11862/Pieces of Mind: Getting RESULTS

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Pieces of Mind: Getting RESULTS
Date of Scene: 03 July 2022
Location: Xavier's Mansion, meeting room
Synopsis: Emma and Tabitha check in with the mage, Kels, about the astral problems.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Emma Frost, Tabitha Smith

Charles Xavier has posed:
The candle, in the possession of the X-Mansion women, slowly begins to pulse with magical energy. Spirals of white and golden flow up through it, and the elemental flame begins to form at the top of the candle.

It begins small, but increases in size, shedding light into the space it occupies. Eyes begin to form as it 'arrives.'

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is going to fold her hands together and focus. Now.. Now, it's time tos tart tos hare news and start to plan for the enxt phase of things. Emma's going to focus down on the candle now and see what sorts of things they an get from one another.

She's sitting over in one of the smaller, isolated rooms of the Mansion on a comfortable recliner, a few bottles ofw ine spread about that have had a large amount of thier contents drained.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You know the light show is actually kinda pretty!" Tabby states with a smile while watching the candle pulse and those eyes form. In the case of it being another elemental She's ready to let some of that plasma energy swirl about to offer any guest that manifests some extra hospitality.

Amazingly enough Tabby is not drinking since serious stuff is afoot and maybe it's not a good idea while recovering from injuries taken while training in the Danger Room. So that leaaves the girl in comfy if very snug bluejeans and an Xavier Institute tank top. Just her glasses on her nose completing the outfit while she beams a smile of greeting at the eyes. "Kels. That you? Doing okay out there?" she asks with a tone to match her expression.

Charles Xavier has posed:
The first thing the little fire elemental does is take a look around. Which is probably understandable: it's in a new location and seems to be a little disoriented by the change of scenery. It then takes in the wine bottles, looking over that display, but doesn't seem to really react one way or another about it.

"Well, hello again," says the elemental, forming the small mouth to smile at Tabby. "Yes; quite a lot has transpired, but I am quite safe. Thank you for your concern," he answers, with a little flip of flamey-head in an upnod.

"I thought I would check in."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her fingers together, "Hello Kels. I do thank you for your words last time. They've given us some things to startw ith. We've had.. Another discussion with the Shadow King. Or at least something of an avatar from it. It's in partial possession of another host. Or at least psychically immobilized with them. In the astral tear.. It has one of our friends there and attempting to deal with it seems like it's attempting to hold hostages. The sanctuary where we're trying to stabilize the souls is holding but we can't guarantee it for much longer if it doesn't get more support or we find alternatives."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby offers the elemental some of that sweet plasma flame goodness but mostly lets Emma take the lead once more. The situation explained and Tabby listening.

She does look worried though once the conversation is on the matter of the current business.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"He spoke to you? How?" Asks Kels, suddenly laser focused. There's a strength to that switch, a keen interest in how that happened, or perhaps in details around it. "From a host-- someone that is your friend?" Kels questions. Little flame eyes move from Tabby to Emma, and back, as if there might be more clues from their expressions for the elemental-avatar to pick up on.

When Tabitha offers her plasma, the elemental grows a little bit -- the flame now reaching maybe six inches in height. It's a bit easier to read the expressions on it: but still weird, since it is dancing flame.

"I would not trust THAT at all... the hostages may already be gone. Hm," Kels says, with a little flame-limb that taps fiery-chin a little. "So if he has hostages, he wants something," guesses the insightful flame. "I mean, I presume you wouldn't bother with hostages unless they could be traded -- or defended you during something you were trying to do. For example, if you couldn't be shot during a bank robbery, you'd not have hostages, would you. You'd just do it. It suggests he is weak in some area here, or you have some power over him-- whether you know what it is or not."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod to Kels, "Not to me personally but there's.. Someone that our friend is very close wiht that shares a bond. He spoke to them when she went to see them at the rift." She would nod over at KEls grimly, "Quite possible. Even more wrorying is that if our.. Friend is taken as their full avatar. He's an extremely powerful and well skilled telepath." More bits of information given.

"We might have some ideas but they're all going to be difficult to pull off. MOst of which require engaging him on the astral plane to try and drive him away or contain him. None of which are ideal." She would listen over to Kels. "Interesting.. WE did have a.. Mage we're on good terms wtih offer some thoughts." A flash of her eyes gives an 'image' of Yana.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would close her eyes, "And then there's what to dow tih the souls. Wek now some are separated from their bodies.. Their bodies, at least those who are still alive in a physical sense, with SHIELD. Transferring them back is something that's well beyodn any of our ken without breaching quite a few things worse than they already are. it's a mage's diktat."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
With the mental image Tabby nods her head. "She's coool. She and I used to see each other but now we're really good friends!" she states with a nod. A little more plasma is offered here and there, mostly because they're playing host to Kels and the entity, and so the elemental can have a more visible presence to help the mage get his side of the conversation across.

"If there's bodies still alive I expect they'll need re-installation? But if not. Umm, they gotta cross over right?" Tabby asks with some curiosity on her face. This is all definitely out of field of expertise now.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"So the message was... what? To threaten that he'd take your powerful psychic friend, or already has them?" Kels asks. Then there's a pause.

"Look, this is awkward, isn't it. Give me a few moments to adjust this spell; push a bit more energy if you would, Tabitha?" requests the mage towards her, with a quick little half-smile, flame-eyes curling at the corners in a friendly manner. The flame folds inwards, twists a little, as if it were adjusting. They've seen something similar before, when Kels showed them a memory that was within the room they were in, it did a similar motion.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would close her eyes, "I don't think it stated definitely. It wants to keep things vague to string us along." She would glance at Kels, "And I'll have to ask her more for the particulars." But it said that it wanted something in exchange for our friend. It does have him if not possessed then isolated and locked up. It hasn't said what it wants in exchange, but we all know tha tit can't be any good." She would smile.

"It never is now, is it?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The energy is provided via that psionic control of her bio-electricity. Probably extra good that Tabby is sober and not on any pain meds so she doesn't do anything rash while worried about the professor and anyone else caught up in the problem.

"Figure the last thing we want is the entity taking him over. Seriously bad news if he gets a grip on anyone really." she adds with a nod and a tone of concern. The girl's hair bouncing loose down her back.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Instead of a memory, there's a flux, and the flame goes down to a barely-lit little nubbin of fire. A person appears in the room - in one of the other chairs! Even a quick check with telepathy would suggest nobody is there: so either he has great defenses, or this is similar to the memory shown before.

It's an adult man, maybe mid or late twenties on closer visual examination, in a clean and well-tailored dark suit and dark purple button-up shirt, no tie. Some light patterns of magical runes glint at the shirt collar. Clean-shaven, he's a good looking man, but not distractingly so. He has short brown hair, and has similarities to having been in the memory vision before. He relaxes in the chair, giving an immediate smooth smile. "There we go. Better, I think?" Kels asks, calmly, adjusting to recline a small amount. He's pleased that it worked, his smile is satisfied.

But he does go on with the conversation: "Well, I have something that may encourage you," he says, with a subtle smile. It's FAR easier to read when it's not on a weird elemental. "I do enjoy giving good news. Though perhaps not as good as I hoped, considering these new events..." Kels drums his fingers on the table a little, smile more muted now.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would ah, "Well, a pleasure to meet you this way then, Kels." Emma would dip her head over, "I'd offer you a sup.." She would gesture at the wine bottles, "But we're somewhat at a distance. if youg ive me somewhere to have them delivered, I'll ensure that I'll get a few vintages to you when we're done with this." She would offer thoughtfully over to the man. Memorizing the way he looked for later.

"Good news is useful at this point. I'd rather much give us something to work with." They don't have ag reat many options here. Even thier best ones ivnolve attempting to lure the Shadow King to a trap and fighting him psionically or pulling him to a physical plane. Something which Emma has no remote relish should it happen.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The energy is maintained as much as it's needed the plasma flowing steadily from her hands. Her control of her flames enough there's no booms to acompany the stream powering Kel's manifestation.

The blonde does seem to focus and concentrate more for the use so the mage can talk without being drowned out. It's actually one of the more advanced tricks she is capable of but it's work.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"A shame about the wine, but I'll make do," Kels says, with an amused quality. He gives Emma a side-smile but no wink when she studies him. But enough to show that he's aware she's memorizing, and decided to trust them with that information, maybe. He also gives Tabitha a slight little nod: aware of her contribution. Tabitha may sense that if she lets go, the magic might drop away. She's contributing.

"So, my news is that shortly after we last spoke, I found 'Earl J. Paulson'. Since then, I've captured him, and I believe he's severed from any Astral nonsense. He's... a mess, mentally, but I saw the window, and I took it. He's taking a nice nap right now. So our Shadow King lacks his toy to play with."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Interesting. That means that It's found a new host or it's floating. Which means that it might be biding it's time in the sanctuary." Emma's slowly focusing through this and ever, ever so silently taking in assessments. And slowly smiling. "A very good show. I'm sure he's safe in your care."

Emma glances at Tabitha. "SO, darling, you're going to be playing the less than distinguished eompetition here. The Thing currently resides in the haven. It does not have an anchor. It's holding hte professor hostage along with whatever souls are in there. We know it's treacherous and acts out of pure malice. What is the next move going to be?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's not much Tabitha can say that Emma is not already probably thinking of and if she did it'd probably disctract Tabby's focus on powering the spell allowing Kel's a more anthropomophic presence without everything he says sounding like an explosion or a roaring inferno.

At least she does get comfy enough sitting on the floor leghs curled up underneath her while she holds her hands in her lap cupped together. Last thing she needs is an isomentric workout fit as she is, she needs to keep the energy constant and steady wiithout any additional drain.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Safe, relatively - but I am not a psychic. This I expected would best fall under... one of you making more sense of it," Kels explains, with a lift of hands. "Anyway, I have him, and if that helps your plans, let me know, and we'll see about transfer of custody." Kels smirks a little, "Visitation rights for me, though, going forward," he says, though his tone is more playful. His personality is meshing a great deal with the elemental they'd spoken to - suggesting that Kels was speaking through the fire elemental, it wasn't a separate entity.

"But he's locked down until needed, or until someone can work through his mind-jello. What I've gotten so far is he views Shadow King as some sort of god." Kels snorts.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Yes, best to leave that in the hands of specialists. I might honestly think if not one of our's then perhaps SHIELD.. Or Doctor Strange, perhaps." Emma considers. "We need to make sure that the boy is safe and we understand how his powers work. Thank you Kels. This is some good news to have." Emma's starting to smile.

"SHIELD can hopefully use him at the point he's coherent to start putting the souls back in tehir bodies."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby's flame lights up the room well enough that you'd think there was an open fireplace. Luckily most of the fine control beyond sound and heat is Kel's but the continued use if starting to be a drain on the young woman.

The girl's attention focused on keeping the plasma energy going. But she does listen as best she can. Last thing anyone wants is to destroy the room. Or waste perfectly good wine.

Charles Xavier has posed:
"I don't have a relationship to SHIELD," Kels says, with a disinterested shrug. "So if there's anything to be done there, that's not something I can coordinate." He pauses, with a slight bemused look, looking away.

"Hmmmm, I'll have to take my leave now. Perhaps I'll have more news after all, soon," he says, mysteriously, but begins to slide to his feet... then smile. And the image fades in a warp of fire, as the magic shifts and restores back into the small flame elemental, and all requirement for energy is off of Tabby.

"If anything changes, please do keep me in the loop this time," Kels asks...