8841/Magic Book

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Magic Book
Date of Scene: 28 November 2021
Location: The Hole in the Wall bar, Manhattan
Synopsis: Hellboy, Madigan, and Jessica confront Tynan's book...book's Tynan? Jessica knocks Tynan out. Hellboy carries out two ladies while people are upset about disappearing wishes.
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Hellboy, Madigan Belle, Jessica Cruz

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Its been awhile since Ty has been given the book, and a lot of people have started to notice it missing. The young mercenary has recently returned from an overseas job on a late night docking russian tanker. The woman said her goodbyes to the Russians, and gathered her stuff. She heads to a nearby port bar off Manhatten. Its a little hole in the wall that even only a few locals know about.

    "Oy! A pint of whiskey.", Tynan orders. The young mercenary pulls out a fake US ID that Taskmaster gave her a long time ago to make sure she doesn't get arrested for something stupid. The bartender looks it over, and nods his head handing it back. The young woman makes a small portal out of the view of the bar tender, and pulls out the Book. Satana has been on her about reading the book, so she's doing it here. Its written in several languages, including several non human languages. She's currently looking at some Gaelic and Fae written spells, looking confused by the writing.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy is a lot of things. Despite appearances, he can absolutely be sneaky when he needs to be. However, sneaky is a complicated thing, and when there's a lot of people around, sneaky gets exponentially harder. The red-skinned demon moves about as subtly as he can, but the bar does notice his entrance. He glances around as he moves, quickly noticing the one and only person reading a book in a bar. He turns his head to the side and says, "Spotted it. Stay behind me." He begins moving toward the book-haver with purpose.

Madigan Belle has posed:
Madi, the red headed girl with leg braces and a crutch to carry her forward, is walking behind Hellboy. For sure, it's one of those things where she can't move fast enough to lead the way, but she's peaking around his right side, then his left, whatever's convenient for her as they go. From Tynan's perspective, if they were to look this way, would see her eyes sneak a peak from around the supernatural investigator, then from the other side, almost scooby-doo-ish. That said, she's moving along by swinging one leg, letting her leg brace lock it in place, then swinging the other, in a rather practiced and smooth fashion. "Behind you? Spotted what? Is something going to explode? Wouldn't -that- be neat!" She exclaims aloud as she moves along behind Hellboy nonetheless.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
She's not really here with anyone or for any special reason she's aware of. She just came here because she was told to. She could explain it but most people wouldn't believe that the ring on her finger is possessed by an ancient being that sometimes directs her to places. This is one of those times and after her long time spending some time alone and avoiding anyone, she can't completely argue with it. She isn't against being alone. She just can't argue with the constant nagging. Now, here she is. Looking around the bar as she walks in, she slow blinks as she looks at Hellboy and just stares. Sure, he's subtle but she's always on the lookout for danger and she very nearly walks right back out the way she came in. Still, she's here. That's something.

For Jessica, it really is something.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty continues reading as her whiskey is delivered. The bar tender blinks a little bit at the woman reading a book in a bar, and then looks up, and yeah, somebody coming towards her. Might be best to start moving to the back of the bar now. THen again, its time for crazy stuff to start happening once more! A ghostly image intercepts Hellboy. It stands just a little lower then him, and doesn't seem to have a real image just yet. Around Jessica, there's a few voices starting to speak to her. Different voices, as shades start to move around her. "...there's demons here.", they whisper to Jessica.

    Another voice starts to whisper to Madi. "What is it that you wish for?", is whispered in her ear. The shade sliently moves around Madi, starting to make promises to her.

    Hellboy gets to see the image in front of him clearly now. "Leave, foul one.", the elf says. "We do not want you. Leave here in peace, or in pieces.", he says in a soft voice. The elven figure drifts back towards Tynan, flipping the pages of the book, without Ty noticing. Her eyes start to gaze over....

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy rears up to his full height, tail flicking in front of Madi as he reaches across himself. "Oh, fae ghosts. Neat." He draws out what might be the most comically oversized revolver this side of Russia. He flicks his hand and breaks it, ready for loading. "What do you want, holy water or cold iron?"

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's a voice in her head, or to her ear? Madi quickly turns her head to the right, then to the left, like, really quickly, trying to figure out who snuck up on her and whispered in her ear. Then she grins big and her eyes go wide, "Whoa. Either someone's super fast, or like, a spirit or ghost or something whispered in my ear. What do I wish for? Wish for? Oooh, I know, I want a donut with sprinkles on top. Yeah! Or, ooh, a first printing of GI Joe vs Transformers number 2, the one with the printing issues. That'd be great!" No hesitation, just instant response to the thing asking her what she is wishing for.

"Anyone else want something? I think I found a genie? Just asking, anyone... maybe a winning lottery ticket? Nah, I've already got money... hmmm... how many wishes do I get?" Finally she's asking.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
A twitch and Jessica blinks slowly at the voices she is hearing. Finally she shifts her gaze to the side and looks at the ring.

<Not me, Jessica. This is something else.> She stares at the ring testingly before finally looking up at Hellboy and looking to her left in the direciton where she thought she heard the voice.

"Obviously." She responds to it and shakes her head, "And people. Not sure which is worse." She then shifts her hand forward a little, staring down at the ring for a long moment before finally walking slowly toward the bar and whispering, "Why are we here?"

<Because, there's something going on here, Jessica. We need to focus on such things in order to improve your abilities.>

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The Elvish shade shakes his head. "Foul one, this concerns you not. You meddle in the affairs of the paranormal. Not in the choices of mortals.", he speaks. The shade shakes his head, and then looks up for a moment. There's...a big shade coming down, and lands. Its....large. Like Troll large, cause it is a troll. Its covered in runes. It looks to the elf, and the elf shakes his head. It grunts, and looks at Hellboy. It takes a moment to look at Hellboy, before belching. It turns around, and floats over to the bar. Hellboy might notice that Ty is mouthing words now, and the air starts to shimmer a little bit.

    Madi would start noticing that her comic book is on the table. There used to be a napkin holder there, but instead its her comic. There was a coaster on the table there, but a doughnut has replaced it.

    To Jessica, the shades spin around faster, speaking faster. "The demon has a gun. Its going to kill everyone. What will you do?", they ask. "The ring brings salvation.", they whisper.

    Ty starts to speak louder, and speaking in old style Gaelic. The air around her continues to shimmer, and things seem...odd. Like people are disappering from the bar save for Hellboy for Jessica. Hellboy might even notice a case of cubans sitting on a table next to him, with his...real name written on the box.

Hellboy has posed:
    Without changing the rounds in his weapon, Hellboy snaps the barrel of the weapon up and walks through the elven spectre. He's dealt with enough supernatural shenanigans to know what's what. He's also about the preeminent authority, at least in this place, of what actual power ghosts have. He's also carrying enough supernatural hooha to protect him from almost anything. He places the barrel against Tynan's forehead and says, "Keep this simple," he says to the elf while locking eyes with Ty. "She stops casting or I get to fill out a lot of paperwork." He turns to look at the elf ghost that surely only he can see. "Work with me, here. I hate paperwork."

Madigan Belle has posed:
That's fine by Madi, a large troll gets her eyes on it, but only for so long. Why? There's her comic AND a donut, just like she wished for. "I -did- hear a genie." She states and starts immediately moving in the direction of her treat and comic book. This has totally derailed her thinking and her steps, as she shuffles her way over in the direction of the table. "A what-sa-hoosit?" Madigan is asking to Hellboy's back as he moves forward, and she glances to the gun in hand and it being pointed at some random person's forehead. A little shrug, smile and she's back to picking up her donut to try and eat it.

No risk assessment, no waiting on anyone, just biting into it and soon she hopes to be reading a comic book at the same time.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
"Shut up!" She calls out and then looks at what Hellboy is doing and she raises her hand. Immediately a beam of energy flows out of the ring at damn near the speed of light and will attempt to wrap about that gun, especially the open part at the end of the barrel through which the things that makes holes comes from. She holds her hand up and glares at Hellboy as she starts walking to the side of him and keeping her eyes on him, the spectres, and Tynan.

"Look, I don't know what this is all about but I'm not going to be up for you doing any paperwork."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The elven shade shurgs his shoulders a little bit, and laughs a little. "But the mortal is getting her wish, Foul One. I can not interfere with her choices and her dreams.", he says. Ty continues to chant, and the air starts to shimmer even more, and the bar seems to start to fade away. There's grass...growing, and one can feel the wind on their face. There's the smell of salt in the air, and while it was night, there seems to be a lot of brightness suddenly from the sun.

    One can see the walls of the bar though. Tynan is sweating heavily now as she's straining with the spell. Her eyes are completely white. There's some figures starting to glow on Ty's skin though. The ghost starts to walk towards Tynan. "Go on, if you wish. We will continue to find ways out of the books captivity. And soon, she'll be joining us, learning the secrets. And if you kill her...she joins that much faster.", the ghost says.

    The shades bothering Jessica disappear as they get their wish. Ty looks over at Jessica, all blanked eyed. She continues her chant, as she gets up. The merc makes a few steps, and the sian/glamour moves with her. Its too much magic for her though, and the girl can't walk straight. THe book starts to float next to her.

Hellboy has posed:
    Protection against ghosts, vampires, fae, and quite a few other supernatural threats--all things Hellboy has on his person. Lantern core? No. In fact, most aliens aren't covered under supernatural wards. Letting go of the revolver, the demon moves to grab the book with the Right Hand of Doom. It doesn't matter if anyone's holding it or if it's warded, he trusts his indestructible right grasping appendage. "How about I take it, then," he says, pulling at it. The demon has considerable strength, and he doesn't seem to care if he harms the book or not.

Madigan Belle has posed:
There's not so much a pause, for Madi, as she just chomps down on the donut. Then her teeth hit ... coaster? She grimaces, and then looks at the donut again, to take another bite. "Heyyyyyyyy." She is looking around, "Genie, I don't know where you are at this point, but this isn't a real donut. I mean, it looks like a real donut, it kind of maybe is a real ... no, no, it isn't." She hrms and tilts her head to the side to test one last time, biting again, "No. Definitely not. You are the -worst- genie I've ever ran into, and that's saying something as I've only ran into you." At that point she does look over to see what else is happening, her brow furrowed because of the whole donut debacle, and she was going to complain but it seems no one else is paying attention to her - they are paying attention to this crazy person with a book. "What's ... happening? Are we stealing a book? I did that earlier today." She starts to shuffle over, but it's a long ways for her.

Jessica Cruz has posed:
"Ok, I don't know what is happening but it needs to stop!" She declares and she lets go of the gun herself, letting it go on to the bar top and then turning her attention to Tynan with those weird eyes, that book and then the demon man thing. Even Madi gets an odd look as she really isn't sure what is happening here. She only knows one thing for certain, that book is off. She knows a thing or two about potentially possessive items and when the demon is going for the book, she considers another tactic.

"Sorry about this." And she steps right up to Tynan and attempts to hit the girl rihgt between the eyes with a straight punch.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    The ghost cackles slightly. "She makes a great protector of the book.", he smiles. Ty's arm instinctivly goes over to the book, and her finger tips touch it as Red grabs the book with his massive mitt. He can feel the book, and Ty's hand there....then there's no book. All the shades disappear, and the Glamour/Sian crashes hard. Its like glass breaking. Ty's unfocused eyes start to look around for a second as the magic crashes. Her body starts to go slack, save for her hand being inside Hellboy's massive mitt, holding her up enough for Jessica to catch her with the punch. And there's the KO, Folks! Down in the fifth round!

    The bar returns to normal, and Ty's unconcious form is daggling by one arm. As for the book...Its gone. Its in the woman's subspace. Ty's nose is bleeding a bit. The bar tender blinks a few times as he comes up holding onto a mixing cup. "DAMMIT! THIS WAS A 20 LB BAR OF GOLD 5 SECONDS AGO!", he yells out. "WHO STOLE MY GOLD!", he says. The man hops up on the bar, and well, he's not very tall. "Who stole me gold?! They'll pay for that! I was about to buy a pot for it!", he says....

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy picks up his revolver from the table and holsters it again. He looks at the woman, then at Jessica, then at Madi. "Bring it in," he says to the other two as he carefully picks up Tynan. He cradles her in his arms like an infant as he says to the other two women, meeting Jessica at Madi, mostly because that's the fastest way to do it.
    "Firstly, that was very impressive," he says to Jessica. "Secondly, there's a lot of people here about to get pissy about wishes disappearing," he adds as he looks around at the bar's patrons and tender. "Thirdly, we need to get this one somewhere safe," he says, looking at the unconscious Tynan. "Fourthly," he says, looking over Madi. He hesitates before saying, "Piggy-back ride?"

Madigan Belle has posed:
With quite a few seconds to spare, Madigan isn't close enough to get involved with the book shenanigans but she was closing. Then everything returns to 'normal' and her donut is gone, the comic book is gone. Not that they were there to begin with, and she whispers out a moment, "Genie?" She waits, and waits, and then sighs, slumping her shoulders. "I hate it when magic gives you something you've wanted forever, or at least what feels like forever, and then takes it away. Is there some kind of magic complaint department? I would so fill out whatever form they need me to."

A huff as she gets closer, and then looks at Hellboy and to this ghost-y Jessica person. With a grimace, Madigan says to Hellboy, "I really can't, piggy back rides require a lot of leg control. To hold on... I'd definitely take a carry though. Either way. It just is really disappointing that my donut wasn't real... now I'm super hangry." Pouting, she quirks her mouth to the side and sighs with her lips making that pbbbbbbt sound as she does so. "I have to figure out how magic works, then create a device that stops it. Maybe I'll do that for the next project I work on..."

Jessica Cruz has posed:
A frown at Tynan and then Jessica looks to Hellboy before shaking her head, "Look, I am not sure what that was about but I'm not involved." She turns and starts out, "I'm Jessica but...look I was trying the group thing and then..." She sighs and shakes her head and starts to leave before finally letting out a sigh. She pulls out a piec eof paper and writes something on it before walking over and shoving it into one of Hellboy's pockets if not stopped, "Call me if something comes up." With that, she nods to Madigan and then starts out again, shaking her head and muttering.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy looks at Madi. He shifts Tynan into a fireman carry, then reaches down, hooking his elbow under her body. He lets her ride his Right Hand of Doom and forearm like a motorcycle seat. "Hold onto me," he says, heading for the door carrying two women, now. "And don't get jealous that a lady just gave me her number. It's work related."