, and a blue COACH tote tucked under her arm.

The fact that she looks completely like she does NOT belong at the high rollers table is... pretty accurate. But what newly 21 rich kid doesn't attempt to play with the big boys? Of course she does. With a bright, cheery grin, she looks over to Zachary to remark, "Oh hey, our tops match! Twinsies!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The pieces are set, people are in place, the night is going swimmingly. Everyone's gathering around the poker table, and that's when a man who looks a bit like a cross between Charls Bronson and Christopher Walken mozies his way over to the table, and has a seat with everyone.

    "Not often I see this young a crowd back here at the high rollers!" he gives a smile, and motions the waitress over. The waitress brings over a silver tray, all with hurricaine glasses in them. THere's some sort of sparkly, swirly beverage in it, layered pink, purple and black, one for each of the attendees -- Bart, Tim, Zach, M'Gann and Gabby. "Come on in, Princess!" he cheers out over to the newly 21-year old "Come back, have a seat. My name is Roger, I'm the manager, how do you all do? Havin' a good time so far?" he asks, crossing one leg, wearing probably the second most expensive thing in the whole place -- he's wearing a necklace from the tomb. It's gold. It's got a scarab on it, etched with blue stone, and it is *dripping* with magic.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen had slipped a few gizmos in a few slot machines while he was wandering about. The fact he could phase his hand in to deposit them helps, and his speed helps him hid the motion from the camera. He is just now walking into the poker area, after making sure he has the layout of the main room, and what rooms are off it, to be able to give directions if needed.

Tim Drake has posed:
    You don't have to have magic sense to figure out that necklace around Roger's neck is sus, and Tim calls it out quickly over the mental link. <<Z, that scarab pendant giving off any bad vibes?>>

    He doesn't look over at Zachary when he asks. In fact he's not looking at anything but the table, playing up the rich-kid-with-a-bad-attitude. You know the ones. He probably films "prank" videos for TikTok. When the "newly 21" party girl gets invited over to the table, in fact, Tim groans softly and lets his head tip back. "Great," he mutters, pitched just loud enough for the manager to overhear.

    Which means he's no longer giving M'gann (fake) salacious looks, at least. The character he's chosen for tonight thinks he's a player. But he's not. He's bad at gambling, too. Seriously, losing money hand-over-fist here.

    At least it seems like some of the other people at the table are winning it back for him.

    <<Let's get everyone settled and ready to play their parts. As far as I can tell, we have visuals on every artifact listed on the shipping manifest.>> Subtly, Tim turns his wrist inward so he can glance at the smart watch on his phone, where he'll be able to activate the devices Bart has placed inside several nearby slot machines, ensuring a significant payout on the next pull. But it just looks like he's checking the time. <<Green on my end.>>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins, and even titters, when the manager calls her Princess. It does lure her over to a seat though which she sinks down into with legs tucked to the side. She wasn't wearing a skirt but the motion was as if she usually did. The purse is lain on her lap with one hand resting over it toying with the little pom-pom keychain adorning the side. One of the offered drinks is plucked up with care not to get her manicure in the way. "Thank you! I'm doing amazing!" Without warning she tips back the drink taking more than a healthy sip. No, she's drunk half of the glittery beverage in one go only for her face to scrunch a little as it goes down. It results in another tirade of giggling laughter. "Oh, well, daddy says we should get our mistakes out of the way while we're young so seems as good a time as any to test my luck!"

It's here she grins, lifting a finger to her lips as if sharing a secret. "Besides, between mom, dad and my step-mother trying to one-up each other I've got sooo much money tonight! I'm gonna try to triple it!"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Hearing a voice directed at him, Zachary gazes at his newly appointed twin and nods in agreement, "You are wearing the color much better than I am," ending his statement with a wink. He definitely had his work cut out for him if he still planned on stealing all the attention, which is most likely a losing battle at this point. Not that he minded, as apparently incognito was supposed to be the real plan of attack. At least for his part. Whoops.

    Seeing the older gentleman with the gaudy necklace, Zachary almost scrunched his nose but stops himself, hearing Tim's question regarding said gaudy necklace. Leaning his elbow on the table with his hand against his mouth, the magician whispers into his palm "Doolb etingi flesruoy ot em." Within an instant and only to his eye, the necklace brightens up considerably, downright glowing. It causes him to cough into his palm, a little surprise how potent the necklace is, and replies <<Bro, hella bad. My eyes hurt from the vibes.>>

    Zachary knew there was about to be a round of drinks given away. And why not? A bunch of young adults together usually means an easier time to get people intoxicated and take their money. But not this time, oh no, Zachary had a plan all ready and up his sleeve to make sure everyone here stayed alert and so--- Before the young magician is even able to put his plan into action, the bubbly Gabby has taken her drink and it's just... gone. Zachary is a little flabbergasted at first but covers the shock up quickly. Well, alright, everyone will be sober except maybe her. As he picks up his drink for a taste and visualizes the others, the words "Lohocla eb desare morf ruo spuc." flow through his lips in just barely a whisper, the energy from his words making the drinks non alcoholic with the manager being none the wiser. Hell yeah.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann holds her cards fanned in front of her, eyes looking from one player to the next. She is playing up the sultry and by extension appearing non-threatening in terms of the game and yet somehow she seems to be remarkably fortunate. "Oh my, it looks like I win again. Beginner's luck I suppose." Affecting a slightly southern accent, she beams a big smile at the rest of the table as she takes another pot. Before taking a pull from her extended cigarrete stick and blowing it out slowly. Luckily Martians can't get cancer.

"Oh, hello!" She greets the manager when he joins them. "I do say, that is a /lovely/ necklace you are wearing. I do adore jewelry, wherever did you acquire such a marvelous piece?"

The drink is gladly accepted by the socialite. "Much obliged sir, much obliged." And she drinks from it without hesitation, even as her mind reaches out surrepticiously searching for the thoughts of the new arrival.

<<In position. I can dial things up or fade away as needed.>>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Zachary's sight also shows several artifacts lighting up as well -- none so strong as the necklace on the manager's neck. Shabti statues, a few figures, a tightly-bound mummy of a dog.

    The necklace matches its current wearer: It's gaudy and old and looks like someone's taken some barkeeper's friend to polish it.

    Alcohol is quietly removed from the cups, leaving a wholley gross fruit-tasting liccorice item. It's not great, but it is pretty!

    The manager gives a smile, and motions to it. "This old thing? Well. Don't you tell anyone, or I'll hafta bury you, but I've borrowed this from a good friend of mine. Ended up giving me the capital to make this place come true--" he gives a smile to the lady with the fortunate luck, and he gives a bright grin, motioning for another round of drinks.

    "What can we get you kids? Mozzerella sticks? Pizza?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will move to have a seat at the table, and looks over and nods to the table in greeting, but keeps silent for now. He is trying to pull off the Bond vibes, it is not easy for him, he is much more Detective Clouseau in his natural state. He will fold a few hands as he is dealt in, frowning ever so slightly at his cards. He lets the others do the talking for now.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Another pile of chips is sacrificed to M'gann for the sake of the mission, and Tim mutters more under his breath. He starts downing his drink now that it's been rendered inert by Zachary's magic, and he makes a face at the offer of food. <<M'gann, I think I might accuse you of cheating. Wanna see how much of a scene we can make?>>

    Most of his drink is gone, soon enough, though he doesn't quite chug it the same way Gabby is. She might be going for the falling-all-over-herself play, but Tim wants to give off the appearance that he's just drunk enough to cause some drama. <<Z, can you do something about the necklace so that Bart can swipe it off of him without triggering any blood magic alarm bells? If that's even a thing.>>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
<<I'm all set up to provide a tripping or stumbling distraction if needed. I'll keep drinking them if I need. Not like I can get drunk.>> Gabby turns her attention to the newest winner giving the woman a once-over as if she were, well, giving her a once-over. An obvious one. "Guess it's time to play then," she gushes with another giggle as she jingles up some chips to toss into the ante for the next round to be dealt.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    The magician doesn't make a face, he swears, he's as straight faced as he can be with that personality of his. But whoever thought that just because you add liquor to something magically makes it taste good are downright wrong and deserve to rot. ROT, I say. But Zachary downs it all and gives the manager a grin, "Thank you for the fine drink." He looks around, making small notes as he does with his special eyes. <<There are a few other artifacts that are vibing me down>> He visualizes each one that he sees glowing to the others but his eyes ultimately wander back to the gaudy necklace <<None are as bad vibey as the ugly necklace.>> Zackary nods to the manager in an appreciative way, "It's done up very nicely." As if he was just done admiring the place. Which he wasn't, not really. But, okay, maybe a little bit. The bad vibes really throwing him off his groove, though, so it's overall unappreciated.

    At this point, he's just throwing chips in and not paying any attention to his cards, like the young man can just throw money around like it's candy. Zachary is taking his role very seriously as rich boy with not a single intelligent thought in his mind. "I would love some mozzarella sticks," Zachary says in a way like he's just hit gold. But come on, free food? Anything to wash away this god awful taste in his mouth. His eyes gaze over the necklace again and he leans forward, "That really is such a detailed and gorgeous necklace, I'm surprised it's not weighing you down!" Zachary laughs loudly at his own joke as he studies it. <<I have a spell in mind but I'm not sure how long I can keep it on the necklace nor how far away Bart can take it before it wears off. The further and longer away, the more concentration, which means I can't be disturbed.>>

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Well ain't that a cryin' shame." The redheaded bombshell frowns in a slight pout. "I guess that means I won't be able to get one for myself. Pity. It really is quite exquisite." Finishing the drink she slides yet more chips into the center of the table, "I raise." It is an uncomfortably high raise, the sort of thing that might cast a bit of suspision on 'beginner's luck. At the same time slowly uncrossing and recrossing her legs to the other side in her seat as if to distract from that very fact.

<<It's not much of an accusation.>> M'gann replies to Tim. <<I am very much cheating. I do not think the rules of this game allow for telepathy.>>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The Rules of the game did not allow for telepathy, no.

    The rules also didn't allow for cheating with tech, either, outside on those slots and the video poker.

    There's a little ripple of the electrical. The manager laughs, and slips both thumbs beneath the wings of the scarabs "Oh no! Thing weighs a freaking ton, but you know what? I just feel so much BETTER with it on! Manlier even! Hey, maybe I'm part Pharoah, eh?" he gives a grin, and looks to Gabby, eyeballing her like a skeeze.

    "Whadaya say, Princess? Need a round on the house?" he snaps his fingers, and another round of alcoholic beverages -- these ones are all sparkly pink, garnished with grapefruit.

    And a pyramid of mozzerella sticks, with 'fancy' marinara garnished with a cherry tomato and some flakes of parm cheese arrive for Zachary.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will stand to head towards the restroom, as he does, he will pick up a few things the head off one of the velvet rope posts, a few mints from the bathroom attendant before heading into a stall. Once inside with a bit of speed phasing and his tie, mint wraps, and the ball, he has a hideous necklace that ways quite a bit. Over the com, "I can get it as far away as you want it, tell me when I will come in swap a horrid fake for it, see if we can keep him from noticing for a moment or three."

Tim Drake has posed:
    The jerk Tim is playing at being right now heaves out a sigh as more drink and food is delivered to the table. "Are we having a snack or playing cards?" he snaps, just as he throws out another few chips into the pile.

    And promptly loses to M'gann, again.

    The next couple of words he mutters under his breath do not bear repeating.

    <<We need Z to be able to get over to the other artifacts first,>> Tim thinks at the rest of the group. <<If it's the most... blood magic-y>> and somehow his mental voice communicates the feel of a shrug without Tim's shoulders actually moving, <<He might need to focus to contain it.>>

    He rolls his neck, and while it really does look like he's working himself up into a fury, it's really just Tim putting his game face on. <<Okay M'gann. Here we go.>>

    Another loss on the next hand, and Tim slams his fist against the table. "So are we just going to ignore how she's counting cards?" he spits out as he rises to his feet, pointing an accusing finger at M'gann. "This is bullshit! No one can win that many times in a row without cheating!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The Princess that is Gabby blinks wide green eyes back toward the manager with another laugh. "Ooh always good for drinks!" She agrees while leaning forward to flip her cards beneath her hand giving them a quick glance. Someone had at least taught her the basics of 'don't show your hand' at least. Though M'Gann easily wins again. Even so she's trying very hard not to shudder under the manager's gaze while he practically preens like a peacock.

<<I really hope that you guys manage to get it because I am *NOT* going to cozy up to him to get it. Eew. Ugh. M'Gann get that mental image out of my head for me! Guy gives me the creeps.>> "Oh come on, don't be a sore loser. That's so not cute." A cluck of her tongue comes though she doesn't try to raise her voice over Tim's when he goes off further. If anything she sits up straighter leaning away from the table with a cringe.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Oh, fuck yeah, mozzarella sticks. But why is it in a pyramid? That's really-- oh, right, Egyptian themed. Of course, duh, Zachary knew that (he may be taking his role a little too seriously). He ignores Tim's snapping judgement and takes a mozzarella stick, eating it promptly, <<The other ones will be easy to ward without me having to fully concentrate on them.>>

    His mouth is stuffed with another mozzarella stick when Tim starts his little drama fest, grabbing another one (or three) for the road. We are NOT wasting these mozzarella sticks, not today! Zachary is ready for action, though--wait his mouth needs to be free in order to do anything useful. Okay, quickly chewing and swallowing and THEN he'll be ready to go at a moment's notice!

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Redhead Bombshell M'gann splutters seemingly almost choking on her latest martini. "I do say, I do say, I will not be accused in such a fashion. Countin' was never ma strong suit. It's just too darned obvious when you have a bad hand. Have you /seen/ your face? I was trying to give you a chance to win some back, but I think I will just take my winnings and cash out!" The indignation is palpable as she reaches out with an exaggerated gesture to scoop up the small mountain of chips she has accumulated, it practically radiates off of her. M'gann is clearly no novice when it comes to acting.

<<Depending how things go, if I need to storm out, I can return invisibly.>>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Now now, let's not accuse a lady of cheating. You should know they don't have the brains to count cards, son!" the man with the ungodly gaudy necklace says, running a hand over his thinning hair, and he gives a sweet smile to M'gann. He is a sleezeball. So skeevy. He is the psychic equivilent of a three-day old piece of American Cheese Product that gets stuck behind the fridge and you find it with your sock when it finally oozes out to take over the kitchen.

    "BUt just in case -- darlin' can you hand us a new deck for poker? An' let's keep things polite now." he states, going to stand up.

Tim Drake has posed:
    <<Oh my god, Zach, I can buy you cheese sticks somewhere else,>> Tim gripes as he taps the screen of his smart watch, triggering the devices Bart has stashed in the slot machines. <<I literally just handed you 10K to buy into this game!>>

    Does Tim kick Zach under the table? Possibly. But it's only because he's flailing around as he climbs to his feet, affecting a loose limbed sort of drunken sway. Yeah. That's definitely why. There's no long-standing minor clash of personalities between the two of them.

    As he starts to shout at M'gann, his pale face starts to redden, like he's really worked up. Or just carefully moderating the way he's breathing to deliberately starve himself of oxygen just enough to give the impression he wants to give. <<Time to start causing chaos, team! Z, get over to the display while we distract everyone.>

    And then the manager cuts in, trying to calm things down by saying exactly the wrong thing. <<Gabby if you accidentally knee him in the crotch when you fake-stumble I wouldn't blame you.>> As it turns out, the persona Tim is playing is also a major simp. So he starts berating Roger alongside the accusations he continues to throw at M'gann.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann seems entirely too willing to let the manager dig his own grave as he puts his misogyny on display, giving Tim yet more fuel to berate him, while she continues to play the extremely offended lady who has had her good name sullied, completely indignant. The chips are slid off the table into a waiting tray provided by the casino for the purposes of getting them over to the cashier's window. "Do you have one of your serving boys who could carry this for me?" She looks towards Roger, "It is /awfully/ heavy with all of his money that I've won." A taunting look is cast back in Tim's direction as she says it.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
When the chaos begins to unfold, Gabby moves as well. It's when Tim lurches to his feet that she pushes her chair back as she stands apparently intimidated enough by the erratic actions of the man to decide she needed to take a step back. "Okay maybe I should try another table, this is a bit much..." It's offered hesitantly though when it seems M'Gann is about to leave she starts to sit again.

Only the chair is too far back now.

With a little yelp her arms swing out flailing to try and catch herself on the nearest support. One on the table, the other... Swings out unfortunately to slam her closed fist into the crotchular region of good old Roger before it darts up to catch hold of the edge of his jacket. Better to give a tug and keep things wide open for extraction there.

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    <<They're in a PYRAMID, toucan't blame me for wanting them!>> The kick was probably well deserved, especially after that horrible pun. But Zachary is still not happy about it, cursing under his breath because JESUS Tim. Assaulting an innocent, defenseless young man when he's trained with the damn Bat of Gotham. <<Ouch, Tim, that really hurt>> This telepathic stuff is fun, only ever able to do whispers to others because him and people just don't mesh well.

    After the unjustified kicked, Zachary gets up with Tim, putting his hands up to show he's unarmed, "Wow, she's getting all worked up for no reason, just because of some speculation, can you believe this?" His voice carries as he looks around, making eye contact with patrons who only have a small idea of what's going on, "And did you hear the manager? Wow, I don't know how you can sit there when he's being so insulting!" Whether the patrons actually heard what Roger said doesn't matter, as Zachary can make a room swoon onto his side with ease.

    When it seems like eyes are focused on the scene unfolding even more, Zachary slinks his way over to the artifacts. After giving them a look over, he figures out pretty quickly that the magic on them are much weaker than he originally expected, especially with the amount of power the necklace has. Maybe he could... "Tel eht dab sebiv eb enog!" If he believes it, it shall be true! The bad vibes from the artifacts quickly evaporate like water and the air feels a little cleaner. Well. As clean as it can be in a casino. <<AHA the bad vibes are gone, my dudes, we only need the necklace. Do I win the rest of the mozzarella sticks?>>

    The magician turns away from the artifacts just in time to witness Gabby takes away Roger's ability to have any more kids. <<You DESTROYED him,>> Zachary can't help but mentally shout, feeling his entire body cringe and resisting the urge to cover himself.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes out of the restroom at speed, James bond aint got nothing on this one, he is back in the room taking the necklace from the man, and leaving his bad replacement. Then he is out of the casino to the nearest supermarket, where he picks up a couple bags of salt, and then to a vacant parking garage a couple cities away. There he makes a circle of salt around the necklace about 5 foot wide, and then dumps another two bags atop the necklace in the middle of the circle.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

    A bunch of one-armed bandits pay out at once. A bunch as in... all of them. Something's triggere dand suddenly the House is digitially and physically losing thousands in a matter of minutes.

    A waiter shows up to carry M'gann's chips for her, he's wearing a nice suit and well-tied (pin-on) tie.

    "Madam." he states with a smile, offering an arm to M'gann to lead her away from such horrible accusations and his about-to-be-awful'd boss.

    Tim and Zach get matching curious looks from Roger, who then goes to lean back from the tilting 21-year-old only--

    Well. He'll be singing Soprano in the shower with an ice bag; the soldiers have a crushing blow. His eggs are cracked. The cherries no longer jubilee.

    He doesn't even notice, between the dings, the wins, the windfalls and everything else that the artifacts are depowered, or that his golden scarab has been switched out for a medly of found-objects of approxmiate weight to it, and goes down, gasping for breath, his hands slowly... slowly... lowering... to cover... the smashed bits.

    Meanwhile, the floor is pandemonium. People are getting miraculously large payouts from the Jackal's Den's slots, and now EVERYONE is trying to get in on the action. Somewhere, an accountant is probably crapping a brick.

Tim Drake has posed:
    No, Zachary, you do not get the mozzarella sticks as a prize. Tim is busy using the chaos to scoop up the remaining chips on the table--what's left after M'gann's windfall, at least--because, look. Supporting a team of superhero teens and young adults ain't cheap.

    <<Time to cash out.>> And by cash out, Tim means get the identified artifacts out of here. <<Z, do your thing. We're out of here! Team, move out.>>

    And then Miss Happy 21st Birthday is helped to steady herself, and Tim escorts Gabby out in the same direction as M'gann. Gotta trade in those chips for real cash before everyone else in the building starts doing the same.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann holds the heavy tray out to the waiter, who nearly stumbles. Somehow it didn't seem quite that heavy when she was holding but she seems oh so relieved to have that 'heavy' thing out of her hands. And with that she sultrily slow walks throw the ensuing chaos unfolding all around her, as if nothing is wrong at all, right up to the cashier's window with the waiter tow to cash out all of those lovely winnings only adding to the losses of the house.

And then? She's just gone. The waiter looks away for but a moment and the redheaded bombshell has seemingly simply vanished into thin air with all of the money, though he will still find a $100 tip in his lapel pocket.

<<BioShip is standing by outside for extraction. Take the alley on the left. I'll throw down a ladder.>>

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney scoops up her purse and incidentally a bit of money that falls into it. Amazing how one can do that with one smooth sweep of the arm. The cameras likely got it though, which meant she and the others would be labeled theives. Sadly. Still, it was best to leave with what you came in with if only to erase evidence. Not to mention those were the chips she'd bought thanks to Tim. So. Technicaly not stealing?

When Tim helps her along she manages to find her footing rather well and bustles out shaking her head as if she were in distress with looks shot back to the HORRIBLE MANAGER. Just so that it wouldn't seem as if she were being kidnapped. No, no, she was getting away from him. <<I'm so ready to go. I need a shower. What a skeeve. Good job though! Everyone okay?>>

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    Time to do a last job, Zachary nods to himself as the chaos erupts around him. With a little wiggle of the butt there and a little wave of his hand here, seemingly to dance to imaginary music, Zachary points a finger in the air and does what some people may call a stupid pose but to him it's a god damn victory, "Emoc htiw em, ym seitterp!"

    His eyes are closed as he has all the artifacts he needs to transport in his mind and the teleportation spot he set up on the Bioship (it's just on a carpet he takes with him sometimes, it's fine, no drawing on the ship for him!), the magic flows through the spaces and in between, Zachary's chest warm as he feels himself being pulled.

    Poof! He's standing in the correct spot, thankfully, and he's dusting off any imaginary dust that was on his suit. The magician does a quick check and all the correct items were taken! Plus a special item. With a clap of glee, Zachary picks up the plate of mozzarella sticks. Not all of them were saved, some were abandoned on the floor, but he got enough! He's chomping away, trying to eat as many as he can before they get snatched by the bird-brain that is Tim.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen finds himself a seat on a nearby half-wall, where he can watch the mound of salt. He pulls out some chips he bought while at the store, and says "Ok guys, I am at" He gives them his location "I got the necklace buried in salt, and waiting here for you guys make sure it does not go anywhere."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Tim and M'Gann are cashed out. The 'Whales' have a separate line, and are taken care of in neat piles of large bills. Gabby is taken care of equally quickly.

    Roger is still on the floor, in pain. And chaos has absolutely errupted when the machiens keep giving out jackpots.

    Just this once, the House that wins -- is the House of the Outsiders.

    All of the artifacts that had been stained with blood surround Zachary on the bio-ship, ready to be destroyed.

    The necklace rests beneath piles and piles of salt, in a protective circle, ready for collection and reparation to storage.

    And somewhere in New York. Phoebe Beacon texts Tim:

    <BrigidSteelhelm5Ever>Hey Nerd. How's Vegas?

Tim Drake has posed:
    It's a quick trip out to where the Bioship is waiting, cloaked, for them to make their escape. And Zachary's plate of cheese sticks is quickly diminished by the group of hungry vigilantes who come aboard. Even Tim tkaes one, though he glowers both at the mozzarella stick and at Zach a little bit as he chews.

    At least until carbs and cheese overtake the nasty aftertaste of that alcohol-free drink from earlier.

    Tim pulls out his phone to reply as they start wrapping up. Time to recover Bart and the necklace, and get the heck out of the City of Sin.

<rollinitiativenoob> it smells terrible. they have good cheesesticks tho.
<rollinitiativenoob> <Image of recovered artifacts aboard the Bioship, probably with Zachary doing a dumb pose in front of them.>

    "That was an excellent display of teamwork," he says. <<Bart, we're en route to you!>> And then Tim grimaces, faintly. "That manager was gross, though."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann is already seated in the pilots seat when Tim reaches the ship and has snagged a few of Zachary's mozzarella sticks for herself. Stealing his food, that is a true sign of team acceptance, now he's family.

Once everyone is aboard she says, "This is your captain speaking, welcome to BioShip Flight 457 to anywhere but here, please make sure your seatbacks and tray tables are in the full and upright position as we get the heck out of dodge. BioShip Away!" And with that the Martian marvel of bio-engineering, evolution, and domestication zips off through the skies to where their allies await.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen waits patiently, for them, ,well patient for a speedster, he only paces back and forth a few thousand times. Once they get there, he will ask "Do we need to does Zackary need to do any mojo on the necklace, or is it ok, if I uncover it and bring it on the ship?"

Zachary Zatara has posed:
    "You cannot give my mozzarella sticks a dirty look WHILE you eat them, that's naughty," Zachary grins at Tim, waggling his eyebrows. Yes, his tower is diminishing, but the excitement and absolutely fun he had is not. The entire thing was exhilarating, he wants to do it again! Now, how to convince Tim to let him tag along...

    Zachary instantly poses when he sees the camera turned towards him, a peace sign for one hand, the plate in the other and a kissy face made to the camera. He knows that picture is divine, mental note to make Tim send him the picture so he can post it on Instagram. He eats another mozzarella stick, nodding in agreement, "He was gross, let's get him fired." Zachary quickly runs to his seat once he hears M'gann. He's not about to fall on his ass and embarrass himself this time.

    They arrive at the meeting spot where Bart awaits. Hearing his name, Zachary nods as he takes a deep breath, breathing out slowly. Although he didn't exactly do a lot, using so many different spells in a short amount of time is really tiring for this magician. Maybe with more experience, it'll be easier?

    "I'm going to do a bubble like ward around the necklace and salt. So it's going to be super strong on the inside but weak on the outside so uh... Don't drop it?" Zachary shrugs, like he knows less than they do about magic. "Niamod Noisnapxe!" He keeps a straight face as he says this, not even a hint that he may have stolen this from an anime, but hey! It works! A protective bubble ward circles the necklace and salt, making it easy to transport.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    With Bart picked up, the necklace safely contained, the Outsiders can rest assured that with the item safely in the hands of someone with more magical ability than its creator, it can be rendered safe -- perhaps -- or it will be stored away. They have completed another mission where hardly anyone got hurt, they've sucsessfully undone a necromancer's work against their fellow Outsider, and all should feel so accomplished.

    In the Jackal's Den, after the place has been cleaned out, Roger lays on the floor still, twitching.

    A pair of bare feet, blood-red and clawed, followed by a swish of red cloth strides into his vision. The floor has quieted, people leaving with their winnings or swearing they'll be back with lawyers.

    Those feet and claws are the last thing that Roger sees before his vision goes dark, and he no longer has to worry about what Gabby did.