9495/Running from Angels

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Running from Angels
Date of Scene: 06 January 2022
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: Colossus escorted refugees to Genosha from Mutant Town where he met up with Exodus and Mystique. They then got the refugees processed and Colossus stayed on to help with other needs.
Cast of Characters: Piotr Rasputin, Paris Bennet, Raven Darkholme

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Several white/violet disk like portals opened depositing crates and crates of foodstuffs/supplies/refugee stuff. And then a larger sparkly golden portal opened. Views of Mutant Town could be seen on the other side. But also a large metal man wearing his red and yellow x-men costume is seen pulling an old broken down school bus (filled with mutant refugees) via a heavy chain. Colossus pulls the bus through the portal and several other refugees follow the yellow dog.

    When clear, and through the portal, Colossus drops the chain and walks back to the front of the bus to ensure that the woman driver sets the brake. The front window of the bus is broken out. He then takes a moment to look around at the surroundings before saying, "We are here."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Such a portal would not go unnoticed in Genosha.

The as yet self appointed guardian of the nation steps through a portal of his own making. Tall with long hair neatly braided, his cloak flaps back from the sword at his hip. Black and violet combat suit a stark contrast as he bruskly declares at the literal man of steel,"Quite the entrance, mon ami. I am pleased to see so many of our brothers clear of the threat of Heaven's rogue general."

The tall Psion surveys the bus, noting the occupants, and then the chain allowing towing,"Quite the unconventional method."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The chaos is real. For days now the 'landing' site of the shuttles has been filled with people arriving from Bushwick and other locations around New York. Mystique can be seen among the shuttles, instructing people of where to go and checking with the shuttle crews to ensure the shape of the shuttles. So far only one of the many has had to be teleported back to the asteroid, out of commission for the foreseeable future.

As the portals open, everything she was doing becomes unimportant. She doesn't recognize the portals, so she has no idea who made them. Giving out a set of commands to the shuttle crews, she heads toward the portal location just in time to watch the large man dragging the bus through. Colossus. She knew him only by appearance.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Colossus recalls reading about Exodus, footnotes from Monet, so his silvery eyes look to the man with recognition, nothing more. If his mind is breached, it will be thought of caution that linger when regarding Exodus. He notes in his Russian accented bass voice, "The Sorcerer Supreme aided our journey. Might my companions find shelter, for they have had a very harrowing day?"

    There's only a partial glance around, and then to Mystique, whom she recognizes from tactical briefs and other X-Men focused media. His silvery eyes narrow, but he also knows she should not be an enemy here.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The tall Frenchman is perhaps not so imposing as the reports suggest as there is presently a posity of other psychics to note his astral presence. Gold within gold eyes continue to regard the bus for a moment longer before his features face the giant Russian, intoning curiously," 'Sorcerer Supreme'? What is this novel contrivance? The wizards are so out of hand that they have evolved a hierarchy of their own? Bah."

Bennet turns to regard the newly arrived Mystique then, addressing her thusly,"Lady Darkholme. Your presence is welcome for this auspicious occasion."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is no longer the enemy of any of the X-Men, the Brotherhood and X-Men presently having a treaty and have been working as allies. She's doing her time, community service for humans, and oh yes, that little bomb in her head from Amanda Waller's program that no one else knows about. Either way, she is all business today.

"Of course," she comments to the large man with a nod as she walks up.

Today the cobalt mutant is wearing simple clothes though she remains herself, no concealing who she is today. A pair work pants with a work shirt both in grey covers her body. On her feet a pair hiking boots and she carries a tablet in her hands that is the link back to the computer on the asteroid keeping track of where there is still available space.

"How many in your group? We've got plenty of room," she then offers and gestures to call over one of the locals helping out, she indicates the bus with a pointed, "Another group looking for shelter. The next round of shuttles will be here in about twenty minutes, so perfect timing on their part."

Once the woman moves to help those in the bus, Mystique looks back to Bennet. "My presence is welcome... interesting, I've been here for three days arranging shuttle departures and arrivals."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    "At least one hundred." answers the monolithic man of metal when Mystique queries the number of refugees he brought with him. A full bus and others trailing behind. He glances back to the bus and those around it before offering to Paris' remark. "I know little of sorcery. I only know that he was of great assist along with my sister's portals which brought the scattered supply crates. His gaze returns to Exodus as he finishes the statement.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The golden eyed mutant folds his arms as he begrudgingly clarifies his statement to Mystique,"Here at this specific location, apologies for my attempt at manners."

Was that sarcasm?

He then turns to the actual man of steel once more, admiring his powerful frame. He hasn't met many whose physique exceeds his own! He smiles approvingly at the estimate,"One hundred new brothers and sisters. Well done. It is good to know that a diablerist of such an esteemed title is willing to lend his prestidigitations to the good."

No, he has no idea who Doctor Strange is.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique ahs softly to Bennet. "You'll have to forgive me Bennet," she offers. "I've been insanely busy and had little sleep."

Now she looks back to Colossus. "Will Strange or your sister be coming through?" She asks plainly, then checks the tablet for updates. "Thank you for the supplies, I assure you they are most welcome and will be put to good use."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Hearing Exodus' praises, he only nods to the remark. Then, looking downward and over, Colossus regards Mystique and her query, "Nyet. They search for other survivors and assist Monet with evacuation. There are many others who remain in shadows, hiding in fear." He moves to the door of the bus, it's opened and he begins to assist the mutants in their disembarking. He adds, "I will help move resources where you like."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet rises to the occasion at the guest's offer of assistance.

Eyes flash brilliantly and crates take flight in an organized manner as Exodus declares,"Non, mon ami. You have already rendered much assistance. Allow me. Our public house has excellent service and an adequate selection, I bid you seek it out."

He then turns to the Lady Darkholme expectantly.

Yes, he is prepared to transport them all this way.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is simply there, in the middle of the testosterone. She checks the tablet again then looks back to Bennet.

"That you Bennet, there's space available in storage tent two-seven-five," she offers, not about to tell the man he can't move things the way he wants to move them. "Near the medical tent. Food stuffs should be dropped off at the mess tent of course."

"Clarice, Ritz and Gates are all with Agent Carter to help collect the stragglers as well, direct teleport lines to the asteroid or here. There's a lot of people who think they can 'wait this out' in their homes, which isn't going to happen."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Colossus hears the denial of his offered services, but he also sees that Exodus has the telekinetic powers of Jean and he nods, "Very well. Thank you." All the while, he continues to help people off the bus and direct them to a gathering area where Mystique suggests as she will be the one to take role. He take care with each individual, offering his massive metallic hand so that they depart the bus safely along with whatever goods they brought with them.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The french Psion sends the crates on their way.
Eyes aglow with concentration, he carefully allocates the items where she directed. Items that were originally stacked are perhaps more neatly stacked than they were previously. Medical items are set where they he was advised to do so. The process is rather like an invisible team at work, and all the while he is silent with the focus.

For the duration, Exodus really is mentally elsewhere, and thus silent with distractions...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Each person is offered a bundle, a blanket wrapped around numerous necessity items that every one needs. Children are offered a toy of some kind, because in times like this toys usually get left behind.

Mystique continues to direct traffic, making sure each person gets their bundle and even taking a moment to offer a stuff dog to a little girl who looks more lost than afraid. "This isn't the first time we've been through something like this," she offers to Colossus as she aims the little girl at her mother and says, "She's right there, go one."

Standing back up she checks the tablet again then looks back to the metal man. "We may need your hands to help put up a few more of the large tents. They had started to come down as people moved to Carrion Cove, and it's looking like we'll need them put back up."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
    Amazed with the magnitude of the event, Colossus remains quiet and helpful with all the processing. When Mystique lists about the large tent need, Colossus nods, "I go where I am needed, thank you all for doing this. These people are in great need, and here is the best place they can be." He gives a nod, and then turns and begins to lumber away toward the cove of Carrion.

Paris Bennet has posed:
Crates and inventory situated, Exodus turns his attention to the bus once it's unloaded. It occurs to him that it would be a waste to just leave it, or send it along. Therefore, with a shine of his golden eyes he manifests a silvery hemisphere about the broken down vehicle. In a flash and sizzle, the vehicle is transported to a nearby parking lot where it can be tended to.

The man then turns around, realizing he is alone as the others have tended to other duties in his reverie. Another silvery burst sees him transported elsewhere where he resumes tending to refugee accomodations.