8647/Coming Back to Roost

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Coming Back to Roost
Date of Scene: 11 November 2021
Location: Sublevel 2 -Training Facilities - The Roost
Synopsis: Balm visits the Roost to make use of the training facilities and states she intends to ward her room so she can sleep comfortably. Bart gathers that something has happened that Phoebe is considering moving from New York back to Gotham. Phoebe and Strix spar, and Strix bisects vermin!
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Bart Allen, Strix

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It had been a while since Phoebe had been outside the wards without an escort for more than a half hour at a time. The Roost had alerted the appropriate figures when it announced that Balm had returned to the facility. The first thing she had done was refill the medical lab's candy drawer with leftover Halloween candy. Then it was a quick-change into work-out clothes, athletic pants, bare feet, and a tank top that showed the gnarled, whorled skin of her left shoulder. Which is odd -- she shouldn't have scars.

    Her hair was braided, two Dutch-style braids that are coiled into a bun at the nape of her neck.

    She had five pound wrist weights on each wrist, her arms giving little shudders at the weight.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes down to check on Phoebe when he hears she is here. He is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He has a animal encyclopedia under his arm. "So many S animals which will he do hmm." He looks over and grins at Phoebe "Hey you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Funny running into you here. Shouldn't you be in New York?" PHoebe asks, her nose giving a slight wrinkle as she brings her arms down, switching positions, and she brings her arms down, and goes into a hand-stand, toes pointed up.

    "Might be spending time split between the Roost and The Curio. As soon as Leksandria is taken care of." she comments. "... and I bet he'll do Sharks."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Maybe so he can do the whole fish are friends, not food." He finds a seat and says "Well you know we like having ya here too, and if you need a ride Impulseshaw is at your beck and call." He looks over to her "So, what ya working on? Martial arts or just training?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Breathing exercises for a clear mind." Phoebe replies to Bart. She sloowly sinks down so that she's supported on her forearms instead of her hands. "Magic, martial arts, all is much easier when you're clear-headed and able to focus, right?" she asks, arching her body slightly, minding her center of gravity. "... and there's not a lot of room for me to backflip in the apartment."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "I never been the best with the whole meditation thing, my snails is about the closest I get to that." He admits. "Yea you start doing gymnastics in the apartment you going to be knocking things off all your shelves. But at least you aint turns your bedroom here into a gym."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Not to mention the lack of soundproofing." Phoebe replies, but there's none of the regular mirth in her voice. She sloooowly raises one arm, holding it out as she focuses her balance, and she breathes out. "My bedroom here might end up being my room again. Dunno yet. So much up in the air anymore. Can't even spin the plates."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "Something wrong Phoebe?" He may have missed something and it shows "You ok? Is there something you need help with?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe brings her feet back down with a sharp 'thump' against the mat, and she breathes out.

    "Just... have some things to work out as far as some paths. That's all." she states, but she doesn't look to Bart.

    "As long as the wards hold out, may even be able to sleep here a couple nights a week. It'll be nice. Like a sleep over, but at home. One home." Phoebe stumbles over the words a moment.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Well if it helps I can mix some paint and salt and paint your walls for you. Would that count as a circle?" He asks her, and hmms softly in thought. "Or what about salt water, would that count?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Actually, the way I learned how to do wards, I mix blood with the paint. When we did the curio, most people who were the innaugeral move-in gave about a couple drops of blood, and we spent about half the night drawing up wards for the place. It's one of the reasons why it feels so peaceful when you walk in." she smiles to Bart. "And I did the extra work on my apartment. With oversight." she adds quietly. "So I'm confident enough to at least to my room here. If only for the fact that I'll sleep better."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Well if there is anything I can do to help let me know." He smiles a bit and says "You know me anything worth doing is worth overdoing." He jokes, well mostly. "Oh any other animals, I need to know I should bring you in on if I have to do a thing for?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses a moment, and she looks down at her hands, and then she rubs at that gross scar tissue at her left shoulder, and she breathes out.

    "Don't let me fall too far into the dark, I guess? Just having a tough time with processing. But with what you guys did in Boston, I think maybe her power's broken enough that we can try to neutralize her. And then it's a non-issue anyway."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to her, and says "Well you got plenty of friends here who will be your lightning bolt if you need them to, and I am one of them. I don't think you have much worry about falling into the dark, the dark should fear the beacon of light."

Strix has posed:
Even though Strix isn't in the assassination business anymore, she still needs to keep her skills up, which brings her to the Outsider's training room. More and more often, as Strix gets comfortable with her fellow teammates, she walks around without the bandages that cover her face. She walks in wearing nothing more than a comfortable tee with a sparkly unicorn on it and a pair of sweats. Out on full display are the myriad of scars that line the dark skin of her arms and face.

When she sees Bart, she gives him a cheery wave, and even though she hasn't actually met Phoebe before, she gets a cheery wave, too. She, then, takes her phone out of her pocket and sets it aside on a bench and starts to stretch out her muscles, limbering up.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe raises a hand to the be-unicorned Strix, and she gives a slight smile to her.

    "Are you eating better than marshmallow rainbow pebbles yet?" she asks to the former Owl, and Phoebs grabs up a practice staff, giving a spin of it for a moment as she breathes out. Phoebe is sporting a hell of a scar on her left shoulder now, and she glances to Bart.

    "Did I tell you I can throw a fireball now?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit at this and says "Nope, you had not told me that, did you learn Magic Missle first or is that just in the games." He smiles a bit and says "So, your now a healer, a melee and ranged DPS ." He smiles at her.

Strix has posed:
Strix nods to Phoebe. She's eating better! She added cocoa crispies to her diet! However the girl's scars cause her to frown. She walks up to her and points to the angry looking scar and tilts her head quizzically. What happened?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, my aim needs work. So far it's just ten feet with a soft-ball sized ball of fire, but it's enough to give anyone a pretty bad day..." she trails off a moment, and then she looks to Strix. Strix points to the scar, and Phoebe... actually goes self-concious about it.

    "Black magic. Someone tried to kill me with a poison laced with black magic. It made it so my healing powers don't work." she explains to Mary.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen winces and had not heard the details, and was not sure if it had been an attack or some other warding. ""But we are making progress getting the one who messed with her, or at least weakening and screwing up her plans."

Strix has posed:
Strix scowls at Phoebe's explanation. She nods at Bart and points at herself with a thumb, and then shadow boxes for a bit, punching an invisible enemy, and then gives a firm nod. She'll show that person what for.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile, and she takes a breath. "I know you would. Head's up: I refilled the candy drawer in the medical bay, provided Gabby hasn't already caught the smell of butterfingers." she states, forcing a segue between her injury and something far easier to talk about.

    She spins her staff around a little bit, going through a couple of kata forms. She works her breathing, adjusting her weight as she goes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I should probably sometime learn to use a staff, or something, but I am more hand to hand to hand to hand to hand." He smiles and jumps making a hi ya sound and takes a horrid martial arts pose.

Strix has posed:
Strix brightens at the mention of candy and nods enthusiastically, giving Phoebe a thumbs up. She watches her start going into katas for a bit before pointing at the girl, falls into a fighting stance, and turns her hand and does a 'come at me' gesture ala the Matrix. After which she cocks her head in question.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "If you want sometime, Bart, I still take lessons from my sensei. I've been considering asking Tim if he'd want to tag along some afternoon -- she doesn't know about the Outsiders--" she trails off a moment, and she looks to Strix as Strix issues the challenge.

    Her head cocks to the side a moment, and she gives a nod, flexes her hands, and then without a warning, she moves to attack, testing Strix.

    She goes for a low attack, looking to sweep Strix off her leg and knock her to the side a bit. Quick and easy.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks between the ladies, and says "I might be abit of a test of your sensei's patients." He admits. He does moves to sit back down watching the ladies, and keeps quiet for now.

Strix has posed:
Strix moves like lightning. She blocks the sweep with her shin, using the momentum to close the distance between the two, to deliver a couple of punches aimed towards the head. She, of course, is pulling those punches. They'll never land, they'll just come close enough for Phoebe to feel the rush of air the generate should she not be able to block them.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The best way to avoid a strike is to not be there. Phoebe drops, and as Strix moves forward to deliver the punches, phoebe tries to use her momentumn against her. HEr staff swings up, and she seeks to catch it against Strix's leg and send Strix over Phoebe's back, followed by a very pulled follow-up blow from the staff, looking to strike at Strix's midsection.

    "You wouldn't be a test of her patience. I think she would be a test of yours though!" she does give a slight smile there, feeling the blood moving.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a motion to the side with his hand, and says "A test of my patients, aint you figured out I have none." He says and if to prove his point, he is off and back with popcorn and a drink.

Strix has posed:
Strix goes over Phoebe's back, but lands lightly on her feet. She's grinning, having the time of her life as she spars. The strike to her abdomen is parried, but instead of turning the staff away, she twists it around until she's holding it too. She yanks on it to send Phoebe off balance, so she can strike with an elbow, again pulling the punch.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    As Strix grasps at the staff, Phoebe slides one foot back, drawing her arm and allowint the staff to rest over her wrist. Her head tilts slightly, adn she gives a bright smile right back at Strix, before she goes low again. That foot that had slid back to preserve her balance comes forward, looking to bring herself around Strix and flank her to wrest the wrist-rested staff away from her and to fling her forward.

Strix has posed:
Strix twists, letting the staff go before it can pull her off balance, and steps throwing a back kick to Phoebe, quickly twisting around for a roundhouse which brings her facing the girl again. Quickly following this she performs a series of jabs to knock Phoebe off balance only to produce a throwing knife seemingly out of nowhere, and flicks it over Phoebe's shoulder, neatly bisecting a cockroach. She makes a yucky face at it and shivers.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe turns to Strix, and very, VERY narrowly voids getting a foot to the face from Strix's round house. She uses her staff to hold her up, and then she looks down at the flash of the throwing knife --

    "Hey, hey --" she begins, and then the knife goes over Phoebe's shoulder, and sticks to the wall, with two pieces of a cockroach twitching.

    "... oh, ew. I'm going to have to tell Tim about that one." she states, wrinkling her nose.

Strix has posed:
Strix lets out a sigh, the mood of the sparring ruined. She grabs one of the available towels and walks over to where the knife is sticking out of the wall and plucks it out, wiping it down with the towel.

The knife gets stowed... /somewhere/ and she turns to walk back to Phoebe. She gives her a congratulatory pat on the shoulder (the good one) with a thumbs up. She did really well!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Thanks. Last time I fought against someone that moved like that, it was a very different outcome." Phoebe gives a smile, reaching for her own towel (it has sunflowers on it), and she scrubs her face a moment with it.

    "I missed being able to spar with someone. Not a lot of people do the martial arts thing in my apartment building." she jokes, reaching out and patting Strix on her shoulder, and then she grabs her water bottle.

    "Well. I've got some warding to do. Any time you need someone to beat up, Strix, you let me know."

Strix has posed:
Strix nods in understanding. There's only a handful of people that can really go toe to toe with her, so she doesn't get a chance to go all out that often. Still, she enjoys the sessions she has with the members of the Outsiders and the opportunities to teach them a thing or two, and maybe learn a thing or two in return.

She gives Phoebe a grin and a wave goodbye. Have a good time!