11908/Breakfast at Shadowcrest

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Breakfast at Shadowcrest
Date of Scene: 07 July 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Breakfast Chat with mages and an immortal. Curses come up!
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Achilles, Phoebe Beacon

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Summer awakes in the park; the sun has risen high enough to slant across the gardens and the terrace where Zee has had breakfast set out. A special portal shimmers near the white-clothed table glistening in the newly risen sun. Two people alone have access to it and the rest of Shadowcrest.

Today the table is set for three. The staff has anticipated everyone's tastes. A pot of Earl Grey and Assam steams next to a French press of coffee. Croissants, fluffy and crisp, every curl tasting of butter fill a basket. Freshly made juice beads pitchers and the cut crystal glasses glint sharply awaiting someone's pleasure. There is even a platter of baklava oozing honey from between the crisp, paper-thin pastry, redolent with pistachios.

In short, a breakfast made for the people dear to the magician.

Achilles has posed:
    It has become something of a morning routine for Angelo. Wake up, get a workout and a run. Come home, shower, dress... and then enter that one supply closet that leads to Shadowcrest.

    So it is that he wanders in this morning, the manor makes him feel welcome as usual. And today, he brought a little creation of his own. Lemon infused sweetrolls. He has two baskets of them.. and he pops into the kitchen first, laying down one basket and saying to the kitchen staff, "These are for you to enjoy. No serving them." with a wink before he makes his way out to the place he expects Zatanna to be... and he sets the other basket on the table. "I am fiddling with a new recipe. Care to help me taste test it beautiful?" he asks as he leans over to press lips to Zatanna's cheek before sitting down.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Two people alone, one being the prodigal young magician. Phoebe arrives in the usual manner to the manor, passing through the portal that she opens on her end and coming to the breakfast patio. She's been coming off-and-on, but this is the first time she's arrived with Angelo already there. She startles a moment, her dark eyes going wide, and she rubs the back of her neck a moment at the kiss on the cheek, and then roughly signs, pointing to her eyes, then herself, and then a motion back through the portal, with a wry grin. She can see herself out, if they're busy.

    Otherwise, clad in a soft gray tee and a pair of distressed denim jeans, Phoebe comes around the other side of the table.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna tilts her cheek up to receive the kiss, a half-smile curving her lips. "You've been charming the staff again!" She leans to examine the basket, "Well, don't stop experimenting now. I have spells for keeping weight off. Do you never gain anything?"

Phoebe shimmers into existence in time to witness the chaste kiss. She speaks aloud to include Angelo in the conversation, "Of course not, Phoebe. Come taste his newest creation." After a sniff, "Lemon, I think." Her eyes move between the two as she tries to set Phoebe at ease and assure her that she always has a place at the mansion. "You do know one another, don't you?"

Achilles has posed:
    Smirking, Angelo shrugs, "I like your staff. And I figure if I keep bribing them, then they might pretend to like me. As for the weight.. there is a reason I wake up at five am. Workouts and running help keep the weight properly distributed."

    And as Phoebe arrives, he beams a smile and gets to his feet. Old world manners. A young lady has arrived, so he must stand and greet her. "We most assuredly do. I am happy to see you... not climbing your way out of nearly drowning Phoebe." he says as he gives her a warm greeting smile, and then steps over to pull a chair out for the young woman. What? MANNERS!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks positively embarrassed that someone's stood up and pulled a chair out for her... but she's been living in Wayne Manor long enough that she accepts the seat pulled out for her, giving a 'thank you' sign to Angelo, and she gives a nod, knowing well that Zee knows she knows Angelo.

    She motions to her collar-covered neck apologetically, giving a shrug to Angelo and a wince concerning her ability to speak, and then reaches for the Assam. Mmm. Assam.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The magician knows very well that they know one another, likely longer than she has known him. But, she retreats into the role of a somewhat daffy socialite to put others at ease. Social vagueness, especially well-meant, has its place in the world as old-fashioned or old world as it may seem. Zatanna wants Phoebe to have a safe place in the world.

"You know, I've never asked either of you what you like for breakfast. Tell me and when you come tomorrow, I hope you do, we can have it on the table for you. Well! Isn't this lovely?"

Achilles has posed:
    "I am not -super- picky about breakfast. I generally just go for some light pastry, fruits and something egg related. But... bacon is always welcome. Bacon makes everything better. But only one thing can make bacon better." Angelo pauses dramatically before adding, "More bacon."

    He sits back down and nods, "I met Phoebe in Gotham a while back. We've had some on again, off again meetings. I consider her a friend. But..." He tilts his head, "Phoebe, at least I don't need to sign to you. What happened to your throat?" he asks. "If you studied ASL, I -have- learned it. But may be a bit rusty."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Upon hearing that Angelo knows ASL, Phoebe visibly relaxes, and signs <Good valuable language to know. I am happy with fruit and pastry and tea.> before she helps herself to a coissant, and is quite conciously *not* shredding it to pieces today.

    <Demon ripped my trachea out. It sucked. Do not recommend.> she answers back plainly, in sign, making a Do Not Want face as she does so. She doesn't further illuminate on the throat injury, but does take a bite of her pastry, looking up to the two older folks at the table.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna watches the two with a pleasant expression, nodding at his explanation, happy that Angelo asked the question. Phoebe's condition and the reasons for it are private and she hasn't shared them with Angelo. It will be up to the young sorcerer to do that.

Master of words, Zee follows the signing with ease, mouth pinching as Phoebe explains the why for her loss of voice. "I think it hurts, too, at times. And," she looks permission to Phoebe, "it seems to be immune to magic."

Shadowcrest's walls do not have ears but it is set to fulfill certain desires for its guests, within fixed limits. One of its magical servants in livery appears with a basket of artfully arranged fruit - kiwi, banana, apples and strawberries in a nest. The sharp spike of a pineapple is arrayed next to its yellow fruit on a platter.

Achilles has posed:
    Wincing, Angelo shakes his head, "Ouch. I've had my own throat torn out a few times in the past. It is -never- a pleasant experience to say the least." He reaches for his glass of juice and takes a sip, buying a few seconds to think. It is obvious that's what he is doing. His eyes flitting about, left, then right, then left... rapid thoughts. Almost like REM.... but awake.

    Then he lowers the glass and opens his mouth to offer an idea. But that's when Zatanna drops the bombshell about immunity to magic. He turns his green eyes onto Zatanna, brows lifting before turning back to regard Phoebe. "Seriously?" he asks. "The question is, how many different -types- of magic are there? And another question, if there -are- others... is it possible a different type might help? Like finding a way to share my... well, my Ambrosia and Styx blessing short term?" he asks, shrugging his shoulders, "I mean not like we've figured out a way to do that yet. But I am not sure if Olympian divine power would help."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The walls have ears. Phoebe has a lot of embarrassment as she shrinks down at the fruit appearing, and the pineapple gets a curious look, but she gratefully accepts the fruit, giving a smile to the servant, and helps herself to the fruit. Yum, yum!

    She signs one handed, some of it requiring spelling.

    <Hurts all the time. Deserve it. Was dumb.>

    And she sets her fruit down, and she purses her lips, tapping her fingers lightly on the table.

    <It is a curse. Connected to my cousin. She created the demon dog from the subway.> she explains. She tilts her head back and forth as she thinks, and then adds:

    <and caused a lot of trouble last year.>

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Eyebrows raised in question over the lip of her coffee cup, Zee sips then lowers it before saying, "There is a lot that remains to be seen. But we are uncovering it, bit by bit. You know that your Idu is welcome here, too."

She places a croissant on the plate in front of her and pulls off the end and chews it thoughtfully, "I didn't know the curse was connected to your cousin, Phoebe, or a demon dog was made."

The magician lightly touches Angelo on his lower arm, "It is not a bad idea, you know. But, so far, I am averse to using blood. I would like to find another way to capture that magic, if we can. I think the first thing we need to do is remove the obstacle of the curse." Again, she watches Phoebe's reaction to her words as she takes another bite of the croissant.

Achilles has posed:
    And that is when Angelo reaches for the basket of sweet rolls. He offers one to Zatanna, and then to Phoebe, before taking one for himself. "Okay. So if I can help in some other way, I am happy to."

    He waits for the ladies to bite into their rolls before taking a bite himself. The lemon suffusion is the barest hint of flavor. He thinks while waiting, closing his eyes for a few moments. "Curses. Curses are complicated. I have not much experience breaking them. Though... we did just manage one recently." he says, turning to regard Zatanna. "But I somehow doubt Fenrir has anything to do with this situation."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe shakes her head.

    <No. I know the proper name of the demon who did. Just not ready to face her again.> she admits quietly, and she shifts her weight and she looks down at the croissant, and then gives a small shrug.

    <I'll figure it out.>

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Mmmm," is the first sound to issue from the logomancer. "I like how subtle it is. It teases a bit," she smiles around the next bite. "Not likely that Fenrir has anything to do with it."

Zatanna shares a look with Angelo at her last words and suppresses a sigh. She busies herself happily with the rest of the lemon roll and remains silent while she polishes it off and chases it with more coffee.

"My hope is that we can work on this together so no one faces a demon alone," she says, at last.