9422/Last Day of Winter Break

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Last Day of Winter Break
Date of Scene: 02 January 2022
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Pantheon and Morgan deal with a disturbance on the Upper East Side. Pantheon delivers a broken Morgan to the Embassy. And then those two bastards sat around eating ice cream while Morgan was in a hospital bed!
Cast of Characters: Morgan Finn, Freddy Freeman, Diana Prince

Morgan Finn has posed:
Welp, it's the last day of Winter Break and for students all over the place that means that tomorrow morning school is back in session. Happy Harbor High is no exception to this, and fellow students and friends, Freddy Freeman and Morgan Finn, are walking through the UES with no real goal in mind and no real destination. Last. Day. Of. Freedom.

"I don't know," Morgan says. "It just doesn't make sense that the Jedi would practice emotional detachment. Helping others is their jam, and you gotta have love in your heart to sustain that."

Nerd talk is immediately interrupted by some screams up ahead. Suddenly people are running from an area in panic. "What the fuck?" Morgan says, looking ahead. He glances to Freddy. "You wanna go check it out?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "I think what's important is that they didn't want their emotions to get the better of them," says Freddy. He is dressed in new clothes all around, crisp khaki pants, a buttoned shirt, and a wool sweater vest. He's also dreading the return to school, and so is particularly somber when discussing the Jedi Order, who are basically superheroes in space.
    "Because then you have very powerful people who are driven by emotions." Hmmm. He's starting to question the Wizard's decision-making.
    "Huh," Freddy stares into the crowd, trying to see what's going on. He's holding a hand out in front of Morgan, but he stands firm. He can't run away. "What do you think is going on?" Maybe another hero will handle it?

Morgan Finn has posed:
Yes, perhaps in time another hero will handle it. But a woman's body flies through air. She screams through the arc, but the screaming is silenced when she hits the side of a building with a sickening, meaty thud. How many more people are going to die before that happens?

Morgan, whether from bravery or foolhardiness or both, goes running /toward/ the excitement. He has some very special properties as a demigod but he's ill-equipped to handle something severe. He probably hasn't even given it a thought as to what he's going to do.

When most of the crowd breaks, Morgan is left standing on the sidewalk facing a man (former man?) who is having some sort of reaction. He has doubled in size, shredding much of his clothing, and green veins throb all over his chest, arms, and face. He is maybe twenty or thirty feet away at most. Morgan swallows and looks back to Freddy. "Um, may-maybe we should get outta here." Too late, swollen-green-veined-rage dude starts charging at the fledgeling demigod.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "Oh, shit," The bone-crushing sound sends chills through Freddy. Someone's hurt, very likely dead, and he doesn't have a choice anymore. As Morgan pushes pass him, the champion throws his elbow crutch to the side and says the magic word: "SHAZAM!"
    Dark clouds gather on the grey skies and spit out a burst of lightning. The bolt careens down at the mortal boy, striking him in a blinding display of light. When Morgan looks back, a strapping young man stands in Freddy's place. He's wearing a classic navy blue heroic costume accented with gleaming gold. The lightning bolt on his chest crackles with electricity, as the transformation magic courses through his body.
    He's only behind Morgan for a split-second, before he rushes forward at dizzying speeds to meet the enlarged man's charge.

Morgan Finn has posed:
The force of the lightning strike combined with his own inertia send Morgan careening to the ground. He yells, "Freddy!" as his first thought is that some sort of weapon struck his friend. He looks around in confusion from his sitting position on the sidewalk. At least a cape showed up to help, though. That's...that's at least something.

What caused this otherwise normal person to mutate rapidly is anyone's guess. Maybe he has been experimenting with forbidden technologies. Perhaps he is the innocent victim of someone else's experimentations. Conceivably he has been hiding a natural mutation for too long and it got away from him. Regardless, he is little more than a rage creature at the moment and he leaps at Pantheon, roaring like a beast. From the distance he threw that women, he must be quite strong.

The teen demigod regains his feet and starts to look around in a near panic. "Freddy? Freddy?" He starts to jog around the immediate vicinity trying to find his missing friend. "Freddy!"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    A red cape, specifically. It billows behind Pantheon, as he slams a fist against the mutated man's face. About eight times, in fact, in quick-fire. His unique insight gives him access to unseen knowledge. He suspects that this guy isn't necessarily in control of his actions, so he's looking to disable this guy.
    "Morgan!" The champion's holding the man by the shirt. Another punch for good measure, before he glances behind him at the demigod. "Maybe stop saying my name out loud. I'll explain later. Can you make sure no one else was hurt?"

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan just straight-up stops dead in place and slowly turns to face the dude who is disabling the mutated attacker. What did he just say. Not sure how to sort through this rush of new information, Morgan points to himself. "Are you...are you talking to me?" He blinks. "Freddy? Is that...is that you?" That's basically the opposite of what Pantheon just told him to do. Fortunately there is such chaos right now that nobody cares or notices.

There doesn't appear to be anyone else harmed. Luckily these two were so close by. So he runs to the woman who hit the building and kneels down next to her. He places his hands on her body. She's still alive! She's still fucking alive! Morgan knows what he has to do. It's the inflexible, ancient creed of the empathic healer. But oh gods, she's so hurt. Can Morgan even survive this?

For the first time since Freddy met this carefree, devil-may-care teenager he hears real fear in Morgan's voice. "Oh shit, Freddy," he says very softly. Can Pantheon even hear him? Probably. He's a super dude. "She's still alive. Freddy, you...you gotta protect me until I wake up." He swallows and puts his hands on the side of the woman's head. "If I wake up."

At first it seems like nothing is happening. Then blood begins to trickle from Morgan's ears and his nose. Black shadows form under his eyes -- a phenomenon known as raccoon eyes that indicates dangerous basilar skull fracture. Finally he lets out an ear-splitting shriek and collapses on the sidewalk. His long bones and joints are add sickening angles. Moments later the woman begins to sit up! Except for torn clothes and dried blood, she is utterly untouched by her former severe, life-threatening injuries. Then she sees the crumbled, severely wounded teenage boy on the sidewalk next to her and she beings to scream.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    As a matter of fact, the Wizard and his council of gods did not see fit to give any of their champions super-senses. Pantheon's brawl with the mutated man doesn't last long. They rarely do. "Just my luck. Last day of break, and I have to deal with a Walmart-brand Bane. Is that wha-" The man grabs Pantheon's face and hurls him into a Honda Civic.
    It's near where Morgan lies crumpled and dying (?) next to that screaming lady. Hazel eyes widen. "...Morgan, what did you do?" He gets to his feet, tossing the car back at the mutated man, and in a burst of speed, he finishes the enraged creature off with a blow into ground. The force of the impact leaves webbing cracks in the concrete.
    He's back at Morgan's side just as quickly. "Please, get out of here," says Pantheon to the woman. He gingerly tries to lift Morgan. "Oh god, you dork." Focus, Freddy, focus.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Pantheon's mind races with the places he could take Morgan from the hospital to his house, but as if guided by divinity, his flight around the city happens to lead him to the Themysciran Embassy. In retrospect, it's probably the most reasonable choice. If there's anyone that can help Morgan, it's Diana.
    "Wonder Woman!" The doors to the embassy burst open, and in comes the floating hero, red cape rippling behind him. He's carrying Morgan, who looks like he's been crushed. "Diana!!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Of course, Freddy's arrival is not immediately met with Diana's appearance. there are many others who work and stay at the Embassy. He's met by some of the Staff, including Ferdinand who was nearby when Freddy brought the young Morgan through the front entrance.

Diana was not far away though. She was across the street at the Arts Center, and rushed to get to where the situation was developing...

Diana arrives, wearing her armor, as she had been entertaining and greeting people at a New Year celebration at the Arts Center.

"What has happened?" Diana says to Freddy/Pantheon with a concerned look as she moves to help the others who have already begun medical treatment for the young teen.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan hangs limply in Pantheon's arms. There are signs of severe injury to his body. Shallow, labored respirations can be detected, however. And with Morgan, where there is life there is hope. In that regard, the empathic healer demigod is a metaphor for existence.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "I don't even know..." Pantheon lets Morgan get taken away by the staff of the embassy. The champion is about a decade older than his mortal counterpart, but he still talks and acts like a kid. His feet never touch the ground "It happened so quickly. There was this woman and I thought she died but then she was alive and Morgan was..." He looks at his bloody hands when he gets to that part in the story, then gestures to his friend's body. "Morgan was like that!!"
    "I didn't let anyone touch him, I swear."

Diana Prince has posed:
A medical room was setup in the Embassy for Diana when she'd been in a coma early last year. That room was still maintained now for reasons like this. Morgan is taken there by the staff of the Embassy, Diana ushers Freddy along with them. "I believe you." She says softly to him, her eyes on Morgan.

"It is his nature to try and protect people... but..." She keeps her next thought to herself, that the young man may have pushed too far.

Diana speaks to one of the staffers near to her. "Try and reach out to Miss Beacon in Gotham, see if she is able to get here in a timely fashion."

The aid rushes off to do just so, as Diana steps in to the medical suite and watches the team put Morgan on the medical bed. They have one medical professional on-duty who is there by the bedside, taking Morgan's vitals and already beginning to give him some treatments with help from another aid.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan's vital signs are all consistent with massive trauma. His pulse is weak, rapid, and thready. His respirations are shallow and labored. His blood pressure is unsafely low. But one thing that seems to be confusing the medical staff, most of whom probably don't know specific details about Morgan, is that those vital signs are not getting any worse. Someone in that severe a level of trauma should be dying before their eyes, probably beyond even the benefits of modern trauma surgery. But Morgan is staying steady.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "I know he has healing powers," Pantheon says. He watches the medics work on the boy, giving them a wide berth. "I didn't know he could heal other people, too." That's what Pantheon assumes happened, and the wisdom imbued with his powers tells him he's correct.
    Freddy doesn't really know what to do with himself now that he just has to wait for Morgan to get better. He won't bother the people treating him. Instead, he keeps close to Diana. "I, uh," He rubs the back of his neck. His voice drops. "I'm Freddy. By the way. I don't know if you remember me from Happy Harbor. I'm sure you probably meet fans everyday."
    He's promised several people that are important to him that he wouldn't go around sharing his identity, but this is Wonder Woman. And Morgan already knows, and if he wakes up (and Freddy isn't entertaining an alternative right now), then he'll tell Diana.

Diana Prince has posed:
The medical team continue to monitor Morgan's situation, they are well aware of the oddities that they are likely to face considering the job location, and whom with which they will be likely to work with here... Themyscirans, and beyond. Diana has petitioned her mother to send a medical inclined Amazon to permanently work at the Embassy, but its yet to happen quite yet...

The Princess looks over to Freddy, his questioning if she remembers him has her showing him a soft and short smile. "Of course I do." She says then, her hand beside him reaching up to lightly lay against his shoulder. "We are going to do everything in our power to help Morgan's natural abilities do what they are designed to do..." She tries to reassure Freddy then.

"In the mean time, perhaps you should step out with me, and we can discuss what all took place to bring you both here like this?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Pantheon actually smiles. Diana remembers him. He glances at Morgan when she starts to usher them out of the room, smile fading. "Um. I have to leave?" Hazel eyes stay on his friend's body. "Okay, yeah." He nods, downcast, and finally lands on the embassy's marble floors.
    "We were in the Upper East Side, just walking around before the break ended," Pantheon begins once they've stepped out. "Then, I dunno, some m-man that looked like he was on super drugs or s-something, he started attacking a crowd. A lady got really hurt. I-I thought she was going to die. I transformed and handled the guy. When I looked back, Morgan had swapped injuries with the woman, and she was screaming."
    The story comes out in, maybe, two breathes. "I didn't know what to do, so I brought him here."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana listens closely to his retelling of the story, adding more detail now that he's calmed down some since arriving. She nods softly to what he details. "I'm glad you were both there to intervene on this attack... We will have to get to the bottom of who that man was." The Justice League alarms are probably already out about the situation, as the city's response communications has improved a lot in the past few years...

Diana leads Freddy in to the dining room where Ferdinand is anxiously standing, waiting for a update on the boy he's grown to enjoy the company of this past month.

Diana shows the Embassy's head chef a quick smile before she motions for Freddy to sit. Ferdi rushes off in to the kitchen to get something for them both.

"Morgan is brave to do such a thing, but we will have to remind him of the dangers of his actions too.. once he is better, of course." She says with a light smirk.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "The man didn't seem in control of himself. Like he was in a rage or something," Pantheon says before he takes a seat, pushing his half-cape behind him. He sits forward, arms on his knees. He's picking at his fingers. "It was fucking stupid."
    The hero flushes, looking up at Diana. "Sorry, didn't mean to curse. When the risks are so high, it doesn't seem like much of a gift."

Diana Prince has posed:
Ferdinand is prompt to come back to the dining room with two bowls of ice cream, both drizzled with chocolate and walnut shavings. He offers one to Freddy and one to Diana before he steps back toward the Kitchen again. Diana thanks him with a soft smile before she moves to sit beside Freddy, holding her bowl before her.

"Cursing is fine. This is a household with a lot of young people in it. Cursing is a normalcy." She says with a small smile as she picks up the spoon of the icy treat.

"I curse." She admits. "Nobody knows it, but I do. When nobody is looking, you see." She says with a small smile over to him, hoping to make the air a bit lighter under the circumstances.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Freddy may not need to eat when he's Pantheon, but ice cream tastes good no matter the form he's embodying. The champion accepts the bowl with muttered thanks. The kid's full of nervous energy. He shoves a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth before Ferdinand leaves the room.
    "Heh," He swallows, foot tapping softly. "I buy it. I'm sure the job's stressful." Morgan's all beat up, and Diana remains the picture of composure. Must be another superpower, Freddy decides.
    He gets a thoughtful look on his face after his third spoonful. There's ice cream on his lip that he tries and fails to lick away. "Can I ask about Morgan? You said you have a lot of young people here. Did you adopt him?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reaches out then to grab up a napkin from the middle of the table. She offers it over to Pantheon then with a soft smile. His question comes as she's looking down at the glass bowl of ice cream and taking a small bite from it as well.

When she finishes the bite she nods to what he asks. "I am his legal guardian now. I felt it was best considering his heritage. I felt that any one would be less than qualified for the challenges he's facing. We also have Cassandra here, though she's nearly twenty one now... and her mother is quite often here to socialize also." She spares a glance toward Freddy then, along with a small smile. "Donna, my other sister, often stays here still too. She has been with me the longest. Many members of the Titans frequent here, and they are all generally young adults themselves. So it is quite common for this home to be graced with such curse-prone people."

She gives a grin to him then before sampling another taste of the ice cream treat that the Kithotaur Chef brought.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    Pantheon blinks when the napkin's offered to him but accepts it and runs it across his mouth. "Heritage? Oh, is he like, an Amazon?" He frowns. That doesn't make sense to his brain. "Aren't they all women? Wait, what do Amazons do to boys?"
    He brushes his fingers through black hair. It's coiffed, and Freddy's curly mess never is. "Or is he a god? The Wizard says my powers come from gods, but I've never met them. Hercules is why I'm so strong." He shoves another spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana gives a glance toward the hallway, likely concerned for Morgan's well being, but she looks back to Pantheon when he speaks again. She smiles at some of what he says while clearing her palette of another ice cream bite. "He is not Amazon, but his father was an Olympian. He has the blood of the Gods in his veins, much like I do. This is why I felt it best that I oversee his last years in to adulthood." She details further.

She shows a quick smile at Pantheon next then. "Hercules is... a relative. So we share that connection then." She telsl him with a little smirk.

"But yes. I have been overseeing MOrgan's combat training as well. Be he not an Amazon, he certainly is beginning to fight like one. This should help him avoid injuries, or so one can hope, in the years to come..."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    "I thought that was just a metaphor, the 'Strength of Hercules' or the 'Power of Zeus'. I had no idea that they described real...gods," Pantheon frowns, in thought. "Should've figured he wasn't bullshitting."
    Freddy follows Diana's gaze down the hallway as well. "So there's a pretty good chance he'll be alright then? If he has the...the blood of the Gods in his veins?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Another light smile graces Diana's lips at these words from the other. "Oh, they are very much real..." She notes with her eyes dropping back to the ice cream bowl. "Hercules is ... out there somewhere... doing what he does. It has been awhile since I saw him, but... yes." She looks back up then to Pantheon.

"Morgan has a much better chance of being fine than others with similar injuries would." She admits next. "But, death is always possible. Life and Death go hand in hand after all. Our abilities, mighty as they may be, have their limits. Knowing them as best as we can is one of our main responsibilities. We are here to use our abilities to help others, and if we make the wrong decision... and leave this world? Well then... we have thusly forfeit our chance to do as much as we possibly can to alleviate the suffering of those in need."

"You clearly have a lot you are capable of yourself." She adds there at the end, with another quick smile shown.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
    As Diana speaks of the fragility of life, Pantheon blanches and gulps down more ice cream. Morgan's still in the other room, his condition unknown, and Freddy had his blood on his hand not too long ago. He's unnerved and not at all in the space to think about these things.
    "Um," He finishes in his bowl in a blur, then sets it down on a table. "Do you think it'd be okay if I go wait in there, with him?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is quick to finish her ice cream as well, it is her 'fix' after all!

She gathers up the bowls once Freddy has finished his, and she rises up. "I think they have probably done everything they can do by now." She speaks of the medical staff.

Ferdi comes out to take the bowls from the Princess, rumbling softly to her as she smiles back to him. She turns then to the Pantheon-one and offers him a motioned hand. "Come, lets go and find out. If nothing else, I am sure you can wait in the room by now..." The Princess says, her lasso swaying on her hip as she walks back toward the main hallway of the Embassy, the medical room not far away as chance would have it.