8843/What Is Even Going On

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What Is Even Going On
Date of Scene: 28 November 2021
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: A motley group arrives to stop The Wizard and Paste-Pot Pete from robbing a bank. TL;DR Old Men get beat up.
Cast of Characters: Cindy Moon, Heather Danielson, Koriand'r, Keith Brooks, Cole Cash

Cindy Moon has posed:
The Financial District of New York City. This is where the money is made. More or less all of it in the western world. It's a place of soaring skyscrapers and marble edifices. The stench of old money and the thrill of new. Fortunes are made and lost in seconds.

Somewhere in the neighborhood, Silk is swinging around, enjoying the freedom and all that comes with it. Little does she know that in a few moments, something TERRIBLE will occur!


It's business hours, which means that people are going about their financial day. Transacting, withdrawing and depositing. It's also New York, which means of course someone is going to rob it. The front doors of the lobby are kicked in by an older man wearing a heavy looking suit. In one hand is a gun with a hose that leads to a pack on his back. Immediately, he begins spraying everyone in sight as they try to flee.

They don't get far.

He laughs as he moves through the lobby. "Ha ha ha! Paste-Pot-Pete is back! Now give me the money!"

"Now now, Pete," another man's voice says as he enters the bank behind the guy with the glue gun. "Give us the money." He adjusts his bulbous purple helmet and armored gloves. "It's been a while since they've seen The Wizard and Paste-Pot-Pete together, but the time of the TERRIBLE TWO begins now!"

Silk is a little ways out. Hopefully someone's closeby!

Heather Danielson has posed:
    I mean COME ON! Heather was in New York to visit her agent. She'd just finished the meeting and was considering a minor movie role for some teen comedy thingee as she left his office.

    Right out to the sidewalk across the street from said bank. Coincidence? Well, this is New York City. . . And it's a good thing that she'd worn her bright blue unitard type costume / uniform under the street clothes just so that she could show it to the agent and have a series of shots taken in it for publicity reasons. In fact, she had jeans over it, and a coat. But was using the uniform as her top.

    The yells and such from the bank make her roll her eyes. She taps the comm device in her ear and says, "Titan Danielson reporting. Looks like yet another dumbass duo is trying their hand at robbing a New York Bank. Looks like literally the Bank of New York. I am investigating."

    And then she suits actions to her words and begins heading that way.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r of Tamaran had often been accused of being 'odd' or strange even if most had found it endearing here and there. Everything from her appearance that had landed her a modeling job to her culinary tastes which had left more than one of the titans in states of concern in the past was a little different.

So how was it that villains still managed to suprise her with their crazy gimmicks and out-there tricks on this planet?

To be fair, Kori hadn't been quite so close as Heather, the orange-skinned alien happily talking about the merits of adding pepperoni to hotdogs with a little hint of raspberry jam (or Jelly) when Heather's alert had come through.

"OH! I am near!" she declares excitedly, leaving the vendor somewhere between startled and relieved as she streaks upwards in a trail of energy, taking to the air and headed for the bank. "I will be there to back you up in moments!"

Keith Brooks has posed:
<These banks are where humans store their currency, correct?> "Yeah." <Yet none of your currency is at this one.> "You're right, I use a credit union." <Then why are we going?> "Because it's the right thing to do?"

The bird-like symbiote pair had been flying overhead in New York City, heading back to his apartment from getting some Chinese food when they had heard the sounds of trouble from a few blocks away. Spider-Man had instructed them to not hurt anybody...Well not KILL anybody at least. And specifically to not eat anybody. Spider-Man was very explicit about that rule.

There's a heavy thud on the roof across from the bank as Lesion lands, wings disappearing back into the black and purple symbiote, as they look down across, <We should go in and destroy them immediately!> "No, that's a terrible idea. There could be hostages. Or innocent people." <You have shown me the internet Keith, there are no innocents left on this world.>

Cole Cash has posed:
It is business hours, who robs a bank in business hours? Only New York super-criminals. Whatever you can say about Gotham City, the criminals usually wait for the night to go to business. But New York? Is all about being blatant and colorful.

And Cole, despite his age, has learned to do his financial stuff online. But sometimes a guy has to pick up something from a deposit boy he left there years ago. And of course bank security means he can't go armed, and of course this happens.

But contrarily to everyone else in the bank Cole is actually quick enough to dive behind one of the desks when Pete begins to glue everyone else to the walls. Barely. There is also some mutered curses involved.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk is ... still not here. She's closer, but it's still a long way to swing!

Inside the bank, The Wizard and Pete finish gooping up and otherwise bind down the hostages. The man in the purple armor looks to the man with the gun. "You mind this lot. I'll get into the vault."

Pete grouses about it, but complies. "Yeah, yeah. Take your knock-off Iron Man schtick and blast it open."

The Wizard snorts and heads into the back. Something is getting blasted back there. In the meantime, Pete wanders through the lobby, giving people extra glue if he feels like it. (Spoiler: He feels like it.) Luckily for Cole, Pete isn't the most observant, and Cole is very good at what he does. For the moment, he goes unnoticed.

These guys are about to have a bad time.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And that is when Heather walks in the front door. Along the way, she's ditched her coat at least. She's not super resistant to winter cold, but she can adapt well enough most days. So her arms are goodbumping from the cold.

    But as she walks in, she is roughly behind Pete, and she says, "Hey. Glue Gramps!" And then she tosses her coat, hoping to let it cover his head, if only for a few moments.

    "Perfect time to enter Kori." she says as she holds the large door open with one foot, kinda striking a pose there, or so it seems. She is hoping Kori takes her lead here!

Keith Brooks has posed:
Well it seems that other people are entering the bank. Behind the beaked face of the symbiote, Keith frowns a little bit, "We should get in there." <Agreed. We shall destroy them and then return to the Chinese food.>

The wings come out again, and the symbiote leaps off the roof and dives towards the front entrance of the bank. There's no hesitation as the symbiote smashes straight through the entrance to the bank, barely dodging out of Danielson's way before coming to a halt, digging into the floor with talons and rising up to full height, "It is far past time for you to leave without being hurt. So now you'll not be leaving at all. We'll see to that."

Koriand'r has posed:
If Heather was unsubtle, Kori was that and more...and she was invited in, how very polite of her friend!

That streak of solar energy tinged green surges as thr princess in flight rushes the glue man, her palm extending with a single bolt aimed at disabling the weapon before attempting to snatch him upwards by the collar.

She didn't exactly want to get glued up, that stuff looked like it would take -ages- to get out of her hair!

Cole Cash has posed:
Now, Cole has been in the merc business for a while and actually knows Pete Petruski a little. He was going to appeal to 'that one time' (and making the guy think he was armed) when Heather opens the bank door and dramatic-poses. Immediately followed by two more... interesting persons.

Probably too much for old Pete, but it would be a mistake to underestimate the villain. He has been annoying the Fantastic Four for decades. So, Cole waits for him to turn to receive the newcomers and then jumps from behind Pete to sweep at his legs. That should spoil his aim some.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Inside the bank, all hell breaks loose. Well, for ol' Paste-Pot Pete, anyway. Heather rolls in and throws her coat over his head. His reflex is to just lay on the gun, which he does. He really does. His adhesive sprays in a wild, goopy arc at everything in front of him as he wrenches the jacket from his head. "What?! No! WIZAAAAAARD!"

Kori and the Symbiote blast in, and before he can even retrain his gun on them, Kori has blasted it to useless in his hand. It's precisely then that Cole sweeps the leg, and Pete goes down. His tank makes an unsettling cracking sound.

"Uh oh."

The pressurized liquid adhesive hits the air and EXPANDS, consuming Pete from his neck to his ankles, frozen in resin. "Nooooooo! Get me out of here! ... I have to pee!"

The blasting in the vault stops, and the ridiculously armored form of the Wizard floats back into the lobby. He sighs. "Why did I ever sign up to work with you, Pete? Useless." He lifts both hands and starts unloading repulsor-style blasts at the assembled heroes, waving his hands to spray them through the lobby!

Out front, Silk finally lands, ducking the incoming fire. She skitters through the broken glass and calls out. "Who pissed off the Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger?" A pause. "Oh god that was so inappropriate, I'm sorry!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    The thing that might seem weird to some folks is that Heather is a skinny teen who is playing her role as tank to the hilt. She charges right at Wizard, practically daring him to shoot her. Her goal is to do the aggro trick.

    It works. She gets shot in the shoulder... twists back and keeps pushing through... the wound healed by the time she gets hit again, this time center-mass. And that sends her flying back into a display of brochures about various IRA's and other savings options... paper flying everywhere. But she took the shots rather than others or bystanders.

    After a moment, her arms flail and she sits up as she says, "Ow."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Oops, sorry Pete," offers Cole, not sounding very sorry at all. "You gotta stop doing this dumb shit, though. You are too old not to know better." And there is the Wizard with his silly outfit. Good tech, though, and Cole dashes for the exit instead of confronting him armed with a pen and a stack of papers.

Plenty of heroes to beat him up, anyway. He feels unnecessary, and unarmed. Plus he need to keep the contents of the deposit box safe.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Lesion didn't even do anything and Pete manages to get himself taken out. The symbiote is unsure of how to react to what they just witnessed, but it seems that the moment has passed when Wizard comes out shooting. The bird-like creature dives to one side in order to avoid getting blasted, even as Danielson takes multiple shots, <We should strike from above!> Comes the voice of Lesion in his head. It's a good idea.

Those wings open up and the talons dig in as Lesion leaps upwards, taking to the sky in order to get a better angle on Wizard, so he can strike from up above, right arm shifting into a blade-like form as he dives down.

Koriand'r has posed:
Gross, very gross! Kori actually zips backwards from the display while drawing her fingers backwards from the ick that was Paste Pete's ruptured tank.

Wizard's arrival? Armor and high-tech? That she could deal with! Yet as she lifts her glowing fist towards the man, only to hold back her blast at the rushing form of Lesion heading in with his strike.

Defense then, she hurls herself forward, clearly intending to try and 'tank' the wild blasts.

Cindy Moon has posed:
That's two heroes down. One bailed, and the other is learning the benefits of converting her retirement 401k into a series of Roth IRAs. Riveting.

Still, Lesion and Starfire are already in the thick of things, and Silk is here to help!

Kori lances in to be the big attention grabber, and it works. The Titan is certainly good at catching the eye. The Wizard focuses his fire on her, leaving him open to a brutal strike from Lesion. Repulsor blasts go wide, blasting through the windows and the walls as sparks fly from his damaged armor. "You...YOU!"

He swings his damaged arm up, the gauntlet glowing as he looses a sphere of turbulent winds to try and snag the flying symbiote. That gauntlet sparks and smokes, the focusing lens bursting in a plume of flame after. He growls. "I don't need both of these to beat you!" He lifts his other arm and looses a gout of fire at Kori.

Meanwhile, Silk is leaving this to the 'Slightly Heavier Than Her' heroes. Instead, she's grown her claws out and is ripping the hardened resin restraints apart, ushering the bystanders outside. She's useful, guys! REally!

Koriand'r has posed:
Fire! Kori covers her face mostly for the sake of the light as it washes over her form, a little grunt of displeasure given. It didn't really -hurt- but messing with her aim in a room that still held hostages could be pretty dangerous, so she'd have to hold back a little longer!

Thankfully, while she was subjected to the attack that ironically would be much more dangerous pointed at the Klyntar, her green gaze falls on Cindy escorting civillians free, a nod of her head given in thanks. Rescuing bystanders was the most important bit after all!

"Is this all you have?!" she calls loudly, taunting challenge issued.

Keep looking at Starfire, Wizard. Pay no attention to the spiders and symbiotes for just a little bit longer...

Keith Brooks has posed:
The blast of wind knocks Lesion backwards, wings collapsing back into the form as he lands on the ground, talons digging into one of the pillars in the bank lobby to stand his ground. <We must avoid that other attack at all costs!> The symbiote tells the host in their internal communication. Keith agrees if only because he really wouldn't want to be set on fire either.

Letting Starfire taunt the villain, Lesion takes advantage of the damaged gauntlet. If he attacks again from that side, he may be able to pin the guy down. He'll need to destroy the other gauntlet with his attack though.

As soon as the blast of flames stops and Lesion is certain the focus is on Starfire, they strike, leaping from the side with the damaged gauntlet to try to strike Wizard with a powerful kick, using one of those taloned feet to slam the other gauntlet to the ground and crush it, pinning the arm at the same time. If this works, it should take Wizard out of the fight entirely.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is moving as fast as she can, ripping open the bound up people and getting them out. The last to be freed is a young woman who looks torn between making eyes at Silk, ogling Starfire and running in terror from the winged symbiote and the armored man throwing fire. She flees, better judgement winning.

Silk moves to Pete and squints at him. "You're Paste-Pot Pete!" She laughs. "I thought Spider-Man was making you up. You've got to be the lamest supervillain ever." She looks between him and the Wizard. "What are you, the Sticky Bandits?"

Pete just sighs. "We're the Terrible Two." Cindy reaches down, gripping the edge of the resin prison and lifts, peeling the whole thing from the floor. The resin is strong, but it crumbles as it breaks free. Being a Spider Person, she webs up Pete and hucks him out the blasted front door. He bounces a couple times and hits the police line.

"I never get to have any fun," Pete complains at an officer.


The Wizard is doing his best to fight these two off, but it's attrition at this point. He goes to throw another blast at Starfire when Lesion comes in from his damaged side, dropping a heavy strike on his gauntlet. It shatters as the Wizard is driven to the ground, defenseless. He looks between Kori, Lesion and the now approaching Silk. He sighs.

"I give up."

Koriand'r has posed:

Koriand'r sinks from her elevated position, a smile on her lips as bystanders (and ogglers) flee, police are drawing nearer and Silk's approach brings surrender to certainty.

"That is very wise of you," the young alien woman speaks, reaching up to brush at her semi-singed attire and looking over to Keith with a bow of her head.

"Thank you for your aid, your abilities are most impressive!"

Then to Cindy, the bow is repeated with a smile, "and you got people to safety! Well done!"

Praise and positivity all around! Heather wouldn't be suprised, when she unburied herself anyway.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Once the villain gives up, Lesion looks down at him, "Excellent choice. We wouldn't want to have to eat one of your arms."

Attention turns back to Starfire, "You were able to keep him distracted. That was the opening we needed. Thank you." Lesion thinks SPider-Man would be proud of him for not killing anyone today. And they didn't even break any bones either! Since the situation seems to be under control though, they head out to the entrance and then fly back up to the roof they left the Chinese food on. Time to head home and chow down!

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy, upon approach, webs the hell out of the Wizard. "Packaged for Delivery," she says, beaming at Starfire behind her half-mask. "I did! I appreciate the help, I wasn't fast enough to get here in time, but no one besides these losers got hurt too bad, and nobody stole anything."

She reaches down to pick up the webbed up criminal. "You know," she says before she hucks him out to join his pal. "I just wrapped up the Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger."


"So... ugh. I don't have a good condom joke. Where's Spider-Man when I need him?"

With one heave, Silk launches the Wizard out the door. He bounces and rolls to a stop at the police line. He looks over at Pete. "This is your fault."

Pete whimpers. "I really have to pee!"