9698/Sharing More Than a Salute

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Sharing More Than a Salute
Date of Scene: 18 January 2022
Location: Palace - Themyscira City
Synopsis: T'Challa visits Themyscira to meet with Diana, Troia and Hippolyta and discuss mutual plans of opening up to the world... and building spaceports.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, T'Challa, Donna Troy, Hippolyta

Diana Prince has posed:
The Invisible Jet had met up with the Wakandan jet out over the sea. They'd communicated with one another, and the pair swept toward the mysterious home of the Amazons. What was just open waters, eventually became a sudden rush of darkness and fog that would've overwhelmed both craft, if they didn't know precisely where they were going...

The Invisible jet... currently VERY visible, a white arrowhead-shaped craft, leads the way through the darkness...

and eventually they break through in to what can only be described as...


Beautiful blue waters, sun shining down from above casting everything in a utopian golden glow, and an island resting in the middle of it all. Greens and golds dotting the land mass, with a city at its very core...

The planes would've traveled around the island, then inward toward a tower setup for this very purpose. The tower is built for the Invisible jet, but is large enough to fit both craft as they would land near to the palace.

Diana and those with her would disembark the alien-tech-powered Jet, and be greeted by the royal entourage...

Now, inside the palace, the group has come to settle in a bit where talking can be much easier. Chairs are setup around the Queen's throne, for them to look upon her from comfortable seating, once pleasantries were taken care of, and introductions all passed...

Diana is wearing a simple leather armor set, with her hair tied back, and a white cape over her shoulders, draping down behind her. She smiles to T'Challa, having given a bit of a small tour leading up to this final moment where they find themselves all now.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa did not fly the Wakandan aircraft this time, choosing instead to use the opportunity to study the surroundings on the approach to Themyscira. Okoye is the pilot today, with most of the current group having insisted they accompany their King. It is as special a visit for them as it is for him, if not more. Ayo, Nomble, Yama, Aneka, Xoliswa as well.

"Interesting, and familiar," T'Challa says as Diana's path takes them through the darkness, comms active between the pair of craft. "Not unlike the safeguards around Wakanda, but quite different at the same time." His tone indicates curiosity, but also a clinical, observational side. The connection catches the brief "Ahh," as they break through.

The sights below are certainly worth beholding, and after a circling of the island the planes head toward said tower to touch down almost daintily. There is little delay in disembarking, with the Dora Milaje accompanying T'Challa, dressed in traditional Wakandan finery that works in silver and purple against black. It is just enough to stand out without seeming flashy or gaudy, a respectful call to the tribal nation's background.

Salutes are exchanged, and he begins to raise a finger for a comment, then he chooses to withhold it until a better time. First, all the introductions, getting settled, and preparing for Important Discussions.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Accompanying the royal entourage, looking both rather out of place and at the same time familiar, is Troia. She had arrived on Themyscira a couple of days earlier to help with last-minute preparations for the Wakandan royal visit. Making sure that the rooms provided for the Wakandans would actually have electricity provided, for example. And wi-fi? That may have caused some dispute between Hippolyta and her younger daughter, but we shall draw a curtain over that dispute for now.

    As she normally does, Donna had changed into more conventionally Themysciran garb the last couple of days, but for now she seems to have reverted to more American style of apparel, apart from the cloak she's wearing, one that matches Diana's. Troia's logic is that it'll be more familiar to T'Challa and his own entourage, another friendly face on this strange island. She does have her hair done up in an elaborate Themysciran style, with a silver circlet as a indicator of rank -- a compromise solution.

    When the two planes had landed, it had been Troia who had lead a guard contingent to greet them, and Troia who had done so with that bracelet-clashing salute that's so familiar. The Themysciran guards had lined up alongside the Dora Milaje -- not on either side of them as might be expected of an honor guard, but to one side out of the Dora Milaje's own duty to see to the security of their King.

    She had given a polite but formal greeting - "Your majesty King T'Challa, and his fellow Wakandans, in the name of Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira I welcome you to these shores in peace and friendship, to explore such concepts as may be mutually beneficial to our two great nations". Then Troia had stepped in beside Diana on the procession to the palace... and Queen Hippolyta herself.

Hippolyta has posed:
The Palace itself has been festooned with all of the pageantry (or what passes for that among the Amazons, which is decidedly different from that of royal nations in Patriarch's world) befitting the visit of a head of state. The requisite melopoioi strike up their instruments and raise their voices in song in honor of Hestia, goddess of hospitality, invoking the tradition of xenia.

Along the palace, the procession is met with an honor guard in resplendent ceremonial armor, but weaponless, which doubles the numbers of the procession as they approach the megaron.

There, in the rectangular building, Queen Hippolyta stands before her throne, resplendent in white and gold and majesty, like a vision of the ancient world made manifest, striking even in this world where the statuary of gods no longer worshipped actively in Patriarch's world is immaculately kept, far from the ruins and vestiges excavated from forgotten cities.

The music reaches its solemn climax and fades away into echoes in the wide chamber, the shining bracelets cross, glittering like the moon itself as the queen speaks.

"King T'Challa of Wakanda, first mortal ruler to set foot upon the shores of Themyscira since time immemorial, we welcome you in peace and hospitality. May the glory of Gaia be with you, and with those who accompany you in the name of peace."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sits upon her specified chair to the right of the Queen, and a little lower... because royalty!

She smiles at Donna, and was happy to see her sister again here when they arrived. But, as it were, T'Challa, and his people, were the focus of her attention in the moment. Her eyes look to the Queen when she speaks, then back to T'Challa. "It truly is an honor to have you here, King T'Challa." She simply says in her smooth and calm toned voice.

Her eyes dart back to her mother on her left then. "The King has been a grand champion of the people of man's world. I have fought alongside him with the Avengers, and with the members of the Justice League. We have faced dangers of untold threat, and he has been right there... to see it through, that their heinous attempts at harming the innocent of the world, are thwarted. There is not a better example of the heroes of the mortal world, than of King T'Challa, let alone his family, and their many wonderful citizens of their Kingdom."

T'Challa has posed:
The Dora Milaje have left their weapons back on the aircraft. This was, if there ever was one, a peaceful expedition. There was no belief whatsoever that there would be any subterfuge or double-crossing here. Right? Not even a man like T'Challa, a man who always plans for every potential contingency he can think of, is that suspicious, is he?

He is all politeness and regality, one monarch before another. Once the fanfare has subsided, he speaks and returns the same gesture given to him. "I thank you for the warm welcome, Queen Hippolyta, Princess Diana, Princess Troia, and the significance of it is not lost on me. I understand I am not the first man to visit Themyscira, but as the first King, I appreciate your hospitality. I wish you Bast's favor as well. We have much to discuss, as you know, and I am eager to see all your nation has to offer. Know that we will be arranging a visit to Wakanda in return soon, and that connects to why we are all here today."

He takes a seat, at which point the Dora Milaje follow, if somewhat uncomfortably. They are accustomed to standing guard, at attention. Relaxation around him is a rarity. Showing his capability for humor and self-deprecation, he states dryly, "Captain America is a fine example of a hero of the mortal world, but I am not going to dissuade your from your opinion, positive as it is. Before we continue, there is one thing that has been at the back of my mind, and it has returned to the forefront just now. I have noticed we both share identical salutes, but I had not given it much thought until now."

Donna Troy has posed:
    And Troia sits on the left of the queen, legs crossed and slouching just a little, with a touch less formality than the rest of the family.

    Perhaps America has been bad for her. Perhaps she will be admonished for that unintentional hint of lese-majeste later, but /probably/ Hippolyta won't hiss 'sit up straight' at her youngest in the middle of a royal meeting.

    "A few of my team-mates preceded you here, King T'Challa," Troia explains. "Not through any plan though -- they came here rather accidentally, and helped us to defeat an incursion. You are the first man to whom we have extended an invitation to come here for... about two thousand years. The honor is a mark of the respect we have for you, but we are equally honored that you have accepted the invitation to come."

    "The commonality of interests of our two nations are the immediate reason for this invitation, it is true. But like your own nation, we are opening up to the world after a long isolation. There will be more men, as well as women, invited to come here in the future. I hope that Captain America will be one of those who can make this journey too, soon. This is, however, a most excellent place to start."

    She gives the Wakandan king a smile on concluding her small speech, and falls silent, her eyes going to study the Dora Milaje in attendance.

    There's little doubt she's going to try to persuade at least one of them to participate in a 'cultural exchange' on the combat training fields before this visit is done, but now is not the time to bring that up.

Hippolyta has posed:
"There is a remarkable similarity," Hippolyta assents, "there is much of our histories that are unknown to each other and it will be of great interest to learn whether our peoples' paths may have crossed in the distant past."

Of those assembled here between the Wakandan delegation and the royal family, she is the only one who was alive since the beginning of Amazon history. She would have an idea of which peoples the Amazons ran into in their earlier days wandering across the land. Admittedly, that number was sizable.

The Queen glances thoughtfully at the Dora Milaje, "My daughters have spoken highly of your guard, King T'Challa. I can see by their bearing that they are, indeed, a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps after our symposium has concluded, we may celebrate the peaceful meeting of our people with a series of games." The queen's eyes briefly flit towards Troia. She knows her daughter.

Now sit up straight.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana sits with her back straight and her hands resting upon her lap, a more etiquette-honed posture than that of her younger sister. She glances toward Donna, and lets a small smile blossom at Troia's words before she looks back to the Queen, then to the King. The conversation at-hand of their matching salute is one of interest to many, even more-so now that the Wakandans have arrived, and the Themyscirans who've bared witness to the shared salute have gotten to see it for themselves.

Whisperings amongst the court has likely already begun to spread. Gossip!

Diana remains quiet for the response, and a little bit there after before she looks to her mother. "My Queen." She says softly. "One of the primary reasons that King T'Challa wanted to come here, and I wanted him to be here, was to speak on the subject of a project we are wishing to embark upon. One that would see the combined efforts of both our people's..." She tells Hippolyta, in a way that the Queen would likely know that Diana is building up to a 'big ask'.

Because she is.

Diana shows a quick smile to her mother, lowering her slim pointed chin, and just geeeeeently raising her dark eyebrows. "The world, our world, Earth, is in need of its first port of home for vessels to the stars. For arriving cultures from beyond the planet's atmosphere... to Humanity's first steps beyond our own gravity. It is time for our home to have a bastion of which we can reach to the literal stars with. We were hoping to make this a creation of Themysciran, Wakandan... and Atlantean design. Something the entire world can be proud of, and see how far we have all come toward working together."

T'Challa has posed:
Without question, there is mutual interest shaping up between the Amazons and the contingent that has accompanied T'Challa himself. Not a one of them male, all of them dressed the same in outfits primarily red in color, with a very militaristic feel to them that blends in browns, silvers, and tribal designs.

The King addresses Troia first. "Word of that reached me through various connections of mine. Allowing them the honor of setting foot on Themyscira sounds like a fair reward for the trials they went through in order to aid your people and your land. I would not take any offense to not being 'first' in centuries under those circumstances, caveat or not. Until recently, it had not been on my mind at all."

He continues, taking a relaxed posture in the comfortable chair, "Wakanda is facing change sooner rather than later. Perhaps I will draw some inspiration and ideas from this visit. I am still formulating the thoughts that may lead to how this is done. Some of my people are excited about the prospect of becoming closer to the rest of the world, while others fear it. This is understandable. I have said before that change is often uncomfortable, but sometimes it is necessary. My role as a protector of not only Wakanda but the world itself makes it difficult to simply keep all of our resources private and separate while at the same time I make use of them in what I do."

T'Challa gestures with a palm up in Diana's direction. "Yes, the port we have been discussing. It is something I see as necessary to stave off potential invasions and create another layer of protection, and as a joint venture it is a way for three different civilizations to join hands not only for our mutual benefit and safety, but more for Earth itself. It is a project that will take much work to create, but it is not beyond our combined resources at all."

Then, and only then, does he address the other matter of the similarities that some are already murmuring about, and not only amongst the Amazons. Okoye and Ayo have leaned closer for a quiet exchange of their own. "As for my Dora Milaje, they are my personal bodyguards and royal security, and they come from every tribe of Wakanda. Their name means 'Adored Ones.' The Dora Milaje have existed for close to a century, but their creation came from my grandfather meeting and facing the leader of a tribe in the Jabari lands, called the Bana-Mighdall. Their origins are..still somewhat unclear. He had heard of a tribe consisting of only women, and they kept to themselves but were known to kill any man who crossed their borders. Azzuri the Wise, King and Black Panther at the time, fought their leader to a draw, and a peace agreement was brokered as a result. He married one of theirs, becoming his Queen. The other tribes have agreed to leave them to their lands but they have a place in our tribal council if they wish, and they have taken in two daughters from each tribe, every generation, to be trained in their ways. One remains with the Bana-Mighdall, and the other is trained to become a member of the Dora Milaje."

"I am certain they would enjoy games of sport with your warriors," he adds, turning to include the ones who have come with him. To a woman, they all look extremely interested already.

Donna Troy has posed:
    'Wishing to embark on' -- ah Diana, wielder of the Lasso of Hestia, paragon of Truth with a capital 'T', let's not mention that the Atlanteans are already working on the structural foundations! To be fair this isn't entirely the first Hippolyta has heard of such things, but sometimes you need to do these things in the right, formal way. Nevertheless, Troia does not /entirely/ manage to hide the hint of amusement at her sister's words from finding her face.

    "Speaking as one who has travelled far through the stars," Troia says to back up Diana's appeal, "Further indeed than almost any from this world, I would also say the Earth could also very much use a port that can communicate with those vessels approaching and guide them to a safe place to land." One, preferably, a long way from the Eiffel Tower. "The stars are our common border to the greater universe, and that border is opening up faster than those of Themyscira or Wakanda. Because it is a common border, it is not one any single nation controls, but recent history has proven it to be the border that is most dangerous to the peace of this world, and also with the potential to be most beneficial and productive. In time the younger nations of the world will attempt to address this in their normal, fractious manner. They will compete to be first and then compete to be best, and then compete to dominate others by being the holders of this port. Far better that we make it our joint gift to the world; managed with our wisdom, guaranteed with our strength, and a symbol of the unity of purpose of the three nations in making this Earth better, safer, and more wisely-run for all. "

    "This might also be an aid for all of our three nations in that very issue of becoming closer to the world outside," she adds, with a nod to T'Challa. "We all face a similar issue. A desire to open up which contradicts ancient tradition. As well as its primary purpose, the space port would act as a territory that is open to the world, yet in which we jointly maintain. Those of our nations on temporary posting to the port would have the opportunity to see the larger world for themselves, and to let them see us. It would be a buffer for us all, to allow that process of opening up to be viewed with less trepidation by those of our nations who the idea worries."

    The revelation of the Bana-Mighdall gets no particular reaction from Troia -- it is not a name she has heard before though. The expression on the faces of those Dora Milaje interested by the notion of those games though, that is fully mirrored on her own.

Hippolyta has posed:
Hippolyta has had centuries to practice the perfect impassive expression. Some mortal mothers develop this to an artform in their short lives- those whose children have a tendency to set fire to things, or run off to get married, things of that sort. A Queen of the Amazons, with her long life and the propensity to have daughters who not so much run away with the wrong men but run off with a man to stop the god of war, right the wrongs of Patriarch's world, have divine daughters thrust upon her under an oath to secrecy, and who also occasionally has to face the dreaded monsters from Tartarus trying to claw their way onto her paradisiacal island has this down to a *science*.

Her right eyebrow raises, perhaps, a milimeter, but otherwise her expression does not change, but her mind races all the same. "I see- yours is a rich and varied history, King T'Challa, one that we will be very eager to learn. There is no doubt much of value that we can glean from it."

Inevitability. The gods had a way of bringing things to full circle, in the long span of centuries. The Amazons had left the world, and now they were taking steps to return. The Amazons had /left/ the Amazons, and it now seemed that they were destined for a reunion.

She would have to speak to Diana and Troia. But not now. It would be unseemly and discourteous to disrupt an important audience with family history. They will have time, later that evening, in her chambers.

"But it would seem that we are now speaking of the future. Indeed, as of late we have faced with many menaces coming from the stars- as well as many beneficial visitors," Queen Hippolyta, after all, does have ways of looking into Patriarch's world that do /not/ require wi-fi. "The concept of this port has been brought to my attention, of course. I consider it a very promising idea, one that would align itself in some part with the mission with which we were entrusted when we first came into the world. Of course, the proposal should be thoroughly examined and discussed, in no small part in order to furnish all of our peoples with complete understanding of its function and our respective roles in it." Because, of course, the proposal will be brought up before the Senators. And the traditionalists will want to have their say.

Diana Prince has posed:
The talk of the connections between their two societies has Diana looking from her mother, to the King. She has many questions on the matter herself, but this particular moment is not one for her to push on the matter.

Instead, Diana focuses on the starport, a project that she has kicked off after all.

"Well." She says in her smooth toned voice as she brandishes a smart phone, of all things, and holds it screen up in front of her. "As it so happens, I have brought this to show any, and all, that we need to include on the project..."

With a simple finger swipe, the phone screen lights up and a holographic display comes popping out, slowly rotating and displaying the complex as it stands now.

"This shows the latest design that is already under way, as far as foundation goes. As this is being built in the Atlantic ocean, the Atlanteans have already begun on their parts of the construction process. The elements that Themyscira will be responsible for lie on what will reside above the waves..."

Her eyes go from her mother to T'Challa. "While the good people of Wakanda will see to the technology that will power the facility itself, once it is fully built, and ready for life to be breathed in to it." She finishes speaking with a warm, brief, smile for everyone.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa has years less experience than Queen Hippolyta. Centuries less, in fact, but that is not to say he hasn't had opportunities to practice control over his own expressions and how much he chooses to reveal when new things come to his attention. There may be something to pick up from her reaction, or her lack of it. There may not be. All things in due time.

"Princess Diana and I have both been in space for various reasons," he states, "And as Princess Troia has said, she and the Titans have experience with it as well. I think by now we all understand that there are many unknowns that come vast distances from Earth. We have met a number of them already. Some have been benevolent and helpful. Others have been quite the opposite. An undertaking of this nature does not necessarily protect the world from all threats, but as I said it will add more one way or another."

Gesturing around him, he continues. "Given our natures of secrecy, and King Namor's recent declaration regarding Atlantis, we are closer than ever to the world at large learning more of our respective nations and cultures. We have taken great care to mask much of this, as much from an interest of self-protection as anything else, and we have already had attempts made to infiltrate our defenses and steal our resources. I am not so naive as to think attempts of this nature would not increase once the world knows what Wakanda has at its disposal, which goes far beyond simple farming, textiles, and trinkets. Needless to say, we have every capability to provide all resources needed to ensure a high level of efficiency and productivity for this project. Once we are able to arrange a visit for you in return you will see more of what I mean, but it all centers around a metallic alloy we call vibranium. Princess Diana, you have seen first-hand how it is incorporated into the Black Panther habit, whether you are aware of this or not."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "On the subject of those benevolent and helpful that we may meet among the stars... there is an additional possibility I would like to explore," Troia says. "Which should be taken account of in the final planning for how we build the port. Diana has suggested offering secondary bases to the various hero teams at the port. This would be a good way to get them invested in the security of the port, as well as improving coordination between groups. There may be an issue with transportation though. Put simply, people may be unwilling to spend significant amount of time away from the cities they normally defend."

    "King T'Challa will be aware that his sister, Princess Shuri, has been working with a member of the Titans, Nadia Pym. Her help has been invaluable in making practical an invention of Nadia's based on her father's work. Three months ago, they launched and tested a space ship that is capable of going faster than light. I went along on the first voyage, to a planet Nadia had already visited called Rann. We are now in regular contact with a leading Rannian scientist. Through this source, I believe we can have access to instantaneous long-range teleportation technology."

    "I propose we contract Nadia's group to create a network of a dozen of these Rannian teleportation devices for us. This could create a direct link between those hero team's current headquarters and their sites in the port, removing the transport issue. We could also provide transit from the port to major hubs around the world - I propose New York, London and Shanghai."

    "Further, we should consider the option of reserving four of these devices for point-to-point transit, secure and separate from the network. In short, we could potentially have an instantaneous link, entirely under our own control, between our own countries and our embassies in New York."

Hippolyta has posed:
The Queen nods, listening to her daughters and King T'Challa in turn. "This Rannian technology would facilitate many things with the Embassy. However, I anticipate that the Senate will require thorough and convincing evidence of the security of the point-to-point transit system, as some of our more... cautious sisters will no doubt be wary that such a point could be used as a point of infiltration by enemies of the Amazons. This should be a task for which you will be suitable, daughter," she turns to face Troia with a slight smile, "Of course, your friend Nadia and those in her group will most likely be called as well, as experts on the field."

She turns to Diana and T'Challa, "That the port station should also serve as a central point of Earth's defenders is sensible," and her eyes spark with a sudden interest, "And I am very much eager to see your land, King T'Challa, as soon as a visit can be suitably arranged. We are at the dawn of an interesting age, where kingdoms long-forgotten by men are finally turning their attention outside of their borders. I have encountered both excitement and wariness among my sisters- the weight of immortality is a predilection for the perpetuation of things as they are." She smiles, then, to Donna and Diana, "But we were awoken from our slumber by the impetuous nature of youth, which has its own wisdom." Yes, even Diana at 903 is a youth by Themysciran standards.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana lays the phone down on her lap and deactivates the 3d image she'd brought up. She lets her gaze sweep from one speaker to the next before she finishes on her mother and a slight grin forms on her lips at what she says there at the end.

"To be fair, though, my Queen. We already guard a gate on this island, that holds far worse monsters behind it than what would be on the other side of this proposed teleportation gateway to the Embassy. Besides... having you make unannounced visits would be a very fun prospect." She gives a big grin to her mother, and a sparkling look to her sister before she looks back to T'challa.

"We all must visit Wakanda soon. But. First, Your Highness. We must show you the ins and outs of Themyscira. There is a lot of people here, quite eager to meet you." She says to him in a playful way, purposefully sewing in T'Challa the fact that there is a island of possibly thirsty women waiting outside to meet a King...

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa steeples his fingers before his mouth, remaining silent until the women have had their say about the potentials for the port. The teleportation idea brings with it a slight nod and he muses, "Naturally, the ability to teleport instantly from one place to another would be a considerable time-saver. We would be wise to keep that possibility in mind."

Dryly, he asks Diana, "Should I suit up before we go outside, for my own protection? I assume there will be ample interest in various demonstrations of ability."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia inclines her head to her mother, and then to T'Challa. "Security will be no less of an issue for our Wakandan friends, I am sure. But consider this -- we are both addressing the question of inviting outsiders to our nations. Today we have invited King T'Challa and his people. No doubt as we go through this process we will start with others who are similarly trustworthy, who can similarly be relied on to be discreet. But invite some worthy scholar who cannot quite resist revealing all they have learned, and again there is a security issue. We reveal to each who visits us details of how to get here. With the teleportation system, the way remains obscure."

    "But could the other end of the network be captured, and used for infiltration? It is a possibility to be considered, and one with a simple answer. These devices require power. If you do not provide power for the receiving station, the transmitting station is entirely useless. The most simple solution to security is also the most undefeatable -- we leave the stations in our own nations unpowered until they are required. Someone physically here already would have to activate them."

    She turns back to Hippolyta, wearing just the hint of a smirk. "It is a similar situation to the satellite internet equipment I brought here some months back. It exists. It could be activated very easily, but has not been connected to power, and thus does nothing at all. The mere fact that it exists changes nothing except that whenever the Queen so chooses to allow it, it will take very little time to make it work. If given power we would still be able to control access to it - but until the decision is made to give it power, nobody can use it at all."

Hippolyta has posed:
The Queen nods, this satisfying her in some measure. Who knows if the possibility of unexpectedly dropping in on her daughters is an enticement? Such petty, personal considerations would never be enough to bribe a queen-

But, a mother?

"That is a sound argument," Hippolyta says, not betraying for a moment any reaction regarding the presence of Wi-fi on the island, "I have no doubt that our more cautious sisters will want to ensure that the device cannot be powered up unless three of them are present at the time, but such anxieties can be assuaged." She smiles, then.

"As we all find this idea to hold much promise, might I propose a recess? As my daughter observed, you no doubt wish to see the island and know its people. After such a tour we can arrange some games, perhaps ones in which your Dora Milaje would like to participate?" she glances at the women with a look that speaks of hospitality, and nothing more. But in her heart, the Queen wonders how much she may be looking upon her own family, distant though it might be, should her suspicions be correct. "Afterwards, we would be honored if you would join us for a banquet to celebrate your arrival to the island."

And after that... a conversation with Troia and Diana.