9506/Sorcerer's World: The Search For Dr. Fate Pt. II

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Sorcerer's World: The Search For Dr. Fate Pt. II
Date of Scene: 07 January 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: Finding themselves caught in the middle of a war between ultimate evils, the Justice League finds that the have been lead astray once more by Faust's machinations and that the search for Dr. Fate will continue.
Cast of Characters: Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Clark Kent, Cassie Sandsmark

Hal Jordan has posed:
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

The first attempt at rescuing Dr. Fate from whichever alternate reality the mad sorcerer Felix Faust has stashed him in did not exactly go terribly well. Green Lantern and Rocket Red narrowly avoided joining the alternate universe Justice League as slaves to Starro the Conqueror. What they did, unmistakably discover is that Faust is indeed behind Dr. Fate's disappearance and worse, he has prepared for their efforts to retrieve him by seeding reality with lures and traps to hinder their efforts to rescue their comrade. All the more galling give that Dr. Doom predicted exactly that when he warned them against wasting efforts on this particular course of action.

But easy or not, the League cannot leave one of their own captured, subject to who knows what sort of torments at the hands of one of their enemies. And so it is time to make another effort at recovering their lost, mystical ally. And perhaps their best chance to put an end to Faust's machinations for good.

Once more the JLA meeting room has been decked out in the mystical paraphernalia that serves as part of the ritual provided by Doom. The black velvet covering inscribed with the pentagram covers the table at the heart of the Hall of Justice. Candles flare brightly at each point of the symbol and that gemstone glows once more with the inner light that signals that the mystical energies that have been called upon are about to take effect.

"Here we go again," Hal Jordan mutters, one fist clenched at his side in anticipation, the green glow of his power ring already starting to build as well. After his last trip through the barrier between worlds, he's ready for just about anything.

The inner glow of that gemstone begins to grow, brighter and brighter as it spreads out, filling the room with it's blinding intensity. The fact that it is blood red in color is incidental, but not terribly reassuring. And when that light finally begins to fading away, to recede into nothingness those present find that they are no longer where they were moments before.

Just like last time they have appeared not far from where the ceremony took place, appearing right outside the Hall of Justice, in the square outside, the city of Metropolis surrounding them. But this quite clearly is not their Hall. No, it looks like some twisted monument, made of solid stone. Not pristine marble, but some sort of black rock, the intricately carved columns that should be present instead twisted mockeries. Hideous looking gargoyles of all sorts cling to virtually every inch of the place, perched on the rooftop or clinging to those same columns.

The city around the Hall is no more reassuring. What's left of it at least. The skyscrappers that reach for the sky, that glorious skyline that is so associated with the city of tomorrow is a broken mockery of what they know, the towers toppled, ending in jagged peaks that jut up like broken, shattered fingers. Everywhere a burning glow seems to flood the horizon, whisps of toxic plumes rising up of what appears to be firey pits spread throughout the city.

"Yeah, this isn't going to be fun," Hal mutters.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had been quiet for most of the ceremony, only speaking up had been spoken to. She eyes the ritual closely, feeling a sense of dread welling up inside of her that tests even her resilience against such things. She spares glances to the others with her, before the teleportation occurs.

When they change to this new place, a new, dreadful, version of their home city... Diana starts to look around, even doing a full slow circle to take in the hellscape of the city. She hears Hal's words, and glances toward him, before looking back to the tainted Hall of ... Dread?

"We should be on guard. We are clearly strangers in a foreign land now... and it appears to be a less than cheerful place..." She grimly comments to the others.

Clark Kent has posed:
"We really need to invent a jail that'll hold Faust." Superman says, stepping through Green Lantern's portal and trying not to be uncomfortable with all of this chicanery and legerdemain. "Really getting sick of that guy." It's taken Clark only a quick recap to pick up on the danger of the situation; 'Starro, free' is enough of an incentive to come along, even if he's not the best choice to go toe to toe with Faust.

Superman frowns at this grim world. "I guess we got dropped off in Gotham. Kelex."

The little robot, or a little version of the little robot, floats out from behind Superman's cape. "Dimensional drone working swimmingly, sir!"

"Great. I'm going to do some scans of the area, try to make sure we can all breathe the air and aren't under the power of Stardust or whatever. Make sure my head doesn't explode, please."

"Your father always just kicked me when he wanted me to function properly, sir, you don't think..."

"No, Kelex, I'm not kicking you." Superman rolls his eyes, shrugging at Hal and Diana (and Wonder Girl, though he's a little less relaxed interacting with her.). "Watch my back, Di?"

Superman floats into the air, his eyes gleaming a rainbow of colors as he analyzes the dimension using his amazing vision powers. He's focusing on looking for potential dangers to the party, and anything that could be seen as a clue as to where Faust and Fate might've gone on their magical road trip. He's vaguely working on a 'I'll know it when I see it.' philosophy, but Kelex is a much more fastidious thinker, carefully logging and cataloging every scrap of information Superman's transmitting to the Dimensional Drone.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is nothing if not a reliable sidekick!

...In fact, that's maybe all that can be said for her, given the rest of their lineup. But when Diana says she has to haul her ass out and fight evil, she's never shy to grab her lasso. And thus, there she is, standing a step behind her mentor, her hoodie-jacket rolled back up to her arms to give her bracers room, as she portions the length of her main weapon between her hands in preparation, holding a length semi-taught between them. And then, whoosh, they're off to _somewhere else_.


"This is like some kind of goth album cover," is her initial opinion of the Grimdarque League building now behind them as they arrive in this not distant and yet very different location, her head tilting back and eyes drifting upward to take in the be-gargoyled spires. "Like, seriously, these villain-types really need some new style. Its always some shit like-"

Her attention snaps over at Clark's request to Di and she beams in an over-exaggerated, maybe slightly awkaward grin. Oops did she just curse in front of Superman?! "We got you!" Over-eager, that.

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Magic," Hal replies in turn, making a face as a small shrug ripples across his shoulders. The ring that gives him his powers might seem sufficiently advanced to seem the same as true magic, but he knows the difference. Magic seems to have it's own rules and they do not always play very nice with the actual laws of nature.

Much like Superman, as his vision clears Green Lantern takes to the skies as well, revolving there above the shattered plaza that stretches out from the mockery of their Hall, the reflecting pool no longer filled with crystalline waters but a thick, black sludge -- perhaps tar -- that bubbles disturbingly, occasionally giving off a sickly pop as more toxic fumes waft into the air. "I'm scanning for any sign of the Helmet's energy signature. That's what we detected last time," he says. Because that worked out so well. The Helm of Nabu turned out to be an illusion that was instead a half-dozen Starro starfish that very nearly overwhelmed Rocket Red's armor. But no such luck this time it would seem judging by the frown on Hal's face. "Something seems to be causing interference," he offers up.

Of couse Superman has his own unique sensory suite, between himself and his robot butler that he has brought along with him. The air is breathable, but it is probably not great for long term expsoure, filled with a host of pollutants. But it is the thick levels of sulfur that make it stink. Throughout the mirror of his city a dozen or more huge, burning pits stand out like blights, even in the ruined remains of Metropolis. As for the Hall itself? The gargoyles that cover it's surface might not fit in, even amongst the gothic architecture of Gotham as twisted and disturbing as they appear to be. And at the center of the Hall itself? A black, radiating void that seems to defy any attempt to pierce it.

Whether it is Superman, or Kelex, or even one of the Amazon Warriors that first notice it the first sign of life in the shattered remains of the city, the first hint of movement that is not their own comes from what appears to be a cloud of insects swarming into the sky. But it becomes clear that these are not insects, only appearing as such because of the distance. As they grow closer and closer it is clear that they are great, winged monstrocities, vagule humanoid with brightly glowing eyes. They swarm towards the Hall in a great host, those wings making an almost piercing sound that grates at one's ears.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana remains on the ground for the time being, her dark hair flowing gently in the foul winds. She hears the talking from the others, her eyes going up to Clark whom she nods once to. "Always." She says in her naturally husky hued voice. She then runs her eyes over the Hall, and to Cassie she shakes her head lightly. "At least this potential evil, wears it openly upon its very sleeve. One must somewhat appreciate that, over subterfuge, and an evil that might try to hide from you..."

"But, yes, this is... horrid." She notes, eyeing that darkness inside what should be their Metropolis home.

"We..." Diana stops herself, turning now to the 'swarm' in the distance. She could 'hear them' before she saw them. But as she turns, they are not hard to see.

"We have been seen." The Princess says then, her armored forearms going up behind her back as she takes her sword and shield from her harness. "Cassie." Diana says. "Watch out for your lasso. These types of enemies... have tried to steal mine in the past." She warns her protege.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman smiles, even with the psychedelic nightmare playing across his eyes. "I don't think Siouxie ever saw something like this." Clark says, accidentally dating himself just a little. "I feel like, maybe the giant evil void over the Hall?"

"Sir, sir, SIR!"

"Okay, Kelex, I see them. Get back in my cape pocket."

"It's so warm in here."

Superman crosses his arms, frowning at the horde of horrors. He cracks his neck. "I'm going to hit all of those dumb things. You guys yell when you figure the puzzle out, okay?" Superman grabs one of those freaky gargoyles, and hurls it at the horde of flying monsters, his eyes gleaming red as he backs the projectile up with two blasts of heat vision. The air shudders and there's a sense of horrible pressure as Superman starts to build up motion and energy, looking to build up enough power to really go all out against the flying horde.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Eh, I guess so," Cassie concedes to Diana's preference for bad architecture over deception. She sounds dubious, though. Aesthetics matter! Also, that back and forth between two-thirds of the big three earns a bit of a back-and-forth glance of her own and a more restrained, sly kind of smile.

Nearer to Diana, she whispers (and yes, this is extremely pointless given who she's gossiping about!): "So, like, is he REALLY taken? You two seem pretty..."

Other than this, thee Girl Wonder (wait... is that someone else?) retains a cautious stance, generally holds formation with Diana, and... waits! What else is there? So with her boss still on the ground, she remains down there as well, even if for once they've got a team that is conveniently all air-mobile. There is some restless shifting of weight from one foot to the other, and eventually, she starts to hover in place, feet just above the pavement.

"Wait seriously? Ugh." World conquest is one thing, but THEFT? Though, she's happy to point out: "... but I think that actually might be one rare case I have an advantage over you. Why don't I let a couple of 'em try that, see what happens, eh?"

OK, so now there are flying hordes converging, and she continues to drift slightly higher and higher as if she can't quite tolerate being confined to the ground. Although Diana switches to sword & board, she sticks with her rope. Keep the tactics varied. And maybe... maybe it can be some kind of trap!

Hal Jordan has posed:
Approaching swarms of monsters rarely turn out to be good. Certainly there's no reason to suspect it will be any different this time out either. But battling the creatures of this altered reality isn't what brings them here. It is at best an obstacle. Of course it could turn out to be a pretty freaking big obstacle as these things go. And for the moment at least they don't even know just where they might find the object of their search.

There are many ways to deal with obstacles. Sometimes it is best to go around them. Sometimes you can go over them, or perhaps ignore them all together and just go a different way. But when the powerhouses of the Justice League are available, sometimes the quickest, best way is to go straight through.

Certainly that would appear to be Superman's decision as he simply grabs one of the crouching gargoyles from it's place of rest on the rooftop. For just a moment as he starts to hurl the stoney statue he might feel it... shift in his grip, as if stone has suddenly come alive. He might see a flicker of burning light appear in those eye sockets. And then it doesn't really matter because the disturbing ornamentation from the Hall of Dread is hurled, slamming into one of the approaching, flying beasts who gives a shriek as it plummets out of the sky.

One down, a couple thousand more to go.

In that cloud of approaching, flying 'demons' there is one figure that stands out, not at first, impossible to pick out amidst that flock. BUt as it grows closer it becomes unmistakable. For one, it is bigger then any of the indivudal creatures. For another, it has no wings on it's back, seeming to simply float upright through the air at tremendous speeds, as if disdainful of gravity's hold on it. And of course there is the fact that it appears to be carved out of rock itself. Rock wrapped in armor. "I see you have new champions interloper!" it bellows, voice huge and terrible. "But this world is mine!" it adds as those burning eyes begin to glow bright red. Then bright, brilliant beams of red seem to leap from those sockets, those beams lashing out. But instead of travelling in a straight line they suddenly zag around one of those flying demons, then another, and another, twisting with unerring precision until they slam into the peak of the Hall's roof, exploding and sending those gargoyle figures flying. "Come out coward! Come out and face Darkseid!"

As if that were a signal the Hall behind the Leaguers suddenly explodes with activity. All those statues? Yeah, not really statues. THose hideous gargoyles begin to flap their own wings, starting to take flight, rising up into the air. They let out their own, hideous shrieks, those beating wings lifting impossible bulk skyward as they start towards the approaching force.

"Well that's great," Hal grumbles. "We've come all this way to get caught in the middle of someone else's war," he says. And while they might be incidental participants, it would seem that they are not entirely overlooked ones. A handful of winged demons and winged gargoyles swoop down towards each of the invading quartet, the power ring gripped in Hal's fist springing to life as a shifting screen of glowing brick walls suddenly appears, weaving throughout the air to provide the team cover from their attackers. "Try to cut through the interference," Green Lantern barks out at his ring. "We need to find Fate. Now."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana ignores any probing personal questions from her bubbly adorable sidekick... She has too much on her mind right now, right? Surely that is it.

"Is there any sign of the helmet's signal?" Diana ask of Hal before she notes what Clark is about to throw. "Superman--" But its too late.

Diana flies up in to the air to float beside where Cassie is, her sword handle being gripped repeatedly as she warms up to having it in her leather wrapped hand. "Use every advantage you have..." She says with her eyes momentarily upon Cassie.

The booming voice of Darkseid has Diana looking back amongst the swarm, and the burst of deadly eye beams in to the Dread Hall, has the Princess raising her shield to block some of the debris flying her, and Cassie's way!

Clunk, Clang, Thuuuuume. The pieces of stone and rock fall from Wonder Woman's shield before she lowers it again and peers over it.

"I hate to get involved in someone /else's/ war!" She says a bit louder now as the green brick wall appears. Though she starts to rush forward in the air to intercept a flying beast with a heavy BASH from her shield!

Clark Kent has posed:
"Oh, hey, I've heard of this guy." Superman says, accidentally tempting fate. "Mister Miracle's terrible dad, right?"

Get it?

Superman feels a bit bad about smashing a living thing, but it's probably magic, and his money is still on Faust hiding in the big evil void thing, but he is absolutely no help with any kind of magic defenses that cannot be punched through.

He can hit a big guy with eyebeams, though. "Hey!" Superman calls, spinning around with a CRACK of air and sending the strange, demonic beings flying like a bunch of thugs. "Beetle brow!"

"My name's Superman." Superman says, and rockets through the air, moving to smash right into Darkseid and send the New God flying into his own ranks. "I'm just visiting, but I thought I'd give you some problems before I get my friend back."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Mister Miracle's dad? I thought he said his name was Doug. That's a weird name for some tyrant deity wannabe."

All that aside, they are soon surrounded by winged-whatevers as the gargoyles start coming to life, a fact that itself provokes an eyeroll from the Wonderchick. Of course the gargoyles are gonna attack them too, like any good videogame. At Hal's urging, she looks toward Diana. "Right yeah, don't really want to spend all our time fighting some random war in another dimension or some weird illusion or whatever this is. So... do we have any kind of... ah right, helmet signal. OK. Well?? And now she's looking at Superman's robot, as if maybe it will have an answer. C'mon, WALL-E.

Diana's shield comes up nearby, and she gruns. "Until then, guess we're doin' this!"

And with that, she's off to brawl. Because obviously tracking magic helmets isn't really in her job description (it reads: 'smol, angry Diana').

A nearby gargoyle (they probably arrive first, coming from the building) gets a spinning kick in the air, sending it careening back toward the building, as if she's specifically angry at that above-mocked overly Gothic aesthetic. The same motion then turns into a twirling spin and a long cast of her lasso into the larger, more densely-massed pack of the bug-demons. It is, in fact, a pretty lazy cast, aimed at snagging one particular bug but passing many to get there. This puts huge sections of the rope out there between them, LOTS to snag and latch on to for all the others.

Diana said they're steal-y. So she sees if she gets any bites (well, grabs). CUNNING TRAP.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Things are starting to deteriorate fast, what with the fact that there is an increasingly pitched battle in the air all around them. Demon and gargoyle launch themselves at each other, tearing into whatever passes for flesh. More and more of those Parademons begin to hurl blasts of unknown energy towards their opposites that guard the Hall, great chunks of stone ripped out of their foes. At first. But increasingly the gargoyles begin to crackle with their own, dark energies, sheathed in all encompassing shadow that seems to simple suck up that energy as if it were nothing.

Then the battling, flying foes are amongst them, seeming to come at all sides. Those roaming green walls at most provide an distraction, a delay, preventing the hoards from swarming over them from all directions. The attacking demons and gargoyles have little choice but to engage up close, their blasts seemingly caught by Green Lantern's defense again and again. But he can't keep them all away an in short order the flying creatures are hurling themselves towards the duo of Amazon warriors, each one struck down seemingly replaced by two more, lunging towards the flying pair, throwing themselves at Diana and Cassie bodily as if seeking to overwhelm the pair in sheer numbers.

They certainly seem to have enough to try that particular tact.

No doubt they would attempt the same with Superman as well. If they had the chance. But before the approaching parademons can swarm over him he is suddenly hurtling forward, confronting their lord and master directly. Perhaps it is that speed, perhaps it is the fact that it has been so long since someone dared confront him directly, but either way that blow does indeed connect, sending the massive figure of Darksied flying back in amongst his own hoard of parademons. "You dare!" he bellows once more. And when his eyes glow red again, when those Omega beams leap from them once more, they zig-zag amongst the sky filled with demons, zeroing in on Superman.

"Believe me, I'm trying," Hal calls back to Diana, one hand gripping the wrist of the hand bearing his ring, focusing his will through it. While those glowing green barriers continue their mad dance through the sky, he diverts some of his attention and energy to offense, as well as defense. Glowing green baseballs begin to spray from the ring, lashing out in all directions, slamming into any of the demons that approach. Silly? Perhaps. But no one wants to take a beanball to the head, especially not one travelling at the speed of sound. "Wait... I think I'm getting something..."

The void at the heart of the Hall of Justice suddenly explodes and it becomes clear just what it was hiding. The rooftop of the twisted mirror image of their own headquarters simply explodes. Not from another of Darkseid's blasts. No, it explodes outward as the target of his challenge becomes clear, a figure rapidly growing up out of the ruined structure. The figure continues to grow until he stands at least thirty feet tall, red of skin with horned antlers rising out of that fearsome visage. And there are, yep, one, two, three, four, five, six eyes peering out with the worst sort of malevolence.

"You are not worth of being crushed beneath Trigon's boot heel," the giant sneers. "Rise slave. Rise and serve your master." And from the ruins of the Hall of Dread a figure does indeed rise. Not anywhere so tall or as fearsome as the Demon at his back, he is still striking, still a corrupt mirror held up to the Leaguers. The costume that should be blue and gold is now black and red and the helmet that conceals the features of the man behind it now seem to have folds as if six eye slots in a helm meant for only two.

Diana Prince has posed:
The flying demons that dare rush to Wonder Woman, meet a fate of which few would desire. In so far as to say her sword, blessed by the Goddess Athena, slices them in to pieces with quick, graceful, and merciless cuts! The demons that don't face Diana's sword, get the brunt of her nearly indestructible shield of Themysciran steel! Powerful swings of her arms send the shield against multiple enemies as she tries to keep up a pattern of protecting her allies in this fight.

In a moment of chance, Diana spieces the towering figure that comes from the Hall of Dread.

She stares upon it with a furrow of her dark eyebrows, her hair flowing around her otherwise bare shoulders, her fingers squeezing the blue hued hilt of her sword.

"This is more than any of us were prepared for." Wonder Woman says before she lunges back from another attack, and jams her sword right in to the chest of a parademon that rides up her shining blade to get its face right up close to hers, snarling and screaming at her as it impales itself further upon her weapon, trying to reach her in-spite of being run through...

And just as it seems it might reach her, and sink its teeth in to her, she slices the sword out of its body to the left, then sweeps it back to the right!

The beast's head is cut clean from its shoulders, and the pieces tumble to the ground!

Clark Kent has posed:
"Yeah, I can't believe we outnumber them so bad!" Superman says, winking at Diana. He's a bit worried about Wonder Girl, but decides to trust that Diana knows what she's doing, bringing the kid to a mission like this. He's already.

"Aah!" Superman exclaims, as he's blasted right in the chest. "Those. Those are good eyebeams." Superman says, eyes wide as he feels a sharp spike of pain. "You're trying to dissolve me. Spread my atoms apart until the electric energy that holds them together dissipates. I. It's not just for blasting, is it? This is a trick. A puzzle." Superman's body.

Shakes, moving, as the scientist's son experiments, even as his fingers start to dissolve into nothing. "Oh I think I see it."

And then Trigon makes it personal. "Hey one of the six evil dads the Titans fight." Superman says, sneering at the Eigth Devil like he's a vicious jaywalker. The corrupted, suffering Dr. Fate, though.

"Kent." Superman says, visibly horrifed, finally letting the mask slip, a little. He turns, and does some triage. "Alright. Alright." Superman says, and he holds his hand up. The fading fist, as Superman vibrates at supersonic speeds, starts to come back into the world and Clark pulls his other arm back.

And PUNCHES The Omega Effect. "Already had enough of you, fella." Superman says; Hal and Diana have seen him this close to losing it before, but it might be the first time for Cassie. The air shudders and the earth quakes, just a little, as Superman stops bothering with niceties, his unguarded presence warping gravity and its associated natural forces around him.

There's a splash of red energy as if someone punched a steam of pressurized water. Superman moves closer, and punches again, building momentum, striking down Darkseid's Omega Beams until he's close enough to grab at the God of Evil's face, trying to squeeze on that bulbous skull and force the Beams back into Darkseid.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie's gone fishin' for parademons, and it works pretty well to start. They're definitely going for SWARM tactics, which means as soon as she gets one looped with the lasso, a few, then a dozen, are suddenly all over it. And she puts on Teens Choice Awards-worthy performance 'struggling' against them, yanking back and forth with her not-inconsiderable strength, encouraging as many of them to grab on as she can. "Oh no, there's too many, I can't-"

What a troll.

She waits long enough that she actually feels they MIGHT start to collectively pose a threat to her control of the lasso... and then she lights it up. A crackle of lightning shoots down the golden rope, turning its entire length into a pretty epic scale bug zapper. And these are demon bug things, so it's not a gentle zap: in short order, the team gets a sense of what flash-seared Parademon smells like as their wings burn and whatever internal bits cook inside their carapaces.

After that, it's just a matter of shaking all the variously-charred bugs off the rope.

"Did you see that Di?!" She's excited.

A moment later, a parademon hits her from behind, her elbow backwards a bit slow as she works to shake the dead weight free of her weapon. And then another one joins the first. And another, and another. She fights back, of course, the impacts of hammer-blows with her metal-clad forearms echoed by cracking chitin, but each time, there's another to take the place of the last.

And then another, and another...

Suddenly, her voice is suddenly a little casually brash: "Uh, Di? Help?"

And all of that is BEFORE that final figure steps from the hall. She may not know her Darks from her Dougs, but the terror of Trigon is pretty well, legendary in the lore of the Titans, via the proxy of one of their own most terrifyingly powerful members. "Holy shitballs."

Of course, Superman punching energy into an explosion is pretty elaborate swear-worthy too, but at this point it's pretty much all just overkill. This is kind of out of her league! Also, there's a still a bunch of bitey demons scrambling on her, so soon she's back to dispensing close-up Themysciran MMA, twisting, shoving, even snapping bug-limbs as she scrabbles to get clear of their ever-increasing bugpile.

Hal Jordan has posed:
The savagry just in the circle of space around the trio of Leaguers that try to hold off Darkseid's parademons and Trigon's gargoyle-like forces is fearsome, and yet it is just a tiny sliver in the greater whole. The sky above appears to be scorched, red skies full of smoke and black clouds all but blotted out by the sheer number of flying combatants that rages all around them, those almost painful shrieks echoing through the ruins of the city as monster tears into abomination with reckless disregard for their own lives.

A complete disregard for life -- their own or anyone elses -- is surely the only reason the creatures would continue to try and assault the Princess of Themyscira as precise slashes, cuts and thrusts make short work of the assorted flying demons that try their luck. And still they come on, waves and waves of enemies, seemingly without end. Enemies that do not seem to care in the least as their breathern fall, who do not seem to care if they follow immediately after. A hundred, a hundred hundred willing to spend themselves just to draw a drop of blood from her. From any of their foes. Sheer madness, or the utter hatred of life itself.

Of course Cassie's gambit helps as well, peeling some of the swarm off of DIana and Hal as they gather around the tempting lure of her lasso, more and more piled on, clawing their way along that golden cord towards their target. At least until she turns it into a giant bug zpper. Between the amazons dozens of parademons and shadow-goyles fall from the sky, plummetting towards the ground that is increasingly thick with remains. But still they come, still they swarm.

Whatever it is that Darkseid expected to happen when those brilliant scarlet beams found Superman it is clearly not this. It is almost impossible to look at that stony, craggy face, not with that brilliant energy exploding from his eyes, but iof one could one would surely see a look of disbelief cross his features. The energy continues to pour from him in a seemingly endless stream and despite that the Kryptonian he faces simply hammers away, fists actually slamming a path through that pure energy discharge. "Defend me!" he bellows, the sheer arrogance in his voice perhaps dented -- just a little bit. But in answer to his call an entire phalanx of parademons abruptly peels off from their attack, hurtling towards the Man of Steel.

"I'm definitely getting a reading now. That's Fate! If it's not another of Faust's tricks," Hal calls out, his ring apparently confirming the readings. Though it certainly does not look like the Fate they are used to. But there's only one way to be sure, right? This is what has brought them here afterall. So while those walls continue to spin and circle Diana and Cassie defensively, trying to hold back at least some of the throng, Green Lantern soars forward, the green energy in his ring concentrating, forming a brilliant emerald glow in front of him that forms into... a cattle-catcher. Like a train he begins to plow through the mass ahead until sheer numbers slow him down.

Trigon would appear to be willing to watch on in amusement while his implacable foe, his only challenger for this world -- is humbled by one of the invaders, as he is forced to call upon his servants to save him. The towering demon watches as his own servant floats, mystical shields catching any of the parademons that approach and incinerating them into ash before they can lay a hand on this corrupted version of Dr. Fate. Then those black gloves come up, energy crackling around them and bolts shaped like midnight anhks leaps from his hands, beginning to hammer into Darkseid, one after another, ripping a scream from the Apokoliptian God.

Diana Prince has posed:
The brash ways of the young Wonder Girl has her piled on by the Para Demons. It may seem a bit against her odds at this point now too, until a very sudden and noticeable change occurs!

The golden lasso of Hestia comes spinning in to the pile above Cassie, a tight corkscrew twirling, with the very tip of the lasso wrapped around the sword of Athena!

It literally mows across the demons covering Cassie! She is showered in their body parts, so ew, but she is also given some breathing room to fight back!

Diana yanks on the lasso and sends her sword flying back in to her hand then before she whips the other end out toward Cassie herself!

Her young protege is now the target of her skills with the divine twine! She means to grab Cassie and pull her to her place!

Diana Catches her with her left arm, hand on the bacdk of Cassie's head, helping her stand right and tall again. She looks to her. "Focus. Less show, more intent!"

And after saying this, Diana marches forward two aggressive steps on her armored boots, she lunges the third step and crouches...

Her forearms are smashed together, sending out a burst of shockwave energy across the Parademon horde before them! It blossoms up and away from the ground, rushing across that black tarry water in the pools before the Hall of Dread, sending a tidal wave of it across their foes as well!

Clark Kent has posed:
"I told you." Clark says, his eyes glassy from the sheer agony of this moment, "I'm Superman."

And then a city block's worth of Parademons just jumps right on him. As mighty as Superman is, the laws of physics are mightier and he's shoved backwards and under the mound of screaming, clawing flesh. He can feel Fate's dark spells tearing into Darkseid as Trigon and his slave take terrible advantage of the Justice League's accidental invasion. And.

And everyone else is dead. Are these sad things even alive, Clark thinks, even as one rips into his flesh and finds purchase. They're fighting over a ball of dust. Superman holds his arms out.

And strikes the earth, digging. He digs, and digs, until there's enough room to start to spin, like a human drill; outside it may look like the parademon fun squad is shaking, imploding from the inside, as Superman digs further and further down! He's trying to build a hole big enough to trap the legion of Parademons and take them off of the field, at least for a time, but also Clark is trying to get space for something, putting on the super speed to start to reach the lower parts of the earth.

He's looking for a really sharp hunk of rock.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is saved!

Cassie is also covered in parademon gore!

It's hard to fully process the high-speed lasso-powered sword-tipped magical blender that Diana unleashes, as one second she's in the midst of a rather close-quarters brawl, and the next, there are just... pieces of demon everywhere, creatures exploding into randomly-sized portions. And then, even before she gets much time to resume the fight, Diana reverses the whole process. The familiar golden loop encircles her midsection, and she sails backward, dripping goo as she goes until she lightly bumps up into her mentor's waiting grasp. Even dripping in bug juice and presumably a bit humbled, it's hard for her to do anything but look up at the woman with a certain sense of renewed, baby-hero level awe and reverence, like in the earliest days of her Wonder Woman stanning. It's almost swoon-y.

Then she remembers her persona, makes a face, and flicks a little goo off ON her savior. "So gross."

Still, her bravado is a little muted as she regains her posture, and gives a nod to affirm Diana's instructions. A quick jerk pulls her own lasso to coil back around one wrist, and she prepares to take action...

...only for Diana to pull off what she VERY well knows is a movie Cassie considers pretty much the coolest. "You TOTALLY have to teach me that..."

Now, between the Aegis-blast and Hal's glowing cow catcher (and maybe to a lesser degree her prior bug-zapper trick!), they've got a bit of maneuvering space. "So what, we gotta get the helmet off?" Before there's an answer, Cassie starts in that direction, although not so swift as to rush ahead of her mentor, taking care to show a bit more in the way of restraint and discipline in the face of the dressing-down. Still, she flies toward their target, taking the opportunity to change weaponry, pulling her own sword off her back. There's a precision and control to the blade, and with it in hand, she shows off that she IS capable of some rather skillful technique when she's focused, and speed and reflexes not far behind her teacher. Soon, she's a blonde streak flying between parademon and gargoyle alike, slicing and cutting, never staying in any single place long enough for them to swarm her as she so carelessly allowed before. And the goo-y swathe she's cutting leads toward their target, not directly head-on, but at a course where she and Diana can approach at a different angle from Hal. It's probably even something they've practiced, 'Amazonian Offensive Theta-Chi, or something.'

"So how do we... get that thing off, or get him out, or whatever?!"

Hal Jordan has posed:
If the creatures in the sky around them had any sort of self preservation instinct they would surely be in full retreat by now. Watching just how effective Amazon regalia can be turned into a deomic weed-wacker should surely be terrifying for anything with a soul. Which these creatures clearly lack. They simply fall away, adding to the rain of corpses that litter the ground, turning what should be a monument to justice into an abattoir. It is more than enough to free Cassie from the demonic hoards that try to bear her out of the sky, but it is the shockwave that follows that finally buys them some real time and space, a sphere simply opening up around them as the parademons and shadow-goyles are knocked flying. Combat might be going on all around them, but for a moment they are in the clear.

It is a fair question. Is there anything left alive on this Earth? In this reality at all, for that matter. Darkseid and Trigon seem more like the antithesis to life, then life itself and their servitors cruel mockeries of creatures, reduced to mindless, viscious obedience. Does it truly matter whether Trigon is the victor and is allowed to wash across this unvierse, draining the life essence of a billion worlds or whether Darkseid claims the Anti-Life equation and enslaves every being? The end result seems much the same.

Of course the fact that they are left to fight nothing but abominations, parodies of life does make it much easier to open up. The fact that there is not anything remaining to fight for in this universe makes it all the more imperative that they are successful, that they are able to return to their ownm hopefully this time with their colleague, safe and sound, returned to them. The demons on both sides have shown absolutely no regard for their own safety, only a mindless hatred and desire to kill so it's no surprise that they pursue Superman even as he burrows beneath the earth, even as his whirling form practically tears apart anyone them that try to grab hold. He tunnels beneath the ground, deeper and deeper and leaves only a graveyard of demonic forms in his wake.

"That's pretty much it," Hal calls back to Wonder Girl, his momentum slowed to a crawl as that green cattle-catcher continues to increase inside, scooping up demons galore and preventing them from reaching him in turn. But even his willpower has some limits. "Let me... see what I can do to help with that," the Green Lantern says through gritted teeth, a secondary beam splitting off from the main beam as it snakes around the mass of demons a massive green wrench suddenly forming, locking around the Dark Dr. Fate, catching him in that vice. "I'll hold him as long as I can..."

There is an opening there for Cassie certainly, or for whomever else might seize it. They have bought themselves a respite and what better way to spend it then to achieve their real objective. "Just... be careful. The last time the helmet was just a trap. We can't be sure that this is really our Kent Nelson," Hal cautions.

Those black, shimmering anhks slamming into Darkseid, driving him back even as he tries to catch a moment's respite from Kal-El's attack. Each one finds him unerringly, ripping through him, leaving him kneeling, bent over with one fist pressed to the ground as if just trying not to keel over. But before he can be finished off the barrage stops and the the photo-negative Fate turns that helmetted gaze of the one who tries to hold him prisoner, an inky-black aura of power beginning to rise up around him.

From the ruins of the Hall of Dread a great booming laugh sounds, no joy in that noise, only cruelty. "Perhaps you insects have value. Kneel. Kneel before Trigon and I shall make the foremost of my servants," the Demon Lord promises.

How often does a job offer like that come around?

Diana Prince has posed:
With the kinetic shock wave rushed toward the west, Diana steps back up and turns to see Cassie on her way. She starts to work in unison with her young partner in this fight. Her lasso in one hand now, and her shield in the other. She stomps across the field, smashing aside another random Parademon that got spared from her massive push back moments ago, then stomps across its head on her way toward this corrupted Fate.

"No more of this." Diana says, whilst Hal tries to grab himand hold him in place.

"This comes to an end!"

The lasso of Truth is sent fluttering through the grim sky again, adding to Hal's ensnarement of this 'Kent'. She tries to help secure him as she calls out for Cassie.

"Go for his helmet! Wrench it from his head!" She shouts while she pulls the lasso taught!

Clark Kent has posed:
The earth quakes.

Superman flies. Spins, but it feels like flying, as he tears through the rock like hot butter. Clark finds what he's looking for, feeling less human than ever as he uses senses his colleagues could barely dream of in ways only survivable by the solar mutation his species stumbled onto. It is a stark, lonely feeling in his chest, but there's no time.

There's only action. Superman gets behind the hunk of bedrock, hard enough to slowly force minerals together into jewels over the ceaseless pressure of the years. Superman lifts it, cracking through the ground as he does!

The earth rumbles!

And out of the ground: Superman! The Man of Steel lifts the jewel studded hunk of rock, twice his size and loaded with sharp, painful edges of stone; he doesn't stop to quip or reassure anyone, simply flying directly at Trigon and smashing the weapon into the Eighth Devil's chest!

"I'll buy you all some time!" Superman shouts, as he punches THROUGH the rock, aiming to put enough pressure on Trigon that the monster's control may, for a second, start to slip

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Serious-mode Cassie doesn't hesitate or dawdle: Diana calls the play, and she moves.

There are still a variety of winged opponents littering the route, and she handles them with the same simple efficiency of those that came before. There's really no 'special circumstances' necessary to justify it, even if the bleak hellworld they're fighting on clearly qualifies and then some. The bottom-line is that while Supercriminals running around the city are one thing, when Amazons find themselves on a battlefield, facing an army? They fight accordingly, as warriors, soldiers. Indeed, as Cassie's charge approaches the helmed figure, she has her blade raised up in one hand, as if she might very well be prepared to take the more EXTREME solution to separating helmet from wearer.

But that's not the order. The upheld hand lets go in the last instant, dropping the blade cleanly into its sheath on her back, before she reaches for the helmet with both hands, gritting her teeth and focusing her body and mind alike in anticipation of... whatever may come. Cassie has no clue what to expect. Maybe it will be attached with arcane power. Maybe it will burn to the touch. Maybe the evil magic will disintegrate her on the spot.

But that's all in the job description, yeah? YOLO.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Time is a luxury that they do not have any great store of. So what they do have, they best spend wisely. Fortunately it seems like Superman has a plan to get them some more. The scattered demonic hordes on both sides have left an opening to be sure, straight to the gloating, giant of a demon. And he delivers a rather definitive answer on the whole offer to become willing slaves of this monster. As that huge chunk of rock is slammed into the beast's chest the form of the Demon Lord seems to flicker, just for an instant, and something else stands there, something wrapped up in dark, writhing threads. Then it is passed, as if it never was and that mocking laughter turns to a bellowing scream of rage. The thirty-foot tall demon lord staggers back, it's six eyes opening wide and for the second time on this mission Superman finds himself slammed by a blast of incredible power.

The dark crackling aura that begins to surround the evil Dr. Fate actually strats to dissolve the green energy matrix that imprisons him, like metal suddenly put under tremendous heat. it is actually possible to see emerald energy start to drip. "I can't hold him," Hal calls out through gritted teeth an instant before Wonder Woman's lasso is added to the mix, one more binding on the corrupted sorcerer. His energy construct solidifies, resolves, gripping him in place as the two Leaguers hold their quarry still. "It's all yours kid! Make it count," he calls out.

While it might be contained, might be reduced, that crackling black energy still suffuses Dr. Fate's form. And it probably doesn't tickle when Wonder Girl grabs hold of that helmet. But if anyone can stand up to a little lightning it would be here right? The necrotic energy it is suffused with probably hurts a little more. Either way though the helmet is jerked free! It comes off in Cassie's grasp revealing... a face that is half-melted, like flesh moulded like clay into the semblance of Felix Faust. It flashes a deraged sort of wide-eyed smile. "You will have to do better than that!" it barks out before a mad, gurgling laugh comes from it, the 'Dr. Faust-Fate' suddenly beginning to dissolve into a burbling, black slime that looks distinctly unhealthy.

"Damn it!" Green Lantern yells from below. "Ring, scan for any other energy sources like the one give off by the Helm of Nabu," he barks, slowly being driven back as the demons start to overrun his barrier. A moment later the ring dings. "There's nothing here, just another of Faust's deceptions! Bug out!"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's sole focus is on that of holding the Faux Fate in the binding of her lasso at this stage, both of her leather wrapped hands grasping the glowing rope! She grits her teeth as she sees the green energy dripping down on to the ground at the sorcerer's feet, her eyes on Cassie, and her efforts there-in to get the goal they'd come for...

Superman's exploits do draw Diana's eyes for a moment though, the quick shimmer that comes from that giant rock slamming in to the tall Trigon form... it doesn't go unnoticed by the Amazon.

What does though, is the Parademon that was hunting her from behind.

It lunges at Diana's shoulder, and just as she hears it, it snaps its jaws on her shoulder! The Princess cries out in pain one moment, then flexes her muscled form forward to toss the beast over her shoulder, her right hand coming up now from behind the small of her back, brandishing a small glinting metal dagger of Themysciran steel. She jams it in to the Demon's throat as blood trails down her flexing muscled bicep! The beast twitches, strains its own muscles, then goes limp.... some of Diana's crimson fluid running down its teeth and tongue.

The Princess stands up again, yanking her dagger from its neck, and draws the lasso back when she sees the results of the attempted helmet theft.

Another demon lunges at her, but this time Diana just leans to the left, raises her right armored boot up and delivers a face crushing kick to its nose, crunching bone and whatever else lies within the monsters maw. Diana growls in frustration then, as her dagger is spun in her palm, then slipped back in to the sheath on the harness draping over her spine.

Clark Kent has posed:
"Great Scott, what is that?!" Superman says, shocked at the strange rag covered creature.

And then he's blasted in the face with Hell. Superman's shoved down to the ground, sliding along it for a few yards with a groan. Superman sends a blast of heat vision directly at 'Trigons eyes, hoping to disrupt the monster's beam attack long enough to escape!

"Another dead end." Superman says, scowling. "I'll hold the portal, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, pull back!" Superman sends a massive clap of force around the escape portal, shoving Parademons away from it "Before we're overrun!"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
A colorful sequence of swears emits from Cassie as she's forced to endure what are not deadly but still very much unpleasant energies coming off the helmet. And endure she does!

... for nothing.

The cackling, melty face is perahps not wholly a surprise, given that there has apparently been one such false find before, a prior trap. Still, it is impossible not to feel a bit cheated in the moment, robbed of the spoils earned through such sweat and suffering. And in the moment of anger, she brings her still singed, smoking hands together with all her might. It's a race to see if the fake helmet can melt too, before she crushes it like a tin can, with yet another bit of colorful language, this time only immediately intelligible to Diana.

Tossing away whatever remnants, she pivots in the air then, searching among the others. "I'm with the jewelry. If this is all BS, not much reason to stay- ohcrap, Di!"

There's little doubt her mentor can handle herself, but even seeing one of the creatures draw blood is worrying - and enraging! - to the younger Amazon. Immediately, she's zero'ing back on Diana's postiion at full speed. She doesn't bother getting the sword back out (and maybe her hands aren't in great condition for the grip), but that doesn't stop her from bringing an elbow down onto the skull of another critter as it approaches her.

"You heard Green Jeans and Big Blue. Better part of valor time." She's VERY happy to flee, but she's doing it side-by-side with Diana, or not at all!

Hal Jordan has posed:
One can tell that Faust is clearly not anywhere near with the times. Otherwise his little simulacrum would have announced that the princess was in another castle while playing cheery midi music. Opportunities missed. This is why the bad guys always lose in the end.

They are clearly holding their own, despite being terribly outnumbered. But as Diana gets attacked from behind, as one of the demon-like creatures sink it's teeth into her it is an excellent reminder that it does not take much for the tables to turn. There are still thousands of parademons and shadow-goyles in the air and they only need to get luck once for the quartet of heroes from another world to have a very, very bad day.

The glowing green figure of Hal Jordan drops out of the air with alacrity, plunging towards the earth below. Before he hits he has his ring chime in with that strange, alien-sounding incantation that opens up their return passage, plunging through it as it swirls into existence like a churning whirlpool a foot or so off the ground. He reappears, back in their Hall of Justice, not one twisted and corrupted though the lack of lights -- aside from the candles that flicker ominiously -- is not exactly welcoming. He whirls almost at once, arm extended towards that portal, ready to deal with anyone else who passes through that opening besides his trio of allies still on the other side.

It is possible however that Hal is saying some very unheroic words at the moment. Questioning Faust's heritage might be the most polite of them.

It is as if seeing one of their number draw blood that sends the demons into a virtual feeding frenzy. That piercing, high-pitched squeal is even more grating as a hundred, a thousand sets of wings go into overdrive, the parademons swooping down on the two Amazons, harring them mercilessly as they retreat towards their escape back to their own dimension. Claws lash out, blasts are fired, all of it heedless of their own number that crowd around, willing to injure even kill one another so long as they can bring down their prey.

For his part, Superman's gambit with his heat vision is enough, those beams striking the figure of the Demon Lord in one eye, making him flinch away, closing that massive orb and redirecting that flood of energy away from the Man of Steel. But for how long is in question. "You have deprived me of my servant!" the horned demon roars, clearly enraged as he sweeps a hand towards them, waves of darkness rolling across the field. For a moment it might feel as if their flesh is burning, as if something is trying to claw it's way out from them. And then the sensation passes and all there is a brief moment's reprieve to escape through the waiting vortex.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana and Cassie meet up half way and make for Superman's cleared pathway to the portal. With shield back in arm, and sword back in hand, Diana cuts down the Shadow-Goyles in her way, before more come charging at them from behind.

From the open portal however, two backup Amazons arrive... sorta.

Hoppa and Jumpa lunge out of the portal, the Kangas bouncing across the battlefield in full regalia of armor and helmets! Their powerful feet begin to kick and stomp away the stragglers behind Diana and Cassie, before retreating to the portal with them!

Clark Kent has posed:
"E-" Superman falters. "Eat me!"

It's all he can think of. The death rays HURT. As soon as the Wonder Women are through the portal (And Hal, of course, but Hal's ring can dimension shift anyway so Clark was a bit less worried), Superman falls through the thing.


And stumbles back home. "Damn." Superman coughs, looking at the red on his hand. "Damn. Everyone alive?"

"You know I meant Souxie and the Banshees right?" Superman groans, laying his head on their cool justice friendship table. "I can never tell when I'm dating myself."

Hal Jordan has posed:
As the last of them passes through that open vortex the chanting from Hal's Power Ring abruptly cuts off and the portal snaps shut before anything else can pass through. With the ritual at an end all of the multiple candles are snuffed out at once and the last lingering traces of light in the heart of that ritual gemstone fades away, plunging the room into darkness, aside from the emerald glow of the Green Lantern's ring. Thwarted. Again. Dr. Fate is still out there, somewhere. And it feels like they are no closer to finding him then when they started. Victor von Doom just might have been right. But that is a far too galling fact to actually verbalize. "So. Third try's the charm?"

One can hope.